If you are on Facebook, you’ve probably seen a viral message being passed around in regards to posting 25 random facts about yourself.
Instead of pretending that I find this practice stupid and childish, I think it’s a great way to get to know some of your friends and acquaintances.
Even though I always write my articles from experience, I find that I reveal very little about my actual personality on this blog. Here’s a chance to get to know me a little bit better.
Editor’s Note: If you are interested in learning how to start your own business, click here to take my FREE 6 day mini course on ecommerce.
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25 Random Facts You Don’t Know About Me
- When I was in elementary school, I had this one buck tooth which grew practically 90 degrees sideways out of my mouth. As a joke, my friends used to give me tin cans to open with my teeth. Thank goodness for braces
- In 6th grade, I was a member of honors chorus which was a singing group composed of about 30 kids. I thought I could sing pretty well until the conductor told me to just mouth the words and pretend like I was singing.
- I am a black belt in Tae Kwon Do but my wife and my little daughter routinely kick my ass.
- I was on the debate team for 4 years in high school but I still can’t win an argument against my wife.
- When I was little, I never used to play with my toys. Instead, I used to keep them in mint condition in the box thinking that they’d be worth something someday. When I found out that my Optimus Prime was worth 1000 dollars on Ebay, I immediately contacted my parents for my old transformers only to find out that they gave them away to their friend’s little boy to play with. Unfortunately, the little monster ruined all my toys rendering them worthless.
- In junior high school, I won first place in the Chinese school speech contest. My dad wrote my entire speech and I had no idea what I was saying up on the podium.
Turns out that I won because my dad wrote my speech about embarrassing and stupid things I did as a youth. I was basically making fun of myself during the entire speech. What’s ironic was that I thought my speech was about a historic Chinese leader so I was puzzled as to why the crowd was laughing the entire time. - During my first black friday sale, my buddies and I woke up at 5 am and plotted the most efficient path through Fry’s Electronics so we could get all of the items we wanted to purchase.
- I started studying for the SATs in 4th grade yet I still didn’t do as well as I would have liked.
- I rarely read for pleasure. On vacations, I always take along a textbook or a technical document. During my last vacation, I learned how to program php and mySQL.
- When I was 4, I lied and told my parents that I was an expert swimmer. One day, we all went to the swimming pool and they wanted to see me swim. Not wanting to admit to the lie, I jumped in the pool and had to be rescued by the life guard.
- My wife told me upfront before we got married that she was going to quit her job as soon as she became pregnant with our first child. As a result, a very profitable side business was born during the 9 months she was pregnant and an entrepreneurship blog soon followed.
- I hate losing and am ultra competitive in most things I do. If I lose, I will train and train until I can win.
- I used to sell candy and wheel and deal video games for extra money in junior high.
- In elementary school, lunch cost 80 cents. Most parents gave their kids a dollar bill for lunch which left most kids with 20 cents at the end of the day. 20 cents couldn’t buy much so I sold paper ninja stars for 20 cents a piece. It wasn’t much money, but it did accumulate over time. What was clever was that I collected the thrown ninja stars off of the ground and resold them again the following day.
- My mom is technologically illiterate. One day, I decided to play a joke on her and unplugged her monitor. When she came to me screaming, I told her that the blank screen meant that she lost everything on her computer. She wasn’t amused.
- When it comes to women, I have extremely high standards. That is why I chose to marry my wife.
- When I proposed to my wife, I created a hard bound book that documented the story of how we got together. It contained many of our email exchanges and a written narrative of our story from my point of view. I designed the book to serve as a ring holder as well, so when I read the story to her along the beach, the last page flipped to her engagement ring.
- I’m a really nosey and curious person at heart so I often ask personal questions to people that I barely know. More often than not, they answer them.
- On the flip side, I rarely reveal personal details about myself in a conversation unless explicitly asked.
- I don’t particularly enjoy writing yet I write 3 times a week for this blog. In fact, English was one of my weaker subjects in school
- I’ve exercised or lifted weights at least once a week for the last 15 years (excluding holidays)
- I knew I wanted to go to Stanford and become an electrical engineer since elementary school
- I eat super fast. Whenever I go out to eat with friends, I have to slow down otherwise I’ll finish my meal in just a few minutes
- My brother accidently cracked my head open with a baseball bat when I was 4 years old. That’s one of the reasons why I don’t play baseball.
- When I find a song I like, I’ll listen to it on repeat until I get sick of it. Then I’ll sing the lyrics to my wife until she goes nuts. Now that I have a daughter, I’ve gained a new listener. Perhaps she’ll appreciate my singing more than my wife does.

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If you are really considering starting your own online business, then you have to check out my free mini course on How To Create A Niche Online Store In 5 Easy Steps.
In this 6 day mini course, I reveal the steps that my wife and I took to earn 100 thousand dollars in the span of just a year. Best of all, it's free and you'll receive weekly ecommerce tips and strategies!
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Steve Chou is a highly recognized influencer in the ecommerce space and has taught thousands of students how to effectively sell physical products online over at ProfitableOnlineStore.com.
His blog, MyWifeQuitHerJob.com, has been featured in Forbes, Inc, The New York Times, Entrepreneur and MSNBC.
He's also a contributing author for BigCommerce, Klaviyo, ManyChat, Printful, Privy, CXL, Ecommerce Fuel, GlockApps, Privy, Social Media Examiner, Web Designer Depot, Sumo and other leading business publications.
In addition, he runs a popular ecommerce podcast, My Wife Quit Her Job, which is a top 25 marketing show on all of Apple Podcasts.
To stay up to date with all of the latest ecommerce trends, Steve runs a 7 figure ecommerce store, BumblebeeLinens.com, with his wife and puts on an annual ecommerce conference called The Sellers Summit.
Steve carries both a bachelors and a masters degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University. Despite majoring in electrical engineering, he spent a good portion of his graduate education studying entrepreneurship and the mechanics of running small businesses.
How fun! I looooooooooved learning all this stuff about you. I particularly enjoyed #1, 14, and 17. I’ve never heard of anything like the proposal book–that should be used in a movie! 🙂
Thanks for sharing fun facts with us!
Thanks! My wife said yes to my marriage proposal so clearly the book idea worked:)
Thanks buddy. Let me know if you plan on writing one yourself
Cool! Haven’t seen a blog post from you in a little while. Looking forward to your next one
@A Bisht
Yep, that is my cute little princess. Thanks for all of the kind words.
That debate story is hilarious though I probably would have asked to see your evidence and your sources:) Regarding my mom, I guess I shouldn’t have been so mean to her but honestly, it was too funny to see her reaction. One time she forgot to plug in her external hard drive and thought all of her files were gone. As you can see, these things happen to her on a regular basis.
I slipped #16 in there for emergencies. Next time I’m in a fight, I’ll have a friend casually forward her a link to my 25 things:)
Great post. Always love to see fun posts like this. Wish people would do it more!
Awesome stuff! I enjoyed all of it. 🙂
Knowing about you definitely felt better. So the cute baby who is holding the board is your little princess. God bless her. And when you say you aspire for perfection, is evident from your writings. Keep writing and enlightening.
Well, first – I hate losing more than you do. Let’s have a contest to prove me right! When I joined the debate team I was really good, and then met someone better than me. I invented a quote from the person that she was using as her main source (topic was abortion related) which invalidated all her hard work. Maybe this is why I was so good in the Marine Corps, anything to win. Probably why I am a good project manager – late or over budget is a loss in my mind.
#6 – just take that as a sign of love from your dad. He knew what you needed to say to win, and like I just said, anything to win.
My mom was technologically illiterate. When she bought a new digital camera she called me to help set it up. I walked her through the process and got it working. She said that she was lucky I had the same camera that she did, otherwise she would have never got it working. I explained that I didn’t have the same camera, but all technology is the same to me, so I just figured it out. She really learned from that and can hold her own now with the basic technologies.
You should let your wife read #16 🙂
Hey Steve,
Nice to know more about you and this article really help to connect you with us readers.
Personal Development Blogger
Thanks a lot for supporting the blog. Appreciate everything that you’ve done.
Calling me weird eh? I can live with that. I’m just waiting for you to post 25 things about yourself as well so we can see who’s weirder. Thanks for the compliment on the wedding proposal. I spent a lot of time on that book and am glad she said yes!
Nice! I’ll bet you have a lot of hidden gems in that baseball card collection of yours. 5 years ago, I liquidated my baseball card collection because my wife didn’t want the stuff in the house anymore. You should buy yourself something nice with the money.
Oh Steve, I thoroughly enjoyed this post! So, you were kinda born an enterpreneur, weren’t you? I thought the way you proposed to your wife was one of the sweetest, most innovative ways I’d heard on proposals so far. And you read textbooks while you’re on vacation??? Gee, you’re weird … I like weird people. 🙂
#5 is great! lol
I couldn’t resist opening the toys but made sure to keep them in good condition in hope they would sell later down the line.
I still have a ridiculous amount of sports cards…. a 10 year old’s retirement plan i suppose.
Hey, Steve! Thought I’d drop back by and let you know you inspired me to write my own 25 fun facts post. 🙂
Steve, I will defeat you hands down on weirdness, hahaha! I did write a similar post some time back, on 10 things that make me happy, so check my archives under “Introduction” category when have 2 minutes to spare. It’s not as weird as you’d expect though. 😉 You’re most welcome on the compliment. Who wouldn’t say “yes” to that kind of proposal??
Hey Irene,
I went and read your “10 things that make me happy” post and your paltry attempts at weirdness are no match. I want to read about the real Irene, the one who does crazy and quirky things:)
Yeah, you see, I do “safe” things when I’m happy. And remember those were just 10 things … I do get a little more quirky from the 11th onwards. Hmmm, I’ll think about your challenge … you might just get what you wish for, when I’m in the mood. 😉
Let me know when your post is up and we can talk about this again. Keep in mind that I haven’t played all of my cards yet either. Those first 25 things were the tip of the iceberg.:P
Hey Steve! My first time here and I’m loving your style of writing really! This is a really great post, and excellent way for us to know more about you! 😀 I thought # 3 and # 4 are absolutely hilarious the way you wrote it; # 17 on the proposal is so sweet!! You’re inspiring me to write this on my blog too – in fact, I’m going to put that on my to-do list 😀
Some of your facts showed that you were heading down the entrepreneurial path at a very young age. I never thought about keeping my toys in a package, until one day I discovered I had this Ty beanie baby that was worth thousands of dollars IF I had left the tag on it – I’m awful about pulling tags as soon as I buy things.
And the proposal you did was very sweet! 🙂 Thanks for sharing all these facts about yourself.
~ Kristi
Hi Steve! I found your blog on PluginID’s list of Personal Development Blogs and this is my first time here. I like the feel of your blog and also your writing style. They make your blog very easy to read. And you seem like a funny guy based on how you introduce yourself here.
Also, your daughter is really adorable and that helps draw me to your blog too. 😀
I’ll be coming back more often. 🙂
I was searching something when i stumbled on this page. It was nice to read what you wrote.
I am the person hardly to reveal the real me. I’d talked the common fact and theory instead of my personal ambrassing experience. You are humour to share 25 things about yourselves. I suppose these are the easiest yet the hardest thing to do. hm… I am in contrast~
Dear Steve
Thanks for your sharings. It is really exciting. I learnt a lot of things on your blog. I am always looking forward to new posts
Seriously enjoyed reading this post. It’s very encouraging. Thank you.
Mattie 🙂
Thank you for sharing about yourself and for the amazing lessons on your six day online course on how to start my online business. I look forward to the rest of the courses and feel like I am ready to become an entrepreneur. God bless you and the family.
Ade E
Hi Steve, really enjoy this post and especially point #4.
Perhaps all men should seriously consider settling all debates with our partner like adults,
in the bedroom, naked. 😉
Hi Steve,
Nice to know you a little bit better
Enjoy the post.
Thanks for all the time you have put in and share the experience with us the readers.
You are hilarious! Really enjoyed this and all of your valuable information .