556: What’s Really Going On? A Behind the Scenes Look At How We’re Changing Our Business

556: What’s Really Going On? A Behind the Scenes Look At How We're Changing Our Business

Today, Toni and I are stepping away from business as usual to bring you something different.

We’re taking you behind the scenes for an unfiltered look at the changes we’re making in the business we run together.

In this deep dive, we’ll reveal what’s really been happening, why we felt it was time to shake things up, and what these changes mean for the future of our business— and possibly even yours!

Get My Free Mini Course On How To Start A Successful Ecommerce Store

If you are interested in starting an ecommerce business, I put together a comprehensive package of resources that will help you launch your own online store from complete scratch. Be sure to grab it before you leave!

What You’ll Learn

  • How Profitable Audience is changing
  • Why we felt the need to shake things up
  • What’s been happening in the background of the business


SellersSummit.com – The Sellers Summit is the ecommerce conference that I’ve run for the past 8 years. It’s small and intimate and you’ll learn a ton! Click Here To Grab The Recordings.

The Family First Entrepreneur – Purchase my Wall Street Journal Bestselling book and receive $690 in free bonuses! Click here to redeem the bonuses


You’re listening to the My Wife Could Her Job podcast, the show where I cover all the latest strategies and current events related to e-commerce and online business. Today, Tony and I are doing something a little bit different. It’s not just business as usual. We’re taking you behind the scenes for a real unfiltered look at the changes we’re making in the business that we run together. We’ll do a deep dive into what’s really going on and we’ll share why we felt the need to shake things up, what’s been happening in the background and what these changes mean for the future of our business and maybe even for yours.

But before we begin, wanted to let you know that tickets are now on sale for Seller Summit 2025 over at sellersummit.com. The Seller Summit is the conference that I hold every year that specifically targets e-commerce entrepreneurs selling physical products online. And unlike other events that focus on inspirational stories and high-level BS, mine is a curriculum-based event where you will leave with practical and actionable strategies specifically for an e-commerce business. Every speaker I invite is deep in the trenches of their business, entrepreneurs who are importing large quantities of physical goods

and not some high level guys who are overseeing their companies at 50,000 feet. I personally hate large events, so the Seller Summit is always small and intimate. Every year we cut off ticket sales at around 200 people, so tickets sell out fast, and we’ve sold out every single year for the past nine years. Now, if you’re an e-commerce entrepreneur making over 250k or $1 million per year, we also offer an exclusive mastermind experience with other top sellers. The Seller Summit’s gonna be held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from May 6th to May 8th.

And right now, this is the cheapest the tickets will ever be. And finally, if you haven’t picked up my Wall Street Journal bestselling book, The Family First Entrepreneur yet, it’s available on Amazon at 38 % off. My book will teach you how to achieve financial freedom by starting a business that doesn’t require you to work yourself to death. Plus, you can still grab my free bonus workshop on how to sell print on demand and how to make passive income with blogging, YouTube and podcasting when you grab the book over at mywifequitterjob.com slash book.

So go over to mywifequitterjob.com slash book, fill out the form and I’ll send you the bonuses right away. Now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife Quitter Job podcast. Today’s episode is going to be a little bit different. Tony and I are actually going to do a live brainstorm about how we’re potentially going to modify the way we do our content-based workshops. Yeah. Now everyone will see that all the ideas come from me. Finally, it’s my chance to shine. So what’s funny about this is usually once every month, I do a workshop on e-commerce.

where I just spend three days teaching everything. And I go into a lot of detail and that’s just the way I’ve always been. Like I designed the workshop in a way where I would actually want to attend, right? You don’t want to attend a workshop where you’re not learning anything and you come away with more questions than answers. And this model has worked really well for me. Like I go into great depth on e-commerce and it always converts a lot of signups. However,

I also run another class with Tony where we teach blogging, YouTube, podcasting, basically how to build an audience and then monetize that audience through memberships, digital products, courses, a whole bunch of other ways to do it. That one, following the same philosophy does not convert as well. We’re to talk about how we’re going to change things up or just brainstorm live. The one thing that I do want to stress is that

It’s tempting to say like, well, those webinars aren’t successful. And I don’t think that’s true because I think anytime anyone signs up for your course or your membership through a webinar, it’s a success because you are helping change somebody’s life. Whether you sell content like we do, or you maybe are in like the health space or whatever it is. I think even to have one person sign up, we have actually someone in our course.

who does mental health type webinars. And she’s struggled over the past several months, just only getting one sign up, something like that. But I even feel like one sign up is a victory because you’re now gonna impact that one person. Now you have a potential success story. You can build on that. However, when we’re comparing our webinar performances and our workshop performances from previous years and then also comparing them to profitable online job,

probably my store. I don’t know where I got job from. You don’t have a job. You a job. We feel like it’s not converting as well as it should. I thought this would be a really fun thing to do live, unedited, where we could talk through some of the things that maybe should be updated or changed or things to try because I’m-

One of the things that I think is cool about running a class about content is we get to do things, to try things and let people know if they worked or not. And so let us make the mistakes or have the success, and so that our students don’t necessarily have to. So I think one thing that just came to mind is when you talk about selling products online, that’s an easy concept to understand. But I think for the vast majority of people out there, they don’t think that

content is like a sustainable moneymaker because it’s still relatively new. I mean, there’s still lot of influencers out there, but e-commerce is just, the whole concept is tried and true and it’s been around for a long time. Well, and I think that is very, it makes sense because I think there’s people in both of our families that still quite don’t get what we do on the content side. Whereas selling hankies makes sense to people. What do you do? I sell embroidered handkerchiefs. When I sold jewelry, what do do?

I sell jewelry. That’s really easy to tell somebody. But when you try to tell someone, well, I teach people how to make money online, you’re immediately like, oh no, get away from me. Or if you say like, well, I teach people marketing. Oh, what kind of marketing? Well, online marketing. Well, what’s that? It’s like, uh, you know, it’s just really hard for people to grasp that concept, especially without thinking that you’re shady.

Well, I’m not even thinking about what we do. just think I’m just talking about just making money through content in general. Yeah. Like when I tell my mom how much I make just on YouTube ads alone. Yeah, she still does not believe it. She does not understand the business. She does not understand how it can possibly make any money at

That’s what my mom is like, yes. It’s not the gold standard for understanding those types of things. Understanding complex science things, absolutely. I do think in general, it’s hard. The first thing that I’m thinking about is I was over the weekend going through our webinars in my head. What are the things we talk about? What do we do? I think our first mistake is our third slide where we’re like,

Yes, where we’re like, you’re not gonna make money for a very long time. Which I feel like can be true. I also feel like in today’s world, it doesn’t have to be true. Now, I absolutely do not wanna give people false hope or make them think that you’re gonna make money in three months. But I think let’s just compare both courses, right?

I have a lot of familiarity with your other course. You obviously do too. When you talk about like buying a physical product, people can see like, oh, I buy the product, I get the product, I list the product, I sell the product, I make money. There’s like this logical timeline. But what I don’t think people think about is I have to find a product two to three months. I have to find a supplier month, two months. I have to get a sample month.

I have to approve the sample. So by the time they actually have a product and list it either on their own store, on Amazon, whatever, they’re like eight to nine months in typically in the process. It’s not like they take a webinar, have a product and are on Amazon in three weeks. What’s funny about that is I use that exact same slide in my workshop. I’m like, hey, if you’re gonna do this, it’s gonna take a year. That’s I’m flat out, yeah.

I know and I’m not and I’m not you know that I don’t think that you try to like scam anyone. I’m I use the same verb. You know it’s going to take a while. But it’s very but like when we say it it’s very abstract right. Like well you’re not going to really make money. But when you say it it’s like everyone thinks like well maybe it’ll take you a year. Right. Like I don’t think people because I think in people’s mind when you think about the steps you don’t understand because we have people that are in the course in profitable online store.

who are like, hey, I wanna make sure that I have stuff for Christmas this year. I’ve seen that on like multiple calls lately. And I’m like, there’s absolutely no way you’re getting anything in time for Christmas. Like you have to have your stuff into Amazon yesterday. October, yeah. Yeah. So I think that even though you’re very upfront about that and you’re very clear, people don’t think, they don’t really understand like, oh, actually, yes, it does take forever. And I remember like,

And I used to have my products air shipped, right? Because they were so small and lightweight. So I never had anything on a boat. And now that I deal with people that have stuff on a boat, I’m like, holy cow. Like we’re talking like a 12 month cycle between like product idea and product delivery, if not longer sometimes. That wouldn’t go that far, but yeah, it can Well, we’re creating like curriculum. So it’s a little bit different. You’ve got to have the creation process, but.

Yeah, it’s definitely I think people don’t really envision it as taking it. It seems quicker to me. And so my first thought is we need to rephrase that slide. I don’t think we should take it out because I do think it’s like, hey, we don’t you’re not going to get rich. We’re not going to be standing in front of Lamborghini’s throwing money in the air like we’re not. Have you seen the guy on TikTok who like mocks all the like bro, you know, the bro culture actually?

Yeah, he’s got he’s totally satire, but he’s hilarious. He’s like, got to hustle. You got to hustle. He’s like doing all this stuff. And I was like, oh, that’s pretty funny. So I think there’s probably a medium, right? Like how do we set expectations but like not discourage people? Because like I was thinking about the last one where I’m like, that slide’s really a downer. Like first thing in the webinar and.

For the most part, people have a lot of self doubt. So then like being like, and you’re definitely not going to make money for like three years, you loser. Like, I don’t know. So I think we need to find a way to reframe that. That’s step one. Maybe that slide is, I don’t know. I’m just, I just want to make sure no one is accusing me of it being a get rich quick scheme. That’s the purpose, right? That’s why I do it with my other workshop too. I’m just saying, Hey, not to get rich quick scheme. This is going to be how long it takes.

telling you ahead of time. you know, if I tell you three months and three months goes by and nothing happens, you’re going to just give up. Yeah. So anyway, yeah, I totally see where you’re coming from. Yeah. There’s got to be some happy medium, though, where it doesn’t come across as a get rich quick at the same time. So, And I also think it’s really person dependent. Like if you have a great topic idea or you have.

a if you are that go-getter personality, you could in theory build up through mostly I would say through video, like depending on your channel, you could grow very, very quickly and have opportunities to make money in much less than a year. That’s not the norm. That’s absolutely not the norm. But like if you want to hustle in like a positive way and you’re like, I’m all in to this, then I think you can see success.

you know, almost as fast as you want to. But that’s not everybody. Right. Yeah.

Okay, so that’s one thing. And then the other thing I’ve just noticed, it’s like a very how-to based workshop, which has been my bread and butter for e-commerce. But for something that’s more of a foreign concept, I think, and what’s funny about this, I was just chatting with my mom about this. And she’s like, I need to believe first that it can actually happen because I don’t trust this business model whatsoever is basically what she said. Yeah.

So that was actually the next thought that I had was, you know, most people, have all this self doubt. So to then to have like this sort of foreign concept, it’s like, well, how do I take something that I don’t quite understand and I don’t think I’m good enough? Like that you combine all that and it snowballs into this. Well, this sounds cool and all, but it’s not for me. Right. I think our first day is actually pretty good in that respect, right? We outline like how you can actually make

make the money, right? Yeah. With the content. I’m not sure if it’s a little too detailed though. Like I’ve just taught it one way where it’s the type of workshop that I would want to attend. But I think for people who are interested in content potentially, like I’m not like my own target customer. No. And I think our, what we’re teaching would be great if you already had a website up.

So if our demographic is already creating content but doesn’t know how to monetize it, then that’s where that webinar really fits well because, I mean, we’ve had people like that on our webinars, in our course, and are like, oh, like, I just didn’t realize I could do this or I didn’t know that this is the requirements for this or this is how I set it up so I am eligible to run ads, whatever it is, right? Just getting them that like extra piece of information.

I think the problem is, that most people start, like, I usually when have people on, they’re like, well, I have a website, but there’s nothing on it. Or I have a YouTube channel, I’ve made zero videos. I have a TikTok, I have two videos up there of my kids, whatever. It’s like, okay, how do we convince people that they are worth being heard? Because that’s the rub, right? It’s like, well, no one would care what I have to say. Or we get like,

Do think people will be interested in it? And it’s like the most amazing idea we’ve heard, right? We’re like, are you kidding me? Like that’s a gold mine. Please start it right now or we’ll steal it from you. So I think that needs to be like our first step and I’m not sure how we get there, but we have to get people to believe that the information they have in their minds is sellable. That’s all we’re doing. We’re selling information, right? You know what’s funny about all this is, you know, when I got started, I was obviously a little skeptical too, but

I went into it with the mentality, hey, if I just do this long enough, people will see me all over the place and then the money will just come. I don’t think that philosophy works for the average person. No, it does not.

What does that mean? Do we pull examples from students or, you know, other real life case studies? But like, I don’t want to, I don’t want to mislead people. Like I know, like just let’s take a look at just Pat Flynn, right? He just launched a YouTube shorts channel that has, it’s only been around for a couple months, but in his like third month or something, he made like $1,200 a month on shorts of all things, which is extremely difficult.

It’s a great story, but I don’t think there’s no way I don’t think I could replicate it unless I did something completely different. Like he’s doing Pokemon cards for his channel. So I suppose if I did some sort of lifestyle thing, but even still, it’d be tough. He’s obviously helped by who he is, right? If Pat Flynn starts something, it’s going to be successful.

Or did he not leverage any of his own audience? he didn’t leverage his own audience. Really? People do know who he is, he didn’t use his audience to promote it. He tried to make it as independent of a case study as possible. I think what he did though is very replicable if you have a good idea.

If I remember correctly, he buys packets of Pokemon cards and when you buy these packets, you don’t know what cards are in there. And so it’s always like a surprise and there might be like a valuable how Pokemon cards are even valuable. don’t understand, someone could start a channel and explain that to me. But to me, it has all the elements of a good story.

Right. First of all, 60 seconds. So you’re not like even someone like me who could care less about Pokemon, it would probably watch it. Right. Like, oh, this is kind of interesting. Like, what’s it going to be? You know, and then this the fact that lots of people buy Pokemon cards, right. Like the audience is huge. It’s that gamble. It’s the risk factor. Right. Like, who is he going to get something that’s it’s like watching someone scratch off a lottery ticket. So I think all those factors, you know, make.

that a channel for success, and I think the 60 seconds is like the genius part of it because I don’t wanna watch four minutes of someone opening up a pack of Pokemon cards, but I’ll watch 60 seconds, right, or 59 seconds or whatever it is on YouTube. So I think it’s, but I think anyone who has an idea that sort of fits in that framework could find success pretty quickly.

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you about a free resource that I offer on my website that you may not be aware of. If you are interested in starting your own online store, I put together a comprehensive six day mini course on how to get started in ecommerce that you should all check out. It contains both video and text based tutorials that go over the entire process of finding products to sell all the way to getting your first sales online. Now this course is free and can be attained at mywifequitterjob.com slash free.

just sign up right there on the front page via email and I’ll send you the course right away. Once again, that’s mywifequitterjob.com slash free. Now back to the show.

I 100 % agree with you, except for maybe like the quickly part, depending on what your definition is. And my definition of quickly is within a year, which is doable. It’s doable. I think about there’s this girl on TikTok that I don’t even know if I follow her, but I see her in my feed all the time. And basically she bought some like ocean side quadruplex or duplex. don’t know. And she’s basically renovating it, but she has literally no renovation skills and she’s literally ripping like clapboard off the side of the house and

She’s in there like taking stuff out. I mean, it’s not like, her videos are well done. Like it’s not like professionally edited, but she’s, you know, she’s got a mic. She’s talking through stuff. It’s decent quality videos. But the fact that she’s doing this with no knowledge and doing so much of it wrong, like people are stitching her left and right and duetting her with like, hey guys, please never ever do this. When you unscrew a light socket, this is what you need to do. This is what you need to make sure. Like she’s grown.

I mean, she went from like zero to huge in the matter of like six weeks just ripping apart this house because everyone’s like panicking that she’s going to kill herself with the project. So I think if you can find that angle, it is possible to grow definitely within under a year. If you if you can do the right, if you can find the right niche for yourself. I mean, here’s what we need to convey, really. Whenever you put out content, good things happen.

Yeah. And sometimes that isn’t even monetary, but it’s just hard to make people believe that. Like any sort of, if you just, anything that you’re doing that’s even remotely interesting, you just document it. Yeah. This is the philosophy that I’ve always taken with my content and good things have always happened. I remember when I first started my blog, I didn’t really think that a lot of people were going to, it was meant for my friends. Yeah. And then just random people started

reading it and then they asked for the course. I never in a million years wanted to create a class. Never in a million years. Then enough people asked, I was like, fine. If 10 people sign up or whatever, then it’s on. That’s how it started. Incidentally, that’s how we launched our class in a way too. Yes. People were begging you for the content side and then profitable audience came about. How do you strike that balance? Yes.

I think the key is we have to get, we have to let people know it’s possible. So we probably need more examples. And definitely like, I think we mix the examples of people in our course, as well as people that we know, right, personally who are doing these things. Because I think there’s a balance too. Like people in our course, you know, are all in different phases of what they’re doing. Some of them are at the very, very beginning. Then we’ve got people,

Like I can’t, I can never remember her name, but she’s got the the YouTube channel with like 60,000 subscribers where she just posts the prayers every day. Right. So it’s like people are just like, it’s so vastly different. So we can, we have a lot of success stories in the course. We need to leverage those. And then we also need to leverage people that we know personally, our own stuff that we’re doing.

It’s hard because our own stuff is usually skewed by the fact that we have an audience, right? That we have stuff we can tap into. When we try something new, it’s not really, it’s hard to do the path. Unless you’re doing something totally anonymously, it’s hard to not leverage. Also, the other hard part is we worked really hard to build an audience, so sure as heck going to leverage it if we’re trying to do something to make money. You know what I mean? It’s like, not doing this for fun. I think we probably need to do that.

Really, it’s about people believing in their own talents. I’m definitely better at that than you are with people. I’m just a natural skeptic. That’s the problem, think, with all this. Then people seem to resonate with the skeptic part with my other workshop because I’m just telling you straight out, these are the things that you need to worry about and whatnot.

but I think it takes less convincing that it can actually make money. Whereas with content- Because it makes sense. Everyone’s walked into a store in their life. Most people have shopped online. I think that’s the next thing that we need to do is figure out how to get people to see their own potential because in the content game, it’s really about what you can offer.

Like I am definitely not a believer in like to be an influencer for influence sake. Like we don’t teach that. I don’t think that’s something that you or I will ever like, I mean, I think it’s something you can do, but like that’s not what we teach. Like we teach you how to teach other people to make money, right? Like whatever it is, whether it be in mental health or like her friend Christina getting a divorce, like, you know, she’s.

teaching people how to go through that. We’ve got David Crabill who’s teaching people how to do the cottage food industry. We’ve got Kevin who’s teaching people how to do IT stuff, right? So everyone’s leveraging their talents to teach. And to me, that’s the easier way to make money online. It’s much harder to make money online just for being your own personality. Most people don’t have that kind of personality to make money from their personality. And I think that’s what people think of when we say, oh, you can make money online. Well, I’m not.

so-and-so. I’m not Charlie D’Amelio. I can’t dance on camera and get 80 million followers or whatever Doesn’t mean you can’t try, but yes. Doesn’t mean you can’t learn the moves. I think we need to do that. The other thing that we talked about this earlier, and I think this is a real sticking point, is because the concepts that we teach are a little abstract. It’s all very much in your head until you do it.

Everything’s in your head until you film that first video. Everything’s in your head until you record your podcast or you write the blog post or you develop your course outline. We offer a single pay one time or you can pay, I think, in three payments. It’s a lot of money. I think it’s worth every penny. I would have paid this in Everyone who joins says it’s worth it. Yes.

The thing is if I wouldn’t have had to figure all this out by myself, I would have easily paid that back in the day just to have a cheat sheet. I think the price point is a lot for people who already are like, I’m never going to make a video or I’m not a good writer or I hate the sound of my own voice or whatever it is. I think we used to offer that $99 a month and we set it up

This is where it got weird. We set it up as like a trial. Like, pay $99 a month, take it for a month. If you don’t like it, cancel. And we have a cancellation policy that’s like, if you cancel, we cancel. We don’t like hound you. We’re not like trying to cancel cable. We’re not gonna follow you to your next house, do all this stuff. But people would sign up for it and then just keep paying.

Right. And then that’s where it got weird because we pride ourselves and like, hey, we don’t nickel and dime you. It’s not like you take this course and it’s like, but if you want to learn how to create courses, you have to take our course creation module. And that’s another three hundred dollars. And if you want to learn how to record video, you got to take our YouTube model. It’s like, no, one fee. You get everything. And every time we were adding stuff every week, you know, everything’s included. But then with that hundred dollar, ninety nine dollar a month model, you’re essentially paying forever.

Like and we yeah. So so we took it out. Like we were like, OK, we should probably take this out because like I think twice we’ve had someone go like, I’ve been paying for like 17 months. And you’re like, and I’m like, I mean, we’re still delivering. But it’s then it’s hard because it’s like, well, do you just do you want to pay a thousand dollars? You want to pay nine dollars for the rest of your life? Like, I don’t know. I don’t. I’d rather pay the thousand dollars. But the ninety nine dollar price point is just so much easier to swallow.

when it comes to like, especially if you’re not like sold on it because you don’t believe that you can do it.

Yeah. I think a lot of our failures are due to the fact that it’s the type of workshop that I would want to attend. Yeah. No, I’m being serious. Whereas I think in this case of content creation, I’m actually not the target. No. Whereas for, but you know, I did it that way also for my other classes, because that’s the type of people I want to attract. Yes. Right.

and then just content is just different. When we have our one-on-ones, half the time or even the majority of the time, we’re trying to convince the person that they’re good enough to do it. These people are always far more talented than we are, far more attractive than we are, far better spoken. They have every quality that you need to be successful. We’re over here like two idiots, like, can do it.

Share your vast amount of PhD knowledge with the world. What’s ironic about this, and I’ve done a lot of one-on-ones in both classes, usually with Profit Online Store, I’m usually trying to talk people out of doing something. Whereas with Profitable Audience, I’m always trying to talk people into doing something. It’s just really weird. The one-on-one disparity is crazy. I think it’s because…

of confidence issues, whereas people feel very confident they can probably sell something. Yes, and actually, you just gave me a light bulb moment. Okay. People tend to be confident that they can sell something. They’re never confident they can sell themselves. Yes. I can say everyone needs a red pen.

Right, everyone needs this in their life. You needed to mark up things, you needed to write notes, like selling a red pin’s easy. Selling my own talents, really hard. Why should anyone wanna listen to me? I’m not that, I’m an okay cook, but my kids don’t like everything I make. Why would anyone want a recipe from my website? Why would anyone wanna watch me cook? I probably don’t cut things correctly. You know, like.

you start thinking about stuff. And like I think about this and I don’t have a huge issue making video, but every time I make video, I’m always like, oh, I probably didn’t do that right. I’m going to get some comment like you didn’t wash your hands after you touch the chicken, whatever. Like you’re like, you’re right. I didn’t. My whole family is going to die. You know, it’s just it’s really hard to convince people that they’re a marketable, you know, commodity basically because you’re selling your knowledge. So how do you do it?

You can give all the examples that you want, but ultimately, people are going to have this deep complex about this, right? Yes. I think people need an aha moment during the webinar, and I’m not sure how to get them that or give them that. I had no confidence in all this stuff until it actually started working. I just kept at it. That was my philosophy. Seriously, keep doing it. You’re like a-

You’re like a donkey. You’re just like, keep going. Like you’re like on the little farm and you just keep going back and forth, pulling the I’m not doing the same thing. I’m like trying to improve each time, but still like I didn’t see results for a long time back in the day when I had no one was helping me. I didn’t know anything. And then I remember just one day I had this $50 a day and I was like, whoa, okay. Now we’re talking like over a thousand a month.

Okay, this is worth doing, but it took me a while to hit that point. I don’t know how to it. Part of me is like, should we make it more interactive with people? Where- Like a Zoom call? No, oh gosh, no. I don’t know. I feel like that would be a disaster. I mean, I honestly, I’d like to try it actually. think it would be, I want to try everything because I want

I want people in our course to learn from what we do. In fact, the office hours that I’m doing tomorrow is like how to get ChatGPT to write your entire emails for your business. And I’m trying some stuff that I, like I don’t, I use it a little bit, but I’m taking this from a like, I hate to write. So I’m like going through this entire process. Like I would never be able to write an email. And it’s interesting, cause I’m like learning so much as I do it.

and I’m also learning some like little tricks and hacks. But anyway, like I wanna try stuff, because I wanna be able to tell our course like, hey, y’all should really try Zoom call for your webinar, right? Like, or never ever do this. It was an absolute disaster. We were blocking people left and right, turning cameras off, mutant. Like, I don’t know what it would be, right? So I’m willing to try it just so we have something to tell people, right? And talk about, because everything that we do gives us something to share with everybody else.

You know what’s funny about this conversation too is before we launched this class, I used to watch webinars of a whole bunch of people teaching similar stuff and I absolutely hated all of them. We would dog on them together. I hated all of them because I end up with nothing. Yeah. Nothing actionable, but you end up maybe feeling good. Maybe that’s like the key.

to their success. Don’t get wrong, these people are really accomplished and they’re making a ton of sales, but the whole webinar almost is just like a rah-rah Yes, so it’s not the actual teachers. The teachers themselves, once you buy into the membership or the course, the information is in there, but they give you very little information pre-buying in, and they do all these other things, right?

And so we’ve had this conversation a lot, like, do we need to be more rah-rah? Do we need to be, because you and I are the same in that like when I was blogging, I went to my very first blogging conference and I was dying to know how to use affiliate links. Because I had heard about them, I kind of knew what they were, but I wasn’t quite sure like how it worked and how you got, like I didn’t understand it, right? And I went to a session on affiliate marketing and it was all rah-rah.

Right. And I left that session like furious because I was like, someone tell me how to get in the Amazon affiliate program. Like that’s all I want to know. Like tell me how to find, you know, impact radius back in the day. Like how do I, you I just wanted like a step by step. But the other thing is like for both of us is that we were we were blogging before we knew what to do. Right. So we started our websites. We were blogging. And like remember you said on on some webinar that we did that you didn’t have an email sign up form on your site for like

Nope. A significant period of time. think. Yeah, a year, right? Yeah. So you didn’t need to go to an email webinar and be told that people want to listen to what you have to say. You need to figure out what email service provider to buy and how to embed the form on your site and what strategies work best for forms, right? Do you put them in the content? Do you put them in the cyber? Remember, first off, that started all the forms were in the cyber. No one had email forms in their content, right? Yep. That’s what we wanted to know because we had already like…

gotten over the no one cares what I have to say. We didn’t really care if anyone cared what we had to say. So we’re now taking that same like our same perspective to people who are still in the do people care what I have to say mode.

So there’s two things that we could do. One, we could just reframe the whole class for people who already have audiences but don’t know how to monetize it. Right. Or we do a better job of making people feel good. I don’t feel good about giving a rah-rah workshop. That’s just my personality. So it would have to be a combination of the two somehow. Yeah, because I don’t feel good about only…

Give it like I because I was listening to this podcast the other day and I sent it to you and I was like this guy was basically like you can’t teach anything in your webinar and like I’m listening. Yes, and I’m listening to him say this and it’s like hurting my heart, right? Like I’m like no, that’s not who we are. And I do think that we are known for teaching people in webinars. So like if you attend our webinar.

you will walk away knowing how to do something. So if you don’t want to buy our course, you don’t have the money, you don’t like our personalities, whatever it is, you’re still going to have something that you can take and implement to help your business. And that part, I’m not ready to give up, but like, how do we teach less, more focused, one thing? Like, what is it, right? That we change it a little bit. So it is more focused on the

getting to like, how do you actually get over the hump to do this? And then this is like the one thing that you need to do. Right. Maybe just focus on the whole getting started bit and figuring out what you’re good at and maybe a framework for that and just getting started. Yeah. As opposed to what we’re doing now, which is pretty advanced, I want to say on the second day. I know if of guys have listened to We’re answering like,

We also answer, we talk about, well, how do you exclude certain ads from your website? We go more in-depth than just a cursory affiliates or sponsorships. I even think on the first day we are in-depth in things that maybe we don’t need to be. We can try a more rah-rah workshop. I wish people could see your face.

Just based on our one-on-ones though, I think something needs to change because the fact that like my experiences with the one-on-ones that I do are the complete opposite. Yeah. Makes me realize the type of people that sign up are and what they’re looking for are completely different from a confidence standpoint. Yeah. Like on one hand, people are a little overconfident or they’re just not overconfident. That’s not the right word, but they’re like, I have to talk them out of stuff as opposed to the other way around.

Whereas with the course that we run together, the fact that we have to just spend so much time pumping someone up and giving them the confidence just says something right there. I think it takes a whole lot more to put yourself out there than it does to just order a product and put it online. If it fails, you can blame everything. You can blame the product, the listing, the competition that you got knocked at Amazon.

You didn’t, your ads didn’t work, that you didn’t get any traffic. Like there’s a million things. If like, I think about our friend in the course who’s doing the mental health webinars. Like she’s truly like discouraged when people don’t like follow through with her because it, because to her, it’s a reflection of her ability to help people. And that’s not really what it is at all. Right? She, it’s, it’s like this, can make up these same, like you had the wrong audience. You didn’t have the right offer.

you were too complex in your teaching, right? It could be all these same things, just like selling a product, but that’s not what we do. We immediately internalize it and are like, well, people just don’t like me. And that’s a lot harder than people just don’t like your product. It’s true. There’s also been a lot of people asking about doing faceless stuff, where it’s just like AI generating and pumping out these, what I consider almost video spam, honestly. It’s just a way to make a quick buck. And you’re not really developing

audience for yourself, you’re developing an audience for this AI content. I don’t know how I feel about that. Like we actually added one lesson in the class on that. And I honestly felt a little dirty about it because I don’t, I think it’s a short-lived thing. Maybe you can probably make a couple bucks off of it and whatnot. Although like, if I look at my TikTok now, it’s probably 40 % AI generated shorts. Is yours like that?

No, but we’re in very different algorithms. Well, no, if I look over at my wife’s TikTok also, same thing. Really? Okay. I don’t know. I feel like for what we teach, I want to teach what we actually do, which is really to build an audience and a personal brand or a brand for whatever we’re selling and not just some AI-generated stuff, although there seems to be demand for that also.

Well, I think people see AI as the easy way out. I can do all this, I did. Then once again, you don’t have to blame. It’s not a personality issue. That’s correct. Yes, it removes the rooted baggage. I honestly think it is. I know we’re running short on time, but I want to wrap it up with our $100 a month question. What do we do? What do we do with that? Do we bring it back? Do we cap it after you pay for

12 months you’re in, like we don’t say that, but we just like convert them. Like now that we don’t say it, but you know what I mean? Like we don’t publicize. Like, cause I just, I don’t want to charge someone $99 a month for 10 years. Like that feels gross. When we already have a one, if we were just doing membership and it’s like, Hey, you joined for $97 a month. That’s what you pay as long as you want to be in it. And everyone was on that plan. I would be fine with it. But the fact that some people are on like a different plan is the problem.

for me. I’m not concerned about that at all because you take the risk, right? It’s like when I saw a month a month for my wireless plan instead of paying a year upfront and saving 20 % right. You make that choice and we always give the option to upgrade the lifetime after a month anyway. That’s true. Yeah. Right. So I don’t feel bad about that. So I think the lower price point matters. And once they get in, you know, they’ll realize pretty quickly that they’re in the right. Very few people ask.

Very few people quit after a month. Yes. It’s never because of the content. It’s never because of like what they’re learning. If people decide not to stay, it’s usually because they’ve been in for like seven or eight months and they’re like, hey, I just don’t have the time to go through this right now. That’s almost always what and when you go look at their accounts, you can see that they haven’t really viewed anything. They’re not like engaging. They’re not showing up to office hours. But it’s very rare that we have someone come in for a month and just be like, I watch this stuff. It’s not for me.

I don’t think we’ve ever had anyone say that. All right. If you guys have listened to Tony and I ramble for this past 40 minutes, we actually want your input. What would you like to see in a workshop on this stuff? Because there’s plenty of interest, right? Because the benefits are clear. Once you have an audience, you can sell something that isn’t physical and doesn’t require any amount of work to deliver, and you can sell the same digital product, membership, or whatever over and over.

The model is very appealing. The problem is convincing people to even give it a try.

Hope you enjoyed that episode. For more information and resources, go over to mywifequitterjob.com slash episode 556. And once again, tickets to Seller Summit 2025 are now on sale over at sellersummit.com. If you want to hang out in person in a small intimate setting, develop real relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs and learn a ton, then come to my event. Go over to sellersummit.com. And if you’re interested in starting your own e-commerce store, head on over to mywifequitterjob.com and sign up for my free six-day mini course.

Just type in your email and are set to the course right away. Thanks for listening.

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