
583: Google’s Algorithm Update DESTROYED Affiliate Sites… Now What?

583: Google’s Algorithm Update DESTROYED Affiliate Sites… Now What?

In this episode, Toni and I discuss how Google’s latest algorithm update has shaken up the affiliate marketing world, leaving many sites in the dust.

We’ll cover what this means for content creators and how to bounce back stronger than ever.

So if you’re feeling the impact or just curious about the buzz, listen in!

What You’ll Learn

  • What the algorithm update really changed and why it matters to you
  • Tips on how to adapt your strategies to stay relevant
  • What you should be doing instead of blogging

Sponsors – The Sellers Summit is the ecommerce conference that I’ve run for the past 8 years. It’s small and intimate and you’ll learn a ton! Click Here To Grab The Recordings.

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Welcome back to the podcast, the show where I cover all of the latest strategies and current events related to e-commerce and online business. In this episode, Tony and I dive into the state of affiliate marketing and whether it’s still a viable business model today, especially in light of Google’s latest algorithm updates. But before we begin, I wanted to let you know that tickets are now on sale for Seller Summit 2025 over at and the prices are now going to go up every two weeks until the event starts. The Seller Summit

is the conference that I hold every year that specifically targets e-commerce entrepreneurs selling physical products online. Unlike other events that focus on inspirational stories and high-level advice, mine is a curriculum-based conference where you will leave with practical and actionable strategies specifically for an e-commerce business. Every speaker I invite is deep in the trenches of their e-commerce business, entrepreneurs who are importing large quantities of physical goods, and not some high-level guys who are overseeing their companies at 50,000 feet.

I personally hate large events, so the Seller’s Summit is always small and intimate. Every year we cut off ticket sales at around 200 people, so tickets sell out fast, and we’ve sold out every single year for the past 8 years. If you are an ecommerce entrepreneur making more than $250,000 or $1 million per year, we also offer an exclusive mastermind experience with other top sellers. The Seller’s Summit is going to be held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from May 6th to May 8th.

Right now, this is the cheapest the tickets will ever be. So head on over to and grab your ticket. Now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife, Quit or Job podcast. Today we’re going to talk about affiliate marketing in today’s age where people are putting out less content, especially on blogs. Yeah, I’m cheating with this one because I’m actually on an affiliate marketing panel in a couple of months, actually next month. Oh at the Pet Summit. At the Pet Summit. Yeah. And it was funny because we had a little meeting yesterday to talk about what we were, you know, kind of the structure of the panel. As you know, I’m not a panel fan because I feel like

people don’t learn anything, but we wanted this panel to be really educational for the attendees. And so we basically walked through a strategy of what we wanted to talk about. And as we were doing that, we all had very strong views on how to best make affiliate marketing work for you. And I think you still can. I think this is actually still really lucrative. And the exciting part is, and we’ve said this a lot, you don’t have to have a ton of traffic to make affiliate marketing work on any platform, YouTube.

Instagram, TikTok, blog. It’s not always about being in the millions of views. Yeah, you know what? Usually before we record, I go and I Google to see what like the latest current events are. And I’ve just noticed recently that there’s hardly any content out there except from like the larger sites. All the smaller independent blogs aren’t really putting out content anymore. And if they are, it’s all kind of like the AI generated stuff.

I feel like all these Google changes in the past couple of years have really decimated the entire blogging community to the point where at some point AI is not going have any content or to digest. That’s what I wondered that last year. I think we probably talked about it on the podcast. If everyone stops creating content, then where does the content come from? People are still putting out YouTube content and short form content.

The whole blogosphere, I feel like, is just going away. Let’s start with blogging. Let’s start with that as the first bucket. I think if you have a blog right now and you’ve had one for a while, I wouldn’t stop creating content and I wouldn’t stop using affiliate links. I just think you have to be more strategic about how you’re using them and also integrating other

mediums with the blog. So for example, let’s just we’ll do we’ll do one of yours and one of mine. So let’s just say vacuums, right? I love to talk about affiliates for vacuums because I buy a vacuum every year. And, before I could just write a post and include a link to a vacuum. And, you know, that would be it. Right. And people would click on it and I’d make money. But today, that’s not that’s not going to work. Right. So one thing you can do with the blog is

you know, not just write a post, but I’m gonna embed a video of me using like two or three vacuums and I’m gonna show you like how I empty my Dyson and how it works on different surfaces. And you know, I’m gonna include that video content into the blog post so that people can realize like, cause I still like, I still use that. I still use blogs for those things. I still read reviews and not just on Amazon, right? Because there’s a lot of times where I’m on Amazon and I don’t,

I don’t trust the product, the first couple of product reviews, right? Cause I’m like, that person totally got that item for free or there was some backdoor dealing with, know, send it to me, I’ll PayPal you, blah, blah, blah kind of thing. And we, all know that happens, those of us in this business. And so I still like to see regular people talking about the products and talking about why they like them and why they don’t like them. So I would start incorporating video into my blog posts, especially with

Anything you could demonstrate and then the other option would be something you would do was how to use a tool. Yes, that was largely YouTube-focused. Even when I was doing a blog post for it, it was mainly the YouTube video that was driving a lot of those clicks, actually. Just to be clear for everyone listening, I’m not saying blogging is dead, but if it’s a standalone blog,

without a business or service associated with it, Google is just not ranking those sites. And so the old method of creating a review post or a comparison post or whatnot for affiliate marketing, the likelihood of you getting at least SEO traffic to it is highly unlikely now, which is why people have stopped writing posts for the most part. Well, yeah, because you put in all this work and then no one sees it. And if you don’t have

If you don’t have an email list that you can drive people to read stuff to, or you’re not leveraging social media or Pinterest, if Google was basically your main squeeze, then you really don’t have another way right now to get traffic to your website. Yes, and I think the issue with affiliate marketing, at least the way it works today for the most part, is that you need to get someone to click on a link where it’s then attributed to you. But where can you put a link?

The blog was the ideal location to do that. Yes. So now that like the blog part is probably less likely for you to get traffic there, that leaves email, which is still incredible for that. And that also leaves social media and YouTube, guess, if you consider that social media. Problem with social media, though, is that you can’t include links. Right. Right. And on YouTube, when you include a link, it’s usually in the description.

Getting people to click on these links is a lot harder than it used to be on a blog. I think the one exception to this would be, let’s just say, because my blog has been up and down with SEO, it got hit really bad many, many years ago, and then it rebounded a little, and then it dropped, and then it can’t. It’s like a never-ending revolving door. What I have found is there are still posts that do fairly well.

on Google, Pinterest, like they’re still getting traffic, right? They’re just popular posts. And what I was thinking about the other day, cause you know how Google search console sends you like that little report every month of like what has impressions and clicks. And I realized that like as I usually just delete those, I don’t look at them too seriously cause Google hasn’t been like a main traffic source for me for a long time.

But I started looking at it and I was like, know, this post actually, I don’t think I’ve touched this post in a really long time. I was like, I should go in there and just, if people are coming to it, like, why am I not maximizing that? Right? So if you already have content and you are a content creator and maybe you have been hit by Google updates and you’re discouraged and you’re not creating that new content, you can still update your old content. And it was funny because I got a check after Christmas or like a deposit from

commission junction that was like more than it, like I get like about the same amount every month or so. And this was like double. And I was like, huh, that’s weird. Like maybe it’s an error. But then when I like started digging in and I got the search console results, I realized like, oh no, this one post is like resurfaced basically. And it had an affiliate list. So then it’s like, in there and update your old content. If you’re seeing this getting traction from wherever it’s getting traction from.

make sure that that stuff is optimized because there’s probably like, and actually I was updating another post and like all my affiliate links were broken, right? Because the post was like 13 years old and it had resurfaced on Pinterest. So someone had pinned like a picture and then it was just getting like a lot of traction there. And I realized that every single Amazon link on there, the product, I because I linked it 13 years ago, those products aren’t being sold, right? And obviously people are still getting to Amazon. The link still

tracks, right? So I would still get credit if they bought something, but wouldn’t it be better to actually send them to a product that they want, right? Like, wouldn’t it be better to work on that? So that’s something if you if you’re in that position, I would recommend, you know, prioritizing the content and making sure that everything is updated because it’s so easy to just let that stuff go because there’s so much else that you could be working You’re about like an existing affiliate post, right? Yes, existing. Yeah. I’m curious, can we talk about your panel? Do you guys have an agenda?

We do, we do. I’m pretty sure the people listening are not gonna be at the Pet Summit. No, they’re not. They’re not. So one of the things that we really wanna talk about, which I think is very important, is that, most of the creators at the Pet Summit are not bloggers. They don’t even have a website, which still blows my mind. I know that I’m old school, but how could you not just have a landing page? I agree.

Yeah, a lot of creators don’t have anything. just rely on Instagram. yes, and their link tree or whatever. So that’s what I learned last year from speaking there is that there were probably 60 % of the people there had no website at all. Like everything was through Instagram, TikTok. And these are huge, like millions of followers. We’re not talking about like little 10,000, you know, create follower accounts.

So one of the things that I have found coming from working on both sides, right, being an affiliate and also working with the brands trying to recruit affiliates is that most of the time the creators, especially the ones that have built like a very large following on social, do not understand that you can negotiate with your affiliates. Right. Like all of this is negotiable. Most of the time when you’re a content creator and you have a social following,

you usually send out that media kit, right? Or you’re like, well, I charge $1,000 for a post or I charge $5,000 for a video, right? As opposed to negotiating like, yeah, I’m gonna charge you a flat fee, but also I would like a commission on sales that I drive to your product. And maybe your normal commission rate is 5%, I want seven, right? So most creators don’t know that you can do that.

in this new creator space, right? Like these last people who have blown up in the last two or three years, they don’t understand that all of that is negotiable and that you should always ask for the double dip. You should always ask for the flat fee plus the affiliate revenue, right? Now, if you’re a small creator and you’re just getting started, you just wanna go in with the affiliate, because you wanna prove yourself, right? But then on the flip side, what they don’t understand is you can’t just tell a brand

I charge X amount of dollars and not be able to show the brand some level of conversion on the backend. But oftentimes, in every brand that I’ve spoken with in the past year or two, basically, it’s like, get these media kits and they want $25,000 for an Instagram post or so. Some of this is absolutely obscene.

I’m like, well, I would never take that. I actually dealt with a brand just last week who sent a media kit and they wanted $3,000 for an email. Did I tell you this story? No. I want to make sure I didn’t tell them the podcast already. They wanted $3,000 for an email, sponsored email. Okay. To, I think, 50,000 or 60,000 subscribers. That’s a big list. Exactly the market we want, market align, right? However, when I said,

Okay, can you show me a case study of when you’ve done this before? Can you show me your open rate, your click through rate? Like, oh, we don’t have that.

So you’re the first person to ever do this? To ask for it, absolutely. Oh, to ask for it? Yes, to ask for it. I would assume because like the first time someone asked that you would probably figure out how to get it, right? If you’re going to lose the deal. Right. And so they were like, oh, yeah, we don’t we don’t have that. was like, so you have no case studies where you’ve sold a sponsorship or you’ve, you know, put a link in like you’ve used affiliate links. So you can tell me what your click through rate is on those links. You can tell me what your conversion rate is on those links in an email.

I can tell you that for any of my clients. I can tell you that for myself. And I think that’s what the affiliates need to know. And this is what I really want to focus on on the Pet Summit, because these people do have large audiences, is like you need to focus on telling the brand what you can drive for them. It’s not about how many followers you have. And it never is. It’s about what you can convert.

or what you can, at least the traffic you drive to them because obviously if they don’t convert on the sales page, then it’s probably a sales page problem, right, or a listing problem. But if you can only drive 50 clicks, you have a million followers, it’s probably not a good financial investment. But if you can drive 10,000 clicks and you know that because you’ve used your own affiliate link, and you can use your own affiliate links to find this out, right, to create your media kit, then you’re become so much more valuable to that brand, you can charge whatever you want.

You know why this conversation is very relevant to me right now? It’s because I’m switching from one of my larger affiliates to a different one, mainly because the product is better. Okay. But I wanted the same rates as what I was getting from the prior affiliate at least. So what I ended up negotiating was actually an upfront fee just to even make the content. And then they match the other affiliate. But

In reality, if I was thinking about it, the product is better than what I’d been recommending in the past. That’s what prompted the switch. I don’t have a track record with this company, this new company at all, but they were still willing to negotiate these terms. You don’t have a track record with that company, but you do have a track record. Yes, that’s correct.

You can. I we have it in seller summit media kit. Like we have case studies in there for people to like, you know, this company did this. We drove this many signups. You know, you so you don’t necessarily have to have it with the brand that you’re talking to, but you have to have it somewhere. Yeah, but they didn’t even ask for any of that stuff, which is very interesting. That’s absolutely nuts.

It’s nuts when there’s an upfront fee, right? Because to me, if they offer you a bonus on the back end, like, we’ll pay you. If it’s normally two, we’ll pay you $3 to sign up, something like that. And you don’t drive any, then it’s no harm on them at all. But if they’re willing to invest that upfront fee, then that’s where it matters, right? Then if you drive nothing, it’s like, well, they’re out $1,000 or whatever, whatever it is. The reason why I bring it up is I think a lot of companies don’t ask that.

question. Interesting. I do. I never don’t ask I know you do, but it’s actually happened a couple of times. I’ve sold podcast sponsorships before where they didn’t even ask for my listenership. You’re just so famous. No, no, but how do they know? I have all the information on a page, but they didn’t even ask for it. Which is crazy to me. Here’s where-

So if this, and I’m sure this has happened to lots of people, right? You’re not the only person where brands don’t ask for that. The problem is, is let’s just say you’re like, charge $10,000 for a YouTube video, right? And so a company pays you $10,000 for a YouTube video and you drive 15 clicks. That company is not gonna work with you again. Right. Right. And to me, the beauty of

the content creation, affiliate marketing, all those things, all of this online world is developing the relationships. Some of the most lucrative relationships I’ve had with brands and deals came from our fourth interaction. They approached me and are like, oh, we wanna, I remember the company that I worked for that sold baby bottles. They were like,

Hey, we wanna sponsor you to go to blog her. So we’ll pay for your blogger ticket and we’ll pay for your hotel or whatever. And you just have to like wear our t-shirt around the conference and like that. was like, and write a blog post, something pretty simple. And I wanted to go to the conference and this is like, know, 2009. And I was like, yeah, no problem. I use these bottles anyway. It’s perfect, right? Have a baby. Well then, you know, that.

that post did well, drove a lot of traffic to their website, you know, and so then they were like, hey, we wanna now pay you to write some more content. So I went from getting like a free ticket and free hotel, which was probably valued at eight or $900 to we’re gonna pay you several thousand dollars to then like, oh, we want you to be our brand ambassador. We want you to write on our blog, which then paid even higher, right? So because I delivered in step one, I made it to step three and four and it ended up being several thousand dollars over the course of

a couple of years working with this company. Same thing with another baby brand. You know, started out with like just an affiliate relationship. Then they paid for sponsored posts. That did well. I ended up making multiple, multiple with them and with a TV deal. Right. Like, so that’s like so if you charge, you know, $10,000 in the beginning, you don’t deliver, then you’ve ruined any opportunity with them and you’ve ruined any opportunity to people they talk to. Right. Because when I was on the brand side, we all talked.

Like who’s your like number one? Who’s your best blogger? Right? Like we had these like we all knew who the top people were and those are the people that got all the deals. So all these PR companies and marketing companies, they all talk to, they’re all friends. They all work at the same building in New York. Right? Like, so I think that’s why as the on the affiliate side, being able to have very clear like deliverables and information to give to these brands from day one, even if they’re not asking, makes such a difference.

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you about a free resource that I offer on my website that you may not be aware of. If you are interested in starting your own online store, I put together a comprehensive six day mini course on how to get started in ecommerce that you should all check out. It contains both video and text based tutorials that go over the entire process of finding products to sell all the way to getting your first sales online. Now this course is free and can be obtained at slash free.

just sign up right there on the front page via email and I’ll send you the course right away. Once again, that’s slash free. Now back to the show.

You know, it’s this is like bringing up all this PTSD. I’m working with this brand right now where they want to name the title of the YouTube video. That’s so dangerous. And I’m like, OK, well, you want this title? I will tell you right now if we name it that it’s going to flop. Yeah. And it just depends. Do you want views or do you want to like rank for this keyword? That’s different. They’re like views. I’m like, OK, well, you’re paying the money. If you want that title.

I’m happy to use it, but I’m gonna tell you now it’s not gonna do well. They haven’t gotten back. No, I mean, I was being frank. I was like, spent a lot of time on the title and the thumbnail, which is like 80 % of the success of a video. And you wanna name it something that’s just kind of dull, like how to do something very specific. Like I’m a fan of the tool, but if you do a tutorial how-to that’s very specific, very granular, it’s not gonna do well.

That’s tough too, because at what point do you say, fine, you can light it all up and let it burn? At the end of the day, when it doesn’t perform to their expectations, it’s on you, even though it’s really on them. I did a prior sponsored video for one company and I had freedom to do everything. It got like 150,000 views.

And then the, so they re-upped, they were very happy with that campaign. But this time they wanted to insert their brand in the title. Right? And so I spent all this time, I was like, okay, I’m just going to tell you upfront, it’s not going to do well. It’s not going do well. They’re like, that’s okay. I want, I want the brand in there. And so sure enough, I did what they said. The video was good and it only got 7,000 views. I haven’t heard from them since, but I don’t feel like it’s my fault.

That’s not your fault at all. If you’re really honest with them, that’s on them too. That’s why I’m like, brands, come on. This is to talking to the brand side. If you’re hiring a creator to make this content, let them do what they do best. Quit trying to push the narrative. They’ll figure out a way to get your stuff in there organically. They’ll figure out…

They’ll figure out the best way to do it. you come in, if you know so much, then why isn’t your YouTube channel at 500,000 subscribers? You don’t and that’s why you work with creators. That’s why you work with TikTokers, because their TikTok accounts are huge because they know what to say and what to do. You don’t. I know a lot of them when I was really heavy into the brand space.

There were things that they didn’t want you to say that didn’t align with their values and guidelines. That stuff I can totally respect. But the parts of like, we want to title stuff or we want to like tell you, use our picture. This is a big one, like use their photos. I was like, so your stock images? No, you want my kid with a bottle, right? Like you don’t want an AI generated baby, know, kind of thing.

So that’s the hard part. But here’s the other thing, and where I think this is what’s made you really successful with this sort of like, I know you’ve negotiated some deals with YouTube and things like that, which you didn’t really do on your blog as much. You’ve done it more on YouTube, is that when you do something and it doesn’t perform to your expectations, you make it right. And I think that’s what creators and affiliates need to know too, is if you have negotiated a deal,

with a brand, maybe you’re getting a higher commission or you’re getting a flat fee plus a commission. And maybe it’s just like the video flops, right? Or the content doesn’t perform, like redo it, rewrite it, ask you, like get your circle to help you promote it, right? Like, because you wanna value those relationships and show them that like, hey, sometimes things just don’t work out the way you think they’re going to on the internet, that’s just life. But there are things you can do to help it. And you’ve always been willing to do those things for brands.

which I think makes you very valuable to those companies. I mean, I am when I don’t warn them that it’s going to flop ahead of time. Correct. if you say like, you, yeah, that’s a totally different. like, if you are like, hey, I have, like, if you would have done that video where you had all the creative freedom and it got 3000 views, you would have done, you would have removed it, changed the thumbnail, changed it. Like you would have done stuff to like, hey, this isn’t performing to the standard of my normal videos. I need to fix it.

That’s what I think content creators need to do too, if you want to build those relationships because you and I both know, for example, Jim Wang and JD Roth made their fortunes on affiliates. The reason why, well, mostly Jim. Jim was doing everything in his power to maximize conversions and referrals when doing that. That was his main gig.

A, testing, changing buttons, doing those things. As a content creator, if you want those super lucrative relationships and affiliate relationships, you’ve got to do everything to get the best results. If you’re willing to do that, you’re going to see a huge financial gain from it, especially if you already have an audience. Yeah. Sorry, we got off track from affiliate marketing. It’s still affiliate marketing in general.

So I was just thinking affiliate marketing is a lot more difficult now on short form, unless you’re using the platform, like TikTok shop as an affiliate is. I was just going to say it’s gotten so much easier. Oh, you’re talking about? Well, yeah. So when I say. Yeah, with TikTok, I just don’t like being beholden to this platform, to these platforms. I have some acquaintances of mine who racked up a lot of money

being a TikTok affiliate, but then they created some content that got them a strike and they never got their payout. It’s stuff like that that you’ll be holding to a platform. I guess you are anyways, if you’re on a blog too, you’ll be holding to the company that’s paying you too. It just seems though a lot more dangerous when it’s like company wide, like all your affiliates under one roof. yeah.

So yeah, I was like gonna go the absolute opposite direction. I would say, I totally agree with you with that. Like, and I feel like TikTok right now reminds me a lot of like those big Amazon affiliates back in like 2012, 2013, like especially the deal bloggers, right? That would like drive, I mean, they were making 20, 30, $40,000 a month off of 2 % commissions, right? Like we’re talking like the volume is insane. And then all of a sudden Amazon wakes up one day and goes, oh, you’re not 4%, you’re 2%.

Right. Right. Which is essentially what TikTok can do today. Right. Like, oh, you’re banned or this is a strike or we took the video down. Right. Like they can kind of do whatever they want and you have no recourse. Just like you had no recourse was Amazon. If Amazon wanted to cut your commissions and Amazon went in in like 2012, 2013, 2014 and cut every big affiliates commissions, every single not one person got out of that without a massive affiliate cut, which is of course so funny because like

the smaller companies will up your commission if you’re doing that kind of a job. But Amazon’s like, nope, screw you. Because they don’t need us anymore. Yeah, because like, oh, yeah, you got the product listing up. You got it viral, like on Amazon. We don’t need you anymore. It’s got 20,000 reviews thanks to you. So but my thinking is if you are newer to content creation and you don’t really know anything about affiliate marketing and you haven’t been in the space for a while, TikTok just makes it really easy. So while

There’s the negative of like you’re also beholden to TikTok just like as a seller, right? Same thing. The ease of which you can be an affiliate on TikTok is kind of nuts. mean, same with Amazon, I guess, right? Except for it’s just like so much easier to get. Well, like, with TikTok, it’s like so much like people can buy your stuff on TikTok. mean, Amazon now on the Amazon Influencer program, if your videos live on the listing, that’s another story. But with TikTok,

I guess, I don’t know, is your feed filled with these videos? Mine is. What type of videos? do mean? Like a TikTok influencer, they’re hawking the Breeze drink, the mushroom. You can tell my feed, Breeze drink, mushroom gummies. I get all these bras. That’s just my feed, right? Obviously, TikTok’s got a great algorithm. I’m trying to think what I get sold, like gadgets. Okay. The one I get a lot is this-

this gimbal for your phone so you can film yourself and it follows you. I’ve been getting that commercial a lot. But yeah, yeah. mean, a lot of times these days, actually, it’s people live selling too. I get a lot of live streams too. I get the one Korean skincare girl like 24 seven. That’s the one. And I’ve never bought skincare on TikTok. So I don’t know why that’s in my algorithm. But if you’re a content creator and you have a TikTok account and you’re growing it.

It doesn’t make sense to not do this in my opinion. This is where it stinks to sell on TikTok. The commissions are stupid. On Amazon, you’re lucky to get 2%. On TikTok, you can get 10, 15, and then sometimes a bonus. TikTok’s trying to build this program out. I would say ride the wave while you can.

It probably will not be like this forever because I don’t think it’s actually financially sustainable. Not only that, people, have you ever bought anything from TikTok Shop? I have not, but my wife has, I believe. Let’s just say I make a video and I’m talking about how great these little thumbtacks are and I show you my little bulletin board and it’s so awesome and these are so cute and they stick and whatever. They’ve got the days of the week on them, I don’t know. You’re like, oh, yes, I need those. You literally click.

and it’s in your cart and your checkout information is saved and within like 13 seconds, like that’s my biggest downfall of TikTok Shop is that like I’ll see a video and like before I know it, it’s at my front door. Like it didn’t give me a chance to decide not to do something. There’s no barrier for the consumer. So as an affiliate, that’s exactly what you want. Cause the last thing you wanna do like,

I remember back in the day it was like, you can earn money if people give us their email and fill out this 15 step survey and blah, blah, blah. It’s like, well, people drop, right? But here it’s like these thumbtacks, two clicks and I’ve bought them. So as on the affiliate side, to me, not doing that doesn’t make sense right now because now that’s not how you should pay your mortgage. You shouldn’t base your whole financial plan on the TikTok affiliate program. I mean, some people do that. Let’s be fair.

And YouTube and Instagram have something similar now too. It’s just TikTok works really well. Yeah. But I think if you should be doing that as an affiliate, should be finding the products that… And you can go in there as an affiliate and find stuff that makes sense for your audience. Like don’t promote stuff that doesn’t make sense. I know for my TikTok channel, once a week, I get an email from TikTok that says, hey, I’ll pay you a hundred bucks to create this specific content promoting this thing.

So I’m not sure. I don’t really chat with my mastermind buddies about TikTok actually. I’m just curious if anyone else is getting think the bigger, since your account’s bigger, I’m sure anyone with your size of account is getting that. But think about how easy that is. I would just pick up my phone and just say a couple words about this thing and then you get paid out. You submit your video, they approve it, and then you get your payment. It’s anywhere between 50 to 100 bucks. Well, here’s the other thing to think about.

The whole beauty of TikTok is they don’t want edited content. They want literally seeing your finger push off the button to start the film. It’s not even like you have to edit anything. It’s like you just pick it, literally pick up your phone and record. To me, on the affiliate side, not doing TikTok affiliate doesn’t make sense if you’re looking to generate revenue. Right. The other platform is on the other hand.

Yeah, I wouldn’t like put all my eggs in that basket. That’s the only warning because it could shut down again. Yeah, it’s I just would treat it like cash flow. Yeah. The other platforms, I think, are a little harder. I mean, they’re trying to mimic the same thing that TikTok has. Yeah. But at least on YouTube, I always in the video say, hey, link link below and I always make it the first link. So it shows up if I’m trying to promote something outside of that, though.

I don’t know, I guess your friends are probably more into this. Are they still making a lot of money affiliates on their blogs or? I don’t think anybody’s cleaning up on the blog anymore unless you still have a post that either is viral on Pinterest or ranks on Google. That’s really the easiest way to do it. What I do think is that, this is where I think the affiliate opportunity is really

ripe and we are not saturated in this. If you can make YouTube videos where you teach somebody how to do something or you show, like if you’re showing people something on a video, it makes it really easy to convert on those affiliate links. Yes, they have to click off of YouTube and go to the store or whatever to buy it or sign up for the software or whatever it is. like, I can’t tell you how many times that I have searched for how to do something and

I watch two or three YouTube videos and I will buy whatever the tool or product or service is based on that creator teaching me how to do it. That’s like my bread and butter. I teach people how to use a tool, which is why with this new affiliate, once I film these videos, I know I’m to be able to deliver. I was just curious because they don’t know any of stuff. I think it’s so crazy that they don’t want that information, but I also am not surprised because

I’ve dealt with a lot of these people. That’s the thing though. It’s like a lot of content creators are storytellers, right? Which we always say is the hardest way to monetize and grow because most people are not that great of a storyteller. Even if you’re a storyteller and that’s most of your videos, if you can teach people how to do something, a perfect example is like Jamerill, our friend that does the mega cooking.

She’s a storyteller and she’s good and she’s interesting, right? Because she’s got a million kids and she has like a commercial kitchen in her house. It’s like people are watching it for almost like the TLC value, right? Of like, what does it look like to can 40,000 jars of tomatoes or something? But when she says this is the only stew pot I use, right? In her videos, then anyone who’s watching that for like, they do want to learn how to like bulk cook or do those things like.

They’re going to buy that pot. They’re going to buy from her link. So you can still weave in the teaching and the story. You just have to be very purposeful in how you do it. Yeah. I mean, she is just really good at being on camera, actually. Yes. And she will say that she’s done every single thing wrong on camera. It’s still great. Well, no. mean, it’s trial and error. I’m sure she was bad in the beginning. Yeah. She breaks all the YouTube rules, apparently. But you know.

I feel like there’s a lot of people who are successful and they didn’t necessarily follow the exact script. However, if you follow the script, it’s probably a lot easier for the most part. But yeah, I think that’s still an opportunity. Even like we talked about Kevin a lot on the podcast, but he did that video about like comparing routers or wifi systems or things like that. And he drove for the size of his channel, the amount of clicks he drove was like crazy, right? Like proportionally.

I think he had like 500 subscribers and he drove 300 clicks. I wonder if it makes sense for him to just be a TikTok affiliate in the tech sector. Yeah, I would think. Although knowing his personality, I don’t know if he’d be willing to do it because because these are some of these are no name brands, right? Yes. And he mainly talks about the mainstream. So maybe he wouldn’t do it. But that would probably be a way for him to just review stuff. Yeah. And make a lot more money probably than than the affiliate.

I think he’s an Amazon affiliate right now, right? Yes, he’s an Amazon affiliate. Which doesn’t pay out that much. Yeah. But I think with the YouTube content, teaching is the key to getting people to click and buy through your affiliate link. It’s not too hard for people to click through and do that. Obviously, there’s a couple more steps than just on the TikTok shop, but it’s still not that hard. People are willing to do it. Oh, yeah, for sure. For sure.

So I guess the overall sentiment here is I’m actually kind of sad that this is the case. And we had alluded to this earlier, but you know, blogging because of the Google changes, less favorable. think affiliate blog, like a pure affiliate blog. Yeah. I wouldn’t do it today. Where the affiliate dollars are, are on short form video and long form video and social media today. Yeah.

Hope you enjoyed this episode. If you currently run an affiliate blog, let me know your thoughts. For more information and resources, go to slash episode 583. Once again, tickets to the Seller Summit 2025 are now on sale over at If you want to hang out in person in a small intimate setting, develop real relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs and learn a ton, then come to my event. Go to

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582: Hyper-Targeting Customers For Your Online Store Just Got Shockingly Easy

582: Hyper-Targeting Customers For Your Online Store Just Got Shockingly Easy.  Here's The Latest

In this episode, Toni and I discuss how hyper-targeting customers for your online store just got a lot easier with Klaviyo’s new release!

We dive into the latest features and strategies that can help you reach your ideal audience like never before. You’ll learn how to maximize your marketing efforts and boost sales with the power of automation and AI!

What You’ll Learn

  • What’s new with Klaviyo
  • How to segment your email list
  • How to create personalized experiences that turn casual browsers into buyers

Sponsors – The Sellers Summit is the ecommerce conference that I’ve run for the past 8 years. It’s small and intimate and you’ll learn a ton! Click Here To Grab The Recordings.

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Welcome back to the podcast, the show where I cover all of the latest strategies and current events related to e-commerce and online business. In this episode, Tony and I are going to break down the latest features that our favorite email marketing tool just announced that looked to be a game changer for e-commerce. Here’s the latest and greatest in the world of online selling. But before we begin, I wanted to let you know that tickets are now on sale for Seller Summit 2025 over at And the prices are now going to go up every two weeks.

until the event starts. The Seller Summit is the conference that I hold every year that specifically targets e-commerce entrepreneurs selling physical products online. Unlike other events that focus on inspirational stories and high-level advice, mine is a curriculum-based conference where you will leave with practical and actionable strategies specifically for an e-commerce business. Every speaker I invite is deep in the trenches of their e-commerce business, entrepreneurs who are importing large quantities of physical goods

and not some high-level guys who are overseeing their companies at 50,000 feet. I personally hate large events, so the seller’s summit is always small and intimate. Every year we cut off ticket sales at around 200 people, so tickets sell out fast, and we’ve sold out every single year for the past eight years. If you are an e-commerce entrepreneur making more than $250,000 or $1 million per year, we also offer an exclusive mastermind experience with other top sellers.

The Seller Summit is going to be held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from May 6th to May 8th. Right now, this is the cheapest the tickets will ever be. So head on over to and grab your ticket. Now onto the show.

Welcome back to the My Wife Quitter Job podcast. Last week, Tony and I, had the privilege of attending Klaviyo’s launch event for their new features. And normally we don’t create podcasts about this stuff, but I was blown away by all the new functionality that Klaviyo had to introduce. So I felt compelled that we had to do an episode about this. Yeah, it’s, it’s pretty exciting. I have to say I was, I actually watched it twice. So

because there was so much to digest just watching it one go round. Yeah, I watched it this morning also and I had Chachi BT take the transcript and summarize it so I wouldn’t forget anything. what are these new features and why is it such a big deal? Klaviyo just introduced their CRM. I think it’s called Klaviyo Data Platform.

And it’s basically going to be like the one tool that you absolutely need to practically do everything with your online store. Yeah. And that’s the best way to put it. Yeah. And I think, I think this is a big, like this is a big deal, right? Because one of the things that they hammered pretty hard during all the presentations, but one thing that I was like, as a struggle for me in e-commerce is that

you have all this information coming from all these different places. And it’s very hard to get all the information to match up. And they told a story about one of their customers who hired somebody and paid them a lot of money to build like some sort of custom dashboard so that they could like aggregate the data. And after they got it built, it just didn’t do the job well, right? didn’t work right.

And I thought, and this is something we deal with, you know, with some of my e-commerce clients every single day, right? Is all the data is in different places and it’s hard to get. you know, we’re paying people to do this, right? To compile it and get it in one place. And so this is really exciting, I think, for business owners, especially if you are running a small team and you don’t have lots of people to pass these tasks off to. Yeah. For example, like in my store, I have

these little dashboards for a bunch of different things that Jen wants to see. And the data is there, but it’d be nice to just have everything in one place. And we’re be talking about how they allow you to interact with that data. So first and foremost, unlimited data storage. Klaviyo will have all the data for your store, access to your Shopify database, all your customers and everything. Yeah, and I mean, think the other thing to think about is that already Klaviyo integrates with

so many tools, right? So they already have a lot of these integrations built in, which is nice because I think, I don’t think I’ve ever come across something where I couldn’t integrate it with Klaviyo, like a tool that I wanted to use in Shopify. So the fact that they have all that integration already and then sort of building this out is pretty exciting. So they have data for all of your customers, which pages that they’ve browsed, what they’ve purchased, the frequency that they’ve purchased. And because all that data is there,

That’s where it gets really exciting. I don’t know where you want to start with this. mean, there’s a lot of new features that they announced. I think the one that I’m most excited about is the AI forecast. So remember, they have data for everything, right? So they know what the customer is most likely to buy next. They know the lifetime value. They know how to communicate, how they like to communicate with you, whether it be through email, SMS or push.

And so now with these new AI features that Klaviyo has introduced, they can automatically suggest the best action for a specific customer based on their historical data and automatically create segments for you to send emails or SMS to them. So this is very exciting because one of the things that Klaviyo already has and they’ve had for a while is

AI within segment creation where you say, want a list of people who do X, Y, Z, right? And they build that out for you. But this takes this to like an entirely other level. And the exciting part for me is I’ve worked in that, you know, their AI tools already. And I feel like especially when it comes to building out these segments and lists of people, it does a really good job. Like the data they give you back, the way they tell you to do things is

almost always correct. There’s very few times where I’m like, oh, that wasn’t exactly what I wanted. And if it is, it’s because I put it in wrong, right? I asked for the wrong thing. So I’m very excited to see the level that this will go, basically, as far as what AI is going to do. Because just the fact that they were showing some of the flows or how the customer journey pans out. it’s like, the AI doesn’t just stop at, create me a segment of people who’ve done X, Y, Z. It’s like,

after they receive the first email, then AI is gonna say, send an email only to people who’ve taken these three actions and include this information in the email based on the actions they’ve taken, which, I mean, it’s gonna put me out of a job. I wanna see how, what level this goes because I was thinking, hey, create me a segment of everyone who’s most likely to purchase a personalized apron, like in the next month. Yeah.

and it’ll automatically create a segment. Prior to that, you’d have to know exactly what you’re looking for, right? Bought an before, haven’t bought in six months or whatever. But this one, based on all the data points, right? Let’s say they were looking, they just happen to be browsing on your site for aprons in like two weeks ago, they would automatically be added to this segment. Yeah, so I think that’s really exciting and something that’s going to save people a lot of time.

The other thing that I think it’s going to do is give people better results with their email. So, I mean, we can say right now, hey, let’s create a segment of people that are most likely to do X, Y, Z, right, based on information that we have. So, for example, one of my clients, most of her products are based out in age groups, right? So there’s like five to eight year olds

group because it’s curriculum, right? And then there’s a nine to 12 and a 13 to 16, right? So but, you know, if someone buys something in the middle age group, right, the nine to 12, we don’t know exactly like, is there a kid nine or is there a kid 12? Right. Like, we don’t know that because we don’t don’t ask. And obviously, it’s hard to ask information about people’s kids like that. People get very rightfully How old is your little boy? Yes. Rightfully so. People get.

protective of that information. Knowing that, on average, when you look at the data as a whole, we’ve got millions of customers, right? You look at the data as a whole and you know that people who buy in this age bracket, on average, in two years, buy in the next age bracket. Or they take this and you start being able to have this lots and lots of data when Klaviyo can take that and really give it to you in a very digestible

way as opposed to you. I mean, I just think about like, have you ever like downloaded something on a spreadsheet and it’s like 22,000 lines of information and it’s just like my computer just like farts out on it. It’s like, no, we’re not doing this. So like the thing that’s exciting to me is to be able to get all that data and have Klaviyo be the one that deals with it as opposed to me on a spreadsheet trying to like figure this all out and spending hours and hours. No, exactly. Like

I personally hate creating segments by hand in Clayview. Just the fact that you can have AI create the segment for you based on what you want. Huge game changer. I can’t wait to see how well this works. And I think the fact that it’s going to be able to deliver smarter recommendations. mean, their recommendation tool that you can just insert that in the bottom of emails, or it doesn’t have be at the bottom, you can insert it anywhere. It already does a pretty good job. So to be able to get even more granular with the information, especially if you are in a

a vertical like clothing, right? If there’s a shopper and they only buy pastels, they’re never going to see a pair of camo green leggings, right? Or if you sell, like think about our friend Tiffany, right? She sells shoes, pants, purses, whatever. One of the things that they pointed out, like people who buy this thing are way more likely to buy a purse, right? And they know that because they have

let’s just say 20,000 people who have bought pants and of those 20,000 people, know, 32 % of them also buy a purse. So it’s clearly like there’s a customer type. So instead of you trying to like parse through and go, okay, I wonder what maybe this happens, you know, it’s already going to just be given to you. And not only that, all in an automated form. like, it’s like, Klaviyo is basically going to say, hey, people that buy these pants also buy purses. So send them an email. Oh, click here and it’ll be set up for you basically, which

When I was looking at their slides or their screen grabs of it, I was like, if this works like it looks like it does, this is incredible. I agree. I think that was the single most important feature. But let’s move on because once you know what segments that you want to email to, they actually introduce another feature that I’m really looking forward to, which is their new campaign builder. Yes.

And you have to remember now that Klaviyo does SMS, email, push, and if you just happen to have an app, they do in-app messaging as well. in the past, and I don’t know how many people listening actually use Klaviyo, but if you use a traditional EMS, you usually get like an autoresponder, right? Where you can send a sequence of emails. And within Klaviyo already in the past, you could send autoresponder sequence.

where you could take people off or put people on based on certain criteria or the actions that they’ve created. So for example, like if you had this flow, like an abandoned cart flow, for example, that was three emails. If someone purchased after the first email, you would not send them the abandoned cart email for a second, third. That’s already been there. Now you can do something like that with just regular campaigns. Yes. And I’m just trying to, why don’t you talk about like some of the use cases for that?

That’s what I think is really nice. I think we’ve bugged our friend Joe at Klaviyo for many years. One of the features that Klaviyo never had was the recent unopens. You had to do that all manually, which is actually a bit of a pain. They just recently launched that within their campaigns, pretty normal standard stuff. Now with this campaign, it’s basically like a flow, but it’s a campaign.

you send out an email, let’s just say you’re having a, I don’t know, Mother’s Day sale, Mother’s Day is in a couple months, and you’re gonna send it out a week before Mother’s Day or two weeks before Mother’s Day, whatever your timeline is, but then you wanna resend to unopens. But do you really wanna resend to all your unopens? Probably not, because typically, if you resend to all of your unopens, some of those people just don’t really open a lot of the emails anyway, so immediately that email’s gonna perform a little less than,

you know, you’d like it to. So what you can do is resend it to people who’ve done like specific behaviors, right? So it’s not just unopens. It could be resend to people who didn’t open it, but they visited the site within 30 days. They have already purchased $500 or more from my store. Like you can put all these conditions in it in this basically automated flow. And also, Klaviyo has this little thing called the Action Center.

where it gives you the recommendation of the best practice. So based on all of their data and all the brands and everything else, they’ll tell you like, I might think, well, oh, I should send it to these people. Well, Klavia is gonna say, hey, based on all the data from your store and all the data from stores in your vertical, like all their whole data set that they have and go, this is actually what you should do. This is who you should send it to.

which to me is a game changer because one, it takes the guesswork out of it for us as far as like, we can test it, right? We can see what happens, blah, blah, blah. But also like, just tell me what to do. If you know what works, I’ll do it. I was thinking for me, particularly, we typically run three day sales or three or four day sales and we email multiple times during that period.

So it would be nice instead of sending like three or four separate emails out about that sale, you have it in this nice campaign builder where you can automatically exclude people. Yes. Right. Who’ve purchased or for example, if someone hasn’t responded or opened an email, maybe send them a text instead. Yes. And that was nice too. Like you can set up, if you do use Klaviyo for SMS, you can basically, you know, email these people based on that, text these people based on that.

email these people, right? So it creates this whole chain of events that, which I think the other thing that’s nice about that is consistency of messaging, right? So being able to know that the people that are getting the text have already received an email that says this. So I’m gonna text them and say something different, or I’m gonna piggyback on what they already got. And I think being able to sort of be very cohesive with the messaging is actually really important.

I actually think most brands don’t focus on this enough, but just that consistency with the messaging and the things that you say, especially during a promotion or a launch or anything like that, is actually really valuable. And to be able to have that all like now in a sequence is a really nice feature. I mean, I was just thinking for me, just organizing all the campaigns. Like right now I have campaigns that say first day,

middle of the promotion, last day of the promotion. Yes, I like AM, 2 PM, 6 PM, last day, last. Yes. The problem with me is, and this is my own fault, but I try to name things consistently. Last day of the sale, it should be the date, whatever the sale is, last chance AM, then whatever for PM. Sometimes I change the verbiage just.

because I’m human and I’m not thinking at the time, right? So then it’s like, you know, I changed something. So then when you go in and look for something to clone or recreate, it’s like, wait, that’s not last chance. It’s LC, because for some reason I decided to abbreviate this week. so just the consistency of it, I think is gonna be really nice. Yeah, I mean, I ideally just wanna be able to clone my entire sales sequence and set it and forget it instead of, again, having to draft four five different emails.

I think the nice thing about that little action center that they’ve created is that when they give you a recommendation, you basically just click it and it sets it up for you. It’s like, we think you should send a campaign to people who like pink leggings or whatever it is. You’re like, do too. Click and it basically builds you this template. For people who are not big on using the

the coding and things like that in Klavia, which they do make it pretty easy to just drop and insert things. There’s still some, you know, technical degree there. It’s already embedded in those emails. So all you’re doing is going in and tweaking it. Right. They already have your brand logo. They’ve already got your templates. So basically, when you say, yes, do this, it’s creating everything for you. And there’s very little work that you need to be doing after that step. Yeah. So this next feature.

that they introduced is actually something that I was in the middle of writing for my store, which is a self-service and support hub. So, Klavia is actually now going to do customer service for you. You know that right now, a lot of stores are my friends, they’re using a separate app for customer support. But you know, Klavia already knows all your orders, right? They know who’s buying and all that stuff. They have all the information. They have addresses and whatnot.

So why not manage order tracking and returns management? Why not have like an AI chat bot to answer the most commonly asked questions? Why not have like a live chat if AI can’t answer the question, hand it off to a real human? They’ve added all of that.

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you about a free resource that I offer on my website that you may not be aware of. If you are interested in starting your own online store, I put together a comprehensive six day mini course on how to get started in ecommerce that you should all check out. It contains both video and text based tutorials that go over the entire process of finding products to sell all the way to getting your first sales online. Now this course is free and can be obtained at slash free.

just sign up right there on the front page via email and I’ll send you the course right away. Once again, that’s slash free. Now back to the show.

I feel like this could be an entire podcast on its own is that customer support should be a sales channel for your business. Most people view it as a rescue boat. Rescue the lost order, rescue the person who can’t figure out how to place an order on the website, whatever it is. It really should be its own sales channel. think because once someone… Obviously, there’s a lot of people who message support who have like,

literally probably the top one is where’s my order, right? Which can be pretty much answered with AI, probably 95 % of the time. But then there are people, like I would think for your business with the personalization, like people probably have questions about that, right? People wanna know like, what actually can I personalize or how, know, what kind of thread do you use or you know, whatever the questions would be, is it gonna get here in time, things like that.

But what an opportunity to give people a great customer experience there and then upsell them on other things, right? So the next thing you know, they’re not just buying the personalized handkerchief, they’ve also got the matching apron and pillowcase, right? That you just have an opportunity there. And to remove some of the friction as far as like, where’s my order, things like that, where that can all be done through AI, to then allow your customer service person or people to actually do bigger work.

I think is going to be a game changer for companies. Here’s the thing about our customer service. If we can get someone communicating with our customer service rep, it’s almost 90 % of conversion. Yeah. Like we can always sell them something. Yeah. So it’s in your best interest to actually have that conversation with somebody. I still think phone conversations are the best, but chat is like the second best. And this actually, seeing this feature actually reminded me, I had this really elaborate

a Facebook Messenger platform where I was actually semi-automating customer service. But Facebook deprecated that a long time ago and it was on my list to add another live chat, but I actually hadn’t done it before. Hence, I was going to incorporate all these features into the site already. I was really looking forward to writing my own AI-powered chatbot also. I might just use Klaviyo’s now.

Yeah, I mean. it’s already there and they have all the information. It looks really nice. The screenshots that they showed us, it was just really nicely integrated with the site already. It was almost like it was a part of the Shopify store, in fact. Yes. Right. So, yeah. Well, no, but I think the other thing that people probably don’t think about is that it looks really nice. looks like a seamless experience for the customer. But also, like, they go in, they ask, you know, where’s my order?

I actually had this to me yesterday. I used the wrong credit card for something. I used an old credit card that actually had been canceled and I knew the order was gonna get declined. At some point it was a grocery order. So I was like, I need to get in here and fix it. So I got on with an AI chat bot. I got the answer that I needed. Basically it wasn’t the answer I wanted, but basically like we can’t do anything. have to cancel your order and reorder. And I’m like, fine. But got through the whole process. But I think about the fact that like, if it is all integrated in Klaviyo,

and they have all of the customer information and with their AI features, they’re telling you stuff about the customer inside that as you know, as if you, you escalate it to the human, right? Then you have all this information about the customer. If you’re in another customer service platform that is not connected, you can still get that information about the customer, but you’ve got to log into Shopify or Klaviyo. You’ve got to pull the information.

you can see like when you log into, if you pull up someone’s customer profile on Klaviyo, you know what emails they’ve received, what emails they’ve clicked on, what they’ve purchased. And now that’s all going, what it looks like it’s all going to be within that customer service platform. Like what an advantage to when someone actually gets to a human to have all that data. And you’re like, oh, this person always buys like embroidered pillowcases. We should probably show them this new line as we’re talking to them. You know what I mean? Like it’s all just given to the people that are working

which I think is gonna be a great sales channel for companies. Yeah, I mean, right now the way we do it is we have another tool that handles all that, right? Right. But why not just have it in one place? Yeah. And not have to open some other tool in order to get the same information. And then expect your customer service person, which typically in most stores is like a lower paid employee. It’s not a sales person for sure.

But then you’re just handing that person all this data that they can use. They’re not having to go find it or dig it out or understand. It all appears to be in the platform already when they’re talking to them. I mean, this is how I see it being used also. When we get a phone call, she can just pull up this information in Klaviyo. And maybe Klaviyo can say, hey, this person is very likely to order another handkerchief. And then she could just make that suggestion on the fly.

Klaviyo has all the data once again. And as you don’t like humans having to think about things, so this is like a huge. Oh yeah, definitely. The other cool feature that I saw when they were showing the screenshots was it appeared like after you went through customer support, they had like a little survey at the end where it was like, and this was, they were doing a clothing store as their example. And it was like, which of these,

is your favorite color for leggings, right? And then they showed the example and the person put like pink or whatever. And then it was like, they asked another question based on the favorite color. There were like three real simple, like multiple choice questions. But then based on their responses, it created profile properties for that person in Klaviyo and then suggested the emails that they get that like, you know, so one person, you’re sending the same email to 500 people.

But one person’s getting the pink leggings and one person’s getting the black leggings based on the profile. And it’s basically all automated. Yeah. Yeah. You know, one, uh, the other day a student asked me how to get Google analytics set up and get all the granular data. And what I told her was like, I can show you how to set all that up. But to be honest with you, I rarely look at Google analytics at all anymore, ever since they made the shift because it’s

It’s like not intuitive and it’s not easy to use. No, I can’t find anything in there. I hate it. But now with all these new Klaviyo features, and they showed a screenshot of this, but now you can get like a comprehensive customer timeline. One of Google’s restrictions is they couldn’t use real names due to privacy reasons. But on Klaviyo, like let’s say I want to pull you up. I can see every email open, every SMS click, every purchase, every website visit, every return.

every shipment, where the shipment is in transit. It’s just a much nicer way to track things than like a Google Analytics. Well, and I think that’s what they called it, what the unified customer view. Yeah. And basically, and I would assume that you would have to be using Klaviyo SMS to get this fully. Of course. Well, unless it integrates, like I said, Klaviyo integrates with pretty much every other tool since it’s pretty much become the standard.

Yeah. So you could probably get click data if you’re on like Postscript, for example. But I think being able to see and they showed a graph of like a customer timeline and basically, you know, I forget what they call them, like the champions were like the top customers and, you know, then they had like names for each level of customer. But being able to see all that information and like, are they more likely to open a text and email? Like, what are they doing? What are they interacting the best with? And then once again,

making those like take action recommendations based on what people are doing. I think that’s probably my favorite feature is that Klaviyo basically tells you what to do. So instead of you sort of over analyzing and testing, and I think you should still be testing, obviously, but you’re not just like throwing stuff at a wall and seeing what sticks Klaviyo is actually taking the data and giving you really good ideas. Have you ever gone to the dentist and

They go up to you and they say, hey Steve, how was your vacation three months ago? And you’re like, what, what? How did you know I went on a vacation? How’d you remember? Because I obviously told them that Oh yeah, because they put it in your little notes when they’re cleaning your teeth. Yes. Yes. Can you imagine now that if you’re on live chat with somebody and you already have the customer up, right? Right. Because I would imagine that as soon as someone does a live chat, it automatically brings up whatever their profile is. And you have notes on that person. Like our best customers, we have notes. Yes. know what they’re doing.

And you can automatically say stuff like, how’s your kid? know, how’s high school? They just started high school. Yes. That makes a huge difference. Yeah. I think the the level of customer loyalty that you get from that. I it’s funny that you brought up the dentist because my favorite hygienist stopped working to be home with her kids. What a jerk. But like one of the reasons why I like to going is that like she we could like pick up.

where we left off in our conversations, was kind of like, oh, well, how was this? And I know it’s all in their little dashboard, right, of notes. Like, oh, she, like, I think it was when Instacart came out. And so we had this whole conversation about Instacart one time. And the next time she’s like, I’m using Instacart, blah, blah, blah. And I was like, how do you remember that we had a conversation about Instacart? Anyway, made me super loyal to the dentist because it just, it felt good, right? It feels good to.

have people remember you. How are you able to have conversations with your hygienist? Like she’s got the stuff in your mouth, right? It’s always a one-sided conversation. Oh, can stop me from talking. You know that.

The other thing that’s nice is I’ve actually wanted to offload email marketing to someone outside of Jen. And I’m very curious about all the AI features in terms of what subject lines, what type of emails to create and whatnot. You mentioned earlier that it might put you out of a job. Yeah. That’s my best case scenario. Not to put you out of a job. that’s your best case because then you’ll have to hire me.

That’s not your best-case scenario. As I was watching this and thinking through everything, part of me was like, know what? I feel like this is where I don’t hate AI because we’ve had a lot of conversations about AI and people just creating entire websites and YouTube channels and just all AI-generated and even some of the dangers where they’re basically

doing the deep fake stuff, right? Where it’s like, you can’t even tell. So I think AI can, it can be awful, right? It can be used for pretty negative things. And you and I just did a Google search like two weeks ago and Google gave us the wrong, AI gave us the wrong information about Google. Do you remember that? So. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. So it’s like, there’s a lot of negative about AI, but I feel like when I watched this, I was like, okay, this is how AI really should be used, right? This is where I think it’s helpful and

pushing forward and using technology to make things better for everybody. Because here’s the thing, it doesn’t just make things better for the company owner or the marketing person. It makes things better for the customer. We all get a million emails every day. If you’re on a bunch of SMS lists, you get tons of texts, marketing texts, things like that. But how awesome is it to get an email that actually makes sense to you? And it’s actually something you care about.

I used this example at seller summit last year when I was doing the email talk. I bought a bunch of paint at Lowe’s and then Lowe’s sent me an ad for paint, an email about paint. And I was like, you should have sent me an ad for paint brushes, right? You should have sent me an ad. You know what I bought. I don’t need to buy more paint. I need to buy painter’s tape and all the things that go along with it. It was like a huge missed opportunity. So I think the better…

AI gets of sending the customers things that they really like. Like, don’t send me an email with a dress that I’ll never buy. But if you know that I’ve looked at something and you’re sending me an email telling me that the price dropped or that it’s back in stock or that they have this color that I actually buy everything else in this color, my journey has gotten so much better when it comes to the whole buying experience. I think the most egregious error that I had a company make was when I bought a pair of shoes and they sent me emails about women’s clothing.

Maybe they know something that I don’t. My personal pet peeve is when you buy something and the next day you get an email from that company with that exact product and it’s now 25 % off. I feel like with all of this AI integration, that can be avoided really easily.

You can exclude people who purchase, I mean you can already do this, but I feel like this is gonna make it even more intuitive and it’s gonna be even easier. Excluding people who’ve already bought, excluding people who’ve bought that exact product in the last 48 hours. Don’t send a sale email to that. All those things where as a human, that can be, you can forget or it can slip or you can forget to add them. There’s like lots of opportunity for error. And I think this actually makes things so much better for everybody, right? The customer.

the store, the marketing person. And I think also, don’t people want emails in their inbox that are relevant? I do. I don’t want a bunch of garbage. So I think it provides a much better experience for the shopper. Yeah. And one thing that I think Klaviyo is really trying to do is prevent people from just blasting their entire list. Yes. And so there’s one seller summit talk, I want to say

a couple years ago, where they talked about how you have different segments of customers that are in different stages of the purchasing journey. So like you have people who will buy from you no matter what they buy in bulk and they buy a lot. Then you have customers that buy often, but they don’t spend that much money. Then of course you have people who bought like buy occasionally and then there’s people who haven’t purchased at all. And it’s important to understand who those people are because you’re going to want to send messages

differently to those people. Like for example, for your best customers, I know it’s ironic that you’re punishing your best customers, but we don’t send out coupons to our best customers because we know they’re going to buy anyway. We reward them in other ways, like with loyalty points or something like that because a coupon is not going to, I mean, they’re to buy no matter what. Whereas someone who hasn’t bought at all, maybe you just want to give them a bigger coupon to get them to buy for the very first time.

I’ve seen that that works, right? If you are talking differently to different types of customers, it really does make a huge difference in your return on investment, basically. I think another thing that was important that they talked about, and fortunately, it doesn’t apply to you or me, but I know what applies to a lot of companies is they also have done a lot with people who operate on a subscription basis, right?

So basically that subscribe and save model, which I think that to me, we talk about this with like the course and stuff of like subscription versus one time and you how does that work? But I think when you have a subscription based business or even a component of your business that’s subscription based, understanding when people fall off is like a game changer for your business.

because you have to figure out like, okay, when do people stop using it, stop subscribing and how do we keep them longer, right? What do we need to do? How do we need to talk to them? What types of people drop off at what point? Is it based on the type of product they’re ordering? You know, there’s all these different factors, right? And from what I saw in the presentation, it feels like there’s a lot of AI tools that Klaviyo is using to help subscription-based companies understand

their customers better and keep them longer. And I wanna say they had an example on the screen and I wanted to say like it was like a 54 % boost in retention for implementing some of these AI strategies of how you talk to people, which could be, that could be game changing for a business, right? To be able to keep people for that much longer. So I think if you do have a subscription-based business, which neither you or I do,

This is actually a very valuable product now for you. I mean, I wish I had a subscription base. I know, me too. Hanky the month club. I don’t think it’s going to work. No, probably not. Then also, if you happen to have an app, we have a mutual friend who has an app. You can actually incorporate all this stuff into an app now as well, whereas you could not do that before.

And then probably my favorite part of the know what this is going to be. Oh, you do? OK. They have an API where you can connect Klaviyo to any website. I’m not on Shopify. Right. So anytime I need to integrate something, I pretty much need an API to do it. And this probably doesn’t apply to a lot of people listening to this. But let’s say you want to integrate. Let’s say you didn’t choose Shopify, for example.

And you’re on GoDaddy for some crazy reason, because they got you on their site and you have a store on there. You could integrate Klaviyo GoDaddy with code, whereas you wouldn’t be able to do that before. Of course, if you’re on GoDaddy, you’re in trouble anyway. Right, there’s bigger problems on that. You got bigger problems. But the point is that you can integrate with any platform, even if there isn’t native support for it. Well, doesn’t that also mean, and I am not a developer, that

people can build apps for Klaviyo too. Like it works both ways. So it Yeah, that’s interesting actually. Because there’s no Klaviyo app store as far as I know. yes, it opens up. So I think, I mean, I always like it when tools open up their API because I feel like it opens the marketplace for things. But I also don’t understand it enough to know like the dangers and the

pros and the cons of anything. So I just know that it makes you happy, so I’m happy. Well, here’s one thing that they talked about that we didn’t actually mention here, is that you can put together sequences to gather information about a customer. So, for example, let’s say you sell body wash in SMS, you can ask them, hey, you know, what’s your favorite scent? What type of skin do you have? And then each time they answer in a sequence, yeah,

you can gather data about that person and store it in their customer profile. I can’t stress enough how much knowing things about your customer makes them happy, makes the customer happier. Let’s just say, let’s talk about shampoo. You sell shampoo, right? You sell shampoo for oily hair and thin hair and curly hair because most shampoo manufacturers have a bottle for every hair type, right? Well, if you have limp

straight hair, right, that always looks greasy, you don’t want a product that’s like for thick, luscious hair, right? Because not only are you not gonna buy it, you’re now ticked off because you don’t have thick, luscious hair. So if you only get like the content that is related to you, or if, you know, I remember one time, like probably 10 years ago, I got an email for like,

plus size fashion, like size 22, like 22X and up, right? Which is like, you’re not familiar with like sizing, like 22X is like you’re getting two seats on an airplane, right? So like, I was like offended. I was like, yeah, I’ve gained like five pounds, but calm down, you know? So it, but immediately like I had a negative reaction to the brand, right? Cause I’m like, my feelings got hurt. So I think if you like being able to like take people through that survey process,

and get more information about them. then, you know, if they feel like they got a big butt and they don’t like it, you’re not gonna send them stuff that makes them look like they have a bigger butt, right? Like whatever it is, you’re not playing on people’s insecurities, you’re playing on the things that they like. And so they just feel much more accepted and they have much more positive view of your brand. Yeah. I mean, all I can say here is I’m really excited about these features because

You know how I don’t like to pay for SaaS apps. Yes. So right now I have different ones that do a whole bunch of different things, right? And it’s piecemeal. got to log into each one. Yes. It’d be nice to just only have to log into one tool for practically everything. And that’s essentially what Klaviyo has done with these new set of features. They’ve created a for e-commerce.

Maybe that’s the best analogy. I’ve only used Salesforce a couple of times. I like I haven’t used it, that’s what it feels like. I used to want it back in the day when I used to work too. Basically, it’s just you have all the data about every customer and you basically make your decisions off of all that. I feel like it’s like Klaviyo using AI for good as opposed for evil As opposed to spamming like Google and YouTube. I feel like at the end of the day,

It’s making the experience better for every single person. It’s making the experience better for your company by giving you more opportunities to generate revenue. It’s making the experience better for your marketing team, giving them the information to make better marketing decisions. And most of all, it’s giving your customers a significantly better experience by tailoring every piece of communication in a personalized way to your customer.

Hope you enjoyed this episode. These new features make it super easy to send targeted emails and texts to your customers. And I’m super excited. For more information and resources, go to slash episode 582. Once again, tickets to the Seller Summit 2025 are now on sale over at If you want to hang out in person in a small intimate setting, develop real relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs and learn a ton, then come to my event.

go to And if you’re interested in starting your own e-commerce store, head on over to my wife, and sign up for my free six day mini course. Just type in your email and I’ll send the course right away via email.

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581: The Must-Attend Sessions at Sellers Summit 2025 : Here’s The Agenda

581: The Must-Attend Sessions at Sellers Summit 2025 : Here's The Agenda

In this episode, Toni and I walk through the must-attend sessions at Sellers Summit 2025.

We’ll break down the key sessions that offer the most value, whether you’re an experienced seller or just getting started. Tune in to find out what’s on the agenda and how to make the most of the event!

What You’ll Learn

  • Discover the latest strategies for boosting your sales
  • Get insider tips from successful sellers that can help you navigate common challenges
  • Learn how to leverage new tools and technology to streamline your business and stay ahead of the competition

Sponsors – The Sellers Summit is the ecommerce conference that I’ve run for the past 8 years. It’s small and intimate and you’ll learn a ton! Click Here To Grab The Recordings.

The Family First Entrepreneur – Purchase my Wall Street Journal Bestselling book and receive $690 in free bonuses! Click here to redeem the bonuses


Welcome back to the podcast, the show where I cover all of the latest strategies and current events related to e-commerce and online business. In this episode, Tony and I are going to break down the sessions and the curriculum we’re covering for Seller Summit this year on May 6th, 2025. Tickets are now on sale over at and the prices are now going to go up every two weeks until the event starts. The Seller Summit is the conference that I hold every year that specifically targets e-commerce entrepreneurs selling physical products online.

Unlike other events that focus on inspirational stories and high-level advice, mine is a curriculum-based conference where you will leave with practical and actionable strategies specifically for an e-commerce business. Every speaker I invite is deep in the trenches of their e-commerce business, entrepreneurs who are importing large quantities of physical goods, and not some high-level guys who are overseeing their companies at 50,000 feet. I personally hate large events, so the seller’s summit is always small and intimate.

Every year we cut off ticket sales at around 200 people, so tickets sell out fast, and we’ve sold out every single year for the past eight years. If you are an e-commerce entrepreneur making more than $250,000 or $1 million per year, we also offer an exclusive mastermind experience with other top sellers. The Seller’s Summit is going to be held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from May 6th to May 8th. Right now, this is the cheapest the tickets will ever be. So head on over to and grab your ticket.

Now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife, Quit or Job podcast. It’s exciting times. Seller Summit is coming up in two months and we’ve been putting together the curriculum and I’m super excited about this year. Yeah, me too. have some… Every year, I hate to say we have great speakers this year. We don’t have great speakers every year, but this year I’m even more excited for what’s happening. Yeah, I I always get…

the jitters actually leading up to the event because it doesn’t start coming together fully until maybe two or three months before the event and things are just starting to come together right now. So I get the jitters too, but here’s the thing. So I’m going to a conference tomorrow, right? I’m leaving for, I don’t even know the name of the conference. It’s a newsletter conference, right? About email. And we got the schedule yesterday.

Oh, really? That’s hilarious. Like not just like the schedule, but like I signed up for this not even knowing what the sessions were. Like they had the speakers listed, but they didn’t even have sessions listed until I think the email came yesterday afternoon and it came sometime yet. like the week of the conference is when I got the information. And I feel like that’s pretty standard for conferences, which is crazy to me because we usually have everything settled about.

two months before, but that to me causes stress. Like I want it even further out than that. Well, mean, it’s just, it’s not top of mind in the speakers until it gets close, right? Yes. Then they start panicking and putting together. For example, I actually still don’t know. Like we have a you’re not on here. What’s going on? here because I’m not a hundred percent sure what I’m going to talk about. I usually just try to fill in the blanks of what’s missing. Yes. So I usually put myself kind of last or figure out.

I mean, there’s a number of things I can talk about, but they are kind of all over the place, the topics that I would cover. So whatever is not filled is what I’ll cover basically. So let’s dive in. So people, if you haven’t heard of Seller Summit, first of all, shame on you. It’s surprising to me, we’ve been around for so long. We’re on year eight, conference eight. We’ve been around a little long enough because of the pandemic and stuff like that. There are people that still don’t know that like someone’s

told us that they thought we were invite only. Do remember that a couple weeks ago? Yes. Yeah. I was like, we were never invite only. That wasn’t even a thing the first year. So anyway, we’re not invite only. Everybody’s welcome to attend. The other question that we get is, do I have to already be selling? No, you don’t. Most of the people that attend are already selling. They already have a brand. Correct. But we absolutely welcome beginners.

The other thing to think about is because I think our friend Charles was talking about this on office hours last week that sometimes the sessions like are the sessions going to be too difficult, right? Am I not going to understand anything? And my theory on this is you always want to go to sessions that are a little bit further along than you are to help you grow in your business journey. To me, if you’re going the beginning stuff to me can be learned on the Internet.

Right. That can be learned from YouTube videos, from signing up for a course, but it’s those deep dive, like the deeper strategies, the ones that like the true top pros are using to me that you want to go to an event and learn about because you’re learning about like the absolute cutting edge things that people are doing right now in e-commerce. And so to go there and hear it and be able to like be at the beginning of your business journey and be able to implement some of these things that other people

don’t know for 10 years is a huge advantage, especially when it’s getting so competitive right now. And the other thing is we’re one of the very few conferences, I want to say, that covers both Amazon and selling on your own store. I would say the bulk of the events, at least in my circles that I hear about, are pure Amazon. Yes. And we both know that Amazon has gotten super competitive since last year. Yeah.

If you’re selling only on Amazon, you’ve got to be thinking about diversifying to other channels, including your own online store. Yeah. And most Amazon folks that we talk to want to diversify, right? That it’s on their list of things to do. But it gets really overwhelming because Amazon can also take a lot of time. It’s so funny because we always talk about back in the day. But back in the day, you could pretty much throw stuff up on Amazon and put it on autopilot and work five. It was like truly the five hour work week or four hour work week, right?

It’s not really the case anymore. It’s gotten so competitive and with all of the overseas sellers, primarily Chinese sellers, with 20 listings of the same product and things like that, you have to be far more involved in the business or be paying people to be far more involved. So thinking about your own brand is really important. Yeah, and then actually my favorite part of the event is if you actually already have a business that makes over 250K or $1 million,

We actually run a mastermind on the very first day. And this is where we put together companies that are at a similar level. We make sure they don’t compete. And then we kind of get together in a room in groups of 10. We cater in food and we just basically help each other with our businesses, kind of hot seat style. And this has traditionally been one of the favorite aspects of the event. And again, in order to qualify for the mastermind,

you do have to have a business. However, we did start offering a different mastermind on We’ll get to that a minute. Let’s finish up the e-comm mastermind side of things. I’ve had people tell me this has changed their life, which I feel like is a very strong statement from somebody. We’ve heard this over and over again that just the mastermind itself was just revolutionary in their business. It’s not

It’s not just about the mentor. We always put a mentor in the mastermind to sort of basically keep track of time, make sure everybody stays on topic, things like that. But it’s the other people in the group that can really help you and help you grow and like kind of move to that next phase in your business. And what I found is interesting is there’s a lot of like mastermind spin-offs where people meet at seller summit, right? They’re in a mastermind together and then they actually continue this for years.

Meeting and you know on a monthly basis or every other month basis to continue You know the strategy sessions and things like that plus the relationships. I mean, it’s honestly a lonely process running any business So to be able to meet other people who are at your level Doing the same things is actually really refreshing my businesses didn’t start taking off until I started forming virtual masterminds actually. Yes

And I think the important thing to note in this, because we’ve gone to some other events that try to do something similar with a little less structure, but we are very picky about who we put together in a room. So we try our absolute best never to put competitors together because especially if you’re only selling on Amazon, you really don’t want to be in a room with someone who’s selling the exact same types of things.

And we also, because a lot of people who are in the mastermind have been coming to the mastermind for a couple of years, and we also haven’t filled out a pretty extensive questionnaire, I try to match the personalities, because I do think that’s really important. If you know certain people are more introverted or more extroverted, you wanna match them with people that can sort of handle their temperaments.

And so everybody goes in that room, hopefully getting the absolute best experience that they possibly can. And obviously we don’t know every single person that goes to a mastermind. So there’s always wild cards, you never know. But we try, we spend probably the bulk of the conference planning on these masterminds and getting the right people in the same room together with the right mentors. Also the mentor matters a lot, like who gets placed with who.

And you might think that if you sign up for the mastermind, you don’t have that much to offer. But after running these masterminds for eight years now, everyone has something to contribute. Everyone does things in their own way. And you might not think that that’s an efficient way of doing things, but you’d be surprised that the way you do something is just way different. Or you’ll have someone in your group that just does things differently that exactly fits your business. It happens every single year. Yeah.

So what we found after running these e-commerce masterminds for, we didn’t do it the very first year, but we’d started at the second year. So after the second year, we found that there were people who were newer in their selling journey and maybe they already had a store, but they were only doing 100K or there’s even been several people who hadn’t even started yet. They had a product idea, right? And they’re like, well, what about me, right? I want that same opportunity to strategize and network on a deeper level.

And so a couple of years ago, we came up with the content mastermind because you and I both believe very strongly that content is critical when creating a brand these days. Like you cannot do that without that content creation. And so we created a secondary mastermind for people who don’t meet that revenue threshold. Although you can meet the revenue threshold and join the content mastermind because we have that happen every single year as well. We had several million dollar sellers in our content mastermind last year.

And we focus primarily on the content side of things. So we’re not talking about product sourcing or, know, one year in one of my masterminds, EECOM, it was all about shipping. Everyone wanted to talk about shipping and reducing shipping costs and how to, the strategy for that, right? We don’t talk about that. We talk about things like YouTube, TikTok, email marketing. That’s really the focus of the content mastermind. And that to me has been, so I’ve been running that for, this is the third, the fourth year.

2002, 2003, Is it the fourth year? Wow. Yeah. this will be the fourth year of the content, I think fourth year of the content mastermind. And it’s been really fun because the diversity of opinion in there and what people are doing. one year I remember there was a group, they did like kids, it was like for autistic kids, right? So was like toys and puzzles and things, but primarily geared towards kids with like learning disabilities and autism.

and they were doing like webinars and videos and they just had a crazy, you know, content strategy and they were in there and they were helping like everybody in the room. So we always get such interesting people in there really sharing their strategies. Last year we had a couple people that were like diversifying into real estate. So they were basically taking their profits and one of them, one of our friends Ming, she was actually buying commercial buildings and then using them to create like…

fulfillment centers and where like there’s just like all these different things that are going on and You know, so there were several other people in that room that were interested in doing something like that basically getting a building so they could work in it but rent it out and like what are the tax Implications and it got like super in the weeds with that kind of stuff but very interesting content and I think that’s really fun, especially with the rise of video and the importance of video usually video is a heavy heavy topic like that’s

you know, probably 60 % of the conversation in that content mastermind these days. I mean, here’s how I see it. If you’re only on Amazon right now and you want to sell more on your website, you want to create your own brand, which is where everyone should be going. You need some sort of content component. Yeah. Today. It’s not like, you know, five or six years ago where everything was much easier. These days, you you got to build a brand in order to be in this for the long game. Yeah.

So, and last year we had one attendee who had, I think he was trying to get a patent. He had a business idea, he was trying to get the patent and he actually got tons of feedback on like his strategy and his launch strategy and actually changed some of his strategy based on the feedback from other sellers in the room. So you just never know where you’re gonna end up in the content mastermind as far as like the direction, but I do think the information in there is really, really valuable. And.

It’s funny because last year we had several people, million dollar sellers sign up for the Content Mastermind. So I reached out to them and I said, hey, did you sign up for the wrong mastermind? Did you mean to sign up for the e-comm one? And they were all, no, absolutely not. Like I wanna be in here. The other thing I’ve noticed is sometimes we have business owners and they sign up for the e-comm mastermind and they send their right hand, they sign up for the e-comm one and they send their right hand to the content mastermind.

And so they sort of divide and conquer. So it’s a really fun group. I think we only have one seat left in the content mastermind. Oh, is that right? Yes. OK, I didn’t check the. We actually might not have any seats because we sold some tickets this morning and I didn’t check to see what bucket they were in. OK. But worst case scenario, we might divide it up and make two content masterminds. Although I don’t like doing that for the content group. But we’ll see. We’ll see where it goes. Yeah.

The other thing I also want to mention is for some reason I get a whole bunch of legal questions or everyone often has a lot of legal questions. So I just want to give a shout out to Steve Weigler. He’s a lawyer that helps out with the event and he’ll just sit down and talk with you for free like a lawyer that bills out for hundreds of dollars an hour will answer all of your legal IP protection questions at the event. So if you’re worried about getting knocked off or

if you want to go after someone in China, he’s actually done it all. Yeah, he’s he’s great. And he’s so generous with his time. Typically, what he does is sends out a like a calendar before the event where you can actually block a 30 minute free consult with him during Sellers, which I think is a fantastic like honestly, that’s the price of your ticket. Yeah, no, exactly. Yeah. I mean, and what’s interesting is we know lots of people who work with him outside of Sellers Summit and, know,

It was that session that he did with them at seller summit that usually sells them on working with him because he’s so generous with helping people In fact, he’s even done like I know he’s done people’s prenups. He’s done all sorts of stuff. Like I mean, he’s an e-commerce attorney for sure But like I know he’s helped people with lots of different things in fact, our friend Kelly is working with him right now on some some intellectual property stuff and

Yeah, he just he knows his stuff and he what I like about Steve is he’s like the nicest guy like he’s so nice But like when you get him on like the e-commerce subject, he’s a bulldog, right? Like he’s like we will take him down, you know, and you’re like what happened to nice Steve? Anyway, he’s great. I love having him there. He’s such a valuable resource and Really helpful for the attendees. Here’s the other thing that usually happens. So Clavio sponsors the event practically every year

And most e-commerce store owners are using Klaviyo as one of their primary email marketing or just marketing engines period. So Klaviyo usually sends out someone to help answer all Klaviyo questions as well. So and I don’t know, I always have some Klaviyo questions or or they’ll cover some strategy that I’m not doing. So they’ll be there also to answer questions and I guess give you a consult. Yes, you can get a consult from Klaviyo. What what I love about Klaviyo is they don’t send booth babes.

two conferences in general. Have we ever gotten a booth day before? don’t know if we’ve ever gotten a booth day. But we also specifically tell people, please don’t send us your PR person. Send us your product people. so Klaviyo, had, I remember, do you remember Jessica from last year? She had like shorter hair. She rocked it. Like she was like sitting down with people, like opening the account. The funniest part about Klaviyo last year was that I was doing a talk on email.

And it’s all Klaviyo based, obviously for e-commerce. And as I was like up on the stage getting miked up, I see the entire Klaviyo team walk in and sit in the front row. And I was like, ah!

I was so nervous. was like, I just got like 10 times more nervous than I normally do because I’m thinking like, I hope they agree with everything I’m teaching people or I’m in big trouble because every single slide is like Klaviyo based only because that’s what I use for e-commerce brands. And yeah, that was nerve wracking to say the least. I didn’t realize that. That’s hilarious. I’m sure they’ll do the same. Yes. Well, well, let’s let’s talk about a couple of sessions. Sure. Yeah. That you want to talk about yours. Yeah, because I’m not I’m not.

fully talking about email this year, because Klaviyo skeeved me out last year. Actually, no, I think Klaviyo is going to give a basically Klaviyo how-to little session. With their new features, which at the time of this recording, I’m sure most of you guys have not heard about them. Tony and I got invited to their launch event where they launched a slew of amazing features, which we’ll be covering on this podcast. Yes, we will absolutely be covering.

probably in the next couple of weeks, but they will be basically showing you how to do all the things. Usually, I think it’s gonna be very similar to the talk that I gave last year as far as the Klaviyo features that you probably aren’t using that are available to you and can really revolutionize your business, especially in your email marketing.

And I’m more than happy to let Klaviyo tell you because they will give you some of the times when I create flows and things like that, I’m always worried that it’s like this the best way to set it up. You never know. Right. Like I think it’s the best way, but it might just be the way that I do it. And so I like that they’re there and can basically second check or double check everything that you do. So because Klaviyo is going to handle the bulk of email, I’m actually going to talk about how to use email and YouTube together to grow your brand.

I am in the throes of YouTube launching right now for one of my clients and we are seeing some really good success and interesting stats for this. And I think if you are an e-commerce business and you already are selling, right? So this is primarily for people that already have an email list. It doesn’t have to be big. Let’s just say you’ve got 5,000 people on your email list. You’re in a position to launch a YouTube channel. And I think this is…

going to be a game changer for e-commerce brands that are able to do this well. So I’m going to talk about what we’re doing and how we’re growing it, how we launched it specifically, and how we then use email to basically seal the deal. So the goal for this is really you get them in with YouTube and you seal the deal with email or ads. I’m not going to cover the ads, but you can seal the deal with ads as well. But I think this is going to be a really great session.

and something that I think is really within reach of most of the brands that come to Seller Summit.

all the way to getting your first sales online. Now this course is free and can be obtained at slash free. Just sign up right there on the front page via email and I’ll send you the course right away. Once again, that’s slash free. Now back to the show.

Actually, if you’re talking about ads, Brett this year is going to be covering all things YouTube ads. Shoppable ads and all the different, because TikTok shop revolutionized this, I want to say, or they’ve done it well, where you can just shop directly within the platform. YouTube has something similar as well. Brett’s going to basically talk about the shoppable advertising landscape. He knows so much and he’s great. His roundtable is always packed.

always wants to answer every question and he runs an agency and I feel like once again, getting 30 minutes with Brett is worth the price of admission. I’ve seen him, open up your computer, let’s look at the backend, what are you doing, what’s set up, why isn’t it working for you? I’m excited to have him back. He’s such a great presenter and he usually brings some of his family, so it’s always fun to see them too.

The next speaker I just want to highlight is Sally Wilson. She is one of the favorites, one of my favorite students that’s ever taken my class. She’s doing extremely well. She doesn’t really sell on Amazon at all. Instead, the way she sells is she’s built this community. Her store is called Caterpillar Cross Stitch, where she sells cross cross stitch kits and supplies and the community that she’s built. she’s actually even run an event for her store, which is pretty unheard of.

Oh, that’s amazing. She’s going to teach everyone in the audience how she’s done exactly that with her brand. Will she also teach you how to finish a cross stitch that you started in 1994? The reason why I’ve been trying to get Sally to come for many years now, she’s in the UK, so it’s a trek. She’s going to make the trip this year and I’m super excited. That’s very exciting. I’m excited for this. A couple of years ago, we had Alicia.

talk about community and that was one of the favorite sessions at that year’s Seller Summit. I’m excited to have another speaker come and talk about using that community to grow your brand. I think this is one of those underutilized marketing tactics in e-commerce because it’s not easy. It is hard to grow community. If you know how to do it, it’s-

It’s something that you can teach yourself how to do, right? Like you don’t have to have any special skills. It just requires the dedication to do it, which I know is something that you have never liked to do to the community. That is like your least favorite thing. is because it takes so much effort to do. But if you can do it right, mean, that basically future proofs your business. Well, that’s thing to think about, right? Is that, yes, it does take a lot of effort. But if you have a strong community,

It doesn’t matter what the economy’s doing. It doesn’t matter what’s happening. It doesn’t matter if you have to raise your prices. I see this all the time in Tiffany’s community where if they have to raise the prices, there’s gonna be the two or three people that start complaining and whining, and then there’s gonna be the hundreds of people who pile on and defend you no matter what. I’ve seen in communities where people will…

talk about something and the audience will be like, do you have an affiliate link? Can I buy this directly from you? How do I make you the most money? Like when you get that community going, people are begging to give you money. So it doesn’t even feel like you have to ask. It just feels like, oh, well, once you’ve done the work, it just, then it becomes on autopilot. And it’s just about maintaining the community, which is significantly easier. Yep. So moving on.

We’re in an interesting period right now with Trump as president. Tariffs, all these changes for importing. So I’ve invited two speakers to come talk this year about how to find suppliers outside of China. So we have Annette, who’s going to be covering Made in the USA. Believe it or not, we still make stuff here in the US. And I’ve actually recently shifted one of my product lines to manufacturing in the US.

So Annette’s going to cover that, specifically in terms of textiles. And then I’ve invited my buddy Jim Kenimer, he runs Cosmos Sourcing, and he’s going to cover Mexico and Vietnam as well. Because we always hear about China, China, China. And, you know, I mean, that’s where a lot of the tariffs are going to be targeting. Plus, it’s gotten more expensive over the years. So there’s other countries out there that are less spoken about. People know

less about how to source from there. And that’s why having these two resources, and Annette, is going to really help out. And I think it’ll be interesting, especially with Annette, how do you source in America without just losing all your profit margin? What’s the strategy? How do you do it? So I know that will be a very popular session. Both of them will be very popular because people really want to find alternatives.

We brought Andrea back. Was that a good idea? I love Andrea. Andrea is one of our last year. People were asking not only could she could they hire her, but could they be her? Could she be their best friend? She always delivers a great session. And this year she’s going to talk about meta ads, which is really we don’t ever let Andrew talk about meta ads. which is weird. Because I did the meta ads last year. She should have done it. That is her thing.

She has consistently driven some ridiculous ROIs on meta ads for the last seven years. Through all of the changes, through all of the updates, through everything that’s happened. Here’s where I think Andrea really shines, is she understands Facebook audiences and all the strategies behind that, but she also understands how to pivot. For example,

one of her clients last year, just the ads just went in the toilet on Black Friday, which is, you think of a worst time for your ads to go in the toilet, right? And it’s like, so what do you do? And if you work with an ad agency, typically they’re like, we’re doing everything we can, and it’s just like, give us more money. And Andrea basically did a deep dive into why there were issues and basically within three or four weeks turned it around and figured, and I don’t know what she did exactly, but she’s gonna share this stuff.

with you guys at Seller Summit, but basically to the point where after Christmas, this client had their best December and January of their entire business life. Amazing. Yeah. So just the ability to go in and go, OK, we have a problem, which everyone runs into this, right? Something happens with Facebook. And then figuring it out and restructuring what you’re doing to make things work again. So yeah.

It’s to be a good never heard her speak. She’s extremely detail oriented and practical. Yes, very practical. She is like Miss No Fluff. Yeah, she’s like Miss No Fluff. Yeah. Yeah. The only fluff you’re going to get is a Harry Potter story or two. Well, what I like about her talk last year is you could just sit there and exactly implement what she was teaching at the actual session itself. Yeah. She had little…

flow charts and all sorts of stuff that told you exactly what to do. It was all timeline-based, so you could just implement it. Very, very smart. Excited to have her back. She’s almost an OG. She’s been to every year but the first year. She didn’t go the first year? No, because she wasn’t in e-commerce back then. That’s right. Took her a year to believe in us. Chris Shaver’s coming back. He is an OG.

I feel like Chris is like, just talk about whatever you want, Chris. That’s true because he always does a good job. He knows so much about so many things. I feel like this is what happens when you don’t have children. You get to know everything about everything. Steve and I are limited. That’s true, especially these days because the kids are older now. I feel like Chris Schafer has done it all. He’s sold on Amazon, he’s sold on Etsy, he’s sold on Shopify.

He’s built communities, he’s had websites, he’s done affiliate marketing, right? He’s done all the different things and he’s gonna basically this year talk about how to build that audience and sell on your own terms, right? So you don’t have to play the Amazon game 100 % of the time. You can have a whole nother department in your business where you are selling directly to your consumers and…

How do you leverage SEO, social media, all those things to build this truly lasting brand? I’m always excited for him. He always does a great talk. Yeah. He he hits a home run every year. I don’t know how that’s possible, but he does. He does. He’s just a great speaker too. Yeah. And he’s helped out a bunch of other companies because he’s actually, I want to say a fractional CMO for several companies also. Yes. In addition to the brands that he runs. Yeah. And so he just has a wide breadth of knowledge.

We should do a game when you’re at seller summit like stump Chris Schaefer. I don’t think anyone can. I noticed whenever he opens up the Q &A, he’s like, oh, yes, I did this back in 2023. Oh, yes, I did this in my own business. Oh, yes, I did this for a client. He just has a huge knowledge base for e-commerce. He’s such a, not only that, he will talk to you before the sessions, after the sessions, in the bathroom. He’s been cornered in the bathroom before. He’s told me with questions.

I’m just always willing to give information to people and I love that he’s back again for another year. I’m really excited for Ritu’s talk. So last year we invited Ritu to come talk about AI. Yes. And she blew me away. Like I use AI in a lot of ways. Yeah. But she blew me away in the different ways that she uses AI to basically boost Amazon businesses. Yes.

Although this year, I’m not exactly sure what direction she’s going to take with AI, but I do know that she and Bernie have a technical background. And so they use it for a lot of ways to automate various tasks with your e-commerce business. So I actually don’t know the details of her talk. I just know it’s going to be good based on what she did last year. And what I know is that last year she had, I want to say the most popular talk at Seller Summit. Possibly. Yeah. I got the most feedback from her talk.

more people were like, this is game changing, revolutionary, just like mind blown information. And she once again has that Chris Schaefer, you know, presentation vibe of just very relaxed, knows her stuff, can answer any question and also very willing to help always around during the whole event. So you can ask questions, which kind of brings us a little bit. I don’t want to get too off topic, but the round tables, which I think are

You like the mastermind, that’s your favorite. The round tables for me are probably one of, they’re a pain in the butt to logistically for me, but for attendee value, 10 out of 10, because basically what our speakers do is they not only agree to speak for us, which is amazing, but they agree to run a round table, which is usually another hour out of their schedules where we have literally round tables set up all throughout the conference venue and

The speakers, basically they get like a little placard that says, hey, this is where, know, Ritu’s sitting and you can go to their table and ask them absolutely any question you want. If there was something you didn’t understand in their talk, you can ask them that. You can ask them about, you know, something that did you want it to go deeper in? Because obviously when you get on stage, you can only go so deep with information. So that’s your chance to get a deep dive about information with our speakers or just ask them about other things that you know they’re an expert in.

and they didn’t maybe cover that on stage. So this is always a favorite part of Seller Summit. And people, feel like it’s really hard to get people away from those tables at the end of the time. Like that is one of the biggest challenges is getting people to go back to their seats for the closing keynote. So I think last year someone plopped down next to Brett Curry and literally had him look at their Google ads.

Yeah, like right right there in front. Yeah, and so it was like a free consult session Yeah, here’s here’s how i’ve always felt about going to events a speaker goes up and they speak for however long And then they take like maybe one or two questions. Yep, and that’s it So the round table is a way to make sure that your question gets answered by the speaker So yeah, that’s so in all most almost all of our speakers do a round table And then also the round table is a great time to talk to um

the Klaviyo guys, Steve Weigler, our friends from Quiet Light. If you’ve ever thought about selling or buying a business, we actually have a lot of attendees who bought their business and that’s how they got started in e-commerce. They are so knowledgeable. Once again, they don’t send, I mean, they have booth babes, but they’re not booth babes at Quiet Light. You know, I’m talking to you, Chuck. They are so knowledgeable. I know our friend Liz.

when she started her business, she built that business to sell. And so from day one, she had a quiet light advisor to, how do I even set up my business the right way so that when I wanna exit, I’m not like, we hear horror stories of people who wanna exit and everything’s such a cluster that it becomes so much more difficult than it probably needed to be. And so whether you’re in the, think I wanna sell, I’m interested in buying another business or acquiring a business.

They are the best to talk to and the roundtables are a great time to get uninterrupted free consultations really is what it is. It’s free consults for you guys. And another person who is so generous with our knowledge is Pam from RPC. I don’t even know what to say about Pam because we love her so much.

And she once again, I’ve seen her at seller summit. People are like, I have a container. It is stuck in Pam’s like click, click, click, click, click. Now we have your container kind of thing. And actually, I heard a story about Pam just yesterday where one of one of our seller summit attendees had an issue with their container was stuck in port and they couldn’t get a chassis. I’m going to mess this story up because I don’t know what all these terms mean. And they had a different freight forwarder.

And the freight forwarder was basically ghosting them, like was not helping them. The container was stuck and Pam literally took over mid forwarding and had the container delivered within like three days. Like it was like some insane amount of time. So she just knew exactly who to call. You know, and I’ve heard like when other people say, oh, we can’t get this for a week, Pam will have it to the next day. Right. Like, so they do a great job. And once again, she’s a seller, some of OG. is.

Yeah, the round tables and just you will always see Pam. She’s always hanging around. love that she’s wearing a fluorescent pink or fluorescent yellow pink or yellow jacket. She’s so adorable. And she is there to help you no matter. And she’ll even say, even if you don’t use me, I want to help you. And so I love that everybody that attends Seller Summit is so willing to give of their time and their knowledge. And Pam is absolutely no exception to that.

Okay, I think we have a couple more to talk about. So there’s actually more talks than what we’re talking about because not everyone has submitted their topics yet, including myself. I have no idea what I’m covering just yet. But I invited Jeff Oxford back because you know, we’ve been kind of poo-pooing Google on this podcast. But despite the fact that we’ve been poo-pooing Google in the e-commerce world at least, it’s different than the blogging world.

E-commerce, ranking in search is still a big deal. so Jeff is going to talk about all the changes in SEO and how to still get your e-commerce store to rank in 2025. And if it doesn’t work out, then we’ll just put Jeff in a dunking booth with a big Google t-shirt on and everyone can just throw bean bags at the dunk booth and dunk Jeff. No.

Jeff is another one of those who just does such a great job of explaining things and breaking things down into a very understandable. SEO is complicated and there are so many different components to it. I feel like every time I have a conversation with Jeff, everything just makes sense at the end. He’s a great speaker, usually has a great case study when he talks to help you understand how in your business things would work if you follow the strategy.

So I’m excited to have him back. He came a couple of years ago, did a great job. once again, get your free SEO session at the round table. Get your SEO consult. He’ll do the same exact thing. He’ll open up your website. He’ll take a look. He’ll run it through all his fancy tools. yeah, I love having Jeff. He’s probably the only guy I trust for SEO because SEO traditionally is a pretty scammy industry. Yes. But Jeff.

is one of those ones that I trust and he specializes in e-commerce stores. can’t think of, actually, you know what? I can’t think of any other SEO that I’ve encountered that specializes in e-commerce. Yeah. So he’ll be there. That’s exciting. Yeah. And we have more speakers that Steve hasn’t put up on the site yet, but they’re coming. That’s correct. Actually, there’s two that I haven’t actually put up on the site, but I did put up Tiffany’s. So everyone’s been asking us about TikTok shop, TikTok shop, TikTok shop.

Tiffany is probably the person that we know personally that does the best on TikTok shop. Yes. I don’t know what her numbers are. I don’t know if you’re allowed to reveal them, but it’s a lot of money. She’ll reveal them, Mad Seller. That’s what I love about Tiffany is that there’s never any smoke and mirrors. Whatever she’s legally allowed to show you for the site’s terms of service, she will tell you. I remember last year she’s like, I only made $500,000 this month or something like that. She was all mad about it.

but she shows basically everything. She is another one of the, I want to say fan favorites at Seller Summit. She has such great energy. She’s so entertaining. Even if you don’t care about TikTok shop, usually her session, you have to fight to find a seat because even if you don’t want to sell on TikTok, you just want to listen to Tiffany for 40 minutes because she does such a great job and she’s so entertaining. Whatever she’s, she’s always working on something absolutely crazy and people want to know about it.

It’s like a mixture of a teaching session plus stand-up comedy. Yes. Is the way I see it. And the woman has so much energy. Yes. It’s nuts. Yes. For such a tiny little person, she has so much energy and always, yeah, she’s once again, one of our favorite speakers at Seller Summit because she just, she’s so entertaining, but also, you know, a lot of, after I think her live selling a couple of years ago, so a couple of years ago, she did live selling.

And we had many sellers try life selling after her talk. Including my wife. Yes, including Jen. So anyway, she’s always fun to have and you’ll learn something about TikTok, know, part of me is like, I don’t know how you can’t sell on TikTok these days. Like it’s very lucrative. It’s a great revenue channel. So we’ll see.

We’ll see how it goes. mean, a lot of stuff is up in the air and I’m sure like some of these talks might change slightly depending on what the administration does. But we’ll see. mean, I’m excited for the lineup. There’s a bunch more talks that we didn’t get a chance to talk about. Maybe we’ll cover that in a future episode. But yeah, if you guys are interested in coming to a small intimate event, full of networking, full of learning, come to

That’s the URL

Hope you enjoyed this episode. If you have any questions about the event, send me an email at steve at sellers For more information and resources, go to slash episode 581. Once again, tickets to the seller summit 2025 are now on sale over at seller If you want to hang out in person in a small intimate setting, develop real relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs and learn a ton, then come to my event. Go to seller

And if you’re interested in starting your own e-commerce store, head on over to my wife, and sign up for my free six day mini course. Just type in your email and I’ll send the course right away via email.

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If you are really considering starting your own online business, then you have to check out my free mini course on How To Create A Niche Online Store In 5 Easy Steps.

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580: Is Starting A Podcast Worth It In 2025? Here’s Our Take

580: Is Starting A Podcast Worth It In 2025? Here's Our Take

In this episode, Toni and I discuss whether starting a podcast is really worth it in 2025. With the podcasting scene booming and also becoming saturated, it’s the perfect time to weigh the pros and cons before diving in.

Join us as we share our insights on the opportunities and challenges that come with launching your own show!

What You’ll Learn

  • Discover the latest trends in podcasting and what listenership is like in 2025
  • How to stand out in a crowded market and grow your audience
  • Hear our take on the potential challenges you might face

Sponsors – The Sellers Summit is the ecommerce conference that I’ve run for the past 8 years. It’s small and intimate and you’ll learn a ton! Click Here To Grab The Recordings.

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Welcome back to the podcast, the show where I cover all of the latest strategies and current events related to e-commerce and online business. this episode, Tony and I debate whether it’s still worth it to start a podcast today, given how saturated this medium has become. But before we begin, I wanted to let you know that tickets are now on sale for Seller Summit 2025 over at The Seller Summit is the conference that I hold every year that specifically targets e-commerce entrepreneurs selling physical products online.

Unlike other events that focus on inspirational stories and high-level advice, mine is a curriculum-based conference where you will leave with practical and actionable strategies specifically for an e-commerce business. Every speaker I invite is deep in the trenches of their e-commerce business, entrepreneurs who are importing large quantities of physical goods, and not some high-level guys who are overseeing their companies at 50,000 feet. I personally hate large events, so the seller’s summit is always small and intimate.

Every year we cut off ticket sales at around 200 people, so tickets sell out fast, and we’ve sold out every single year for the past eight years. If you are an e-commerce entrepreneur making more than $250,000 or $1 million per year, we also offer an exclusive mastermind experience with other top sellers. The Seller’s Summit is going to be held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from May 6th to May 8th. Right now, this is the cheapest the tickets will ever be. So head on over to and grab your ticket.

Now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife Quitter Job podcast. Today we’re gonna be talking about whether starting a podcast is still worth it today. And I think the last time I checked, there were like a million podcasts out there. And I think to be in like the top, I think it was like top 10%, you only needed like a couple hundred downloads. It was surprisingly small to be in the top.

Also, it’s top in your niche, right? I think you have a better chance because you can break it down by category. I wish I had that stat. I should have been prepared with that stat, but it was something shockingly low. Yes. It was like, I want to say less than 1,000. Oh, yeah, yeah, for sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. What do you think? In the course, we have several lessons on podcasting. We talk about it sometimes in the webinar. It depends which webinar we’re doing.

We tend to, I want to say we don’t not recommend it for people, but it’s definitely not our first choice for people. Actually, I’ve been a little down on podcasting over the years ever since everyone just flooded in on it because there’s only so many channels and each podcast tends to be pretty long, 30, 40 minutes or maybe even longer like Joe Rogan, it’s like three hours. Yes.

There really isn’t as much time and as much room for a podcast as per se like a YouTube channel where the videos are much shorter. Yes. You brought me down. Oh, I did? Yes, on the podcasting train. Sorry. I’m just like a Debbie Downer these days. I know. You’re a Debbie Downer this year. 2024, Debbie Downer Steve. The podcast we just released today was the blogging episode, by the way. You’re down in that one.

So I, you brought me down, but I started thinking about this maybe, well, I have an idea for a podcast, which I don’t want to talk about on this episode, because it’s still, it involves my kids. And so I don’t like to announce things unless, you know, I’ve got their buy-in on stuff. But I’ve been, so I’ve been thinking about this a lot for probably the past like four or five weeks. And I actually think podcasting is still a pretty good idea.

and for a variety of reasons. The first reason, and we’ve talked about this before, pretty low barrier to entry as far as we know lots of people who try to set up a WordPress website and get very, very frustrated very quickly. And that doesn’t look exactly how they want it to. And most people, when they try to set up a website, they have this idea of what they think it should look like in their mind. And then they have the capability of what they can build with zero WordPress experience.

And those two are never the same. And so they immediately get frustrated not realizing that initially no one’s gonna read your website anyway. And by the time you have an audience, you’ll have money to pay someone on Upwork to make the tweaks to your website and get it looking more like you like it, or you’ll have enough experience to do it yourself. So I think with podcasting, there’s very little technology involved, right? As far as…

creating it and there are lots of good tutorials on the web. In fact, you have one on my wife, quit her job. We did. I don’t know if it’s still on there. You might have deleted it. still there. And your SEO and your SEO purge. You have a great tutorial on how to set it up. There are several other people that have great tutorials on the basics of podcasting and will take you from like, here’s what you need to record to here’s how you get it published on iTunes. So I think technology wise.

Low barrier. People can figure this out on their own. They’re never going to need to hire anyone to help them. I would agree with that. Actually, you can just sign up for a service now, not even have a website or anything and have a podcast. Right? So easy peasy. That therein kind of lies the problem, though. Because anyone can do it. Anyone can do it. And there’s not really a good discovery mechanism. Although I think my views of podcasting might have changed a little bit relatively recently, like in the past year or so.

because I think YouTube is a great way to proliferate your podcast ironically. Okay, so this was my next point is that what has changed my mind about this is the increase of either full podcast or snippets of podcasts on TikTok and YouTube. Yes. No, mean, that’s a consideration. That’s why it’s on my list to get another video editor just to do the podcast. But again, that takes resources.

Editing a podcast is a lot different than editing a YouTube video. Yes. Because you need to edit something that’s 40 minutes long. You have to find someone that’s really good at spotting something that’s catchy so you can move it to the beginning and attract the attention and then move on. Then you can’t just have two talking heads in the video the entire time. Correct. It seems like it’s pretty significant resources. Yes, to edit them in a fancy way.

for YouTube or TikTok. Not even fancy, but just like the basics, not just two talking heads. Well, I think if you’re publishing the entire podcast on like a long form video, absolutely. But what I tend to see is clips of podcasts, especially on TikTok, right? And that I believe is far less editing than editing a full length 40 minute podcast. So I would disagree because you to find someone who can spot those clips in a conversation.

Very difficult. I was trying to do that. So I published six podcasts, I want to say, on my channel. And they’ve all done reasonably well. Like the highest one has like 60,000 views. And we’re talking like a 40 minute episode here. But to go through and pick a clip that’s interesting, it kind of takes some skill. Like you can’t just hire Joe Schmo to go in and pick like interesting quotes or interesting clips to put on TikTok or YouTube.

So here’s how I would do it. If I was doing this, I would be as I was recording the podcast, I’d have a pad of paper next to me. And when something interesting was said, I would just write down the timestamp of the podcast. And so that would make it easy to clip it out. And I think you could like I’m saying this is not where you’re even hiring someone to help you. You’re doing this all on your own, because also if you’re just getting started, right, and you don’t have any audience, then you don’t have a huge YouTube channel like you do where you want like better editing for

putting it on YouTube. I think if you just want to put clips on TikTok or clips on YouTube shorts, pretty simple to timestamp on a piece of paper and then grab it. I think that’s actually pretty low effort. I would agree with that. In practice, I noticed you don’t have your pad out for this episode. Because we’re not putting anything up. Well, no. I already told you that I’m going to. Yes. If you want me to, I can. Not today because I’m not sitting by any pins. I’m at the wrong desk.

I’m just trying to think if that would ruin my flow, like if I had a guest on the show. I was like, oh, good one. And then jot it down. So I used to do this with our podcasts years ago when we were taught, when we first were like, oh, we should put these on YouTube. I used to do that. then we didn’t. And yes. And then so I don’t think it really ruins your flow because it’s literally just I look up 730. That’s where we are right now. I would just write 730.

So I think it’s, so here’s why I think this is good though, because I have found myself discovering a lot of new podcasts from TikTok specifically. Cause I watch YouTube for long form, I watch TikTok for shorts. So I’m not really watching short videos on YouTube very often. So for me, like I’ve discovered several podcasts. In fact, when Joe Rogan interviewed, so he interviewed what Trump and JD Vance

before the election and actually the Minnesota Waltz. I think he came on too, right? Did he do Joe Rogan? did not. He did not. Oh, he must have done a different podcast. think anyone from her campaign went on Rogan. I found myself watching clips of those. I never watched or listened to the full three hours because I don’t have that kind of time. I found myself watching multiple clips of that interview with Joe Rogan and

like my boys who are 20 and 24 listen to Joe Rogan like full length, right? Like they’ll just put it on in there. Yeah. And so I think one it’s TikTok and YouTube have become a discovery engine for, and it’s interesting because I think the TikTok algorithm is so good that I get served like right now. So I watched the Golden Bachelor. I think we’ve talked about this before. It just ended, but.

all throughout the time that I was watching the Golden Bachelor, I was seeing a lot of TikToks about the Golden Bachelor. I was also getting hit with the podcasts about the Golden Bachelor. So there are like podcasts dedicated towards either to either like reality TV or the Golden Bachelor specifically or Bachelorette. And so those were being put in my feed. And there were several times where I was like, oh, I would listen to this podcast, like during the Golden Bachelorette, right? would, so it was like, I would never have known that that even existed.

had I not been on TikTok, been seeing other things in my feed, and then that got served to me. So discovering new podcasts just from the TikTok feed. No, I agree with you 100%. I’m just trying to think though, like that’s Joe Rogan or someone famous coming on in a clip. If you see like a random Chinese guy and like a random person that you’ve never heard of, unless that clip starts really well with a decent hook,

it’s probably not even gonna do well, right? If you’re not known at all. Correct, except for I didn’t know these two people do in The Golden Bachelorette. I had no idea who they were. Bachelorette is a very popular show, right? Correct, but it’s also something that like you would never stop and scroll, stop your scroll for that. Because you don’t care about The Golden Bachelorette. However, if you are on TikTok and you see someone breaking down Warriors clips,

Right? Like plays in the Warriors. I know there’s a guy on YouTube that does this really well, but like if you saw someone talking about basketball plays or something in that niche, you would probably stop because that’s something you’re interested in and TikTok will feed you that because you’re watching other creators. I mean, that’s happened. That’s happened many times. I’m just trying to think though. I mean, it’s all in the execution, right? Yeah. I’m pretty sure that the basketball clips that I see on TikTok

They have really good hooks. It’ll say something like, Yannis is gonna get traded. That’s the start. And then there’s basketball clips of people dunking and whatnot. So it’s all in the execution. If you can make your podcast clip that good, then yeah, it’s gonna work. Well, so last night, this is totally current events. So by the time this publishes, this will be a little bit old. But last night, Cavs played the Celtics. Cavs were undefeated. Only undefeated team in the NBA.

chasing the Warriors record of what did they go 24 wins in a row. It’s like a big deal because Celtics are the NBA champions. It’s like all this hype. If someone did a podcast last night or this morning where it broke down the game and they had a good hook,

If I didn’t know this person was, I’d never heard of their podcast before, but they sort of break down big games in the NBA, I would probably give that podcast a couple of listens based on seeing it in my feed. I 100 % agree, but it’s the NBA that attracts me. But if you’re just teaching e-commerce, for example, and then you just bring up two random people that doesn’t have a good hook and whatnot, or anything that’s popular. Yeah, I guess if you’re talking about something popular, you can probably make it work.

I don’t think it has to be popular though. It only has to be popular with your people. Another example just from this week, our friend Lars sent me a business that was for sale. He was like, you should buy this. I’m like, I don’t know Lars, coming from you. It’s like down on e-commerce. You should buy an e-commerce business.

But I’ve never really thought about buying a business before. It’s always been in the back of my mind, but it’s never been something I’ve seriously considered. Well, over the past couple of days, I’ve spent a decent amount of time looking into buying a business, right? What would it take? What do I need? What should I look for? Just kind of doing some research. So of course, now my feed is starting to show some business type, business acquisition type.

pieces of information because that’s what I’ve been focused on for the last couple of days. So if I were to see some random Chinese guy talking about pitfalls of buying a business or things that you need to look out for or things that they won’t tell you or whatever the hook is, right? I would probably watch it because that’s what I’m interested in right now. That’s what I’m looking for. So I don’t think you have to, like obviously like doing a podcast about reality TV.

is really, a lot of people are doing that, right? It’s got the popularity of the reality TV. But I think as long as it’s like, once you get in someone’s algorithm and you’re in that niche of what they’re already looking for, you’ve just opened the opportunity for them to find you and listen. So they’re in law. I mean, I agree with you, but what you said is if it has a hook and if you’re just recording a podcast and you’re taking a clip out of it, chances are it’s not going to have a hook. It’s like you got to do, you got to make the hook. So, right. You got to do something or record it and

It’s let’s just say I’ve tried this before. just takes effort. can be done. It just takes a lot more effort than you think for a full length podcast. At least I haven’t really tried to break it apart into clips. Actually, I take that back. I did use Opus once on one of my podcasts. So Opus is a AI tool that will try to extract out interesting clips from whatever you give it. And I tried it on one of my podcast episodes and it was

It just didn’t work for me. I would have to record something in the front end, I think, and then lead into it, which is doable. Which is doable. But I may as well just record the clip from scratch, I think, at that point, was what I was thinking. Well, I think there’s something about when you see the video and there’s a person or two people with the podcast mics. Yeah.

I think there’s something about that because in my mind, it’s immediately like, that’s podcast. me see. Let me look down and see whose podcast it is. Right. Because usually the title of the channel is the title of the podcast. And so I think and here’s the other thing I’m realizing that like so many people listen to podcasts, especially like we were. So my grandkids had their final soccer game of the season.

on Saturday, went to the thing and you see all these like parents at the game, right? And it’s like rec soccer. So none of the kids are actually that good. And there’s a lot of dads walking around with like one air pod in, right? And so we bumped into someone that like, I didn’t know that well, but my daughter knew him and my son-in-law was like, Hey, what are you listening to? He’s like, Oh, Tim Ferriss podcast, right? Like all these dads are at soccer listening to podcasts while their kids are like not playing or what, you know, they’re like,

double duty kind of thing. So I just think the amount of people listening and wanting that information and wanting to be infotained, right? Whatever it is, is still like, that’s not waned. That’s just continuing to increase. % agree. I 100 % agree. I’m just talking about in terms of proliferation. So every time I do one of my workshops and I just happened to be doing one today, first question I asked is how’d you guys discover me? Yeah.

The last two workshops, it has been nine out of 10 YouTube. Then the remaining one is the podcast. Think about it. I don’t know how many downloads you get a month, but your YouTube channel gets more views a month than your podcast gets downloads. I actually think based on the numbers that I know, it’s probably to scale. It probably is. To a certain extent, the podcast people are much more loyal.

Yes. And that’s the advantage, right? Yeah. So it’s hard to say. I think it’s really hard to grow a podcast. Yes. But I think that now that you can sort of market your podcast on YouTube or TikTok or Instagram, I think the ability to grow your podcast just got easier. Not the actual, like it is hard to like edit and create the hook and things like that, but like just sitting on

on iTunes and hoping that someone finds you is tough. That’ll never happen. Yeah, no, I agree. It’s really YouTube that’s making podcasts attractive. Like platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts is like the worst. There’s no discovery. No, so I was searching for

So I take my daughter to school every day, which is I haven’t had to drive to school in a really long time. So I was like, well, let me be productive and listen to some sort of educational podcast on the way to the drive. Plus, hopefully she’ll learn something, which I’m sure she’s just loving this. She probably has her own AirPods in, actually. But I searched for, I went on iTunes and I searched for, I think, email marketing like Black Friday or something like that. This was a couple of months ago. And people are putting that of content out in October.

And like two podcasts came up. I’m like, well, I know, like, I know there’s more, like, I couldn’t even get, remember we were talking about Chase and Jimmy’s new podcast, Send It? Oh yeah, yeah. That didn’t even come up. And I knew they had an episode about that because I’d gotten their email and that didn’t even come up in my search. So the search on iTunes is so garbage. And this has happened to me multiple times, like,

I’ve tried to search for, hey, I want a podcast on Pinterest ads. Nothing comes up. I know for a fact there’s podcasts on this. So that stinks. I think now there’s other ways to market a podcast, which to me reopens the door to why this might be a good idea for your business. I mean, really, I think it’s YouTube if we just put it down. Because YouTube has a great proliferation engine. And you’re right, TikTok is good too.

if you can break it apart into clips that have a good hook. when I think about it though, effort wise, I almost think starting a YouTube channel is less effort.

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just sign up right there on the front page via email and I’ll send you the course right away. Once again, that’s slash free. Now back to the show.

Right, because okay, let’s say you start a podcast, you gotta record either by yourself or with someone else, right? And then to edit that sucker, provided it’s like 30 minutes, 40 minutes long, and do a decent job to get decent retention on YouTube, quite a bit of effort, it takes my editor longer to edit a podcast without annotations and everything than it does a 10 minute episode on my YouTube channel.

Because it’s also a lot longer, right? You’re talking 40 minutes versus 10. But the hard part that I’ve always had is finding that clip and maybe using your method, it’s better. Although when I’m interviewing someone, I’m so focused on listening to them and coming up with a follow-up question that I think jotting down even a timestamp would mess me up, honestly. You can do it, but I don’t know if I can do it. I definitely think it’s a lot of work to edit it to put on

video. But I think that

Obviously, I would say that interviewing people on a podcast is easier than just talking by yourself. Yes, I would agree with that. I think for some people, and we know these people, this is not an abnormal thing, the thought of creating a script, talking, looking at a camera for 12 minutes, that’s pretty intimidating. It is. Or if I said, you get to interview this person and they are like,

they used to be on The Bachelor, right? So you get to interview this person that you see, you do Bachelorette content, you get to, found a bachelor person that wants to come on and be on your podcast. That seems easier as far as like the mental hurdle, right? You come up with a couple of questions, you do a little background research about that person, hopefully, you know, a little bit, right? And then you kind of let the interview take it from there. So I think for people who are just intimidated by the thought of,

creating a script, getting on a teleprompter, doing all those things. That for a lot of people, it doesn’t seem hard for us, but we do it all the time. I think for some people just interviewing someone is a lot easier. What’s funny about that statement is I once had a conversation with Andrew Udarian. He runs the E-commerce Fuel podcast and he feels the absolute opposite. He says it’s much more work to have someone on the show than it is for him to just do a solo Because he does so much more prep than us.

He says he’s got to do prep on the person. He wants to make sure he asks proven questions. He wants to make sure that he’s not asking the same questions that all these other interviews have already asked him. So I can see that. When I had Cialdini on the show, which is someone that I really admire, I spent a hell of a lot of time listening to a whole bunch of his interviews, making sure I could extract out different nuggets that weren’t covered yet. So it just depends.

I mean, everything requires work and I guess it just depends on your skill set, right? If your skill set just happens to be interviewing, you still have to do the research, but I can see it being easier. Like for me, it’s much easier to interview someone than it is for me to come up with the script. If you asked me to talk 40 minutes about something, I think I would die. Well, and I think, so I listen to Shalina a lot and she does primarily solo podcasts. Right. And I know like just you…

When you follow her, understand that she records podcasts in the back of Ubers while she’s on her walks. She probably doesn’t have a ton of notes, although I think she definitely has an outline. She probably has an outline, but she can talk for 40 minutes straight. She can. That’d be interesting. I feel like I could probably talk for 40 minutes with an outline and not struggle.

So I do think there is like not just probably an innate ability to have an easier time with that. However, I do think like when you do a solo podcast, you have to at least have those talking points. You at least have to say, want to cover these five things because I’ve listened to podcasts where it doesn’t seem like someone had those and they’re really like, you have to be really funny.

or just really engaging to keep people on your rabbit trails. Whereas like Shalene, I find her funny and she’s engaging, but she clearly has like six things she wants to get through. And sometimes she’ll trail off, right? Because she’s in an Uber, so she has to get out of the Uber and whatever, but she always comes back to the point. you know you’re gonna get all that in the 30 minutes or however long the podcast is. Yeah. No, Shalene has got a gift. Yeah.

of being just funny. I’m sure she has an outline. Yes, absolutely. And eventually covers all of it. But then she tells these funny stories in between, like off the top of her head, right? Yes, yes. I don’t have that gift, unfortunately. So I don’t think I could pull it off. I think you could. If that’s your gift, then sure, you can do it. So I think that there’s something.

I don’t wanna say safe because I think that word’s a little overused right now, but I think there’s something about thinking, oh, this is just a podcast. then like, cause we video every podcast that we record, but I never care that we’re videoing the podcast. You know what I mean? Like I’m not super worried about the video or like, obviously we have lights on, we’re dressed.

But it’s not like a video where I feel like the pressure is like, okay, I gotta get ready, I gotta do this, I gotta do that with the podcast. It’s so much to me more informational than visual. So even if it was going on YouTube or TikTok, I don’t think I would care.

I think you’re lying. As soon as this goes up on YouTube, you’re going to do Rent the Runway again. You’re going to show up in some dress with your hair done. Remember, you used to do that for office hours. used to always be in a different dress. And then I realized I didn’t care, and it wasn’t worth it. Also, I’ve been working on my house for like six months, so I’m constantly in work clothes. I think that would change. If every episode started getting, let’s say, even 10,000 views on YouTube, I’m pretty sure you would change.

Hell, I might even comb my hair. You might bust out that collared shirt. On YouTube, I’m presentable. Usually, I’ll shower.

This is totally off topic, but I don’t know if I would. I don’t know if I would because I tend to now consume content from people who are like, especially podcasters who are sitting on a couch, Indian style in what looks like their pajamas recording. If I was at an event speaking, absolutely, that’s a different game.

Yeah, I’ve kind of softened my stance, I think, on some of that. Because once upon a time, we had this conversation. Yes, we did. We did. Yeah. It might be the fact that I’m in the attic like every four hours. So it’s just like the level of inconvenience is really high. All right. So back to podcasting. You know, I do think that the podcast has had a tremendous effect on my life.

Yes, I wanted to get to this. Well, let me hear what you have to say first and then I’ll say my piece. What I think the benefit of the podcast, and we’ve seen this with some of our students, like David Crabill, who we talk about pretty frequently, has a podcast. The opportunities, and it’s not a hugely popular podcast. One, it’s about the cottage food business. There’s going to be a limited audience to begin with. How many people are there in the world that are doing this?

under 100,000 probably or something like that. I have no idea. Yeah. It’s not a huge number. We’re not talking about like the NBA or the Golden Bachelorette where people, you know, we’re getting millions of people who are like keyed into these things. So the amount of opportunities that I’ve just seen for him of meeting people, getting invited to speak at events, getting invited on other podcasts, and then using the podcast as a way to get introductions to people that you

probably would not be able to get just with a website. Yeah. I mean, that’s certainly happened to our students. It’s happened to me. Yeah. I think it just takes even more patience to get a podcast up and running than any other medium. Yeah. Well, let’s talk about for you. mean, started this. When did you start this podcast? I started in 2014. So this is my, actually, it’s my 10 year anniversary of the podcast. Look at that.

It was at a time when podcasting was just kind of getting popular, I want to say. Yeah. And to prove my point, I hit the number two overall at one point when I first launched. That’s how, you know, yeah, that’s how not competitive it was back then. I mean, I was only there for like two days, but still, you know, but you made it. But I made it and I have a screenshot to prove it. And so during that time, I think

It was really easy to build or much easier, I would say, to build. Sure, I was promoting it alongside of the blog and everything, which again, that was the blogging heyday too. That’s how I was able to grow it pretty large. Today, I think if I started from scratch, assuming I had nothing else, I think it’d be very difficult. I don’t know about very difficult because I think you can leverage video, but it would be harder than it was 10 years ago, that’s for sure.

What I mean by that is, so you’re trying to promote a podcast on YouTube, and even though YouTube is becoming more podcast friendly, you still need a set of skills to… The video has to be in a certain way so that people want to watch it for a long time. Right. At that point, I think I would just start with a pure YouTube video designed for YouTube to build up that audience first, and then maybe later start a podcast. Yes. I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad idea.

What I remember is that when you, cause I met you like right when you were starting the podcast. I think I was on one of your earlier episodes. You were definitely in the top 50, I think. And look where I am today. So anyway, when I met you, you know, we met in 2014 and then we were attending the same events, probably 2015, 2016, 2017. And I can remember

specifically being in San Diego, and I don’t know what event we were at, whether it was FinCon or traffic and conversion or something like that, social media marketing world, and having numerous people come up to you and say, recognize you from the podcast. Which I think now, for you, YouTube sort of taken. Yeah, it’s taken over for sure. But I think what it did is that I remember walking the halls with you of these conferences and

introducing yourself to people, people realizing that you had the podcast, like having, even if they’d never listened to it, knowing that you had it and it giving you an immediate end with people that you might not have been able to have a conversation with or like continue to interact with without the podcast. No, yeah, no, no question. No question. I was just I was just talking about it from the standpoint of starting from scratch. Yeah. Much.

You know what, the reason why I started the podcast was to actually meet people. Yeah. Because I’m stuck in this office all day by myself. And for a long time, it was actually a really good way to do it. And today, to a certain extent, it’s pretty easy to do because I can get people to come on. But I think over the years, people coming on podcasts has become just so flooded. Like you should see my inbox. Actually, you do see my inbox. Yes. How many people want it? You get a lot of those. Like multiple a day.

want to come on the podcast. And it’s gotten to this point now where like even when people ask me to join on their podcast, I’ve been saying no to everyone. Right. Because, know, there’s, it’s an hour of my day. And this podcast, unless they quote some readership or listenership, should say, yeah, I’m not gonna go on because it’s been so jaded. Whereas back in the day, I probably would have gone on anyone’s podcast. Yeah. Right. So that’s changed a little bit over the years, too.

What I also noticed was that last year at Seller Summit, which this was definitely the highlight of my Seller Summit, is that people didn’t know who you were. They’re like, who’s Steve Chu? I was like, the Chinese guy on the main stage. Actually, how did those people find out about the Seller Summit? I went on a bunch of podcasts last year to promote Seller Summit. I don’t know if you remember this. I went on Ecommerce Fuel podcast and I went on one more. I don’t remember which one it was.

And so several people heard those podcasts and came to Seller Summit because they heard me on these other podcasts. So they didn’t know who I was or you were. They just heard about it from a podcast. And this is where I think the podcast becomes impactful. Like it’s not cheap to come to Seller Summit, right? Tickets are anywhere between 800 and $1,500, depending on what kind of ticket you buy. If you don’t live in Fort Lauderdale or South Florida, you’ve got to pay for transportation, hotel, like

this is a pretty big investment and not knowing who either of us are, right? And hearing a podcast for 40 minutes of me yapping, right? They made a decision to come to Seller Summit based on, think one, whatever. I mean, I was talking about like e-commerce and email marketing. So it was obviously related to what Seller Summit’s about. But also the trust in whoever I did the podcast with, like obviously Andrew’s got a very loyal following, a lot of trust.

And so like if Andrew endorses this, right, if he says go to sell or someone on the podcast, people will make a buying decision just based on that because the loyalty runs so deep. Whereas I don’t think the loyalty runs as deep in other places. So I think that that loyalty that you build with the podcast, because someone’s listening to you for 40 minutes a day or 40 minutes a week, I think that does really affect the ability to like drive conversions on things.

The way I think about events is you don’t go to an event because of the host, right? Like think of all the events that I go to or have gone to over the years. It has nothing to do with the hosts at all, actually, right? You go for like who the sessions are or the people that you might meet. So I wouldn’t be surprised if there are lot more people that come to Seller Summit that didn’t come or had never heard of me or you before. It’s just a fact, I think.

We might get a bunch this year because Andrea just went to an event and promoted the heck out of seller summit. Oh, is that right? To some disgruntled attendees. She’s like, if you don’t like this event, I’ll tell you an event you’ll love. Most people don’t attend events for the person who owns the event. That’s silly.

It is a little different because with Seller Summit, because you and I are both so involved. We’re speaking, it’s not like we’re just in the background. I noticed Trafficking Conversion was shutting down their event. Did you see that? No, I didn’t. Yes, they’re shutting down their event. permanently? Yes. Wow. We’ve gone to a couple of Trafficking Conversions. We didn’t go there to hang out with Ryan Dice because you don’t want to ever see him.

I do think events like ours and e-commerce fuel are different, right? In that it’s more of a community-based event versus a come meet the speaker and hang out. Although we hang out, but it’s not the same. Anyway, just think that the podcast, you can build such a loyal following with the podcast if you do it right.

So I’ve been kind of playing devil’s advocate this entire episode. Yes, have. Debbie Downer again. Well, no, I’m just trying to be realistic. Like if I have a finite amount of time and I want to start something, I think I’m still going YouTube first. We know. We know. Can I just buy you a shirt for Christmas that says YouTube first? And you can just wear it. Like if you went back to 2014 today, I would start the channel.

over the podcast. Well, yes, because then you would have 10 million followers. Yes, I would. And it has it’s nothing to do with podcasting itself. It has to do with proliferation. I agree. And the amount of exposure versus the effort. Right. If you want to meet people and you want to like Joe Rogan, he kept going on when he had no listenership. Mm And then, you know,

good things started happening when they discovered that he was having these great conversations with people. Also, you think about the fact that it’s a three-hour podcast. Yes, which was ridiculous back in the day. Absolutely. Especially when you consider the attention span of people is 15 seconds. The fact that he’s been able to basically create these hours and hours long content, it’s pretty phenomenal.

And he was just doing it for fun, to hang out with people, which ironically was my first impetus. Like I never thought I’d make money with the podcast, to be honest with you. It was my way of meeting people and chatting with people that were inaccessible. And if that’s one of your goals, that still works today. Hope you enjoyed this episode. If you plan on starting a podcast this year, let us know in the comments. For more information and resources, go to slash episode 580.

Once again, tickets to the Seller Summit 2025 are now on sale over at If you wanna hang out in person in a small intimate setting, develop real relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs and learn a ton, then come to my event. Go to And if you’re interested in starting your own e-commerce store, head on over to my wife and sign up for my free six-day mini course. Just type in your email and I’ll send the course right away via email.

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If you are really considering starting your own online business, then you have to check out my free mini course on How To Create A Niche Online Store In 5 Easy Steps.

In this 6 day mini course, I reveal the steps that my wife and I took to earn 100 thousand dollars in the span of just a year. Best of all, it's absolutely free!

579: Million Dollar Business Ideas For The Taking With Nick Loper

579: Million Dollar Business Ideas For The Taking With Nick Loper

In this episode, Nick of Side Hustle Nation and I discuss some exciting million-dollar business ideas just waiting for someone like you to grab them. We’ll dive into innovative concepts across various industries that could really take off with the right approach.

So, if you’re ready to turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality, stick around for some inspiration!

What You’ll Learn

  • Discover trending business ideas that are ripe for the picking and how you can jump on them fast
  • Learn practical tips for turning those ideas into profitable ventures without breaking the bank
  • Get inspired by success stories and real-life examples to help ignite your entrepreneurial spirit

Sponsors – The Sellers Summit is the ecommerce conference that I’ve run for the past 8 years. It’s small and intimate and you’ll learn a ton! Click Here To Grab The Recordings.

The Family First Entrepreneur – Purchase my Wall Street Journal Bestselling book and receive $690 in free bonuses! Click here to redeem the bonuses


Welcome back to the podcast, the show where I cover all of the latest strategies and current events related to e-commerce and online business. In this episode, I invited my good friend Nick Loper from Side Hustle Nation back on the show to give you some realistic side hustle ideas that you can start right now with very little money. But before we begin, I wanted to let you know that tickets are now on sale for Seller Summit 2025 over at The Seller Summit.

is the conference that I hold every year that specifically targets e-commerce entrepreneurs selling physical products online. Unlike other events that focus on inspirational stories and high-level advice, mine is a curriculum-based conference where you will leave with practical and actionable strategies specifically for an e-commerce business. Every speaker I invite is deep in the trenches of their e-commerce business, entrepreneurs who are importing large quantities of physical goods, and not some high-level guys who are overseeing their companies at 50,000 feet.

I personally hate large events, so the Seller’s Summit is always small and intimate. Every year we cut off ticket sales at around 200 people, so tickets sell out fast, and we’ve sold out every single year for the past 8 years. If you are an ecommerce entrepreneur making more than $250,000 or $1 million per year, we also offer an exclusive mastermind experience with other top sellers. The Seller’s Summit is going to be held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from May 6th to May 8th.

Right now, this is the cheapest the tickets will ever be. So head on over to and grab your ticket. Now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife Could a Job podcast. In this episode, I have my good buddy Nick Loper from Side Also Nation back on the show. And today we’re going to give you a bunch of million dollar business ideas for you to take. Awesome. It’s become a tradition. I think this is our third round of business idea giveaways. If you like this format, make sure to go back and check out the other two. We’ll link up those episodes in the show notes for this episode. Now I want to pitch you an idea that came to mind recently. This is

a household item that I can almost guarantee you have several of in your house that experts recommend you replace probably more often than you do. This item, experts say, can contain up to 16 different species of fungi, and up to 10 % of the weight of this item is now dust mites and their waste. Do you have a guess of what this is? Is it a water filter?

This is neither of those. This is your pillow on your bed. Oh, no way. OK. So the idea that I want to pitch is pillows as a service, a pillow subscription service. You would take some quiz, determine are you a back sleeper? Are you a side sleeper? OK, what density? What thickness is going to be perfect for you? And then we’re just going to ship you a new one of those every three to six months, whatever the cadence is that turns out to be like optimal for cleaning.

this thing and having a less gross sleeping experience. kind of like that. So is it the pillow or the pillowcase or both? I think it’s the pillow itself that, you know, obviously, you know, wash your pillowcase as often as you care to. But like the pillow itself collects all of this nasty stuff that just is difficult to get rid of. Interesting. I kind of like that idea. I’m very particular about my pillow, though. Yeah.

That’s I like a personalize it. But once you once you find one that you like, it’s like, OK, I’ll just keep getting that one. I like that idea, actually. I never thought of that because come to think of it, one of my buddies cannot sleep at night. And then he started, well, changing his sheets like three times a week. And that actually fixed it. Interesting. So this is similar, I think. Yeah, we spend, you know, we’re supposed to spend, you know, eight hours a day sleeping. So you spend a lot of time, a third of your hours on top of this thing.

and you start to think about like, oh, this is kind of gross dead skin cells and everything else is going on in there. like, yeah, we should probably replace this more often than we do. I can’t remember the last time I got a new pillow. You know why I like recording these episodes with you, Nick, is we have completely different ideas. So mine are kind of very e-commerce focused, selling focused. Yeah, well, there’s an e-commerce angle to this, right? No, no, there is. is. is. So my idea was

Because right now I run an e-commerce store and a lot of us don’t want to be doing customer service, meaning like answering phones and whatnot. And you know how AI is all the rage right now. And so a lot of stores are having these chat bots, just being like the first line of defense. it’s really easy to just train your chat bot to know your products. And so I was thinking of service. And again, you have to figure out how to do all this stuff, which is not surprisingly not that complicated.

train them up, and then offer it as a service to just create one of these bots, customer service bot for an online store or any store that just knows the products and can answer simple questions. And so this would be a process of feeding in all the product details and… Exactly. Kind of like the frequently asked questions, basically like the database of knowledge. And you could probably feed in chat transcripts from like the previous 10 years of human customer support representatives.

and say, well, how did they respond to this? I mean, the least techie way to do this is to literally just create a spreadsheet of all the products, product descriptions, and everything, and then just send them into an AI bot and train it just for that store as a service. Yeah. OK. And then targeting, the question is, would you just send cold pitches to people on Shopify, do random product searches, see what stores show up?

So what I would do is I would just go through the Shopify database of stores and just start reaching out to them through their contact forms. There’s a lot of demand for this, I know, because I’m a member of all these forums and people are asking how to do it. And then there’s like ridiculously overpriced services that offer more than this, obviously. But at the base level, it’s a very simple thing that an individual can do for other companies.

OK, so you go sell it as a service and the pitch being, we’re going to save you so many human hours of customer support time, or that first line of defense, right? If we can reduce the number of inquiries, and you see this on so many tech support, where it’s like, check out our knowledge base, or check out our frequently asked questions. Do you still want to submit a ticket? Did this question, did your question get answered? Sometimes it’s not even clear that you’re going to get, that a human is going to read your question.

Yeah, and oftentimes, like if you look at our most commonly asked questions is where’s my order and or what should I buy? Like I’m looking for this. What should I buy? And you can answer that question really easily with an AI bot because that knows your products. So. OK, yeah, that’s that’s interesting. I help people on their decision make not just, you know, tech support, troubleshooting triage, but like actually on the front end of, well, this is my situation. Help point me in the right direction.

Pretty much, yeah. Yeah, OK. I’ve got one that I’ll throw out. This is probably under the umbrella of smart home automation. But I’m going call it the second guess remover. Because how many times have you pulled out of the house, and it’s not until you turn the corner out of the neighborhood that you start to think, did I close the garage door? And now that you’ve planted that seed of doubt, your wife is like, I think we did, but I’m not really sure.

Why don’t we just go back and check? And so the second guess remover is, you know, maybe it’s an app on your phone. Maybe it’s some way to either remotely close it with some smart device or it just, you know, some way to double check like, yes, in fact, we did close it. And you turn around and nine times out of 10, of course you closed it because you always do. But one time, the one time I can remember where we didn’t actually close it was when we were starting our 13 hour drive from California back up to Washington. And we turned around and we’re like,

oh crap, we were gonna be gone for a couple weeks, and this thing was wide open. So it’s like that, for that reason, we always do turn around and go check. How did you know that it was open? It was just that seed of doubt, like, we better turn around and we better go check. Yeah, so actually, I haven’t talked about this publicly, but our house got broken into a couple weeks back. And so now we’ve got like cameras everywhere. So I guess that would accomplish the same thing as this.

Yeah, if you had the camera pointed at the garage, you could check. Yeah, yeah. But yeah, I like that idea. I do that all the time, actually. I second guess myself all the time. It’s bad. It’s bad. Yeah. It is like, of course you closed it, because that’s just part of like the pulling out of the driveway process. But sometimes it’s like, did I hit the button? I don’t know. Another one, while we’re on the topic of theft deterrent in this ballpark, a neighbor of ours has

You know how people have the yard signs like this home protected by Xfinity monitoring or ADT or even like simply safe. You see all the stuff. This guy went a different route and his sign said something like this home protected by a trigger happy second amendment voter or something. I was like, hey, that’s a bold move. I don’t know if this guy is armed or not, but it’s enough if I’m a prospective criminal to be like, I’m going go to the next house.

I think that would work in 49 out of the 50 states in California that would not fly. You don’t think so? I don’t think so. But you’re right. mean, yeah, they might think twice. I mean, it’s all about being less appealing than the next house. Right, right. Try to make it broken into. Right. Yeah. Make it just again. How can I make myself less of an easy mark, less of an easy target? So my next idea also has to do with shopping. But this is a trend that’s been happening.

all over Asia. I’m not sure if you watch TikTok or any of those, but there are these people. So there’s this one lady who’s who’s famous for this amid all over the news. She made thirteen point seven million dollars in seven days live selling on the Chinese version of TikTok. And she’s just taken other people’s products. I thought TikTok was the Chinese version of TikTok. There’s like a doying is a doying is a Chinese version. The Chinese version of TikTok has educational videos and stuff, not the stuff that we have in America.

but it was just this lady holding up stuff, you know, then just holding up for like three seconds and then sliding it over. And so basically there’s a lot of e-commerce stores that want exposure to this audience. So you can offer live selling services. And again, you don’t need an audience to do this on TikTok, is the beauty of it. But if you just go on, it’s a consistency thing and you go on, sell.

There’s a whole career of people doing this now, but they’re not doing it on a mass market trying to recruit other companies to list their goods. So this would be, I’m the micro influencer selling random stuff? So basically you send me your product and you reach out and then you will just live sell on Facebook, TikTok, just stream all at once. And you just be like a virtual salesman, kind of like an affiliate.

in a different way. Like remember we had affiliates in the web world where you click on a link. Yeah. This is literally like the home shopping network. OK. But if you don’t have any following like who’s who’s that’s beauty of it. You don’t need a following on these platforms as long as the your selling style is appealing over time you will you know these platforms like TikTok will find people that watch you. OK. So are you sending your wedding linens to

people doing this kind of thing? can see if we can move funny about all this, the reason why I came up with this is I like, I was going to do this for our own products. Yeah. But like who wants to see a middle-aged Chinese guy selling wedding linens, right? I would want to find someone probably female for our products, probably, you know, in the demographic that we’re looking toward for doing this. And so what’s funny is a lot of these ideas that I’ve come up with here today are things that I actually need.

for myself and I know stores are looking for this.

Interesting and so and tick-tock affiliates have already been big. It just hasn’t been organized as much We’ve heard from some ecom sellers that they’ve had some pretty good success going after micro influencers in their niche and even People kind of doing product reviews and pointing towards a tick-tock shop Yeah I think the problem is you have to go out and find these people Whereas if there’s someone, know, who’s very eloquent and and good on camera and you go to the store

More often than not, they’ll be like, hey, sure. Because it’s all on consignment anyways, right? You don’t have to pay the person until they make a sale. OK, all performance-based where you kind of set a target, the cost of acquisition. Yeah, pretty much. OK. All right, that’s new to me. I don’t spend any time on TikTok or these other ones. I don’t really know. Let’s see, what’s next on my list here? Oh, we have.

We have one. you have solar panels on your house? We do not. OK. This is something that we’ve been trying to figure out and contemplate, even though we live in the gloomy Northwest. We have a south-facing roof and very simple roof structure where it’s like, OK, this would be good. And it kind of pains me every summer when it does get hot out. It’s almost this greenhouse where it’s like, we’re just soaking up all this juice and just absorbing it. We’re not doing anything with it. How could we harvest this in some way?

But the world of solar sales is pretty opaque and sometimes a little bit shady and people making all kinds of promises about, well, this tax rebate. And then you can claim the depreciation on top of this. And other people are like, yeah, that’s not a thing. Who told you that? so the idea here is the local consultant person who can kind of play matchmaker, analyze your

your situation and your needs. And they might tell you, look, this is just not a fit for you. But we’ve got relationships with the local vendors, the local installers, and figure out, what is a realistic and good price for this type of install? And we also just had a few months ago the bomb cyclone 2024. This was like a mass power outage event where half a million people or something out of power. And we were down five days or something in the dark. And I had to toss all the

food out of the fridge. Thankfully, no property damage in this storm. it was like, you got everybody thinking about like, well, what is my home energy backup plan? Like, is this a battery system? Is this a generator system? What makes the most sense? And this was a once in a generation event. So was like, well, maybe if I just allocate what I would have spent on a battery towards a hotel room and restocking the freezer, like, could survive the next several storms and it would still be coming out ahead. But it’s something that a lot of people were thinking about.

In response to that so it’s kind of the the home energy backup consultant I know on a previous one of these we talked about the you pitched the zombie apocalypse consultant. Yeah, it’s like in that same Same thing, you know since we’re talking about solar there was this article that I was reading where like within like the first couple years the Effectiveness of your solar panels degrades dramatically because dirt gets accumulated on this

So how about like a service where you just go around and clean people’s solar panels? Yeah, we can boost the efficiency. we can get you back. Yeah. I mean, that wasn’t one of the ones I had on my list, but your idea made me think of that. Yeah, put it down. All right. Here’s one that literally I just thought of the other day as I was eating at a restaurant. So I was ordering from a Chinese restaurant for Chinese New Year, which just passed. And I noticed that the company that I was ordering from

was offering to pay $3 per photo of their food so they could populate the app with like authentic pictures of their food. And these photos are meant to be casual, so they come across as authentic, right? Not like a stage shot. And so I was thinking my business idea is to just go around to these restaurants, there’s this need, and offer to just take organic pictures of their food. And maybe in the beginning you just do it exchange for a free meal,

kicks, but maybe over time you could turn this into, you know, a real business because restaurants want people taking pictures and making videos of their food and posting them, whether it be on the app or are on their own accounts. they’re trying to incentivize like a crowd sourced image gallery basically like, of course we’re to have our, you know, fancy professional product photographer come in and take these shots. But you know, it looks

more it looks more legit it looks more official if it’s you know just random customers posting pictures of their food yeah if it’s a customer like holding up the plate or the food or eating it or whatever okay instead of like a stock photo and so they were willing to pay three dollars per photo wow and of course we did this yeah take some pictures yeah you just take a picture of the food that you just got like eating it so clearly there’s a demand here and maybe you can do this on a mass scale

And it only takes one to get a toehold. And then you start going to the neighborhood or the restaurant down the street. Like, did you know these guys must be onto something? They’re paying $3 a picture to get these different things. Is just to populate Yelp? Or where they putting these things? So the one that I used, I can’t remember the service. There’s a whole bunch of these delivery services that they have. maybe like DoorDash. We didn’t use DoorDash, but DoorDash could be one of those, right? It’s one thing to see like

photos of just the food, it’s another to see real people enjoying the food. OK. OK. And so maybe that’s a way to, I don’t know the economics behind it, but if they’re willing to pay $3 a photo, clearly there’s a demand for this. Yeah, so that helps. Maybe that helps their average order value. That helps their conversion rate in these apps or something. Yeah, conversion rate, probably, yeah. Huh. Interesting. Yeah.

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you about a free resource that I offer on my website that you may not be aware of. If you are interested in starting your own online store, I put together a comprehensive six-day mini course on how to get started in ecommerce that you should all check out. It contains both video and text-based tutorials that go over the entire process of finding products to sell all the way to getting your first sales online. Now this course is free and can be attained at slash free.

just sign up right there on the front page via email and I’ll send you the course right away. Once again, that’s slash free. Now back to the show.

I’ve got one that is related to software price increases. I think you and me both share a frugality gene. so whenever some tool that I’m using jacks up the price, it pains me a little bit. And it pains me that the switching cost is so high, it pains me that I feel kind of powerless to do anything about it. And so it makes me want to research alternatives, better, faster, cheaper alternatives. The one that really hit me was

lead pages recently where to their credit, they had not increased the rate in 10 years. And so was like, I understand this is due for a rate, but it was such a shock because it almost doubled. I was like, really? Like, hey, I’ve been a customer for 10 years. Is this what you’re going to do to me? And I spent the whole day researching alternatives and trying to migrate over to optimized press for 25 % of the price. So the service that I want to pitch is the software migration service.

And it doesn’t have to be lead pages. could be anywhere you see people complaining about a price increase. It could be people looking for filling the blank product alternative, like Zapier did this a couple of years ago, where they really increased their rates. anytime you see people complaining about that, there may be an opportunity to be like, hey, I’m a specialist in migrating from this thing to this thing. And maybe you build some tool to help you do it. I don’t know. There’s probably a way to do it.

And the thing is, a lot of these are kind of proprietary closed off software systems. Like maybe it’s a little more challenging than that. But if you get good at it, I imagine you can knock these out pretty quickly. You know, it’s funny that you mentioned Zapier because I can’t remember how many years ago when Zapier doubled their prices, I moved everything over to Make. Yeah, me too. Oh, you did? It wasn’t called Make. Make acquired the company. can’t remember what it was called. was like IntegraMat first. IntegraMat. That’s what it was.

But yeah, because in the challenges, there’s a learning curve. It’s like, well, I already know how SafeHear works. Do I really want to do this? Is worth the time? It’s like, well, if I’m going to have this for another five or 10 years, then yeah, it adds up every month, but totally. Yeah. I like that. You would have to specialize in something, but yeah, that’d be really easy to do because people tend to complain on Reddit, right? Right. And you could say, hey, I just use this to migrate. And it’s like your own service. Yeah.

I love it. I like that one. like that one. Can I go again while we’re on the topic of Reddit? as you know, the world of SEO has kind of been turned upside down in the last year, year and a half or so with Google really prioritizing both AI search results, but also sites like Reddit and Quora, kind of these user-generated content type of sites. I’ve actually met somebody doing this, but they’re providing Reddit marketing services where we’ll create these different

accounts and we’ll kind of build up their Reddit credibility. So it’s not like they’re just coming in and spamming links, but they’re kind of like strategically and intentionally highlighting your brand in kind of an organic Reddit approved way in a lot of cases where you could start. Well, if Reddit is all of sudden siphoning off a bunch of my traffic, like how can I get in front of that traffic in a way that at least from the outside looking in appears to be authentic and playing by those rules?

Those gamification services started happening almost immediately after. Have you been approached by the Reddit services? Not by anybody serious, that I can tell. I mean, I’ve been approached, and I always thought it was spammy. the people who approached me. But yeah, there are companies paying lots of money for this service. absolutely. Because basically, it’s a ghost writing.

service where they’re taking your content, your ideas and putting it up there. And like you’re probably not going to get the same traffic, the same traffic value, but it’s a way to get your message. Our mutual friend Spencer Hawes, think, tried one of these services. Oh, okay. And he had some good results. I know you probably had him on this podcast at some point. Yeah. I’ll have to catch up with Spencer for sure. Yeah. Okay. So my next idea.

has to do with the fact that we recently moved my mom into our neighborhood and she was moving from a gigantic house to a little teeny tiny house because you know housing is so expensive over here. Anyway, she had to get rid of a lot of stuff and you if you go to these estate sale people it’s all like a super sketchy industry. Like you have, they can’t give you prices on anything and they just kind of give you this check and they don’t even give you like an itemized

list of what was sold and for how much they just kind of hand you this check at the very end, which I found really sketchy. We interviewed a whole bunch of these services, but so I was thinking there’s a lot of people moving, right? And they need to get rid of their stuff. So why not just put like an above board, uh, sort of selling service where you’ll offer to just eBay all of their stuff. And it’s completely transparent. You show them the auctions, you just go in, you take photos,

For some reason, I could not find a service that was willing to come to my mom’s house, take a full inventory, and just list everything on eBay. Oh, OK. No, I like this. It taps into the trend of empty nester, baby boomers downsizing. a typical, what’s it a state sale fees? They take 40%, 50 % of everything they sell? Yeah, they pretty much take half. But it’s the lack of transparency that bugged me.

Like they can’t make any promises and they don’t even give you the itemized list of everything. At least the ones that I interviewed in Maryland. And I could not find a place that was just willing to eBay everything and come to the house. Like you can bring all your stuff to them and they’ll eBay. I found those services. Okay. I met a guy a couple of years ago who was doing something similar. It wasn’t, maybe some of it was eBay, but another segment of his business was like a dedicated.

like auction site, like almost a dedicated estate sale type of sites. Like I’ll manage the whole thing for you, partnered with local real estate agents who kind of knew the customers as they were selling their house and knew they were going to need to get rid of some of this stuff. And it was all on consignment. It was all on performance. well, whatever sells, we’ll take a cut and we’ll pass on the rest. Yeah. I mean, the key for me was transparency. Yeah. Right. I like to see the auctions and whatnot and sure, you can take your cut.

But at least in Maryland, the estate sale people that I went through, it just felt like kind of dirty to me. So I think there’s a need. Yeah, I really like this one. And then do that realtor partner angle or start with friends and family who are going through this process, get a few reps under your belt and figure out how to streamline that process and then provide that. Because it’s kind of the anti-positioning. It’s like you position it as, you know, we’re

transparent, where the homeowner advocate, there’s different ways. It’s like when you see cruelty free on a shampoo or any other product or something, you’re like, now I automatically assume that every other thing is filled with cruelty. And you’re like, well, that’s an interesting anti-positioning. Yeah, just the fact that you can see the auctions that they’re conducting and what the actual selling price is, that’d be good enough for me. OK, cool, cool, cool.

Um, what else do I have? Do you have a aura ring? No, I do not. Yeah, me neither. And the reason I don’t is I believe the sleep score is largely irrelevant where it’s like, I’m going to wake up today and I got to be the best version of myself. You know, whether I slept well or whether I slept poorly, I still got to show up. I got to be a dad. I got to do all the things. I got to go crush the day. And so it’s like,

Maybe there’s an opportunity for the aura ring that just shoots back, 98, 99, all the time. It’s like, nailed it last night. You might feel tired, but no, the data says you did great. You might as well go out and crush your day. Something that’s been on my mind is like, sleep is getting a lot of attention lately with recognizing how important it is for brain recovery.

you know, all sorts of different health consequences. And it’s like, yes, do all the things to make sure you try and get the best night’s sleep possible. But it’s kind of silly, like, oh, I’m not going to do what I plan to do because I only got a 73. Like, well, really? Like, you still have to go do your day. So this is like a positive reinforcement type of ordering. Yeah, I like that. It doesn’t even have to be connected to any data. Like, it just has like fake looking Bluetooth or something.

I’d consider getting the aura ring because I know what you eat has a lot to do with how well you sleep. So by just eating certain things and then taking the score, you can narrow it. Because I know, for example, if I eat something super greasy, like Chinese food, example, like the night before, I don’t sleep that well. And it’s taken me years to figure that out. Whereas maybe something like that ring could have told me. So maybe more like an application specific type of ring. Where you enter in what you ate.

and then you get the data to see if there’s any correlations. Some of those simple things, and maybe it’s just like a reminder in the morning, like Carpe Diem. It could be something simple, like a simple push notification, like, hey, today’s the day. Go get it. You’re not getting any younger. We had some guys on the show years ago. That was their app. I think it was called We Croak. And it was just like a daily death reminder. was kind of like the memento mori thing. It was like, hey, just.

just to, know, I don’t know, 127 PM, hey, just a heads up, you’re gonna die someday. it’s like, well, shoot, I better go get after it. Nice, nice. So this next idea is, I hope Tony doesn’t get mad at me, but what was funny about this next idea is I got it from her during Seller Summit. So Seller Summit is the annual e-commerce conference that I run. And hilariously, at the last event,

she was actually helping some attendees optimize their dating profiles. Because there these guys that they come to Seller Summit every year and they’re still single. we just struck up this conversation like, yeah, how do I improve my dating efficiency? So Tony looked at their profile and they’re like, OK, you need to change this, this, this, this, right? So now, with a whole bunch of these AI image tools and whatnot, and AI just in general to help with the copy,

you can easily put together a profile that at least gets your foot in the door, and then it’s up to you to screw up the date or whatnot. But so Tony was doing these, helping people with their dating profiles for at least two or three people at the event. And I was like, Tony, should do this business, her next side hustle. Exactly, exactly. And there’s all these AI tools that can touch up your existing photos to make you look better from an existing photo that you upload too. Yeah. So. Yeah, no, I had a friend who recently did

an AI LinkedIn headshot. They fed in a bunch of existing pictures like, hey, this was a lot faster and cheaper than hiring a photographer. Yeah. I mean, of course, you know, once people all start doing this, you’re not going to be able to believe anyone’s profile, but you know, at least it gets you in the door. know, I mean, how many of these dating profiles are, you know, completely honest and truthful to begin with? That’s true. That’s true. But it’s very easy to screw up one of these two because certain people are looking for certain things, right?

Yeah, my brother’s role was, know, anybody who had, you know, anything Seahawks related was like an automatic out. He’s like, I do not care about football. Anybody who’s like, you know, holding a beer was like automatic out. He’s like, is he sober? And it was just, you know, it’s kind of interesting. Like everybody has their own different filters and criteria where for somebody else who have been like, hey, know, you’re drinking beer and watching football. It sounds like my kind of guy. My kind of person. Exactly. Exactly. But the conference shows that a lot of people need help in this department. So there’s clearly a demand for.

Yeah, think that taps into some other trends too of people postponing a lot of major life decisions, getting married later in life, having kids later in life, the loneliness epidemic. This is a real thing, help people find their partner. That taps into a big, big market. That is until AI becomes that partner, but that’s a topic for different episode. That’s another episode. I just aired a

recently was like I interviewed my AI self like Robo Nick, know, just prompted chat GPT to respond as me. And it did it surprisingly well. It’s like, hey, that’s, that’s kind of the answer I would have given. And you know, it only made up a few facts, which were a little weird, but it did surprisingly well. like, are you published you publish on your podcast? No, I haven’t tried that yet. That sounds like a very interesting episode. Yeah, I mean, because you’ve got, know, this 10 year body of work out on the internet, too, where you know, it absolutely could respond to Steve.

Link that episode up. I want to listen to that one. right, I’ll send that one. That sounds like a great idea, by the way. Yeah, love it. All right, what’s next? Is it my turn? It’s your turn. I got a couple more, too. Next one for me is in the world of content creation. And I’m calling this I’m feeling lucky for podcast editing. And so what we’ve learned over 10, almost 12 years of podcast editing, is

at least as much about what you don’t say as what you say, like what you don’t air. And so my job as the host is to cut the fluff, cut the stuff that doesn’t add to the conversation or like, you went off this tangent, really go anywhere or that question kind of landed with a dud, like, okay, fine. And so my job after recording has been to go through the transcript and find those little sections, just to try and tighten that up. And maybe we’ll record for an hour and try and find the best.

50 minutes and maybe there’s a sliding scale on this, you know, I’m feeling lucky editor. I think this is going to rely on AI. You feed in the transcript, you feed in examples of past episodes that you really like. And my thought is this is going to make suggestions on where to trim the fat. could you cut out of this and not lose the overall message and takeaways, but just make it a tighter listening experience? I’ve been waiting for a tool like that.

as long as I’ve been podcasting. I think the closest thing that I’ve used for that is a tool called Opus Clip. Have you tried that tool? No, this is like the, we’ll make AI shorts for you. Yeah, it’ll make shorts for you, but it actually does a reasonably good job of picking out like something that you can just cut to the front, you know, to get that hook and the attention. Okay. But something like that more along the lines of what you just described, I would definitely pay for it.

No questions asked. Because it’s like the time, that’s the time consuming. This is where I love being a podcast guest, where I just show up and as soon as a recording is done, my work is over. But as the host, it’s like, well, now I got to review this whole transcript to figure this out. And thankfully, we have an editing service to help perform those actual cuts. if there was even just a starting point, maybe that’s what it is. It’s like, OK, we want to end the sliding scale. It’s like, I want to.

How strict did you want it to be? Like, okay, it’s only going to keep the best 15 minutes. I think that would be really, really hard. But if you’re just, want to trim 10%, uh, you know, give me the bottom 10 % of this episode and maybe it will make suggestions on that. So all these ideas that I’ve given you are just ones that I’ve come up with as a result of things that have happened in my life. So as I mentioned before, my mom just moved in our neighborhood and you know, as you get older, you want to spend more time with your parents, right? And what I’ve discovered just hanging out with my mom a lot more.

is that she has all these stories to tell that you don’t know about that you probably wouldn’t have asked when you were younger, right? And so there was this service that we used a while back where the company basically just emails your mom or your parent a list of questions and then they compile their answers in a book for you, right? But I was thinking of taking that one step further. So this is a book that sits on my shelf that I treasure now because it’s all stories. what service did you use for that? I forgot what it was called.

but I can find out for your listeners if they want. The problem with that service though was like the parent or whatever has to do a lot of writing. It’s actually quite burdensome for them, especially if English isn’t their first language. So what I was thinking about doing was taking that one step further. All you have to do is come up with the questions ahead of time and then you just take a film crew and you just go interview that person. That way you have it on video. I think that would be much more valuable than

the book, I love the book, don’t get me wrong. But it was just kind of hard to make sure it got written in. Whereas with video, if you send a film crew there, you know, there’s no, you know, it’s just off the cuff. And it’s actually your parents speaking, which is a valuable keepsake for anyone to have. Yeah, and then they can turn it into like a documentary style. Yes. Yeah. And maybe that could be an extra service. You turn it into you do the editing and you turn into a documentary.

I think this would be really cool because you’re exactly right. I looked into some of these, you know, parent story capture services and you’re exactly right. It’s like it really it’s not. I mean, it’s a gift. That’s what we’re looking at for Christmas gifts. But it’s like, is just a lot of work. Like how all of a sudden every month it was a lot of work. All these questions. And, know, for what real benefit? Like you already know these stories. This is more of a gift for us. But it was really challenging. And it kind of first came to mind with

my grandpa on my dad’s side. listen to the hardcore history, like 18 hour saga of World War II in the Pacific. And I know we served there, know, quartermaster or something in Northern Australia. That’s like all I know. But it’s like, what else, you know, what was your level of involvement here? Like, did you see combat? What was it like being shipped off at 20 years old across the world? Like, all that kind of stuff, you know, is

is gone now. And I think this is a really powerful one to potentially capture some of that for future generations. And this is instantly why I interviewed my mom for the podcast. It wasn’t for my listeners. You know, it was more so I could have her on the episode so you could do the same thing just audio wise to just over zoom. It’d be, you know, kind of informal. And if you’re good at asking questions and getting extra information out like me and you are, for example, we could turn this into a service.

It was on SNL, like where the son is interviewing the dad and then they, you know, get super vulnerable, you know, because they just have these conversations because all of sudden you put mics in front of their faces and then they turn to the camera and do like a Squarespace ad read and it’s… I haven’t seen that episode. I’ll have check it out. I think it was a fun one. Okay, so that’s kind of the…

end of life or approaching end of life, how do we capture some of these stories? You know, it’s like the movie Coco, know, and Hector is fading away like, oh, he’s being forgotten, right? How do we, how do we remember the people who came before us? I think that’s a really cool idea. And like that, you know, professional filmmaking, so like to rent out even freelance professionals to do this for a day, it’s, it’s not gonna be cheap, but it’s not gonna be like over the moon expensive. Yeah. Then the one I have,

is the opposite of that, not end of life, but beginning of life. I’m going to call this the digital baby service. This is we’re going to secure your kids’ domain name. We’re going to claim their social media handles. We’re going to register their Gmail account. And for this, we’re going to charge you, I don’t know, $100 a year. It’s going to be a decent margin because basically, all this stuff is free except for the domain, which maybe costs $10.

12 bucks a year to renew, but we’re just going to secure this for you so you don’t have to worry about it. And so when your kid becomes old enough that they care about this, you know, all of a sudden we have that locked down for you. Is this something that I did when the kids are born? I would better go register their domain names just in case, you know, we wouldn’t want anybody else to have that. So it’s something that would probably be there might be a market for that as a service. Yeah, actually, there’s a lot of things that you could do.

But yeah, it would be a service where you just lock down the names for any relevant service that you might not be able to think about, right? That you might not have necessarily thought of, besides the obvious ones. So yeah, I like that idea. I like that idea. Kind of along those same lines, my next idea is a little bit more, well, it more caters to like the personalities of the younger folks these days. So I kind of got this idea after reading an article

about how people are paying money to rent venues for social media. So for example, a lot of these, these make money online guys literally rent a jet set. So it looks like you’re on a private jet when you’re really not. Okay. And I think that’s such a, like a reflection of where society has been going, but you could profit from it by just creating a bunch of these sets, whether it be a private jet or

a luxury hotel suite or a botanical garden or just something cool where it’s literally just the set for Instagramming or doing lives from. Wow. And then just rent that time out to people. I might have a problem with this one, but I thought of it because people are paying for these services. Yeah, I think there’s probably something to that. And yeah, you have a warehouse space where you have like

four or five of these set up and people come in or you your two hour block, you know, they come in and knock out a bunch of reels or not much videos and you’re set. And this is very pervasive in China actually. So if you see like a TikTok video of a factory of someone like, you know, making stuff, chances are it’s fake. Like literally it’s just like a table and just like the backdrop of it with this machine, like rotating the same products over and over again. Okay. So

I’ve been just seeing a lot more of those, you know, debunked. Because, you know, people want to look like they’re successful or doing these things. maybe it’s just like a sad reflection of where we’re going. you know, there’s a market there for renting out these services. Yeah, this was a speculation for, for years or certain influencers like, oh, you know, they’re standing in front of the rented Lamborghini. They don’t really own that. Like, that’s not really their life. That’s like, this

I don’t know, I guess maybe a certain demographic that appeals to it’s like, who cares? It’s the younger folks. Because we’re old and crotchety now. Get off my lawn. No, but this is cool. And I do love me a rental business. We’ve talked about the photo booth business. We’ve talked about renting mobility scooters. We had a guy renting out reusable moving boxes or plastic storage bins, basically.

Here’s another example of something. Hey, build it once or build that set once and get paid for it over and over again. Yep. Cool. What do you got? You got a couple more? I’ve got, I think, one more. And this is around a personal pain point of mine. And I’m curious to get your take on this as a prolific YouTuber these days. What I struggle with is the scripting.

That’s kind of the bottleneck for me. And we’ve got this huge body of content. We’ve seen, in my mind, people stating very obvious things like, hey, have you ever thought about this as a side hustle? Really? That is getting 100,000 views? That’s the most basic idea ever. But it’s all in this scripting. So some sort of video scripting service or

you know, maybe it’s an AI or maybe it’s a human where it’s like, just, just tell me what to record. Like do it in my voice, you know, load it up. I could fire up the teleprompter or I could just do the voiceover and we’ll lay over some other imagery, but just that’s like the big a bottleneck in producing more video content for me. If you find such a service, I would sign up in a heartbeat. Uh, you’re absolutely right. The scripting is where it’s the most time consuming. I’ve got it down now where I can script something.

with the help of AI in about 90 minutes for a 10 minute video. That’s still 90 minutes though. But it’s to hear that it’s not instant for you. Well, if you think about it this way, I used to spend a lot more time on a blog post. I used to spend like three or four hours on a blog post. And what I like about YouTube scripting is it doesn’t have to be grammatically correct, nor does it have to have the proper punctuation either.

And so that’s why it’s faster for me. But yes, I’ve tried so many things, Nick, training AI to talk like me. And we have enough body of work between the two of us now that it’s pretty easy to do that. But I don’t think it’s just hard to find that replacement from what I’ve seen. What’s a typical process for you going from something that you maybe have written about? It could be years ago, but it’s still relevant to turn that into a video version.

there’s different, there’s a different formula, right? You can just read off the blog posts and have that be compelling. You know, what’s funny is that’s how I started my YouTube channel. Yeah. I just read the posts and you’re right. That doesn’t work. Well, I can corroborate that. Uh, so what you, can just feed it into chat, GPT or Claude. Yeah. And I have a prompt for this because I do less of this now, but I had a process for this where you give it a prompt.

And since we have enough workout that you can say in the voice of Nick Loper or Steve Chu. And it comes out with something that you can modify into a script. And then you also have to make changes to it. So it’s not, it still takes time, but it makes things much faster. Because there’s a whole big difference between SEO written blog than there is a compelling YouTube video.

Well, speaking of YouTube, you’re closing in on half a million subscribers over on the My Wife Quit Her Job channel. What kind of videos do you find do well? Like help me out on the YouTube. I can’t. it’s been a struggle. It’s been a struggle, Nick. So I teach e-commerce and what I found is that if I just go and teach e-commerce on that channel, it gets like no views. Right.

Because that’s not what people want. The common folk does not want e-commerce strategies, which is unfortunately my specialty. mean, that’s what I like creating content about. So the struggle is mixing that content, my teaching content, with something that the mainstream viewer actually wants to see. So it’s basically dumbing down the content, maybe that’s not the right word, making it more appealing to the masses. That’s the secret.

Any videos that have done particularly well for you? I mean, I have a whole bunch of videos that have gotten over a million views that that when I published them at the time were topics that were in the news too. So recency helps to what people are searching for and wanting to look about, you know, read about. And right now, if you think about it, I feel like the world is in chaos right now. At least the U.S. is in chaos. There’s tons of topics that people are searching for right now.

And you use like a TubeBuddy or a vidIQ to? I use vidIQ. Okay. To come up with, you know, what’s the metric you’re looking for? Like minimum search volume or minimum score there? I don’t actually even look at search volume anymore. I mean, I do as a last step. should say, I shouldn’t say I don’t look at it at all. Okay. But I’m just trying to create topics that I know I can do a good job writing a good hook for. And then keyword research is actually secondary. It didn’t start out that way, but now that’s how I do it. Okay.

Yeah. Hook first. Okay. I got one more that I got one more idea. Yeah. Yeah. Go ahead. For the audience before we go. Um, this is something that once again, I got from talking to with my mom because we hang out a lot more now. She lives right down the street. This is what I call like a forgotten skills online course series. So my mom, you know, back in the old days, she was telling about all these skills that she had to do from first principles. Like there’s a lot of things we take for granted now, right? That, that everything’s machine made and whatnot.

But back in the day, they did stuff by hand. so we’re talking about skills like Asian calligraphy, Morse code, how to read a map. I don’t know. I don’t think my kids know how to read a map, right? Because it’s a skill that you don’t need anymore because you have GPS and whatnot. Metalworking, old school photography where you’re developing photos with the chemicals and everything. Just a way to document and teach all those old school things and put them in one place.

I mean, what’s the point of learning Morse code at this point? You try to signal, send to somebody a telegram? Well, so the idea is there’s a bunch of people out there that, like for me, as an example, who would want to just learn these things from first principles. My personality is such that I don’t like depending on services handling everything for you. Because once something goes down, you’re in trouble.

So I actually would like to learn these things from first principles and I can’t be the only one out there. Fair enough. How to read a map I’m on board with. Metalworking has not been relevant to my life ever since like metalworking merit. Well, are just examples for me, right? Like Asian calligraphy, know, artistic things that are not as big of a deal now, but they’re still beautiful. I think the art should be carried on.

to future generations, that sort of thing. That’s fair. And even would be more relevant, it’s just like fixing stuff around the house and not being like powerless to just throw your hands up in the air. Well, I don’t know. I don’t know what to do. And we had a light go out this weekend and I do what I know how to do. Well, I’ll replace the bulb. And then that didn’t do it. And so then I’m like, hey, dad, what does it mean if you replace the bulb and the light still doesn’t work? He’s like, well, maybe your switch went bad.

Okay, how do I test that? Well, we got to take it apart. You got to use this little multimeter thing, which he had, which we don’t have. So he brought it over. It’s funny you say that. Look what I got right on my desk. Fancy.

All right, those are all the ideas that I’ve got. You got anything else? I think that’s pretty much it. Yeah, we’ve covered a lot in this episode, actually.

Hope you enjoyed this episode. All of these side hustles are great ideas that you can start right now with very little money. For more information and resources, go to slash episode 579. Once again, tickets to the Seller Summit 2025 are now on sale over at If you want to hang out in person in a small intimate setting, develop real relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs and learn a ton, then come to my event. Go to

And if you’re interested in starting your own e-commerce store, head on over to my wife, and sign up for my free six day mini course. Just type in your email and I’ll send the course right away via email.

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578: 5 Dirty Tactics Amazon Is Using To Screw Sellers And Raise Prices

578: 5 Dirty Tactics Amazon Is Using To Screw Sellers And Raise Prices

In this episode, I expose five dirty tactics Amazon uses to undercut sellers and raise prices.

From sneaky fee increases to private-label knockoffs, you’ll learn how Amazon stacks the deck against small businesses.

You’ll also learn how to protect your profits and navigate a marketplace built to benefit Amazon.

What You’ll Learn

  • Uncover the sneaky tactics Amazon employs that can drive up seller costs and impact their profits
  • Learn how Amazon’s pricing strategies could be affecting your shopping experience without you even noticing
  • Find out what sellers are doing to navigate these challenges and protect their businesses from Amazon’s dirty tricks!

Sponsors – The Sellers Summit is the ecommerce conference that I’ve run for the past 8 years. It’s small and intimate and you’ll learn a ton! Click Here To Grab The Recordings.

The Family First Entrepreneur – Purchase my Wall Street Journal Bestselling book and receive $690 in free bonuses! Click here to redeem the bonuses


Welcome back to the podcast, the show where I cover all of the latest strategies and current events related to e-commerce and online business. In this episode, I’m exposing five dirty tactics that Amazon is using to undercut sellers and raise prices. From sneaky fee increases to private label knockoffs, you’ll learn how Amazon is stacking the deck against small businesses. But before we begin, I wanted to let you know that tickets are now on sale for Seller Summit 2025 over at The Seller Summit

is the conference that I hold every year that specifically targets e-commerce entrepreneurs selling physical products online. Unlike other events that focus on inspirational stories and high-level advice, mine is a curriculum-based conference where you will leave with practical and actionable strategies specifically for an e-commerce business. Every speaker I invite is deep in the trenches of their e-commerce business, entrepreneurs who are importing large quantities of physical goods, and not some high-level guys who are overseeing their companies at 50,000 feet.

I personally hate large events, so the Seller’s Summit is always small and intimate. Every year we cut off ticket sales at around 200 people, so tickets sell out fast, and we’ve sold out every single year for the past 8 years. If you are an ecommerce entrepreneur making more than $250,000 or $1 million per year, we also offer an exclusive mastermind experience with other top sellers. The Seller’s Summit is going to be held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from May 6th to May 8th.

Right now, this is the cheapest the tickets will ever be. So head on over to and grab your ticket. Now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast. I don’t usually put out episodes like this, but in the next 20 minutes, I’m going to give you an untarnished look at the brutal reality of being an Amazon FBA seller. I’ll dissect the predatory algorithms, expose the hidden fees, and reveal the psychological warfare Amazon wages against its own sellers. Now I’ve been selling on Amazon FBA for 10 years now, and I’ve generated millions of dollars from the platform. Once upon a time,

Amazon was the go-to place to sell your stuff. It was easy. The audience was large and the FBA program made shipping a breeze. You could focus on marketing your business while Amazon handled the rest. But in the past several years, things started to change. Fees kept going up, Amazon began pushing its own products and their algorithms stopped making sense. Now, instead of being the dream marketplace it used to be, it has gone to total crap. Let’s start with Amazon FBA.

Back in the day, it was amazing. You’d send all your products to one warehouse and Amazon would handle the rest, shipping them to the right fulfillment centers. The costs were pretty reasonable too, just a small part of your overall expenses. But then things started to change. Every year, Amazon raised their FBH storage rates and piled on more penalties, especially during the holidays when sales matter the most. Next came the inbound placement fees. Now, just to get your products into their warehouses,

you’re hit with charges ranging from 27 cents to $1.58 per unit. As if that wasn’t enough, Amazon dealt another blow by penalizing sellers for having both too much inventory and not having enough inventory in their warehouses. Hitting the exact inventory sweet spot that Amazon expects is nearly impossible and has become one of the toughest parts of running an e-commerce business. And here’s the kicker. You could avoid all these fees

if you switch to Amazon’s warehouse and distribution or AWD. Convenient, right? AWD is marketed as a storage and logistics safety net for sellers. Instead of shipping to multiple Amazon FBA warehouses, you send everything to one central warehouse and Amazon handles the rest, sorting, storing, and redistributing your inventory as needed. Sound familiar? Well, that’s exactly how regular FBA used to work.

except now they’ve added extra fees for what used to be a standard service. Sure, Amazon pitches AWD as a way to save on storage costs compared to FBA, but here’s the catch. They’ve inflated FBA rates so much that using AWD feels less like an option and more likely the only way to avoid getting fleeced. Now this might be tolerable if AWD actually worked, but this holiday season, AWD has been a complete disaster. When Q4 shipments ramped up,

AWD capacity maxed out and Amazon simply couldn’t handle the load. They ran out of space, logistics fell apart, pickups were delayed or outright canceled, inventory wasn’t getting transferred from AWD to FBA on time, and deliveries were stalled. I know so many sellers who got completely screwed. Missed pickups, canceled shipments, delayed deliveries, you name it. And just when things could not get worse, Amazon announced that they’re raising AWD prices this year. Oh, and last week,

They also announced that they’re no longer reimbursing sellers the full retail price for inventory that they lose in their warehouses. Instead, they will only reimburse you with what Amazon determines is your true manufacturing costs that does not account for freight forwarding, tariffs, or customs duties. So let’s say a product you sell for 10 bucks that costs you $2 a source gets lost in Amazon’s warehouse. Amazon used to reimburse you the full 10 bucks every time that they made a mistake and lost your product. But now,

Amazon’s not going to even reimburse you the $2 you spent to source the product. Effective in March, Amazon’s only going to pay you back what it believes you paid to make the product, minus any shipping fees from China and import duties that you’ve paid. So basically, you’re going to take a loss every time Amazon screws up and loses your product. And here’s the kicker. Both the price hike and their new reimbursement policy was announced

right after Amazon claimed that there would be no new fee increases in 2025. They flat out lied and are now charging more for a service that was an absolute train wreck this holiday season. And to top it off, 2024 saw the largest price increases Amazon has ever rolled out. Not just financially, but in terms of workload and complexity for sellers. It is becoming harder and harder to sell profitably on the platform without jumping through endless hoops. By the way, if you’re tired of getting screwed by Amazon,

Make sure you sign up for my free six day e-commerce mini course below on how to start your own profitable online store. It is a hundred percent free and I guarantee you’ll learn a lot. Now the second way Amazon is hurting sellers is through their lowest price enforcement policy. If your products are priced lower off Amazon than they are on Amazon, your listings on Amazon basically disappear. This is a huge problem for sellers because Amazon is where the majority of sales happen.

Amazon uses web crawlers to monitor pricing on sites like Walmart, Target, and eBay. And if they catch you selling for less elsewhere, your products get buried in the search results. This practice is one of the key reasons why the FTC has sued Amazon. But here’s the strange part. For some reason, Amazon doesn’t seem to enforce price checks on Tmoo, which ironically makes things even worse for sellers. Tmoo doesn’t charge listing fees and keeps transaction fees ridiculously low for U.S. sellers.

And because of this, many sellers are listing the same products on both platforms, but at much lower prices on Tmoo. Now as a shopper, why would you stick with Amazon when you can get the same exact products on Tmoo for much less? Take this floor mat. On Amazon, it’s 40 bucks, but on Tmoo, it is only a dollar. Granted, selling on Tmoo has its own set of problems, but the point is that Amazon’s policies and fees are artificially raising the price for consumers.

And don’t even get me started on Amazon’s atrocious customer service for FBA sellers. It is nearly impossible to get a human on the phone. And when you do, you’re met with canned responses that rarely solve the problem. Take Amanda, one of my students from my Create a Profitable Online Store course. She designs her own custom party supplies and has gone above and beyond to register copyrights and trademarks for her top products. But despite owning the rights, she’s constantly dealing with Chinese sellers filing false copyright infringement claims

to take down her listings. Amazon’s policy treats sellers as guilty until proven innocent. So every time this happens, Amanda is forced to fight back. And while she eventually clears her name, it costs her months of lost sales. Worse yet, the cycle never ends. It just keeps happening. Recently, an eight figure Amazon seller named Molson Hart had 126 of his products taken down on Amazon last week for infringing on the trademark Liahart. But here’s the thing.

His company name is Via Heart LLC. His seller name on Amazon is Via Heart and he owns the trademark Via Heart and it’s in Amazon’s brand registry. But when he complained to Amazon support, he received a canned response explaining that all products using the term Via Heart would be suspended. Sure, Wilson eventually got his listings back, but he lost tens of thousands of dollars in sales during the 48 hours he was suspended. Right over Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the biggest sales weekend of the year. Now for me,

It’s a different story, but just as frustrating. Almost every single year, one of our competitors buys out all of our inventory so we have nothing to sell during the holidays. And then after the season is over, they return everything. Because of this, we don’t make any sales for that SKU during the most critical time of the year. And worse yet, we actually lose money after paying Amazon’s FBA and return fees. To make matters worse, Amazon keeps piling on more and more promotions. It started with Black Friday,

Then came Prime Day, followed by multiple Prime Days. And this year, Cyber Weekend somehow stretched into a 12-day event. Every time Amazon runs a sale, sellers are forced to pay deal fees and slash their prices to participate. For example, to join a Lightning deal, sellers must pay a flat fee ranging from $150 to several hundreds of dollars per product. If you want your products to be visible during Prime Day, you’re required to meet strict pricing criteria, like offering a minimum discount

off your regular price. Now on the surface, this might seem great for consumers, but the reality is that sellers have to raise their prices during the rest of the year just to survive these deal days. And keep in mind, these sales often take place during peak shopping periods like Black Friday and Cyber Monday. And the result, all sticker prices on Amazon are completely fake, artificially inflated for most of the year to offset discounts during sale events.

But the biggest way Amazon screws its sellers is by actively preventing you from building a strong brand presence. And they make it incredibly difficult for customers to find the brand that they’re actually looking for. Take my store, Bumblebee Linens, as an example. If you search for it on Amazon, only three out of the top 10 results are my actual products. The rest are from competitor brands. And unless you’re willing to shell out a lot of money, your competitors will always take up Prime Search real estate. Remember Viahart, the brand I mentioned earlier?

Despite owning the trademark for their product Brain Flakes, they don’t even hold the coveted Amazon’s Choice badge for their own brand. Instead, a Chinese knockoff owns it. How does Amazon even allow that to happen? Chances are, if you search for your own brand, or any brand for that matter, you’ll see a flood of Chinese knockoff brands ranked ahead of you. But it gets even worse. Even if a customer manages to find your product, Amazon will often place ads for their own private label brands

directly on your listing at a much cheaper price. Here’s a picture of my friend’s emu oil product in Amazon. And right smack in the middle of her listing is an ad for Amazon’s own branded emu oil at 30 % off. The ingredients are more or less the same, so guess what? Amazon is siphoning away sales from her listing, a listing that she paid Amazon for advertising. So where does this leave us? It’s clear that Amazon has no loyalty to its sellers. They’ll take your money,

bury your brand and even compete against you with their own products, all while pretending to be your partner. But here’s the truth. Amazon doesn’t need you. They built a machine that thrives on exploiting sellers, manipulating prices and feeding consumers a false sense of savings. And as long as there’s a steady stream of new sellers lining up, they will keep doing it. So if you’re a seller, the message is clear. You can’t rely on Amazon. It’s time to diversify.

build your own audience and take control of your business, focus on creating a brand that people recognize off Amazon. Invest in your own website, email marketing and direct customer relationships. Because at the end of the day, the only way to beat the system is to stop playing their game. If you found this video eye-opening, make sure to share with other sellers who need to hear the truth. And together, we can help each other navigate these challenges and build businesses that aren’t at the mercy of Amazon.

Hope you enjoyed this episode. As you can tell, Amazon is not the same as the platform as it was before. There’s still money to be made, but it’s a lot harder today. For more information and resources, go to slash episode 578. Once again, tickets to the Seller Summit 2025 are now on sale over at If you want to hang out in person in a small intimate setting, develop real relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs and learn a ton, then come to my event.

go to And if you’re interested in starting your own e-commerce store, head on over to and sign up for my free six-day mini course. Just type in your email and I’ll send the course right away via email.

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577: An Inside Look at Our Content & Ecommerce Masterplan For 2025

577: An Inside Look at Our Content & Ecommerce Masterplan For 2025

In this episode, Toni and I discuss our exciting content and ecommerce masterplan for 2025!

We’re diving into some fresh strategies and trends that we believe will reshape the way we connect with our audience.

Explore our vision and what it means for our brand moving forward!

What You’ll Learn

  • The latest content trends to keep your audience engaged
  • Ecommerce strategies to boost your sales and online presence
  • How to blend creativity with data

Sponsors – The Sellers Summit is the ecommerce conference that I’ve run for the past 8 years. It’s small and intimate and you’ll learn a ton! Click Here To Grab The Recordings.

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Welcome back to the podcast, the show where I cover all of the latest strategies and current events related to e-commerce and online business. This episode was supposed to be published at the beginning of the year, but there’s been so much happening that we never got the chance. In this episode, Tony and I talk about our strategies for both content and e-commerce for 2025. But before we begin, I wanted to let you know that tickets are now on sale for Seller Summit 2025 over at The Seller Summit,

is the conference that I hold every year that specifically targets e-commerce entrepreneurs selling physical products online. Unlike other events that focus on inspirational stories and high-level advice, mine is a curriculum-based conference where you will leave with practical and actionable strategies specifically for an e-commerce business. Every speaker I invite is deep in the trenches of their e-commerce business, entrepreneurs who are importing large quantities of physical goods, and not some high-level guys who are overseeing their companies at 50,000 feet.

I personally hate large events, so the Seller’s Summit is always small and intimate. Every year we cut off ticket sales at around 200 people, so tickets sell out fast, and we’ve sold out every single year for the past 8 years. If you are an ecommerce entrepreneur making more than $250,000 or $1 million per year, we also offer an exclusive mastermind experience with other top sellers. The Seller’s Summit is going to be held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from May 6th to May 8th.

Right now, this is the cheapest the tickets will ever be. So head on over to and grab your ticket. Now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife Quitter Job podcast. Today, we’re to talk about what’s going to happen in 2025 and what our strategies are going to be on both the content side and the e-commerce side. I’m excited. You sound really excited. I know. Both of us were chatting right before this about neither of us really quite have nailed down what we’re doing in except for 2025 is like four weeks away. There’s just going to be so much uncertainty.

We got a new president who’s going to change a lot of things, increase tariffs. China is changing too their policies as a trade war. Even Amazon is copying places like T-Mobile. Lots of stuff going on and a lot to digest here. I would say, I think the uncertainty with everything, I actually see that impacting a lot of different things. I see a lot of people in the blogger space

wanting to sell their blogs. I don’t know if you’ve seen this as much. I’m in a lot of the lifestyle type blogger groups. A lot of people are like, this is it, I’m done. It’s been several years of Google issues, low traffic, ad revenue going down, getting screwed by affiliates. It’s like a variety of things. People are like, they’ve already either moved on to another

thing, right? So they’ve kept their blog, but they’re doing something else or they’re like, I just can’t do this anymore. I’ve got to go get a W-2, right? Which I think is, okay, so it’s funny, right? As someone who has been like a serial entrepreneur, I feel sad, right? I feel sad. Cause some of these people, like, I feel like I grew up with, like a lot of these people started blogging shortly after I did. So they’ve been at this for 15 years. To see them just shut down is

hard, right? But the other part of me is like, ooh, should I buy up some blogs? I don’t know if I would do that. Well, I know. If it’s like to me, it’s like, should I buy up the content? Right. Because my biggest thing, like when I think about 2025 and of course, like I’m in the middle of like a massive home renovation, which has thrown a lot of wrenches into some stuff that I wanted to do this year just because that’s pretty much

Not only has it taken up all of my extra time, but I don’t have places to make videos, right? My office is still under construction. My house is under construction. I wanna start making these videos, but I’ve realized that I actually need to have, I’m not like you who can make a video with a backdrop. Yeah, yours is harder. Yeah, and most of my videos that I’ve realized, after doing a lot of video last year and putting stuff out and seeing what hits,

My videos do well when I’m showing people how to do things, right? So I need to have a space like inside my house, primarily the kitchen where I can film and my kitchen is still, it’s done-ish, right? So that’s my first hurdle that I had this year, which will be fixed, right? The kitchen will be finished. It’s not like it’s not gonna happen. But the other thing is like I need content, right? I need content to film. And obviously I have Happy Housewife, which has a ton of content, but to me it’s like you can never have enough.

You can never have too much content to make videos about. And I was like, well, if I bought some of these properties, I would own the content. And not that I would necessarily use them for blog content, but I could use them as like video content, right? Whether it’s recipes or DIY or things like that, I could just make the video about it. anyway, just seeing all that happening right now has got me, has got the wheels spinning. You know what? So blogging, I think Google’s gonna die in the next two or three years. The traditional search method.

But I still think the blog is valuable. I don’t know if I would start one as a business today, but ranking, like if you’ve used search GPT or perplexity, there’s gonna be links to popular blog posts and just all the stuff that you’ve done for Google so far will help for AI search going forward. So I don’t think there’s, if you have a blog, mean, selling would be, I think kind of dumb unless you’re just gonna drop it because you’re just gonna put pennies on the dollar. When in fact it is valuable.

You know, what I think is interesting because I know we’ve talked, we’ve done a lot of episodes on Google and just sort of getting into the search issues really quickly. One thing I have noticed is that, so I’m going on a trip next week and I’ve been doing a lot of Googling. And like I said, we’ve talked about this before, I don’t Google a lot of things. I usually look on Pinterest or I just ask ChatGBT. But I have been Googling, like for example, yesterday, where can I go on a reindeer ride? Right?

And what I’ve noticed is when it comes to that travel space, like what ferry should I take from this place to this place? It’s all blogs coming up in search. There’s no Reddit threads. There’s no Quora. There’s very little AI. know, normally now you get the AI at the top of the search. You get that a little bit, but it’s pretty much like Visit Finland, whatever, like all these blogs that are coming up at the top of search. So that got me thinking too, like, hmm.

Is certain stuff making a comeback, like certain topics? Or did these topics never disappear? I hadn’t been searching them previously. Well, there was a November update. I actually haven’t read up on what the November update, the effects of it so far. The trend right now is to start your search on AI and then clarify with Google. Something like travel, I don’t want to start on AI because I want to know these places.

Do they still exist? Are they open? Do they have a phone number kind of thing? Yes, for businesses and business search, maybe Google become like the old yellow pages. Oh, I would like that. Google is still well regarded as having accurate information, especially for businesses. That’s why I still think it’s probably worthwhile to blog for an e-commerce store or if you have a place of business. Yes.

So you can show up higher in the search results there. don’t think, so Google’s not gonna die, but like I think their search business is gonna take a big hit, especially when the DOJ kind of, they were talking about breaking apart Chrome from Google. And I think if they do that, that’ll hurt. Like if Google is not the default search engine for Chrome, that’s gonna change things. Yeah. So just piggybacking on what you said.

That is where I see there’s probably still a big opportunity for businesses. So if you have a local business, and I’m thinking about actually someone in our course that sells the wooden flowers, where her flowers are in retail stores. Now she doesn’t own that store, right? But like those local businesses I think can really still win with Google search because like when I was looking for stuff like in local areas, there’s not a lot of competition, right? The people that have even a basic website

with a link to book or a phone number and pictures really were dominating, right? And it was a very minimal effort as far as like, it wasn’t this complex website put together, you know, it was pretty simplistic. And so I think if you do own a business, that’s still a really viable option for you to get traffic. Yeah. And just because Google might lose market share, that

market share is going to get picked up by someone else and chances are they’re going to use similar metrics to rank or show up. but someone like me who does not have a local business, one trend that I’ve noticed that I feel like, okay, what should I do with this is that there are people on TikTok right now who are literally putting their entire Thanksgiving dinner recipes on TikTok.

They’re literally doing like, okay, this is what I’m making for Thanksgiving. And then each recipe has its own video. Like here’s how I’m making the turkey. Here’s how I make the mac and cheese. Here’s how I make, just this morning, my daughter and I were watching this like scallop potato recipe where she’s like, please, please, please, will you please make this please? And my, literally my entire phone is text messages between me and my girls sending back TikToks of like, well, no, let’s make it this way. Let’s do this. So I’m wondering, because I have like a whole Thanksgiving, like I have that on my blog, right?

So is the trend for 2025 or is the next logical move to put those recipes in like basically lists, right? On TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, whatever. is absolutely the right move. Yeah. I am doing that too as we speak. Actually, know, video is my primary platform now. Yeah. And so that bumblebee linen strategy for next year, it’s going to happen. Yeah.

You heard it here first for the 15th time. You know why? I decided to de-emphasize TikTok for my wife, Quit, and just create them out of my YouTube videos and then only focus my efforts on TikTok for Bumblebee. Chinese guy is going to be a face of a hanky company. It’s okay. It’s way it’s got to be. It’s been fascinating though to watch the shift as someone who’s been putting up recipes before you even used photos.

I probably still have recipes on my site without photos. I think I’ve updated them all, but it’s very possible. I have 700 recipes, so there’s definitely one or two that snuck through. That’s a really interesting strategy with any topic. Obviously, I’m in the recipe space, but if you’re redecorating a room, make an overview video. It’s like the old school, that’s your pillar post and then you can-

branch off and do individual posts based on, well, this is how we redid the fireplace mantle or whatever. I definitely think that is the strategy I need to have moving forward. Those videos are hard to make. Cooking videos are hard. I know, but I see that as a good thing. Less people are going to do it. Yes. I’ve seen all levels of edits.

I’ve seen some people who have really great editing and they’re using a really, you can just tell. They’ve got a full professional setup. But I also see people that don’t have that level. In fact, there was one girl that I watched this video where she was making, I think it was the mac and cheese recipe we’re gonna make. And she’s like, I bought this, I can never think of what it’s called. It’s like the boot that hangs your camera so it can film from the top. Oh yeah, yeah. Bill always has to tell me what the swing arm.

or whatever, right? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, every time we do this on our course, Bill’s like, it’s called this. And I’m like, I will never remember that. Anyway, so she’s like, I got this new tool so I can show you from the top. And she films like four steps using that. And she’s like, I don’t like this at all. And then she put her camera back to where she’s like in the video. So even in her own video, she’s trying out things and being very transparent about it, right? And the video’s got like a million plus views. It’s not like it’s hurting her. So anyway, I think that

I don’t think that for people listening, the quality doesn’t have to be absolute professional editing level. think just making sure that it’s the same things we always talk about, clear, good sound, easy to follow kind of thing. mean, these Bumblebee TikToks are not gonna be professional. It’s gonna be me at the office just talking about what’s going on and hopefully I won’t drive my wife crazy too much. Which I think brings up a point, because you were like, I’m all in on video. I need to be all in on video.

I do think, and we get on our friend Kevin about this, right? Because he makes videos for YouTube and he does a ridiculous level of editing, hours and hours worth. And we were always like, Kevin, you don’t need to do all that. But I will say that like, if you can do cool edits, that’s actually a way to grow your channel. I don’t know if you, see we are in such different TikTok algorithms, every time I say something, I’m like, he’s not gonna know what I’m talking about.

Have you seen Lady in the Bathroom on TikTok? She basically lip syncs to just like absolute any genre of music in her bathroom. They tried to cancel her for dumb reasons and whatever. She went through a little controversy, but because she went through this controversy, everybody’s talking about her.

everyone’s like, well, she got popular because of her awesome edits. And she always appears on my feed. so I watch like four or five of her videos, like just for the purpose of like research and her edits are really good. Like, and it’s just how she’s cutting the clips. It’s real, like she doesn’t have any text overlay, doesn’t have anything. It’s just how she’s literally editing the movement. And it’s really good. So I’m like, either one, if you do have editing skills or two,

if you want to hire someone overseas, it’ll be very easy for someone overseas to do this for you. And you’re looking for like the angle, that could be the angle for you. Bottom line, if you just put out stuff that’s interesting or if you’re interesting, it’s going to do okay. Yeah. So I just hope I don’t tarnish the Bumble Bee Linens brand as Jen sees it. That’s why you will 100 % guarantee. Because I want to say some stupid stuff, know, you know, just

Whatever comes to mind, I always stick my foot in my mouth. With the Bumble, I’m curious about this because I feel like we’ve been talking about this for years. It hasn’t been years. I have a bunch stored. I don’t know if you this. have 15 to 20 videos stored, but I’m not sure if I like them, so I’ve never published them. Interesting. What are they? We had our employees film three videos a day just on what they’re doing.

I just had MJ compile them into videos. But they feel like sales videos in a way. Yeah, I think that’s what you’ve got to fix. And they’re just showing the merchandise and whatever. I can’t see that drawing any interest. So that’s why I’ve never published them. Yeah. So one cool to that same footage and just kind of narrate what’s going on. Like, oh, man, for some reason it’s slow this year or wow, we just got, I don’t know, just make it.

a behind-the-scenes look at actually running the business. I think one that you could easily do and do it once a week is pack a box with me. Yes, we have one of those actually. That’s one of the ones that are keepers. People love seeing that and also another fun thing you can do is as you’re packing the box, add in something extra.

and being like, Anna in Massachusetts, you’re getting a little surprise, you know, and like, because people. No, but like, you know what I’m saying? Like, I think that like for the cost that it takes for what it costs you, right, to do something like that is very minimal. But the excitement of like people are like, oh, I’m going to watch this. want to hear my name called out. Right. I want to see. Like, I think those are actually really effective. Yeah. And.

I’ve also seen things like that where people are like tagging their friends named Anna. Like Anna, did you order from this company? You know what I mean? Like it has a really nice virality to it. And like we’ve talked before about like sales and discounts, it’s a way to build a brand and like get engagement without paying, right? I mean, you’re paying like two bucks, whatever, three bucks, maybe tops for something like that. Less than that actually. Yeah, but I didn’t want to give away your secrets. So. Yeah, that’s why the personalization like

Highlighting personalized merchandise is actually really important. And we’ll just like announce their first name and maybe on off chance, someone will see it or pick the funniest ones. I already have a collection of those actually. So I have all the raw materials. It just needs to get to something that I’d be happy with and something that I can sustain with very little energy. That’s the key here, very little energy. Okay, so that’s my question for you is how are you going to do this with as little energy as you have?

Well, no, I just hop into work and I film myself talking about what’s going on. Then I already have all these clips, which I’m still going to have the employees film and then just mash it all together. What’s your goal for how many a week do you want to put out? I’m going to start by doing three a week with the goal of going five a week. I need to get into a flow. That’s the hardest part about all this. Once I’m in the flow, going to five should not be a problem.

So when you think when you go down there to film, are you going to film like a week’s worth of content? I’m going to do, yes, a week’s worth of content or if I’m just inspired by all the hankies and linens around, I’ll just get it all over with. Because in theory, it should be a lot easier than filming a long form YouTube video for me. It’s hours of prep for me on a YouTube video. Yeah. Right.

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you about a free resource that I offer on my website that you may not be aware of. If you are interested in starting your own online store, I put together a comprehensive six-day mini course on how to get started in ecommerce that you should all check out. It contains both video and text-based tutorials that go over the entire process of finding products to sell all the way to getting your first sales online. Now this course is free and can be attained at slash free.

just sign up right there on the front page via email and I’ll send you the course right away. Once again, that’s slash free. Now back to the show.

I have an idea for you. Just throw some hankies on the floor and lay down and make a snow angel and have your employees be throwing hankies on you and you could have White Christmas playing in the background. That’s a winner. That’s a winner. I like that one. I got all sorts of ideas for you. That one’s funny. Also, if you’re ever at a Warriors game, you should have one to dry your tears of happiness.

about happiness last night with that. All right, let’s switch gears and talk about the new president that’s coming in and its effect on e-commerce because I’ve been getting a lot of questions about this. The number one thing I just have to say about all this is we’ve been here before. Yeah. Like when Trump was president in 2016, he announced 45 % tariffs across the board. But that was not the case. That’s not what ended up happening. Most of the tariffs were at seven and half percent all the way up to 25%.

Most of our stuff fell into the seven and a half percent. Like most of the staples and everyday goods fell into like the lower bracket. But here’s the other thing. I don’t remember us raising prices that much to account for the tariffs. Because if you think about it, the tariffs aren’t that big of a deal. Like let’s say you have a 25 % tariff. Let’s say you sell something for a buck. There’s a 25 % tariff. And typically you sell that stuff for four bucks, right? So 25 % tariff.

So that means it’s going to cost you a buck 25. So if you were to even pass that cost to the consumer, you would charge $4.25. Right. Right. You wouldn’t charge 4x that amount. And so I don’t think from a from a vendor point of view, it’s going to be that big of a deal, even if he raises it to 60%, which I don’t think he will. But even if you do decide to get suppliers outside China, all the

All the Chinese factories are actually moving to Mexico. So I’m not sure how it’s going to work. They’re moving to Vietnam and they’re owned by the same owners in China. They’re just physically located somewhere else. So I’m not terribly worried about the tariffs. Okay. Who should be worried? Anybody? Who should be worried? I guess if you’re a Chinese supplier or if your supplier doesn’t

doesn’t do that and you have to pay the tariffs. I don’t know. See, there’s a lot of things that China can do also. They can devalue their currency and make it more attractive. I don’t know how this is all going to play out, but I guess the consumer is the one who’s going to pay. Yes. That’s the issue, right? I would say if you have your own store, you’re selling on Shopify, BigCommerce, whatever,

you’re in a much better position than if you sell on Amazon. Yes. I think the Amazon sellers are the ones that need to really be paying attention because I feel like I think about some of my clients and what they charge and adding an extra 25 cents to something is negligible. Even if you do have to, maybe you sell something for $10, now you sell it for 11. That’s really not a huge price jump.

when you’re on Amazon and you’re already fighting those margins, I mean, we know a lot of people on Amazon that their margins are like 10, 15%, right? When it’s all said and done. And to me, that’s where I would start to get worried about some of these extra, because it’s just another fee that you’re going to be paying. And on Amazon, you can’t always pass that along to the customer because you’re constantly in a price war. That is the problem. Amazon’s prices aren’t that elastic.

Let’s say you raised it to like $4.25, that might put you over some guy who’s selling it at four bucks. Then because branding isn’t that big a deal on Amazon, they’re going to probably pay for the $4 one, buy the $4 one. Yes. In fact, just speaking of branding on Amazon, I went to buy a turkey roaster this weekend because I need one for Thanksgiving. I was shocked.

I was looking for, and I don’t wanna say it’s a US brand because they’re probably all manufactured overseas, right? So I’m not pretending that I think that if you buy a Black & Decker or something that’s manufactured in Ohio. But I was surprised that I could only find two brands that I had heard of before. And in the kitchen space, I’ve heard of a lot of brands, right? So it’s like, I could only find two turkey roasters that were like, Hamilton Beach was one and I can’t remember the other one.

and every other brand was clearly a brand that you’d never, those brands that are like, is zing zong zong. Alphabet soup is what they’re. Yeah, alphabet soup, yeah, it was 100%. And I was like, so are brands like, know, Oster or KitchenAid, right? I mean, they still sell KitchenAid mixtures on Amazon, things like that, but are they moving stuff off? You know what I mean? Are they just relying on their retail presence and- This is what’s going on. You know?

These Chinese companies are actually opening up multiple, multiple accounts and selling the same stuff under different brands. So they flood all the listings of the same stuff, pushing everyone else down. And I don’t know how to really police that. don’t know how Amazon, they clearly haven’t done a good job. But this flood method from the same company works. So maybe that’s why you’re not seeing it. And that’s the other crazy thing is like, you know,

There were roasters that were like $109, right? But then there were like multiple ones that were 35. The exact same roaster, right? Or basically, like there was no additional features or anything like that. So it’s kind of like, not only are they opening multiple brands and flooding, they’re also dropping the price so drastically. Like how can you compete? Like, especially when you think of something like a roaster, right? It’s a real, like the box is huge, showed up yesterday. You’re just pushing people out and then they can raise the price.

when they’re the only sellers. Anyway, that’ll be interesting to see what, but all that leads to people just don’t have the same play with pricing as you do if you have your own brand. I mean, you try to buy a pair of Uggs on Amazon, good luck. I’ve never tried. Can you get Uggs on Amazon? You can, but you’re paying Uggs pricing or more because someone’s arbitraging it.

No one’s out, because Uggs is a known brand, same with Nike tennis shoes or anything that is an actual known brand. That’s where I think that becomes so important as we continue moving forward. brought up Uggs and do we have this conversation? We actually just bought my wife a pair of Uggs for her birthday. Okay. And Uggs are expensive. Yes, they are. And so I was looking at

I was just going to shoe stores. There’s a lot of Uggs knockoffs, but we ended up getting the Uggs because she wanted the Uggs, right? Yeah. And so that just demonstrates the power of the brand. This is a great segue, by the way, to what my strategy, I think I probably announced it on this podcast before, but we’re going straight into digital printing for our products. So anything we can personalize with the printer is super easy because it’s all done in Photoshop. We’re also doing

We’ve done custom embroidery for many years now, but we’re also going to do handwriting embroidery going forward. I didn’t even know this was a thing, but you sign something and you want that in a handwritten form for your wedding. And that couple with digital printing, I think it was in Office Hours that I said this, but basically every special occasion under the sun, we’re going to have images and personalized stuff for.

That way we don’t actually have to carry a variety of that much inventory because we’re printing on the same substrates. That’s going to be, think, our strategy going forward in the long run. I think that’s a genius strategy because you’re basically providing something where there’s a huge barrier to entry. You have to have one of these printers or some kind of printer, which you have said many times, it’s a very big pain in the butt to It is a pain in the ass, yes. Or my cussing.

I feel like just the average Joe isn’t going to go buy one of these printers and start a linen embroidery business or digital printing business. I think that’s a way to tariff proof, regime change proof, whatever you want to call it, your business because you’re providing something that is very difficult for people to get anywhere else.

I wouldn’t say it’s difficult, but there’s certain barriers to it, right? Like one, the price, the cost of the printer. You still have to import stuff to get the cheapest stuff. then, yeah, just maintaining that thing. Like people listening to this don’t know, but I got a DTF printer last year and it has broken down multiple times just because of user error, actually. I didn’t know what I was getting into. Yeah. Cause the thing worked great for like the first.

six months and then I started having clog problems and cleaning. I’ve taken apart that machine almost bare bones. I feel like it’s monthly you have to take it apart. Well, now I’m just trying to figure out the system to do it and I think I’ve finally got it. Thank God. Anyway, people aren’t going to want to go through that. In that, think there’s, yes, people can get these things, but it’s hard for someone else to start this business.

You’re not just going to go outlay all this capital to buy the printer and the inventory and train somebody how to do it. There’s the other issue of how do you actually use this thing. That’s a whole barrier to entry. It reminds me of, so why did these… Obviously, we’re talking about huge brands. Uggs is a giant brand.

There’s something about Uggs where your wife didn’t want the knockoff. I actually have a pair of Uggs. Well, my daughter, of course I don’t. My daughter does. Just like I’m more an Old Navy and she’s wearing Lululemon. She’s got a pair of Uggs and a pair of knockoff Uggs from Imelou’s Boutique. Probably made in the exact same factory. I’ve put both of them on my feet. Now, she has a smaller foot than I do, so I can’t fully wear them. They feel exactly the same. Exactly the same. Yeah.

Very little difference. Small differences in like the actual appearance, right? The stitching is a little bit different kind of thing. But like as far as like comfort, no difference at all. Are they called eggs by any chance? They’re called eggs. No, no, I’m not even joking. I know this brand called eggs. Yes, there’s a couple of knockoffs that basically are like this almost the same as Uggs. But like Jen still wanted Uggs, which I totally understand. I actually just bought a pair of slippers.

So I had a pair of Land’s End slippers that I bought like 20 plus years ago. Last year, they were literally 20 years old and they’re moccasin slippers. So you can wear them outside, you know, and stuff like that. And they were literally disgusting. Like they were so gross. The whole bottom, like I’m pretty sure there was like gum and dog poop and like, and Brian was like, those need to go. Like you cannot keep wearing them. They’re absolutely disgusting. And so I threw them out. Worst decision of my life. I’ve missed them all year, right?

And so I have bought probably six pairs of slippers to like replace this pair and I keep returning them cause they’re not, they don’t make this kind, they don’t make the kind that I threw out. So anyway, like you create that brand where it’s like, I need the Uggs, right? I need this experience. I need the stitching, the comfort, the whatever they use on the inside material. It’s the same thing. Like once again, you don’t see this on TikTok, but there’s like the Hermes.

lady who people bring in their purses and she like, you oh, this is a palladium, blah, blah, blah. And this color is, and it’s like, Hermes has created this thing where like they don’t even let you buy their stuff. Right. Like there it’s like, it’s like you have to wait till March of 2026 to come in our store and buy a bag. Right. So like, but I think that creating a brand that does something similar. Right.

where you create this experience, this difficulty, whatever it is to, like Uggs sells out, right? The Tasman, I’ve been trying to get Tasman’s for like two years for Cora. Can’t find them anywhere. They get in stock, they sell out in like 10 minutes. And it’s like, if you can do that with your brand, right? So you figured out how to do that with Bumblebee, where you’re putting, they can get a Mother’s Day or they can get a Valentine’s Day or they can get someone’s name handwritten. That’s pretty cool. Like I think if you had like someone special pass away,

like having their signature on a handkerchief would be really cool, right? Gift to give somebody. the point of all this is these are things that are hard for someone, know, thousands of miles away to replicate. Yeah. Right. Yeah. And so that’s what you have to think about because there’s services like Tmoo, Shein just announced earnings. had a 68 % increase. Shein is this knockoff clothing place. Like they literally take high end brands and create the same thing and sell it for like 10 % the cost.

Yes, they’re so cheap. It’s ridiculous. kid shop there? Oh, yes. I hate that they shop there. Yes, but the stuff is fast fashion. It’s cheap. Yes. But it looks pretty similar to the real thing. Yes, very much so. Then you have knockoff like Tmoo. Amazon just announced their Tmoo clone Amazon All. It’s terrible, by the way. Did you try it yet? No, no. Okay. Here’s the problem.

In the example I use in my YouTube video, I was in the market for jump rope. So I looked on Amazon, it was $7. The exact same thing was on haul for three bucks. Okay. And then the exact same thing was on Tmoo for 250. Okay. So where am going to buy from? Right? Amazon’s hurting themselves. Yeah. By having it. And I think they’re in a rock and a hard place because they can’t do too well on haul because it’ll eat into their main Amazon businesses, which is their bread and butter.

Right. The product selection sucks. It’s not going to be around, I’m pretty sure. Where did you buy it? Did you buy it on Tmoo or Haul? I ended up buying it on Amazon because I wanted it the next day. Whereas Haul and Tmoo, takes one to two weeks for stuff to arrive. I didn’t get the cheapest one either. I ended up getting one with the weight on it. You got one that jumps for you.

You just stand there. It comes with two people to turn it. My point is that if you’re just selling something that you can get anywhere, it’s probably going get knocked out. If it’s clothing, it’s probably going to knocked off on Shien. If it’s a regular everyday object, it’s probably going to knocked off on Tmoo. Really, you got to think of something that’s better.

or makes you stand out or you start a brand or you do content like we talked about earlier. Well, and I think the brands that are doing content like are the ones that are able to get that experience. Like I’m never buying an Hermes bag. Like, let’s just be real. I couldn’t I can’t spend that much money on a purse when I could have a car. Right. But like and I like purses. I was just going to say you have some pricey purses. I have some nice purses. No, they’re not. But like

they’ve created that experience, that exclusivity, and their content creation that they’re doing now is just skyrocketing their brand, right? It’s just pushing it to another level of exclusivity, and you’re seeing, so they’re doing a great job of taking what was something that was already, they’re probably doing just fine, to taking it to a whole nother level.

with social media and creating the content. We talked about this, I think, a couple of weeks ago. Chili’s, my daughter works at Chili’s. They were actually struggling financially as a business. And a TikToker posted their, they have this great deal. It’s like three chips, an entree and a Coke for like 10.99. And she posted how great, it’s been responsible for like a 40 % growth in their profits.

It’s insane. It worked. But I think if you are any kind of brand, but specifically in e-commerce, doing something that creates that value for the customer outside of just the buying experience, the content creation, it works. We joke about the old school commercials and things like that, but those worked too. It was just in a different medium. Back in the day, you only had television commercials to convey the message.

Now you can do it in so many different ways and what’s nice for smaller e-commerce brands is you don’t need a television budget. You can do this all on social media. In fact, one of the supplement companies that I buy from is now doing TV ads and I’m like, now I’m not going to buy from them anymore. They’re too successful. If you have TV money, I don’t want to buy from you. TV, they’re hurting. True, true. I’m like, I want the brands with podcast money.

That’s exciting as a brand because you can leverage this for so much less than you could 15 years ago when the only thing was to like, remember back in the day when someone would do a Super Bowl commercial and it would be like this huge deal, Like, like GoDaddy. I think GoDaddy did a Super Bowl commercial when you’re one of those type sites and everyone was like, what? They’ve arrived. Now anyone can do anything with social Get some more exposure. Yes.

Yeah, because you could get more exposure if your video goes viral. So I guess that’s the moral of the story here. So pick a product that isn’t easily replicated and do content. That’s pretty much the formula for 2025. think all these ad platforms are getting more more competitive also. like Google ads have just been on this decline for for actually ever since AI, they’ve kind of been on this decline and meta ads are

pretty competitive these days too. you know, social media is free. You can even use TikTok shop in the way where you’re just listing your products and you get affiliates to promote it. Affiliate, influencer marketing is still a pretty good thing, provided that your product is reasonably interesting. Yeah. And I think that’s the way going forward for 2025. Hope you enjoyed this episode. What’s your plan for 2025? Let me know in the comments.

For more information and resources, go to slash episode 577. Once again, tickets to the Seller Summit 2025 are now on sale over at If you wanna hang out in person in a small intimate setting, develop real relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs and learn a ton, then come to my event. Go to And if you’re interested in starting your own e-commerce store, head on over to and sign up for my free six-day mini course.

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576: ChatGPT’s Biggest Threat? China’s AI Breakthrough Could Change Everything

576: ChatGPT’s Biggest Threat? China’s AI Breakthrough Could Change Everything

In this episode, Toni and I discuss how China’s recent AI breakthroughs might just be the biggest threat to ChatGPT’s dominance.

We’ll dive into what these advancements mean for the future of artificial intelligence and the potential impact on the global landscape.

What You’ll Learn

  • Discover the key advancements in China’s AI technology that could shake things up in the AI space
  • Learn about the potential implications for ChatGPT and other AI players as competition heats up
  • Get insights on how these developments could reshape the landscape of artificial intelligence globally!

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Welcome back to the podcast, the show where I cover all of the latest strategies and current events related to e-commerce and online business. In this episode, Tony and I talk about AI models, especially the latest free one that came out of China called DeepSeek and its implications on privacy and the AI market. But before we begin, I wanted to let you know that tickets are now on sale for Seller Summit 2025 over at The Seller Summit

is the conference that I hold every year that specifically targets e-commerce entrepreneurs selling physical products online. Unlike other events that focus on inspirational stories and high-level advice, mine is a curriculum-based conference where you will leave with practical and actionable strategies specifically for an e-commerce business. Every speaker I invite is deep in the trenches of their e-commerce business, entrepreneurs who are importing large quantities of physical goods, and not some high-level guys who are overseeing their companies at 50,000 feet.

I personally hate large events, so the Seller’s Summit is always small and intimate. Every year we cut off ticket sales at around 200 people, so tickets sell out fast, and we’ve sold out every single year for the past 8 years. If you are an ecommerce entrepreneur making more than $250,000 or $1 million per year, we also offer an exclusive mastermind experience with other top sellers. The Seller’s Summit is going to be held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from May 6th to May 8th.

Right now, this is the cheapest the tickets will ever be. So head on over to and grab your ticket. Now onto the show.

Welcome back to the My Wife Quitter Job podcast. Today, Tony and I, we’re going to talk about AI because there’s just been so many things happening. I woke up the other day to my Nvidia stock crashing. oh. Like 16%. And I was like, what’s going on? And it had to do with China’s release of the new DeepSeq AI, which ironically I’d heard about the week before and I was going to try it. And then, you know, all this news came out saying, oh, they used

like 10x the resources to train that model and they’re giving it out for free open source. And apparently I think the investors took it as, well that means people need to buy less Nvidia chips. so, and then open AI obviously, who’s the leader that runs chat to PT, they crashed because this model is supposedly better than open AI’s model chat to PT and it’s free. So anyway, we’re not going to talk about the news today because that’ll bore everyone.

I don’t know. I’m like already invested. Just are you really pair? Yes. Okay. I am. Well, the other thing that happened like this morning, I don’t know if you follow Alibaba released a Okay, but didn’t they talk about this at the conference we went to last year? Wasn’t this like up and coming? No, no, no, no. Alibaba at the conference talked about using AI to help with sourcing. Okay. Yes. So this is a whole different thing. This is an AI model like Chachi PT.

Okay. That’s supposedly better than chachi PT and the one that deep deep seat, which is the latest one that came out. Yeah. And they announced it today right before Chinese new year. Okay. I have so many questions. have so many questions. Okay. Sure. My first question is, what is it called? Deep seat, deep seat, seek, seek. Deep seek. So this is a Chinese product.

It is. It’s a Chinese open source project, which means all the source code for everything is all released and you can download it and run it on your laptop if you want. Right. My first question is, since we just recorded a podcast on the uprise and fall of TikTok, is this something that will be around? Is this going to get banned? I don’t want to talk about conspiracy theories here, but there’s this conspiracy theory that now that China’s lost TikTok,

Like, it’s like you have to enter in all your information to get access to this model. What’s all your information? I think name. Actually, I didn’t fill it out. I didn’t completely fill it out. You use my name and address? But definitely email, for sure. OK, yep. But once you’re in, all the things that you type into it, if you look at the terms of service, they’re allowed to look at all that information. OK.

Unlike OpenAI where you can, I think there’s a box that you can check or something where they won’t, you know, look into all the stuff that you’re typing in personally. Yeah. Yeah. So my, I wonder like, this, will this stand the test of Trump? guess is the question, right? This is much more invasive in my opinion than TikTok because you’re typing in questions about your everyday life. You’re asking it stuff. Yes. Potentially giving, you know, the owners a lot more information.

that you get from TikTok. Because I can only imagine. Do you remember like, I don’t know if, I don’t know, because I don’t use Google a whole lot anymore. And I don’t know if chat GPT does this, but you know how in Google you type in, how do I, and then it will start finishing it for you. Yeah. And like the top one is always like, how do I poison my wife? Right. It’s like always something like really crazy. And you’re like, are that many people searching for that? Or like, how do I fake a car accident? Just your search history. That’s all. Not mine. Mine’s not like that at all. But.

You know what saying? When you start typing into Google, you can see the most common things that people type in. My thought is that people ask AI questions that they probably don’t know they want. They don’t want the rest of the world to know about. Yes. By signing up for this and using their free service, you are passing all that information to the Chinese government, essentially. Right. Then also, can it be used to convict you of a crime? You could go down a rabbit hole on this thing, but…

Yes. So that’s the conspiracy theory. I didn’t want to even bring it up, but you brought it up. I’m like so curious. And then the new Alibaba one came out. I don’t even know what it’s called. It’s got some weird name, supposedly better than DeepSeek literally just announced one week later and it’s better than open AI. It’s better than DeepSeek. And once again, it is free. And who owns that? Well,

Good question. It literally just came out this morning, so I just saw the headline and I didn’t Is it owned by Alibaba? I think so. That would also be Chinese. I think it’s open source. Let me just do a Google Haul. Alibaba AI model, is it open source? There’s just no way that this DeepSeek is going to be allowed to be used, especially if you said you can download it on your computer if we won’t let people have TikTok.

It doesn’t look like, I don’t think the Alibaba one is open source, but the DeepSeq one definitely is open source. So it looks like the Alibaba one’s owned by Alibaba, but it’s a Chinese company. in theory, the government could get access to all the queries that are typed in there. Actually, that’s another, let’s just get, I want to get this out of the way because now I’m not going to be able to sleep at night. So you know how when you get arrested, I mean, you don’t know and I don’t know either. Oh yeah, know. Yeah, of course.

This is what happens when I spend a weekend with Andrea watching her true crime shows on TV. You know how they can use your Google search history or your computer? Our friend Kevin talks about this a lot, like incognito isn’t really incognito. So they can use your browsing history to help convict you of something. Can people can law enforcement, the authorities, whatever, use your A.I. history? Like, can they log into your is that also like available for people to use to then? You know, what’s funny is these are not the questions that I think about in life.

But I would imagine the answer is yes. Well, it goes to the privacy issue, right? It’s not because you or I are planning on committing any crimes. It’s more about if all of the because the whole reason why TikTok, you know, they banned it and then brought it back is the whole data issue. Right. And where is your data going and who has your data? And so to me, with these AI tools like this is basically overtaking Google. Right. It’s going to be the new search. It’s the new search for people. And so.

Is that something that they can use then against you, for you, whatever? I think if the government subpoenaed that information, I don’t know the answer to question. It hasn’t happened yet. So I don’t know the answer to that question. But I do know this is what I think is going to happen since we’re talking about predictions here. I think that China is just going to make all these models for free because right now you have to pay for Chachi BT, you have to pay for Claude. And I think you have to pay for Gemini, actually, the higher tier. Yes, you do.

So China is just going to release all these models that are as good as what’s out there for free and harvest all this information from people. I agree. It’s like the next TikTok, but better. But then what do you do with that information? What would you do? As a Chinese person? Yeah, well, you’re Chinese, so don’t you? I don’t know what I would do, but you can mine it for information. Based on what people are acquiring, it’s kind of like Google, right?

What are people interested in? And then use that information for marketing or, and if you want to get really nefarious, you can introduce propaganda. I don’t know. Right. Here’s the big conspiracy theory. Once they have all these users, they can tailor the AI results to feed whatever information that they want. And what’s funny about this is I think someone typed in

Tenement Square into Deep Seek and I think there was nothing. Right? So clearly it’s already been tainted in some way. Yeah. So this is so interesting because they can obviously they have the power to do this, but I like how we automatically assume that like Chachi BT and Claude are not already doing that. The difference is it’s an American company.

But you think Americans are that good? I don’t. I don’t. But supposedly in OpenAI’s terms, and I never read these terms in privacy policies, but they’re not supposed to. Well. Right? I mean, do you really believe, like, genuine, I mean, I don’t want to get all like conspiracy theory. I don’t believe this because, OK, here’s a story that just kind of popped in my feed. It was an older story. But you know how when you’re just talking about something on your phone and all of a sudden you get an ad for it? Yes.

Well, it turns out there was a company that was listening. Yeah. And they told us for so long, oh, we can’t listen. It’s not possible. It’s against terms of service. They fed us that for years. And Zuckerberg still fed that to us. Yeah. in the end, it was some third party company that was doing it through whatever, right? It reminds me of when my kids were little and like I used to have to hide cookies after I made them and they would always like

wake up in the middle of night and eat the cookies and then I would confront the culprit and he was always like, it was obviously one of the boys. And he’s like, I didn’t take the cookies, mom. And he didn’t take them. He had his brother take them and then they both ate them. But it was like, I didn’t do this. I’m fully aware of the other party that’s doing it, but I’m going to maintain my end. That’s what it sounds like. The seven-year-old, I didn’t take the cookie prank. But I can’t tell you how many people have signed up for Deep Seek already in just one week. Don’t you think that’s terrifying?

I mean terrifying. Or did you sign up? No, I didn’t sign up. I was afraid to because it asked me for all this. Well, you can sign up through Google, ironically, with a Google login. can, yes. Where Google will pass your email and all that stuff. I was going to wait till someone else downloaded it and gave it to me so I could run it on my PC, actually. One of my buddies is going to do that on a burner box. OK, we need to have Kevin do it. He’s probably got all the equipment. Yeah, Kevin can probably do it.

But yeah, this all happened in the last week and I’m still processing it. I mean, free is pretty compelling, right? It’s only 20 bucks a month, though. 20 bucks a month? That’s a Netflix. Actually, does it even pay for a Netflix? I don’t know anymore. their prices. know. Everything’s so expensive these days. just. Wait, I always wanted to ask you this. Are you paying for any tool right now, AI tool? Yeah, I pay for Chachipetit. Chachipetit.

I’m about to switch it and pay for Claude and not pay for you, but I haven’t run out of the free Claude yet. don’t use it. I run out of free Claude. My kids use it in 20 minutes. They’re out. Now that I just hired a video editor and I’m going to start making more videos and scripts and stuff like that, I’m going to switch it over because I don’t use it. I use ShoutGPT, for example, the other day when-

We had to switch our AWS login information and I couldn’t figure out how to add you as a user and it wasn’t super obvious. I was like, I’ll Google it. And you’re like, chat GPT it. And I was like, but chat GPT isn’t a verb yet. So let me keep saying Google. I mean, I was planning on looking at chat GPT for the answer, but I was like, I don’t know how to say that as a verb. But that’s kind of how I use chat GPT at this point is like today I was doing something in Google Sheets and I needed to know how to create a formula. So I just went to chat GPT and of course they tell you exactly.

And with that stuff, feel like ChatGBT is always pretty correct. You don’t get in a rabbit hole of this wasn’t right. But yeah, with the script and stuff, I’ll probably be working more with Claude. So I’ll probably end up switching the paid subscription over there. But yeah, $20 a month is, it adds up when you have a couple of those. I mean, just $20 a month versus free and potentially better. don’t trust anything that’s free. That’s the problem.

Well, that’s you, but just think of like the average American. Yeah. Right there. Let’s just take the employees that work for Bumblebee. I know for a fact that they would go for the free version. They don’t care. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Over the paid version. Even me today, actually, I recently just canceled my mid journey subscription. Did tell you this? In case you guys are listening, mid journey is like an

Image AI tool where you can just generate images and I was using those for my YouTube videos thumbnails and whatnot But the free ones are they’re not as good, but they’re good enough Yeah, you know, so why why am I paying ten to twenty dollars a month for something that I? get for free as long as you don’t have hands. You’re fine Yeah, so same same goes I mean if

If this deep seek, and this is something that you could actually in theory just run on your computer, I’m pretty sure most people aren’t gonna do it that way. Yeah, I was gonna say, that was my next question for you is like, can the average person, like you say open source, that doesn’t mean anything to me. I mean, I know what it is, but like I’m never going to take advantage of that. I think most people are not gonna do that. And it does require kind of like a hefty computer, like you need a good video card. The reason why that was attracted to me,

was because right now when you do image generation, it censors it. Like if you wanted to do an image on like Trump, for example, or something like that, it would not let you do that. It doesn’t let you do images of famous people just because I guess there could be a lot of abuse for that. But when you download the model and tweak it or whatever, you can do whatever you want with it. Okay, so this is gonna be a dumb question, but I…

I promise you there’s someone listening that has this same misunderstanding that I do. If you download it onto your computer, then how are they going to get any data if it’s now your- They can’t. They cannot. Okay. I couldn’t make that connection. That’s correct. They cannot. Like you said, no one’s going to do that, right? You have to spend $1,000 on a video card, a couple thousand dollars to run the better models, the bigger ones.

And so we’re talking maybe like a $3,000 expense just to be able to do this. But if it’s open source and… So let’s say I’m… So could you potentially use this for… Let’s just use Bumblebee as an example. Could you use the open source to build your own AI for Bumblebee for customer service and all that? Like, where’s my order and those types of things.

Or does it I don’t know about that bit. And here’s why. Let’s say 200 people decide to chat with Bumblebee Linz at once. My little PC is not going be able to handle that. OK. So it’s more about resources. Yeah. For me, I would just use it as my own personal AI that I could just tweak and mainly generate images that I want to generate. Because that’s one of the reasons why I canceled Mid Journey also.

Like I just wanted some basic, like I wasn’t gonna do anything malicious, just some basic pictures of people who are well known, right? And it wouldn’t let me do that. This is not where I thought the episode was gonna go. I you had so many questions. I have a lot of, okay, we can shoot. Well, no, no, it’s okay. mean, what I wanted to talk about was like all the models and everything that are out there just for people who are listening that don’t follow all this stuff. But I mean, that was the big news for the week, obviously, deep sea.

which caused markets to crash. And I think Alibaba’s announcement today caused the markets to crash again today, because I woke up this morning and seeing a bunch of red. Interesting. So for the everyday AI user, I think every AI tool minus the new ones that have just been released, they have a paid tier. Yes. So what would you tell someone? Because I’m always amazed. I feel like because we live in this digital marketing world, everybody we know has been using AI for like two years.

Right. But then I talk to people who don’t really live in this world and they either have heard of it, they use it a little bit, but they’re not. I would say, where do people get started if they haven’t really jumped in yet? I just introduced one of my clients to it six weeks ago and she’s literally said she wanted to marry Claude when I was with her this weekend. That’s what my mom said.

Because she has to write these scientific papers and her grammar isn’t great, right? She has all the data, but it’s hard for her to put on paper. She’s like, oh my God, with ChachiPT, I can write these papers so quickly now. Yeah. Yeah. And so she said something along the same lines, not Mary, but She’s marrying Claude. My friend is marrying Claude. But imagine, most people haven’t even scratched the surface. Have you used voice with ChachiPT where you can have a conversation with it?

No, my brother has, but I have not. I mean, there’s a whole bunch of functionality that most of the public has not even tried. Yeah. Yet.

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you about a free resource that I offer on my website that you may not be aware of. If you are interested in starting your own online store, I put together a comprehensive six-day mini course on how to get started in ecommerce that you should all check out. It contains both video and text-based tutorials that go over the entire process of finding products to sell all the way to getting your first sales online. Now this course is free and can be attained at slash free.

just sign up right there on the front page via email and I’ll send you the course right away. Once again, that’s slash free. Now back to the show.

One of the things that I think is a very public use case for AI that my brother has been doing is that he has been putting in medical results. You know how you go to the doctor and maybe something’s a little bit wrong with you when they run a bunch of tests and you can see the results but you have no idea what they mean, right? He will put those results in AI and they will give him multiple

OK, this level is high, but it’s actually not high based on your age and whatever. this is like this is like five common things. And it literally spits out like kind of like what your mom’s doing, this full like basically report. that I think what’s really helpful about this is that before you go to the doctor, you can basically create a list of questions that are pretty educated, right? For what you know, what your symptoms are, your test results or whatever, as opposed to going in there and not really understanding anything.

and you’ve got 15 minutes, right? To me, that’s a really good use case. But then, of course, I’m thinking, if you put all that information in there, then they have all that information about you. Maybe they do, they don’t. is correct. mean, the question is, what are they going to do with it as an individual? I was thinking, when we were thinking about harmful things, I was thinking about more as a collective, right? If everyone signs up for this free Chinese AI, the Chinese can make, it’s funny, I’m talking about Chinese people, I’m Chinese.

They can make up whatever answers they want and like massage the answers. know what I’m saying? So that’s the tricky part. That’s where I think there’s a national security threat. Because they can just put all this negative US propaganda as an answer in there. Doesn’t it feel like we’re like living in some sort of Avengers movie and Tony Stark has like created that? Like it just feels like this can’t be real, but it is like it is. But it just yeah, like the ability to manipulate the information. Like I didn’t.

I knew this, but I think I had forgotten when the whole TikTok thing blew up. I guess they have TikTok in China. In China, it’s like the stem. You have the stem tab on your TikTok account where it’s all science, engineering, math. What I’ve heard is that in China, that’s what they’re feeding kids. I don’t know if that’s true or not. I don’t know either. The app is called Douying. I know there’s a lot of sales that happen on that, like online selling.

But that’s what I heard too. I’ve just never verified it because I never tried to download that app. Yeah. But anyway, it’s like, you know, like it makes sense, right? China is feeding us stupid dances and, you know, garbage and they’re feeding their kids math, science and engineering. Right. Yeah. It’s just like, well, that’s what I would do. Start with the kids, right? Get to the kids, dumb them down and you’re you’re setting yourself up for success.

I mean, if we’re already going down this rabbit hole, you know how there’s been export controls on the chips that power AI, Nvidia chips to China, right? Yeah. And the reason why this was such a big breakthrough was they don’t have a lot of chips supposedly to do this. like a group, they made it sound like it’s just a group of researchers use like one 10th or one 20th of the amount of compute that the U S has to generate this model. That’s better than what open AI has been working on for a long time.

I see, I’ve talked to some friends here. They all think it’s full of BS. They have this underground stockpile of Nvidia GPUs and they trained it based on OpenAI. They took OpenAI stuff and trained on top of it. I don’t even know what’s true or not, because it’s still only a week old. But that’s what some of my buddies think who are in the industry. I wouldn’t…

There’s a lot of good tools that you can use already without downloading that. Yes, but you have to pay. Yes. Having to pay is, mean, look at me, right? I don’t pay for anything. I know. It’s a strong impetus to sign up for something when it’s free, I guess the other problem is that if you, like you as an individual, you’re like, well, this is totally free. I’m going to start using it. I don’t care if they know this about me. Right?

But you’re not thinking of the collective, right? Who cares if they know something about you, honestly? I don’t care what people know about me. There’s nothing that interesting. But if all of a sudden, 5 million people, 50 million people are all inputting similar pieces of data, right? Data points start to make sense. That’s where the danger is. It’s not in your individual data. It’s in the collective data. Right. So the question, I guess, is the US going to ban this?

I don’t know, but it seems much more intrusive to me than TikTok. Yeah, for sure. Like I, yeah. But let’s, let’s move on to your choices since we’re talking about this, right? Okay. So we’ve already talked about chat. Actually, let’s just talk about what things are good for and what we use them for. Yeah. The chat GPT is like my general purpose AI tool that I use all the time. like your new Google. It’s like my, yeah, it’s like a new Google. It’s like my, it’s like a Toyota.

It keeps running, Reliable. Good old reliable. Good on the gas mileage. Then Claude is what I use for creative writing and coding. Actually, I use ChadGBT for coding too. It just depends on what I have open. I want to pause on that because we get this question a lot in the course. We have some people in the course developing things using AI tools, extensions, plugins, things like that.

I thought initially you told me you like ChatGPT for coding, but now you’ve moved to Claude or you still use both? Okay. So the reason why I like Claude better and ChatGPT actually just added this feature and I haven’t really had to got a chance to try it. Claude has this nice canvas window where you can actually see in real time that it’s run. It like runs inside of it. Okay. So if you’re doing like a web app, you’re actually running the web app on Claude first before you make it live on your server, which is nice. Yeah. ChatGPT just added that functionality.

haven’t gotten around to playing around with it. So that’s why it was better. And then all the, I don’t want to get too technical here, but all the integrated development environments, I think connect to Claude by default, because Claude has been the one for coding for a while now. Who owns Claude? Anthropic. They’re the least well-funded, I think, of the AI companies, I believe.

So I think, Claude, for me, I think I just said this earlier, ChatGPT is my Google. How do I do this? How do I find this? How do I create this formula? I’m not great at math, as we all know, so I do a lot of math equations in ChatGPT. If this is a sales and I want to find out this percentage of this and that, I use that for a lot of those sorts of things. What I like about ChatGPT, if you struggle in the math-ing,

is that it tells you how it comes up with the answer. doesn’t just give you the answer. It says, take this number and multiply it by this and then divide it by this and times it by percentage and add this, whatever. So actually, I think that’s one of ChatGPT’s nice features. I haven’t really tried to do that in Claude, but for me, Claude in the creative writing is leaps and bounds better than ChatGPT for the stuff that I’m doing, as well as I feel like Claude is really good at hooks and headlines.

over chat GPT. To me, chat GPT, the headline is just too sensational. Like when you say give me a click baity title or give me a good YouTube hook, it’s like it tries to over perform, right? And it’s like, I’m gonna give you the Actually, I found it the opposite. Really? I Claude is too sensationalistic at times. I gotta tone it down. Whereas chat GPT is the opposite. Oh, maybe it’s how I’m asking for the prompt.

It could be that because I feel like Chachi BT gives me this radical new energizing transformative. I feel like that’s what- Oh, yes. I don’t use it for opening intros. I only use it for titles. Oh, okay. Yes. I do it for both and then I compare it to Cloud is always much more sensationalistic to me for a title. Interesting. I always use conversational tone.

as part of my prompt. And I think that’s why maybe I get a toned down response from it. anyway, but I also find Claude really good for creating scripts that don’t deviate too far from the original content. And then I just recently, this past week, used Claude for two contracts. Now I’m not attorney.

And I don’t recommend doing this if it’s like a contract that you like this is not where you could do your divorce papers, right? Like this is but I do think like for so I just hired this video editor and I wanted to get like a very simple contract just kind of like an agreement of like how many hours you’re gonna work. What are you gonna get paid? What are the expectations? And I didn’t want to like type it all like I was just lazy.

And so I just typed in, you know, basically like, hey, I have a contract for a video editor. These are the hours required. This is that. I gave like the parameters and it actually spit out a really good contract basically that I would be fine like using in that scenario. Right. Or like basically a work agreement, I guess is probably a better word. Contract seems pretty contract. You say make it completely unreadable. Yes. Make sure no one knows what they’re getting or losing.

But it’s done that for me a couple of times. then also, think kind of like what your mom likes it for is taking like a bunch of information. So I’m getting ready to launch something. And we basically have all these like pieces of information in it. And I was like, OK, I want to get it all in like one document that makes sense. And so I just dumped in all the information and it like first try was pretty good. First try was good enough to where all I had to do was go in and tweak it. I didn’t even have to send it through a second time. Yeah.

Yeah, it’s good for that. Usually what I do is I just take something off the web and I say, hey, is this, know, and then I modify it from there. So same thing, pretty much. Yeah. Yeah. OK. I haven’t tried Gemini at all, have you? Oh, yeah, yeah. used Gemini. The image stuff is not bad, which is one of the reasons why I quit mid-journey, quit paying mid-journey. So you’re using the free Gemini? The free Gemini, yes.

The only thing I’m paying for right now is ChatGPT and Claude depending on whether I keep running out or not. So I actually recently quit Claude because you said, oh, I never ran out of credits. I’m like, oh, okay. Let me try it for free then. And then I ran out credits. So back on the Claude bandwagon again. If you need something free, mean, things have been free for a while. Like Facebook completely open sourced their model called Llama.

that you can use within Facebook, you can use it within WhatsApp. Have you ever tried it? No, I didn’t even know about it. So you’ll notice if you open your app, there’s in the search, you can actually ask it a question, I believe, and it’ll spit out the answer. Okay. Yeah, and that’s 100 % free. And it’s open source, which means you can download it and run on your machine. From what I heard, Alama is pretty good. It’s not quite as good as ChatGPT, obviously.

It’s, know, if you trust meta, I guess you can just stop, just stop talking.

Are there any new ones on the horizon that we should know about? Is something coming? Well, there’s also Elon’s model, which is called Grok. I don’t think anyone’s going to use that, right? The problem is they all… When someone says a model is better, it’s based on these artificial benchmarks that aren’t really realistic to what most people use it for, in my opinion.

Really, you just have to try it and see if it works for your use case and how well it does. That’s what I think is probably the most important thing for people to take away outside of everyone’s data being stolen all over the world or given away freely. I guess they’re not stealing it. They make it very clear they’re going to use it. I think it really depends on what you’re doing and for what you want to use because we have people in the course that love ChatGBT. We also have people that love Claude.

I think there’s someone in there that’s using Gemini. So it really varies on, and I also think it does depend on how you write your prompts. Because you and I are getting a lot different responses from the same tool. So I’m sure we’re just doing prompts differently. And for me, it’s getting probably a better result than what you like for sensationalists and stuff like that. And then if you’re willing to pay $200 a month right now, there’s agents.

I didn’t pay $200 a month, one of my friends who’s in this industry has it. So he was like, oh yeah, go book me a plane ticket from New York to Boston or California to Boston. And it’ll go out and you give it the primers. Like, I don’t want to spend more than this. I want it to be direct. It’ll come up with the flight for you. And then it’ll stop at the credit card processing part where you can enter your credit card. supposedly DeepSeek is going to have all this stuff

It’s doing your credit card info. Yeah, for free. Right. And so if it pans out like I think it’s going to pan out, people are just going to flock to this free tool, which will maybe force the other players to go free also. Right. Which will kind of go free, though, because nothing is free. All these subsidized by the government. Well, right. But like all these other tools aren’t subsidized by the government.

By the Chinese government? No, no. Deepseek. Deepseek. Well, I’m sure it’s subsidized by the government somehow. Right. But I mean, is Claude subsidized by a government? Claude has, I think, the smallest pile of chips that they’re training on. I don’t know enough about this because to-

People call BS on me, but I think you have to selectively decide what to focus on when you’re training a model, right? Right. You want to be good at this. Do you want to be good at that? And the rumor mill here is that DeepSeq was trained for the benchmark. So it could say that it was better than ChatGPT. And this is not an uncommon practice, right? Like, I’ve been in the PC video card space for a long time.

And a lot of times in video, AMD, they tune their drivers and they tune their chips to pass these benchmarks, right? Even to the point where there was one time there was a scandal with video cards where they actually detected the name of the program being run. And then they completely did different things knowing that it was running that program so that it could perform better. So there’s all this manipulation and stuff going on behind the scenes, I’m sure.

Let’s talk about this agents one real quick, 200 bucks a month. That’s expensive. It’s agents, not Asians. I said agents. I didn’t say Asians. It’s really just a room full of Asians booking your plane tickets. No, agents. Sorry, I did not emphasize the guh. Here’s the thing.

DeepSeek comes out with a free model of this, let’s just say hypothetically. But agents, they have to, like this stuff costs money, right? Yes, to run. Yes, like you’re paying programmers, you’re paying for server, like you’re paying for all this. It’s not like some guy in his basement doing this. Right. So I don’t like, can’t be free forever because there has to be, there always is a monetization play. can be free forever. Yeah, if the government is subsidizing it. Well, Google’s been free forever.

They’re making money through ads. yes. makes money through other ways. So what’s the monetization play? Because to me, DeepSeek, there’s no monetization play. It’s a data play. And eventually they’ll sell all your data. So is that going to be the monetization play for all these people or companies over time? Because there has to be. It’s just like, so is Facebook’s free. But is it free? Not really. We’re inundated with ads and junk we don’t want to see I that’s, I think, the first business model that they’re going to try.

with ads, right? Ads and the search results. So yeah, there will be some business model for it. I think you need to attract users first, right? Which is what all these companies did. Like Meta resisted monetizing for a long time. Once they had the users locked in, then they started doing it. Same with Google to a certain extent. Once upon a time, there was no ads. I don’t know if you remember back then.

1994, I want to say, right? Or five? That was when I first started using it. Yeah, it was a very long time ago. 30 years. Yeah. I didn’t want to say how many years it was. 30 years. You were 10 using Google. We know. Right. so like to me, if you’re going to make something free, do you have a monetization plan down the

Or you you you’re going to get one. I know a lot of people start and like, well, figure it out as we go, which is not my favorite business model. But yeah, I just wonder if they make these tools free. What are we giving up for that? Because you’re paying for it some way or another. talking about US companies or Chinese companies? US companies. I think the Chinese companies like no hate on China, but I think they’re mining data. That’s what I would do. Well, yeah, this is like the best data ever.

Yes, it would be dumb not to do Why would you do it if that wasn’t your plan, in my opinion? That seems like a international espionage thing to do. for US companies, think they also want to mine data. Why do we love Klaviyo? Why do think Klaviyo is so great? Because it gives us so much data about the people, even people that aren’t customers. We know what pages they visited and what their actions are.

to the point where we can tell when people hover over stuff with certain, you know, it’s like, that’s Google, I remember Google Analytics? I hate Google Analytics now, but you know, they had like, you could have it. They did. But like, you could put it up on your, like, you could put your webpage up there. You probably can still do this. And it would show you like hot spots on your page, right? And I think, is it?

There was a Shopify tool that did that as well. It told you where people hovered There’s a bunch. Yes, there’s a bunch of tools that did that. The data is really valuable, but to me, I would rather pay than have too much of my data taken. If you want every user in the US using it, then you got to make it free. Right. Then with that data, I’m sure there’s a way to monetize it somehow, whether it be through ads or just selling the information, perhaps.

to someone who wants to. Wouldn’t you want to know if you wanted to start something or create something, wouldn’t you want to know what… It’s kind of like, do we like SEMrush and what’s it? Ahrefs, right? Because it’s telling us the volume of things. Is there an AI tool that tells you the volume of things yet? I mean, if you think about it this way, I’m just thinking about it from Bumblebee Linden’s perspective. If there’s a user who’s typing in all these wedding related questions into AI, like where’s wedding venue? Where can I get favors? Whatever. You better…

They know, right? AI knows. so, like, I would pay to get in front of that customer. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. So that’s probably the likely monetization path going forward. And plus, you know, they’re making all this money with selling API access to all these tools that are incorporating into their tools, right? Yeah. So I’m sure they’ll find a way to fund itself. The real question is whether the return on that is

going to be more than the cost of them, all the engineers, all the hardware that’s required to do all this because it’s very heavy on compute, all the energy costs involved.

Hope you enjoyed this episode. What AI models are you using? And would you dare use the free Chinese AI model? For more information and resources, go to slash episode 576. Once again, tickets to the Seller Summit 2025 are now on sale over at If you want to hang out in person in a small intimate setting, develop real relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs and learn a ton, then come to my event. Go to

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575: Google Search Is Collapsing — Do This Now Or Lose All Your Traffic

575: Google Search Is Collapsing — Do This Now Or Lose All Your Traffic

In this episode, I explore how AI tools like ChatGPT and Perplexity, along with recent legal challenges to Google’s monopoly, are transforming the future of search and SEO. You’ll learn how these changes impact your website traffic and discover actionable strategies to stay ahead in this shifting digital landscape.

What You’ll Learn

  • Why Google Search is losing its edge: Understand what’s changing with search (and why people are freaking out about it)
  • How to adapt your traffic strategy: Learn actionable steps to make sure your website or content stays relevant despite the shift
  • The future of search: Get insights into how AI and alternative platforms might reshape where people find answers

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Welcome back to the podcast, the show where I cover all of the latest strategies and current events related to e-commerce and online business. In this episode, I explore how AI tools like ChatGPT and Perplexity, along with recent legal challenges to Google’s monopoly, are transforming the future of search and SEO. You’ll learn how these changes impact your website traffic and discover actionable strategies to stay ahead in this shifting digital landscape. But before we begin, I wanted to let you know that tickets are now on sale for Seller Summit

The Seller Summit is the conference that I hold every year that specifically targets e-commerce entrepreneurs selling physical products online. Unlike other events that focus on inspirational stories and high-level advice, mine is a curriculum-based conference where you will leave with practical and actionable strategies specifically for an e-commerce business. Every speaker I invite is deep in the trenches of their e-commerce business, entrepreneurs who are importing large quantities of physical goods

and not some high-level guys who are overseeing their companies at 50,000 feet. I personally hate large events, so the seller’s summit is always small and intimate. Every year we cut off ticket sales at around 200 people, so tickets sell out fast, and we’ve sold out every single year for the past eight years. If you are an e-commerce entrepreneur making more than $250,000 or $1 million per year, we also offer an exclusive mastermind experience with other top sellers.

The Seller’s Summit is going to be held in Fort Lauderdale, from May 6th to May 8th. Right now, this is the cheapest the tickets will ever be. So head on over to and grab your ticket. Now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife, Quit Her Job podcast. There’s a lot of big questions facing the SEO industry right now. Is artificial intelligence going to make SEO obsolete? Will the Google monopoly ruling kill search traffic from Google? More importantly, will Google even matter anymore once all is said and done? In this episode, I’m going to answer all of these questions the best that I can. I’m not a fortune teller, but based on the data that I’ve gathered, these are my best predictions as to what will happen.

Let’s start with AI first. Probably the biggest question on everyone’s mind is will AI steal search traffic from your website? Well, there two ways that that could happen. One, people could stop using Google altogether and rely on platforms like ChatGPT, Cloud.AI, or Perplexity for their searches. Now based on my own behavior, I don’t really use Google search much at all anymore, and almost all my queries begin now from ChatGPT slash SearchGPT. But is that true for the rest of the world?

I know that I’m not the norm, so let’s take a look at the data. According to StatCounter, Google is still the clear leader across the traditional search engines with roughly a 90.4 % search market share. But what about AI tools like ChatDBT, SearchDBT, and Perplexity? How much of a dent are these new tools eating away at Google’s market share? Now the problem with data from sites like StatCounter is that they only account for searches from traditional search engines like Bing, Yahoo, and DuckDuckGo.

And there’s very little information out there about the effects of AI and services like Perplexity. However, using publicly available data, we can do some rough calculations to see the impact they can potentially have on Google search. Let’s start with Chat2BT. According to OpenAI, just last week, Chat2BT now has more than 300 million weekly active users sending 1 billion queries per day. Now by comparison, Google gets roughly 8.5 billion queries per day.

This means that ChatGBT already gets around 11.7 % of the queries as Google does. But keep in mind that ChatGBT is used for many things outside of searching for information, like writing assistance, creating code, translating text, et cetera. So the actual impact of Google’s market share is likely significantly less. However, ChatGBT use is growing like gangbusters. According to Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, they’ve grown 50 % in just the last three months

and the growth seems to be accelerating, especially since the release of Search GPT, which came out on October 31st. Rather than having to click on individual links with traditional search engines to find information, Search GPT does an excellent job of fully answering the search query. Plus, Search GPT also prominently links to its sources, which is great news for website owners. So far, the biggest issue facing AI has been accuracy and hallucinations, where it simply makes things up

that aren’t true. As a result, data has shown that people actually do click on the website links to verify the data for accuracy. When I was doing research for this video, I probably clicked on a third of the links on the Search GPT right-hand panel. So in the event that Search GPT takes off, website owners will still see traffic. Plus, if Search GPT continues to provide accurate data along with supporting links to back up their answers, it will definitely pose a threat to Google going forward.

But as it stands right now, Chat GPT isn’t a devastating blow to Google just yet, but things could change very quickly. By the way, if you’re interested in learning how to start a profitable online store and get free traffic from search, make sure you sign up for my free six day e-commerce mini course below. It’s a hundred percent free and I guarantee you’ll learn a lot. Let’s talk about Proplexity next. If you’ve never heard of Proplexity, it’s basically the original search GPT. Using the power of AI, Proplexity delivers concise answers

and combines the functionality of a search engine with the interactive nature of AI chatbots. Similar to Search GBT, they provide links to websites as well. However, the links are not nearly as prominent. As of June of 2024, Perplexity has over 75 million monthly visitors across desktop and web, going by approximately 20 % each month. According to TechCrunch, Perplexity says it’s now serving 100 million search queries per week. Divide that by seven,

and we’re looking at around 14.28 million searches per day. Meanwhile, Google gets roughly 8.5 billion requests every day. So this means that Perplexity only gets 0.16 % of the searches that Google does. So I think it’s safe to say that at least right now, Perplexity is not that much of a threat to Google. But overall, it’s true that both ChatTPT and Perplexity have grown a lot and already have hundreds of millions of active monthly users. But as it stands right this second,

Their market share still pales in comparison to Google search and doesn’t have any noticeable impact on Google’s market share just yet. But what about Google’s own AI efforts? If you’ve done any searches in Google recently, you’ve probably seen Google’s AI overviews in the search results. These AI overviews were first released in May of 2023 as part of Google’s search generative experience. And the goal was to give searches a complete answer to their search query without having to click on a bunch of links.

So basically Google started doing what perplexity and search GPT already does. Now I remember when AI overviews first came out, SEO started panicking because they were worried that the AI overviews would reduce the number of clicks to websites and lower overall traffic. As of now, these AI overviews appear for about 7 % of the search queries and about 17 % of e-commerce search queries. And this is down from 25 % back in May of this year.

Now remember how I said that links to websites and the AI search results actually get clicked because people want to verify the facts from AI? Well, here’s some data to back that up. According to Siege Media, the introduction of Google AI overviews actually resulted in a 4.43 % increase in search clicks. And for e-commerce websites in particular, there was a 3.2 % increase in search traffic. So once again, this is great news because it means traffic to websites should not be affected significantly.

by AI search. While the site’s ranking on page one might get slightly less clicks, this is offset by the number of additional clicks to the sites cited in the AI overviews. So overall, I’m not too worried about my website traffic. Based on the data, AI overviews, search EBT, and perplexity probably won’t steal clicks and search traffic to my site because people aren’t blindly relying on the answers from AI. Let’s switch gears now and talk about the recent Google Monopoly ruling.

On August 5th of 2024, a federal judge ruled that Google had acted illegally to maintain its online monopoly in search. And basically, the ruling states that Google abused its search business monopoly by paying billions of dollars to third-party platforms like Apple, Samsung, and Firefox to be the default search engine. For example, in 2022 alone, Google paid $20 billion to Apple to be Safari’s default search engine. Now the ruling doesn’t contain any remedies or consequences just yet,

And some speculate that Google won’t face any penalties until around 2027. And if Google appeals the outcome, it’s possible that any remedies or penalties won’t take place until the end of the decade. So while it’s still too early to tell how this ruling will impact Google, there have been a number of scenarios that have been discussed in the news. One, the DOJ is considering measures to break up Google’s business units, including Chrome and Android, to address its dominance in search and advertising. And two,

Google would no longer be able to pay third parties to be the default search engine. Now, if either of these two things happen, Google could easily lose 50 % of their search market share overnight. So how will this ruling potentially affect the traffic to your website? Well, in my opinion, nothing drastic will happen because the overall search traffic volume has not been decreasing year over year. In 2019, Google reported 1.2 trillion global searches. And today,

Google now gets 3.1 trillion searches. So basically the number of searches continues to rise every single year. So whether Google maintains their 90 % market share or if competitors like Bing, Proplexity or Search GPT start to gain traction, the searches are still going to be there. Now it might take more work to try to rank for all the different search engines, but so far I’ve noticed something interesting. The webpage citations in Search GPT are often the same as those appearing on the front page of Google.

So this suggests that AI-driven search engines might be piggybacking on Google’s ranking algorithms, using them as a foundation for their own search results. The other thing to consider is that even if Google isn’t the default search engine for Chrome or Apple devices, it’s still an established brand that it’s possible that the majority of users could stick to their habits and continue using Google anyways. My mom hasn’t even heard of ChatGPT or Perplexity yet, and it will take some time for the general public to catch up.

So given all this information, what should you as a website owner be doing to increase your search traffic? Well, one of the biggest downsides of AI is it has made content creation super easy and convenient. And as a result, people started pumping out millions of AI generated websites and Google search algorithm couldn’t keep up with all the spam. Since Google didn’t know how to handle it, they went all out and basically crushed any website that wasn’t linked to a legit business or a strong brand.

So what does that mean for the future SEO? If you’re starting a standalone blog from scratch as your only platform, chances are you’re never going to rank in search. These days, the only websites getting traffic are those with authors who demonstrate expertise, authority, and trust. On top of that, the most traffic is going to sites tied to legit businesses like e-commerce stores and service providers. But for those of you who want to start a standalone affiliate marketing website today, forget about it.

it will never get any traffic. So here’s your game plan. If you want to get search traffic, you also have to gain notoriety by building up a social media following as well. If you want to get traffic to your online store, you also need to be gathering two types of reviews. Google business reviews are reviews provided by customers on your Google business profile. If you don’t have a profile, then create one right now. These reviews are visible on Google search and Google maps when people search for a business.

Not only do they influence a business’s online reputation, but they can significantly affect search rankings and customer decisions. Google Customer Reviews, on the other hand, allows businesses to collect feedback from their customers about their shopping experience. Note, Google Customer Reviews is different from Google Business Reviews, and it’s all very confusing. Google Customer Reviews provides a way for customers to rate and review their experience after buying from your website.

These collective reviews contribute to a business’ rating, which is displayed in Google ads, shopping ads, and sometimes in organic search results. No matter who owns Search Market Share going forward, they are likely to derive a portion of the rankings and information from Google, so SEO will always be important.

Hope you enjoyed this episode. If you put all of your eggs into Google’s basket, you should be worried. It’s time to diversify. For more information and resources, go to slash episode 575. Once again, tickets to the Seller Summit 2025 are now on sale over at If you want to hang out in person in a small intimate setting, develop real relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs and learn a ton, then come to my event, go to

And if you’re interested in starting your own e-commerce store, head on over to and sign up for my free six day mini course. Just type in your email and I’ll send the course right away via email.

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574: A Quick TikTok Ban Update And The State Of Social Media

574: A Quick TikTok Ban Update And The State Of Social Media

Today, Toni and I are talking about the TikTok ban and what’s really going on with social media. From all the drama to what it means for creators and regular users like us, we’re breaking it all down. We’ll chat about what’s popping off, what’s fading away, and where things might be headed.

What You’ll Learn

  • What’s really going on with the TikTok ban
  • How the social media landscape is shifting
  • What it means for your content strategy

Sponsors – The Sellers Summit is the ecommerce conference that I’ve run for the past 8 years. It’s small and intimate and you’ll learn a ton! Click Here To Grab The Recordings.

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Welcome back to the podcast, the show where I cover all of the latest strategies and current events related to e-commerce and online business. Today, Tony and I are talking about the TikTok ban and what’s really going on with social media. From all the drama to what it means for creators and regular users like us, we’re breaking it all down. We’ll chat about what’s popping off, what’s fading away, and where things might be headed. But before we begin, I wanted to let you know that tickets are now on sale for Seller Summit 2025 over at

The Seller Summit is the conference that I hold every year that specifically targets e-commerce entrepreneurs selling physical products online. Unlike other events that focus on inspirational stories and high-level advice, mine is a curriculum-based conference where you will leave with practical and actionable strategies specifically for an e-commerce business. Every speaker I invite is deep in the trenches of their e-commerce business, entrepreneurs who are importing large quantities of physical goods, and not some high-level guys who are overseeing their companies at 50,000 feet.

I personally hate large events, so the Seller’s Summit is always small and intimate. Every year we cut off ticket sales at around 200 people, so tickets sell out fast, and we’ve sold out every single year for the past 8 years. If you are an ecommerce entrepreneur making more than $250,000 or $1 million per year, we also offer an exclusive mastermind experience with other top sellers. The Seller’s Summit is going to be held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from May 6th to May 8th.

Right now, this is the cheapest the tickets will ever be. So head on over to and grab your ticket. Now onto the show.

Welcome back to the My Wife Could Her Job podcast. Today we are gonna talk about all things social media, the TikTok ban, Red Note, among other social media platforms. Oh, what a weekend. You know what was funny is when I first opened my TikTok app, I think it was on Saturday, I can’t remember exactly what day it was, but anyway, it was banned, I was like, oh my God, I can’t believe this really happened. There goes all my plans, you know, for the year for Bumblebee Linens.

And then the next day it came back and I was like, huh, OK, what the heck is going on here? Yeah. So the one thing I want to make sure we talk about is like, is it a good idea to invest in TikTok? Not financially time time wise, right? Like, I think that’s the big looming question. But before we get into that.

I want to talk about the fact that like my 15 year old, it was like, I don’t know what this is like, but I would assume if you were a meth addict and you lost your supply, the stages of grief that we went through on Sunday morning, I wish I would have filmed because I would be Mr. Beast level finances posting that video. Like it was.

the best thing that happened to me in probably six months. Tell me because my kids aren’t allowed on TikTok. That’s smart. Nothing happened in our household at all. Yeah. So I was kind of happy when it happened. I was like, OK, great. Now people can not waste as much time anymore. So I had a very mixed feelings because like I waste time on TikTok, 100 percent waste time on TikTok, usually not during the day, but like, you know, before I go to bed, it’s like I could probably get an extra 30 minutes of sleep every night if I wasn’t scrolling TikTok.

I know it’s a time waster and I don’t use it for business. So it’s like, don’t have any excuse to be on there. And my kids are like TikTok addicts, right? And some of them have had big accounts, have lost big accounts. Like we’ve been through the whole TikTok roller coaster over the past four or five years. So there was a part of me that was like, oh, ban it, get rid of this. Like give me my children back, right? But then we have friends, several of them who make a substantial amount of money

selling physical products on TikTok through TikTok shop. And so for them, I’m in full panic, right? Because it isn’t just about, like, let’s take your YouTube, for example. If YouTube went away, you would have the immediate impact of the lost revenue from ads. But you would have a much further impact in that you would be losing

your email subscribers, right? Because you get a lot of email subscribers through YouTube, which a lot of crown credit creators do. And so not only would you feel that initial impact of the, know, thousands of dollars a month in ad revenue, you would feel a long-term impact of how do I get new customers for my affiliate marketing, for my course, for the other things that I promote. And that’s what I felt about TikTok, because if you are on TikTok shop and you are selling products,

TikTok requires you to have a certain level of inventory, at least they used to, I’m not sure what their requirements are right now. So it’s not like TikTok goes away and you’re Charlie D’Amelio and so you lose your revenue from views. You now have a warehouse with probably two to $3 million of inventory that you’ve already paid for. And now you’ve lost that channel for sales. Now you probably have some other channels, some people don’t, but I mean, people we know do.

But it’s, can’t just, I can’t tell you, hey, I know on Bumblebee, you are making a million dollars a year on, you know, your DTC store and a million dollars a year on TikTok. So just make 2 million on the store. It’s like, well, it’s not that simple. So for those people, I was in like full on panic, right? Because the financial repercussions are gigantic. Yeah, not only that, actually, are we gonna be talking about whether it’s worth it to do TikTok right now?

Yes, we’ll talk about my daughter in just a second because it was quite hilarious. I wanted to hear your daughter, but I just want to say that TikTok is not fully back. Correct. Just to be clear. And this is why I’m still hesitant, because you cannot download it from the app store. Did you hear this that iPhones with the TikTok app on it are selling for like 10 grand? Are you serious? So apparently, yes, I heard this on the radio this morning.

I saw my son rides a motorcycle. He normally rides to college on the motorcycle. The weather here has been terrible. So I drove him to school today. So we were just listening to like the radio as we were going to school and they were talking about an iPhone sold for over $10,000 because it had the TikTok app on it because someone had deleted the TikTok app and then you couldn’t get it back, which I’m like, who deletes an app? Like, I do that actually. I’ve, would not be the first thing I’d think about doing. Sure. But yeah, it’s like, that didn’t take you long.

12 hours? Yeah. Yeah. So it’s not back. That means no app updates. Correct. I’m pretty sure that means limited advertising if you’re allowed to advertise. And I know Live just kind of came back. Yes, I had Live last night. I saw it. Yeah, yeah. But I mean, it’s kind of in its crippled state. Yes. In a state of limbo for the next 90 days. But I will just want to say I have a beautiful iPhone 15. It’s only two months old.

It has your price. has a TikTok app. I need I just had a car die. So for ten thousand dollars, this phone can be yours, all yours with the beautiful TikTok app on it just for you. My Android phone for five grand with TikTok. Be part of the green bubble. So anyway, it goes off Saturday night.

My daughter was actually at a friend’s house. pick her up on Sunday morning and I was like, just, could not wait to get her in the car because I was like, I know this is going to be bad because she is like live or die, TikTok, right? So we get in the car, she’s clearly irritated. So the agitation phase has begun, right? She’s jonesing because it’s now been, you know, six hours since she had access.

So then we get home and usually one morning on the weekends, I make like a big breakfast. So we’re all there, you know, a lot of kids are home, which normally it’s, you know, usually one or two. So we’re all sitting around the kitchen and she is like, now she’s reached like phase two of withdrawal, whatever that is. And she’s like visibly angry, right? And I was, I made the critical error, the mom error of saying,

You can watch videos another way. Which I guess it’s like someone saying to a meth addict, there’s always crack. Like, I don’t know. So she looks at me and she’s like, what are you? You expect me to watch Reels?

And like her older brothers who like they grew up without TikTok, right? So there and I gave everybody the stare of do not laugh at her, like because we don’t know what we’re dealing with. We have a caged animal here. Right. And so she’s like, Reels? And I’m thinking I actually like Reels that shows my age. And then before I could get anything out and she’s like, and don’t even tell me to go on YouTube. Like.

You know what’s funny about what you just said? You used the word Joneses. I don’t know if you do Strands, which is one of these games on the New York Times. Oh, yes, I do Strands, yes. One of the last ones was outdated slang. I was like, hey, I still use those words because I was thinking Joneses. Who uses that anymore? She was in a complete, I was like…

was like, wow, I like, this is like, I felt like we were at the zoo watching the native animal species, you know, and there’s like a, and this is what happens to a 15 year old six hours after TikTok. mean, it’s, it’s crazy. Everyone started fleeing to Red Note. Yes. Communist China app. What I don’t, nothing makes like, I couldn’t figure out what world I’m living in. Cause if they ban this app, and let’s say Red Note becomes popular, they’re just going to ban that one too. Yeah. And in my boys who are

very pragmatic and pretty pretty tech savvy. One of them goes, well, you know, I mean, you could actually download TikTok with a VP. You know, he’s going into and I was like, shut up. Like, I don’t want her to know that there’s a chance she can get this because she’s already talking about Red Note. She’s like, but you have to know another language like it’s just like the. was I was like, I wish I had a hidden camera just to. But then part of me was like, I’m so glad this is gone.

Right. Because clearly you have a problem. and, you know, it’s hard to because now her grades are good. So I was like, it’s not even like I could be like, well, your grades aren’t good. So TikTok’s not coming back on your phone anyway. But it’s like, actually, you’re doing really well. So I can’t really like I don’t have a lot to pick at. I mean, my whole feed was people waving goodbye and complaining and having people coming clean.

Coming clean about what? No. I’m a fitness influencer, but I’m actually on Ozempic and I don’t drink this garbage. No, we’re on different feeds. Yes, a couple people. I only saw one like that on my feed, but I did see a whatever, repost things of like, yes. Anyway, the whole thing’s crazy to me. I was excited that it was gone personally, upset for my friends, but-

I wasn’t thrilled when it came back on. I feel like Trump just put them back on so people could watch the inauguration on it. I think that was the whole impetus for all of this. Here’s the thing that’s so interesting, and I’ve followed it not religiously, but it sounds like if someone buys it, they might not be buying the algorithm.

I don’t know what’s going to happen with that. That’s all up in the air. I don’t want to speculate there, but yeah, that makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Right, because I read an article on Forbes, a legitimate, it wasn’t a thing. I didn’t see this on TikTok, but basically that the valuation of the app, which would be the users, the e-commerce, that kind of thing is like an X value, but the algorithm is actually where all the value is in TikTok.

which is what I guess the US doesn’t want sold is the algorithm. They don’t want the use of the algorithm, but then part of me is like, feel like Mark Zuckerberg is behind this. The whole thing just seems so There’s whole bunch of conspiracy theories now on TikTok itself. Of course, yes. The big question is after all of this, should you be spending any time on TikTok professionally as a business?

See, that’s the thing. If it was fully back, meaning you could still download, update and everything, I’d probably be in Bumblebee filming right now. But right now, it’s just still up in the air. I don’t know what’s going to happen. I personally am not going to invest a ton of time into it. What are your thoughts? I feel like it’s too risky to… I definitely wouldn’t be working on creating a TikTok shop.

or anything like that, like if I was in e-commerce. If I was a content creator and I was already creating content, would I continue to promote through the affiliate, you know, the creator program? Yeah, I would probably still do all that, but this would not be the day that I would start TikTok. Plus you can’t download it anyway if you haven’t had it. The only thing that I would say is this is where it gets tricky. I mean, you can make shorts and you can make reels and those are all the same.

It’s the same stuff as TikTok, right? Like obviously we say that like you kind of create differently for the different platforms, but most creators don’t. They put whatever they put on TikTok on reels and on shorts. They’re not changing it up. So I would say if you’re already creating that content, then there’s no reason why you can’t put it on TikTok. But I would not have that be my focus at all. So I’ve been doing YouTube shorts now. I want to say for a year and a half, two years, and these are,

half-hearted YouTube shorts, I should say. Yes, you’re cheating. Because I’m just taking clips out of my long form with the hopes that it will get them to watch the long form video if they find the short. And what I found is that, you know, it still gets like a tiny amount of views, know, a thousand, two thousand views, which is nothing in TikTok land. But I do have a couple that have been tens of thousands of views or even over a hundred K. And I do see YouTube shorts that are not in the business realm get millions of views.

It can happen. The reach can be like TikTok. I just don’t feel like people are as addicted to YouTube shorts as they are. I don’t really know that many people that use Reels actually. Clearly nobody according to my daughter. That was a prison sentence. I actually gave it a try that night when TikTok was banned. When you haven’t used Reels and it’s not trained, all I got were a bunch of like,

scantily clad women actually on Reels. I never see that on Reels. You don’t? No. It’s all just glamour shots of people posing. Oh, no. My Reels. Brian doesn’t have TikTok, so he sends me Reels. My Reels algorithm is pretty accurate. It’s funny because the same people I see on Reels, I see on TikTok. There’s not a huge difference.

Anyway, but yeah, so I would say like if you’re creating that short form content, continue to post it on TikTok. But here’s the other thing. And I actually, our friend Jim Wang, who kind of, you know, blew up on TikTok last year, you know, started it. And like you, you want to make sure you have all that content if this happens again, because a lot of big creators on TikTok film and edit, like my kids don’t do everything in TikTok. Like they film, they edit.

I don’t think they have the content on their phones. It’s because their phones don’t have enough memory. I would say if you are doing this, make sure that all your short form is in Dropbox Drive. What does Kevin call it? The cloud, the bubble attachment server, whatever he has his fancy name for it. The NAS, you mean? The NAS, yes. Did you know that Capco was down too? Okay. That was my next thing. Oh, okay. I did not realize that that was a TikTok product.

Oh, yes, it’s Capcom’s Cap or ByteDance, I should say. Yes, because we had a student in the class say, is CapCut down? I was able to open it and see everything when she asked that, but then I read later that no, that was down too. To me, it’s like that’s just a video editing software. That shouldn’t be. To me, CapCut, obviously, they can do whatever they want. We don’t make the rules on this, but to me, I was surprised to see CapCut go away because that’s not actually a platform.

It’s just editing, which stinks because I love. no, we use CapCut now because it’s the easiest software to use to insert captions and edit the actual short form thing. So well, and then I realized because I’m in the middle of like hiring this video editor that all of my applications like must know CapCut. I’m like, well, that might be yours. They’ll still be able to use it. They don’t live here. Actually, I’m curious. I haven’t talked to Jim recently and he’s been like solely focusing on the TikTok platform for the past year. What are his plans?

So he had all of his content already. So he had downloaded everything. He has actually been posting the same content on Reels for several months, which I did not know. He’s also been putting it on YouTube. So he’s still doing everything on TikTok. I don’t think that’s changed for him. But he gave me a very interesting fact. You might know this. I had no idea. So you know that Reels, first they were only 59 seconds or whatever.

and then they expanded to 90 seconds. And so he was putting all this content on Reels and it was getting zero reach. And it’s hard, because when you have success on one platform, it doesn’t necessarily transfer to another platform. So I think he chalked it up to, well, maybe it’s just not working on Instagram. So Reels just introduced the three minute short, which TikTok’s had for a while, YouTube.

What was that, maybe two or three months ago YouTube went to the three minutes. Well, when Instagram announced that it came to light or maybe Jim just heard about it, I hadn’t heard about it, that any reel over 60 seconds doesn’t get shown in the feed. It only gets shown to your followers.

Oh, I did not know that. Yeah, I didn’t know that either. And he’s like, so that explains why, because he doesn’t have a lot of followers on Instagram. And most of his content was a little bit over a minute because, you know, TikTok, you have had that option for a long time. So he couldn’t really he just figured like, maybe I’m not a fit for Instagram. Well, come to find out. literally got zero. Not zero. But like, you know, a real on a TikTok that he would make on a topic would get.

5,000 views, right? Like a Costco one, that’s a good example, because that should be popular on Reels, right? And then he’d put that literally exact same content onto Instagram. let’s say it was 72 seconds. And that same video that got 5,000 views on TikTok would get 100 views on Instagram or 50, right? it’s because it’s showing up in my feed. It’s going to show up in your feed, but it’s not showing up. Typically, when I go on Reels on Instagram, when I just go to the real feed,

I don’t follow any of those people, right? It’s just content. Well, Instagram wasn’t showing anything over 60 seconds in the feed. It was only shown to your followers. you know, that explains why, probably explains why a lot of people weren’t getting traction on Instagram. I just wanted to take a moment to tell you about a free resource that I offer on my website that you may not be aware of. If you are interested in starting your own online store,

I put together a comprehensive six day mini course on how to get started in ecommerce that you should all check out. It contains both video and text based tutorials that go over the entire process of finding products to sell all the way to getting your first sales online. Now this course is free and can be obtained at slash free. Just sign up right there on the front page via email and I’ll send you the course right away. Once again, that’s slash free. Now back to the show.

For reals, occasionally I get one that gets a couple thousand and then I’m happy with that. I’m pretty sure I’ve alienated all of my friends who follow me on Instagram now because that’s the only thing I post. They’re not following me for that. They’re following me for family photos and just what’s going on in my life. I think Instagram is hard. Instagram is not a place where… This is something interesting that my daughter was saying when she was in her meth withdrawal.

is she was like, how am I going to know how to do anything? And I was like, what do you mean know how to do it? Like, I was just like, are you not a functioning human without TikTok? And then she started listing off everything that she gets on TikTok. Like she’s like, that’s where she finds all her recipes. That’s where she finds like in like for her. And I was like, well, you can find recipes other places. She’s like, where? Like.

It’s just like, like, cause you think about the time period she’s grown up in, like her whole time having a phone, TikTok’s been available, right? So she never, yeah. So she never had to Google a recipe, right? She never lived like where you and I did when we like, how do you grill a piece of chicken? Like you’re on Google 15 years ago. Um, and then she’s like a little too young for Pinterest, right? Like the only thing she uses Pinterest for is, is nails. Like how do I want my nails done?

But even TikTok competes with that, right? So like she started listing off all these things that she uses TikTok for. She uses it as a search engine. Like that is her search engine. And how am gonna know how to clean something? How am I gonna know? And of course, Brian’s like.

half that crap is wrong anyway. You’ll kill yourself trying to do this. You it’s kind of like you’re just letting random people tell you how to do stuff. And I was like, I’ve had some of those TikTok recipes. That’s like YouTube also, right? Exactly. I’m like, it’s no different. Like somehow we think that Google, I mean, it used to be like 10 years ago, if something appeared number one in Google search, it was pretty authoritative, right? Now it’s like a Reddit thread, right? And I’m like, I don’t know who this lunatic is. So yeah, I mean, I think that Instagram

Because of the content gem post, which is like personal finance budgeting type content, no one’s going to Instagram for that. People are going to Instagram for travel. If you were a fashion blogger, if you’re a travel person, if you’re, I mean, my entire Instagram reels feed is, last night I was on Instagram and I probably saw 25 videos and 18 of them were bathroom tile installation. Our feeds are so different. You know what’s funny is,

I feel like Instagram is what TikTok was three or four years ago. I’m getting dances. Oh, I don’t get any dances. Maybe that’s just because I never use it. Yes. My entire- women doing dances. No, my entire Instagram feed is either comedy stuff that my kids will send me or it’s all home renovations. Here’s how you correctly get a good caulk line on your baseboard.

Last night, literally out of the 25 videos, 18 of them were bad because it became a joke because I kept showing Brian. I was like, oh, look, we could do the tile this way. He’s like, stop showing me. I don’t want any more ideas for the bathroom. I think for Jim, the personal finance content is just not going to be something on Instagram that ever really takes off. Same with your stuff. I don’t think it’s ever going to be something that really takes off, but Bump will be different story.

It’s true. I’m going to still go ahead and film that, but I was just hoping it would have been TikTok. TikTok was still the best way to get reach for practically any topic. I would still put stuff on TikTok. That’s the thing. I wouldn’t stop posting, but yes. I’m going to auto-post to all platforms, actually. Of course you are. I’m just curious to see what’s going to happen.

I do think though, in all of this, it’s definitely showing me that each platform definitely has a preference. Instagram, people are on there for a specific reason, but TikTok has sort of, Pinterest is a different thing, YouTube’s a different one, but I feel like TikTok sort of got all of it and made it work together because the algorithm’s so good.

My TikTok, once again, so different from yours, right? We never see the same thing. But I think you can succeed talking about just about anything on TikTok, where I don’t think that’s the case on the other platforms. I still think if you’re to put your energy towards something, it should be YouTube long form. Yes. Yeah. It’s just so hard to do because I was planning out Bumblebee and I was like, should I be doing long form?

And the problem with Bumblebee is I’m going to be the person doing them. Yeah. Right. Like my wife doesn’t really want to, has no interest in doing that stuff. So like, how am I going to talk for, for eight minutes about something that I don’t even like? I mean, you could make a whole channel about your printer. No, no, no, that’d be terrible. But it’s supposed to drum up business and get people to like the brand. Right? Yes. Yeah. I mean, I like the brand. just, you know, the top, the products just aren’t me really.

I definitely think you’re in a hard place, right? Just you personally with the brand. I think someone else would have an easier time. Well, yes. Maybe if I hired a spokesperson or someone. Yes, but then I think spokespeople dilute the, like, here’s the owner of the brand, this is exciting, personal connection. I’m talking about it today in the webinar.

One of my clients just launched on YouTube long form and we’re already seeing conversions in sales after In her case, it’s perfect. Absolutely perfect, yeah. It’s perfect. My business is just random. The origins of my business were mainly because of my wife’s needs at the time, not my needs. My needs were revenue.

But yes, your client, amazing synergy. I know it’s gonna kick butt to generate revenue for products and everything as well. Yeah, in fact, I just pulled the data because I’m updating some slides for that webinar. I mean, and this is, I mean, this is small money, right? We’re talking, but like we’re also in the very, we’re two weeks into the channel. I can show direct correlation to about $300 in sales from people who didn’t, who were not on the email list before for, and in two weeks. So it’s like,

I mean, and obviously there’s a big advantage. She’s an established brand. She has a presence outside of YouTube, but she had zero YouTube presence, right? So we started from zero with YouTube. And I think anyone who is a brand, and as I was putting the slide together and updating some stuff, I thought about our friend Kelly, who has Kelly Dream Crochet Kits. same thing. But I feel like you’re close to that niche.

The crochet niche, it’s because you’re kind of crafting kind of special occasion. It is, except I’m a middle-aged Chinese dude. only you sold crochet stuff, then you could just crochet all day. I could do the crafts and whatnot, and I wouldn’t care what people would think of me doing them. I always have to make a choice. This is one of the reasons why having two businesses is bad. I got to choose whether to focus my time on my wife quit her job.

or Bumblebee. yeah. I feel like if I, there’s a lot of history also with our business, since we’ve been running it for our 18th year now, the dynamics between my wife and I also working together, also coming to play there too. Yeah. It’s definitely a complex situation. It’s not as simple as like, just start a YouTube, you know.

But I would say if what you’re selling and a lot of people listening to this actually sell physical products, if there’s synergy with the content that you want to create with what you sell, I would almost go towards long form. It’s going to be a slog in the beginning and you’re not going to get nearly as many views as the shorts, but you got to view this as like a multi-year plan. Cause I remember when I did my channel, that first year was pretty miserable. That when I launched it with a giveaway and a promotion, I

think that video only got like 1,500 views. And that sounds like a lot, but like I was blasting my email list, everything, text, everything at it. And that’s all I could muster. And there were a lot of videos I published that first year that had less than a thousand views. And that hurts. Yes, but it is a slog. And actually yesterday I was talking to my client about this and it was funny because she,

She admitted something to me that I was like, please don’t tell me these things moving forward. I don’t wanna know. That we had this launch date set. We were releasing one video a day for two weeks or 10 day, like over a two week period as part of the launch strategy. And she had to have all these videos filmed.

And I told her, was like, we can’t do this last minute. Like you will get so stressed out, whatever. Well then of course it was the holidays. She owns an e-commerce business over the holidays, right? So it’s like perfect storm, right? And she’s like, I had a feeling, I forget when it was, sometime in December, she said, where I almost messaged you and said, we’re not doing this right now. And I was like, I’m so glad you didn’t, because I would have driven to your house and put you in front of a camera.

But I get it, that initial, especially when you first get started, like you were saying your first videos, not a lot of views. You’re not used to filming. So just getting used to using a teleprompter, not using a teleprompter. Do I stand? Do I sit? How much? What kind of editing do I want? There’s so many components of it, right? The good news is you’re not going to get a lot of views. So if you decide to have not a lot of editing initially and then add more editing in the future, that’s fine.

you have a lot of opportunity and runway to make changes. My client is a speaker, the videos actually weren’t terrible. She’s great, she looks great on camera. For her, it was more the writing the script and the post film, right, the editing side. And it was funny because she told me yesterday, she’s like, well, writing the script is the hardest part. And I’m like, as it should be. Like you’re doing exactly what you’re, if writing the script is the hardest part, then that you’re doing it right.

Because filming it once you are used to filming is easy. It’s the script writing that’s gonna be where you have to put the most brain power, right? That and your title and your hook. But yeah, I think for e-commerce brands, if you have any brand like remotely videoable, I guess, where you can create that content, one of our seller summit attendees works for a company, it’s actually his husband of an attendee works for a company called Grizzly Coolers.

or Grizzly products and they sell coolers and hunting stuff. I hate to say this, but it’s a man’s brand kind of thing. They’re a larger size business, but they have done a really great job of creating that content online. Long form or short form? Both. Their Instagram is awesome. It’s not awesome for me because it’s like, here’s this 10-year-old with a giant elk.

that he just shot whatever from a from a tree stand made by this company, you know, but like for their like they are killing it with the brand messaging, right? Like they know their audience, they know who they sell to, and they are creating the perfect kind of content. Like, you know, can a guy survive in one of our coolers, you know, out of a second store built story building, you know, like crazy stuff like that. But, you know, when I started looking at their video content, I was like, yeah, they are getting customers through their content.

because of their stuff’s well done, but their earlier stuff wasn’t as great, but they still had the messaging right. I think if you’re in e-commerce, this is a no-brainer for 2025. How many tears can a bumblebee linens hanky absorb? Yes. Before. Make it be Mike Jackness crying. Shout out to Mike. I’ve been playing around a lot with the chat GBT.

I can’t remember like the exact model name, but it’s where it branches out a whole bunch of different queries for you. And so you can actually ask it to give you a comprehensive TikTok plan and what to put in each video for like the next 30 days. And so, you know, if you want the ideas, that’s actually a decent way to do it. But then of course you have to go film and edit. What I like about long form is that you can actually make significant money on the ads.

So I make multiple six figures just on the ads and that can fund everything. Marketing, could fund a editor and whatnot. Whereas with the short form, I don’t think you’re ever gonna make enough money. You have to get so big. You can, you can. I don’t wanna say you can’t be done. But yeah, in order to fund some of these activities. So really you’re gonna be depending on going viral and maybe

getting brands to come out and pay you and that sort of thing. That’s where I see a lot of people making money. Or if you sell your own product, people will naturally try to find your brand and buy it. Yeah, so I think if you sell a physical product, well, I think short form is great. It’s sort of that like awareness, right? That display, it’s basically like display, old school display advertising, right? Just getting your brand in front of people. I think about

whenever you and I both love the NBA, we’ve been to a lot of basketball games, know, where we are, it’s like Chick-fil-A sandwich, but like if in the fourth quarter, the opposing team misses two free throws in a row, everyone gets a free Chick-fil-A sandwich, right? Like that’s a pure exposure play for Chick-fil-A because like, plus, you know, it gets all the crowd revved up. To me, that’s like the short form video. It’s like pure exposure, right? Cute videos that people send to their friends, you get people excited, you get people involved.

it’s not a click over and make a transaction, right? So if you’re in e-commerce and you’re making that short form video, you’re just getting exposure, you’re getting your name out there, you’re getting brand awareness. Whereas long form video to me is an actual transactional giving piece of content, right? It doesn’t mean that you’re not gonna get it from everybody, but I’ve watched a lot of YouTube videos over the past six weeks of trying to figure out the best way to get people to take an action without

blatantly just selling. And, you know, there can be done a variety of different ways. We talk about this a lot in the course, but, you talk about a free six day mini course. You know, my client gives away a free, she’s got a lead magnet on there. And then as soon as they get in that email flow, then it’s your job to warm them up to the brand, get them to make a transaction. Very rarely do, you know, is it like a direct sell from the video? Although,

in all my clients videos, she’s talked about her products in every single video. And people still absolutely love it. And it feels very natural, right? Because like, you know, she has one coming out next week on she sells a reading journal, basically helping your kids learn how to read, keep track of their reading, that kind of stuff as they get older. And it’s the video is going to I don’t know exactly what the title is, but you know, it’s basically like, how do you teach your kid how to read? Right. So it naturally fits into the product.

and what she’s doing. And in a short form video, you just can’t get enough information out there. But if you are a content creator, if you sell a digital product, you sell a course, a membership, to me that short form can be very powerful because you’re wanting people to take less of an action, right? It’s just a different component to that. And I think short form video for people who are doing that sort of business is definitely, I would definitely have that in your marketing suite.

I mean, we have colleagues, uh, part of ECF that have built their entire business off of TikTok and short form, right? Like that, that Ninja, the Katana sword. Yes. The Katana guy. I mean, it’s just a bunch of short form videos of guys chopping stuff up with swords. Yeah. And that that’s gone viral. I I wonder what their repeat business is like. I can’t imagine buying multiple Katanas, but what do I know? Like, I You’ve never met a guy who owns one Katana. That’s not true. My best friend actually owns a bunch.

Yes, see? They do buy. He collects them. I don’t know anything about Katana, so I should probably stop. He goes to shows and he collects them. They’re really expensive, like tens of thousands of dollars. When you look at our friends, Paul and Tiffany, they sell clothing. They’ve had huge amounts of success, short form video, TikTok shop. We won’t go into all the reasons why they’ve had that success. She talks about that at Seller Summit.

I think there is a place in e-commerce for short-form video, but it’s definitely wouldn’t be my priority, especially if I was selling anything that… I think clothing, beauty, that kind of stuff, absolutely short-form video. If I was in the beauty space, I would be sending my products to every influencer. I’d want stuff out there on TikTok, but other verticals, not so much. Here’s an interesting tidbit too.

And I actually got this from Dave Bryant’s most recent YouTube video on e-comm crew. Turns out that people in China are, leaving Amazon because it’s too competitive now. And what they’re doing is they are all going all in into live selling. Yeah. And so if you, and we’ve our friend Tiffany is a perfect example of this. I’m curious to try it. I don’t know if it’s something that I’d want to do regularly, but

That’s what’s hot right now in China. And I feel like the people in China are always ahead of the curve actually. Yes. And I know our friend Ming, who is one she’s Chinese, but has a lot of interaction with like sourcing and everything from China. She was telling us at seller summit that they’ve gotten so into live selling in China that they’re actually using like

I don’t know if it’s like holograms or like it’s not always a real person selling. No way. Yes. Yes, it’s AI. Yes. And she was trying to explain it and it was like one of those things where I was like, no, no, that’s not true. Right. But apparently it is. So and she’s like, yeah, they’ll be live for 24 hours, but it’s not actually a real person. Huh.

I am very curious about that technology actually. Yes, I might see her next week, so I’ll get more information. I do know that they have a lot of sets in place. They’ll show a video of something being made in a factory. It’s a fake factory. They’re for no children. We know it’s not real. No, but yes, it’s interesting. I have this one girl.

in my feed all the time and I don’t follow her, but she’s live selling, like she’s never not live selling. So I’m like, I wonder if she’s even real. And she’s, I don’t know where she is. She’s Asian and she’s selling like skincare. So maybe like a Korean skincare brand or something like that. But she’s always live in my feed when I see the live tab. her skin is perfect though. So she could be a robot. It’s possible. we should find someone to talk about that and sell her summit. Someone who broadcast live 24 hours a day.

It is true. There’s people I see live in my feed and they’re always live. Every time I’m on, they’re live. I don’t understand. That’s the one. mean, there’s a lot about TikTok I don’t understand, but that’s probably the one that really baffles me is these creators go live and just sit on their couch. I mean, remember we talked about this like three years ago, one of my kids went live on Instagram and made a peanut butter sandwich and had like 400 people watching.

I was like, a peanut butter sandwich. She was like, it wasn’t anything like, I’m making a peanut butter sandwich, wink, wink. No, you’re literally making a peanut butter sandwich. Your kids are attractive, so I get it. They’re cute, but it’s a peanut butter sandwich. Come on now. The true test is middle-aged Chinese guy. Let’s see if I get 400 people watching at once. You need to make a peanut butter sandwich and see what happens. I’m in the process of hiring a video editor.

I’m helping a client launch a YouTube channel. I think video, we’ve said this for like the last two years, but it hasn’t changed. Video is probably where people need to be this year. And whether TikTok stays or goes, the way people consume content is here to stay and it’s video content that they’re consuming.

For more information and resources, go to slash episode 574. Once again, tickets to the Seller Summit 2025 are now on sale over at If you wanna hang out in person in a small intimate setting, develop real relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs and learn a ton, then come to my event. Go to And if you’re interested in starting your own e-commerce store, head on over to and sign up for my free six-day mini course.

Just type in your email and I’ll send the course right away via email.

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In this 6 day mini course, I reveal the steps that my wife and I took to earn 100 thousand dollars in the span of just a year. Best of all, it's absolutely free!

573: Forget Resolutions—Here’s the Secret to Building Habits That Stick

573: Forget Resolutions—Here’s the Secret to Building Habits That Stick

In this episode, Toni and I are tackling a big one: New Year’s resolutions. Every January, millions of people make them, and by February, most of those goals are already abandoned. Why do they fail, and what’s a better way to achieve the life you want?  Here are strategies to actually follow through.

What You’ll Learn

  • Understand why traditional resolutions often fail and how habits can make a real difference in your life
  • Discover simple tricks to make positive changes feel enjoyable, so they stick around for the long haul
  • Get tips on staying motivated and celebrating your progress

Sponsors – The Sellers Summit is the ecommerce conference that I’ve run for the past 8 years. It’s small and intimate and you’ll learn a ton! Click Here To Grab The Recordings.

The Family First Entrepreneur – Purchase my Wall Street Journal Bestselling book and receive $690 in free bonuses! Click here to redeem the bonuses


Welcome back to the podcast, the show where I cover all of the latest strategies and current events related to e-commerce and online business. In this episode, Tony and I are tackling a big one, New Year’s resolutions. Every January, millions of people make them, and by February, most of those goals are already abandoned. Why do they fail? And what’s a better way to achieve the life you want? In this episode, we’ll explore why New Year’s resolutions don’t work and share smarter, more effective strategies to create habits that stick. But before we begin,

I wanted to let you know that tickets are now on sale for Seller Summit 2025 over at The Seller Summit is the conference that I hold every year that specifically targets e-commerce entrepreneurs selling physical products online. Unlike other events that focus on inspirational stories and high-level advice, mine is a curriculum-based conference where you will leave with practical and actionable strategies specifically for an e-commerce business. Every speaker I invite is deep in the trenches of their e-commerce business

entrepreneurs who are importing large quantities of physical goods, and not some high-level guys who are overseeing their companies at 50,000 feet. I personally hate large events, so the seller’s summit is always small and intimate. Every year we cut off ticket sales at around 200 people, so tickets sell out fast, and we’ve sold out every single year for the past eight years. If you are an e-commerce entrepreneur making more than $250,000 or $1 million per year,

We also offer an exclusive mastermind experience with other top sellers. The Seller’s Summit is going to be held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from May 6th to May 8th. Right now, this is the cheapest the tickets will ever be. So head on over to and grab your ticket. Now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife, Quit Her Job podcast. It’s the beginning of the year. Everyone loves to talk about resolutions, but Tony and I are actually anti-resolution. And we’re going to talk about resolutions today and what we do instead of them. Yeah. So I keep seeing, of course, everyone’s posting resolutions and there’s all these like challenges going on. And I’m guilty of the, I’m the, I’m in the challenge trap, right? Like I’ve run challenges many years with my website. Your favorite one, the No Sugar Challenge.

I didn’t launch it this year. The other one that you love is the wake up earlier challenge. So yes, I do love a good challenge and motivating factor, but I keep seeing in everything that I look at is that most people fail at their resolutions by the second Friday in January. You know what’s funny is my friends, we have this WhatsApp group and they’re just talking about resolutions. And then it comes to my turn. I’m like,

I’m not changing a thing or like I don’t have any resolutions. They’re like, what? You know, are you are you perfect or something? I was like, no, I just I just don’t believe them. But I do want to clarify that because that does not imply that you’re not going to change or anything. Yes, yes. In fact, actually, I stumbled into bar trivia the other night. Not stumbled, literally. We went to go watch a football game and it was a trivia night as well. And so our our team name was striving for mediocrity. And that’s definitely not not what we’re talking about today.

But we’re talking more about why getting better on a daily basis or improving on a daily basis beats these big audacious goals that people set at the beginning of the year and most people fail at the goals. And do you know why people fail? I imagine it’s just too much. Their goals are too high, too lofty. They’re like, they can’t be that if they can’t improve that much. They’re terrible people.

So I don’t know if there’s a scientific reason behind this, but my theory on this is that most people set goals without a strategy to reach them. So speaking of goals and resolutions, I’m really into pink, as you guys know. I’m trying to reach over here. I’m getting away from the mic. someone gave me this notebook. It’s pink with gold. So it’s like my jam. So it says, happy on the front of it.

I realized over the Christmas break, because we took a break from recording and office hours and things like that, that in order for me to make a small improvement, I needed to do things that motivated me to make the improvement. And one of the things that I realized, and we were joking about this before I started recording, was that I need really pretty things. So I bought pink pencils that write in pencil color, but the actual color of the casing of the pencil is pink.

So I like pink. like to wear black all the time, but I like pink as far as everything else. And so I was like, you know what? I bought a pink file cabinet. I bought all that. I spent like 110 dollars on Amazon to achieve all of my 2025 goals. Your resolution is to go shopping. Is that? So anyway, I bought this little notebook that’s pink and I thought, you know what? We’re talking about this resolution goal stuff. And there’s things that I definitely want to achieve this year. Right. But like, how do I break it down?

in a way that I can actually achieve it. one of the things that like, we don’t talk about this on the podcast, but my hormones have been like all out of whack because I’m old. And if this doesn’t apply to you, just stop listening. Yes. So anyway, I’ve been wanting to make some like physical and personal changes, right? Like to get sort of off some of the medication I’ve had to be on and all this stuff. Right. So I was like, I can’t just put like lose 10 pounds.

Right on, and that’s what people do. I think when they make a resolution is like, want to lose 50 pounds. It’s like, well, great. How are you going to do that? Right. So, and so when I was thinking about like in my little pink notebook, I was like, well, I want to write some of these like personal things that I want to achieve this year. I was like, you know what? I’m not going to put that. I want to lose 10 pounds. I’m going to put that. I want it hit on a 10,000 steps a day. Right. Because especially during the weekdays, I sit on my butt all day long. I have a treadmill. I have a treadmill desk. I have a new one sitting in a box that I need to set up.

But if I just say lose 10 pounds, I’m never gonna achieve that, right? But if I say I wanna walk 10,000 steps a day minimum, then that’s pretty easy to achieve, right? Because that’s something that you can easily track and you can track your progress. Now, if I hit 10,000 steps every day or an average of that a week, right? And I don’t lose 10 pounds at the end of the year, then that’s okay.

Right? Because I’ve done the things that I need to do to like hit that goal. Right? Just like thinking about YouTube, because we were talking about that earlier, you know, I would never say like, let’s set a goal of I want 10,000 subscribers on YouTube. Right? Because you really can’t affect that. But what you can say is I’m going to film and edit and release one long form video a week. And we actually had this with one of our students in our class, Melissa, who hit her goal of releasing a long form video every single week for all of 2024.

Which is amazing. Yeah, absolutely. Yes. there are her videos are about feet, so I can’t watch most of them because I get so grossed out. No, her last one was was didn’t have. Yeah. But so I think that’s why people make these big resolutions and then fail at them, right? Because they get discouraged or like they want to lose 50 pounds and they step on the scale January 28th and they’ve gained half a pound. Right. So like, oh, screw it. Like, I’m not even going to try.

So I think today let’s talk about ways that you can improve without setting these like big resolutions that probably you won’t achieve anyway. Here’s the other thing I don’t like about resolutions and I’ve done them in the past is that if you hit your goal, let’s say you hit your goal. You’re like, all right, I’m done. Like let’s you lose your 10 pounds. You’re like, okay, I’m done. I lost my 10 pounds. You’re probably gonna gain it back. Yeah, because then you’re like, well, whatever you did to lose the 10 pounds, might,

stop doing. Like if you’re like, I’m only gonna have, let’s just say you’re in the habit of like having a glass of wine every day, which that’s not me. I’m just using that as an example. And then you’re like, you know what? I’m only gonna have a glass of wine on the weekends, right? Like I’m not gonna drink Monday through Friday. And then like you hit your goal, cause you’re like, maybe you’re doing that for like, you know, you’re sleeping better, whatever. Then you hit that goal of sleeping better. You hit that goal of losing weight. And then you’re like, oh, I guess I’ll just have my Tuesday night beer, right? Like.

And then you find yourself falling back into that same trap of whatever the behavior was. Yeah. mean, achieving your resolution doesn’t guarantee long-term success of whatever your actual goal is. And in fact, often leads to complacency. That’s just a problem that I have. I don’t know. And I know this always sounds extreme when I say it, but everything that I plan on doing, I feel like I’m going to maintain forever. That’s my mindset.

And it sounds intimidating, so maybe I shouldn’t even put it that way, you know, if I’m trying to motivate people. I think that’s the way it’s got to be. So. Well, and I think that’s that’s part of the trap that people fall in. Right. Is they set like, you know, they set this huge goal, whether it’s business, personal, like I want to have, let’s just say I want to do, you know, ten thousand dollars every month on my e-commerce store. Well, if you don’t hit it in January or you’re like, let’s just say you you’re at

you’re at $2,000 a month in January, right? And so your goal is $10,000 a month. Well, if at the end of January, you’ve like just done everything that you know how to do all through the month of January, you’re like, you’re going as hard as you possibly can. And at January 31st, you’re at $3,100, right, a month. So you’re like, I’m nowhere near $10,000. Like it’s very easy to burn out with, you know, having like something like that, right? As opposed to like saying every day I’m gonna do this,

to help move my business forward or like, you know, every week I’m going to revise one of my email flows, right, to help build my business or I’m going to, every week I’m gonna look at one product listing or one blog post or one video or I’m gonna watch three other videos on YouTube to see what other creators are doing. And I think that’s the big, that’s the first trap that people fall into is they like go all in all hard, like it’s why the gym is packed on like January 5th, right? Like everybody’s at the gym, like,

And by January 31st, they’re like, I can’t maintain this schedule. I can’t go to the gym every day a week. That’s not realistic. But you could go three days a week. That’s pretty realistic. Or just one day a week in the beginning, whatever is easily doable. So we’re talking about small, consistent changes. So let me give you an example. This is just someone I’ve been working with with Facebook ads recently. And

The predominant thought with Facebook ads is you got to constantly be putting out creative and all that stuff and it’s overwhelming, right? Yeah. But just set a goal of just refreshing your Facebook creatives once a week. Yeah. Like three creatives a week and just launch a new ad set every week. That is completely doable and you’re still, you know, iterating over your Facebook ads. And then maybe later, once you’re used to that flow, you can go more. Yeah. Some people call it like the compound marketing effect.

where if you do one or two things consistently over time, you reap the benefits. Just like Melissa with the one video a week, right? She’s going to reap the benefits of that. Having that like slow and steady improvement, you see it with everything. I mean, honestly, like I’ve seen it with my house, right? I bought this house that needed a complete gut. In the first six weeks, we literally nonstop morning to night renovating, right?

And then it was like, we hit this like massive level of burnout where it’s like, can’t, as soon as the kitchen was done and like we had a place to eat, it was like, I can’t keep this schedule up anymore. And so then we went and like stuff’s been getting done the whole time, but you go through this lull and it’s easy once you get back into the lull to like not want to pick it back up again. Right. So it’s like, if you’re like, I’m going all in on Facebook and you spend like every day doing Facebook stuff for like three or four weeks.

And one, you don’t see like a huge gain right away. So then you’re just like, you want to give up. But if you just say, hey, I’m going to do make a little improvement every day or every week, you’re much likely to one, be able to keep it up. And then two, you’re much likely to see improvements because you’re not just like throttling inconsistently. And one of my goals this year is to work out five days a week. And that was really easy for me before because I was playing ultimate.

And you know, there’s a bunch of people that were like, hey, you know, you can’t miss today and whatever. And they pushed me to go. And so I was in great shape, but all those guys are old now. We’re all injured. We can’t play that ultimate game anymore. So I had to find something else because if I had to go run five days a week or whatever, there’s no way that would happen. I just, I just know myself. And I think I mentioned this in the last podcast, there’s this video game, a fitness video game for Nintendo that I just started playing and I can just fire that up any time of day. It’s not.

too strenuous, although I couldn’t walk for two days after my last session. Did I tell you that? No. I did 200 air squats with no weight or anything. When you do that many reps of something. Anyway, the game makes it fun and it works and I know I can maintain that indefinitely until I finish the game, I guess, then I need to get a new one. Is there an ending to the game or does it just keep going? There is, but it’s like you beat the final boss.

I’m to sound like such a geek. It’s like a role-playing game for fitness. There’s five other levels so you can play it over over over again. It gets progressively harder. I feel like also with most video games, they’ll probably release another level. Don’t they do that? I don’t play video games so I could be not- They probably will, but I can just go back and play the same thing anyway. I have my whole strategy set out on how to do this.

Right. So I lift weights and I play tennis. That’s already two days. And then ring fit. That’s the game. It’s called ring fit. I do that twice a week. And then the last day is just going to be pull-ups and natural body weight exercises. Can you video yourself doing the ring fit? just found this. so ridiculous. Okay. This is what’s funny. One of the exercises, there’s like a million exercises, but the ones that I happen to be on right now.

It’s thigh master. Do you remember? Yes, I love the thigh master. think my sister had one. If anyone were to film me, I would die. Can imagine doing like 150 reps of thigh master? My thighs were killing me. Yeah, I believe it. Just to beat this stupid monster. I’d be like, just kill me. It’s not worth it. But OK, but anyone who who wants to start a business, you can’t just.

I’m just thinking real examples here of people who sign up for my class. You just can’t go and try to do everything. Instead, you just pick one thing and you bite off something that you can chew and maintain consistency over time. And then you slowly add on to it. I remember when I first started my blog and I was chatting with Rami Tsetiyev, I will teach you to be rich. And at the time I was sending out emails where it was just automated. It just grabbed from your RSS feed and just said. Yes, the RSS feed.

And he told me that, oh, he handwrites all of his weekly emails and he emails twice a week. And I was like, whoa, I don’t think I can handle writing a blog post and an email every week or two emails, which sounds ridiculous now. Yeah. Well, at the time I was serious. was like, I don’t think I have the brain power to write a full blog post and do that. But I just started out with just one email a week. Yeah. You know, kind of tailored to whatever I was writing.

And then that felt easy and then I added more onto it. Like today, like there’s a bunch of stuff going on behind the scenes. Yeah. So kind of piggybacking on that, one of the other concepts that I like is basically setting up systems over goals. Yes. So basically, which is basically you’re you’ve been doing this for years where and it’s could be systems, it could be processes, it could be schedule. Like you can kind of call it whatever you want. But basically setting up

things, putting things in place so that you can achieve the next level. So just like you were saying, I don’t think I can send one email a week. It’s just like, oh, I want to get 10,000 email subscribers. Right. Well, rather than saying that, saying I want to send one one good quality email a week and and I want to find, you know, I was reading something that, you know, find ways to get my email list promoted. Right. Whether it’s working with other content creators or

doing a collab with another brand. But doing that is much better than saying, I need to get to this number by this date. Because if you’re doing that, you’re not really telling yourself how to get there. You’re just setting some random, and it’s random. We know people with very small email lists that do well, and we know people with huge email lists that make less money. Because it’s like, you’re just getting subscribers for subscribers sake.

isn’t really that valuable. Well, let’s talk about just even getting to 10,000 subs since you brought it up. You could tell yourself, okay, my goal is to reach 10,000 subs or your goal could be I will produce one YouTube video every single week with a lead magnet embedded within the video and just let it ride. Yeah. And that’s the process. That’s the system. And the goal matters less than what you’ve built up in the system because it will probably happen. Yeah.

But it’s unpredictable how many people are actually going to subscribe. But the underlying foundation is what’s important. Well, and this is the other thing to think about. When you set up a system, it becomes second nature. So you were just talking about how you were like, I can’t send one email a week. Well, now it would be absurd not to, right? Like it’s such a part of your regular routine that I don’t think you could imagine like removing that.

Right? It’s like, probably, and also the fact that you’ve been sending one email a week for 15 years or however long it’s been, it doesn’t take you very long. Like that’s the other thing is when you set up a system, all of a sudden it gets a lot easier, right? Like when you, the first YouTube video you make is a huge pain in the butt. The hundredth YouTube video you make is a lot easier. The first script you write is tough. The hundredth is easier. Like everything gets easier. And when it just becomes part of your like habit and routine,

all of the stress, not all the stress, stuff can still be stressful, but like the unknown is really, it’s minimized, right? Like, perfect example, I logged, I don’t write a lot of blog content, right? Like I write almost none. And so I went in to go fix something the other day and I was like, I don’t even recognize this.

back end, right? Because like there’s been so many changes that have happened and I’m just not in the back end a whole lot. I’m because I have so much content. I just focus on the promotion side of it, right? Like how do I get the information out? And I go in there I’m like I had to relearn stuff. And so if I was in there every single day, I wouldn’t be relearning anything. It would just be, you know, part of the part of the course. But when you when you’re only making one YouTube video every three months,

then getting out the teleprompter, setting it up, remembering what program you use, remembering your settings, getting your microphones hooked up becomes a huge pain in the butt. But if it’s something you’re doing every single week, you’re on autopilot when you get it done.

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you about a free resource that I offer on my website that you may not be aware of. If you are interested in starting your own online store, I put together a comprehensive six day mini course on how to get started in ecommerce that you should all check out. It contains both video and text based tutorials that go over the entire process of finding products to sell all the way to getting your first sales online. Now this course is free and can be attained at slash free.

just sign up right there on the front page via email and I’ll send you the course right away. Once again, that’s slash free. Now back to the show.

And I have to bring up that AI has just made all this a whole lot easier to create these systems. And I encourage you, if you haven’t fired up or ChatGBT or any of the free ones, like I was actually playing around with Google Gemini the other day. It’s actually pretty good now to the point where if I just started in the beginning with these three, like ChatGBT had, you know, first mover advantage. But if I were to just use all three of them from the start, you know, they’re all just

kind of all starting to blend together now. The point is, is that a lot of things that you used to do manually can now be automated if you just kind of take the time to learn how to do it. So I gave this example in the last episode where I wanted to launch like hundreds of new products last year for our print business, our custom printing business. And at the time, you know, I was Photoshopping, you know, the image onto our product and then uploading to our site, creating a

product description and all that stuff. And one of my big wins for last year was just automating all that with AI actually. So now, you know, with the script at the push of a button, it automatically creates a product, AI generates a product description and the title and then automatically uploads it to the website. That’s just an example. Likewise, you know, you can use AI to help you with your emails. We were just talking about email earlier. I think we’re at this age right now where it’s prime for just creating these systems really easily.

It takes you a little while to probably set up the system, but then once it’s set up, it’s the reason why a lot of these bigger YouTube creators just have a place where they film in their house. They’re not resetting it up every single day or week or however often they’re filming. I think that’s just another way to make things a lot easier and then accomplish whatever goals you have. You just have to find a pace that you can maintain. I remember when I was

first starting on my channel, I was editing my own videos. And for me, it takes about two hours per five minutes of video, I would say. And I knew that wasn’t sustainable, especially as my kids got older. So, I mean, I guess the system there was to outsource that. But you have to know what your limits are mentally and what you’re capable of. And otherwise, you’re just not gonna be able to maintain that, the willpower, I should say, to go forward.

Here’s another good example with Bumblebee linens. Back to the print products. Like over the holidays, we had a bunch of these print orders, right? And the way that the printer works is you got to lay all the images out onto this film and then print it out and then, you know, actually hand press all of the stuff onto the lens. Yeah. But the manual process of looking at the web orders, finding the image, laying it out on this film.

in an efficient way so you’re not wasting the film, which is expensive, takes a lot of time. And if we, there’s no way we would have been able to go through the holidays manually doing all that stuff with our small staff. The system was, now it just pulls everything off. Again, you can code all this stuff with AI or automate all this stuff with AI, but now you push a button, all the stuff gets taken directly from the website, laid out in the film, you just hit the print button, essentially. These are things that you need to just think about

in terms of what you do, the goal isn’t important, less important than what you have in place to allow yourself to grow. Yeah. I think another benefit of just setting up systems and small changes that you can implement is that it allows you to evaluate them quicker. Let’s just take the 10,000 step example.

Let’s just say I get to February 15th and like 10,000 steps I’m hitting by 10 a.m. Right, let’s just say have my routine. So then it’s like, okay, maybe I wanna go to 15, right? Maybe I know that I can easily modify my goal, right, to 15 as opposed to, or maybe it’s like, there’s no way in heck I’m getting to 10, right? I can’t work, like, because it took me a good three to four months to get used to working on a treadmill.

I felt like I was gonna fall off the treadmill all the time. So maybe you’re like, you know what, 10,000 steps is not something that I’m gonna be able to do realistically, but maybe I’m gonna say that I’m gonna set aside an hour a morning just to walk around my neighborhood, whatever it is, right? Like you can readjust it really quickly because you aren’t like trying to readjust in this big audacious like.

Well, now I don’t want to hit a million dollars. I, I, this is like, can make really small adjustments and realize that like, Hey, this isn’t something that I can continue or this is really easy. I should make it harder on myself. Here’s another example that actually just came to mind. Uh, it was based on a question that a student asked about selling on Amazon and getting reviews. So this, this student launched a new product and they were like, how am going to get to like a hundred reviews or a thousand reviews on this product? It just seems.

Overwhelming right or even even on their own Shopify store, know how reviews are very important. Yes for social proof How am I gonna get all these reviews? Well, she was like I can I could start by asking friends to get the first couple and that’s great But what’s the long-term strategy? The long-term strategy is to have an email flow in place that automatically asks for these reviews and automatically post them, right? Yeah, so Getting a hundred reviews is less important than what you have in place so that you’ll eventually reach it

It might not even happen this year, but at least you’ll have this system in place that will just automatically do it so you don’t have to think about it anymore. The key thing here is to not have to think about something. Right. And it’s really easy if you have a system in place, like if you have an automated email system and you’re like, you know what, I’m still not getting reviews, right? Like this is not working. If that’s a system, then you go in and find the breakdown in the system, right? Well, like this one email just doesn’t get opened.

So like I need to change the title of one email, which is a lot easier than changing your entire strategy of doing something, right? To just say, let me do an A-B test on this one email or let me make a button instead of a text link. Like there’s a lot of small things you can do in process to help you get to that point as opposed to like, oh, I have to revamp everything to meet this goal that I set. This is something that I just recently implemented literally like a few days ago. It turns out,

And I didn’t realize this was true until I talked to someone. Google business reviews are actually kind of a big deal. So, and what’s confusing about all this is there’s difference. There’s Google product reviews or customer reviews, and there’s Google business reviews, which is completely different. And I was only doing one and not the other. So, you know, I didn’t know. It’s just very confusing. And so I put that email flow in places along with the text based flow to get people to leave reviews.

and incentivize them. You mentioned earlier, if something’s not working, in this case, the reviews weren’t, the product reviews that I implemented a long time ago were not working as well until I gave people an incentive to actually lead the reviews. Now we give them discounts and gift cards for them to relieve reviews. Well, and that’s the other nice thing about the process side of it is that

You can always start at point A, but end up at point C, right? You start by not incentivizing them. And for some people, it might work. It might be that you have like a goodwill type product where people are so excited and loyal about the brand. There are brands out there that don’t need to incentivize people to do anything, right? Like they’ll just do it. But there are other brands where like, yeah, yeah, I need to like sweeten the pot a little bit. Let me offer people a gift card or a discount or, you know, free shipping on their next door, whatever it is, right? A sticker, who cares?

And doing it progressively is nice because you didn’t roll out this, like we’re giving everybody 20 % off and you realize you could have done it with a bookmark or a sticker or 5 % off. So much of this actually, for some reason, when I think about all this stuff with goals, I think about email marketing and Klaviyo specifically, right? There’s all these automated flows and I…

I apologize if you guys aren’t into e-commerce, this might go over your head, but in Klaviyo there’s all these automated things that you can do. Like if someone starts checkout but doesn’t complete the process, there’s a flow in there that tries to recover that. If someone’s bought for you before but hasn’t bought in a long time, there’s a flow for that. These are all systems that you need to have in place if you’re running an online store or whatever business or whatever goal that you’re trying to achieve.

So switching gears a little bit because I think this is actually really important and maybe it’s just really important to me, but we get to talk about it because I’m on the podcast. That’s one of the benefits of owning the microphone, right? So one of the things that I think the problem with resolutions are is you’re not managing your energy with a resolution because resolutions tend to be like, I’m at zero and I need to be at 100 tomorrow, right? And most people are not set up to do that.

on a grand scale, which is why people fail, right? Like if you’ve never been to the gym, showing up at the gym every day or five days a week is like really a lot. Not just like on your body, like your body’s gonna be like, what the heck are you doing to me? But like even like, I don’t know how to work this machine or this is weird or I don’t know anybody here. Like there’s all these things that go into it, right? So I think when you don’t set these huge resolutions and you just work on like these systems and small improvements, you manage your energy so much better.

One of the things that I realized because I’m a person that’s like I will set huge ideas and like I’m just gonna do this and I will burn myself to the ground trying to do it and that’s my personality. I’ve had to like work on this stuff. One of my energy management things that I said for this year is I was like, know what? One day a month, I’m gonna go stay at a hotel in my town and just be completely away from everybody in my family who I love dearly.

Because I realized that like, I don’t have any downtime, right? Like my downtime is just a different bucket of people, which is fine. Like obviously most of us have families, we have responsibilities, things like that. But I needed like this like full mental break from like responsibility. And so one of the ways that I was like, when I started thinking about like, how can I achieve sort of this like complete like silence?

for even like a 12 hour period every month. And I was like, I can just go down the road and check into a hotel and not talk to anybody for 18 hours. And so I did it this weekend. Best thing I’ve done, like I came back on Saturday afternoon, I was like raring to go, I’ve had more energy and literally all I did was sleep in a different bed. With like, but no one wakes, no one waking me up, no one like needing anything, no dogs, right? Like just complete.

And so I think you have to figure out how you manage your own energy. Not everybody needs to do this, right? This could look a variety of different ways, but for me, I realized that I need one day a month where no one needs me. And that for me is, I think, gonna be enough, but then it allows me to then jump right back into my systems and my processes to get more accomplished throughout the week.

That reminds me of a lot of my do nothing Fridays or thinking. Yes. Yes. I do. For all of you guys who are new, usually what I do is I take one day out of the week. Usually it’s on Fridays actually to just think about what needs to get done. Like I don’t usually do anything active on those days. I just kind of plan out what’s wrong and what I should be focusing on. And that allows me to just look at the business from a higher level or whatever I need to get done. Actually, it doesn’t have to be business.

at 50,000 feet because oftentimes if you’re just in your business day to day, you’re just sitting there putting out fires and doing these tasks that need to be done immediately. And if you’re always like that and you’re not looking at the big picture, a lot of times your efforts or your energy, as you put it, is used on activities that won’t necessarily push the needle going forward.

And I think my problem was I could never get a do nothing Friday because I’m surrounded by needs. Whether it’s people needs, project needs, dog needs. So to me, the only way I could get to the do nothing status was to leave my environment. I’m not that like, I don’t know if we’ve ever talked about this, I cannot go to a coffee shop and work. I already know that. Yes. I would die in a co-working space.

My problem is I am so invested in everything that’s happening around me. I will, and I don’t talk, don’t talk, you know, I don’t talk to anybody, but I will go to a coffee shop and I will know 16 people’s entire life story by the time I leave. Like I just can’t, like that’s not a, that’s not a disconnect for me. That is an absolute connect. Like I am like so invested. I want to people to quit their jobs and break up with their boyfriends. And like I’m all in, in the Starbucks. I’ve been there for 25 minutes. So.

For me, realized just like completely not having to talk to anybody was the only solution for me. I don’t know if you remember this story, but once at FinCon, I was like, hey, do you want to just go down? Yes. Like in the lobby or whatever. And the whole time you just look so pissed off. Yes. And I was like, well, why the hell are you down here then? Why did you agree to this? Because I’m a people pleaser. You were so pissed.

I could just tell him to look in your face. I’m like, what are we doing here? I was working fine. just yes, you were like, I ignored you and oh, I was so awful. Oh, yeah, because I can’t I can’t tune out very well. Yeah, that’s why I like working on airplanes, because that’s because it really like you. You can’t hear any airplane in the coffee shop. I can’t hear anybody on an airplane because I’m deaf in one ear. So like the noise of the airplane, plus my hearing loss is like.

I don’t hear anything around me, but yes, when I can see people like movement and people talking and you hear a name that you know and you’re like, I’m all in, can’t do it. Yes. Anyway, I just remember that. like, I’m never asking you to do that again. Yes, I know. I can’t. Hats off to you. If you can go to a coffee shop and work, good for you. The background noise is just white noise.

No, the background noise to me is everybody’s problem. I was in a Chick-fil-A the other day and there was a dad being a jerk to his kid and it was like, don’t want to get shot because I live in Florida, but it was all I could do not to say something. I was just like, I’m so invested in this little problem. That’s not for me. Do what you got to do.

Once again, I’m very surprised that we could talk for 30 minutes about this or even 40 minutes about this topic. But I would like to just kind of sum it up and maybe whether you agree with me or not. For me, the goal, the overarching goal doesn’t matter as much as the fact that, you know, you’re just constantly improving yourself. I think the goals will happen. might not happen as soon as you would like, but as long as you have a system and a goal in place, it will eventually happen.

And I think putting a timeframe on anything, especially something that’s not under your control, is just a recipe for failure. Yeah, that’s where I think that’s the biggest thing that I think people should take away from this is we think improvement is very important, right? Self-improvement, business improvement. We want everybody to see growth in their personal lives and in their business. But so often people put their

put their growth on things that they can’t control. And when you start doing that, you’re destined to be disappointed and you’re destined to fail or quit. And so when you put your growth on things that you and only you can control, you’re basically destined for success, right? If you fail at that, it’s because you did fail. Like you didn’t do the work. If you don’t put up a video a week or you don’t do this, like that’s pretty much on you.

the most. But know, unless you have some catastrophic thing and we’re obviously not talking about that kind of stuff. But I think just committing to like that 1 % improvement, what you like to say, forward progress, if you can commit to that, then I think you can actually achieve anything that you want to achieve in 2025. And I just want to add, I think that everything that I’ve ever done in business or in life for that matter, whether it be playing sports or whatnot, I’ve had that mentality. I remember when I first started out blogging,

I was looking at other people just shooting up in the ranks. And I wanted, I used to look for these quick strategies or quick tactics to help me get there. And that just didn’t work for me. So instead I just put my head down, focused on myself and just getting a little bit better and being consistent with everything. And a lot of those people who shot up in the early days of blogging, they’re not doing it anymore. Or same goes with YouTube, right? When I first started, there was other people doing YouTube channels.

I’m still making videos, however many years later now, and a lot of those peers who started out really strong, they’re no longer making videos, right? So there’s something to be said about being consistent and just lasting the test of time.

Hope you enjoyed this episode. What are some of the habits that you plan on developing this year? Let us know via email. For more information and resources, go to slash episode 573. Once again, tickets to the Seller Summit 2025 are now on sale over at If you want to hang out in person in a small intimate setting, develop real relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs and learn a ton, then come to my event. Go to

And if you’re interested in starting your own e-commerce store, head on over to my wife, and sign up for my free six day mini course. Just type in your email and I’ll send the course right away via email.

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If you are really considering starting your own online business, then you have to check out my free mini course on How To Create A Niche Online Store In 5 Easy Steps.

In this 6 day mini course, I reveal the steps that my wife and I took to earn 100 thousand dollars in the span of just a year. Best of all, it's absolutely free!

572: Amazon Just Destroyed ALL FBA Sellers – Why You Should Be Worried

572: Amazon Just Destroyed ALL FBA Sellers – Why You Should Be Worried

In this episode, I dive into Amazon’s latest announcement and reveal how they’re totally destroying the profits for FBA sellers.

I’ll break down what’s really going on and why it’s hitting small businesses hard. Anyone selling on Amazon or thinking about selling on Amazon should listen.

What You’ll Learn

  • The Big Amazon Announcement
  • Why It Matters To All Sellers
  • What You Can Do About It

Sponsors – The Sellers Summit is the ecommerce conference that I’ve run for the past 8 years. It’s small and intimate and you’ll learn a ton! Click Here To Grab The Recordings.

The Family First Entrepreneur – Purchase my Wall Street Journal Bestselling book and receive $690 in free bonuses! Click here to redeem the bonuses


Welcome back to the podcast, the show where I cover all of the latest strategies and current events related to e-commerce and online business. Today, I’m pulling back the curtain on what might be Amazon’s most calculated move yet against its own sellers and why their fee freeze announcement for 2025 is just another lie. But before we begin, I wanted to let you know that tickets are now on sale for Seller Summit 2025 over at The Seller Summit,

is the conference that I hold every year that specifically targets e-commerce entrepreneurs selling physical products online. Unlike other events that focus on inspirational stories and high-level advice, mine is a curriculum-based conference where you will leave with practical and actionable strategies specifically for an e-commerce business. Every speaker I invite is deep in the trenches of their e-commerce business, entrepreneurs who are importing large quantities of physical goods, and not some high-level guys who are overseeing their companies at 50,000 feet.

I personally hate large events, so the Seller’s Summit is always small and intimate. Every year we cut off ticket sales at around 200 people, so tickets sell out fast, and we’ve sold out every single year for the past 8 years. If you are an ecommerce entrepreneur making more than $250,000 or $1 million per year, we also offer an exclusive mastermind experience with other top sellers. The Seller’s Summit is going to be held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from May 6th to May 8th.

Right now, this is the cheapest the tickets will ever be. So head on over to and grab your ticket. Now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast. In this episode, I’m diving into Amazon’s latest announcement and how they’re totally destroying the profits for FBA sellers. I’ll break down what’s really going on and why it’s hitting small businesses hard. So what exactly did Amazon just announce? In their own words, they are updating their FBA inventory reimbursement policy to help provide you with greater transparency and more predictability in how reimbursements are calculated for items that are lost or damaged. And this will help drive a more consistent approach that works.

So first off, I just love how they phrase things to suggest that they’re doing you a favor. What a crock. Here are the guts of the announcement. Effective March 10th, 2025, Amazon will reimburse you based on the product manufacturing costs of the affected inventory instead of the selling price. Now, for those of you who are new to Amazon FBA, let me explain. According to Getita, every year, Amazon sellers lose approximately 1 to 3 % of their annual revenue due to inventory discrepancies.

including mishandling lost or damaged items. These discrepancies can arise from various issues such as products that incur damage within Amazon’s fulfillment center, discrepancies between the number of units recorded in Amazon’s warehouse and the seller’s records, items that go missing during transit to or from Amazon’s facilities, and when a customer requests a return, gets refunded immediately but doesn’t send back the item. Now, prior to this policy change,

Amazon will reimburse you the full retail price of your goods. For example, if I sell a handkerchief for $10 and Amazon loses 100 units of my inventory, Amazon will pay me $1,000 even though it only cost me $2 per hanky to manufacture. But with this new change, Amazon will now only reimburse you the manufacturing cost of your goods. Now the real question here is how Amazon determines what the manufacturing cost is. According to Amazon,

Manufacturing costs is defined as your cost to source a product from a manufacturer, wholesaler, reseller, or produce the item if you are the manufacturer. It excludes costs such as shipping, handling, customs duties, or other costs. And here’s where the language gets super sketchy. To help provide you with greater control and accuracy, you can choose how Amazon determines the manufacturing costs for your products. One, Amazon can provide a manufacturing cost estimate for you.

This estimate is based on a comprehensive evaluation of comparable products sold by Amazon, by other sellers, and through wholesale channels. Or two, you can provide your manufacturing costs directly and basically give away all your supplier information and financials to Amazon. What also sucks is that your reimbursed amount is just your cost of goods, which does not include shipping, handling, or customs duties, which is actually a huge part of your overall cost of goods. For example, with my store,

Shipping and customs can make up about 30 % of the cost of the product. So even though my cost of goods is $2 per hanky, Amazon will only reimburse me $1.40 for something that isn’t even my fault. Let’s break down the implications of this new policy change. Even though it’s Amazon’s mistake that they lost your inventory, you now have to take a loss on your inventory because you will not get your shipping costs back. You will not get your import taxes back and you will not get your prep fees back.

I’ve been selling on Amazon for 10 years now, and I’ve had cases where Amazon literally lost an entire shipment of 500 units. By the way, if you’re tired of Amazon’s abusive policies and want to start your own profitable online store, make sure you sign up for my free six-day e-commerce mini course below, 100 % free, and I guarantee you’ll learn a lot. Now, what’s worse is that this issue hasn’t improved over the years. In fact, it’s only gotten worse. If you ask any Amazon seller who has been using Amazon warehousing and distribution,

or AWD this year, it has been a total dumpster fire. When Q4 shipments started happening, Amazon’s capacity went through the roof and they simply could not handle the sheer volume of deliveries. So basically, Amazon ran out of warehouse space and they didn’t have the logistics in place to manage pickups and they weren’t getting inventory from AWD into their fulfillment centers on a timely basis. As a result, I have many friends that got totally screwed

with delayed pickups, canceled pickups, delayed deliveries, stalled inventory, and lost inventory. So bottom line, they couldn’t get their products into Amazon and ended up running out of stock during the biggest shopping season of the year. And now things are about to get worse. Amazon’s new policy essentially shifts all the blame and financial burden for their warehouse mistakes onto sellers. They’ve completely abandoned all responsibility for their own services.

If this policy had been in place during the AWD debacle, thousands of sellers would have lost a fortune. And to make matters worse, Amazon had the gall to announce a price hike for AWD services starting in 2025. And here’s the kicker. This price hike was announced right after Amazon claimed that they wouldn’t raise fees in 2025. They flat out lied to us. Now they’re charging more for a service that’s been an absolute disaster this holiday season.

while taking zero accountability for their failures. Now you might be thinking to yourself, at least Amazon will still reimburse you for the cost of your goods, right? But here’s the problem. How does Amazon determine your true manufacturing costs? I’ll bet you a million bucks that Amazon’s estimate will be less than what you actually pay for your products. And don’t forget, Amazon won’t reimburse you for transportation, logistics, or import duties either. If you want an accurate reimbursement,

Your only option is to submit the actual invoices for your inventory to Amazon, which basically means telling Amazon who your suppliers are and your financials. Now over the years, I’ve had so many friends that have had their product knocked off by Amazon’s own private label brands. Take one friend of mine, for example. She was making hundreds of thousand dollars per year selling Emu oil on Amazon, but then Amazon launched their own private label version of her product at 30 % cheaper. If that wasn’t bad enough, Amazon had the audacity

to advertise their own branded emu oil directly on her product listing. And the result, her sales tanked overnight, all because Amazon decided to compete directly against her. One of my close friends, Mike Jackness, used to sell gel packs on Amazon, and he was making millions of dollars per year. But then Amazon decided to knock off his product, charge 30 % less, and even copied his packaging and photo layouts. Now, do you see why handing over your supplier and cost of goods information to Amazon is a recipe for disaster?

With this data, Amazon can easily undercut you. They can go straight to your manufacturer, negotiate a better deal than you ever could, and use their sales data and clout to knock you off entirely. And let’s not forget the hassle of actually providing this information to Amazon. Dealing with Amazon customer support is already a nightmare. Every time I’ve had to contact them, I feel like banging my head against a table. You’re always stuck with reps and foreign call centers who give canned responses that never solve your issue.

Now imagine having to deal with that level of incompetence for every single one of your products. It’s a massive time suck, total headache, and just not worth it. Now let’s take a step back and look at this new policy from 50,000 feet. Amazon already controls the entire shipping and logistics process, giving them complete authority over your products from the moment they enter their system. By refusing to compensate sellers for loss or mishandled inventory, they’ve created a serious conflict of interest. Think about it.

If Amazon loses 10,000 units of your product, what is stopping them from turning around and selling those same items as their own? They wouldn’t have to pay import costs or taxes on those products and no one would be the wiser. Now you might think that sounds far-fetched, but in my 10 years of selling on Amazon, I’ve seen it all. I’ve had my products shipped under the wrong listing and I’ve had customers order from us only to receive products we don’t even sell. Just this Christmas, someone returned what was supposed to be our linen towels

and we got shipped back a weighted vest instead. And it gets even crazier. I’ve had hundreds of units that Amazon claimed were lost, suddenly reappear for sale on my own listing, but from other sellers. This level of mismanagement and lack of accountability is exactly why this new policy is so dangerous for sellers. Amazon holds all the power and when things go wrong, you’re the one left to pick up the pieces. Just think about it. There is absolutely nothing stopping Amazon.

from mysteriously losing your inventory and then turning it around to sell it under your own listing at a lower price, winning the buy box in the process. This isn’t just a hypothetical. It’s happened before and it will happen again. But now with this new policy, Amazon stands to profit from these mistakes, creating a dangerous incentive to do a bad job. The harsh reality is that it’s in Amazon’s best interest to lose your inventory now. When they control every part of the process and face zero accountability,

It is a recipe for disaster and sellers are the ones who pay the price. And here’s the thing, things were already bad. Amazon’s advertising costs have been skyrocketing, increasing by 20 % year over year. They penalize you with excessive FBA fees if you have too much inventory in stock. But if you have too little inventory, you’re also hit with more fees. This year, they added an inbound placement fee, charging you on a per unit basis just for the privilege of letting your products into their warehouses.

Oh, but don’t worry. You can avoid this fee by using Amazon’s warehouse and distribution service, which has been a complete disaster for sellers, mismanaged, unreliable, and downright horrific. Do you see the pattern here? Amazon keeps stacking the deck against sellers, making it harder and more expensive to succeed on their platform. Amazon controls everything, and every single policy change is designed to extract more money from sellers while offering less in return.

Meanwhile, their Amazon Prime service for shoppers has gone downhill too. This holiday season, I’ve only received about 50 % of my orders within the promised delivery window. And as for sellers, Amazon promised no new FBA fees for 2025, but now it’s clear why. The financial impact of this inventory reimbursement policy change will easily outweigh years worth of FBA fee hikes. Amazon’s playing the long game, and unfortunately, it’s at our expense. Right now,

Amazon sellers are being squeezed from every direction. Direct from China marketplaces like Tmoo and Shien are cutting out the middlemen, selling directly to US shoppers at rock bottom prices without paying taxes or import duties. To make matters worse, Amazon has doubled down on the competition by launching its own Tmoo-style dropshipping service, Amazon Haul, which directly undercuts their own FBA sellers. At the same time, Amazon keeps increasing fees for sellers

while reducing the quality of service for shoppers. And now with this new policy, they’re passing the cost of inventory losses directly to sellers. The sentiment in the Amazon seller community is clear. Amazon is no longer the land of opportunity it once was. Sellers feel the company is abusing its monopoly power and this inventory reimbursement change could very well be the last straw. Many top sellers are already scaling back their reliance on the platform. And with this new policy and the potential for abuse,

It’s likely that only high margin sellers will be able to survive in the long run.

Hope you enjoyed this episode. If you’re worried about these new Amazon fees, you should be. For more information and resources, go to slash episode 572. Once again, tickets to the Seller Summit 2025 are now on sale over at If you want to hang out in person in a small intimate setting, develop real relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs and learn a ton, then come to my event, go to And if you’re interested in starting your own e-commerce store,

head on over to and sign up for my free six day mini course. Just type in your email and I’ll send the course right away via email.

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571: 2024’s Biggest Winners and Losers: Who Crushed It and Who Crashed?

571: 2024’s Biggest Winners and Losers: Who Crushed It and Who Crashed?

Today, Toni and I are doing our first annual awards episode! From the Best Investment of the Year to the Coolest Moment of the Year, we’ll celebrate the wins, laugh at the losses, and reflect on the lessons that shaped the past 12 months.

Stick around as we crown the Biggest Winner, call out the Biggest Loser, and share the life hacks, personal changes, and standout products that defined the year!

What You’ll Learn

  • Discover our best investments of the year.
  • Find out who the biggest winners and losers were for 2024.
  • Get the scoop on the trends that shaped 2024 and what they mean for the future!

Sponsors – The Sellers Summit is the ecommerce conference that I’ve run for the past 8 years. It’s small and intimate and you’ll learn a ton! Click Here To Grab The Recordings.

The Family First Entrepreneur – Purchase my Wall Street Journal Bestselling book and receive $690 in free bonuses! Click here to redeem the bonuses


Welcome back to the podcast, the show where I cover all of the latest strategies and current events related to e-commerce and online business. Today, Tony and I are doing our first annual awards episode from the best investment of the year to the coolest moment of the year. We’ll celebrate the wins, laugh at the losses and reflect on the lessons that shaped the past 12 months. Stick around as we crown the biggest winner, call out the biggest loser and share the life hacks, personal changes and standout products that define the year. But before we begin, I wanted to let you know that tickets are now on sale.

Seller Summit 2025 over at The Seller Summit is the conference that I hold every year that specifically targets e-commerce entrepreneurs selling physical products online. Unlike other events that focus on inspirational stories and high-level advice, mine is a curriculum-based conference where you will leave with practical and actionable strategies specifically for an e-commerce business. Every speaker I invite is deep in the trenches of their e-commerce business

entrepreneurs who are importing large quantities of physical goods, and not some high-level guys who are overseeing their companies at 50,000 feet. I personally hate large events, so the seller’s summit is always small and intimate. Every year we cut off ticket sales at around 200 people, so tickets sell out fast, and we’ve sold out every single year for the past eight years. If you are an e-commerce entrepreneur making more than $250,000 or $1 million per year,

We also offer an exclusive mastermind experience with other top sellers. The Seller Summit is going to be held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from May 6th to May 8th. Right now, this is the cheapest the tickets will ever be. So head on over to and grab your ticket. Now onto the show.

Welcome back to the My Wife, Quit Her Job podcast. It is 2025. And what we’re going to do today is we are going to reflect on 2024 and do, guess, our first annual awards show, so to speak. I got this idea from another podcast. I thought it was pretty cool. And both Tony and I, we all have our own spin on things. So ready to rock,

I’m actually curious to see how far apart our answers are going to be. I know. know. Because we’re totally different. I am very curious also. Yeah. OK. So the first award is best investment that you’ve made of the year. It can be a product. It could be a stock. could be anything that you want. Yeah. This one panicked me because I’m not a

I’m like a dump my money into fidelity, not pay attention. And when I hear the word investment, I immediately think like, money, right? It can be a product that really helped you out too. Yeah. Right. So I would say like just financial wise, because I’m not like a fine, I’m a good at saving money. I’m not, don’t ever follow me for investment advice. But one simple thing that I realized that I didn’t take advantage of early enough last year was just the high yield savings accounts. Like the numbers are still pretty good, right? Like they’re not as good as they were last year, but

I do think moving some money, because I’m the type of person that would just have your money sitting checking account. just taking advantage of that was a really good investment. And then the other investments that I actually think was just investing in like personal growth. So whether it was just taking more time to like subscribe to podcasts or, you know, buying a better pair of like walking shoes.

I think anything that I did last year in the personal growth space, I saw the best return on investment. Actually, I don’t want to get ahead of myself, but it’s something that’s very important for me in 2025. Okay. I had a couple of answers for this and I wasn’t sure where you were going to go with it. My first stock investment best of the year was Nvidia. I’ve owned that stock for a decade now because I used to game a lot. Yes, yes. I was always bullish on that company.

it just blew up like this. mean, not just this year, but the past couple of years. And then I was using Highbeam, which was really good, which is this bank for e-commerce stores where you get really insane yields because the interest rate is so high. Yeah. And what’s great about this company actually is you know how money comes and goes when you’re running a business, right? Right. A lot of times you’re paying for expenses and stuff and it’s sitting in a checking account that’s not yielding. Yep.

Well, by using like a high beam account, for example, the money comes and goes and even the checking earns interest. But you can put it into this high yield savings where it instantly like instantly at the snap of a finger, it’ll start earning, you know, as high as four and a half percent. Now it’s gotten lower because the rates have been cut, but it’s just a great easy way to to just make money on the money that you’re making.

Yeah, and that’s kind of going back to what I was saying is there are a lot of opportunities out there still where you can do that even on a personal account. think actually Capital One has something similar for personal accounts and check all fact check me please. Just because I was researching this this week just for personal reasons because I like to have money sitting in my checking account for whatever, know, like today I’m taking a car to the.

To the repair shop because someone got into an accident, know It’s like you have this money sitting for emergencies, but it’s nice to see that money earning a little bit of extra money Yeah, actually what sets the high beam apart though, and this is not a commercial high beam. They’re not spot-seeming I’ve just been very happy is that you can write checks you can wire out of it You can credit cards out of it essentially make it your real bank. Yeah Okay, what’s the worst this one? I really struggled with

Okay, this one’s easy for me. That stupid BMW. Oh, yes. so I had just gotten done paying about $2,500 to fix the thing. Because it was at that age where stuff starts breaking. And then all of a sudden I have catastrophic engine failure. I actually haven’t told the story on the podcast, so just give me 30 seconds to just crash BMW real quick. once, so the engine failed. I think the timing chain had failed.

And I reached out to BMW and I was like, hey, you know, it’s only got 50,000 miles on this car. What’s going on? And they didn’t tell me anything. They weren’t willing to do anything. And then I just did some research and I found out there was a lawsuit on my exact car. And when I thought I had the smoking gun at that point, so I went back to them, I said, hey, you guys lost this lawsuit. You should fix my car. Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you issue a recall if you knew this was going to fail?

if you knew that my car was a ticking time bomb. And they said, Oh, you know, when you lose a lawsuit, or when there’s a settlement lawsuit, we’re not required by law to tell people. And I was thinking to myself, wow, my son was in my car at the time. And if it broke down on the freeway, could have been really dangerous. And that answer of they’re not obligated just really pissed me off. So anyways, worst investment of all time for me, worst investment of the year to

All that money I spent into it and it just died. And BMW is a rotten, horrible company. I hope they go down and they’re hurting. I This is also not sponsored by one of their competitors. This isn’t sponsored by Toyota. Okay. What is your worst investment? I didn’t have a bad investment this year. Thankfully. I have had many bad investments over time, but this year I somehow managed to avoid because I didn’t really, I bought one thing this year and we’ll talk about this in a minute.

But I started thinking about this like, okay, what do I think are really bad investments from last year? And just based on, and this is terrible, I get most of my news from TikTok, but I think if you purchased real estate without, if you just bought something, you probably paid too much money in 2024. Also, I think if you have a car loan and you got a car loan in 2024, it was a horrible investment. Interest rates are sky high, car prices are nuts. There’s supposed to be a major auto crash coming.

And those are like, did buy real estate last year, but that’s, there’s a nuance to that. But I almost bought a car last year and I’m so glad that I didn’t. feel like I, cause you know, I was like on the fence for like six months about buying a car. And I didn’t do it because I, I often feel that making, staying put is better than making a decision sometimes for something. And I just felt like, especially with cars, the price is so volatile right now that it was not worth.

even though I would get more for my car if I decided to trade it in or something like that, it just wasn’t worth the risk. So that is the worst investment that I guess I avoided in 2024 was I did not buy a car. Well, I had to buy a car in 2024. Yes, did. Junk broke. Yes. But on the real estate front, actually, I consider it the best investment. We did move my mom out to my neighborhood. So she’s literally like six streets down. And that’s the best investment just for me personally, because I get this fear all the time.

Yeah, like literally almost every day. I think if you didn’t have to buy real estate in 2024, you could have could have made because pricing was prices were so high at the beginning of the year. And ironically, that house is already up 20 percent. And that crazy. Yes. But you live in you live in a different area than I know. OK, next topic is the biggest personal loss of the year. I’ll let you go first, because mine’s going to be a little long winded. OK.

I do not have one at all, thank goodness, because I have had some massive personal losses over the past four or five years. I needed a break from loss and I got one, thank goodness. I know it’s not true for everybody, but I am very thankful that I didn’t really have a personal loss in 2024. I think for you, just like in the last couple of years, I feel like your life has profoundly changed for the better. Yes, yes, for sure.

because there was many, many decades of misery. Yes. I was looking at that question last night and I was thinking about it and I was like, I’m really happy that I didn’t have one because I feel like I’ve been hit from all sides year after year after year. It was really nice to not have that for 2024. For me too, actually, I was really good.

And technically, this didn’t happen in 2024. Yes. But my house just got broken into three, three days ago. I don’t know. It feels like it happened again. But it wasn’t a personal loss financially. I mean, they ransacked the house, took a bunch of stuff and like the house is disaster. They broke windows and everything’s in disarray. But it wasn’t like the financial loss. It was it was more the mental security loss. Yeah. Because, you know,

My wife is visibly was visibly distraught. The kids were distraught. They’re worried. I had this big gaping hole still in my in the back of my house where the sliding glass door and in the other windows that they broke. Because for some reason they had to break multiple windows to get in. And now, like I’ve been looking at alarm systems and beefing up security. And this is just not where I want to put my mental energy. And now we’re setting the alarm.

Even when we’re in the house at night. Yeah, that’s hard. It’s hard to not feel safe outside to even do run a quick errand. We set the alarm and then we forget like in the past couple of days, we’ve forgotten that we have it set and then we open the door and the alarm. Yeah, I don’t know. It’s just a huge personal loss. I think it’s because if you think about your house is supposed to be sort of your safe space.

and now it doesn’t feel that way. And then on top of that, I feel like most of us start off the new year with like this sort of refreshed energy of like, oh, I’m gonna get to all these things. And you started off the new year with like crap. I’ve got all this extra, like you can’t even get into work yet because you’re still dealing with the aftermath. So it almost is like a double whammy, right? Like the pain of like having to take care of all this stuff plus the like feeling of like being violated. And then on top of that, you’re like, hey, I was.

Roarin’ 2025 and now it’s like screeching halt. Yeah, I mean, we didn’t exactly roar into 2025 anyway. I was giving you some credit where you didn’t deserve it, but it was the worst 2024 Christmas break ever. I know. Also, not to go into too many details, like at our Christmas Eve Christmas party, Jen’s cousin’s dog passed away and then Jen’s uncle passed away.

It was just terrible. Yeah. So those are my biggest losses for the year. And maybe we should just skip on to the more positive awards of this episode. OK. Yeah. What was your biggest win? Let’s get you some positives. you want? OK. My biggest win was writing the script to automate the creation of new print products for our store. So one of the strategies now that e-commerce is changing and whatnot,

is we’re focusing more on printed custom printed products because the margins are super high. The problem is, like whenever I want to make a custom printed product before I’d have to take the image, Photoshop it on a product. Actually before that we were taking pictures of products, but now it’s like Photoshopped on, then we got to write a product description, upload it and all that stuff. It takes a lot of time. So I just took some time to write a script thanks to Chachi BT and it automatically Photoshop’s the image on

the three products that we’re printing on automatically uses AI to create a product description or product title, uploads it, and all I have to do is just kind of massage it before the product goes live. And the goal here is to target every single special occasion known to man and have print products for those occasions. And this is kind of like taking a page out of the Hallmark book because Hallmark made up all these holidays and that’s how they thrived. You’re capitalizing on the Hallmark.

Yes. I feel like my business last year was just a little bit on autopilot. I had a lot of just personal stuff that I was dealing with. My biggest win of the year goes back to the best and worst investments was that I sold my house. I had someone say to me the other day, oh, you got lucky selling your house. I was like, no, I didn’t. I studied the market for six years. Did it crash? I don’t know the market in Florida.

So now it’s it went from a seller’s market to a buyer’s market literally overnight. Really? Yes. And I think for a lot of reasons, right? Too much inventory, high interest rates to the point where like sellers are giving concessions, all sorts of things. And I had been I knew that I wanted to sell my house at some point because it was big and very it was like just expensive to operate. Right. The payment was super low thanks to 2020, 20, 20 interest rates. But just the operating cost of the house was something that I didn’t want to

continue to like incur. And so I had been watching this for years, right? Like just the market where, especially specifically to my area, right? Like my county, my zip code, things like that. And so I feel like I sold at the absolute top of the market, which one made me a good amount of money that I could put into another house, which is why, you know, if you sell a house, usually have to buy something else to live in unless you’re gonna go RV it for a year or two, which is not me.

So I felt like that was my biggest win. Just being really in tune to what was going on and basically, I mean, you know, because like one day I woke up and I was like, I got to sell, I got to sell in a month. And I was like, I mean, yeah. And it was a house that I bought for the purpose of renovating and eventually selling. But like I had a lot of renovation products that were like projects that were like half done or three courses done or nine eights done or whatever, eight, ninths. So

Like getting it ready. I mean, we turned it around in about six weeks and sold it. It was nuts. I remember that. Yes. It was crazy. Yeah. Which was part of the reason for like my business kind of having to be on autopilot too, because then I bought a house and once again, it’s another renovation project. So, you know, I’ve been living in a half renovated house for the past four months, which is not not definitely not going to be the coolest moment of my year. It’s not going to make that. How you live like that, because you have so many people in that house. But I guess you’re used to it. Your family’s used to it.

There’s certain, I mean, that’s a whole other podcast, right? There’s certain things you got to take care of and certain things you can live with. Although there’s definitely some things now that are grading on me. Like I still don’t have a bathroom and that’s super annoying. But yeah, so, but I, that’s definitely the biggest win for me financially and personally. Mainly, know, financially, obviously I made a lot of money selling that house, but then also personally, like, it’s kind of like when I, we talked about when I had my Audi.

and I loved that car so much. That was just my favorite car I’ve ever owned. The stress of owning that car is like the BMW. It breaks down and you’re out 2,500 bucks when you sneeze. You need brakes, $2,500. You need tires, $2,500. European cars are not inexpensive to maintain when you don’t live in Europe. That house started to feel like the car.

Like, oh, this is broken. Oh, I need to fix an AC unit. Oh, that’s $50,000. It got to be like, I dreaded, oh, what’s going to break next? Because it’s going to be this big expense. So that was a big stress reliever for me, just cutting out the expenses as well as just the financial wind.

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you about a free resource that I offer on my website that you may not be aware of. If you are interested in starting your own online store, I put together a comprehensive six day mini course on how to get started in ecommerce that you should all check out. It contains both video and text based tutorials that go over the entire process of finding products to sell all the way to getting your first sales online. Now this course is free and can be obtained at slash free.

just sign up right there on the front page via email and I’ll send you the course right away. Once again, that’s slash free. Now back to the show.

This just reminded me like when our house got broken into, I had just sold the BMW, the broken BMW for a thousand dollars. So I just happened to have a thousand dollars lying around in cash in the house and they found it. Anyway, just pour salt in your wounds for that car. I I was wondering if it was an inside job, but the guy who bought it was actually our neighbor’s friend. I doubt you. Yeah, probably not stealing his money back. So yeah, my biggest one had to do with the business. My other biggest win, you know, just

in general was we got my mom’s house at a really good rate. And it just so happened, like it doesn’t usually rain that much here in California, but that week during the open house, it had rained and I think there was some other disaster or something. So people didn’t really attend the open house. And I think the agent screwed up on the pricing too, because they, set it really high initially and then they cut it by like $500,000.

Which I people listening to this like, oh my God, how much is this house? They just way overpriced it. Yeah. And so that drove a lot of people away from it. They’re like, oh, what’s wrong with it? What’s wrong with it? So we I think we got it at really good price. And then, of course, the win is my mom is right down the street, too. Yes. Big win. Yeah. OK, what about the coolest moment of the year? Moment. I have a couple, so I’ll let you go first. This one was really hard for me, too, because I feel like I always have really cool moments. Well, I really.

Don’t you think I do? I think I get to do cool stuff all the time. Yeah, I guess that’s that’s the positive way. But there’s nothing that stood out. Yeah. No, no, no. I it was hard for me to like narrow down because I feel like, you know, there’s always really cool things. I would say hands down and we have to go back a full 365 days. Last New Year’s Eve, I was in Budapest. Oh, yeah. Which is my one probably my favorite city.

and then went skiing in Austria for my birthday. And that is something that if you would have told 30-year-old me that I would be doing that, I would have thought you were crazy. And so just realizing that I have had a lot of really cool moments like that in my life, and that one definitely topped the chart. The other one happened just last month, and of course, it’s another travel moment, but being in Denmark during Christmas time and

kind of happening on an outdoor cafe that had heaters and heated seats and blankets that you could wrap yourself in and just sitting there like watching the people. Like those are the moments that I love. Those are the moments that you can’t really put a price tag on. And so those would definitely be my top two of the year. That’s true. You’ve been going on a lot of vacations. They’re educational trips, Steve. More so, yeah. Yeah, they’re business related, right? They’re business trips.

That’s true. Yeah, you’re living your best life. More so than any other year I can remember, actually. Yeah, it’s been a great year. And I’ve had lots of other great moments, too. But those were definitely. And you know, my other quote, I got to give a little shout out to one of my kids who is not a good student. And I know you cannot relate to this, but my only kid left in school is not a great student. And she made the honor roll for the very first time, I think, in her life.

and she’s in high school now. That was a really cool moment. I was really proud of her. I didn’t have anything to do with it. She just woke up one day and decided she wasn’t going to slack anymore. Shout out to her for- What’s the secret? Did you do anything? Other than just continue to yell at her for 10 years to get her grades up. threaten her? Other than threaten to kick her out of the house unless she made the autumn? It’s a cool moment when you see a kid that doesn’t get it and then they get it like, this is important.

And you you’ve tried everything. You’ve tried taking the phone away. You’ve tried all the things. And then all of a sudden they just figure it out like, I need to be better. That’s always a cool moment. OK, I got to tell this story now. I was at dinner with my family and my mom last night, and my mom just spoils the crap out of my kids. reports are report cards are coming out tomorrow. And my son was.

he was like, Oh, you know, I might get a B on this. I’m like, what a B. And then my grandma or my mom, their grandma was like, Oh, you know, that’s okay. B is okay. Well, we’ll celebrate. You know, just I’m like, what? You know, this is the same mom when I grew up, I couldn’t get bees. And now you’re telling my son that he can get a B and it’s okay. What world am I living? I’m like, who are you?

It’s I’ll tell you, as someone who has grandkids, it’s 100 % a grandkid thing because during Christmas time, I took all three granddaughters to Target to let them buy gifts for their parents. And I was like, we can go through every toy aisle. You can play with all that. Do you think I ever let my kids go through the toy aisle of Target or play with a single toy? Absolutely not. I was like, we’re in, we’re out. I’m like, we got nothing to do. Push all the buttons, make all the noise you want. I did not care. So, yeah, it’s totally a grandparent thing. It’s great. I mean,

Your standards change. Your standards change 100%. Yeah. Okay. Wait, so my coolest moment, and I actually had two. One is always been on my bucket list to go to the Super Bowl. That’s right. Yes, I forgot. I went to see the Niners and the Chiefs. Unfortunately, the ending was not what I wanted, but it was probably the best Super Bowl that I’ve watched in recent history. It was close. Yes, it was a good game. and everything.

And it somewhat justified the gobs of money I had to throw at it to get really good seats. I told my wife it’s a once in a lifetime thing. I’m not going to do it again. Well, the Niners aren’t making the Super Bowl, so you’re definitely not going this year. the playoffs. Good Lord. In terms of fun, though, I think it was better than going to an NBA Finals game because there’s only one game. Yeah, everything’s on the line. And the halftime show is just ridiculous and whatnot.

You know, but outside of that, you know, it’s just something that I wanted to do. Second coolest moment of the year was going to the Paris Olympics. I had always wanted to go to the Olympics as long as I can remember. So that was like a bucket list item too. And we watched my favorite sport, which was indoor volleyball among other sports. We watched beach volleyball underneath the Eiffel Tower. I went to a basketball game. Actually, basketball was not that fun. Olympic basketball. Oh, bummer. Well, the reason is, is because like all the stars are spread out.

on other teams. it’s just like, since we had the NBA, it’s like watching bad basketball. Yeah. It’s the best way that I can describe it. Yeah. Compared to the NBA. But yeah, that was an amazing experience. That was my first time in Paris, too. And I think… I didn’t know that. didn’t know Yeah, it was my first time in Paris, even though I took like 12 years of French. I got there actually, and I could not communicate with anyone or understand anything.

Okay, but you don’t need, I was just telling this to Andrew this morning, you don’t need to speak French to go to Paris. You don’t, but I wanted to be able to read the signs and maybe try a little bit. Your coolest moments are basically unaffordable for anyone in the real world, by the way.

Yes, it was an amazing experience. Again, don’t Paris was just amazing. It’s probably one of my favorite cities. I know it’s not yours for some reason. not. I want to go back, though. I want to give it another chance. had July. Oh, I went off my low carb diet. had literally a lot of every day. had these chocolate croissants. I love a chocolate croissant. So much better than anything in the US. Yes. And I was expecting everyone to be impolite there because I just heard that. No, everyone was super nice.

Because everyone there was there for the Olympics. Yeah, probably everyone there were was expats and everything. They weren’t real Parisians. Yes. Probably. But beautiful city. The weather was perfect every day. Yeah.

Okay. What about your best life hack? Move on to some practical achievable things for people other than unlike going to the Olympics. I mean, a trip to Paris. How many people have been to Paris before? I like I, I just never been there. Yeah. All that. Okay. Best life hack. This one’s super easy and it’s probably a cliche at this point, but using chat GPT and Claude to write code and to help write YouTube scripts. Huge game changer for me.

I’m so much more productive. got rid of all of my writers as a result. So I used ChatyBT to write a loyalty program, which I, which was, guess, a big win for Bumblebee Linens. I can’t remember when I launched that, but that’s just like another excuse to email people, another excuse for people to buy and add more to their order. And then I also used it to code up a spin to win pop-up, a two-step version.

If you guys want to check it out, it’s over at Bumblebee Linens. But basically this new pop-up increased my email conversion rate by about three X, three and a half X, which was a huge deal for Bumblebee Linens also. just AI, know everyone’s using AI, but I think especially the coding and if you’re using, if you’re doing any sort of creative writing, is fantastic. It writes better than, than humans.

I was going to say Claude, but I knew you would use it, so I had to come up with some other ideas. I have another one too. can use it. How are you using Claude? For the scripts. For the scripts? I’m using it to take blog posts and turn into scripts, which I started doing last year and then moved and now actually was working on two scripts yesterday. Then also using it, and I think we talked about this in our webinar, using it for the hook. I actually think it does a great job for the hook.

For some reason on YouTube videos, I’m great in a hook in email, but I’m not great for a hook in video, so I’ve been relying on that. What’s your other life hack? The other life hack was 11 Labs. What I did is I cloned my voice. Now, if my assistant over in the Philippines needs a voiceover for something or whatnot, she’ll just type in what she needs and it sounds like me.

I sent you a sample. What did you think it sounded like? think it does sound like you. Yeah, I do. And then there’s this slider that allows you to add intonations where it thinks and it’s actually pretty good and it keeps getting better. They’ve updated the model since since the last time and this new model is amazing. Oh, good. So if you need yourself cloned, uh, voice wise, I, I guess it’s only really helpful if you’re a content creator, a podcast or something like that. But

It just does an amazing job. I knew you would use Claude, so was like, I got to think of another one. I have two more. My first one is my morning routine, which is get up, get directly out of bed, don’t check your phone. I know not everybody’s a morning person, don’t email me. This isn’t for you.

basically doing the morning meditation, like the five minutes of breathing. I will tell you, I was not a breathing fan like 18 months ago. I thought it was a bunch of bonk. I mean, I like breathing in general, like guided breathing. But Mike Barnhill, shout out to Mike and Dana Jean-Zima, shout out to Dana, really changed my mind about this. just doing, and I’m not one who can sit for 30 minutes and do this, but five minutes of guided breathing is…

radicalized my mornings and my energy level, along with sitting in the sun, whether it’s walking, sitting, whatever. So something like my last house, I could sit out on my balcony and like sit in the sun and do the breathing here. I have to I walk and then I do the breathing another time. But huge life hack. Highly recommended if you’re not doing that. My other one, which is like I am definitely late to the party, so don’t come at me.

Why was I not following the points guy before? I don’t know. I was talking to someone and they’re like, oh, yes, I found on the points guy. I’m like, know who that is. Why am I not? I just signed up for the daily emails. You definitely get stuff that you don’t want, but I’ve learned and you know I’m a travel hacker. We talk about going to all these places. I’ve gone for almost free on points to all my trips.

But he has like the ends, like I’ve wasted a lot of time trying to find out this information where he literally like the website’s amazing. The information’s great. It’s all real. It’s not gimmicky. Obviously, he makes money if you sign up for certain credit cards and things like that through him. So like good for him. But I will say, like if you want to travel hack and you don’t want to have to do all the work, I would just sign up for the email for points guy. And we’re not affiliated with them in any way. Can I get mad real quick?

Yes. Do you remember when I came back from Mankation and I was raving about Wim Hof breathing? Yes. But you didn’t like bat an eyelash. But now when Dana and Mike Barnhill tell you that breathing is really good, then all of sudden you do it. Yes. I’m sorry. I feel about that. I’m sorry. Okay. Wow. We’re running out time. have a couple more here. Okay. Best product of the year.

Okay, mine are all like construction based. They’re not work based. That’s okay. So anyway, best two products of the year for me, noise canceling insulation. If you are building a house, you need to this installed. This does not apply to like 90 % of the people here. it blow or what is it? No, it’s like roll. You roll it or it’s in sheets, but it’s like the pink stuff, but it’s not. It’s basically still wool. It’s amazing.

Never thought I would be singing the praises of insulation. But in the sound of you might think that I hate noise, I got the, I have them right here with me, my Bose open ear headphones. If you hate headphones in your ear, like the ones like Apple AirPods, the ones that stick inside your ear canal, which I cannot stand, these actually hook to your ear. So if you walk, run, cycle, anything like that, you can actually still hear everything going on around you. But the sound quality, 10 out of 10 amazing.

I like them so much better than AirPods. I’ve had an issue connecting them to my Mac computer, but that’s almost 100 % user error. But I love these little bows. Can you hold up the camera? curious. I want those too, actually. Yeah. So they hook. Let’s see if I can show you. Oh, I see. I see. OK, so let me try to describe it since you guys are listening here. They hook. My nails are too long, but they hook around your ear. Right. So nothing goes physically in your ear.

Nope, they hook on your, what’s the outside of your ear called? I don’t know. The part that like loops around, that’s where they hook so they’re on the backside. And to me, like, I don’t know about if you’re a female and you’re getting ready and like trying to do your hair and you have AirPods in, I always knock an AirPod out and then it’s rolling across the floor under the bed, whatever. These do not come off your ear. So, definitely recommend. My best product of the year is a service, I guess, and it’s

It’s not chat GPT, it’s search GPT. Okay. Uh, search GPT came out earlier this year and now it does citations and it does somewhat of fact checking with citations. So it has replaced Google for me across the board. I do not use Google at all anymore. Um, I tried perplexity as well. Perplexity is another AI search tool, which is much better than Google. I just prefer search GPT because I think it does a better job of citations. Um,

And there’s just less clutter in the answer that it gives you. Nice. Google’s, you know, I hate Google. Yeah, I’m going to to check that out. I agree. Well, it’s already kind of built into Chachi BT. So yeah. What’s your biggest change for the coming up here? Ah, so. I used to play Ultimate every week. Yeah, but then we’re all old now. Like one guy I was playing with was like 60. And so people just started getting injured.

Like literally every time we went out and played. so that game kind of died and I’m playing tennis once a week now, but I still need to wait to exercise the other days and not, I hate running. And so I don’t want to, I tried running and I tried to force myself to go running. I’m usually good for a couple of weeks and then I stop. So biggest personal change of the year. And this might be my product of the year, even though it’s been out for a long time.

There’s this exercise game on the Nintendo Switch. Okay. It is called Ring Fit. And there’s like this Pilates ring that you get, and then you fight monsters by exercising. Okay. And I’ve been doing that every day. Nice. Nice. And so the goal is to exercise five days out of the week, whether it be lifting weights, playing tennis. So that’s two and then a Ring Fit for the remaining three days. Nice. I like it.

It’s a game of fine fitness. always works. So I spent the last week with our friend Liz and Adam and Mike Jackness. And this was the biggest change was like the number one topic of our conversation. And so I started the conversation out by saying, I need a gigantic change this year. I don’t know what it is, but something needs to change drastically in my life.

And then as the days went on and we continued to have these conversations and Jackness was like determined to figure out what it was gonna be. And I was like, the problem is I don’t know Jackness if I knew I would tell you. But I woke up one morning actually on my birthday and I was like, you know what? It’s not a big change. I need to shift. And the idea came to me because of, I was thinking about like, and I’m not a science person so, ugh.

But I think about like tectonic plates, right? And how they move and shift over time. And it doesn’t seem like that big of a deal when you think about the size of these plates, but actually it causes like massive issues, right? It causes earthquakes. causes huge crevices and canyons and mountains, like, right? So this shifting of the plates is a really big deal, even though like in theory it’s not, right? Shift doesn’t seem like a big word, but I was like, that’s what I need. I need to shift. So I need a slight change that will produce massive results.

And so that’s kind of what I went with after I did the cold plunge and all the world became very clear to me after that. So a couple of those things that I just kind of came to like real practically. So, you know, last year I bought that big ass calendar, but I lost all the pieces in the move. So I had this calendar that was like empty. this year I was like, Liz was like, I’m going to buy the calendar. I was like, I’m not buying it. It sucks. You know, it doesn’t suck. I’m joking, but.

We decided we were to buy it basically together and fill it out together on a call. That’s a big thing as I want to plan my, I want to get an outline of my year now. Wow, we’re like the opposite. I know we are. That was the big one. I was like, if I have Liz or anybody to do it with me, the accountability will be there to get it done.

Because I do know that because I have so much chaos like in my personal life and my house and everything like the things that I can control I really need to control and then in in that conversation I realized the one thing that I feel like all of us for the most part have been missing over the past several years is like I need to get out more I’m very happy in my cave. I’m very happy in my office. I’m very happy in my house You know, I’m like a whole if I leave I’m getting on an airplane and I need like more

people in my life that are in are like not necessarily doing exactly what we do, but in like the entrepreneurial slash founder space. And so just making a concerted effort and I have a lot of things like in the works for this, like probably attending more events, networking more, just being better about getting out there because I tend to like close in if, because I wanna get stuff done, right?

And I’m realizing that I’ve missed out, especially like if you think about like 2020 and everything that happened and how like my life before that and now like we are going to multiple events a year. And I’m at the point now where my kids are all older. While it’s still difficult to travel a lot, I can make it happen. And I think that’s really important for my own like personal growth. You know, it’s funny is I’m going in the opposite direction. I know. And I think it’s because our kids are at different ages, like your kids are older. Yeah.

I feel like my kids need us right now to be at home because over the break we toured colleges for my daughter and it’s just so hard to get in college now. There’s so many things that… Not when you make the A honor roll. Not when you make the A honor roll. I wish that’s all it took. Yes, I know. But there’s a lot of work involved and so many activities now. Both kids are playing volleyball. I’m literally driving to the gym.

like four times a week, five times a week. there’s and yeah, Karina is learning how to drive. Yeah, that’s a nightmare itself. I told you this story, right? I go in, she gets in the front seat and I’m like, OK, let’s drive. And the first question she asks is, OK, which one is the brake? I’m like, OK, get out of the car, get out of the car right now. Yeah, yeah.

We went to like a parking lot where I could show her which pedal was which. This is after she she passed the learner’s permit test. And I don’t think they ask you that question. So here’s and you’re right, like we’re in very different seasons. Like think about this. I’m teaching my seventh kid how to drive. I know I’m just like I’m in there smoking a cigarette, like drinking a glass of wine, like let’s go, kids. You know, really guys, but like.

There’s very little, not all my kids are great drivers. I’ve had some near-death experiences with them behind the wheel. Now I’m just like, let’s do it. It just very much unfazes me at this point for driving. That’s so funny. I think once they’re off to college, I’ll be there with you. I’ve just realized that I miss that part of I need people to hold my feet to the fire.

And I think that getting out there for me is the best way to do it because I quickly go in. I quickly am like, I could not leave my house for a month and be totally fine. Like literally not leave it, except for I have to take a kid to school. But like I don’t go to the store. not like it. I don’t want to interact with you. Like I very quickly want to go inward. So I think this is a good push for me. I mean, those were great years. They really were.

I was speaking like six or seven times a year at various conferences, had a blast, met so many people. I would love to go back to that actually, but just not these next two years for sure. Maybe afterwards. Actually, I feel like there’s less events now too. There are less events. yeah, anyway. Okay. Biggest loser of the year. I have a list. Oh, you do. Okay. Let me just get my one out of the way then.

I think the biggest losers of the year were Amazon sellers who only rely on selling on Amazon. That was on my list. was okay. Amazon introduced so many new fees. You could avoid some of those fees by using their new service, which was a disaster this holiday season. was Amazon warehousing and distribution. just recently they announced that they are not reimbursing you the full price of a product when they use your product. I saw that. Just the cost of

Good, whatever it is. the cost of goods. Yes. What they consider your cost of goods or you can submit your factory invoices and get that reimbursed, but it doesn’t take into account the cost of customs duties and freight forwarding and all that stuff. Just the pure cost of the product, which- That’s garbage. To me is outrageous. Yes. Okay. This was my funnest part. I was like, I love fighting the losers and winners.

Biggest losers of the year, SEO blogs. Blogs that rely totally on SEO. Pooh in the toilet. The Democratic Party, guys messed up. We’re a little bit tone deaf. We don’t talk about politics here, but they are definitely a big loser for the year. Did not do a good job marketing, that’s for sure. Actually, if you’re in marketing, learn from this. Chain restaurants, the Red Lobsters, TGA Fridays. Once again, I feel like a lot of this has to do with like

people being tone deaf to their audience, not knowing what people want, not adapting to the new world, right? Department stores, right? Macy’s closed 150 stores, same thing. I didn’t hear that. Yeah, do people not shop there anymore? No. As department stores. So I read a couple years ago that Macy’s does the majority of their sales online anyway. And a lot of people just walk into Macy’s to pick up their order, right? And I don’t know about you, but like shopping malls, like the traditional everything’s inside shopping mall,

Bankrupting right the outdoor malls the plazas. Those are the ones that are are doing better malls Yeah, were you walking? Yes. Oh, no Yeah here they are packed Yeah, so you know like Red Lobster filed they got a new CEO so they’re restructuring but TGI Fridays went down Okay, another big loser Aaron Rodgers. What are you doing, dude? Like once again like but

Like, once again, I feel like all this kind of relates to like they’re like a lot of these people are just tone deaf, right? To what’s going on around them, not like understanding the market. Right. Aaron Rodgers did not understand what it was like to play in New York where your fans will boo you. Right. He was in Green Bay where everyone loves you. They’re all cheeseheads. Right. I would say X, formerly known as Twitter, big loser this year, lost a lot of users. Once again, I feel like in that tone deaf category. I mean, you stopped putting effort into it.

I feel the opposite about X actually. Oh, really? Okay. Why do you feel the opposite? Because I think X has become the platform for people for free speech. I think X is on the rise. We’ll see. Especially after the Trump victory. It might turn around, but I feel like in 2024 it was not. Then I think the absolute biggest loser of the year was anybody who stayed up to watch the Mike Tyson, Jake Paul fight.

Biggest loser, if you could even get it to stream correctly. then we have to add Netflix to that list of biggest losers for screwing that one up. like we should have just made an entire episode on this. You got a long list. OK, but biggest winners. OK, biggest winners, Nvidia stock, Elon Musk. Those are right, too, that I was thinking of. Like, Elon banked so much on this election. Yes, he did. And he would have gotten screwed if Trump had lost. Yeah.

So Nvidia, Elon Musk, anything related to AI, killing it right now. the company, not Amazon, the seller. So everything that hurt the sellers benefited Amazon. Since chain restaurants took a tank, these fast casual restaurants like Cava, where you like go up and order, but they bring you your food. don’t know. You know, all those restaurants really did well because they kept their price point right. Right. Like Shake Shack’s like, you know, those places are doing actually really well. Walmart.

big winner of 2024 and are still coming hard after Amazon. And then people in general, because I had to add Aaron Rodgers, I got to add people that are winners. A huge winner, probably my number one 2024 winner, Caitlin Clark, right? Just crushing it and not only crushing it for herself, but bringing up an entire industry. Like who cared about the WNBA before Caitlin Clark? Nobody. Right. And then along with that, we got Simone Biles, right? Coming back and the Olympics, like

once again, huge personal winner, Alona Meyer, right? Rugby player in the Olympics that then has, what I like about her is in her and the pommel horse guy, Steven Naderosic, who transformed their Olympic wins into like outside of that monetization and fame. Cause I think so many people like get their 15 minutes and don’t know how to leverage that. So I think they did a really good job of being like slightly obscure, but then leveraging it for huge social media followings, Dancing with the Stars,

You know, all sorts of stuff. And then the other two big winners for me are YouTube and TikTok. Who knows what’s going to happen to TikTok. We might not be saying this in 2025. In one more week, we’ll find out. TikTok, TikTok, we’ll see. But anyone creating content on YouTube and TikTok, big winner in 2024 and definitely on YouTube. I see that in 2025 as well. I agree. I also wanted to add the biggest loser of the year, I think is the NBA. Yes. Your ship is down like 58 percent or something. It hurts my heart.

hurts my heart to say that. must say the game has kind of devolved into just like chucking it up. Yes. Yeah. From 3.9. Drive and kick, drive and kick. Yeah. Anyway. right. Well, that concludes our first annual awards show. You’re only supposed to pick one in each of these categories, but maybe we should just do an entire episode on biggest losers and biggest winners because that’s when you like perked up.

Well, here’s the thing. I know I had to double for some other ones. Here’s the thing about the biggest winners and losers is I think that you can you like the audience us can learn so much from what’s happening in the world. Right. Like you can look at people who like look at Aaron Rodgers. Right. Like so how do you avoid that in your own business or your own branding? Right. Because he’s he’s a person, but he’s also a brand.

Right? So how do you avoid that negative backlash? How do you avoid getting in that position? Same thing with like, how can you do what Caitlin Clark has done? Right? Now, obviously most of us are never going to be in the WNBA. Mainly we’re too old, and you’re not a woman, but details, details. But like looking at some of these people, looking at what like Walmart is doing, right? Looking at some of these bigger companies or people and like, how are they leveraging what they already have?

to grow and be better. And then also looking at like, hey, if YouTube is blowing up, should I be on there? Right? How do I need to get on? It’s like just watching these things and making decisions in your own business and personal life, I think is really, really good.

Hope you enjoyed this episode. If there are any awards that you think we missed, let me know by sending me an email. For more information and resources, go to slash episode 571. Once again, tickets to the Seller Summit 2025 are now on sale over at If you want to hang out in person in a small intimate setting, develop real relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs and learn a ton, then come to my event. Go to

And if you’re interested in starting your own e-commerce store, head on over to my wife, and sign up for my free six day mini course. Just type in your email and I’ll send the course right away via email.

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570: Trump’s Tariffs Are Coming: What Amazon FBA Sellers Must Do To Survive

570: Trump’s Tariffs Are Coming: What Amazon FBA Sellers Must Do To Survive

Today, I’m breaking down why President Trump introduced tariffs and what they mean for trade with countries like China.

We’ll look at how these tariffs affect American consumers, businesses, and global trade. Plus, I’ll cover the bigger economic picture and the debates surrounding this policy.

What You’ll Learn

  • he Policies That Donald Trump Has Outlined For His Second Term As President
  • China’s Unmatched Vertical Integration
  • Why Inflation Won’t Be 60%

Sponsors – The Sellers Summit is the ecommerce conference that I’ve run for the past 8 years. It’s small and intimate and you’ll learn a ton! Click Here To Grab The Recordings.

The Family First Entrepreneur – Purchase my Wall Street Journal Bestselling book and receive $690 in free bonuses! Click here to redeem the bonuses


Welcome back to the podcast, the show where I cover all of the latest strategies and current events related to e-commerce and online business. Today, I’m breaking down why President Trump introduced tariffs and what they mean for trade with countries like China. We’ll look at how these tariffs affect American consumers, businesses, and global trade. Plus, I’ll cover the bigger economic picture and the debates surrounding this policy. But before we begin, I wanted to let you know that tickets are now on sale for Seller Summit 2025.

over at The Seller Summit is the conference that I hold every year that specifically targets e-commerce entrepreneurs selling physical products online. Unlike other events that focus on inspirational stories and high-level advice, mine is a curriculum-based conference where you will leave with practical and actionable strategies specifically for an e-commerce business. Every speaker I invite is deep in the trenches of their e-commerce business, entrepreneurs who are importing large quantities of physical goods

and not some high-level guys who are overseeing their companies at 50,000 feet. I personally hate large events, so the seller’s summit is always small and intimate. Every year we cut off ticket sales at around 200 people, so tickets sell out fast, and we’ve sold out every single year for the past eight years. If you are an e-commerce entrepreneur making more than $250,000 or $1 million per year, we also offer an exclusive mastermind experience with other top sellers.

The Seller’s Summit is going to be held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from May 6th to May 8th. Right now, this is the cheapest the tickets will ever be. So head on over to and grab your ticket. Now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast. In this episode, I’m taking a closer look at President Trump’s tariffs, why they were put in place, and how they’re shaking up trade with countries like China. I’ll also explore what this means for e-commerce sellers and dive into the bigger economic impact and the controversies around it. Let’s start with the policies that Donald Trump has outlined for his second term as president. Trump has said that he will impose a 10 % global tariff on every product no matter where it’s coming from,

and a whopping 60 % tariff on anything coming from China. Now a 60 % tariff sounds pretty extreme and consider this, over 70 % of the products sold by wholesalers and retailers on today are manufactured in China. Now you might assume that a 60 % tariff would push Amazon FBA sellers to raise their prices in the US by an equivalent 60 % to cover the costs. However, it’s not that simple.

Fortunately, we can look back at Trump’s previous administration for insights into how such policies might play out. Now, for starters, Michael Feroli, JP Morgan’s chief U.S. economist, suggests that the likelihood of a 10 % across-the-board tariff in 2025 is relatively low, let alone a blanket 60 % tariff on all Chinese products. It’s probably not gonna happen. Second of all, Michael Feroli also stated that a 60 % tariff on China

could raise the price level only by a bit over 1%, assuming tariffs are fully passed on through to consumers. And in practice, the effect could be even smaller if higher tariffs are absorbed into business margins or if there’s a substitution away from China towards other suppliers. Now, if you believe Michael Feroli, a 1 % increase in prices doesn’t sound like much at all. Now, personally, I think the actual price hike will exceed 1%, but let me explain why I think Michael’s estimate

is reasonably accurate based on my own experiences with the last round of Trump’s tariffs. I’ve been selling on Amazon since 2014 and my own online store since 2007 over at And even though we source from Switzerland, the US, Italy, Germany, India, in addition to China, most of our products do in fact come from China. During Trump’s previous administration, he initially promised a sweeping 45 % global tariff on Chinese goods, but that’s not how things played out.

Instead, the tariffs were implemented in stages ranging from 7.5 % to 25 % depending on the product category. For example, many of our products were subject to only the 7.5 % tariff. So while Trump publicly announced a global 45 % tariff on all Chinese products, the reality was far more nuanced. There were numerous exemptions and many items fell into the lower 7.5 % trench, showing that the actual impact varied significantly by product.

I believe that even though Trump has publicly stated he would impose a global 60 % tariff on all Chinese products, it is unlikely to actually play out that way. Let’s face it, when you’re campaigning for president, you can’t stand in front of the public and announce a plan for a series of small targeted tariffs. A bold declaration, like a 60 % across the board tariff, makes for a stronger, more attention grabbing stance. Now, even if you’re not a fan of Trump, he has some sharp advisors on his team.

including figures like Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy to guide him. It makes zero logical sense to impose tariffs on products that the U.S. doesn’t even manufacture. Instead, it’s more likely that the highest tariffs will target industries where the U.S. is actively working to boost domestic production, such as automotive, semiconductors, and electronics. For everyday consumer goods and staples, a sweeping 60 % tariff seems far less likely. Now, if history is any god,

the price impact of tariffs likely won’t be as significant as you might expect. Michael Farole predicted only a 1 % price hike, which isn’t a huge deal. But to throw some real numbers into the mix, let me share a hypothetical example based on my own experience selling online during the last Trump administration. During Trump’s last presidency, we barely raised prices at all in our online store, and here’s why. Now in a typical retail environment, products are marked up around 4X.

So if we source a product for a buck, we sell it for $4. Now let’s assume Trump imposes a 60 % tariff as proposed. That would bump the product cost to a buck 60, meaning we’d sell it for $6.40, right? Not quite. For starters, there’s always a lag before price increases hit the consumer. When tariffs are implemented, it can take months for existing inventory to sell through and price changes tend to roll out in waves. Now on a competitive platform like Amazon,

Pricing is critical to maintaining rankings and sales. There’s very little price elasticity on Amazon as consumers are highly cost sensitive. Even a small price increase, like 60 cents, could drop your listing from the top search result to the 10th position. This is why sellers constantly monitor competitor prices to stay competitive. The pressure to maintain rankings often outweighs the immediate impact of tariffs, leading sellers to absorb part of the increased costs instead of passing them entirely to customers. Now back to the example.

If you’re a seller and you notice that none of your competitors have raised their prices yet, you’re far more likely to absorb the cost yourself, at least initially. Instead of making a $3 profit, you might settle for $2.40. And percentage-wise, that’s like offering a 15 % discount, which isn’t a massive hit. And that’s without factoring Trump’s extremely business-friendly tax policies. During his last administration, the corporate tax rate dropped from 35 % to just 21%.

which had a noticeable impact on small businesses like mine. Despite the tariffs, we ended up making much more profit than ever before. This time, Trump is proposing an even lower corporate tax rate, potentially reducing it from 21 % to 20 % or even 15%. For businesses, that would be a game changer. The tax savings will help offset the impact of even a 60 % tariff, though of course, this ultimately depends on your profit margins.

By the way, Trump’s business tax friendly policies are one of the biggest reasons why you should start your own business right away. As an employee, you’re taxed at the highest rates with very few deductions. If you’re interested in learning how to start your own profitable online store, I’ve created a free six day mini course just for you. It’s packed with actionable tips and I guarantee you’ll walk away with valuable insights. Sign up below, it’s completely free. Now let’s say you don’t want to pay the high tariffs on Chinese goods.

One alternative is to source products from other countries such as Mexico, India, or Southeast Asia. While that sounds promising in theory, in practice, it’s incredibly challenging, at least right now. First, there’s the issue of cost. China is significantly cheaper than many other countries, including the US and Mexico. Now my previous video, I mentioned that labor costs in China are about four times lower than the US. Even with a 60 % tariff, it’s often still cheaper to manufacture in China than elsewhere.

Another major hurdle is China’s unmatched vertical integration. China has suppliers for virtually every component needed to manufacture complex products, all within close proximity. Most products aren’t just single piece items. They’re composed of many components that need to be sourced, assembled, and integrated. Take the iPhone, for example. It’s not as simple as deciding to manufacture it in the US. You’d still need chips from TSMC in Taiwan, RAM from Korea, and various PCB components from China.

It’s a supply chain that is deeply interwoven and replicating that infrastructure elsewhere is not easy. Even if you find a supplier in Mexico or India, there’s a good chance that they’re still sourcing many components from China. We learned this the hard way when we sourced intricate lace handkerchiefs from Italy, only to find out later that the materials originally came from China. We were essentially paying a markup for the same Chinese goods. Now in the long term, if demand increases,

Other developing countries may begin to build the necessary infrastructure to compete with China. However, that’s not going to happen overnight or even within a single Trump administration. It’s going to take years, likely decades, for countries like Mexico and India to catch up to China’s manufacturing ecosystem. Now from running my business, I’ve also discovered that many Chinese-owned factories have already set up operations in Mexico where tariffs are currently non-existent. Chinese manufacturers are always finding new ways to bypass tariffs altogether.

I’ve been selling online and sourcing from China for 17 years, and I don’t expect tariffs to have as dramatic as an impact as the media suggests. Lower income tax rates will likely offset much of the tariff increases, and there will undoubtedly be loopholes such as Chinese suppliers shifting production to countries like Vietnam or Mexico. As a small business owner, you also have the flexibility to adjust your prices to account for the tariff costs as well. And it’s important to note that prices won’t increase by 60%.

as there’s not a direct one-to-one correlation between tariffs and selling prices due to the retail markups. Even if you pass the entire 60 % tariff onto the consumer, the final price would only increase by about 15%. And for most products, that is a manageable increase. And remember, these tariffs affect everyone across the board, not just your small business. Now as an Amazon FBA seller, what should you do right now? If you’re worried about the tariffs,

You should place your orders now as quickly as possible before the Trump administration takes effect in late January and get your products in as soon as possible. Most likely, other e-commerce entrepreneurs are thinking the same thing, which means the cost of freight will likely be higher in the near term. But in the long run, everything will likely even out. There will be inflation, but not nearly as high as the doomsday media is making it out to be. Bottom line, the tariffs give the U.S. some negotiation leverage.

We’ve allowed countries like China to have the advantage for a long time now, and I believe these tariffs will help level the playing field. Meanwhile, Amazon is already under heavy scrutiny for its monopolistic practices. Under the Biden administration, the FTC opened up an investigation on Amazon and ultimately sued them in 2023 for illegally maintaining its monopoly. We all know that Jeff Bezos and Trump don’t exactly get along, and Trump has been very vocal about how the Washington Post unfairly targets him.

Trump has also gone on record many times as describing Amazon as having a monopoly, and it’s highly likely that the FTC investigation into Amazon will continue forward as planned. As a result, Amazon will likely be on its best behavior going forward. They already announced that there would be no fee changes for 2025, which is finally some great news for sellers. Overall, I see the Trump presidency as being a net neutral for Amazon FBA and other e-commerce businesses.

Hope you enjoyed this episode. If you’re worried about the effects of Trump tariffs on your business, I’m doing a three-part series on this in the coming weeks. For more information and resources, go to slash episode 570. Once again, tickets to the Seller Summit 2025 are now on sale over at If you want to hang out in person in a small intimate setting, develop real relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs and learn a ton, then come to my event.

go to And if you’re interested in starting your own e-commerce store, head on over to and sign up for my free six-day mini course. Just type in your email and I’ll send the course right away via email.

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569: The #1 Way to Get More Shoppers Without Spending a Dime

569: The #1 Way to Get More Shoppers Without Spending a Dime

In this episode, Toni and I dive into the magic of word-of-mouth marketing and why it’s such a game-changer for businesses. We’ll share tips on creating memorable experiences that get people talking and how to naturally encourage those conversations.

Plus, we’ll break down how to amplify the buzz with strategies like referral programs and authentic storytelling.

What You’ll Learn

  • How to get people excited enough to talk about your business without feeling forced.
  • Simple ways to turn happy customers into your biggest promoters.
  • The secret sauce behind referral programs that actually work.

Sponsors – The Sellers Summit is the ecommerce conference that I’ve run for the past 8 years. It’s small and intimate and you’ll learn a ton! Click Here To Grab The Recordings.

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Welcome back to the podcast, the show where I cover all of the latest strategies and current events related to e-commerce and online business. Today, Tony and I are going to discuss perhaps the most important way to generate traffic and repeat customers for your business. And this is a strategy that is often severely underestimated and underutilized. But before we begin, I wanted to let you know that tickets are now on sale for Seller Summit 2025 over at The Seller Summit,

is the conference that I hold every year that specifically targets e-commerce entrepreneurs selling physical products online. Unlike other events that focus on inspirational stories and high-level advice, mine is a curriculum-based conference where you will leave with practical and actionable strategies specifically for an e-commerce business. Every speaker I invite is deep in the trenches of their e-commerce business, entrepreneurs who are importing large quantities of physical goods, and not some high-level guys who are overseeing their companies at 50,000 feet.

I personally hate large events, so the Seller’s Summit is always small and intimate. Every year we cut off ticket sales at around 200 people, so tickets sell out fast, and we’ve sold out every single year for the past 8 years. If you are an ecommerce entrepreneur making more than $250,000 or $1 million per year, we also offer an exclusive mastermind experience with other top sellers. The Seller’s Summit is going to be held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from May 6th to May 8th.

Right now, this is the cheapest the tickets will ever be. So head on over to and grab your ticket. Now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife Quitter Job Podcast. Today we’re going to cover one last topic on this marketing series that we’ve been doing, and that is word of mouth marketing. And the reason why I want to talk about this is because I actually think the majority of Bumble Bee Linen’s business is word of mouth, mainly because we get a lot of our business from event and wedding planners today, which make up a significant portion. And what I wanted to stress,

just to kind of start out with is that one of the questions I get from students who join the classes, do I have to do customer service? In general or themselves? Well, just in general. Interesting. Right? Because in the beginning, they’re like, hey, I’m just a one person thing. Like I can’t answer phone calls and I don’t want to interact with the customer at all. And that’s why people are attracted to Amazon so much, right? Because Amazon does all that stuff.

But I was just thinking about this other day. It was a YouTube video I was watching about actually talking to the customer. And I was just thinking to myself, I get emails every single day, like a ton of emails every single day from my wife, quit her job. And I try to respond to all of them. And every now and then, this happens at least once or twice a week, someone emails back and goes, oh my God, I can’t believe you responded.

to my email. I can’t believe there’s actually a real person behind this. I was thinking to myself, man, the bar is really low, right? Yes, it is really low. You can make someone really happy just by responding. Yes. I think to globalize this, if you think about people shopping behavior in general and what people like to do, I think people shop for two reasons.

consistency or customer experience. Those are the two reasons why people shop at certain stores and do the certain things they do. If you think about Amazon, as a customer on Amazon, the customer experience is actually pretty good. If you need to return something, it’s always really easy if you have a problem with an item. For the most part, Amazon does a good job with customer service. The reason why everyone likes Amazon is because you know exactly what you’re going to get and when you’re going to get it. You place your order.

within 24, sometimes five hours, it shows up on your front porch, right? But then there’s other people and there’s other shopping experiences that people have where they want to go down to the boutique, right? Like there’s a couple parts in my town that have these little boutique stores and I often wonder how they stay in business, right? Because they sell like a very specific type of thing. You can only go in there if you want beach wear or stuff like that. And they stay in business because they’ve built a relationship.

with the customer. And I’ve heard people like, so in this one plaza, there’s like stores and restaurants, and we always go to this one restaurant. And I hear people talking about the stores in that, it’s not even a strip mall, it’s like a little shopping village. They love, they know the owner, they talk to them, right? The owner comes out and helps them find something. And so that customer experience, like, yes, could they probably buy that exact same thing on Amazon for probably less? I would say most definitely.

But do they love that experience, that customer service, that feeling like they’re part of that family? Absolutely, so they make that. So people either shop one way or other, in my opinion. They know what they’re getting and that’s what they do, or they want to feel like they’re part of something else. Yeah, I mean, this is similar to that interview I did with Jerry Kozak, who does the print-on-demand company. He runs a printing company. And a lot of his printing business got destroyed by Ti Mu and Shien, but the bread and butter of his business

are all the private clients that he actually makes uniforms for and whatnot. They continue to come back to him because he delivers, they have this relationship, even though they could probably find someone in China, I would guess, at a lot cheaper price. Yes, but once you have that relationship, I think it’s really hard to switch even if maybe there’s a better deal somewhere. A perfect example of this is, we own a lot of motorcycles in our house and my son

uh, hit a pothole in his motorcycle month ago and bent his front wheel frame and he rides a Honda motorcycle. We bought it at a Honda dealership. Um, but instead of taking it to the Honda dealership to get it fixed, where we just, we knew the bike we wanted, we went in and we purchased it. We took it to the Ducati dealership to get it fixed because that’s where our relationship is, right? Those are where we know the guys.

Those are the people that we talk to all the time. So even though, you know, was it probably a little more expensive to get it fixed at the Ducati dealership? I would guess, yeah. But it wasn’t worth not having the relationship, right? Because we know if there’s a problem, we know exactly that it will be handled. And I mean, there wasn’t one, obviously. But, you know, you picked we picked relationship over probably cost and maybe convenience. Yeah. I mean, so the real question is, how do you establish these relationships? They kind of have to be done

You can’t automate it, Yes, you can’t automate it. That is correct. This is funny. I remember my wife, what she does is she actually sends little gifts to our best customers at the end of the year. I remember that first year she started doing that. I was like, what’s the point of this? They’ve purchased like 10 times already. They’re clearly a customer. Why are we – I mean, what’s this going to do?

But clearly my wife knows about the softer side of things. It’s probably because of that reason that these customers have kept coming back for many, many years now. We’ve had customers buy from us since the beginning. Here’s a tip for that because I love that idea and I think it’s something that every business should be doing for their best clients, is sending them. If it doesn’t have to be around the holidays, that’s the most common time to do it. What I don’t like is when

If you were to send, and I don’t know what you send, so I might be offending you guys right now, to send them a Bumble Bee Linens coffee mug. To me, They get the hankies that have been returned. No, but I see this with companies all the time. It’s like, think you’re valued customer. Here’s a pin with our logo on it.

Which is like, no, if you’re truly thanking someone, then you get them what they want. And obviously you don’t know exactly what maybe your top 50 customers want or whatever the number is, but you wanna get them something that’s just nice and appreciative. It should not be something that’s branded with your logo or something that could be used as an advertisement. No one wants a Bumblebee t-shirt, right? Maybe they do. to do that. Yeah.

But, and so like, you maybe it’s a Christmas ornament with something like commemorating of, know, maybe like, I don’t know, like, you know, I know every year for in Chinese, there’s like an animal, right, with the year. So maybe it’s an ornament with that on it, or maybe it’s a, you know, a Yeti cup that’s just, you know, like in a nice color, right, or with a pretty design. Or maybe it’s something that’s, you know, fun and…

really shows your appreciation versus like, hey, please walk around with my Bumblebee branded hat on so that everyone knows where you buy your handkerchiefs. So I think that’s a big thing when you, if you decide to do this is you should make sure the gift is like something that you would actually want to receive as well. If you want to go the extra mile, you can stalk this person on social media and find out what they’re interested in. There was this talk that Gary V gave and I thought this was ingenious. It’s very calculated though. What he did is he went through his entire customer list.

And he found the people that had really large social media presences. Oh, I remember this. Yeah. And then, uh, so one guy really liked Jay Cutler. So he went out and bought, he spent 400 bucks on an autographed framed Jay Cutler Jersey. Yeah. Sent to that guy. And the guy ordered only a hundred bucks worth of stuff, but he had a big Twitter following. think it was. Yeah. And then, you know, a couple of weeks passed and he’s like,

He clearly already got it, but nothing happened. Then exactly one month later, he got this huge order of wine. It was a referral from the guy that received the J. Cutler jersey. There’s a little Italian place a couple of towns over from me that we stumbled upon one day. It is one of those, you feel like when you walk in, you’re in Italy.

The owner is originally from Italy through Brazil, you know through like six other countries But you know we went in there the first time we sat we love to sit at the bar So we sit at the bar. We’re talking to the owner of the restaurant, you know, we’re Learning about him learning about where he’s lived learning about where he’s from the town He’s from all this stuff and you know as we’re in there we each have a glass of wine and

Brian orders a second glass of wine and I was like, I’m good. And then he takes the wine bottle and just like gives me, you know, like maybe a half of a pour more. And he’s like, well, we don’t believe in drinking alone, right? Like so, and you know, doesn’t charge me for it, whatever, right? And you’re just like, wow, okay. Like customer service right there, you know, like, and I didn’t want another, you know, so it wasn’t like he was forcing anything on me. It was just like, hey, here’s a little more. So you’re not sitting there with an empty glass while he has another glass. And then we had,

just got an appetizer and there was this salt that they had used in this appetizer that was, I don’t know what it was, but it was absolutely the best tasting salt. That’s weird to say, but, and so we asked him about the salt. We got into this whole story about the salt. So as we’re leaving, he brings us out this tiny little jar of salt, right, that was from the appetizer. Have I not recommended that place to everybody I’ve ever met in this town, right? We go all the time.

You know, it’s like, just from that first interaction, right? He could have just served us, given us the food, been friendly, right? And it would have been like, yeah, it was a great experience. We’ll probably go back at some point. But like, we make it a point to drive to go to this place because the experience, and every time we walk in, same thing, walks up, shakes your hand. And it’s like, does this cost him anything, really? Like, other than a couple seconds of his time? No, but.

Like I post about it on social media, not because I love it, right? And I want other people and he treats everybody that way, right? Like we’re not special in that like somehow he thinks, you we have a Twitter following, he’s gonna do this. Like he treats all the customers this way. And I think honestly, if you’re not doing that in your business, whether it’s digitally or in person, like you’re missing out on this huge opportunity to create like your most loyal customers for not a lot of money.

It’s not just loyal customers, it’s really a brand. And I’ve been thinking about this a lot because we’re at a crossroads right now. I think Google’s gonna be dead in five years. And it just so happens that Google is about 25 % of my business right now for Bumblebee. And I’ve been like racking my brains trying to figure things out. I don’t know if you guys have been using Perplexity. Perplexity is an AI search engine that’s…

Really pretty good. I mean, it’s got tiny market share. Have you used it? Very, very sparingly, but I’m about to jump on the bandwagon. Yeah. So basically it gives you an AI answer and then it gives you links. But what they recently added was shopping and it’s not just shopping. It’s literally a button where if you click on it, you instantly check out. Cause I guess perplexity has your information. So it’s like one click checkout on Amazon, except it’s through AI.

And I was trying to figure out how this could possibly work, but I think they had this deal with ShopPay. think almost every Shopify store can use ShopPay, And so they already have the customer’s information as part of that. So when they click on the button, it automatically places the order on that e-commerce store. so I was just thinking, hey, is that the future? How do I show up on AI Search? And I think more and more

important now is getting your brand out there. And I guess all the SEO efforts that I’ve made over the years contribute to this. But I think where most of the signals are coming from, honestly, today are social media. Do you have that brand presence? And so I was just thinking to myself, I’ve been dragging my feet on social media for so many years because it’s something that you have to do every day. But our friend Jim, he does it.

Yeah, it’s really just a mindset thing. Yes. Yeah. And it worked when I was on TikTok and I, you know, did it every single day and I grew to one hundred and twenty thousand subs YouTube. I was very consistent once a week. And now, you know, that’s been growing like gangbusters. It’s really just this frame of mind. mean, this is where the world’s going. You think about word of mouth, right? How many TikToks have you watched? know this happens in our house a lot. My wife will see a TikTok for this restaurant. Yep.

And she’d be like, hey, let’s try that place. Because this person said that it was pretty good and showed us pictures of her enjoying the food. That’s where the world is going. That’s where it is, I think, today already. Anyway, that’s my little soapbox thing. I’m trying to hit myself into admitting to this. It’s hard, right? Because especially, OK, so.

I think, let’s just use Gary Vee, right? He’s actually a great example of someone who’s constantly building that social currency, right? He’s making, he’s always on social media. I always see TikToks of him, Reels, whatever the platform, he’s there, right? Sort of building that with, as himself, right, as the brand. But that’s kind of easy for him, right? Because he’s talking about stuff that like he’s doing every day. Like, have you seen those ones of him where he’s going to the garage sale and he’s buying like the bucket of hot.

Hot Wheels cars and you know, like that’s all stuff he does. It’s in his business. Like for you and Bumblebee and for a lot of people, right? Like you’re not a wedding planner. You’re not really a hanky user. You know, so like. Do you cry on occasion? only during the NBA playoffs. So once a year is not going to be enough for this marketing. But like for most people, being able to create content around their brand isn’t just like their normal everyday life.

They’re not just getting up. I feel like Gary V, most of his content is just based on his everyday actions. It’s pretty simple to have a camera follow you around. It’s not pretty simple, but in the social media world, that’s not as difficult as you sell linens. You’re not a linen person, so then how do you get over the mental hurdle and figure out how to make that content?

to sort of bridge that gap that’s definitely not, I would say, in your wheelhouse. Well, here’s the thing. I think you can create content about anything and not even mention your business. People will find your link in bio. There’s this girl from Vancouver, her strawberry milk mob. All she does is she shares dating advice and stuff like that. Her videos aren’t flashy. She literally just picks up her phone and does stuff. But she has 2.2 million followers.

and she also runs a swimwear brand, which she never talks about. But I’m sure that it gets tons and tons of sales because that’s her link in the bio. Yes, but she’s also talking about like dating. she, mean, at she’s talking to her target. You got to talk to your target demographic. Correct. But the content, doesn’t have to be about the product. You don’t have to talk about crying all the time. Although I just had a brilliant idea. I had a brilliant idea for your channel.

One of our favorite things you and I to watch is sad fans. Fans that when their team loses and they’re crying, when the winning touchdown is scored, when the buzzer beater baskets. You could just do something with sad fans and hankies and then you could still do what you love, sad fans and mix in hankies. Looks like someone needs a hanky.

I think would that work on women though? Yeah, that’d be guys, right? Maybe I don’t know. I’ve seen sad women fans like 90 95 % of our customers are women. Yes, they are. And they’re also they skew older also. Yes. In the demographic because hankies and towels and whatnot. Yes. Anyway, the point I wanted to make is you can just write content about anything and then just kind of insert your little call to action in there.

It doesn’t even have to have anything to do with it. But over time, you know, people remember that or be associated with it. So what are you going to talk about for Bumblebee?

Okay, so I’m going to do all the simple stuff like the day-to-day, right? Even though I’m not there every day. I figured I’ll just go in. is what I think happens every day. Jen’s going to love this. Well, I can talk about all the cool stuff. I’m involved in a lot of the cool stuff. A lot of people do embroider funny things on the Hankies. I was thinking about just setting up a camera in front of the embroider machine. I think I told you to do this five years ago.

Well, yeah, I mean, I’m not going to set up the camera or have it run all day, but I just have it like if there’s something funny that’s being stitched, I’ll just film it and then I’ll comment on it. Yeah. Or something like that. But the other thing I thought was interesting, this is a channel that I would watch is a lot of people are just kind of interested about what it’s like to run the business. Right. And I’ve actually been in there a lot lately because I’m the only one who knows how to use the printer right now. So I’ve been in there a lot.

lately because in preparation for the holiday season. So I can get, there’s a lot of unexpected things that happen daily. It’s kind like your family, right? You have seven kids, something happens every day. Something happens every day at Bumblebee too. And it’d just be interesting to document that stuff, the good and the bad.

I just wanted to take a moment to tell you about a free resource that I offer on my website that you may not be aware of. If you are interested in starting your own online store, I put together a comprehensive six day mini course on how to get started in ecommerce that you should all check out. It contains both video and text based tutorials that go over the entire process of finding products to sell all the way to getting your first sales online. Now this course is free and can be attained at slash free.

just sign up right there on the front page via email and I’ll send you the course right away. Once again, that’s slash free. Now back to the show.

I’m actually interested in this because I not sure I’m 100 % on board with just putting any content out there to build customers, but I’m curious to see if it works. I feel like it’s got to have some sort of connection with your potential audience. Now, I do think how to run the business. Then there’s also this other factor because it’s social media.

This is where it tricky because I actually love to watch the videos of things being bottled in a manufacturing facility or how people screen print things or all the making of stuff. I love those types of videos online. I also love the watch me work type of behind the scenes, packing orders, mainly probably because we’re both in this business. I’m always curious to see how these things work.

But I do think like some of these brands that have gotten really big doing these types of things, then you do spill over into your audience, right? Because you get to the point. So perfect example of this are, we keep talking about AJ and Big Justice, but I’m in bed the other night and it’s like probably 11, 1130 and my two, you know, young adult boys are in the kitchen making some sort of snack, right? And I hear them like get food out of the microwave and then I hear one of them go.

I’m bringing the boom. They’re not on social media a ton. They’re on it, but they’re not huge consumers of social media. I’m in bed and I yell from my bed, do you know AJ and Big Justice? They yell back, we love the Rizzler.

But like, I just think about like, you they started out as the Costco guys, right? And like talking about stuff in Costco. They have transcended, like everybody knows about them, right? So I think you get to a point on social media and this is what makes social media so cool, right? You get to the point where you’ve transcended all age demographics, all the traditional like buckets, right? Like anybody who’s on social media, I feel like has now heard of them.

in some capacity, right? Because they’ve gone on TV, they’ve gone to sporting events. So I think social media can do that for your brand, right? It can get you to the point where you transcend all demographics and it doesn’t matter what you started talking about. You have a big enough following to drive business. It’s not easy to get there. I I was thinking about this in the context of AI search, right? Yeah. Like if you do a search for Bumblebee linens or whatever, like my name kind of comes up with it.

depending on how you phrase the thing. So if you have a big platform or social media presence, I think that’s gonna make it much more likely for you to actually show up. whatever, mean, AI search is still new, so however it’s gonna be, but it’s gonna be based on what’s already out there. And how much do you think it matters, because I was thinking about this today too, how much do you think it matters if like, not only are you out there on social media, but maybe you go on a podcast to talk specifically about Bumblebee?

or you go as a guest on someone else’s YouTube to talk about specifically Bumblebee, your name in relation to Bumblebee? I don’t know the answer to that question with podcasts. But you know what I’m saying? So I’m building my own website, just my personal website. And I was trying to think of all the things where I’ve spoken and podcasts I’ve been on and things like that. And I, of course, have not kept a great record of this. So I just Googled myself.

to see what came up. like podcasts came up, speaking stuff came up, like all of that came up in the, I think I Googled my name with like e-commerce. And so I wonder how much that will play in, right? If you’re out there sort of like on all the multi-channels, right? Not just doing social media, but doing podcasts or YouTube, things like that. Well, here’s a presentation I’m going to give to profitable audience, probably in a week or so.

But I made one little change to my blog that links all my press mentions and everything. And my traffic doubled in one day. That’s crazy. And it’s still been on a steady climb because now Google knows that I’m associated with the content. It didn’t make that correlation before. Yeah. So I think it’s very important, especially in this age of AI just spitting out spam, like people putting up sites and whatnot. Right. like the emphasis is going to be on who the actual author is.

Yeah. And the more that you’re out there, the more presence you’ll have, I’m sure, on AI search going forward as well. Yeah, that was sort of my initial hypothesis on this. Obviously, we don’t really have anything to, except for your traffic doubling. mean, obviously, that’s a nice… It’s funny. It happened because I made the change and I’m like, things don’t usually happen this fast. So I emailed Jeff. was like, were there any Google updates or anything that happened? He’s like, oh, no, no, it’s been stable for a while. Yeah.

I was like, I’ll show you my change. Do you actually think that this is what did it? He looked at it he was like, huh, yes, I think this is what did it because all of a sudden my knowledge panel on Google shows all these things. It couldn’t have been just a coincidence, right? No, think, It makes sense, right? This is good and bad news for people, I think, overall because

I know a profitable audience, especially when we do webinars where we’re talking to a lot of people who aren’t in the course and maybe are thinking about starting to build content either around a brand they already have or starting a new brand. The question we always get asked is, can I do this anonymously? Right? Yeah. And that’s one of the reasons why people love Amazon, because you can do things basically anonymously on Amazon.

You can sell whatever you want under whatever brand name. No one will ever have to know you’re associated with it really. mean people can dive deep and find you, but that’s not, you know, it’s not the same. But I really think, it’s funny, I feel like we’re almost coming full circle because like when I was building my blog back in 2008, it was all about getting yourself out there, right? What events was I at? What magazine would I submit a paragraph to? What blogs were I commenting on? Who was I associating with, right?

in the blog space. then know, then I mean, SEO was still taking over at that point, but like, know, everyone, most people became very SEO focused. It became just like very much this process based, you know, content creation. You didn’t have to go to anything. You didn’t have to put yourself out there. And now it’s sort of flipped back to where I think putting yourself out there is actually very helpful. Here’s the struggle. And we’ve seen this happen to members of our class. Like we get them hyped about

making short form and then they post their first thing and it gets like five views. Right? Yes. And, and what I found at least with social media on Tik Tok is that, uh, you know, you could post like 20 things, but eventually you’ll get one thing that gets, let’s say a few thousand views. And then that means like, if all the rest of your videos are getting like a hundred or less, and all of sudden you get like a 2000 view video or a 4,000 view video, that means you’re onto something there. Yeah.

and you should examine what you did in that video and just make more of it. Yeah. And that’s how you get better. You can’t ex I would go in expecting nothing in the beginning. And the same has been true with my YouTube channel, right? Like I pretty much know what’s going to do well now. And whenever something doesn’t do well, I kind of go in knowing that it’s not going to do well because it’s content that I actually want to create. Yes. And not what I Yeah. Yeah. It’s the struggle that I have an internal struggle. So

Well, and I actually remember we talked about this a couple of weeks ago in office hours when I was referencing our friend Andy, who was, you know, he’s in the growth stage of his YouTube channel. I think he’s over 30,000 subscribers right now. But he said one of his biggest learning takeaways from the past couple of years was he’s got to make content that the algorithm likes. Right. And, know, he he’s very into like charitable causes. But, you know, the more every time he makes a video on it, it flops in.

I’ve watched a lot of his stuff and his charitable videos aren’t better or worse than some of his videos about paying off your mortgage early, right? They’re the same, just the algorithm is telling him people want more content about paying off your mortgage. It’s actually taken me probably three years to figure out how to phrase teaching content into something that the masses will actually want.

It is probably the hardest thing that I, and I still make mistakes, but it’s like the hardest thing to do. Yeah. Well, here’s the thing too. I was working on my site this morning, so I was having all sorts of marketing thoughts because this is basically a newer endeavor. I was thinking, when I’m on YouTube, I watch a lot of big creators, right? I try to watch a lot of different things just because

We teach YouTube, so I want to feel like I understand what many verticals are doing, not just the ones that I actually want. I don’t want to just watch NBA highlights on YouTube. But there are a lot of people out there creating really good content on YouTube that’s teaching because I’m thinking about for our introverts, right? People who are like, I know Logan Paul. Which one’s fighting Mike Tyson this weekend or soon? Is that Logan or Jake Paul? I don’t know the difference between the two. Yeah, I always get a mix up too. Anyway.

Not everybody’s a Paul brother, right? There are a lot of introverted person people. I think about our friend Rob Berger. We talk about him a lot, like just turning the camera on, making the financial videos. But there are a lot of people out there that I follow or that I watch their content that are doing like purely teaching videos. Like here’s how you do this segmentation in Klaviyo or here’s how you do something in Shopify or here’s an idea for XYZ, right? Purely content. They have maybe 5,000 subscribers, right? So they’re not huge channels.

But yet you can tell from the views on the videos and the interaction on those videos that that’s driving their business, right? Because they usually have a service-based business or something on top of that. Maybe they sell a Shopify plugin, whatever. It doesn’t really matter. I think you can build content and put yourself out there in a very niche capacity where, like obviously we talk about wanting to get thousands and hundreds of thousands of views on pieces of content. And I think that’s obviously that’s great. And who doesn’t love that?

all of us, right? But I think you can create something that’s lucrative and that will support you as a full-time job if you find the right audience and you get into that niche and you’re driving it to a very specific product or service. I mean, there’s tons of people on YouTube like that. There’s this one guy I follow who teaches Facebook ads, and he’s got a tiny channel. It’s like 4,000. But I bet he gets almost all of his clients through that channel.

It’s niche, but the people who watch his videos. Yeah. Yeah. So you can go niche or go broad. Like I was always taught, because I had a YouTube consultant for a while and I’m a member of a bunch of mastermind groups. I was taught that going broad and funneling down will almost always yield you more customers than the niche method overall in the grand scheme of things. you can make a living off of just the ads also.

So I’ve tried to adopt that philosophy. Which I don’t think either one is right or wrong. I think you can do both. But for people who are like, don’t want to fight Mike Tyson, it is possible to do this in a very niche capacity and not feel like you’re going to be… I mean, we were joking right before we started recording that you have a video up right now on YouTube about the tariffs. And I was reading through some of the comments and…

Like I know stuff pretty much rolls off your back and like you don’t get offended by a lot of things. But you know, I think someone who maybe just put that video up because they were really into like tariffs and they hadn’t made a lot of YouTube videos, if they would be receiving some of it, you know, there was a lot of like, this is far too simplistic. You don’t know what you’re talking about. know, like stuff like we’re like, OK, whatever, dude. But, you know, I think people can get their feelings hurt, right, about stuff. so I think for people who are like, I just don’t want to like

be susceptible to that sort of thing. You don’t have to be. You can do this in a niche capacity or you can go broad or like as our friend Christina, she’s starting her pet social media for her pet product and she had a video basically go viral and she’s like, wait, no, I don’t want this, right? So anyway, I think…

But you have to put yourself out there. That’s the hard part for a lot of people. I actually don’t, aside from like all the strategies that we talk about all the time of like how to get over it, I really don’t know how people can get over it other than just doing it. Right? Like there’s not like a magic potion to all of a sudden wanting to be on video or make content like that. I mean, I’m thinking about all my priorities right now for getting top of funnel business to Bumblebee. And, you know, once upon a time that was search.

I think today it has to be social media. Yeah, which is like, can’t believe you’re saying that. I don’t want it to be that. I really don’t want it to be that. I mean, what else is there right now? And it’s ads. Yeah. Google ads are so powerful. I mean, like five years ago, we would be laughing at ourselves for recording this podcast. And, know, I talk about blogging and it’s still probably it still probably has like, you know, three, four years left. But I.

I mean, the writing’s on the wall. I think for the traditional way that Google is doing search and ads. And especially like the underhanded things that they’re doing too, which is the topic of one of my YouTube videos too. That should do well. The dark side of Google. You know how I’ve kind of hated and avoided social media, and I’m still avoiding it. I’m fighting it. But I’m just trying to think, like, how are you going to get more business?

I do think that just the old-fashioned word of mouth, obviously social media is very powerful for word of mouth. Just the stuff that you were talking about and let’s try this restaurant, let’s do this. I’ve gone to cities before because I saw them on social media. Oh, yes, I’ve gone to places in Europe because I was like, we got to go to this, the place is cool, let’s stop.

So I think that the amount of power in that is crazy, right? It’s at a level that I don’t think our 2008 brains could have comprehended. But I also think the old fashioned, once you get a customer, so you’ve worked really hard to get the customer, whether it’s from social media, an ad, Google search, whatever it is, you want to make sure that they then become, you want your customers to be creating the social media content about you. Right.

which is probably a whole other podcast on customer experience. But I think that that’s the next step in this, right? You create the experience and then they create an experience for someone else with your products. I’ve been thinking about this a lot lately, actually. I was thinking about as part of the checkout process, asking for someone’s Instagram handle. And then I don’t know how intrusive, I’m almost positive Jen’s going to be absolutely against this. Probably.

But you know, tagging them in some way, thanking them or whatever, or like, hey, your your hankies turned out great or something like that. Yeah, because

Back to the analogy that we started with was whenever I reply to an email, people are like, oh my God, thank you so much for replying. I feel like people are starved for attention and comments on their social media platforms. I don’t get that many comments on my posts for Instagram because that’s not my thing, but when I do get one, I appreciate it. I think people will appreciate the attention. I think people will also appreciate the positive attention because so much of social media can be negative.

And so to just see positive interaction with them involved in it, I think is very powerful and leaves a really good impression about the brand. Or don’t even tag the person. Once you have their social media handle, just go on their account and make a comment on something. Yeah. It’s a lot of work. It is a lot of work, but you can start out doing it. But once you have the SOPs, you can have someone do it. Correct. Yes. There’s definitely parts of this that can be outsourced.

It’s not like you’re writing a novel, right? You’re just making a comment like, oh, cool. You your children are so cute. I want to eat them. No, but like I remember so I used to rent all my clothes from rent the runway. We talked about that a lot. But I remember like when I would post an outfit that I like really liked, right, that I was like maybe at a conference and whatever. And I had a dress on that I had rented. I would always post and tag them. And I would love it when they reshared it to their stories.

Not because I wanted, I didn’t want to gain followers. I was doing it because I genuinely thought the outfit was cute. But I remember just the feeling that I would get of them reposting it, it felt good. It just felt good inside for them to be like, hey, we appreciate you, we’re sharing this too. And obviously it’s brand building for them for sure. But I don’t know, there’s just something about it. Even for us who probably are very cynical about social media in general,

I know why they’re reposting this, I’m not dumb, but it still felt good. For the regular customer who doesn’t live in social media, who doesn’t do this as a business, I think the impact that that has is really powerful. The other thing that I think is really powerful and probably a whole other thing is a handwritten note in an order. What do you do, Sanaki? Yes. Has these handwriting machines, you literally put in a pen.

and it writes it in your handwriting. I think that works too, but I think that all those things are really impactful. In fact, just got a new phone this weekend, which I’m not like, as you and I know, I’m not like a huge technology person, but I needed a phone. I reluctantly got a new phone and I forgot that the Apple experience is all about the Apple experience.

I went online, picked my phone out, and then I had the choice of having it delivered or I could have it picked up. I could pick it up at the Apple Store like that day. So I was like, my mind will just go get it. I don’t want to wait till Tuesday or whatever because it was coming up on the weekend. was like, that way if there’s any problems when I try to transfer my phone over, which of course there will be, I have the weekend where I’m not missing important stuff. So I go to the Apple Store. Have you been to an Apple Store lately? I have, actually. OK.

I don’t ever, you know, I never go out. like I was like, what is this mall thing in a parking lot and all this stuff? Right. So I walk into the Apple Store and it is, I mean, the mall is actually decently busy because I think the holidays are coming up. like the Apple Store is packed. Always. Yeah. Always. And I’ve never not been in an Apple Store that’s packed. So I walk in and it’s packed and I was like, oh, like I’m immediately irritated that I didn’t have the ship to my house. Right. But then I quickly realized that the Apple Store staffs like Chick-fil-A.

So for every person in the store, there’s an Apple employee basically, every customer. And they’ve got their red shirts on, I think. so I just walk up to the nearest red shirt and I’m like, hi, I have an order pickup. And the girl’s like, is this a repair or a new purchase? And her friendly Apple voice. And I was like, new purchase. And so she points me to the guy next to her who’s also standing there. Because there’s far more employees than they need.

in the store and he whips out his little scanner thing and scans my barcode and then walks me to the back of the store where we wait excitedly for the new purchase, right? So I’m standing there and you know me, I’m like, I just wanna get the phone and get out of this mall. Like I’m literally having anxiety. And he’s like, are you just so excited about this new phone? But as the whole day, as a marketer, I’m like, I know what you’re doing, you know? And I was like.

I’m really like, no, dude, my other phone is broken. I just need a phone. And I was like, yeah. And he’s like, I hope you know about the amazing camera features on the iPhone 16.

And of course I’m like, of course I don’t know about the amazing camera features. I just got the phone that I like the color of, you know? And so he whips out, you know, the same phone that I bought, it’s not mine. And he’s like showing me as we’re waiting, like he’s like, and then there’s this and then there’s, so immediately, right? Like he’s warming me up to the product. Like in his mind, getting me very, very excited about all these new camera features that I’m gonna be getting. And then, you know, within three minutes, a guy from the back appears.

with the white box with the white bag that they open up, put the box in the bag in front of me, which I’m like, I’ll just take the box, dude. I don’t care. But once again, as a customer experience, 10 out of 10. And then, of course, when you open up an Apple product, their box is open slowly on purpose. There’s all these. It’s everything about that product is designed for the customer experience. And when you peel off the, everything about it is all, it’s an aesthetic.

And as I was going through that whole thing, I’m like, this is why Apple can sell less superior products for more money and have the most crazy loyal following in the world. They’re at the Chick-fil-A level of loyalty. And it’s like, your products aren’t even that great all the time. But yet you’ve created this whole experience that everyone’s bought into and it works.

And then iPhone users shame other people into using iPhones and like, you know, there’s whole subculture, right? And so when you can get to that level as a business, I think you’ve done something right without marketing, right? That word of mouth. It’s like, people aren’t buying Apple phones because they have good commercials. They do, but like they’re buying them because they’ve been shamed in the group text for three years and now they’re like, they don’t want to be the green bubble. So, you know, it’s just fascinating, but.

If the big companies know it works, then the little companies need to start doing it too. If you’re going into this thinking to yourself, I don’t want to talk to anyone ever. Do any customer service or I don’t want to show my face. I think you’re to have to going forward.

Hope you enjoyed this episode. Word of mouth is still one of the biggest drivers of my business, especially when it comes to wedding and event planners. For more information and resources, go to slash episode 569. Once again, tickets to the Seller Summit 2025 are now on sale over at If you want to hang out in person in a small intimate setting, develop real relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs and learn a ton, then come to my event.

go to And if you’re interested in starting your own e-commerce store, head on over to my wife, and sign up for my free six day mini course. Just type in your email and I’ll send the course right away via email.

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568: Amazon’s Dirty Tactics Are Costing You 61% More On Every Purchase

568: Amazon's Dirty Tactics Are Costing You 61% More On Every Purchase

In this episode, I break down exactly what’s going on with Amazon right now and show you real-world examples of how Amazon is causing price inflation on everyday items.

What You’ll Learn

  • Amazon’s Last Income Report
  • The Recent Amazon Prime Membership Changes
  • Amazon’s Ever Increasing Fees

Sponsors – The Sellers Summit is the ecommerce conference that I’ve run for the past 8 years. It’s small and intimate and you’ll learn a ton! Click Here To Grab The Recordings.

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Welcome back to the podcast, the show where I cover all of the latest strategies and current events related to e-commerce and online business. Today, I’m going to talk about how both Amazon buyers and sellers are getting squeezed, which is resulting in much higher prices and worse service across the board. I break down exactly what’s going on and what you can do about it. But before we begin, I wanted to let you know that tickets are now on sale for Seller Summit 2025 over at The Seller Summit,

is the conference that I hold every year that specifically targets e-commerce entrepreneurs selling physical products online. Unlike other events that focus on inspirational stories and high-level advice, mine is a curriculum-based conference where you will leave with practical and actionable strategies specifically for an e-commerce business. Every speaker I invite is deep in the trenches of their e-commerce business, entrepreneurs who are importing large quantities of physical goods, and not some high-level guys who are overseeing their companies at 50,000 feet.

I personally hate large events, so the Seller’s Summit is always small and intimate. Every year we cut off ticket sales at around 200 people, so tickets sell out fast, and we’ve sold out every single year for the past 8 years. If you are an ecommerce entrepreneur making more than $250,000 or $1 million per year, we also offer an exclusive mastermind experience with other top sellers. The Seller’s Summit is going to be held in Fort Lauderdale, Florida from May 6th to May 8th.

Right now, this is the cheapest the tickets will ever be. So head on over to and grab your ticket. Now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife, Quit Her Job podcast. In this episode, I’m going to break down exactly what’s going on with Amazon right now and show you real world examples of how Amazon is causing price inflation on everyday items. I’ll also give you my take as a seven figure e-commerce seller on the long-term implications of these practices. By the end, you’ll be armed with the knowledge to navigate these murky waters and still make a profit. Now, first off, let’s start off with some numbers from Amazon’s last income report. In Q2 of this year,

Amazon’s net sales increased to $148 billion globally. And that’s up 10 % from 134 billion in the prior year. Meanwhile, its operating income increased to 14.7 billion, up from 7.7 billion. So basically, Amazon’s profits doubled year over year. But if you were to ask any veteran Amazon FBA seller if their profits doubled from the last year, the answer would likely be hell no.

So where are all of Amazon’s profits coming from? Well, if you look closely at the numbers, you’ll notice that Amazon’s online store revenue only increased by 4.6 % from 53 billion to 55 billion, which indicates that Amazon’s e-commerce sales are stagnant. They’re not really growing anymore. So how the heck are they so profitable? And where is the money coming from? Well, the answer is from you, the consumer. Even though e-commerce sales only went up by 4.6 %

the fees that Amazon charges for services like Fulfilled by Amazon increased by 12%. These are the fees that Amazon makes sellers pay when they use Amazon’s warehouses and shipping for their products. And this year alone, Amazon introduced several new fees, making it even more expensive for sellers to use FBA. Now to give you an idea of the new fees, Amazon is now charging an inbound placement fee just for receiving your goods into their warehouses. Amazon also introduced a low inventory fee

where sellers are penalized for keeping too little inventory in stock. And this is in addition to a penalty fee if you have too much inventory in stock. So basically sellers have to play a balancing game to ensure that their inventory levels stay within the sweet spot or else they have to pay more money. There’s also a new Amazon returns fee to handle returns as well. So overall Amazon sellers are paying over 30 % more in fees since 2021 and on average

Amazon FBA fees take a 61 % cut of sellers’ revenues today. But it doesn’t stop there. If you look closely at Amazon’s income report, you’ll also notice that other segments like Amazon advertising revenue increased by 19.5%. Amazon advertising is where sellers pay money to gain more visibility in the Amazon search results. And without advertising, your products basically don’t get shown. All these fee increases are brand new, and for the first half of the year,

Most sellers absorb the cost as it took time for the impact to really hit. However, if you’ve noticed sharp price increases recently, it’s because sellers have finally realized that they need to raise prices to avoid losing money. So basically, Amazon is forcing FBA sellers to pay more to use their platform. And in the end, it’s Amazon that benefits. But guess who’s actually covering the costs? You are, as the consumer. By the way, if you’re interested in learning how to sell online without relying on Amazon,

then sign up for my free six day e-commerce mini course below. It’s a hundred percent free and I guarantee that you’ll learn a ton. Now let’s shift gears and talk about the recent Amazon Prime membership changes as a buyer. Currently Amazon Prime costs $14.99 a month or $180 per year. And for that price, you get benefits like free two day shipping on millions of items across the U.S. and a generous return policy that promises hassle free returns and full refunds on most items you purchase.

Well, all that has changed this year as well. First off, if you live outside of a city or a large metropolitan area, you’re likely not getting the promised two-day free shipping, and this applies to far more locations than you might expect. Amazon’s delivery speed has greatly degraded over the years, and I myself consistently get late packages, especially over the holidays. Recently, Amazon also changed their return policy. In the good old days, Amazon used to refund you your money right away,

but now your refund may take up to 30 days to be refunded. And this delay has frustrated many loyal customers. But it’s the second change that’s really pissing off Amazon shoppers. If Amazon makes a mistake, like missing items in your package or saying the wrong or defective product, in the good old days, all you had to do was click a button in the app and Amazon will refund you right away. But now Amazon makes you send in a document reporting that something was missing and then they perform an investigation.

Then depending on what they decide, you may either get a full refund, a partial refund, or no refund at all. So basically Amazon’s return policy just got a lot worse. And Amazon can arbitrarily decide that they were not at fault and make you eat the cost of your order. So overall, Amazon Prime is declining in quality and they’re thinking about raising the price again. So let me ask you this, how the hell can Amazon get away with squeezing sellers and offering poor quality service

and still make a ton of money? Or a monopoly? Last year in September, the FTC accused Amazon of illegally maintaining monopoly power by engaging in exclusionary practices that stifle competition, inflate prices and harm both consumers and third-party sellers. Now Amazon has tried for months to get this case tossed out in court, but as of last week, on October 7th, a federal judge said the FTC can proceed with its landmark antitrust lawsuit against Amazon.

This order, issued last week by Judge John Chun, is a major defeat for Amazon, and thanks to this ruling, more information has leaked about the case. Turns out that Amazon is purposely using exploitative practices that degrade the user experience, raise prices across the internet, and crush the competition, all ultimately geared towards making Amazon the only game in town. No surprise there, but one thing that I haven’t really mentioned so far is that there are a ton of Chinese sellers on Amazon.

In fact, the top 50 % of Amazon sellers are in China. And there’s been a 25 % year over year increase in Chinese sellers making over a million bucks per year. And there’s been a 20 % increase in the quantity of Chinese goods. And these sellers are cutthroat. Because they’re overseas, they can get away with a lot of practices that are against Amazon’s terms of service, like incentivizing reviews and the outright copying of other people’s products. And if they get caught for cheating, five more sellers pop up.

There’s even a term that describes these sellers called alphabet soup because they trademark random strings of letters and sell the same products under multiple listings as a means of cornering the market. So basically you’ll have a hundred of these brands from the same company filling up the search results with the exact same junk and pushing everyone else out. Now Amazon clearly has the resources to clean up its act and thanks to the FTC, they’ve miraculously started enforcing some of these policies recently for Chinese sellers.

But why did Amazon wait so long to do anything? It’s because having bad players on their marketplace actually helps Amazon to get what they want. Amazon benefits from this kind of chaos and cutthroat activity because it puts real, legitimate businesses on the defensive. Amazon doesn’t care who’s making the sales, whether it be a legit seller or a Chinese one, because they make money no matter what. And having an unlimited quantity of Chinese sellers on their marketplace allows Amazon to squeeze and bully sellers on its site.

If you decide to leave Amazon, no big deal. Someone will always be there to take your place. Now, if you look at the lawsuit closely, the FTC’s core argument is about the control that Amazon has over sellers. Because Amazon owns over 50 % of e-commerce in the US, people who want to sell things on the internet don’t have much choice other than to use Amazon. Over 200 million Americans are Amazon Prime members, and that’s 70 % of US households. Prime members get great deals from Amazon.

especially fast and free shipping, so why would they want to shop anywhere else? Third party Amazon FBA sellers rely on two things, the buy box and the prime badge, which Amazon dangles over their heads. If you, as a seller, have the buy box, you can generate sales. But there’s a catch. If you’re selling a product anywhere on the internet for a lower price, they remove the buy box and make it nearly impossible for users to purchase your item. Amazon has bots that crawl the internet for your brand

So this rule is hard to get around. And because most sellers depend on Amazon for 80 to 90 % of their sales, they can’t risk Amazon finding out. And so what they end up doing is inflating their prices across the web so that they match the same price that they have on Amazon and don’t run into this retaliation. This means that you as the consumer are paying inflated prices everywhere, no matter where you shop online. This practice creates the illusion that Amazon has the lowest prices around and it often does, but

only by force. The FTC is accusing Amazon of artificially inflating its competitors’ to maintain its monopoly power. Think about it this way. In a fair economy, if you had a company jack up prices and provide worse service, it just wouldn’t survive. But Amazon’s power is preventing that from happening. Amazon sellers are forced to use Amazon FBA because most Amazon shoppers only shop the prime listings. Of the top 10,000 sellers on Amazon, 90 % use FBA.

And if you don’t use FBA, you’re sacrificing sales and at the same time, using FBA allows Amazon to hold your inventory hostage. Many sellers keep large amounts of their inventory in Amazon’s warehouses and tailor their business around Amazon’s sales, which makes the prospect of selling on other platforms less attractive. And then finally, we have Amazon’s own private label brands. The FTC alleges that Amazon biases search results in favor of its own products, even when it knows third-party sellers are offering higher quality items.

Take this listing here from my friend. Amazon blatantly advertises their own copy private label product at 33 % off right on our listing. So how can she possibly compete? It’s all a race to the bottom. What we see on Amazon now is a whole bunch of cheap junk that lacks quality and random sellers with crappy customer service. Amazon isn’t really looking out for you. It’s just looking out for Amazon. Now that the HTC lawsuit is moving forward, if Amazon is found guilty,

It could face a fine of nearly $44 billion and possibly a breakup of Amazon into smaller companies. But in its current state, the company is powerful enough to bend sellers to its will and jack up prices for consumers. So what do you think? Is Amazon a monopoly or what? Now that you understand what’s going on with Amazon, watch this video here if you want to learn about Amazon’s recent changes to fight Tmoo.

Hope you enjoyed this episode. I still believe that you can make selling on Amazon work, but you now have to know what you are doing. Selling under your brand is pretty much par for the course. For more information and resources, go to slash episode 568. Once again, tickets to the Seller Summit 2025 are now on sale over at If you want to hang out in person in a small intimate setting, develop real relationships with like-minded entrepreneurs and learn a ton, then come to my event.

go to And if you’re interested in starting your own e-commerce store, head on over to and sign up for my free six-day mini course. Just type in your email and I’ll send the course right away via email.

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