I’ve been writing for MyWifeQuitHerJob.com for several years now and I just realized that during this entire time I’ve never ever introduced my wife.
First off, her name is Jennifer and for all of you who are new to my blog, my wife and I are business partners as well as husband and wife.
Every major decision that is made about any of our businesses always goes through the both of us because we are a team.
I never could have gotten to this point without her so I’m ecstatic to finally introduce her to my audience!
My wife is a little bit shy but I finally convinced her to whip up a short list of 25 things that you don’t know about her so you can get to know her a little better.
Also in case you missed it, here’s my 25 Random Things You Don’t Know About Me
25 Random Facts You Don’t Know About Jennifer Of MyWifeQuitHerJob.com
- I dream quite frequently and the players in my dream are mostly from high school. What’s odd about my dreams is I don’t really keep in touch with many of them.
I also often dream about my absolutely fantastic and handsome husband. Then I wake up and my dream has come true! <--(BTW, I did not write this last part!!!! Steve wrote this last bit in case you were wondering.).
- Despite living by the beach for most of my life, the first time I swam in the ocean was when I was on vacation in Hawaii after college.
- I’m not a good swimmer though I took swim lessons as a child. I almost drowned in Hawaii twice.
Editor’s Note: My wife almost drowned me in Hawaii too when she jumped on me in the ocean and used me as a floatation device.
- I used to tilt my head. Most people thought I was trying to be cutesy but it was really because I had a weak eye muscle. This caused me to be dizzy and my eye would wander when my head was straight. Had eye surgery to correct the eye after college and my head has been straight ever since.
- Our online business, Bumblebee Linens, was named after me. Steve used to call me “bumblebee” after laser eye surgery because I had to wear these gigantic goggles for a week that resembled bug eyes.
- When I was growing up, I thought it would be cool to become a lawyer. But I was afraid to deal with criminals so I decided I would become a divorce lawyer. Now I sell linens to brides and hope they never divorce.
- In elementary school, there was a huge storm and while walking to school with an umbrella, the wind started to blow me down the hill and my sister had to catch me by the legs so that I wouldn’t blow away.
- I hiked up an active volcano in Russia in high school.
- I’m a total lightweight in terms of drinking and actually got tipsy on wine fumes while taking a winery tour in Napa.
- I once threw up in my boss’ brand new car after drinking a Fuzzy Navel in college. This is one of the reasons I don’t drink today.
- I hate taking all types of medicine and vitamins. So I buy my medicine and vitamins in the children’s aisle. Gotta love gummy vitamins.
- I love watching television. In fact before we got a DVR, I used to plot out on an Excel spreadsheet the fall tv schedule so that I could make sure that I didn’t miss any shows I wanted to watch.
- Though I’m an extremely private person, I applied to be on the television shows The Mole and The Apprentice. Unfortunately, I never got called back.
- I never eat the last bite of a sandwich. The last bite just doesn’t taste very good.
- I love reading books, especially thrillers and romance novels. On vacation, I’m known to read 1-3 books a day. I use my husband’s Amazon account and now Amazon thinks he’s into romantic comedies, vampires and werewolves (Think Twilight series). Just read 50 Shades Of Grey. I wonder what Amazon thinks of him now?
- I didn’t read my first romance novel until college and I only did because I was at home sick with a cold and had nothing else to read.
- When I’m not sure I like a book, I tend to skip to the end of the book so that I can read the ending. If the ending is good, then I’ll continue reading the book. If it’s bad, I stop.
- I’m always on the hunt for good chili cheese fries but I can’t seem to find a place that serves it better than this place that went out of business when I was in high school.
- I didn’t really eat red meat until I met my husband and am now a huge steak eater.
- I’ve been known to have 3 helpings of steak at House of Prime Rib.
- I worked in a sushi bar restaurant in college. Prior to this job, the only sushi I ate was California rolls. I now love sushi.
- Despite being in finance for almost 10 years, I can’t do mental math.
- Much to my hubby’s delight, I’m neither a fancy shoe nor a handbag person.
- I hate when people say they are shorties at 5’4″. I would kill to be that height.
- Two different doctors have told me that I would have been 4 inches taller if I stood up straighter as a child. I’m going to make darn sure my children don’t slouch.
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Steve Chou is a highly recognized influencer in the ecommerce space and has taught thousands of students how to effectively sell physical products online over at ProfitableOnlineStore.com.
His blog, MyWifeQuitHerJob.com, has been featured in Forbes, Inc, The New York Times, Entrepreneur and MSNBC.
He's also a contributing author for BigCommerce, Klaviyo, ManyChat, Printful, Privy, CXL, Ecommerce Fuel, GlockApps, Privy, Social Media Examiner, Web Designer Depot, Sumo and other leading business publications.
In addition, he runs a popular ecommerce podcast, My Wife Quit Her Job, which is a top 25 marketing show on all of Apple Podcasts.
To stay up to date with all of the latest ecommerce trends, Steve runs a 7 figure ecommerce store, BumblebeeLinens.com, with his wife and puts on an annual ecommerce conference called The Sellers Summit.
Steve carries both a bachelors and a masters degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University. Despite majoring in electrical engineering, he spent a good portion of his graduate education studying entrepreneurship and the mechanics of running small businesses.
Good to meet you, Jennifer! I’m totally with you on #23 and 24, and reading is one of my favorite things to do (though I have yet to read a romance novel).
But wow, I would never read the end of a book out of sequence – that would totally spoil the surprise for me. Instead, I’ll give a book 50-100 pages and if I’m not feeling it, I’ll just stop reading. No need to spend valuable time on crappy books. 🙂
I totally agree, hate wasting time on crappy books. I actually only skip to the end when after reading several chapters that are crappy, I want to see if the book is actually worth reading. In most cases, the ending ends up being just as crappy. But there have been a couple cases, where an author pulls it together and the book actually ends up being a good read. Just for everyone’s record, I read all the Twilight books, though I hated them. I gave them a shot since my friends swore by them and I kept thinking they have to get better. Unfortunately they did not. =)
Fantastic to learn more about you! Honestly, I almost feel as though I know you 🙂
Miranda, I feel like I already know you too. Steve mentions you and the others quite a bit.
🙂 I talk to my husband about “the others” as well. He’s practically on a first-name basis with them!
Great list Jennifer….takes a lot of courage to put yourself out there.
Regarding chili-cheese fries, have you ever tried FatBurger? I don’t have one near me anymore and miss them like crazy.
I’m pretty sure I tried FatBurger years ago and can’t remember loving it. However, I’m definitely going to give it another try next time I see one. Thanks for the suggestion.
I loved finding out more about you. Steve’s class has been a lifesaver for me, and it is really inspirational to see the success of your business and meet the people behind it. Thank you!
Thanks for the compliment and I’m glad you’re enjoying the class. Steve’s been hounding me to give a lecture so I may give in….though I’m horrible at public speaking.
I would guess you are pretty good at public speaking even if you do not think so. I would love to hear your speak and will be your first cheerleader when you do! Thank you again! -Beth
Hi Jennifer! Nice to finally “meet” you!
Nice to meet you too and congrats on the success of your business.
Hi Jennifer, great list! I’m with you on #17… I check out the last few pages of almost every book I read. People think it ruins it for me, but the truth is that it actually motivates me to keep reading. My rule on choosing a great book is to read the first paragraph (if I like it then we’re on the right track) and read the last.
I got a giggle at the ‘wine fumes’ story 🙂
I’m glad I’m not the only one. =)
Hi Jen,
Being one of Steve’s first students I feel like I know you through the course and your pins on Pinterest. I hope someday you learn to love wine, after all life without wine is like a day without sunshine! And, you know what that means living in California. Enjoyed your list and sense of humor. Looking forward to your future lecture. Cheers!
The wine fumes did smell awfully good. If you have any suggestions on what topic you would like me to cover, let me know.
Too, f#$ggin’ cute…lucky man, Steve!
Hey Cousin!
3. My wife also almost drowned me the same way off Catalina Island by using me as flotation device.
10. After drinking one night in college, I also threw up in a car. The backseat of my Volvo. I too, no longer drink.
14. If you had a sandwich from My Hero in Northridge, this wouldn’t even be an issue. You WILL eat the last bite, and the path of least resistance would involve ordering a second sandwich.
Next time I’m in LA, let’s meet up at My Hero. Haven’t been there before but definitely want to see if it lives up to your promises. Just for your info, I would rather buy another sandwich than take the last bite. The last bite never tastes as good as the rest and usually is a soggy mess by then.
Hi Jennifer, my wife actually slouches too and she now gets a back ache problem. Then she bought this posture fixture product from Amazon and wore it daily for a number of hours. It improves her back problem a lot and helps her walk/sit straight. So if you’re running into the same problem, maybe you can try that. Wish your family the best!
Very nice to meet you Jennifer! I love that you read several books a day, I am guessing on a Kindle? If you ever read old-fashioned “paper” books, I make wonderful handmade bookmarks of different types. I broke my shoulder in three places and as part of my therapy my doctor advised I try writing everyday to keep at least wrist/arm moving. I prefer drawing, so I drew everyday. I loved it so much, I continued to draw as part of my own “art therapy” which is a lot more fun than my physical therapy! One of the first things I made was a thank you card for my doctor. With my love of books I decided to challenge myself to making a bookmark a day for 365 days! So, that is exactly what I am doing.
I am currently trying out Big Cartel. I was thinking about Etsy. The online experience has been frustrating so far to say the least.
Anyway, you can check out my bookmarks at lazylizardstudio.blogspot.com and if I am still on Big Cartel. You can just go to their site and type in lazylizardstudio.blogspot.com
I have been in retail for 44+ years. Now semi retired still working 3–4days a week in a small store here in Sacramento ca.. I would like to know of catalogs ect. that will help me find products ect. Can you help me with this?
in my years in retail i have been = sales, asst. mgr, mgr, regional buyer, buyer and sales,.. The small store i work in now i help with buying and sales and want and need to get catalogs ect. again can you help!!!!
I hope to hear back from you soon- Mr. David Dillon 07-10-2020
I do hope you get this post