If you are tired of getting nickel and dimed by Shopify’s high transaction and recurring app fees, this post will show you the 8 best Shopify alternatives that are as good or better than Shopify.
In the war of ecommerce platforms, Shopify has emerged to become one of the most popular shopping carts in the world.
But the problem with popularity is that people tend to blindly recommend Shopify without understanding its limitations.
First of all, Shopify isn’t a one size fits all solution and you should do your own due diligence on the Shopify alternatives before making a decision.
Because I run my own 7 figure ecommerce store and have taught ecommerce for almost a decade now, I have used or evaluated practically every shopping cart out there.
And the only way to fully understand the pros and cons of any ecommerce platform is to actually use it with money on the line.
So unlike other shopping cart comparisons you’ll find on the Internet, today’s post is based on my own personal experiences.
Even though Shopify might appear to be the defacto standard of shopping carts, your choice of ecommerce platform is not a black and white decision. And depending on the nature of your business, Shopify might not be the best choice.
Today, I will discuss my favorite Shopify alternatives and when to go with Shopify vs the competition.
Note: This post will only cover what I deem to be “viable” Shopify alternatives rather than a random listing of ecommerce platforms. All of the shopping carts mentioned in this post are platforms that either I or one of my students have personally used for their online store.
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Why Is Shopify So Popular?
First off, there’s a reason why Shopify is a market leader and popular among successful online store owners. It’s built to appeal to the masses.
In other words, Shopify is a fantastic general purpose ecommerce platform and it’s both aesthetically beautiful and powerful. In fact, I often compare Shopify to Apple.
Here are Shopify’s main advantages.
- Shopify Is User Friendly – Shopify’s interface is so intuitive and easy to understand that my Mom could probably launch an online store:) There is no coding knowledge required!
- Shopify Is Beautiful – They offer a variety of great looking themes for free
- Shopify Handles All The Tech – You don’t have to worry about server downtime or getting hacked. Shopify takes care of everything for you and you can sell unlimited products with unlimited bandwidth.
- Shopify Offers Great Support – They have an excellent support team who are available 24/7. In addition, they have an army of 3rd party consultants available to help you get started.
- Shopify Has A Huge App Ecosystem – If you’re looking for cutting edge features for your online store, chances are you’ll find an app that does exactly what you need.
However, all of the advantages above come at a price and Shopify is not a one size fits all solution. In fact, depending on your exact needs, Shopify may not be a good fit at all.
Fortunately, there are many Shopify alternatives that address these shortcomings.
Click Here To Try Shopify For Free
The Main Disadvantages Of Shopify
When you build a platform that is beautiful and built for the masses, there will always be drawbacks.
Here are my biggest complaints about Shopify based on experience.
Shopify Is Expensive
When you first sign up for Shopify, you’ll probably notice that the base shopping cart has practically no features. As a result, you’ll end up spending a lot of money paying for 3rd party apps.
Here’s the thing.
Every Shopify 3rd party app carries a monthly recurring fee and it’s not uncommon for most shopowners to pay several hundred dollars per month on apps alone.
Shopify also does not have a free plan.
Shopify Charges A Transaction Fee
Shopify essentially forces you to use their built-in payment platform called Shopify Payments. If you want to use your own credit card processing solution, they will impose a heavy transaction fee.
For example on their basic plan, their transaction fee is 2% which is ridiculously high!
Now if Shopify’s payment gateway was reasonably priced, it wouldn’t be an issue. But their credit card processing rates are over 20% more expensive than what you can get if you choose a 3rd party processor.
Shopify Payments Offers Poor International Support
If you plan on opening a store in a non-supported country, then you are out of luck. Not only will you have to find your own payment processing solution but you’ll also get charged a large transaction fee as well.
Here’s a list of countries that support Shopify Payments. If you don’t see your country on this list, then you should explore Shopify alternatives.
- United States
- Canada
- United Kingdom
- Ireland
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Singapore
Shopify Prohibits The Sale Of Certain Products
There are many products that Shopify will not permit you to sell online. For example in the United States, you are not allowed to sell any adult-related products on their platform.
You also can not sell drug related paraphernalia such as bongs, vaporizers or hookahs. There’s actually a long list of prohibited goods that you should examine thoroughly before signing on!
You should also be aware that their prohibited list of goods changes from time to time.
One of my friends sold supplements on Shopify for several years before they decided to ban the sales of his product. As a result, he had to switch platforms which wreaked havoc on his SEO rankings.
Shopify’s Blogging Platform Is Mediocre
If you plan on implementing a blog with your shopping cart, then you have 2 choices.
One, you can stick with Shopify’s less than adequate blogging platform. Or two, you can install WordPress on a subdomain which is not optimal for SEO.
The pros and cons of both choices are clearly outlined in my post on How To Start A WordPress Blog On A Shopify.
Shopify Has A Sub-Optimal SEO URL Structure
One of the most annoying features of Shopify is that you can’t optimize your URLs for SEO.
Instead, Shopify often inserts extraneous terms in your URL such as “collections” or “products” which are not conducive to SEO rankings.
Shopify Only Allows 3 Sets Of Variants Per Product
If you sell a product that offers many different options to choose from, then Shopify will probably not be a good platform for your shop.
For example, if you sell widgets in your store, you can only offer 3 types of choices such as size, color, material. If you need to offer more configuration choices, then you’re out of luck.
In addition, Shopify only allows you to have 100 total combinations of variations per product.
Using the example above, if the number of sizes multiplied by the number of colors multiplied by the number of materials exceed 100, then you can’t list your item.
Shopify’s Best Features Are Only Available On Higher Plans
In my opinion, there are basic ecommerce features that every shopping cart should support out of the box.
For example, you should be able to issue gift cards on any plan.
However, Shopify only allows gift cards on their regular plan which costs $79/month.
Editor’s Note: Shopify is temporarily allowing gift cards on their basic plan because of COVID-19. But they will eventually retract that feature
In addition, if you want to run an online store in more than one country (with multiple language support), you’ll have to sign up for Shopify Plus which is $2000/month or pay a recurring monthly fee for a language plugin.
My main gripe with Shopify is that you’ll often feel nickle and dimed on the platform.
For the full rundown on Shopify’s costs, check out my post on Shopify Pricing Plans: How To Pick The Best And Cheapest Plan For Your Store
Shopify’s Overall Rating (5 is the best)
Ease Of Use: 4.5
Out Of The Box Features: 3
Customer Support: 5
3rd Party Support: 5
Cost: 2.5
Search Engine Optimization: 3.5
Flexibility: 4
Click Here To Try Shopify For Free
Now that you have a high level picture of Shopify’s pros and cons, here are my favorite Shopify alternatives for your online store.
Shopify Alternative #1: BigCommerce
BigCommerce is a fully hosted shopping cart platform that offers all of the features that Shopify offers at a cheaper price point. In fact, BigCommerce is Shopify’s main competitor in the ecommerce platform space.
With all of Shopify’s disadvantages outlined above, the closest and best alternative to Shopify is BigCommerce.
Based on experience, BigCommerce offers all of Shopify’s ecommerce features and more at a much lower price point.
Here are the characteristics that BigCommerce shares with Shopify.
- BigCommerce is user friendly with no technical knowledge required
- BigCommerce offers a variety of beautiful themes for free and an intuitive website builder
- BigCommerce handles all the tech and you can sell unlimited products with unlimited bandwidth
- BigCommerce offers 24/7 support
In addition to the above, BigCommerce also offers the following advantages over Shopify.
Click Here To Sign Up For BigCommerce And Get 1 Month Free
BigCommerce Offers A Full Suite Of Advanced Features Out Of The Box
Remember when I said that Shopify’s base shopping cart does practically nothing? Well it’s the opposite with BigCommerce.
Even though the pricing for BigCommerce and Shopify appear to be the same cost, do not be deceived by the price!
BigCommerce offers a superior ecommerce solution with far more marketing features out of the box than Shopify and it’s not even close.
For example, BigCommerce offers full blown discount features on their cheapest plan which allows you to perform…
- Buy one get one free promotions
- Regular discounts
- Tiered discounts based on quantity
- Discounts for repeat customers.
In fact, their base discounting features are more powerful than Shopify’s 3rd party plugins and you get it all for free out of the box.
In addition, BigCommerce does not have the product variant limitations that Shopify has either.
Meanwhile, BigCommerce offers all of Shopify’s advanced features for free including an intuitive website builder, free themes, seo tools, and unlimited products.
For more information about the exact ecommerce features you get with BigCommerce Vs Shopify, checkout out my post on BigCommerce vs Shopify – Which Cart Is Cheaper And Better?. Also, here’s a full BigCommerce Review.
BigCommerce Does Not Charge Transaction Fees
With BigCommerce, you have the freedom to use whatever payment gateways you want WITHOUT any additional transaction fees. As a result, BigCommerce is a much better solution if you DO NOT reside in the following countries.
Don’t see your country on this list? Then I would probably not sign up for Shopify.
- United States
- Canada
- United Kingdom
- Ireland
- Australia
- New Zealand
- Singapore
As your online store grows, it’s important to not limit your choice of payment providers because transaction fees will eat into your profit margins.
BigCommerce Offers Built In Features For Multi Channel Selling
With BigCommerce, you can manage your stores on Amazon, eBay, Facebook, and Pinterest all from the BigCommerce back end.
In fact, your inventory syncs across every marketplace which will save you from purchasing costly 3rd party tools that do the same thing.
With Shopify, you are forced to pay a recurring monthly fee for the same ecommerce functionality.
BigCommerce Will Be Cheaper In Most Cases
Because BigCommerce has almost every feature out of the box, you’ll end up saving a ton of money on 3rd party apps that you’d have to purchase using Shopify.
In addition, they don’t charge any transaction fees which gives you the freedom to find a better deal with your payment gateways.
In my experience, BigCommerce almost always ends up being cheaper than Shopify. And while they don’t have a free plan, you can get your first month free.
Click Here To Sign Up For BigCommerce And Get 1 Month Free
Shopify’s Advantages Over BigCommerce
The main advantage Shopify has over BigCommerce is that they have a much larger app ecosystem and a larger installed base.
As a result, most developers will create apps for Shopify first before porting it over to BigCommerce. In addition, Shopify offers more design themes and templates as well.
Shopify is also more user friendly because of the lack of built in features. After all, the less features you have, the less you have to understand.
Overall, Shopify’s main strength over BigCommerce is their 3rd party support.
Pros For BigCommerce
- BigCommerce will be cheaper
- BigCommerce allows you to have more product options
- BigCommerce will not charge you any transaction fees
- BigCommerce gives you the freedom to use whatever payment processor you want which will save you money
- BigCommerce has better international support
- BigCommerce offers much better discounting features out of the box
- BigCommerce allows you to sync inventory across marketplaces
Cons For BigCommerce
- Shopify has more design themes
- Shopify has a larger 3rd party app ecosystem
- Shopify has more developer support
- Shopify has a larger installed base
Big Commerce’s Overall Rating (5 is the best)
Ease Of Use: 4
Out Of The Box Features: 4.5
Customer Support: 5
3rd Party Support: 4
Cost: 3.5
Search Engine Optimization: 4
Flexibility: 4
Click Here To Sign Up For BigCommerce And Get 1 Month Free
Shopify Alternative #2: WooCommerce
WooCommerce is one of the most popular ecommerce platforms in the world with a larger marketshare than Shopify. Right now, WooCommerce powers 21% of the world’s online stores versus just 18% for Shopify.
What is WooCommerce?
WooCommerce is an ecommerce software plugin for WordPress websites that allows you to take ecommerce transactions on the world’s most popular content management system.
The biggest benefit is that WooCommerce is free and there’s a huge ecosystem of 3rd party developers and free themes to use.
In fact, WooCommerce arguably has more 3rd party developers than Shopify because the WordPress platform powers over 33% of the entire web.
If you already have an existing website or WordPress blog, you can instantly start selling online with WooCommerce!
Here are WooCommerce’s primary benefits over Shopify out of the box.
Click Here To Try WooCommerce
WooCommerce Is Easy To Setup And You Own The Platform
WooCommerce is a self hosted ecommerce platform and requires a web hosting account. But most web hosts have a 1 click WooCommerce install. For example, BlueHost will install the entire shopping cart for you upon signup and give you a free domain.
Once WooCommerce is installed, you have full control over your own online store and you completely own your website.
You can modify your shopping cart how you see fit and no one can ever kick you off, change the rules or raise prices on you.
Out of all of the Shopify alternatives, WooCommerce gives you the most control over your online store because you literally own the source code.
Watch the video below to learn how you can install WooCommerce in just 1 click.
Editor’s Note: I’ve negotiated a 63% discount off the regular price of BlueHost For MyWifeQuitHerJob.com readers.
Click Here To Sign Up For BlueHost And Save 63%
WooCommerce Is Free To Use
The WooCommerce base plugin is 100% free and you can start selling right away. Two of the most popular payment gateways (Stripe and Paypal) can be installed for free out of the box and there are no additional transaction fees.
Your only cost is web hosting which can be as little as $3 per month. If you are tech averse, you can download a free website builder like Site Origin or Elementor to design the pages on your site.
If you need additional functionality like multi channel selling, most WooCommerce plugins can be purchased for a one time fee as opposed to a recurring monthly subscription.
Blogging With WooCommerce Is Much Better Than Shopify
Unlike Shopify which has a clunky blogging platform, WooCommerce is based on WordPress which is the best blogging platform in the world.
Not only can you seamlessly run your blog alongside your online store but they can co-exist on the same domain which offers superior SEO benefits.
WooCommerce really shines if you want advanced content marketing features to sell your physical products online.
Because WordPress is so popular, if you need any additional functionality, you can probably find a free WordPress plugin that does exactly what you need.
Click Here To Try WooCommerce
The Disadvantages Of WooCommerce
The primary disadvantage of WooCommerce is that you have to manage the technical aspects of your online store. Having run 2 WooCommerce shops over the years, I can honestly say that it can be a little daunting for a tech-challenged entrepreneur.
Because WordPress is not designed for ecommerce out of the box, your site will run slow unless you know how to optimize your website for speed.
However, the speed issue can be mitigated by going with a special WordPress hosting platform like WPEngine
In addition, WordPress plugins can sometimes conflict with one another leading to unexplained problems with your site. Overall, you may need to hire a developer to customize your site which may incur additional costs.
Pros Of WooCommerce
- WooCommerce is free
- WooCommerce is easy to setup and use
- WooCommerce allows you to have a blog on the same domain
- WooCommerce is better for SEO
- WooCommerce has a large 3rd party ecosystem
- WooCommerce plugins don’t carry recurring fees unless you need support
- WooCommerce allows you to control the source code for your site
Cons Of WooCommerce
- WooCommerce is slow out of the box
- WooCommerce requires technical skills for customization
- Woocommerce requires you to host your own website
- WooCommerce may conflict with other WordPress plugins
WooCommerce’s Overall Rating (5 is the best)
Ease Of Use: 3
Out Of The Box Features: 3.5
Customer Support: N/A (You have to pay)
3rd Party Support: 5
Cost: 5
Search Engine Optimization: 5
Flexibility: 5
Click Here To Try WooCommerce
Shopify Alternative #3: Shift4Shop (Formerly 3DCart)
Shift4Shop (formerly 3DCart) is a SAAS ecommerce platform that is free to use if you reside in the United States.
In fact, Shift4Shop is more powerful than Shopify and one of the best Shopify alternatives for US residents because it’s 100% free. Shift4Shop even provides a free domain upon signup!
Editor’s Note: Shift4Shop’s free plan is only for US businesses at the moment as long as you use their credit card processing which is still cheaper than Shopify.
If you prefer to have an all in one solution for the majority of your online store needs out of the box at one very reasonable price, then Shift4Shop is an excellent Shopify alternative.
I recently test drove the platform and Shift4Shop offers more features than both BigCommerce and Shopify at a significantly lower price point.
Here are the positive characteristics that Shift4Shop shares with Shopify.
- Shift4Shop offers a variety of beautiful themes for free and an intuitive website builder
- Shift4Shop handles all the tech and you can sell unlimited products
- Shift4Shop offers 24/7 support
In addition to the above, here are the advantages Shift4Shop has over Shopify.
Click Here To Sign Up For Shift4Shop For Free
Shift4Shop Offers More Features Out Of The Box At A Significantly Lower Price
We’ve already established that Shopify’s base shopping cart doesn’t do very much. And you’ll likely get nickel and dimed with recurring app fees.
Meanwhile, BigCommerce offers many more features out of the box than Shopify and is cheaper as well.
However, Shift4Shop takes versatility one step further by offering a complete suite of free marketing services out of the box like email marketing!
In addition, Shift4Shop is easily the least expensive fully hosted ecommerce solution among the 3 Shopify competitors.
For example, Shift4Shop offers flexible discount features, a loyalty program, an affiliate program and even email marketing for free!
At zero cost, Shift4Shop allows you to…
- Offer social wish lists
- Coupons and discounts
- Gift Certificates
All of these features are better than Shopify’s base offering and you get it all for free out of the box at a price that you can’t beat.
Shift4Shop Offers FREE Email Marketing With Their Higher Plans
Email marketing will make up a significant portion of your overall revenue. And for my online store, email generates over 30% of my sales.
However, email marketing is also one of my largest monthly expenses for my ecommerce store.
Right now, Klaviyo is the best email marketing provider out there for ecommerce but it’s also quite pricey. And managing an email list of my size typically costs over $800/month.
If you are on a budget, Shift4Shop includes basic email marketing services at no additional cost on the Plus and higher plans. Imagine being able to collect and send emails for free!
Here’s what you can do with Shift4Shop’s email features
- Abandoned Cart Saver
- Email Marketing Newsletters
- Winback Campaigns
- Basic Segmentation
- Email Autoresponder Campaigns
Even though Shift4Shop’s email features are not as good as Klaviyo, they might be good enough for you and they are included at no cost.
However, if you require a more powerful email marketing solution, Shift4Shop also integrates with Klaviyo and other popular email providers.
Shift4Shop Does Not Charge A Transaction Fee
The main reason Shopify forces you to use Shopify Payments is because they have an arrangement with Stripe where they split the credit card processing revenue.
If you don’t use Shopify Payments, Shopify will slap you with a transaction fee.
On the flip side, Shift4Shop allows you to use whatever credit processor you want WITHOUT paying any extra credit card transaction fees.
However, they are offering an amazing ecommerce plan that is 100% FREE if you use Shift4 as your payment processor.
Remember, Shift4 can give you the shopping cart for free because they make their money on the credit card processing.
Shift4Shop Offers Incredible Marketing Features Out Of The Box
As mentioned earlier, the out of the box feature set for Shift4Shop is very complete.
Not only do you get free email marketing with higher plans but you also get access to the following features that would REQUIRE a paid plugin or app with Shopify.
- Daily Deals – Offer special deals on your home page with a countdown timer
- Group Deals – Offer special discounts that require a certain amount of product to be purchased within a certain time limit
- Affiliate Program – Offer a cut of the sale to influencers and partners
- Gift Registry – A complete set of gift registry options for special occasions
- Loyalty Program – Award customers points for repeat purchases that can be used to redeem valuable prizes
Shift4Shop Offers Very Flexible SEO Features
One of the biggest concerns when migrating ecommerce platforms is search engine optimization. Even if you issue 301 redirects from your old pages to your new pages, there’s a risk that you could lose a significant portion of your organic traffic.
Shift4Shop allows you to configure your URL structure however you want.
As a result, you can migrate to Shift4Shop without fear of losing any of your traffic! Simply duplicate your exact URL structure from your old platform and you won’t lose your search rankings.
Shift4Shop also offers free migration services from most popular carts so you don’t have to do any of the work yourself.
Shift4Shop Will Always Be Cheaper Than Shopify
Because Shift4Shop has almost every feature out of the box plus email marketing, you probably won’t need to pay for any additional apps like you would with Shopify.
Not only that, but Shift4Shop is 33% cheaper and doesn’t charge any transaction fees.
The combination of all of these factors will make Shift4Shop significantly cheaper than Shopify in almost all cases.
Overall, Shift4Shop is probably the best Shopify alternative for online store owners on a budget. For a more thorough comparison, read this post on Shift4Shop Vs Shopify.
Click Here To Sign Up For Shift4Shop For Free
Shopify’s Advantages Over Shift4Shop
Shopify is the 1000 pound gorilla when it comes to shopping carts. As a result, their 3rd party app ecosystem dwarfs any other platform including Shift4Shop.
However, Shift4Shop is run by a public company which means that they have a huge war chest of cash. As a result, I expect Shift4 to up their offerings moving forward to better compete with Shopify.
Similar to BigCommerce, Shopify’s main strength over Shift4Shop is their 3rd party support.
Pros For Shift4Shop
- Shift4Shop will be significantly cheaper
- Shift4Shop offers free email marketing
- Shift4Shop does not charge transaction fees
- Shift4Shop offers much better marketing features out of the box
- Shift4Shop will not nickel and dime you with recurring app fees
Cons For Shift4Shop
- Shopify has more design themes
- Shopify has a larger 3rd party app ecosystem
- Shopify has more developer support
- Shopify has a larger installed base
Shift4Shop’s Overall Rating (5 is the best)
Ease Of Use: 3.8
Out Of The Box Features: 5
Customer Support: 5
3rd Party Support: 3
Cost: 4
Search Engine Optimization: 5
Flexibility: 4.5
Click Here To Sign Up For Shift4Shop For Free
Shopify Alternative #4: Open Cart
Open Cart is an open source ecommerce platform that is 100% free to use and a great Shopify alternative. What I personally like about Open Cart is that it’s a lightweight shopping cart that is extremely fast and easy to use.
Having done a little hacking for Open Cart in the past, I can say that the source code is well organized and intuitively designed.
As a result, if you are technically inclined, you can easily modify OpenCart to do whatever you want it to do.
In many ways, Open Cart carries many of the same advantages of WooCommerce with the following differences.
Because Open Cart is designed from the ground up for ecommerce, the cart is extremely fast and feature rich. In addition, most hosting platforms offer a 1 click install of Open Cart right out of the box.
The biggest downside to Open Cart is that there isn’t nearly as much 3rd party developer support as Shopify, BigCommerce or WooCommerce.
While Open Cart has a decent sized plugin database, you will probably need a developer to implement any additional features you require.
Overall, Open Cart is an incredible cart if you need custom functionality that you can’t get with an out of the box solution.
If you require complete control over your shop’s features, then Open Cart is an excellent choice because you have the complete source code at your disposal.
Pros Of Open Cart
- Open Cart is free
- Open Cart is easy to setup and use
- Open Cart allows you to have a blog on the same domain
- Open Cart is better for SEO
- Open Cart plugins don’t carry recurring fees
- Open Cart is fast and lightweight
- Open Cart code is well written and easy to understand
- Open Cart allows you to control the source code for your site
Cons Of Open Cart
- Open Cart requires technical skills for customization
- Open Cart requires you to find your own hosting
- Open Cart offers very little 3rd party support
Open Cart’s Overall Rating (5 is the best)
Ease Of Use: 3.5
Out Of The Box Features: 3.5
Customer Support: N/A (You have to pay)
3rd Party Support: 3
Cost: 5
Search Engine Optimization: 5
Flexibility: 5
Shopify Alternative #5: Magento
Magento is an open source shopping cart that is extremely powerful, 100% free to use and rivals Shopify in terms of out of the box features.
In terms of marketshare, Magento is #3 overall only behind WooCommerce and Shopify in terms of popularity.
Similar to WooCommerce and Open Cart, Magento is open source and 100% free.
But that’s where the similarities end.
Having analyzed the source code for Magento in the past, I can say first hand that it’s both unwieldy and overly complicated.
Back in the day, Magento was the standard for high end online stores and it was by far the most flexible and scalable ecommerce platform in the world.
In the past, if you wanted the best and most powerful platform out there, then Magento was a logical choice.
But today, more and more Magento users are switching over to Shopify because the level of technical expertise to run a successful Magento shop has become too high of a bar.
In terms of pricing, Magento offers a free plan called the “community edition”, but it requires you to host your own website.
However because the code base is so complex, you will require high end hosting that will cost you several hundreds of dollars per month.
And if you need support from Magento developers, the Enterprise Edition will cost you at least $15,000 per year.
As a result, while Magento is still a viable alternative to Shopify, it is reserved only for high end ecommerce businesses that require full control and flexibility over their platform.
Pros Of Magento
- Magento is free
- Magento is the most feature rich ecommerce platform in the world
- Magento has lots of 3rd party support with thousands of extensions and custom plugins
Cons Of Magento
- Magento requires a developer to do pretty much anything
- Magento requires high end hosting
- Magento is complicated to use
- Magento’s Enterprise edition is costly
Magento’s Overall Rating (5 is the best)
Ease Of Use: 2.5
Out Of The Box Features: 5
Customer Support: N/A (You have to pay)
3rd Party Support: 5
Cost: 1
Search Engine Optimization: 5
Flexibility: 5
Shopify Alternative #6: Wix
Wix is a drag and drop website builder that allows you to create beautiful content based websites without any technical knowledge required. Over the years, Wix has added ecommerce functionality that allows you to accept transactions online.
However, Wix is not a good long term ecommerce platform if you want to run an online store that scales to 7, 8 or 9 figures.
The main reason to choose Wix vs Shopify is if you want to create a hobby ecommerce store on a major budget and you don’t care about future expansion.
On the surface, Wix provides extremely affordable plans (including a powerful free plan) and a large array of beautiful templates, apps and customizable theme options. In addition, they have a pretty cool design editor that is perfect for newbies.
But that’s about where the advantages end. Overall, Wix is a great platform to create an attractive looking website but that’s about it.
In terms of ecommerce, they are missing many major features that Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Open Cart, Magento and practically every other shopping cart possesses.
For example…
- There is no Amazon FBA support
- There is no abandoned cart recovery
- There are no 1 click upsells
- There is limited SEO support
- There is no support for Klaviyo which is a deal breaker:)
Overall, Wix is only good for hobbyist shops and there’s a reason why it is so inexpensive. In the long run, switching ecommerce platforms is a pain so it pays to start with a solid shopping cart. The are much better alternatives to Shopify than Wix!
Wix’s Overall Rating (5 is the best)
Ease Of Use: 5
Out Of The Box Features: 2
Customer Support: 5
3rd Party Support: 1
Cost: 5
Search Engine Optimization: 4
Flexibility: 1
Shopify Alternative #7: Ecwid
Ecwid (short for ecommerce widget) is an ecommerce platform that allows your online store to be easily embedded onto any website or social platform to sell your products online.
Ecwid is fully hosted which means that you don’t have to worry about any of the tech and you can begin selling online immediately without any technical knowledge required.
The main advantage of Ecwid is that Ecwid is a headless ecommerce solution that allows you to sell on any website. For example, after setting up your Ecwid store, you can easily sync and sell your products on your own website, TikTok, Instagram, Amazon and Ebay at the same time.
Your inventory levels are automatically synced so you’ll never over or under sell your products across the different platforms.
The main disadvantage of Ecwid is the lack of 3rd party developer support. Ecwid is not as popular as Shopify which means that cutting edge plugins and ecommerce software will not be compatible with your Ecwid store.
Click Here To Try Ecwid For Free
Pros Of Ecwid
- Ecwid is free to use for up to 10 products
- Ecwid is a headless platform that allows you sell across any website or marketplace
- Ecwid is fully hosted and easy to use
- Ecwid is cheaper than Shopify
Cons Of Ecwid
- Poor 3rd party developer support
- Lack of ecommerce features
- Poor payment gateway support
- Poor point of sale features
Ecwid’s Overall Rating (5 is the best)
Ease Of Use: 5
Out Of The Box Features: 2.5
Customer Support: 4
3rd Party Support: 2
Cost: 4
Search Engine Optimization: 3
Flexibility: 3
Click Here To Try Ecwid For Free
Shopify Alternative #8: Squarespace
Squarespace a drag and drop website builder that allows you to create a professional looking website without knowing how to code. They are known for offering the best looking website templates compared to other website building platforms.
Squarespace was originally designed to create beautiful content based websites but they also offer ecommerce functionality that allows you to accept transactions online.
However similar to Wix, Squarespace is not a good long term ecommerce platform if you want to run an online store that scales to 7, 8 or 9 figures.
The only reason to choose Squarespace is if you want to dabble in ecommerce on a budget and your goal is not to create a scalable online store.
Squarespace offers inexpensive plans and a wide array of beautiful templates that allow newbies to create a beautiful looking website. But that’s pretty much Squarespace’s only advantage over Shopify.
In terms of ecommerce, they are missing many major features that Shopify, BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Open Cart, Magento and practically every other shopping cart possesses.
Pros Of Squarespace
- Easy to use
- Build a beautiful looking website without any tech skills
- Gorgeous templates
- Less expensive than Shopify
- Free domain on signup
- Built in email marketing tool
Cons Of Squarespace
- Poor multi-currency support
- Poor point of sale features
- Poor dropshipping features
- Poor 3rd party developer support
- Poor payment gateway support
- Poor Amazon FBA and multi-channel fulfillment support
- Far less ecommerce features than Shopify
Squarespace’s Overall Rating (5 is the best)
Ease Of Use: 5
Out Of The Box Features: 2
Customer Support: 5
3rd Party Support: 1
Cost: 4
Search Engine Optimization: 4
Flexibility: 1
The Best Ecommerce Platform For You
Shopify has many pros and cons and when choosing from the many ecommerce solutions, the right platform depends on your specific needs.
If you need a fully hosted ecommerce platform, then BigCommerce is a good Shopify alternative if…
- Your country is not supported by Shopify Payments.
- You sell prohibited products.
- You require multiple variants.
- You want to save money.
Click Here To Sign Up For BigCommerce And Get 1 Month Free
Shift4Shop is a good Shopify alternative if…
- You are on a budget. Shift4Shop is 100% free.
- You live in the United States.
- You want the most complete feature set out of the box.
- You want free email marketing.
- You are concerned with losing SEO rankings when migrating carts.
Click Here To Sign Up For Shift4Shop For Free
Ecwid is a good Shopify alternative if…
- You are on a budget. Ecwid is free for up to 10 products.
- You want to sell on many different platforms.
- You want to embed an online store onto an existing website you own.
- You want to sell on social media
Click Here To Sign Up For Ecwid For Free
If you don’t mind hosting your own website and you want infinite flexibility, then either WooCommerce or Open Cart are great platforms to go with.
If you have lots of money to blow on your ecommerce platform and you want the most feature rich shopping cart out there with full control, then Magento is a viable choice.
Whatever you decide, I would only choose Wix or Squarespace if you don’t plan on turning your ecommerce store into anything more than a side hustle.
Overall, if you have the budget for Shopify, then Shopify is generally the best long term choice for running an ecommerce store.
Click Here To Sign Up For Shopify For Free
Frequently Asked Questions About Shopify Alternatives
What can I use instead of Shopify?
The best Shopify alternatives are BigCommerce, Shift4Shop, WooCommerce and OpenCart depending on your budget and how tech savvy you are.
Is there a free Shopify?
There is no free version of Shopify. However, their cheapest plan only costs $9/month. This plan is not displayed prominently on their site and you have to search for it.
Who are Shopify competitors?
Shopify's main competitors in terms of market share are BigCommerce, WooCommerce, Magento and Wix. Only the first 3 are viable alternatives to Shopify.
What is better than Shopify?
The term 'better' can mean different things for different people. BigCommerce is as powerful as Shopify but costs less because you won't get nickel and dimed with apps. WooCommerce is cheaper and more flexible because you own the source code. Overall, Shopify has the best 3rd party developer support and design themes of the bunch.
Which is better Wix or Shopify?
Shopify is better than Wix hands down. The only thing good about Wix is the price but your online business will pay for it in the long run. Wix doesn't have the necessary features or 3rd party support to run a serious ecommerce business.

Ready To Get Serious About Starting An Online Business?
If you are really considering starting your own online business, then you have to check out my free mini course on How To Create A Niche Online Store In 5 Easy Steps.
In this 6 day mini course, I reveal the steps that my wife and I took to earn 100 thousand dollars in the span of just a year. Best of all, it's free and you'll receive weekly ecommerce tips and strategies!
Related Posts In Ecommerce Platforms
- Shift4Shop Vs Shopify – Is Shift4Shop A Shopify Killer?
- How To Prevent A Website Crash When You Make The NBC Today Show
- BigCommerce Pricing – How Much It Costs Vs Shopify And The Competition
- The Top 8 Shopify Competitors To Consider For Your Small Business
- BigCommerce Review – Pros & Cons And What Sets Them Apart
Steve Chou is a highly recognized influencer in the ecommerce space and has taught thousands of students how to effectively sell physical products online over at ProfitableOnlineStore.com.
His blog, MyWifeQuitHerJob.com, has been featured in Forbes, Inc, The New York Times, Entrepreneur and MSNBC.
He's also a contributing author for BigCommerce, Klaviyo, ManyChat, Printful, Privy, CXL, Ecommerce Fuel, GlockApps, Privy, Social Media Examiner, Web Designer Depot, Sumo and other leading business publications.
In addition, he runs a popular ecommerce podcast, My Wife Quit Her Job, which is a top 25 marketing show on all of Apple Podcasts.
To stay up to date with all of the latest ecommerce trends, Steve runs a 7 figure ecommerce store, BumblebeeLinens.com, with his wife and puts on an annual ecommerce conference called The Sellers Summit.
Steve carries both a bachelors and a masters degree in electrical engineering from Stanford University. Despite majoring in electrical engineering, he spent a good portion of his graduate education studying entrepreneurship and the mechanics of running small businesses.
Steve, Some time ago I mentioned to you about I call hidden Shopify cost. What about Yahoo ??
Why don’t you rate these features on a 1 – 10 scales for us newbies
Ease of use
Template availability
My one big reason to use a programs is the feature set – I want these things as part of the PACKAGE
affiliate program
bulk import / export
Sale prices
easy email sign ups
blogs / videos
Product colors / Options / prices / Variations
automatic compression
Keyword / seo
Is it based in USA ?
Lastly – how uik is customer service when you have a question ????
Price is last thing but I want 60 -90 days to play with it .
I will update this post based on your feedback:) Give me a day or so
I have used Shopify but abandoned it quickly for exactly the reasons you state: yucky for blogs and the monthly cost related to plugins was too high.
I now use WooCommerce and host with WPengine. I am EXTREMELY happy with both. I wouldn’t use Bluehost again if you paid me. Nuff said.