
100: An Interview With My Wife – How We Made $100K Profit In Our First Year Selling Handkerchiefs

How We Made $100,000 Profit In Our First Year Selling Wedding Handkerchiefs

Welcome to an extra special podcast episode. As you know, I’ve been running this podcast for almost 2 years now and we just hit episode 100! Can you believe it?

And to celebrate this very special milestone, I finally convinced my wife to be a guest on the show.

Now up until this point, you haven’t heard from her at all because she’s an introvert. She doesn’t like the spotlight and she hates public speaking.

So I can not tell you what a treat it is for me to have her come on the show.

Jennifer Chou is the better half of We started our online store so that she could quit her job and take care of our kids.

And what will be interesting about this episode is that you’ll hear her side of the story about running our business, about working together and how she felt during the entire process.

What You’ll Learn

  • My wife’s version of how we got started with our business and her motivations for doing so
  • Would she really have quit her job if our business flopped?
  • How we came up with the name for our online store
  • How we work together despite having completely opposite personalities
  • How she decides what to carry in our shop
  • How she deals with our Asian vendors
  • How to know something will sell before it’s listed
  • Her advice on office space versus running a business from home with kids
  • Her recommendations on working with your spouse
  • Her future plans for our business

Other Resources And Books

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Intro: You are listening to the My Wife Quit her Job Podcast. And if you are new here, it’s a show where I bring in successful bootstrapped business owners to teach us what strategies are working and what strategies are not. Now I don’t bring on these famous entrepreneurs simply to celebrate their success, instead I have them take us back to the beginning and delve deeply into the exact strategies they used early on to gain traction for their businesses.Now if you enjoy this podcast please leave me a review on iTunes and if you want to learn how to start your own online business be sure to sign up for my free six-day mini course, where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100k in profit in our first year of business. Go to, sign up right there on the front page, and I’ll send you the mini course right away via email.

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Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. We will teach you how to create a business that suits your lifestyle, so you can spend more time with your family, and focus on doing the things that you love. Here is your host, Steve Chou.

Steve: Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast, today I have an extra special episode for you. Now as you know I have been running this podcast for almost two years now and we just hit episode 100, can you believe that? And to celebrate this very special milestone I finally convinced my wife to be a guest on the show. Now up until this point you haven’t heard from her at all, because she is an introvert. She doesn’t like the spotlight and she hates public speaking.

So I cannot tell you what a treat it is for me to finally have her on. And if incase you don’t know who she is, she is the better half We started our online store so that she could quit her job and take care of our kids. And what’s going to be interesting about today is to hear her side of the story about running our business, about working together and how she felt during the entire process. And with that welcome to the show Jen, how are you doing today?

Jen: I am good Steve.

Steve: So first of off it’s really weird calling you Jen since I normally call you by your nickname, is it okay if I tell people what your nickname is?

Jen: Sure.

Steve: Okay, yes, so I call my wife little because she is a very petite Asian woman. So anyways, so how are you feeling about this, any second thoughts about coming on here today?

Jen: Of course I have second thoughts; you have been haunting me to do this for I don’t know how long. I have been trying to push off as long as possible, but I guess that today is the day.

Steve: Yeah too late we are live already, so I want to start it off, a lot of people out there have heard my version of how we got started, but it would be interesting because to get the story from your perspective. So give us your version of the story on how Bumblebee Linens got started, and kind of your motivations for starting this business?

Jen: Okay, well, I guess I don’t know what you want to know, how we came up with the idea or how we…?

Steve: I just want to hear your side of the story.

Jen: Okay.

Steve: Yeah.

Jen: So I told Steve upfront way when we first started dating that I really wanted to stay at home with the kids when we got married. This is way before we were even talking about having kids even. I told him I don’t know why it was very important to me, both my parents worked when I was growing up, but for some reason I had this idea that I wanted to stay at home with the kids once I had them.

So I was working a pretty good job in finance, I had a couple of big companies and I didn’t ever have this desire to stay in that role. So it was almost bidding my time until we got married and had kids. But I guess one other thing that we talked about was we — I mean we tried a ton of different things. We tried the franchising; we looked into doing I don’t know…

Steve: We did, we wanted to do Kumons.

Jen: Well we looked into Kumons; we looked into dream dinners…

Steve: Dream dinners yeah, which is a place where, you basically — yeah.

Jen: You meal prep, it’s meal prepping. So we tried all these different things and then I was thinking, oh maybe we tutor, I don’t know I was just trying to think of anything. So Steve was like why don’t we try an online business and I was like, oh what does that mean? He is like, we can sell on eBay where we can do whatever, and I said, okay, let’s try it.

So then we were trying to think of what to sell, and at the time I was really into the embroidery, I guess machine embroidery that as my hobby. I was making baby bibs; I was embroidering baby blankets for friends. And I was thinking oh my gosh we should come up with the idea that we can personalize something, so then we can raise the price of it. And then I was like, okay, well what can we personalize?

And I thought back to when we got married, I looked everywhere for handkerchiefs. I looked everywhere, because I really wanted a name like my name, Steve’s name and the writing would be on the handkerchief, and I couldn’t find it anywhere. So finally back in the day there was no Etsy, so I looked online and I couldn’t find any place that would sell it locally, I mean you could find men’s handkerchief, but you couldn’t find women’s handkerchiefs.

And I found this place in Hong Kong and that’s actually where we found our first vendor. I bought a ton for our wedding, and then I embroidered our names on our wedding handkerchiefs, and I actually added beads to the handkerchief and everything. But the problem with buying in Hong Kong is you have to buy a lot of it.

And at the time we bought it for like as a wedding paper, so we actually bought it for all of our guests and also our bridesmaids. So we had this huge amount of handkerchiefs and then afterwards I was like what are going to do with these extra handkerchiefs after the wedding? So we actually sold them on eBay, and I guess the rest is history so when we were thinking about it…

Steve: See we’ve already differed a little bit in our recollections and this is pretty interesting. You had no intention of personalizing, and I just want to state that upfront because I kind of convinced you to do that for the business.

Jen: Okay, let’s take it back; let’s think back to when it started. I actually wanted to personalize it in the very-very beginning okay. But then once I started personalizing I realized this is a lot of work, and then I changed my mind.

Steve: Okay, see there you have it, see we got different versions, anyways okay, so that’s how we got started pretty much the story is the same as far as I can tell. So I want to — and a lot of people have already heard the story already, but I have always been curious and we’ve actually never really talked about this before. But had we not had the business any extra income, would you have still quit your job even if it meant that we had to cut back, live in a bad school district potentially, drastically come back and going out and that sort of thing. How serious were you about the whole stay at home thing?

Jen: I was very serious, but I think if push comes to shove and we couldn’t survive and we had our kids, obviously I would go back to work. If push comes to shove, but I wouldn’t have needed extravagant things, like I think we could have lived off of your income, but it would have changed our lifestyle greatly. And we didn’t really want to change our lifestyle, but if push comes to shove, and you didn’t have a job or we didn’t have any income of course I would work.

Steve: Okay because it didn’t sound like that, and I recall you actually said that you are going to quit your job while we were dating right? I remember that right?

Jen: Oh not when we were dating, but when we had kids.

Steve: No-no-no, but we were dating before we got married you said you know that I’m going to quit.
Jen: Yes absolutely.

Steve: In fact I think you said on our second date or something, oh easy…

Jen: No, I did tell you early on in our relationship that I was definitely going to quit my job when we had kids yes.

Steve: See I had a feeling this is going to happen, this podcast is going just turn to one big argument. Okay, so prior to Bumblebee did you personally have any experience running any other business?

Jen: Yes and no, so me personally I never ran a business, but I have worked ever since I was in I guess in high school. I worked at [inaudible 00:08:49].

Steve: But you never ran your own business?

Jen: I never ran a business but I managed people, right? So in college I ran a restaurant, or I helped ran a restaurant, so but me personally I did not own the restaurant. I never did anything of that sort if you are asking me.

Steve: And one question I always get asked and I have actually only told the story to a couple of people, but I thought it would be interesting to have you tell it. How did we come up with the name for Bumblebee Linens?

Jen: Well Bumblebee Linens was actually supposed to be Launder Linens at first.

Steve: Yes but someone stole our domain name.

Jen: Yes someone actually had that domain. So we brain stormed different ideas and we came up with the name Bumblebee, because Steve used to call me his little Bumblebee.

Steve: And why did I call — okay, so I’ll tell the story since — I’ll tell it for you. Okay, so my wife got, was it lasek or lasik, lasek right?

Jen: Actually I think it was in my other eye surgery.

Steve: Okay it was she got laser eye surgery and then she had another eye surgery, and she had to wear these like big goggles. She had to wear them for a couple of weeks, right? And she looked exactly like a Bumblebee with these bug eyes, and so I used to just call her Bumblebee nonstop for quite a while.

Jen: And I used to buzz at him.

Steve: Right and then she used to buzz at me, so that’s kind of how we came up with the name. All right so a lot of people kind of asked me this question, about how we kind of work together. Now my wife and I have completely different personalities. So in our business I do everything kind of based on data, so it’s volume and demand, I’m very calculated whereas you seem to have this intuition. And besides handkerchiefs, so we sell more than handkerchiefs today, so how did you actually decide what you want to carry in the store. It seems kind of random to me sometimes, and so when we go to like the Canton Fair how do you kind of pick out what you want to sell?

Jen: From the Canton store, okay, from the Canton Fair, okay, well, leading up to the Canton Fair I have some general idea of what I want to look for. So for example last year when we went, I kind of had a feeling I wanted to look at apron, so that was my big thing. So when we went to the fair we targeted all the apron places. And I wanted to get a print — I’m sorry a print E-print.

And then but I guess that doesn’t answer your question, so that’s just one example, so one example would be I have a general idea. And how I get these general ideas is I do follow different blogs, wedding blogs, home décor blogs. And I kind of get general feeling of what is popular, but not necessarily what is easily available. So I have a couple of new ideas of what we want to sell this coming year.

Steve: Where did you get apron from?

Jen: Apron, okay, apron was because we were actually selling a lot in the store our current store, just the lace apron. So white lace apron, so that was starting to sell very well, we were constantly selling out because it was really hard to find. So one of the other ideas I had was okay we need to find a new vendor for lace apron, white lace apron. And after that I was like, okay, let me think of what other apron I can find. And I was like, I think it would be really cute if we got a print apron with like flowers or ruffles or anything because our print handkerchiefs were doing very well also. So it was kind of mixture of the two together.

Steve: So here is what’s funny like Jen basically tells me what she is thinking about selling, and then I kind of go in, I run all the numbers and I just make sure everything is cautious and that we can actually rank for this and whether there is enough demand. But for something as general as aprons, it can be a little difficult, so I’ll pick out keywords like lace aprons is easy.

But when it comes to these print design and the mother and daughter things; sometimes it’s hard to figure out keywords with what’s going to sell and what not. So what’s great about my wife is she’ll pick out these products, and we did very well on aprons over the holiday season. There is a bunch of designs that we sold, but they ended up just selling like crazy, and it’s really hard to pick these things, so what was your criteria for picking?

Jen: What was cute?

Steve: Okay, that’s not going to help our listeners.

Jen: But that’s the truth right, it sticks, like I found these aprons in Canton or at the fair, and I thought they were very cute. I thought the designs were cute, I thought we can personalize them. It was something too easy to personalize, and I thought this is something that’s a little bit harder to find. You can’t find personalized aprons on [inaudible 00:13:19]. The ones that you find are the very basic block straight apron. So this was something different.

Steve: Okay and then when we went last year also, what else were you looking for?

Jen: Oh gosh, I think I was looking at — well actually shall I say this? It’s something that we haven’t launched that product yet.

Steve: Okay never mind, what are we selling this year?

Jen: Okay well this year it’s actually going to be — should we [inaudible 00:13:52].

Steve: Are we going back to the Canton Fair this year?

Jen: Why not, I think one more year, probably one more year.

Steve: Okay one more year, okay, sorry about that guys. I guess Jen doesn’t want to reveal our next product yet.

Jen: Well I don’t think we are ready yet, because I want to, one I want to actually find a local vendor for one of the items, or get a maid locally, because I want to test the idea.

Steve: Let’s talk about that real quick why locally this time as opposed to going straight over there?

Jen: Well searching items at the fair you actually have to have very high minimum order quantity. And if I do it locally it’s a very simple product, I don’t think it requires that much like quantity for us to fulfill that I could probably find a local like a seamstress, or a local manufacturer to do it, and then I can also pick the fabrics.

Because one of the things — the problems — we actually tried sourcing it through China last year, I don’t know if you are thinking of the same product I’m thinking about, but we tried actually sourcing it from China. But the problem was the minimum order was per design, and it was really-really hard, were really high. So this item I wanted to test a ton of different fabrics in smaller quantities.

Steve: Yes, so at the time we didn’t know that these aprons were going to sell and maybe my wife did, but I wasn’t positive and we weren’t prepared to fork over the large…

Jen: That’s not the product I’m talking about.

Steve: Oh you are not talking about aprons?

Jen: No, I’m not, I’m talking about the …

Steve: Oh right, okay, it’s weird we are sitting next to each other and she just gave me like this hand motion.

Jen: So now you know what I am talking about?

Steve: But anyways she brings up a good point though, so we actually went to the LA garment district so that we could look for local people who actually stitch these things. And it turns out there is actually all these seamstresses out there who were willing to create steps for you in like single unit quantities.

So if you are not ready to go out to Asia you can actually look locally and have a couple of prototypes made. And it is a little bit more expensive, but just logistically you don’t have to deal with the shipping and then you can actually do iterations really quickly. So if you are doing anything textile related, I actually highly recommend that you go and look for a local seamstress to help you out. Let’s talk about embroidery for a sec, you mentioned earlier and you claim that you had the idea first.

Jen: Yes I definitely did.

Steve: And you did reveal that embroidery used to be one of your favorite hobbies. So let’s go back how did you feel about monetizing that aspect of the business today, which is actually one of our big money makers right?

Jen: Yes, it is one of our big money makers. So since it was my idea in the very beginning, actually in the very beginning to be perfectly honest I was gung ho for it, until I realized just how much work it was, because back in the day we actually had a home embroidery machine. And this is when I was doing I guess my custom guess for my friends, and then I also sold on eBay some…

Steve: We did baby bibs right?

Jen: We did baby bibs, so we did baby bibs on eBay that were personalized. So that was my foray into trying to see if that would work. And I used to get so mad at it, like I would start cursing and I start throwing things, and I was just really-really frustrated. And then I was just like it’s not worth my energy and time to do. And then I was like well worth for handkerchiefs, I was like thinking okay, it will be something easy, it’s two lines, it wouldn’t be that much work, but with a home machine actually it was really hard because it kept constantly tore the fabric.

I was into the hobby, but I wasn’t really into embroidery, so I was like — I was into embroidery, but I wasn’t really great at embroidery. So I concentrate with the fabric and then I started throwing my hands up in the air for that kind of item. So we actually started selling the blinks and I was like, oh, that’s a good idea, let’s sell the blinks of that item. And we actually used to target border lists back in the day.

Steve: Yeah, part of the story you are leaving out is you got fed up and so I said, I will do all the embroidery.

Jen: Yes that’s true.

Steve: So I ended up sewing for…

Jen: Many years.

Steve: No it wasn’t many years was it? I think a year probably.

Jen: Probably two years.

Steve: Yeah, so I’d get home from my job designing micro processors, and then I would have dinner and then I would fire up the sewing machine, and then saw for two hours every single night — probably two hours, right?

Jen: In the very beginning.

Steve: Yeah in the very beginning, every single night and then I go to bed because my wife who enjoys doing embroidery didn’t fee l like doing it.

Jen: But you ruined that hobby for me Steve.

Steve: No, but you came up with the idea so you ruined it yourself, you just said you came up with the idea.

Jen: I came up with the idea initially, but then I gave up on it because you ruined the whole hobby for me, I no longer enjoyed it.

Steve: Anyway moral of the story is we were selling a bunch of these personalized bibs and handkerchiefs and all of a sudden my wife didn’t want to do it anymore. And I was like wow this is our value add, we can try a whole lot for this, we better keep on doing it.

Jen: Well in the very beginning don’t forget when we were testing the market we thought we can find a find a niche on selling the blink.

Steve: That’s true we did target embroiders in the beginning, that’s actually interesting. We didn’t target brides or wedding parties or anything; we actually targeted the people who created the personalized stuff.

Jen: Well, okay, so this is where I was back in the day when we first started right, there was a business idea on selling the blink products. Because there was people that were not willing, these home embroiders were not willing to buy from Asia and buy bulk amount. We were willing to buy the bulk amount, because the price per handkerchief was very little, it’s the shipping that was really high. So the only way you can make it worthwhile was if you buy a whole lot at one time, and then price per handkerchief dropped at that point. But in the very beginning we were targeting those embroiders.

Steve: Which ultimately ended up not working out so well, so we ended up switching direct to consumer right?

Jen: I think it worked very well in the very beginning; it just wasn’t our money maker right?

Steve: Right that’s correct.

Jen: So you can’t say it didn’t work very well because we were able to meet our goal right in the very beginning, but we did shift and started making it more wedding like.

Steve: Once we started doing the personalization. So you deal with our Asian vendors kind of on a day to day basis, and we got shipped a bunch of junk in the very beginning. So I was just curious what advice you have in regards to kind of how you deal with the vendors since you deal with them more than I do on a regular basis.

Jen: Well, I think a big turning point in terms of quality was actually when we went and met them. So we went to Hong Kong. Our first two vendors were both in Hong Kong. Coincidentally they were located really, really close to each other. So we decided on a vacation, we would go to Hong Kong and stop and meet them. We actually didn’t make an appointment. We just showed up.

Strangely enough I thought we kind of did it because we kind of wanted to see what the real environment was like, to see how they work. So we just showed up at I guess their warehouse or their showroom. And just showed up and they seemed really nice, but after that, it made a huge, huge difference.

Steve: I don’t know about you but I kind of expected like a nice building and like a showroom, but it was pretty ghetto, wouldn’t you say?

Jen: Well, you know, I think your expectation was completely different than mine. I was actually pleasantly surprised by the look. I guess I was imagining like a sweat shop basically.

Steve: I was expecting an Asian dude wearing a white beard and smoking a cigarette.

Jen: But in a nice building, you said.

Steve: Yeah, in a nicer building.

Jen: But mine was I was expecting, you know, I was expecting a not so great looking place, but I don’t know.

Steve: Yeah, so we met our vendors and then we ended up just chatting. We stayed there for a while.

Jen: We stayed there for a couple of hours. And then we met the other vendor.

Steve: Yeah, we met our other vendor who’s super nice.

Jen: They are both super nice and we continue to work with them because they’ve been loyal vendors. Of course we do go through ups and downs in terms of quality, but the great thing is now that we had that relationship and we’ve been working with them so many years, they are willing to do other things. They are willing to try to make a product for us to see if they can source other designs. Or they are willing to I guess try to get us better deals, like changing the things– they are definitely willing to do lower quantities.

Steve: Remember there was that one time that someone tried to knock off our product, was it?

Jen: Oh yeah. There was one time when there was, I wouldn’t say competitor. But there was someone that was interested in the product that we carried. And they contacted our vendor and our vendor was like, “Sorry we can’t do it for you.”

Steve: Right, because they had loyalty to us.

Jen: They had loyalty to us.

Steve: Yeah, outside of visiting them, were there any other things that you did to kind of strengthen the relationship?

Jen: I can’t think of anything in particular. I think the biggest difference was when we met them in person and was able to put a name to a face– where I guess a face tuning.

Steve: So let’s say someone can’t go all the way to Asia and meet their vendors, would you have recommended like Skyping them or?

Jen: Yeah, I would recommend Skyping them if possible. We actually did get some vendors calling us in the very beginning, that tried to call over the phone and it made a big difference. Because we got random vendor emails all the time, and it’s when the vendor actually called us to try to establish that relationship. That helped a lot.

Steve: And, I’m kind of jumping all over the place here, but these are questions that I have, that I have never really gotten the answers to. So I’m just kind of taking advantage of this podcast since it’s kind of public, my wife isn’t going to get on my case for this. But we ran our business out of our house for a couple of years before getting office space. I didn’t actually mind it all that much, but in your mind looking back, should we have done that sooner rather than later, because we did save a lot of money during that time.

Jen: No I think it was important because the whole point in the very beginning. We actually ran that business out of our house until our kids went to preschool. So if you remember, the whole point was to be at home. As soon as they went to preschool is when we decided to move the business out of the house.

Steve: But at the time, did we outgrow, I don’t even remember that far now. Did we outgrow, is that why we moved it out or?

Jen: No, I think, so one of the things is back then, when we were still working at the house, we were having employees come in, and we were thinking we probably could grow it a little bit more. We were thinking about hiring one other person. And the problem with that is I didn’t want to have two people in my house. It was one thing with having one person in our house, but I didn’t want two people in our house.

Steve: I mean if you were to do it all over again would you have done it the same way, running out of our house first?

Jen: Yes, absolutely. The whole point was to do this business so that I could stay home with the kids.

Steve: But what about other people? Would you advice them to do the same thing?

Jen: I think until you have a point where you know that it is a profitable business, I think it makes sense to just save money and run it out of your house. I don’t think that’s a bad idea.

Steve: Here’s actually an interesting question for you. If we were to do it all over again, would we have just sold on Amazon in the beginning?

Jen: If we did it back in the beginning?

Steve: Because we started out on eBay. Things were selling well there, and then we stopped. Actually do you even remember why we stopped on eBay? Was it just too much of a hustle?

Jen: No, we stopped on eBay because we built the website, and we were getting business on the website and then we then decided to use eBay as way to liquidate our product. So the stuff that didn’t sell were the, our irregular products. So we didn’t want to sell good product on eBay anymore.

Steve: Because?

Jen: Because it was then questionable if people wanted to return it, and we didn’t want them to associate bad product with our brand.

Steve: Yes, so yeah. So for everyone listening out there, we were liquidating our irregular stuff. So we were getting some bad product from China, and this happens for every shipment, you get a small quantity that’s irregular and we were liquidating.

Jen: In the very beginning with more.

Steve: We were liquidating those bad products on eBay, and what my wife just said was we didn’t want to mix good product with irregular product on eBay, because we didn’t like people to associate bad product with our good product, back to the question on Amazon then.

Jen: I think in the beginning– so it’s hard for me to imagine, but I think we definitely would have dabbled in Amazon. I don’t know. I think we would have still established our brand. I think we– I’m sorry. I think we would have still created our website. I don’t think we would have been full force into Amazon.

Steve: Yeah, that’s not what I was asking.

Jen: What’s your question?

Steve: Would we have started on Amazon for– I mean Amazon wasn’t really an option back when we started, but would you have started on Amazon and then down to the website or would you have done it at the same time?

Jen: I probably would have done it at the same time. What do you think?

Steve: It’s a hard question to answer because we do personalized stuff and you can’t really sell personalized stuff on Amazon. So if I were to do it all over again, and I was just curious what your answer was, but I would probably sell our non-personalized stuff on Amazon to see if it sells, and then I would have added to our store once it would have sold, and that would have made our store like all personalized stuff in the very beginning. Yeah, I probably would have both.

Jen: Okay. Yeah I probably still disagree with you.

Steve: I mean it’s hard at the beginning. You need so much energy.

Jen: Yeah, I understand, but I think I would have listed everything on our– I still would have listed everything on our regular store because there is still larger companies that are not going to buy off of Amazon. Our big customers that constantly come back are event planners and they wouldn’t buy that on Amazon.

Steve: So here’s a question for you. We got a lot of event planners now that just come and buy from us on a regular basis. Has there been anything that you’ve done to kind of nurture those relationships. Do you give them special treatment in any way?

Jen: I definitely give them special treatment.

Steve: Okay, so what are some of the things that you do?

Jen: Well, so they have a discount coupon. So they automatically get a discount on our products. I will upgrade their shifting to a faster timeline if they need it to get something on– like by a certain date since it’s an event. And most of the time it’s a very last minute deadline.

Steve: Yeah, they always call last minute.

Jen: Yeah, I’m always surprised because I’m always like, these are event planners and they know when these events are, but they always call really last minute and I don’t know if it’s because of storage issues or what. But they always call really, really last minute. Right now we charge $30 to no matter what the cost of the product is, we’ll charge $30 to basically overnight it or two day airlift to someone.

But we typically say it’s over to a certain pound limit. Like I think we say it’s up to 4 pounds. But we are talking about huge volumes, we are talking about very-very heavy products, and I will just eat the cost because I want to make sure that they get the products on time and that we return their phone calls promptly if they call off hours. I almost always take their orders over the phone.

Steve: That’s funny. They always call.

Jen: They always call. I don’t know really why because they are given the coupon code that they can enter themselves, but they always want to talk over the phone, and I think it’s to ensure that they get the product on time, so we know when the event is.

Steve: Yeah, which is kind of funny because if you are running a store solely on Amazon, event planners don’t– I mean they typically just don’t go on Amazon. They want someone personally to handle.

Jen: I don’t think they would go on Amazon.

Steve: So that’s just another one of these examples of why you need your store. If you do have a B to B component to your business, the businesses– they want to talk to a human. They want to know that there’s consistency in the service. And from what it sounds like you always put them first in a very…

Jen: I definitely took them first yeah.

Steve: And I do know that sometimes off hours like if we get an email from one of these vampires you are like on it, even if we are like in the middle of dinner.

Jen: Yes. I won’t necessarily call them back, because I think it’s bad form, because they are also at different time zones, so it will be really late for them. I will definitely email them right away to make sure that they know that I know that they are– I know that they have needs, and I need to meet those needs.

Steve: Another thing that I wanted to just comment on that you do very well is just customer service. And I just wanted to ask you about the power of word of mouth. Now it’s not something that’s very easily measurable. But there are examples of where you know that customers have referred other people to our shop, right?

Jen: Right, well they tell me.

Steve: The people that buy?

Jen: They buy, they tell me and they also will say, “I saw my daughter got this from her friend and I loved it so much.” Or we’ll really get customers that are so happy with our products then they’ll say, “Hey, I’m going to tell everyone I know about your business.”

Steve: So what are the things that you do? And I already know these policies, and I know the answer to these questions, but what are some of the things that you do to just make sure that a customer never leaves angry?

Jen: Well, we are really lucky that I would say that 95% to 98% of our customers are super sweet and super nice. But we do get some customers that are very upset. It could be because a lot of the times we do get customers that are waiting so last minute to book their handkerchiefs. So on occasion we’ll get someone that maybe on a Thursday will call and say, “Hey I need a handkerchief by Saturday.”

Usually we ask for up to five business days to do the embroidery and we may rush the order through that day, so that they’ll get it by Friday the next day. In terms of anger, if they are angry, most of the time, almost a hundred percent of the time, if they are nice, actually they sound nice, but they are just upset, we would just give them the handkerchief, like…

Steve: Or you offer to redo it.

Jen: We’ll definitely redo it, but if it’s due to timing, and there’s no way we can meet their deadline, we’ll just give them a refund. Or we’ll just say, “We’ll redo it, but you can go ahead and keep the product.”

Steve: Yeah, this is actually one of the reasons why you need to have a really good vendor where you can source your products and have decent margins, because in order to deal with these customer service problems, often times we give away our product for free. And we can do that because our margins are so high. So we can eat the cost and it doesn’t really matter. And that’s one of the advantages I would say of importing from overseas.

Jen: Yeah, I think I mean, in general, if you can find the right product, you don’t necessary have to import overseas, but it helps because the margins are much higher. It also helps our products are very light weight. So the shipping, reshipping it isn’t that big of a deal. If you had a really large bulky product, then you have to ask for people to send it back, or this way we can say, “Don’t worry about sending it back, just go ahead and keep it and we’ll send you a new product.”

Steve: Yes, the moral of the story here is whenever someone calls in anger, by just giving our product, like would you say they do a 180?

Jen: Yes, but you know, what’s funny is some people are very disappointed with the product, but it’s the nicer customers that probably get a little bit more out of me than the really angry-angry customers that seem unreasonable.

Steve: But they don’t leave angry.

Jen: I don’t think anyone leaves angry. They maybe not a 100% happy with the solution, but I try to get them as close to a 100% happy as I can.

Steve: So they don’t like talk bad about our company.

Jen: Exactly.

Steve: And then the people that you do please, they go and they tell their friends and it’s just worth it.

Jen: Yeah, I think I would say the ones that we please, or we turn them around from being an angry person to a happy person, I think those folks are more of an advocate for us than the people that we don’t even interact with.

Steve: Yeah, I would agree. Let’s talk about a little bit more difficult topic now. And I’ve always been curious about these questions I’m about to ask you. Let’s talk about working together with me. So first of all, what are your thoughts about working with such an amazingly intelligent partner? I’m saying that with a straight face by the way.

Jen: No, it’s a joke or what? Actually to be perfectly honest, I am very fortunate to work with you because one, you are super ambitious. I’m not as ambitious. I think you drive a lot of the growth in our business and I’m very lucky. Because I’m pretty happy with the way things are. You are truly the driver of our business, I think.

Steve: And we have this on tape now. Anyways, what I wanted to ask you, was do you actually recommend working with your spouse?

Jen: Yes and no. I think it doesn’t hurt to work with your spouse, but you have to have very different responsibilities. I think where we butt heads, where when we used to butt heads in the very beginning is because we overlapped a lot. You should really play to the strength of your spouse. So I would never have Steve pick products for us. That’s for sure. Because Steve would peak– I still remember when he took a customer call.

In the very beginning everyone just– it was just me and him. So Steve would take these customer calls, and he would be talking to these ladies and I’m listening behind him, and he’s like recommending these products that I personally think are a little bit ugly. But he’ll be like, “Oh that’s a really pretty one with pink flowers, or with a little bit grey.” And I was like, “Oh my god, it’s such an ugly handkerchief.”

Steve: But why are we carrying if it’s ugly?

Jen: Because actually, it’s so funny because searching products, I’m actually surprised that do well as well as they do, because me personally I’m not a huge fan of them, but they do very well.

Steve: I just happen to like those handkerchiefs with the red flowers and the grey.

Jen: No they were pink. It was pink.

Steve: Whatever, whatever color it was.

Jen: They was at the time one of my least favorite, and they are not huge sellers, but they still sell.

Steve: Yes, so I was just trying to, you know.

Jen: So anyhow, I took over, the lady called back and I was like, “I would recommend these handkerchiefs.” And she’s like, “Oh, I talked to someone that recommended these,” and I’m like, “Yeah, yeah, but he’s a guy.” And so she was very pleased with the handkerchiefs I picked.

Steve: I have a lot of good customer service stories by the way where I made a lot of sales and I even saved a marriage.

Jen: Yes you did.

Steve: Yes, because there was this one story where this wife called in and she was like, “I’m trying to buy a handkerchief for my husband. What color would you pick silver or blue?” And I gave my color and she was like, “Huh! I knew it. He has no taste, blah, blah, blah.” And she’s just like went off for like ten minutes. And I had to like calm her down and kind of mediate the solution in that and convince her that her husband really had good taste, because he was actually marrying her. Anyways, back to like maintaining a good relationship while you are working with your spouse.

Jen: Keep the responsibilities.

Steve: I mean we didn’t really clash on picking product. I remember we crushed a little bit on website design, right?

Jen: I don’t remember actually clashing on the website design actually. I really don’t.

Steve: Okay, so what were we clashing in the beginning. I just remember we clashed all the time.

Jen: We clashed also because– okay, so I don’t like putting myself out there. And I don’t like writing. And so we clashed a lot in the very beginning because you wanted me to put myself out there more, and you wanted me to write a lot more product description, more flowery. And I just didn’t really want to write.

Steve: But your face wasn’t out, yeah, for the crafts, yeah.

Jen: Yeah for the crafts.

Steve: It was important.

Jen: Yes, but even the products, like you were just like, “No this isn’t well written. You have to redo it,” or like in the very beginning, and I didn’t really want it. I was just like I just describe the product, and you wanted me to really– I’m not a great copywriter I guess. And also I think, as I already mentioned, you know, we have different ambition levels. Like Steve is very, very ambitious and wants to grow the business into this huge, huge business. To a point, I’m probably, like I’m happy with the way things are, and I know that the business would not have grown as much as it has, but you tend to push.

Steve: That’s actually not entirely accurate. I don’t want it to be a huge, huge, huge business. It just so happens we are in this like no man’s land right now, where we need to make more so that we can hire like a full time type of manager.

Jen: Another manager.

Steve: Yeah, another full time manager. And so I wanted to get it to this point where we can outsource it some more. And it is true. I’m always trying to grow, and my wife was happy with the business.

Jen: Well in the beginning. So I thought we were talking about the beginning.

Steve: You were happy I would say like, five years ago even, right.

Jen: Yeah, I mean my goal of staying at home with the kids so I can run this business was fine. And also if you remember like when we first started the business, I would have been actually happy with just supplemental income. But you were like, “okay we need to have a goal, we need to figure out how big we should make this, we need to make sure we push towards that goal.” I was just trying to like survive as a new parent, right?

Steve: It’s mainly because I have this philosophy that your business can only go one or two directions, up or down, there is no such thing as just like maintenance in my eyes. You’re either growing or not, but…

Jen: No, I totally — I see at that time I was just trying to survive, so I think…

Steve: We were both trying to survive.

Jen: We were both trying to survive, right. So for me it was just like — and there was a period where it was growing, but not as quickly as it could have been growing, and it was because life was happening, right?

Steve: For sure, we had a couple of years where we didn’t do anything, we just coasted.

Jen: Yeah, and it still grew, but not as nearly as high as it could have.

Steve: Yeah, when we put energy into it, we get significant growth, when we don’t do anything; the business just kind of grows on its own. It trails just ecommerce which has been growing year to year. I am curious on, and ironically we haven’t really talked about this that much, but what are some of your goals with Bumblebee Linens going forward? Do you want to start a new business, or do you want to continue with Bumblebee Linens and grow it? Do you have any intention of selling? I’ve always wanted to, I was always curious, and we’ve never really talked about that business.

Jen: Right, so I think the goal is for us to grow the business more, and then I would hire I guess a manager to run the business, so that I can take — the kids are now getting older and they have more and more activities that I definitely want to be part of. Right now it’s great because I could still do all the stuff with them, but as they get older they’re going to have more and more stuff to do.

I think the idea is for us to grow the business a little bit more so I would feel comfortable, one finding a really good manager to run it. I have a hard time letting go, so that’s a big problem with me personally. I’m afraid, one it cuts into the margin, two I’m like I kind of I’m a control freak, and I’m afraid things would just go in the crapper if I take a step back.

Steve: Actually right now your schedule is very flexible, right?

Jen: Yeah, it’s very, very flexible.

Steve: So why do you feel like we need a full time manager? Do you just not want to do any work at all with the business?

Jen: I feel like we’ve been in this business for what, I guess eight or nine years.

Steve: Eight or nine?

Jen: Ninth year, I’m getting burnt out. Certain aspects are really fun, and certain aspects are not as fun, I would like to focus on just the fun stuff. This year we were actually growing a lot by going to Amazon, and I actually packed a ton of our Amazon orders. And so that’s stuff I shouldn’t have to do, I really should think that either I need to delegate that more, but we were just so overrun with the orders like on a regular business that…

Steve: Yeah, it was surprising with the volume.

Jen: Yeah, the volume was…

Steve: We were not prepared.

Jen: In Amazon we were definitely weren’t prepared. We had one of our — we were canceling pre-packing for Amazon, but even then we didn’t prepare as much as we needed to for Christmas.

Steve: It kind of threw off our entire inventory too, because we typically saved some stuff for some of our B to B customers, and here is Amazon like you need to feed that beast, because you’ll lose rankings if you ever go out of stock.

Jen: Plus I — part of me was it took a revolution realizing, because I was trying to keep stuff in our store because I was afraid that we would sell out in our shop, but it kind of I had a light moment where I’m like it doesn’t matter where I’m getting the business from, I should just sell it. I just needed to make sure I have enough for my large customers that they rely on my product as to fulfill that product, but if I have enough for them then I shouldn’t care who I sell it to.

Steve: Absolutely. There is actually a lot of listeners out there who are expecting a child or they want to have one spouse kind of stay at home with the children. I was just curious what your advice is for those people who are starting a business and wanting to have children. I just remember that when we had our first kid, I don’t know if we would have been able to start something during that period, it was very stressful.

Jen: It was very stressful, I think our daughter was a little bit — it was very stressful as new parents in the very beginning with her, so I don’t know if we could have necessarily started then. I mean that’s why we started earlier.

Steve: Yeah, since you became pregnant essentially.

Jen: Yeah, and then it did get better, so once we got — we were able to establish a rhythm, we worked on the business when she was napping and at night, after she went down. We were lucky she actually slept well at night, but back then we didn’t actually answer any of our phone calls if you remember, we called everyone back.

Steve: We had them leave voicemail.

Jen: We called everyone back.

Steve: If I remember correctly we said something like for faster service please email.

Jen: Please email.

Steve: Please email us and we will respond right away or something like that.

Jen: I can’t remember, it’s all…

Steve: It’s all blending together now.

Jen: It’s blending together, but back then I couldn’t take any phone calls during the day because I was so afraid she will wake up and cry.

Steve: What advice would you have for anyone starting an ecommerce based business today?

Jen: I think finding your products is very important, take the time to research. I think a lot of people have a preconceived notion of what they want to sell, I think they think I want to sell this because it’s hot, but it may not make the most sense to sell. For new parents I would recommend starting before they have kids or way until after you’ve established between with your kids, because it’s really difficult when you don’t know what the heck you’re doing to start a business. In that case it’s really great because having a spouse that will support you also is very useful. They understand, they’ll take a little more slack, more of the slack I guess.

Steve: What are your views about going to the Canton Fair because a lot of people, they email me and they say hey Steve are you going to lead a tour to the Canton Fair, and how important do you think it is to actually go to the fair versus just using Alibaba and finding venders, like I have my answer to this question, but…

Jen: I think you could just do Alibaba, I think you could still establish a relationship with the vendors on Alibaba, but I think going to the Canton Fair makes it so much faster, that process will go so much faster through if you go to the fair.

Steve: Yeah, because when we went to the fair we hit like…

Jen: We found so many more…

Steve: Countless vendors.

Jen: Vendors that way, but I think you could do everything through Alibaba, it just could take many iterations and you have to feel comfortable with that vendor, and you will be asking for samples and then you will be sending information back to — if you are not happy with them. Whereas at the Canton Fair you just hit it, and then you see all our products all at once, and you can establish that relationship, you could take pictures. You can definitely– the really smart vendors actually at the Canton Fair actually will ask to take a picture of you with them. Do you remember a couple of vendors do that?

Steve: Yeah, I remember.

Jen: That was brilliant, and then they would email it to you which was brilliant, because they wanted you to try to remember them.

Steve: Yeah, and the other thing is I think it’s important because I assure you when you go on Alibaba you can find samples and look at product quality, but when you are actually at the fair, you didn’t need to ask for samples, because they have the samples with them.

Jen: They are also — I’m sorry to cut you off, but remember you helped one of your students look for a product, and she was going back and forth within Alibaba?

Steve: Yes I remember that.

Jen: Then we went on her behalf to look at the product and it was a completely different product?

Steve: Yes. Let me film that story a little bit. I run this class and one of my students, was like hey you going to the fair, can you check with this vendor for me, here is a picture of what I’m trying to source, can you just take a look at it and make sure it’s the right thing. And she sent me this picture of this product that the vendor was supposedly going to send her. I stopped at the booth, talked to the exact vendor that she was talking to, and he showed me the product.

It was completely different from the picture, and so somehow there was a problem in communication. He was going to send her all this stuff that wasn’t what she wanted and it was a good thing I was there to take a look at it. Of course this could have been all rectified if they just had him take some pictures of the product. I don’t know why that didn’t happen, but it’s just a lot easier to go and visit your vendor and see everything face to face, and see all the product in hand, just to make sure it meets your specifications, outside of going back and forth which can take a long period of time.

At the fair you can handle everything in just a couple of days, that’s why I’m a big fun. Going forward, what’s in the future plans for Bumblebee Linens, what are we going to do next year to grow the business?

Jen: We are going to send more and more stuff to Amazon; we’re going to grow the Amazon’s side. I am definitely going to get a better handle on the inventory levels that are needed at Amazon. I think this year I was — I thought I had a good handle on it, but I was still surprised by it, so this year we’re definitely going to focus on sending more stock and also different stuff.

We also are going to launch a couple of new product lines. I’m going to hopefully find a local vendor to source one of our products that I hope to do. I think we are going to update the website, we redesign the website, that’s Steve’s job hopefully soon. I think we need to streamline certain things, I hope to potentially move into a larger space, because we are outgrowing our current space, I don’t know what else.

Steve: Yeah, that sounds like a lot actually. There you have it, very thankful that my wife was actually willing to come on to the podcast, because she does not like doing any of these things. Anyone who wants to get a hold of you, do you want people to get a hold of you?

Jen: Honestly I’d rather them get a hold of you, because actually have to handle Bumblebee Linens business.

Steve: Right. How about this?

Jen: You can email Steve and put attention Jen.

Steve: Yes, I will forward any messages over to my wife. And just to close if you guys are getting married, and you want a nice personalized gift, my wife will hook you up, can we say that?

Jen: Yeah, sure.

Steve: It’s, Twitter, we don’t have Twitter actually.

Jen: We don’t have Twitter.

Steve: But Instagram.

Jen: You can follow us on Instagram and Pinterest.

Steve: @bumblebeelinens. All right, thanks a lot for coming on the show.

Jen: You are welcome.

Steve: I hope you enjoyed episode 100. I’m really proud of my wife for stepping up to the plate and putting herself out there, and I kid you not, I’ve been trying to get her on the show since day one. And what’s ironic is that if she went on earlier they would have been less people listening in case she said anything embarrassing, however I think she did great. For more information about this episode go to

Once again I just want to thank Famebit for sponsoring this episode. As I mentioned earlier, Famebit is the best place to find YouTubers, Instagramers and other influencers to promote your products online, and it works. One of my podcast guests Emmanuel Allay used to make over $65,000 in four months with YouTube influencer marketing, and it costs as low as 50 bucks to launch a campaign.

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Outro: Thanks for listening to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast, where we’re giving the courage people need to start their own online business. For more information visit Steve’s blog at

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099: How To Find Legit Chinese Vendors Online With Peter Zapf Of

How To Find Legit Chinese Vendors Online With Peter Zapf Of

Today I’m happy to have Peter Zapf, the CIO of Global Sources, which is one of the leading B2B marketplaces for connecting buyers and suppliers in Asia.

They’ve been around for 40 years, make around 200 million in revenues, have over 150000 suppliers in their database and work with 95% of the top global retailers.

Today, Peter was gracious enough to come on my podcast to give us an overview of the private labeling landscape and all of the recent trends in importing!

Enjoy the episode.

What You’ll Learn

  • How Global Sources compares with other B2B marketplaces like Alibaba
  • How does Global Sources vet the companies in their database
  • Why a lot of vendors are not on Alibaba
  • How to find legit factories and manufacturers
  • How to weed out the good vendors from the middlemen
  • What is the threat of factories and manufacturers going direct to Amazon?
  • The best practices to stay ahead in private labeling
  • How to interact with a potential vendor. What are some best practices for initial contact?
  • The common no-nos when dealing with Chinese vendors
  • What Chinese vendors look for in a customer

Other Resources And Books

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Intro: You are listening to the My Wife Quit her Job Podcast. And if you are new here, it’s a show where I bring in successful bootstrapped business owners to teach us what strategies are working and what strategies are not. Now I don’t bring on these famous entrepreneurs simply to celebrate their success, instead I have them take us back to the beginning and delve deeply into the exact strategies they used early on to gain traction for their businesses.Now if you enjoy this podcast please leave me a review on iTunes, and if you want to learn how to start your own online business be sure to sign up for my free six-day mini course, where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100k in profit in our first year of business. Go to, sign up right there on the front page, and I’ll send you the mini course right away via email.

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Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. We will teach you how to create a business that suits your lifestyle, so you can spend more time with your family and focus on doing the things that you love. Here is your host, Steve Chou.

Steve: Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast. Today I’m happy to have Peter Zeff the CIO of which is one of the leading B to B market places for connecting buyers and suppliers in Asia. Now Global Sources has been around for four years, they make around 200 million revenues, and they’ve got over 150,000 suppliers in their database, and they also work with 95% of the top global retailers all over the world. Now Peter was gracious enough to come on my podcast, to kind of give us an overview of the private labeling landscape and all of the recent trends in importing. And with that welcome to the show Peter, how are you doing today man?

Peter: Oh great, thanks, I appreciate you having me on, it’s just a comment in relation to the top retailers we also have a lot of Amazon private label sellers and eBay private sellers that uses our services as well. So it’s quite a range of buyers that use our services.

Steve: Yeah and just so a quick background on Peter, he was actually nice enough to come on my create a profitable online store office hours, where he actually went and answered a whole bunch of the student questions as well, so I was very appreciative of that. So Peter give us the quick background story about kind of what Global Sources is all about and kind of how it compares with some of the other B to B market places like Alibaba?

Peter: Sure, so Global Sources as you said we’ve been in business for over 40 years. We started with trade magazines, and really our goal was to help bring manufacturers and overseas importers, wholesalers and retailers together, help them find each other. And 40 years ago the best way to do that was with magazines. We’ve converted those magazines to electronic magazines now; they are still popular although not as popular. And they are available at if you want to download them.

So what we did then is we launched our website because in the late 90s we started saying, hey, wow, the internet is a great way to distribute information about suppliers very quickly to global buyers. The magazines would two to six weeks to distribute by boat, so the near instantaneous distribution on the internet was great. So we launched the website in the late 90s, and then in the early 2000s we launched our trade shows. So that gives the buyers an opportunity to meet suppliers face to face, and also meets some suppliers that don’t market themselves online.

And then in conjunction with that we have a small site called And that’s really good for folks that are just getting into importing and learning how to import and want to know things about logistics and payment and quality control and all the others as you deal with importing. Well those are kind of some of the things that we do, and ultimately the goal is to bring overseas buyers and suppliers and nowadays they are primarily in China, the China manufacturers together, so they can do business.

Steve: Are the vendors primarily on the website, are they primarily from Asia, or are they vendors from other countries as well?

Peter: We do have vendors from other countries, but I would say that the majority of them nowadays are from mainland China.

Steve: Okay, and as I was just going through like Global Sources is one of the places that I recommend to the students in my class, but I thought it would be interesting just to kind of hear it from you guys what kind of differentiates Global Sources from some of the other places, like what do you guys that’s just really good?

Peter: Sure, first of all there a lot of good other sites on the internet, and they do a lot of similar things, right? Search for products, search for suppliers and contact them. A couple of other things that we do a little bit differently, the first is because we also run trade shows we try to get all of the exhibitors from the trade shows online as well. Now what’s interesting and a lot of people I don’t think realize this is the suppliers, a lot of them I’ll call them trade shows lovers.

They like participating at trade shows because the people that they meet at a Hong Kong show for example are people that have invested in paying for a plane ticket and spending a few days in Hong Kong. So they tend to be more serious buyers. So those types — some of those suppliers they don’t want to be on some of the more widely used online sites, because then they get a lot of inquiries from I’ll call it less serious suppliers.

So the first thing is because we run the trade shows and we get those suppliers on our website, we have some suppliers that you can’t find in other places and other trade shows. So they also tend to be more likely to be a manufacturer and more likely to have export experience and more likely to be a larger and more sustainable business. So that’s the first thing just all the touch points with the trade shows that we run.

The second is we also have quite a bit of editorial content, and really editorial content in two areas. If you go to the homepage on Global Sources in the left column you’ll see a bunch of product categories. And you can click on one of the product categories and click down to see a lot of the editorial content that we have there, here let me just bring something op here to give you an example.

So in our fashion accessories and footwear for instance, we’ve got an analyst choice section with some new products that have come out. Some flip flops are here, leather handbags, gold statement necklaces. And then some top 20 most popular section for content that is very popular on the site that people may be interested in seeing. And trending section for content that’s most trending in that particular category, this should be fashion accessories and then some…

Steve: It sounds like instead of just a listing of products and vendors you guys kind of have a little bit of value add in that you kind of carry certain things as well, is that accurate?

Peter: That’s exactly right, so it’s accurate and then part editorial content around it just to give the audience a little more information on what’s new. So those are two big things.

Steve: Yeah, I was just going to make a quick comment here that I’ve kind of noticed lately that Alibaba is becoming a kind of saturated full middle man traded companies and actually all the vendors I use for my shop are actually not on Alibaba. I found almost all of our vendors from trade shows, not like the Global Source — not your trade show, but like trade shows like the Canton Fair. I think what you are saying is quite true and I actually asked my vendors at one point why they don’t list on some of these places, why they just focus on the fair, is because they don’t really want to be dealing with some of the smaller guys in the space.

Peter: Yeah, and we’ve had that from the buy side also, some of the buyers will tell us that they visit our site because they don’t want have to read through a lot of the smaller say independent college dorm room sellers that are on some of the other sites. And they find that it’s easier to find manufacturers or larger trading companies that are real [inaudible 00:09:11] in our businesses using our services, both on our site and the trade shows.

Steve: So along those same lines, so how does Global Sources kind of vet the companies in the database?

Peter: Sure and that’s a good question for everybody, we do a couple things. The first thing we do is we do for the verified suppliers that are on our site, we visit those suppliers, so we’ve seen them face to face, we’ve seen their offices. And we also get their business registration, so we ensure that they are a legally registered entity. So that’s the very beginning part of the process.

Then the next stop is as content is uploaded, we also review and we are not perfect so if you see something let us know, but we’ll review for obvious say trademark and intellectual property infringement. So you tend not to find that kind of content on our site and some of the brand owners have commented to us that they like working with us because when there are issues we are very responsive, and they don’t find many issues on our site. And then those processes work pretty well, not perfect work pretty well.

But the real managers at the end of the process, there are always commercial disputes between buyers and suppliers, and sometimes the buyers contact us asking us for help or assistance. And in the vast majority of cases they are commercial disputes; it’s only in a very-very small number of cases that we actually have to go take a supplier down because the supplier did something that was shady.

And I would say it’s around one supplier per year that we have to take down. So to me that’s a pretty good measure of quality that the upfront steps that we take are a result of us having to take a very-very small number of actions on suppliers at the end of the process based on buyer feedback.

Steve: So along those same lines, I get this question a lot from people. When you find a vendor whether it would be Global Sources or Alibaba, do you kind of have to do that extra leg work to make sure that you are not violating or copying other people’s brands? You can never make the assumption that what you are getting is legit, right?

Peter: Well I think there is two things to think about, well maybe three things. The first is, are you looking for something that’s unique, so is it your design or not? A lot of the private label sellers are not doing a lot of design work. So then the second thing is if you are using the supplier’s design, you may want to do a little bit of research to figure out does somebody have a design pattern on it in your country, which is different than trademark. Trademark is mainly the logo that’s on it, so that you can also look up on the databases in the US to see if anybody has that trademark in your product category.

But you do need to do some work to make sure that you are not violating somebody else’s intellectual property if it looks like it’s not a commoditized product. If it’s a commoditized product like picture frames or something like that, there’s not a lot of intellectual property in that, so that’s not as worrisome. But it is something that folks should at least be aware of.

Steve: So finding out whether you are infringing a trademark is relatively simple, but how would you go about finding out whether you are violating a design pattern?

Peter: Yeah that is a lot tougher. My two way I reverse image search on some of the product images and see where else they show up and then try to figure out if some of — and then look up whether some of those are coupon [inaudible 00:12:50] have design patterns. Oh, that one is not totally easy. The other way to do it is to request some changes to the product that will make it more different from what other folks that might be selling. None of these are guarantees; they are all risk management steps.

Steve: Okay and I’ve used a lot of these listing services or market places in the past, and a lot of times you have good vendors and you have kind of middle man, and you have bad vendors. What are some of your word tactics for kind of weeding out the good guys from like the bad guys?

Peter: I hate using the words on good and bad, the supplier is selling to buyers in 200 different countries, and every buyer has different requirements whether they are regulatory and sort of occasional requirements or body requirements. And to me the key is good communication, so the supplier has a clear understanding of what you as a buyer what your requirements are, and especially the quality requirements, because that’s where a lot of the commercial disputes seem to come from.

And to do that one of the practices that you can do is first to get samples and I think everybody is right about that and doing that. The second thing is when you get the samples everything that you don’t like about the samples are put down on what’s going to become your quality control or inspection criteria checklist. And everything that you don’t like about the samples turn into a very objective statement that the third party could look at and assess, hey does this product meet this quality requirement or not. And if you get a few samples from a few factories, you’ll be able to put together a pretty good quality checklist.

Then when you have that checklist done and it’s got to be objective, it can’t be like it looks pretty. Well, pretty is — everybody defines pretty differently. No visible scratches, that’s more objective, the more objective you can make it the better. Then when you have that list of criteria, include it as part of the purchase order, and ask the supplier to sign off on it and say, look it’s part of the purchase order, these are the inspect, these are the quality criteria we want, and we are going to have a third party inspection agent come in and judge against these inspection criteria before the product ships.

So then you’ve told the supplier two things, one these are quality criteria, and two we are going to have somebody check on them before you get your final payment. And that helps also, and then the supplier, the supplier may come back and say; hey these quality requirements are higher than what we can do. And that’s fine, that’s what you wanted to learn at that point in the process, we are going to come back and sign off on it. And then after manufacturing is done, it’s a good idea to then bring in a third party inspector to inspect the goods before they ship.

And again to me I look at that as an investment, you are trying to figure out, hey can this supplier meet my quality requirements? Not just for this shipment, because the shipment may be a smaller trial orders, and you may not make a lot of money on that shipment especially when you add the inspection cost in. But you are learning better whether as the supplier increases their production quantity they can meet your quality requirements, and that’s super valuable. Especially if you don’t want to start getting a lot of bad reviews when you start selling your product, so that’s…

Steve: Can you just comment real quick on how much it costs to get an inspection company; I imagine they are paid by a certain amount of time, right?

Peter: Yeah most of them will, they’ll look at the size of your order, and usually what the larger retailers do is they’ll have a random sample, the products is checked and there is statistical tables to figure out how many need to be checked. And then they’ll figure how much time it’s going to take to do that and charge you based on mandates. I would suspect that for most of the Amazon private label sellers, one mandate would be enough to do an inspection. That may not be 100%, it may be a good random sample.

And the typical mandate rates are around $300 although I have seen — and that would be from folks that are – I’ll say — I don’t want to use the word reputable, but a lot of the good inspection companies that’s the pay charge. If you search around you may be able to find folks that are less well known that charge less than that. I’ve seen numbers I think as low as $150, but I would recommend sticking with folks that are maybe a little bit more reputable and the…

Steve: 300 is actually in line with what we’ve gotten in the past.

Peter: Yeah, so that makes sense. And then the big inspection companies which can be more difficult for smaller entrepreneurial companies to work with, the bigger inspection companies are SGS, Pure, VeriTest, and Intertech. But then there’s a number of I’ll say mid tier inspection companies, Asia inspection, Intouch, V-trust, and they are all — and Sofist [ph]. And they are all pretty good for working with Amazon private label sellers.

Steve: Okay, yes so I just want to emphasize a couple of things about what you said that quality control or a QC checklist is actually really important. We import napkins and there was a time when we were just like, hey, ship us white napkins. And it turns out that there is thousands of shades of white which we actually discovered very quickly. So you have to get really specific on what you want in order to actually get what you want, because if you don’t specify something they will make assumptions, and almost always those assumptions will not match what you were thinking.

Peter: Yeah and it’s not that they are purposely trying to do it, it’s just that they are different assumptions. Plus they may also be trying to manage the cost and they’ll say, okay within these assumptions you gave me he said, white okay, this off white is a little bit less expensive so let me do that one, and it’s still right.

Steve: Or even materials like you will say you want curtain, but then they’ll give you like a blend or something like that because you didn’t specify 100%, stuff like that.

Peter: Yeah, absolutely, yeah so…

Steve: Let’s talk a little bit about just kind of interacting with potential vendors. So what are some of your best practices just for kind of the initial contact and like kind of the negotiation process? Like what are some common no, nos, when dealing with Chinese vendors?

Peter: I think what I would suggest first is a lot of folks are going to be contacting the suppliers via email, and one of the things to recognize especially with the – I’ll say the larger more experienced suppliers is they maybe capacity constrained or labor constrained, so they may not need new or more business, which then means you have to sell yourself to them. And in fact this is more likely among I’ll say the good suppliers who have relationships with a lot of overseas buyers, and those buyers keep coming back to them because they are good suppliers. As a result those suppliers have run out of capacity, so I think you should do a little bit more than just say, hey I’m interested in this product, what’s the MOQ, what’s the price?

It’s also helpful to introduce your company and try to explain something about why you will be able to help break that supplier into a new market or product line. We are very good in this, these are some of the channels that we use, we are expanding our product categories, we are very interested in your product, and we think we can help take this product to market. So to get the supplier excited about working with you, sell yourself to the supplier.

So I think that’s one thing to keep in mind. The second thing we talked about is the quality, I mean you are working across time zones, you are working across cultures, a lot of the folks that you are initially contacting they’ll be 20-21 years old, straight out of business English course from college. They may not have travelled internationally at all, so they really don’t — so the norms are different, just because you are crossing cultures and all those other things. So as a result it does become important to communicate very clearly and very explicitly.

I think the third thing and a lot of folks have said this to me also. A lot of the suppliers, I mean form a western perspective we view, hey this is the contract and the negotiation is over because we’ve agreed on the terms and conditions in the contract. And the China suppliers often view the contract as I’ll say the start of the negotiation. It’s more like, oh, okay, we are seriously going to do business now because they’ve given us a purchase order and a contract, we’ll sign it off and then as we go through the process we’ll identify whether there are areas that we need to adjust or change in order to meet their requirements. Which for a western or American perspective it’s a little bit different and then can create frustration. So just be aware of that upfront, and then it’s a lot less frustrating when it happens.

But that’s why from a western perspective just get those quality criteria upfront, get everything signed off upfront, get everything agreed to, then you can go back and say, no look, we agreed to this at the beginning, I really do need it this way. There are maybe things the supplier has asked that you can change, I don’t know packing quantities, number of pieces per curtain. I mean there could be a million things that they ask that you say, oh, yeah, that’s not a big issue; I have not problems if you change that if it makes it easier for you. But then there are other things that you will feel absolutely not, now this is critical to the success of this product in the market, so we can’t change that. But those kinds of discussions are going to happen maybe more often than most people expect.

Steve: So based on kind of what you said if a vendor is kind of over eager to work with you is that generally a red flag?

Peter: No I don’t think it’s a — that doesn’t go either way.

Steve: Okay.

Peter: One valuable aspect of a vendor is how well they communicate, and good communication makes them easier to work with. That being said good communication itself, the executive that communicates with you well that doesn’t mean that he has any control over the manufacturing and production line, or the QC inspector if there is one on the manufacturing and production line. So I think good communication is a plus, but it doesn’t necessarily mean you are going to get what you want, you are going to have to take additional steps to make sure that you get what you are looking for and what you want.

Steve: Yeah, I mean we’ve had cases where the vendor has agreed to everything that we’ve said and we’ve been very explicit, but then when it comes to time to get the products it’s not what we said. I guess this kind of ties into what you mentioned about always getting an inspection company into play, right?

Peter: Yeah and what folks that have larger productions runs do is they’ll also ask for — they could ask for samples from the beginning of the production run, or have an inspector go in during the beginning of the production run. Because at the end of the production run if there is problems, that’s harder to resolve, but if you can identify this at the beginning of the production run, then it’s easier to make changes.

Or even nowadays just over Skype get one of the first pieces off the — they come off the production line and review them over Skype. Really what you are trying to think about is what are all the checkpoints that I can put in to minimize problems, maximize the odds that I’m going to get what I believe I need, and then minimize issues at the end of process, because if you get to the end of the process and you have issues it’s kind of too late.

Steve: Right, yeah, so you mentioned before that you kind of have to sell yourself to the Chinese vendors. What are some of things that you can say to make yourself look better in their eyes?

Peter: For startup entrepreneurs, in any industry it’s always going to be difficult to get started. But you can leverage either knowledge or success, we are selling these channels, we are selling in these volumes, we are selling our own website and third party market places, we’ve had a lot of success with these products that we are — and if you are importing them, that we are importing. If you are sourcing domestically that we are sourcing domestically, but we would like to move toward importing some products directly from manufacture. Just something that explains one — like cover the experience that you have, and something that explains why you are going to be able to grow with that volumes and sales.

Steve: Okay and do you recommend kind of negotiating the minimum order quantities in the beginning. And if you are like how would you kind of phrase those questions about minimum order quantities to not turn off the vendor?

Peter: Yeah, I know that’s a great question too. I think the three steps tends to be get a sample, review the sample, then do a trial order which is a different way of saying negotiate the minimum order quantity. And then move to orders that hit the minimum order quantities. And that middle step of the trial order, the conversation with the supplier can be, hey, we really like this product, we would like to do a trial order of whatever, 200 pieces, 500 pieces.

And the reason we want to do the trial order is to assess, one the quality of the product when it’s manufactured, and two to get market feedback when you try to sell it. Subject to the quality in the market feedback, we would expect to place orders that hit your MOQ requirements.

Steve: Okay.

Peter: Every supplier is different, some suppliers will say yes, some suppliers will say no, it also depends on time of year. Right now everybody is maxed, any manufacturer right now because we are on holiday in China. But this time of year manufacturing capacity is kind of maxed out to get everything on the boat in time for Christmas. Other times of the year it tends to be slower, so depending on the time of the year it could also change the suppliers answer. Or if the supplier for whatever reason has additional capacity, he will be more open to a trial order with a small order size than if he’s got 15 customers with an order backlog of three months.

Steve: That’s actually a very interesting point, so would you recommend looking for new vendors towards kind of the beginning of the year when things are a little bit slower?

Peter: I think there is a lot of advantages to that plus with the lead times. And also if you are having maybe trouble getting feedback during the say August-September timeframe, check back in January-February. I mean each product category has a little bit of a different sourcing cycle. But yeah, I think one can check back in it at a different time.

Steve: Okay, let’s talk a little bit about quality control, I mean we’ve already talked about several things, the QC checklist, and the inspector. Is there any recourse for shipments that you’ve received that maybe inspected okay, but they are either late or damaged by the time you receive them?

Peter: I guess it would depend on the terms that you have in the purchase order. If you are buying FOB which is a pretty common term that means that the goods kind of moved to your I guess legal possession at the port in China if you are ocean shipping. Anything that happens after that is your responsibility. So if the goods get damaged in transit, it’s your responsibility. But quite frankly commercially once you’ve sent that final payment to the supplier, there is very — it’s very difficult to have any recourse. You might be able to get a discount on a future order.

Steve: Okay, because shipping it back would be prohibitively expensive, and so yeah you are pretty much stuck with it, right? Okay, and for — do you recommend putting in a shipping date clause in your purchase order?

Peter: I think so, yeah, and then also put in a clause that says, if you miss by whatever is important to you, if you miss by three days we are going to deduct 1% per day that you are late in shipping. But then during the manufacturing process, be careful about when you ask for changes, hey, I want the labels differently, hey I need the boxes differently, that they will not impact the shipping time. Because then the supplier will come back to you and say, well, hold on the reason we are late is because you asked for a change.

But I think it is a good practice to put in an agreed ship date, you are going to ask the supplier, hey, what ship date can you hack I’m going to put that in there. And then put in a clause that says, I don’t know 1% a day for more than 3 days late. And then whether or not you actually get that 1% back at least the supplier recognizes if he’s got two orders, hey this guy might penalize me if I’m late, this guy won’t. So yours might move up right, and you are increasing the odds of hitting ship date.

Steve: Okay now that makes a whole lot of sense. I’m just curious have you ever had cases where you spent — send an inspection company in, the whole production run is done and it’s sitting at the factory and the inspection guy goes in and says, hey, none of these are acceptable, what generally happens then?

Peter: Yeah, so again, we don’t do a lot of the importing ourselves, so I’m mainly relying on what I have heard from buyers and suppliers. If that happens usually often you’ll have paid your 30% deposit, manufacturing is done, you haven’t paid your remaining 70%. So at that point you will request the manufacturer to rework the product to meet the requirements and then have a second inspection done. And that would be a very typical process in that case.

Steve: Okay I want to switch gears a little bit now and just kind of talk about a lot of these people are going — these Amazon private labelers; they are having their stuff shipped directly to Amazon. And I have just kind of anecdotally heard that Amazon is now working with factories directly to getting their stuff and kind of cutting out the middle man or the private labeler so to speak. Are you seeing that happen and are there any reasons why a manufacturer would not ship directly to Amazon?

Peter: Yeah, I think well there is a few underlying questions here, let me cover each of them. The first is Amazon has some of their own brands, their own private label, just like the large retailers do. And those private label brands they will go direct to the manufacturer and say can you get this product for me. I think that Amazon basics is one of their private label brands.

So absolutely Amazon is going in and getting — going direct to manufactures and sourcing products. The second thing is there are a lot of common private label sellers, or third party sellers from China also are selling on Amazon as I’m sure folks have seen. And Amazon has offices in China and Amazon is supporting those guys as well. Amazon is an equal opportunity market place.

So as a private label seller you just need to be aware of the different directions the competition is going to come from. Amazon is not there to make your life easier; Amazon is there to make money for Amazon. And they are providing a great opportunity for folks to get in front of a good audience and providing a lot of great services to make it easier to sell products, but they are doing that for everybody. So you are competing against everybody when you’re taking advantage of those services.

Steve: So do you see that as a trend going forward then more and more of these factory and manufacturers are going to be working with Amazon directly to kind of reap the profits?

Peter: Well, so, yeah, let’s talk about that from two directions. The first is Amazon is a private label; Amazon goes to the factory to source its products, just like the large retailers do for their private labels. So that’ll probably continue. Second is Amazon helping manufacturers sell say the manufacturers own private label. And a lot of manufacturers are interested in this, and I’d say that there is three groups, one they are interested they haven’t tried it, they are interested, they are trying it and they are going to keep doing it. They are interested they try it; they are going to stop doing it. And I’ll explain some of what we see the manufacturers think about when they do this.

The first thing they think about is hey; well, if I do my own brand on Amazon I get great margins. So that’s very interesting to them. Then they realize, oh, but wait, it’s FBA so I have to manufacture stock without getting paid, and that’s risky and I’m not used to doing that, so maybe I won’t do this. Third thing they might realize is okay I manufactured this stock, I put it in FBA, but I don’t really know how Amazon works well right? I don’t have good native English skills, I don’t have good Amazon optimization skills, I’m not good at managing the people that leave reviews and following up with them etcetera.

So then a lot of them come back and say, okay, let me focus on what I’m good at, let me focus on what we are manufacturing and find other people who are better at selling whether they are retailers on Amazon, power sellers whoever to buy from me and let them handle the sales. It’s going to be quite a mix, but certainly the manufacturers are aware of Amazon and they are thinking about whether it’s something they should pursue or not.

Steve: Okay, what I was trying to get at is it’s not just some mad gold rush where a whole bunch of manufacturers are turning over to FBA. It just sounds like it’s a consideration in their business, and they just have to evaluate their needs and what they are good at it sounds like okay?

Peter: Yeah, and a lot of suppliers are choosing not to do it.

Steve: Okay, one other question that I constantly get asked is a lot of people who are manufacturing their own things, they are kind of worried about intellectual property theft. So you might take your design and have it manufactured, but then all of a sudden the design leaks, and all of a sudden a whole bunch of other guys are producing the same thing. How do you prevent that from happening, is there anything that you can do?

Peter: Well there are a number of things that you can do, and they all come down to — I’ll call it risk mitigation again. So there is – it’s difficult to be full proof and everybody has this issue, whether it’s a China manufacture has a new design or US or European design or brand owner. But one thing that I have seen done, if your product has multiple parts, have different manufacturers make different parts, and then bring it to an assembly facility, have the assembly facility assemble that.

And try to make sure that nobody knows kind of each of the contributors because then it’s harder to replicate, not impossible but harder that’s one. Second is to the extent that you can put some kind of intellectual property protection around it whether it’s a design pattern or some other kind of pattern, that’s helpful as well, but keep in mind that there are legal costs in enforcing that.

So if you do find that folks are doing something unexpected then you are going to incur some legal cost to enforce that. And then your enforcement actions you want to think about well which countries do I want enforcement actions in. Do I want to do them in China or in — I mean sales market the US or somewhere else. So there are some strategy involved in where you are trying to get your IP protection. So it is a challenge for everybody and…

Steve: It sounds like for a little guy they are unlikely to go the enforcement route, and so it sounds like the best option is to just kind of [inaudible 00:37:55] the design process by using different manufacturers, at least that’s what it sounds like to me.

Peter: Sure and then actually the third option is just do better marketing, so people know that your product is the real deal.

Steve: Okay, but there will still be clones out there at that point, right? You are just going to be out selling to clones essentially.

Peter: Possibly yeah, that sometimes happens.

Steve: Okay, let’s switch gears again and talk a little bit about trade shows like my wife and I try to go trade shows every other year. And I have my own stories, but I was hoping to hear some of your input about the advantage of actually going to shows. I know it’s quite intimidating for people to go to a brand new country. So I was hoping to get your take on and hopefully convince people that going to shows isn’t that intimating and it’s very valuable.

Peter: Why? Yeah, I completely agree with what you said not that intimidating and very valuable, but yeah, I’ll give you some comments. First I’m always amazed when I walk into trade shows; I’m amazed at how much product there is there. Because there is not enough just to stock at store, there is enough product to stock entire malls. And I’m just amazed by the depth and variety of product. For us we run shows twice a year in Hong Kong, our upcoming shows are in October. We have October 11th through to 14th we’ll have about 300 booths of home office electronics components suppliers. Then from the 18th to 21st we have a second set of show dates which should be a lot of mobile electronics products, smart phones, tablets, wearables, accessories. During those same dates 18th to 21st we also run a gifts and home product show.

And then from the 27th through the 30th we run a fashion accessory show and that has a lot of accessories, bags, caps, etcetera. So and we run those shows twice a year, it’s quite late for folks to make it up for these shows in October, but we run them every October and April. There is couple of things to know about visiting a show; first the shows — there are several organizers in Hong Kong and China the Canton Fair. And we all organize our shows around the same time. So a lot of buyers they come out and they visit each of the shows, or all of the shows that are relevant to them. And I would recommend visiting multiple shows to get a sense of the differences in which ones you like the best.

Second thing to keep in mind is the Hong Kong shows — Hong Kong is still English speaking. It’s very easy to get around, I think with an America passport you can just come in on a 90 days tourist visa. So it’s just a long flight that’s all, but once you get here it’s like — it’s pretty easy. A third thing about the trade shows is as I mentioned before a lot of the exhibitors at the trade shows, they are not marketing in other online channels. Now we do try to get them all on the site. So you’ll see different suppliers than you might see if you are only doing online research. Well even more important than that, a lot of the suppliers don’t put all of their products online.

So if you go to the show you can see additional products, and you can touch and feel them, and you can see maybe five or six or ten suppliers have similar products, and you can talk to them and get immediate feedback about any questions you have about the product or anything that you learned about the product. Then the very last thing to keep in mind is if you do meet a supplier face to face in the show and you start building a relationship, then they may start showing you products before they show anybody else. And you are less likely to get that as an online only buyer, so you end up getting better access to suppliers and their products if you meet them face to face at a show, and if you start developing that relationship with them.

Steve: A couple of comments here, one thing that I’ve noticed in the past is that vendors are very reluctant to give you like a listing of their products. And I think – I suspect it’s because they don’t want other people copying what they had to offer, but as soon as you see them face to face they’ll just show you everything.

Peter: Well also online they don’t know if you are one of their competitors emasculating as a real buyer or a real buyer. So that also makes them a little more cautious.

Steve: I also did also want to vouch that going to Hong Kong is actually quite simple, you can get by just speaking English, and the public transit system is very good. So it’s actually not that — it’s very easy to get around in Hong Kong, Canton…

Peter: You don’t need to rent a car I forget; whenever I go to a city in the US I’m often renting cars. I don’t need to rent a car in Hong Kong, public transportation and taxis are great, yeah.

Steve: I was just going to make a comment on the Canton Fair is a little bit more intimidating because not everyone speaks English, but you can still get by just taking a taxi, there’s a lot of hotels. I think I posted my itinerary in one of my posts of the exact hotel that I stayed at, and there’s usually shuttles that go back and forth on the fair. So you don’t really need to do anything there either.

Peter: Yeah that makes sense I mean the Canton Fair it’s in China, so there’s less English speaking. I think it’s also a little bit harder to get around, but if you are out for an adventure and like I said visit all the shows and get to know the differences between the shows.

Steve: What would you say is one of the big differences between the Global Source’s show and the Canton Fair?

Peter: Well what some of the buyers have told us and this is coming admittedly a little bit from say the larger retailers. But they prefer the Hong Kong shows including our show, because you’re getting more suppliers have export experience and they’re more export ready. At some of the China shows you may have more smaller suppliers, they may have less export experience. So that’s one of the differences that we hear some of the buyers that visit the show.

Steve: Okay and in terms of products selection, does Global Sources kind of specialize in a certain area or what are they strong at?

Peter: That’s a good question too. As I mentioned for electronics and consumer electronics I think we are super strong, I think you have to go to one of our shows if you are sourcing any kind of electronic or mobile electronics products. For gifts and home products we have a very solid medium size show working closely trying to bring suppliers and have more innovative products. So I think one should visit it.

The Canton Fair probably has a higher quantity of suppliers in that category, but maybe not the same kind of innovation or export experience, but I mean visit both. And then for the fashion products the scraps and the bags, we are pretty sure that we are largest show of those types of products anywhere, because there aren’t a lot of shows focused on those types of fashion accessory products.

Steve: Okay, I just also want to comment that Peter keeps mentioning that you can go to both. It’s actually very easy to go from Hong Kong to Canton. It’s just a train ride I can’t remember exactly how long it is, I think its 90 minutes, does that sound accurate to you?

Peter: Yeah, I was going to say about two hours I mean you have book your train tickets in advance because during that time of year everybody is going back and forth. And don’t take the bus because the bus takes like six or seven hours.

Steve: Yeah exactly, yeah, the train is super fast and so you can actually go — there is one fair we actually stayed in Hong Kong and actually took the train over really early in the morning to go to the Canton Fair, and then we came back to Hong Kong. I actually don’t recommend doing that, but you could if you wanted to.

Peter: Yeah no that’s exactly like some people will do a day trip, but as you said it is a long day and there is a lot of working when you are that he fair so…

Steve: Yeah, one other question I wanted to ask you is I’ve noticed actually with my vendors that the prices have just been increasing year over year at pretty significant levels. So what is a good way that I as a buyer can find cheaper prices or other vendors maybe in other countries or — what is the trend that you are seeing that’s causing these price hikes first of all, and what can I do about it?

Peter: Yeah, that’s a great question. We’ve had articles about this on our site on and off over the years. I remember one of the articles a buyer was saying, look if you are not going to be able to get a 30% price improvement by souring from overseas keep sourcing where you are sourcing, or sourcing from China. Because cost — this was a few years ago because cost in China keep going up. And the components of costs that are going up include labor costs, raw material costs, and the exchange rates.

Now if I would have commented on this two or three years ago I would have said all three of those are definitely going up. Now I would say labor rates are still going up no doubt about that, raw materials cost it’s unclear, it depends of what product you are sourcing, so you can check that. And the exchange rate interestingly moved about 3% in the other direction about a month ago. So kind of having an understanding of some of those underlying factors that are driving changes in pricing is helpful.

Then when again time is on the larger retailers what they do — well there’s two things they’ll do, one is they’ll try to do call it a bill of materials costs things. So they’ll try to get component costs, try to figure out the amount of labor it takes to assemble the components, then try to figure out what a fair manufacturing price is. I think that’s a little bit challenging but that’s an approach some folks take. A last approach is just get multiple quotes, so some of the larger retailers they require getting three quotes for a particular product. Then use the different quotes in the negotiating with the supplier. Say hey, I would really like to work with you, but I have this quote from another supplier that’s this price and I don’t really understand or I’m wondering if you can help me that price. So those are some strategies.

Steve: I knew for myself like going to a new vendor is such a pain in the butt, like we have to go through this whole quality control process again even though we specify everything on paper, there’s always things that we don’t specify even though we’ve done this for many years. So the cost is switching and it seems to be pretty high for us at least.

Peter: No I think that’s true for a lot of folks, so you want to think about how much — at the end of the day the best outcome is stay with my current supplier and get a good price. So if you get quotes from other folks you can go back to your current supplier and say, look I really like working with you, but we are really having a tough time in the market. There’s other suppliers, or we are getting quotes from other suppliers for these prices. But you got to be careful, the other suppliers may not be understanding your quality criteria right, like you mentioned. And you have to be very careful about how you do that conversation, because you could damage the relationship with the existing supplier.

Steve: Absolutely, hey Peter I want to be respectful of your time we’ve been chatting for almost 50 minutes. If people want to find a little bit more about Global Sources or if they have any questions for you, where can they find you, and what are some of the resources that you guys provide?

Peter: Yeah, I think the best place is One of the things we didn’t talk about if people go to the site and they want to keep updated on new products as suppliers post them, they can sign up for products alerts on the site, so that’s a great resource. Second we talked about the magazines, the magazines are great for let’s say browsing and discovery, and we have PDF versions of those magazines by product category, people can find those at

And for the trade shows they can learn more about them at And we spent a lot of time on best practices for importing from China, and we have a lot of content on that at So I think those are all great resources, if folks need to contact us, we have customer service links on our website. If folks who want to reach out to me they can go through the customer services, and the customer services folks will reach me.

Steve: I just want to also mention so everything is free right, these PDFs, these magazines are all free going to the tradeshow is also free.

Peter: That’s correct; I think for the trade shows if you don’t pre-register we’ve started charging I think it’s 100 Hong Kong which is about $13 US, but yeah.

Steve: Okay, yeah, more or less free. All right Peter thanks a lot for coming on the show.

Peter: Oh no, my pleasure, thank you for having me.

Steve: All right, I appreciate it take care.

Peter: Take care.

Steve: Hope you enjoyed that episode. Global Sources is a great place to find vendors from Asia especially if you are selling into the electronics and accessory space. It was pretty cool to hear from the CIO himself and get advice from someone who deals with Chinese vendors every single day. For more information about this episode go to

And once again I want to thank Famebit for sponsoring this episode. As I mentioned earlier Famebit is the best place to find Youtubers, Instagramers and other influencers to promote your products online, and it works. One of my podcast guests Emanuel Elayae used to make over $65,000 in four months with YouTube influencer marketing, and its cost as low as 50 bucks to give a try. And the best part is if you use coupon code you will automatically get $25 off your first campaign. So go to right now and get famous Youtubers to promote your products today.

And then finally if you are interested in starting your own online business, be sure to sign up for my free six day mini course, where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100K in profit in our first year of business. Go to, sign up right there on the front page, and I’ll send you over the course. Thanks for listening.

Outro: Thanks for listening to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast, where we’re giving the courage people need to start their own online business. For more information visit Steve’s blog at

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098: How To Private Label Goods From China With Sam Boyd Of Guided Imports

How To Private Label Goods From China With Sam Boyd Of Guided Imports

In this episode, I have Sam Boyd of, a company that helps others import safely from China.

Now in the past few years, more and people have been jumping on the Amazon private labeling bandwagon so I brought Sam Boyd on the show to give us his unique perspective on the Amazon gold rush.

As I’ve mentioned many times in previous articles and podcasts, relying solely on Amazon is a dangerous play and you really need to establish your own branded website in order to future proof your business.

Enjoy the show!

What You’ll Learn

  • Common mistakes that Amazon sellers are making
  • The right way to find a good supplier
  • Sam’s opinion on Alibaba vs Global Sources vs Canton Fair
  • How to ensure quality with your shipment
  • How to negotiate MOQs
  • Why only selling on Amazon is risky
  • Horror stories from existing Amazon sellers
  • How to find suppliers outside of China

Other Resources And Books


Intro: You are listening to the My Wife Quit her Job Podcast. And if you are new here, it’s a show where I bring in successful bootstrapped business owners to teach us what strategies are working and what strategies are not. Now I don’t bring on these famous entrepreneurs to simply their celebrate their success, instead I have them take us back to the beginning and delve deeply into the exact strategies they used early on to gain traction for their businesses.

Now if you enjoy this podcast please leave me a review on iTunes, and if you want to learn how to start your own online business, be sure to sign up for my free six-day mini course, where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100k in profit in our first year of business. Go to sign up right there on the front page, and I’ll send you the mini course right away via email, now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. We will teach you how to create a business that suits your lifestyle, so you can spend more time with your family and focus on doing the things that you love. Here is your host, Steve Chou.

Steve: Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast, today I’m really excited to chat with Sam Boyd of, a company that helps others import safely from China. Now in the past few years more and more people have been kind of jumping on the Amazon private labeling band wagon. So I brought Sam Boyd on the show to kind of give us his unique perspective on the Amazon gold rush.

Now as I have mentioned many times in previous articles and podcast relying solely on Amazon is kind of a dangerous play, because you are putting all your eggs in one basket, and you kind of really need to establish your own branded website or business in order to kind of future proof your business. And with that welcome to the show Sam, how are you doing today man?

Sam: Thank you so much for having me Steve, I’m doing great, how are you?

Steve: Very good, so tell us about Guided Imports, so what do you guys do, and why did you start this company?

Sam: Yeah sure, so to put it simply, Guided Imports is a company that helps people get products made in China and safely and easily get them shifted to their destination country to be sold. So we started as just a regular sourcing company and what that means is, larger businesses and brands who don’t necessarily have the means of having their own purchasing office in China, we started out as being very dedicated purchasing office. And through the time of us working with these clients, we realized that there was a huge market for people who were interested in selling on Amazon and also selling on ecommerce.

So at about a year after we were established as our first sourcing company, we launched Guided Imports. And guided import’s goal is to help buyer or help sellers on Amazon purchase products and get them manufactured in China and seamlessly deal with everything on the China side to get them over to Amazon warehouses, and to be sold on Amazon.

Steve: So Sam if I went up to you and said, hey, I want to sell cell phone cases for example, you would just take care of it from there after I give the specifications?

Sam: Yeah, I mean that’s the ideal goal right? So essentially the way it works is we offer the seamless service that allows people to tell us exactly what it is that they are looking for. We sort of walk them through the information that we need to know. And we come back to with them with reports telling them okay this is how much we think it’s going to cost. This is what it’s going to cost to do to get the products through customs and pay the duty in taxes. These are the necessary certifications you need and ultimately give you an idea of the entire process and then start working from A to Z, so exactly what you said.

Steve: And this is probably getting a little too specific I was just curios. The way you guys get paid is it like flat fee or do you take cut off of each product?

Sam: Great question, so the way that — so what we do is — to put it simply this is a sourcing company there’s a lot of companies out here, we just try to give it a different approach. And what a lot of sourcing companies do is they’ll take some type of commission, they’ll charge percentage on top of the total sales or multiple payment structures. What we try to do is we have just one flat fee that you pay and we handle everything, we are your eyes, ears, boots on the ground, and that’s all you necessarily have to worry about.

Steve: Okay, so let’s get into kind of like the Amazon space I know a lot of people just been kind of jumping on the Amazon band wagon, and they’ve been just been making mistakes left and right in sourcing. I was just kind of curious what your view you probably see this more than I do but what is your view of just kind of selling on Amazon today?

Sam: So selling on Amazon is the phenomenal business model, it’s really the first platform where anyone can seemingly find a product, get it made, and sell it to the end user. The problem that we are seeing are importing is a serious game. It’s not just about finding a product, and for your example cell phone cases, and saying okay, I’m going to get 3000 of this made and start selling them. There’s a lot more that goes into it, and well, there are a lot of guides that are teaching people how to safely import, they are leaving out a lot of important information. And it’s really causing some Amazon sellers to feel the wrath, because Amazon is getting stricter.

And they are starting to essentially ban users for not complying with rules and regulations through Amazon as well as through import regulations. So while selling on Amazon is a great model, it really needs to be done carefully and properly.

Steve: Yeah, I have just noticed I think they just went through another banning wave like a month ago right? Where they just banned a whole bunch of people and they removed a lot of reviews as well. Do you happen to have any insight on why they were banned?

Sam: Yeah, there’s a lot of reasons, I think why people were banned and Amazon did recently change their terms of service where people are saying regarding false reviews or un-organic reviews. What we are hearing and what we are seeing on people posting on different blog posts or posting on our facebook group and things like this, are some of the instances where maybe they just got unlucky. But I don’t think everyone is being completely honest with the exact reasons why Amazon banned them, or they just don’t know. After hearing some stories I definitely have my own opinions as to why the majority of them are being banned, but…

Steve: Let’s hear them.

Sam: So essentially one of the biggest concerns is safety. Amazons customer is the end user, it’s not the seller. And this is the reason why Amazon is starting to teach factories how to sell on Amazon. Is because they want to minimize this risk of exposure that they have to products that are not necessarily safe and they don’t have the proper licenses and things like this. So a big example is anything that is food related, whether its food itself or a product that’s used in cooking, needs a certification through the FDA, if it’s being sold in the US market. Many people see this as something that they can just skip passed that they think well, I can get it — I can get this product, that not necessarily need me to spend a couple of 100 dollars on the FDA certification.

I can sort of just hope it slips through customs, start selling it on Amazon, and I figured that I have such a low volume that no one’s really going to catch me. Well this is a perfect example, but when we look at it it’s not just an FDA certification that people need for products, there’s tons and tons of certifications. And there’s so many to the extent that there’s — it’s a customs brokers job, it’s their profession to have an understanding and to advice people on all the necessary certification. So one of the biggest things that I see people getting banned for is, lacking this necessary compliance regulations and certifications, it’s ultimately let’s assume that you are selling baby products.

And you don’t get the products tested to make sure there’s let’s say — to make sure that there’s no lead in the product itself. This is a huge issue, because you are responsible for putting these products in the hands of children. A lot of other people that are selling are mothers and fathers themselves, so at least I have a family and they are neglecting these major concerns. That a major importer or someone who knows how to import would never do, but because people are just reading quick guides or just looking through forms and seeing how easy it is to sell on Amazon, they completely neglect this stuff and what’s happening is they are getting banned.

Steve: Okay, I have actually heard other stories about Amazon kind of cracking down on customer service and quality of products as well. Which is why if someone gets too many complaints after X number of sales, Amazon just doesn’t want the seller in the system anymore even though they might have a pretty decent track record.

Sam: Yeah, absolutely and that’s within reason, I mean there’s – it’s funny you asked me for what my theories are or what my thoughts are, there’s a lot of them Steve. That’s another one, its quality control. Quality controls, having an inspector, a third party inspector go to your factory and check the goods and test the goods cost usually under $300. But someone who is working on such tight margins might neglect doing this and what’s happening is they are going to get — their products are going to get banned because the products themselves don’t meet the necessary quality control. They don’t meet the necessary quality that the end users want to get in returns.

So it’s even easy for a long time seller to get banned as well for just saying I don’t want to spend $300 on QC. QC is quality control, and just because I’ll assume my supplier is good, I have worked with him in the past, I usually get good products, it doesn’t work like that. With manufacturing at least you really need to be one step ahead of the manufacturer at all times. And it’s costing people just like you said their accounts and essentially their business.

Steve: I mean I can talk a little bit about personal experience here, from production run to production run, we always go through everything. Because the materials might have changed, someone else might have been working in the line different set of people and the quality always varies from production run to production run. So let’s talk about some of these common mistakes that some of these newbie Amazon sellers are making, what are some of the problems that you’ve been seeing?

Sam: Sure, so I think we touched on two of them, two of them being not necessarily knowing what certifications needs to be purchased or applied or tested to a product quality control. Those are two of them some other ones are — some other problems that we are seeing are not working with proper factories…

Steve: What does that mean exactly?

Sam: Alibaba is a great platform to find factories; it’s what some people would say it’s the ideal platform. But a lot of people put too much faith into Alibaba, or suppliers on Alibaba because someone has a gold ratings, a [inaudible 00:13:26] that they paid Alibaba. And have that says we’ve been a perfect supplier for ten years, or we’ve been perfect supplier for five years. So one of the mistakes is with sourcing, so sourcing is searching for factories, finding ideal factories, that’s a serious problem is that they are finding the wrong factories, or they are finding factories that are not necessarily qualified.

And what is happening is they are facing all of these problems that we just spoke about but these problems could have easily been avoided had they found a proper factory or a factory that’s specialized in the product that they want to sell to be sold in the market that they want to sell.

Steve: So let me ask you this since we are on the topic, so what is the right way to find the proper factory to manufacture a specific item?

Sam: That’s a good question, so it’s … I don’t think you are going to like the answer because it takes a long time to do this. What we like to — the way we like to explain finding a factory to manufacture your product is to cast the white net. So speak to as many factories as you possibly can and what I mean by this is speak to a hundred factories and rapidly narrow down these 100 factory list into more qualified factories. Until you are getting down to approximately five factories that you’ve been able to personally vet and personally qualify and say of the 100 factories that we spoke with, these five we fell meet all requirements that we need.

And one of the most difficult and serious things that someone who is new to finding these factories needs to understand is, the very last thing you want to be looking at is the price of the product. A lot of people just look at price first, and then find a qualified factory based on price but it’s really the opposite.

Steve: What are some of the criteria that you use to go from a hundred down to five for example?

Sam: Sure, so some of them can just purely be how a factory responds, what’s the response rate, but other ones can be more serious ones looking at their products, so there’s hard factories that you can put into place. If you are looking for cell phone cases for example and you see that a factory sells everything from microwaves to wallets to cell phone cases, that’s not necessarily a good thing, because it’s telling you that supplier does not specialize in one criteria. They are trying to just throw — they are just trying to throw a bunch of stuff on the wall and see what’s sticking. So if a factory has multiple items that are in completely different categories that would be a factor that would make you say, okay, we don’t want to work with them.

Steve: Okay, they are probably not a factory either right, because they are probably not making their own stuff at that point either?

Sam: Yeah, there’s definitely a possibility that they are not a factory. And yeah, I try to use the word supplier and not factory because a lot of people have this idea that I’m going to China or I’m going to Asia and I want to get products manufactured. I need to go to a factory because I don’t want any middle man.

And it’s kind of a harmful thought process because it really minimizes your options, so one of the things that you can always look for is if they are some type of middle man, a trading company it doesn’t mean that they are bad, or it doesn’t mean that they are priced any more expensive, it just means that they are purchasing for maybe a factory that doesn’t necessarily have the means to do international export.

Steve: Okay.

Sam: I would say there’s a lot of criteria we list them on our blog, but one of more important thing that I would say, is focus on the export market that these factories manufacture for. So if you are going to be selling in the US but a factory says that 80% of their sales are to India, that’s not necessarily a good thing because the level of quality on products is different per country. And comparing India to the US in terms of quality is you are going to see such a huge difference that you want a factory that completely understands the western market, and it’s not selling just the lowest possible price, they are more focused on quality.

Steve: Okay and what services would you recommend to find vendors you mentioned Alibaba already, but do you have experience with like Global Sources, going to trade shows, using some of these import services like Panjiva and Import Genius?

Sam: I’m a huge fan of Global Sources, I love Global Sources, and I think for the newer importer, Global Sources does not get the amount of recognition that they deserve. Because the search features alone in Global Sources are a lot better for the newer importer. You can basically choose — as a newer importer you can basically choose how big of a factory you want to work with.

And if you are ordering a small quantity, it depends on the product but let’s say for these cell phone cases 5,000 cell phone cases, you don’t want to work with a huge company or a huge factory that’s selling also to best buy and radio check. You want to work with someone who is a little bit more in line with your business model, or with the size of your business.

And Global Sources is using their star ratings, it’s a very simple way to just read out these giant factories, we are going to have huge overheads and they are going to charge that on top of the — they are going to cover that through the product price. Other services yeah, Panjiva is great import, where as Import Genius is also good. They are good for identifying if there’s a brand that you want to know the factory, that they came from, that the product came from; those services are good for an Amazon seller. I don’t think it’s necessary to pay the hundreds some dollars a month for the service when most of this information can be found online anyway. So then there’s also websites like made in China, which is also a pretty good. And then trade shows, the canton fair is coming up soon in Guanzhong in a couple weeks, Guanzhong China.

And that is a great way to get product ideas but for a small seller it’s difficult to really use these companies, because these are some of those bigger factories. They are selling to Home Depot they are selling to Wal-Mart, they are clients, and they are searching for these big companies to put in multimillion dollar orders. And I don’t really think most Amazon sellers are ready to do that at this point.

Steve: Interesting every time we go to the canton fair we managed to find a bunch of small guys who are willing to work with us at least. So that’s interesting I guess it probably just depends on what products that you are trying to sell.

Sam: Absolutely, I bring clients to the canton fair and we are usually able to find some factories or some trading companies that are good. But nine times out of ten if not more, the prices that they come back, using our sourcing services we are able to beat their prices just through finding other factories.

Steve: Okay so for the little guy then where do you suggest finding sources for private labeling?

Sam: To find little guy?

Steve: Little guy someone starting out, they have a budget of maybe like five grand to start.

Sam: So someone in that range, Alibaba, Global Sources, are great if their budget is five grand, I don’t see how they could justify paying the five grand, it’s going to take for them to get to China.

Steve: Oh, I meant like just for products like initial inventory just to start with yeah.

Sam: Alibaba, Global Sources, these are two good locations to source suppliers if you want to do it on your own. There are services that help you do this, one of them is Guided Imports, but sourcing companies are there. The thing that most people will find when they run into sourcing companies is for a smaller buyer, it’s sometimes difficult to work with their margin and see a profit. So what I would suggest is if you are new, take your chances and get your feet wet using what’s available, using the databases that are out there, and from there scale up.

Steve: So to use a sourcing service such as Guided Imports, what would you typically be willing to spend, or what should you be willing to invest?

Sam: This is a good question because a lot of people think from a monetary standpoint and ultimately that’s completely understandable, because it’s their business, all they care about is the bottom line. But one of the things that they are really investing when they are using a sourcing service similar to Guided Imports, is they are investing money or the saved time. Traditionally if you were to do this on your own, it’s going to take having to speak with up to nine different services just to get your product idea to market to be sold on Amazon. And this is counting working with factories, working with quality control teams, doing what it just takes, all the stuff.

When you are looking towards a sourcing service, it’s — the biggest investment here is the amount of time that you are going to be able to save. Because ultimately a service like this is — they are focused on handling everything for you. So you can sit back and allow your business to grow where it matters which is your customers.

Steve: Okay.

Sam: You did mention $5000, I would say that can be a good starting point for someone who is interested in using one of these sourcing services its $5000. But we see buyers who are ready to — or looking to spend twice that or if not five times that amount on orders. So it does depend on the product, it depends on the kind of business you have, how much time do you want to dedicate to sourcing.

Steve: Okay, fair enough.

Sam: Right.

Steve: Okay, and just speaking with a bunch of Amazon sellers, people will tend to email me their problems and one big problem that they have is quality control. And so I was wondering if you have any inputs on kind of ensuring a consistent quality of product from under run.

Sam: Sure. So in regards to quality control, there’s a lot of great quality control services that will do inspections at the factory or at the supplier’s warehouse prior to the goods getting their final payment. But what someone really wants to ensure is that they have what I like to call to a quality gates throughout the entire process. So what that means is not only are they doing quality control the very end but they have some type of quality assurance through every step of the process.

So one of the quality gates that I mentioned is when you are sourcing a product, it’s finding that qualified supplier. Another one can be ordering samples. You always want to order samples. Another one can be doing preparing proper– we call product manuals which is like a purchase contract or purchasing agreement. So all of these things give you a safer and more qualified understanding, that the product that you intend to purchase is going to be the product that you are going to get.

Quality issues still happen and I think the ultimate way to prevent that is to have someone look at the goods before they are ever shipped out of the manufacturing country. But by having your checks and balances in place, even before that happens, you can really minimize the potential of bad quality.

Steve: This is a very general question. I’m not sure you are going to be able to provide a good answer but even though we have some of our stuff looked at; we still end up with defects when we get our final order. What is typically an acceptable defect rate or a reasonable defect rate?

Sam: It’s a good question. This is really going to depend on the product. It’s really going to depend on the product. If your product has very few moving pieces, if your product was cast from a single mold, from a single material, you’d expect the defect rate to be a little bit lower than something that has multiple moving pieces maybe an electronic component. One of the things that you can do to get a better understanding of this is ask your supplier what is the expected defect rate. And asking them what do they consider a reasonable amount of defects.

I would say, anything, defects are going to happen. Nothing in this world is perfect. The way manufacturing is done today, you are going to get defects. The goal is really minimizing that amount. So what I try to look for is for most consumer grade products, you want to try to shoot for a defect rate under 3%, usually even more than that. I mean if you can work with half of a percent, then you are in good shape.

Steve: Oh, half of a percent. That would be incredible.

Sam: That would be phenomenal, right?

Steve: Yeah.

Sam: And that can be done too if a factory has their, uses the proper techniques for their own quality control. So one thing that a lot of importers don’t necessarily understand or don’t yet know about is that there’s something that is called QMS stands for Quality Management Systems. And there’s a text book criteria for how a factory handles quality control in-house. They can get certified on certain types of quality control. What this certification say is that that the way that they do quality control equates to a certain level if not less, or a certain level or less defects than if they were just to do what someone would say in-house. Does that make sense?

Steve: Kind of. Can you elaborate a little bit more?

Sam: Sure, so one of the most basic ones and for some of your listeners who are interested in this they can always quickly look it off, is that ISO9001. So this is basically saying the way that our factory tests their product is only a certain amount of defects are going to make it to the final production. So this is a phenomenal quality gate that people can use that if a factory is certified in ISO then they can say, not only do they care about quality control, but the factory has these necessary techniques to test the quality.

So when you ask a factory, “How do you handle quality control?” And they simply say, “Oh, yeah, we do it in-house. We search; we just look through the line for products.” That’s telling you maybe they don’t necessarily care that much about quality control. Whereas that says, “We are ISO9001 certified,” that can potentially tell you, “Okay. These guys know a little bit more about quality control and I can sort of put a little bit more faith on the fact that prior to my inspector looking at the products, the factory is going to be able to deliver a decent level of quality.”

Steve: Okay, fair enough. Lets a step back a little bit and kind of just talk about how someone who’s smaller can actually even get the attention of a supplier to work with them. Do you have any tips there?

Sam: A lot of people, I see on these forums, a lot of people are saying to lie to suppliers and say that, “This is just a test order. This isn’t a big order. Our next order is going to be large.” I kind do frown on that because you, you are basing your relationship with the supplier off of false hopes, and that’s not really a great way to get into a business relationship with someone.

I would say instead of trying to get larger factories to look at someone who’s looking to—who only has the means of placing a small order, I would say, well a lot of people aren’t going to like the answer to this, it’s focus on the type of suppliers that are interested in working with them. So someone who only has a couple of thousand dollars to spend might want to look more towards a trading company who has the means to work with their smaller quantities.

Steve: Yeah, what I usually tell people also is, if their quantities are super low, just go on AliExpress, and just get your feet in the water.

Sam: Absolutely. I mean AliExpress, Dhgate, there’s a lot of viable options for someone who’s just trying to get their feet wet, absolutely.

Steve: Okay. Lets switch gears once again and just kind of talk about Amazon. I think one of the reasons we got into contact was I think one of your coworkers read my post on Amazon horror stories, and I just kind of wanted your take on just focusing all your efforts on one channel as opposed to kind of broadening, selling to the retail space, selling with your own shop and that sort of thing. What you are kind of seeing out there now?

Sam: Amazon is not going to—Amazon is a big company. They are ideal. Their customer is the end user. It’s not these sellers who are trying to make selling on Amazon their full time income. And while a lot of people are not going to like hearing that, sellers are expendable. They are absolutely expendable.

What’s happening is there– the people who are selling on Amazon were not getting banned, but the ones who are going to survive through this wave of Amazon getting stricter, or my opinion better at what they do, is if you broaden your sales channels, don’t only sell on Amazon.

Amazon is phenomenal right now, they are a great market, but put yourself in a position that you have, you have the entire world to sell your products to. Don’t—putting all your eggs in one basket is not necessarily the best solution in my opinion. But for those who are focused on selling on Amazon, it’s start listening to what it is that Amazon is preaching, because their regulations and their new rules, they are not going away.

Steve: You mentioned that a lot of the factories that you’ve been kind of encountering are starting to sell direct on Amazon kind of by passing the private labeler, are you seeing that more and more?

Sam: Amazon is training sellers, or Amazon is training factories to sell on Amazon. I would say that the extent that we are seeing it is not at a wave right now that it’s completely affecting everyone but it is something that we are seeing. And it is something that is the first move of Amazon saying, “Hey look, you guys are not who we—you guys are not our intended customers. It’s the end user. We are going to do everything we possibly can to ensure that our end user stays happy.”

Steve: And in terms of private labeling in general, what are your thoughts on the saturation level of Amazon right now?

Sam: So, it’s a good question. Amazon is a great market for people who are looking to purchase products. I think everyone—it’s safe to say almost everyone who’s listening has purchased a random product on Amazon. But what we see is there are so many different variations of one product that—I don’t think that’s necessarily a good thing.

There was this famous psychology experiment where this [inaudible 00:36:13] food store was—they were featuring a line of exotic and high quality jams. And customers who came to taste samples they were given a couple for a dollar off if they bought a jar. So in this one condition, the study had six varieties of jam that they were able to test and another testing, there was 24 varieties. In both testing, the consumer tasted the same amount. But when there was only six varieties, the purchase rate went up a lot more. While people like to have variations, too much variation is never a good thing.

Steve: Yeah, I don’t know about you but when I shop on Amazon these days, the shopping experience isn’t as pleasant because I have a bunch of stuff that all looks the same and I kind of have to sift through all reviews in order to buy stuff. Do you see Amazon kind of cracking down and kind of reducing the choices and eliminating all these smaller guys going forward?

Sam: Yeah, absolutely. The reviews that you are looking at, can you guarantee that those reviews were not written by someone who received the product for free or for 99 cents? I mean a lot of people are not really going to love where Amazon is going but what we are focused on and what people need to be focused on is that in order to get your product ranked and to stay a top product, you need to have quality.

So by just following in this band wagon of, “Oh, someone is selling a garlic press; let me sell it as well.” It’s not doing any one any favors because you are just another guy and potentially you have reviews that—nowadays people aren’t really sure if these reviews are genuine. That’s not a good position Amazon wants to be in.

Steve: So let me ask you this. So let’s say you are a brand new aspiring ecommerce store owner, or business owner, how would you proceed. Which market would you tackle first? Would you start out at Amazon, would you start with your own site, would you go into retail? What would be your strategy?

Sam: If I was starting from day one, I think Amazon is an ideal location to at least put some type of product. It’s great for validation. If the ecommerce market is interested in buying my products, there’s a good chance the rest of the market is interested in buying my product as well. So I would definitely start on Amazon. I would also focus on selling on my own ecommerce site. I mean if you just look at it, the numbers once you are able to build up a site and have a following, the numbers are just so much more in your favor, because you don’t have Amazon taking a decent chunk out of your pockets.

But one of the other things that is interesting that I don’t see a whole lot of people doing is go to retail. There’s some very simple ways. If you have a product already made, there’s some very simple ways for you to go to retail. If you are importing 5,000 units of your products, keep a hundred at your home and keep ten samples in your car. And any time that you are out shopping around, just show the product to a store owner of a small mom and pop shop and offer to fulfill their—to give them a certain quantity as a test quantity and say, “Hey if this sell, we can go into—we can do a purchase agreement. But you try it out. Maybe your consumers are interested in this.”

I can tell you, I’ve had experiences prior to moving to China in sales. It’s a phenomenal thing when you are given terms where you don’t have to pay until you’ve actually sold an item. For someone who wants to get into retail on minimal investment, go locally. Find those small stores and try to get your products in there, and maybe you’ll strike out a couple of times, but the one time that you do make a success it just flattens the door for you to get into an even bigger store the next time and even larger store. So if this remains, I will not just stick to Amazon and say, “This is where I’m going to grow everything.” I’d really focus on broadening my sales channels as much as possible.

Steve: What else I like about your retail strategy is that those type of customers would be ordering on a regular basis. You don’t have to actually go out and find them again.

Sam: Absolutely. Yeah, it’s amazing. It’s to be able to sell wholesale. I mean that’s your dream. As an importer and as a brand owner, do you really have to deal with customers for the rest of the life of the product? No, you want to deal with other buyers. And you want to be able to get into B to B, so you can leave B to C. leave the reviews and leave these things to the company who’s selling to the end user.

Steve: Yeah, that’s one thing that you definitely cannot be doing on Amazon. Amazon is always going to be B to C, for now at least.

Sam: Right now, absolutely.

Steve: I had kind of a personal problem that I was hoping you could help me out with. I’ve noticed that the price is in China have been increasing dramatically from year to year, so what can one do about that and is there an easy way to find suppliers outside of China like in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Indonesia or Vietnam?

Sam: So, price increase in China is something that not only are you seeing but huge companies are seeing and also China itself is seeing. China just devalued the Renminbi a couple of months ago in hopes to get more foreign buyers purchasing products from factories. But what’s going to happen, China is not going to be China forever. I mean, I live in China. I love China but unfortunately, it’s not—the China that we know is not going to be the manufacturing hub of the world forever.

So looking for other factories in other countries to produced goods, is something that can be done. But I think what you are going to notice is unless you are producing at the scale that allows you to get a factory to start its own production, then it might be difficult for you to look at India, Vietnam or Bangladesh. Also it depends on the product. So what I mean by this is, cell phone cases for example, most likely the reason you went to the one factory that you may be working with for cell phone cases for example, is probably because this supplier already makes these cell phone cases.

By leaving that factory and going to another country, you are most likely going to have to commission that factory to recreate the molds which is a very expensive part of manufacturing. It’s a very expensive startup cost and get them to the point where they can produce the product that you were having made at the same level of quality if not better at the price that you need it to be. So for someone in your position, I would say, you can start looking at other countries but you might have better luck figuring out better ways to negotiate with suppliers currently or find suppliers who are more willing to drop their costs for one reason or another.

Steve: Okay. What’s funny is some of my Chinese vendors have started opening I guess their own factories in other countries as well. I don’t know if you’ve seen that. I just found that kind of funny that they’ve actually travelled outside of their country to start other places where the labor is significantly cheaper.

Sam: Yeah, there’s definitely a lot of investment in that. It’s sort of goes in my belief that no one’s really going to be the next China. It’s really once we see the serious fall of Chinese production, other countries are going to specialize in their own individual thing. So we might look at Bangladesh as textiles and that will just be the best place to get textiles.

We might look at Vietnam for electronics, in India for plastics and consumer hard goods. So China is sort of—they are taking all of their eggs out of their own basket for good reason. That should be a good sign to you that if your suppliers are doing this, then their intent is to stay. That’s a very reassuring thing to have in a supplier.

Steve: Okay, hey Sam, we’ve been chatting for like 45 minutes. I don’t want to take up too much of your time. Can you tell the listeners where they can find you and where they can go on Guided Imports to get more information?

Sam: Yeah, sure, so you can always find me at You can email me directly at We are definitely very excited to be launching this new service that probably be out by the times this podcast is ready. It is truly streamlining the process of sourcing. So we are taking a product where our customers give us the idea and we are able to do absolutely everything for them where all they have to worry about is selling their products. So we will find their product, the factories, deal with the customs; deal with shipping absolutely everything, including marketing on Amazon.

We’ve a phenomenal new resource that is exclusive to us, that current tastings has allowed the BSR to go from about—the products that we’ve tested on, these are the BSR has gone from the high 4,000 to number nine in its category in under 36 hours and it’s 100% in Amazon’s terms of service and it’s more what they are looking for from a seller.

So we’re excited to be able to have that to our service. But if you are looking for more information we certainly have a blog as well. It’s We have a Facebook group that you can search for us. I’m always open to answering questions whether it’s on a website or a blog or Facebook, or whatever you can find me. I try to be pretty open, so you know anyone who has problems or questions feel free to reach out to me. I’m happy to help them.

Steve: Sam, that almost sounds too good to be true. So I’ll have to check it out.

Sam: Yeah, you know what; I’m very excited for it. Yeah, it does sound too good to be true. It’s one of those things that the person that we are working with is one of the, I would say, one of the best Amazon affiliate marketers in the industry. And we’ve been able to partner with him and put something together that’s really revolutionary. This is keep in mind, this is the initial testing. This is what we are getting from the first products that we are trying. But we are sort of, all struck right now. Are these numbers real? Is this really what’s happening? While I don’t want to guarantee this will work for everyone, the tests and the products that we’ve done are, it’s looking good and it’s very exciting for us.

Steve: Sounds good Sam, I will definitely be checking it out.

Sam: Absolutely.

Steve: Well, thanks a lot for coming on the show Sam. Really appreciate your time.

Sam: No, Steve thank you so much, I appreciate it as well. It was great talking to you.

Steve: All right take care.

Sam: All right, thank you, you too.

Steve: Hope you enjoyed that episode. Getting your importing flow down is extremely important for any ecommerce store, and Sam’s tips were awesome.

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Outro: Thanks for listening to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast, where we’re giving the courage people need to start their own online business. For more information visit Steve’s blog at

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097: How To Go From 0 To 180K Subscribers On SoundCloud In A Year As A Musician

How To Go From 0 to 180K Subscribers In A Year On SoundCloud As A Musician

Budi Voogt is the co-founder of Heroic Recordings, a record label group and agency that represents a number of major electronic artists. He is also the author of the SoundCloud Bible.

Now I have a lot of listeners who are artists and some are even musicians. So I brought Budi on the show today to teach us how to become a successful solo entrepreneur and leverage your artistic talents as a business.

What You’ll Learn

  • What exactly a record label does and what it means to be an agency
  • How the music industry works
  • How artists are typically paid and how copyrights work
  • How Budi got his first clients and the appeal of his firm vs a larger record label
  • How to become an authority on Sound Cloud and the music marketing space
  • Common mistakes artists make
  • The right way to market yourself online

Other Resources And Books


Intro: You are listening to the My Wife Quit her Job Podcast. And if you are new here, it’s a show where I bring in successful bootstrapped business owners to teach us what strategies are working and what strategies are not. Now I don’t bring on these famous entrepreneurs simply to celebrate their success, instead I have them take us back to the beginning and delve deeply into the exact strategies they used early on to gain traction for their businesses.

Now if you enjoy this podcast please leave me a review on iTunes, and if you want to learn how to start your own online business be sure to sign up for my free six-day mini course, where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100k in profit in our first year of business. Go to sign up right there on the front page, and I’ll send you the mini course right away via email, now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. We will teach you how to create a business that suits your lifestyle, so you can spend more time with your family and focus on doing the things that you love. Here is your host, Steve Chou.

Steve: Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. Today I’m happy to have Budi Voogt on the show. Now Budi is the co-founder of Heroic Recordings, a record label group, an agency that represents a number of major electronic artists. He’s also the author of the Soundcloud Bible. And here’s just a quick aside before we begin.

You know, when I was young, I was somewhat discouraged by my parents to kind of pursue any career in the arts not that I was any good at the arts, but being a professional artists carries kind of a negative connotation about being poor in starting. Now I have a lot of listeners who are artists and some are even musicians. So I brought Budi on the show today to kind of teach us how to become a successful solo entrepreneur and kind of leverage our artistic talents as a business. So with that, welcome to the show Budi. How are you doing today man?

Budi: Doing very good. Thank you for having me Steve.

Steve: Yes so give us the quick background story. I actually know very little about the music industry. So how did you start Heroic Recordings, and basically can you explain what a record label is and what an agency does?

Budi: Sure, absolutely, so to give a quick random for the listeners. So basically Heroic is a record label group and agency. And what we do is very much focused on the electronic music. And we try it on the web. What we do is we have a number of record labels which serve for us as a platform to discover and kick start upcoming talents. So that might be we discover them on Soundcloud or elsewhere, or they were tipped off to us.

And then we release their records, we market them with a heavy emphasis on online, so blogs, YouTube channels, Soundcloud channels. And from there we pick out the artist with the most potential and from our agency division, we then represent them for management to really build careers. So to give you an illustration, one of the artists we brought from 2,000 followers to like 180,000 taking him from guitar teacher to fully—yeah, he is self sustaining as an artist right now touring the world.

Steve: That’s cool. So actually how did you actually get into this business in the first place? Are you an artist yourself?

Budi: I am not.

Steve: So how did you actually start Heroic?

Budi: Right, so I was in business administration. I do my bachelors in a university here in the Netherlands. And this was about four and a half years ago when I started. And I always had an entrepreneurial itch, but I didn’t know so much what I wanted to do yet. So I’d chosen this university direction because it was the closest approximation to doing business, right business administration. I was going to the local chamber of commerce following a number of workshops about entrepreneurships and trying to figure out how they worked.

At the time my best friend started producing music and they put a track on Soundcloud which at the time was at its infancy. And in one or two weeks time, it got 10 to 20 thousand plays which back in the day meant that they were like the top 1% people on the platform. It was surprisingly good how well the response was. And mind you this was without any following. This was super organic. It was sort of like the stars aligning.

So we came together and it was guys there’s some great opportunity here. They started an act. I started managing them. These were really the beginnings. It was a great way for us to start finding our way and also a great opportunity to start running a business, and from there it very much escalated.

Steve: That’s interesting. So you were the author of the Soundcloud Bible. So is that primarily how you promote your artists?

Budi: No, absolutely not. It is just a part of a spectrum of things that we do. You see, how the Soundcloud Bible comes in here is that to pick up where we left off. So when I started managing these guys, soon enough I discovered how much I loved doing that. So I started an agency with my partner, started signing more acts and then at one point we realized like, hey we are trying to open all these doors of all these established players, managers, publishers, really the established, you would say elite, but it’s rather just that the music business model was very much focused around these bigger companies that grew back when physical still was the driving product.

And we were trying to open these doors and we had artists with so much potential, but they didn’t have the track record to back that up. So that’s when it hit us like, hey our initial success came from Soundcloud. Why not fully dedicate ourselves to leveraging digital to create that leverage for ourselves to open the doors. At the time I bought up my partner from the agency at the time and together with my now partner Tim who is also half of the act [inaudible 0:06:34] we started Heroic, and we merged both the agency and the record label. And…

Steve: Okay, so you guys were like a one stop shop at this point so to speak.

Budi: Pretty much, yes.

Steve: So a couple of things I just want to get clear since I know very little about the music industry. So what is a record label first of all?

Budi: Right, so originally a record label where the name comes from is from the sticker that people would put on a vinyl record, because vinyl all look the same. It was wax and then you would put on the sticker and that would be the brand, so hence record label. Now that meant typically that the record label has the role of discovering the talent, and then both financing and facilitating the production of records and then that will be sent to a distributor and the distributor will distribute it at the stores.

And now we essentially do exactly the same, but then instead playing the physical level, we do this on a digital level. So we discover talents, we sign them, we curate it. We make sure the product and the artist is in the best shape possible. We might finance it. We might make sure that there’s correct branding visual, aesthetics, artwork etcetera, and then it goes to the distributor and then the distributor brings it to our stores which we call DSPs digital service providers.

These are your iTunes, Spotify etcetera. And from there the tracks are available for sale and this is only the beginning. The real work comes when you are doing marketing. That is pretty much what a record label does. So everything I just told you is the foundation where you really excel is your musical curation, your visual presentation and then especially your marketing.

Steve: So I’m just curious, and I’ve always been wondering about how this all work. So how do musical artists typically get paid? So is it by the play, do they make most of their money doing concerts and live things, live events? How does that work?

Budi: Right, very good question and one where the answer has sort of shifted over time. In say 15 years ago, 1998 the record industry was a $30 billion dollar yearly grossing industry where as now, 15 years later, it’s about $15 billion. So the industry is effectively halved. And the reason why that happened is because with the decline of physical, and with the rise of digital, you would got sort of a democratization of distribution and everyone is opting now for accessibility and comfort instead of ownership. People want to have access instead of wanting to own that CD or vinyl.

And what’s happened in the process is that all those, those larger [inaudible 0:09:26], think about $12 for a CD which effectively now is someone just rings a track on Spotify and that one play might make an artist 0.056 cents. Yeah, so the game is very much changed. So right now the majority of a touring artist his revenue might be events like performances. But, there are many artists still who are able to make a living off of royalties, and that means income from download sales, CD purchases.

Steve: Just curious, so people still buy CDs?

Budi: Some, yes. However I think this is very dependent on genre. For example we are very much focused on electronic music making our demographic very young, and thus physical consumption is nonexistent. But maybe if you are making country music, there is a larger portion of people that still do.

Steve: Yeah, I mean, I can’t remember the last time I actually purchased an album. These days, I just use Pandora, Spotify, and I’ll buy an occasional track here and there. So the artists are they—you mentioned it was somewhere like 0.001 cents per play like on Spotify. So that kind of implies that you have to really still hit it big in order to make a living doing this. Is that accurate?

Budi: Absolutely. I think there are many artists though who very successfully manage to create the sort of a synergy of revenue streams. So you would have some licensing for example you put a track behind advertisements or video replacement. You might have some breakable royalties via downloads and streaming. You might play a few shows and all that together might come to [inaudible 0:11:18] income.

Steve: Okay, I’ve always been curious about how copyrights and all the rights to music works. So when an artist produces something, they own that sound right, and so they have to get contacted if anyone wants to use their music in a video or something?

Budi: Yeah, music copyright is very, very complex. But if I were to summarize, there are two major copyrights for everyone’s understanding. So basically via international law, if you create something that is a unique idea whether that’s a song or actually an idea or a device or whatever and you can, you break down that idea, or you store it in such a way that it can be reproduced by someone else, then technically you have copyright on that thoughts.

Now, on music it means there are two different entities if you need to separate between. And number one is the song, the composition. And this is easiest to interpret as a sheet music for example. You know if you look at sheet music, there’s all these notes and the notes together make the arrangement that is the song.

Steve: You still there?

Budi: You are still with me Steve?

Steve: Yeah, I’m still with you, yeah.

Budi: Okay beautiful. So a good point to visualize that would be to think about sheet music. And then you have all these notes switched together form the arrangement of the song. And that is one copyright. That is the composition copyright on the song. That is owned by the songwriter. And then another copyright is the copyright on the actual recording of that song. So you might have person A write the song and you might person B perform the song. And then you might have person C record the performance of person B.

Steve: Okay, wow, so if I were to use just this is a random aside, if I were to use like a piece of music in one of my YouTube videos, it sounds like I have to contact several people.

Budi: Yeah, so basically different—absolutely. It’s going to be super confusing for people, but usually what that means is that if you were to use a track then technically you would have to reach out to the master owner. And the master owner would either be the record label or the person performing the song.

Steve: So I’m just curious Budi, so what—how did you get your first clients and why would they go to you as opposed to like a larger record label, like a Sony or [inaudible 0:13:47] or whatever?

Budi: Right, so our first clients very much came from our close environment. So basically my initial act were my best friends and from there they were doing a great job and other people saw I was doing a good job, and this allowed me to find other talent and they were seeing that I was making things happen for these other guys. So that was the initial growth.

And now very much what you see is a compounding effect. So the bigger the label gets, the more music submissions we get, the more easier it is to find artists. And on the agency side as well, like the artist I just named San Holo. We took him from 2,000 to 180,000 fans, right? He’s going to do three international towards the end of the year.

And I think what allowed us to for example work with him is that we recognized potential where other people didn’t, and then we executed so precisely that we actually managed to capitalize on the opportunity that was there whilst other people passed on it or didn’t know it was there.

Steve: So assuming that a large record label had noticed him, what would have been the advantage that your firm had over much larger player would have?

Budi: A larger player would never have signed him simply because the track record would not have been there, so they couldn’t have justified the investment.

Steve: I see. Okay, okay that makes sense. So let’s go into some of the details. You mentioned, is it Han Solo?

Budi: San Holo, it’s a word play.

Steve: Right. So let’s say for example that I was a musician. What would be some of my first steps on getting the word out there? So a client goes to you for help. What are some of the first things that you do to kind of promote the musician?

Budi: Right, okay, so whenever I talk about marketing for music, I always try to make it very clear that the foundation for correct marketing needs to be there. So if your music and your visuals are not up to par, then it’s a futile effort to be pushing the act in itself. So step one is always, you got to make sure the music is up to par and a guideline we use for that is you take the three best current acts in a similar sound as the actor trying to push, you compare their three best records to yours, and if your stuff doesn’t come 80% close, you go back to the drawing board and you improve, and you improve and you improve until you are there. So that’s step one.

Step two would be making sure that you have a very strong and coherent visual aesthetic, your look. And ideally you want to have a look that is an extension of your musical style and you want to make sure that you extend that across all your channels. So your Facebook, your Twitter, your website, everywhere. So that someone would see your track, or the art work cover and they would know what band you are, and they might see your Facebook and have the same effect on your art work.

Steve: So you mentioned a bunch of social media platforms on there. Is there a particular one that a lot of musicians look at or use?

Budi: Yeah, that would be Soundcloud.

Steve: Soundcloud, okay.

Budi: However I feel that there’s a selection that are essential to be on right now, like that an artist simply couldn’t do without. And that would be Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Soundcloud, Instagram, increasingly more so and more recently also Snapchat and Vine are becoming very popular. And now, at least the ones I mentioned are important to be on simply because there’s going to be fans there looking for you if you are building a name, and if you are not there, you are going to lose a lot of listeners or fans or subscribers.

Steve: Interesting. So in my experience, when you try to be good at a lot of different social media platforms, you end up not doing a good job with any. So if there’s any that you would focus on in the beginning, it sounds like you would focus on Soundcloud, or in terms of social media, what would you be focusing on?

Budi: Right, okay. So there’s something that we call the funnel theory. And that’s basically, if you are an artist, and this goes beyond music by the way. I’m sure you’ve of the super fan theory.

Steve: Yeah, once you explain that for the listeners.

Budi: Yeah, basically a super fan would be someone who is so committed to your brand whatever it is that you are doing that they would tell their friends about you, that they would go out of their way to support you, that they would be willing to give you their money. And super fans is what every brand and business are trying to create even if it’s clients. You want to do such a good job that that person then goes on and tell someone else how good of a job you did so that you get more business.

And now in music, I think that social media is very much a funnel. So most important for a musician might be the content [inaudible 0:18:50] ones. So YouTube and Soundcloud, because the people who go there, don’t go to see people’s status updates, but they go to consume media and then Soundcloud is most centric to music. So there’s highest value there, then followed by YouTube where people go to watch videos or to listen to music. And then from there you might have a play, and a play might convert into a follow on YouTube or Soundcloud, and then those people might click through to your Facebook, or your Twitter or your Instagram, and then they might follow you there.

But then of course a play does not per say constitute a follow and a follow does not per say constitute a super fan. So this is the funnel that I mean. So it’s very much about what can you do to build up a continuous long-term trusted relationship with someone who has the potential to be your fan. And by doing that over time, either on one social media platform or by engaging with them on a variety over time, you convert them slowly into super fans. And those…

Steve: What is your definition of a conversion? Are you gathering email addresses, are you getting subscribers? What is your definition?

Budi: All of them are conversions.

Steve: All of them.

Budi: Yes. However, there are some we value more than others. For example for a musician 10,000 Facebook likes will never do for you what 10,000 Soundcloud fans will.

Steve: Okay.

Budi: Both in terms of — sorry go ahead.

Steve: No I was going to say let’s talk about Soundcloud a little bit, because I don’t have a complete understanding about how the platform works. I do know that I had considered hosting my podcast on Soundcloud at some point. But is it basically — you mentioned earlier when we were talking pre-interview that it’s like a YouTube. So is it mainly for musicians or is it for podcasters as well, because I know a lot of podcasts — a lot of my listeners actually have their own podcast as well.

Budi: It is absolutely for podcasters too.

Steve: Okay and so what are some good strategies involved in building a following on Soundcloud?

Budi: Right, so I think one thing that’s important for people to understand is how quickly Soundcloud is growing. So they reported about 2.5 billion monthly plays last year June I think. And then this year in May they recorded 5 billion monthly plays, so that’s a huge growth rate. And more and more so the consumption is going far beyond just music listeners, comedians are on there, podcast etcetera, so I would absolutely recommend.

Now when you are starting on a platform, there are a few basic things, so number one would be start realizing your profile, making sure it’s cool here and tweet the rest of your brand. But then when you do that the most important beginner tip would be to make sure that you make correct use of the tax.

So similar like a YouTube, Soundcloud has a chatting system which can be found if you land on the webpage, you can go to the explore tab, and there’s a drop down list of categories. And among those are a few for podcast, and now what you want to do when you upload a track or a podcast, is you want to make sure that you not only put in the actual title and maybe some related podcasts, but you also want to put in the specific name of digital category that you want to be indexed in. Because then when you get plays you will have a much higher probability of being indexed.

Steve: I see, categorized essentially is what you mean?

Budi: Yes, but then indexed in one of the charts.

Steve: Oh, okay got it okay. So Soundcloud — so how does discovery work on Soundcloud, it’s basically based on search results based on these charts, how does it work?

Budi: Right, so a lot of it is community driven. So many people have the Soundcloud accounts and whether they are content creators or just consumers or listeners. People go in Soundcloud, they follow accounts, and you will have a feed similar to a Facebook feed. And the feed will show in chronological order of the uploads and the reposts. A repost is basically a re-tweet, but then on Soundcloud, of all their other people they follow. So it’s very much like a digest.

Steve: Interesting, how does Soundcloud compare to like a Stitcher radio for example?

Budi: Right, so I’m not super up to date about Stitcher, but…

Steve: Or iTunes for that matter.

Budi: Right iTunes is a store, much more so than a community. And the only reason why podcasts thrive on iTunes is because iTunes is so well adopted right. Like everyone has their credit card hooked up to iTunes, and a lot of people have a Smartphone. So it’s very easy to want to be accessible there as a podcast.
But I think what iTunes lacks is the community aspect, so you might have people that review a podcast right, or a track that you will never get people commenting asking you maybe 27 minutes in this interview when you publicize it, like hey, I would love to know more about this specific copy, and for you then to be able to jump in there and send someone a link.

Steve: Interesting, okay, yeah clearly I need to explore this Soundcloud platform a lot more. So you would have your musicians start on Soundcloud and do some of the procedures that you just mentioned. What are some of the kind of the next steps to gain traction? So let’s say your content is good, your art work is good. What are some of the next steps?

Budi: Number one would be a schedule, very strict release schedule. I think if you are playing the online game, then there is a few things to keep in mind. Number one is that accountability is super important, because there are so much stuff coming out. You want to make sure that you are top of mind. And if you put out a track now, then it must be forgotten in four weeks if you don’t put out something again, simply because there are so much, so that is the first spot and the…

Steve: What frequency do you recommend?

Budi: One track between four to six weeks.

Steve: Oh, okay, that’s not that often, so 12 tracks a year?

Budi: Yes, however for example with San Holo we did 19 tracks on one year.

Steve: Okay.

Budi: So that is a lot and I know that many creatives have a very hard time keeping up with that pace.

Steve: Is there any techniques to just quickly accelerate the subscriber process on Soundcloud?

Budi: Well it’s the same as this traditional marketing that’s really a variety of things you can do. So number one means — would be making sure that you tie correctly. Number two would be finding a group of relevant artists or pace makers in your niche, and then connecting with them and committing to reposting each other’s work. So let’s say they are five people with 10,000 subscribers, then if everyone reposts each other’s uploads then you will have a collective reach of 50,000 subscribers.

Steve: And was that your strategy with—I have an [inaudible 00:26:06] is it San Holo?

Budi: Yeah, San Holo and butcher…

Steve: So was that your strategy, I mean you went from 20,000 to 180,000, what is it like a year you said?

Budi: Yeah.

Steve: Yeah, so that type of exponential growth would not be from just tagging your music properly, right?

Budi: No, these are 20 factors coming together.

Steve: Yeah, so let’s talk about some of these, the major ones that contributed to this growth yeah.

Budi: So this reposting that I was explaining is super important, so it would be finding the pace makers in your niche, building relationships with them, and getting them to repost your material when it comes out.

Steve: What is their incentive for reposting your material?

Budi: Having good content, however if you do this properly right, you actually create a proper incentive. So it might be that you repost their stuff as well as a sort of a given tag. It might also be that there are many promotional channels, so for example on Soundcloud there’s channels who do nothing else but plays music in specific genres. So you might reach out to those people and say, hey listen I would love it if you guys pre-post this track and then you could upload it as well. And then they have content for their channel when you get exposure.

Steve: Okay.

Budi: Now you can build upon that by also getting blogs to cover your release, and this is very-very essential. And blogs nowadays especially music blogs what they do is around 95% of them, they all embed Soundcloud players on their articles. So if you have for example new release come out, you might structure a bunch of reposts to happen within the first week of release. You might also structure a few blogs to write about it embedding the Soundcloud link. You might have then tagged it correctly, you might have done — made sure to also have reached out to some YouTube channels who promote music, I’m not sure if you are familiar with the concept.

Steve: No actually can you go over in more specifics on what you say when you reach out to the blogs or the YouTube channel owners.

Budi: Sure, okay, so this is very much the art of pitching right? Which is relevant not just in music, but just any business or craft or…

Steve: That’s correct absolutely.

Budi: Yeah, so we have a framework for this, and it comes down to the business basics they teach you. Number one is figure out who the people behind the entities are right? It might be this huge blog, but at the end of the day you are trying to reach out to the one person who write the article. Just like you if you are trying to get hired right, you might — yeah you are trying to find the one person who is in charge of HR or hiring.

Steve: Right.

Budi: And then you try and build a relationship based on mutual interest, based on mutual values, maybe something you can do for them. Maybe you can tape off a good artist; maybe you can make sure that your music is perfectly pre-selected. So our crafts — sorry I just got a face on call going straight through this. Let me restart this yeah.

Steve: Yeah, you just keep going I’ll just set it out.

Budi: Yeah, one second. Okay, I mean I’m not sure if it’s possible to mute that actually.

Steve: It’s okay, I’ll just cut it all out don’t worry about it, just keep going.

Budi: Okay, beautiful let me reiterate the answer. Okay, so blogs yes, so this comes back to the art of pitching. And this is very much the same skill that you are going to need in life and in business in general. And what we are trying to do first is we deconstruct who the relevant people are behind the entities. So you want to find the writer at the blog, you want to find the founder of that YouTube channel.

And then what you do is you are trying to connect with them on a personal level, so that might mean we might add them on Facebook and have a real conversation with them before asking for anything. Or it might mean that we send them an email and tape them some music. And then when it comes to the actual pitching, we make sure that it’s perfectly crafted. Like we would never pitch music to someone if we weren’t 100% sure that they’re actually are going to cover it.

Steve: Okay, by then you are 100% sure because you’ve already had a few conversations none business related prior.

Budi: Yes, we absolutely try and do that. And sometimes there are scenarios where that’s not the case, because you can’t potentially reach everyone. But then still when you pitch you want to make sure that they overly probably support your stuff. There’s no reason to pitch if you don’t think they’ll write about it. And you only get so many shots with these people. Typically your first impression is the only impression.

Steve: Okay, I mean this is a lot just like online marketing in general, right?

Budi: 100%.

Steve: Yeah, find the people who matter or who can help you and then reach out. Do you end up going to conferences? Are there music conferences and what not where you can actually meet a lot of these people live? Is that part of your a strategy as well?

Budi: Definitely. There’s actually a very big one coming up called Amsterdam dance event. This is where all the people in dance music come together from around the world. You are talking ten meetings a day for five weeks straight, for five days straight.

Steve: Okay. But you’ve mentioned Soundcloud, a bunch of other social media platforms. I was also just kind of curious; those are platforms that you do not own. At any point does your own personal branded website or own properties come into play here?

Budi: Absolutely. Internet marketing like you said. So at the bottom of the funnel, the things that we would value most would be visitors on an entity you control. So that would be our website. Also we are very big on the email marketing and building an email list.

Steve: Okay, and what are some of the incentives for someone to sign up for an email list that you guys employ?

Budi: It would be free tracks, it would exclusives. So free compilation, get a track before it comes out. Exclusive remix to email subscribers. It could be get notifications when we have a show. It could be– we recently did this with San Holo. We actually did a very unique video clip concept, where we worked together with a bunch of amazing directors and editors. What they did is that we made a clip where everything takes place just on San’s computer screen.

And then throughout the clip, we actually played some fan footage on his computer and that was inside the video. So to gather that footage, we reached out to the fans. It was like, “Guys please send over whatever photo or image material or video material you have of live shows.” And they send it in with bunches and a few of them were actually included in the video.

Steve: All of this actually that you are describing, it sounds a little pricy to get these videos professionally made, to get your sound recorded at a professional level. What I think of musicians and artist, I think that they tend to be very poor. Is it just a service that you provide as being the record label, or can any solo artist kind of afford to do these things?

Budi: Absolutely. I think if you exclude this video clip with a bunch of directors from this equation, then you can get a good visual aesthetic. You can set up your socials. You can build a website without knowing how to code. You can buy a microphone for 100 bucks and record yourself. You can distribute to all the stores using TuneCore. I mean the real variable here is effort.

Steve: Okay, no it just sounds like if I can kind of summarize your strategies, is put yourself out there on platforms where there is larger audiences and communities, gain a following, somehow lead them back to your site where you can actually get them on to your list, and you want to be establishing raving fans that will follow you wherever you go. Is that kind of an accurate summary?

Budi: That is a part of it. I think the missing variable here is the following. So this model that I’m explaining here is very much a model that we’ve used to go from no track record, no money, no followers, into actually making a living off music, both on the label side but also for our artist. And we do that indeed by building a following on social platforms, but then the crucial variable here is that we use that following to actually leverage deals.

So for example, San blew up on Soundcloud and at the time he was working as a guitar teacher. And we were bootstrapping everything. It was just us at the record label, working a lot of hours, and him making a lot of music and a friend of ours doing the visuals. And from there we turned that around into finding three, no four actually booking agents worldwide and going to a big record label and negotiating a good deal, which in turn gave us a budget to start producing bigger things.

So we very much took what we didn’t need any financing to do, and then we started leveraging those numbers and the social hype into more tangible and maybe in the business sense more and more financially funded situations.

Steve: So what was that deal with the major label? What was it for?

Budi: Yes, so this was not with a major label, but rather with a larger label. And with San and all of our artists actually, we are very hesitant on doing exclusive deals. So we typically work on a basis where we might do one or two releases or an EP with a specific label. And now we’ve had the opportunity of working with a number of very cool labels over this year. But more recently we’ve done a release on Spinnin which you may know.

Steve: Sorry, not familiar.

Budi: Right, they are the label who broke Martin Garrix who you might know.

Steve: So it sounds like once you have the following, everything kind of starts falling into place. What are some monetization models that artists have once they have a certain following? What would you say would be kind of like the minimum threshold?

Budi: Right, so I’m sure you are familiar with a thousand true fans. Yes. So I think that concept is very good. When you look at the follow a thousand fans will probably be not enough to have a thousand true fans, right?

Steve: That’s correct.

Budi: So you will probably need somewhere between 50,000 and 100,000 collective fans on your socials like in aggregate before you can really make a living off music.

Steve: Okay, and then what are some of the—when you are smaller, what are some of the primarily monetization models.

Budi: Okay, so step one would be distribute your music. Go to an aggregator like TuneCore, you would pay about 10, 20 bucks a year to have a single on all the stores, iTunes, Spotify, etcetera. That would be the first step. Step number two might be to monetize your YouTube and Soundcloud accounts which you can do…

Steve: What is the revenue percentage for a platform like that, TuneCore?

Budi: For TuneCore? In that case you are actually fulfilling your roles of distributor yourself as a record label would do. And iTunes for example is typically a dollar for a single. So then after covering your costs for having that single up on all the stores for a year, you would put almost 95 cents out of that dollar in your pocket.

Steve: That’s not bad.

Budi: No, no it’s not. So if you keep full control of everything, if you go fully in, then technically you can start making those small revenue streams.

Steve: Okay, I didn’t realize you get to keep 95% assuming you control everything.

Budi: Yeah, you can actually on TuneCore; you can keep 100% if you just pay a yearly fee, a flat fee to get the stuff up.

Steve: Sorry, I interrupted you. You can go on.

Budi: So one side of it is distribution, just selling your stuff on stores. Another aspect would be monetizing your YouTube and Soundcloud accounts. And [inaudible 0:38:56] not a lot of money here. We are talking about 2,000 plays to a dollar.

Steve: Oh wow. That’s really bad actually.

Budi: Yeah it is. But it’s another thing you can do with reasonably little effort, right?

Steve: Sure.

Budi: So you would go to a multichannel network, and we work very closely with a couple of guys in Canada who do amazing things called The District.

Steve: Sorry, not familiar. What is that?

Budi: It is a multichannel network.

Steve: Okay.

Budi: Basically they represent YouTube channels and Soundcloud channels. If you are an artist with a following, then you can reach out to them and make sure you start monetizing your accounts and your content.

Steve: Is it going to be the same approximate payout of 2,000 downloads for a dollar.

Budi: Yeah. So Soundcloud is a little bit worse, but for YouTube absolutely. And then there’s another revenue stream called Content ID which is basically monetizing other people using your music on their videos on YouTube.

Steve: I see, okay, that makes sense.

Budi: So there is another revenue stream, and then of course you have public performance, so signing up to the [inaudible 00:40:09] and their sound exchange if your track is going to get played then on the radio or on TV, then you get public performance royalties.

Steve: Okay, what are the logistics in doing these performances is there a larger upfront investment?

Budi: How do you mean these performances?

Steve: Well, let’s say I wanted to perform at a venue near my house; wouldn’t I have to reserve all that stuff, put a lot of upfront money down, sell tickets and that sort of thing?

Budi: Very much depends on your set up, so for example we work with electronic artists right, DJs. So for us it means playing a show that’s technically one of them bringing up USB stick to the club to play itself.

Steve: Okay, I guess in your case that would be the case, I was just thinking of like — think even more like a conference right? You have to kind of book the venues and all that stuff and then start selling tickets right?

Budi: Yes, so to give you some insights, so basically these are all — this whole process is fulfilled by people doing different roles in the music industry. So you have the people who control the venues, these are typically called either the venue owners or the promoters. And the promoters are the people who organize the events. They typically finance it, they typically make sure that there is art work made, they book the act, and then they sell the show and make a profit off tickets.

Steve: Okay.

Budi: Now the artist might be booked by a promoter, and then the artist might have a booking agent, and the booking agent might negotiate a reasonable fee for that artist to be paid by the promoter.

Steve: Okay, it sounds like there’s a lot of different players here in the process, that they are kind of like intermediaries artist might need to have right? You mentioned a booking agent, a record label, and so are all these things kind of required if you are just starting out?

Budi: Absolutely not, I think just like with anything that once you reach a certain point there will come a certain time where you need to involve other people if you want to scale. So you can 100% book shows yourself and play and make some money. But of course once you start creating a following for yourself, you might find a booking agent who is super enthusiastic about what you are doing. And then that booking agent even though he takes a commission might help you make more money than you would if you were fully independent still.

Steve: Okay, yeah, I mean this sounds a lot like running an online business to be honest with you. Yeah, there’s definitely a lot of parallels. Hey one last question for you then, I want to be respectful of your time, we’ve already been talking for 40 minutes. I was just curious how does Vevo work, like whenever I’m on YouTube and I’m kind of watching a video, I always see Vevo right?

Budi: Yeah, so from my understanding and I’m going out of my depth here, Vevo is the collective YouTube channel from the major labels. And now the major labels right now, there used to be more are Sony, Universal and Warner, and I think what they did is they paired together to create a big YouTube channel where they put all the prime artists, so that collectively they would have the bigger audience instead of separating that and compartmentalizing. So that’s why you see a Katy Perry uploaded track on Vevo instead of her own accounts, because that’s a major label pushing it on the biggest YouTube platform they have.

Steve: I see, okay, that makes sense. Hey Budi I want to be respectful of your time, and thanks a lot for coming on. If anyone wants to locate you or get a hold of you, or if there’s any musicians out there listening to this podcast, where can they get a hold of you?

Budi: Okay, so you can find on record label on And there you could find our different imprints and also the artists who you manage for. Now I write about my experiences on my blog which is And from there you could also click through to my book the Soundcloud Bible, and my new music marketing academy video course.

Steve: Awesome, well, hey Budi thanks a lot for coming to the show man, I learned a lot about the music industry. I had no idea how anything worked prior to talking to you.

Budi: Beautiful, thank you Steve, I appreciate your time and the opportunity.

Steve: All right, take care.

Hope you enjoyed that episode, I have actually often wondered why musicians are often poor, and I had no idea how the music industry worked until today. Thanks to the internet any musician has a chance to make it big without going with one of the large record labels and I love it.

For more information about this episode go to 97, and if you enjoyed this episode, please go to iTunes and leave me a review. This is by far the best way to support the show and please tell your friends because the greatest compliment that you can give me is to write a referral to someone else, either in person or to share it on the web.

Now if you are interested in starting your own online business, be sure to sign up for my free six day mini course where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100K in profit in our first year of business. Go to, sign up right there on the front page, and I’ll send you the email course right away. Thanks for listening.

Outro: Thanks for listening to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast, where we’re giving the courage people need to start their own online business. For more information visit Steve’s blog at

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096: How To Get Unbiased Feedback On Your Project In Minutes With John Li Of

How To Get Unbiased Feedback About Your Project In Minutes With John Li Of

Today, I’m thrilled to have John Li on the show. John is someone who I met through Dave Lu, who I had on the show back in episode 19. Originally, I had only planned to have a short coffee break with John but we ended up chatting for close to 3 hours about family, business and life.

One of the things I like about the Bay Area is that there seems to be an endless stream of awesome entrepreneurs to meet and John is no exception.

John and his partner created, a site that allows you to easily get massive unbiased feedback about anything in a matter minutes.

What’s also cool is that John and his buddy coded up the whole thing in a week and the idea was profitable right away.

In fact, John is the perfect example of how starting a business doesn’t have to be risky or expensive.

John is offering a 50% off coupon to anyone who wants to try the service too. Please reference coupon code: MYWIFEQUIT to redeem the discount.

Click here to checkout and redeem the discount

What You’ll Learn

  • How John came up with the idea for PickFu
  • How much John invested in the project
  • How long it took for John to create a prototype and how he threw it up so quickly
  • How John got his early customers
  • How John encourages people to come back for more
  • Some awesome case studies and success stories with the service
  • How John came up with the pricing model

Other Resources And Books


Steve: You are listening to the My Wife Quit her Job Podcast. And if you are new here, it’s a show where I bring in successful bootstrapped business owners to teach us what strategies are working and what strategies are not. Now I don’t bring on these famous entrepreneurs to simply celebrate their success, instead I have them take us back to the beginning and delve deeply into the exact strategies they used early on to gain traction for their businesses.

Now if you enjoy this podcast please leave me a review on iTunes, and if you want to learn how to start your own online business be sure to sign up for my free six-day mini course, where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100k in profit in our first year of business. Go to, sign up right there on the front page, and I’ll send you the free mini course right away via email, now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. We will teach you how to create a business that suits your lifestyle, so you can spend more time with your family and focus on doing the things that you love. Here is your host Steve Chou.

Steve: Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast, today I’m thrilled to have John Li on the show. Now John is someone who I met through Dave Lu who I had on the show back in episode 19. And originally when I met up with John I had only planned to have a short coffee break with him. But we ended up chatting for close to three hours I think about family, business, and life.

And one of the things I really like about the Bay area where I live is that there seems to be an endless stream of awesome entrepreneurs to meet and John is no exception. So he and his buddy started out by creating a site called Menuism which is a cloud source site for restaurant reviews, which has done incredibly well. But I actually brought John on the show to talk about his other business

Now here is what’s cool about PickFu, John and his buddy pretty much coded the whole thing up in a holiday weekend, and the idea was so cool that it was profitable right away. Now we’ll get into how much John invested in PickFu to start his venture, but let’s just say that his business cost very little to create, and it was a hit right from the start. And John is the perfect example of how starting a business does not have to be risky or expensive. And with that welcome to the show John, how are you doing today man?

John: Good, thanks for having me on Steve.

Steve: Yes, so in my intro I didn’t explain what PickFu does, so if you wouldn’t mind just giving the quick one minute description of your service that would be great.

John: Sure, so PickFu is a preference testing service where we bring the responders. And it’s a basically a tool for helping make better decision, it gets you really fast feedback. It will bring you 50 responders, you basically create a poll with two options, and it will bring you 50 responders within 10 minutes. So our responders will vote answering your question, which option is better, and they’ll tell you why as well. You not only get the quantitative but also some qualitative feedback as well.

Steve: Yes, so let’s say I want to design — let’s say I was releasing a book and I had two covers, I would use PickFu to get audience feedback and which cover they like the best, right?

John: Exactly, yes, and a lot of times those authors would use the responses as well to iterate on book covers in case if it wasn’t something that they were satisfied with.

Steve: Yes, so I’m just curious, how did you come up with the idea of for even doing this, like what’s the back story?

John: Yes, a couple of years back my co-founder Justin and I we had started that site Menuism. And both of us are developers by training, we were working with designers and stuff, but given that it was a founding team of two, we always had debates about what should this icon look like? What logo looks better and what not. Back at the time I think that was around when Team Ferris also released his 4 Hour Work Week, talked about testing his book titles with the AdWords.

And Amazon released their Mechanical Turk API, and so one weekend we just decided to build this tool for ourselves. Basically we wanted to build a tool that could help us resolve our own debates and then bring some external opinions, and besides just the two of us arguing back and forth about which option was better.

Steve: Were you guys arguing about like website design or graphics or what?

John: Yeah, we were arguing about website design, graphics and it was just the two of us, so it’s — and we are equal partners but it’s not like I can — anyone can pull a rank over the other right? And each of us had our own preference; I think we were changing our logo for Menuism at the time. And we figured, well why not build something that can get a lot of external opinions really fast, and that can settle the debates.

Steve: So I’m just curious when you guys were having these debates, like what sort of questions were you asking these users.

John: So we would ask these users for example which logo is more attractive, or which logo looks better for a restaurant review website? Which logo would make you want to click through and find out more about the website, questions like that.

Steve: And how big of a sample size would you typically use to kind of give yourself confidence?

John: So the sample size of our panel is about — it’s in the tens of thousands. We set up the polls to be 50 responses, figured 50 is a good number — it’s a good balance of getting responses back really quickly, but also having enough responses where you could kind of see a clear winner.

Steve: Okay, and what do you consider like a clear winner? So out of 50 let’s say there was like 30 versus 20, is that…?

John: Generally that’s a pretty clear winner to us, I mean we definitely have seen cases where we’ve done things — we’ve gotten results as skewed as 45 to 5. And I mean if you get a result like that you kind of know which one is definitely better. We are actually working on features right now to help do more analysis on those results as well for statistical significance and stuff.

Steve: So I’m just curious before we get into some of the nuts and bolts like how does — how do you guys actually get the people to take these surveys, like where do you find these people?

John: So we built the service on top of a platform called Mechanical Turk, it’s run by Amazon. And it’s basically a market place for work, so you can provide small jobs for people. And then in our case the jobs we provide is to answer these polls that we are creating or that our customers are creating.

Steve: Okay, I actually went on the site before this interview, it looks like it was designed in like the 90s right?

John: Yeah, I think it was yeah.

Steve: So I guess they have some sort of software, API that you can go in and then post stuff automatically and get results?

John: Right, so the Mechanical Turk site is actually really difficult to use if you are using the web. But they do have a software backend where you can connect and write your own software to use it. And that’s what we did to build PickFu to begin with.

Steve: So you post like a job for some of these people, and how can you guarantee that you are going to get enough results to actually fulfill the polls?

John: So it’s a really large pull of workers on Mechanical Turk at any given time. And with these jobs you also host — you also post the payment. So basically you offer a certain amount of money for these responders to come do your work. Answering our polls is one thing, but a lot of other companies use Mechanical Turk for transcription services, translation, all of that stuff. And it’s basically just a market place, and if you offer enough of an incentive then people will come and respond very quickly.

Steve: Okay and I was just curious what the going rate is, so you are having them come on, look at two things — is it just two things typically or is it?

John: Yeah, we kept it to two things. People request, have requested for multiple choice often times they’ll run around Robin [ph] poll, like multiple polls. We want to keep it as simple as possible and as easy as possible for our responders.

Steve: Okay, so these people come in, you ask them a bunch of questions and look between two options. Like how much do you pay someone? How did you know how much to set the rate for?

John: We tried various — we tried a bunch of different rates and we settled, it’s less than a dollar per response. But it’s definitely very fair for the going rate for Mechanical Turk and generally we are one of the highest rated work — I guess requesters on the Mechanical Turk forums. So then…

Steve: So these people on — because I have never used the service before, I’m just curious. So this is a huge pool of people just willing to do small task for like a dollar here, a dollar there?

John: Yeah, less than a dollar even like 10 cents or something or even less yeah. It’s a huge pool, and it just depend — it really depends on the size of the job, right? If you are asking them to translate a long document from one language to another then you’ve got to pay them sufficiently for their time. In our case we made the polls deliberately really fast to answer, you are just choosing between two options and you are giving a response, or you are giving an explanation for your choice. So in that case it’s a small job, it’s supper fast, usually it takes less than a minute for our responders, so…

Steve: I see, so let’s say I wanted, let’s say I was writing a book on parenting, would there be a way for me to just get people with kids to give an evaluation?

John: Actually yes, so when we first created the product, it was asking anyone and everyone. And what we do is we do get the demographic information of the responders. So when you get poll results you do see the breakdown of males preferred option A over B, how many college educated responders preferred B over A, and what not. That was the case for a while, but recently we added the ability to also target those demographic segments. So yeah, we actually do ask family size, and number of kids in the household. So if you wanted to run a poll where you targeted only parents, we can definitely do that for you.

Steve: I see and this is all stuff that’s kind of — that you’ve built on top of like this Amazon Mechanical Turk API?

John: Right, so this is our own layer of understanding the data on top of our list of responders.

Steve: Okay and I imagine your software nicely corates all the data and everything and it presents it to you in a — easily in a way that you can easily make a decision right?

John: Totally we give you — yeah, two columns list of all of the comments, which one won, all the demographic breakdowns on the same page.

Steve: Yes, so what I find really cool is that you told me earlier that you kind of threw this up over a holiday weekend, so how much did you actually invest in getting this started, and what was involved in just putting up the first prototype?

John: In terms of monetary investment it was really inexpensive, because we set it up on a small hosting service called Heroku which is really popular for developers to create really small one off websites, probably less than 100 bucks for the first month or so. It was just an investment of time. Both my co-founder and I have development backgrounds, so it was more of a fun weekend project. It was more of a fun exploration than anything else until I get it set up and running.

Steve: And Heroku just handles all like the backend stuff and all the scalability right?

John: Exactly, yeah, it’s a God sent.

Steve: Can you actually just comment on Heroku versus like Amazon web services, versus Google’s platform real quick?

John: Sure, so I think Amazon web service has been around the longest. It probably offers the most flexibility if you want to get really deep into the nuts and bolts of building your own services. Heroku is this amazing layer built — I think it was built on top of Amazon web services that just made it really focused on making it super user and developer friendly to get something up and running really quickly. Yeah, and then I know that Google’s came in later into the game and I think they are very focused on making things very user friendly as well. But for now Heroku is still kind of the most preferred choice among a lot of developers.

Steve: Okay and then the fact that you used Heroku allowed you to throw this up in a weekend without really having to worry about any of the server side stuff, right?

John: Totally, yeah.

Steve: Okay and then in the beginning you mentioned that you built it for yourself right? So it probably didn’t have like a front end ready for customers, is that…

John: Right.

Steve: Okay, and then so at what point did you decide to turn this into a service?

John: So actually PickFu was– it was mostly an internal tool for a number of years actually. We built it for ourselves; we did put a front end on it. We put it on Hacker News and just kind of let it sit for a while. And during this time we were running Menuism for the past couple of years. And we kept noticing that people would come in and purchase a poll on PickFu even though we were trying to do nothing to spread the word.

Steve: So you had a payment option on there and…

John: I think we threw it on a PayPal button and yeah, and that’s all we did, we threw on via PayPal, create a poll, that’s it. Like nothing about sharing and not trying to get not trying to spread the word or anything. And over time we noticed people kept using it, and then we upped the price and people kept using it more. And eventually we noticed that there were a couple of customer segments that were built and — sorry.

Steve: Yeah, no worries.

John: So we had these customer segments building up organically and we were like, hey there might be a business. And as we kept using it we kept adding features as well to make it more useful and valuable for us, and then we saw more customers using those too. So probably one or two years ago where we decided that we really wanted to get back into and turn this into a business.

Steve: So it sounds like you built this a long time ago and you used it yourself for like a year and then you decide to slap a PayPal button on it?

John: Exactly.

Steve: Okay, so there was really no plan…

John: No.

Steve: To really turn this into something, it was just a tool you built for yourself and it just happened to — you thought you just share it and see if anyone else wants to use it?

John: Yeah, exactly like we just kind of put it out there and let it go on its own and it was mostly just for our use.

Steve: So let’s talk about getting your early customers then, so you had to set up — you mentioned Hacker News, so how does that work?

John: So Hacker News it’s probably one of the biggest news sources for people in the tech industry, people who submit articles and people who look them up and down basically. It’s kind of like Reddit.

Steve: So did you — so was there anything any strategy involved doing that, you can’t just throw something up, you need people to upload it right away right?

John: Right, well, what was actually cool was that it wasn’t us who really submitted hard to Hacker News actually, it was other people who used us, blogged about their experience and then submitted their own posts to Hacker News. So really I think one of our earliest users was a guy named Gabriel Weinberg, he is the creator of DuckDuckGo this — yeah, so when he was creating DuckDuckGo really early on he used PickFu. I think it was to test either a logo or a name or the name of the service, and he blogged about it, and then he posted it on Hacker News and that kind of got — it got a lot of votes because he…

Steve: Okay, so how did you get him to use your service?

John: I wish I could tell you, he just discovered us.

Steve: Wait but you didn’t do any marketing, he just — I mean how does someone discover it?

John: It probably was some kind of Google search early on.

Steve: Interesting okay.

John: So I think that initial discovery was probably through organic searches.

Steve: Of which you weren’t even trying to rank, I would imagine it was just a one page…

John: Yeah, it was like a one or two page site, I think we put some copy about AB and preference testing for logos, because that’s what we used it for.

Steve: Okay.

John: And then I guess he and other people were looking for a similar service, and so they probably discovered us and started using this.

Steve: I see, okay, and then after that someone submitted to Hacker News, did it go viral at that point?

John: No I wish it did, but — I wish I could say yes, but no a couple of other people had used it and I think that the service provided – they count value from the really fast feedback and they probably told — it kind of spread slowly through word of mouth initially.

Steve: Okay, and then — so now obviously you are actually trying to push it, or you have been for the last couple of years right? So what are some of the things that you’ve been doing?

John: We’ve been doing — we’ve been trying to do a lot more outreach to our customers who use it. Generally our — I mentioned that our customers have kind of segmented it into a couple of different verticals. So our most — our biggest customer — our biggest verticals are entrepreneurs using it for testing business ideas, business logos, websites and a lot of mobile game developers using it to test app icons and screen store app before publishing to the app stores.

And we have a lot of self publishing authors that use it for testing book titles and book covers before they publish. Generally we try to do a lot about reaching to influencers into those spaces. We started doing some advertising recently, but we are still working on — we are still working and growing the marketing aspect of things.

Steve: So it’s just two guys right still?

John: It’s two of us full time and then we have a handful of part time contractors that are spread virtually.

Steve: So how do you decide which way to outdo outreach first right, it’s only a handful of people that have seen it. So what have you been focusing on and what’s kind of worked out the best for your service?

John: So our different verticals have very different characteristics, like with our mobile game companies we have a lot of large mobile game companies, and so that’s easy for us to handle those relationships, just between myself and my co-founder. For authors one of our main focuses right now is reaching out in the author space. Generally we prioritize pretty diligently among potential points of outreach and also advertising. And I wouldn’t say that I have — I wouldn’t say we have it figured out at all, but…

Steve: Sure of course, so give me an example. Say you are reaching out to a game company like how you do your outreach and what does the conversation sound like?

John: So fortunately for us it seems like there is lot of attrition and turnover in the gaming companies. So what we found is that tracing the use of PickFu back in the gaming company it seems like there was one or two game companies where a lot of product managers in there really started using PickFu to test all their icons, and then…

Steve: Was this before you reached out to them or?

John: Yeah, it was before we reached out to them, they kind of stumbled upon PickFu themselves.

Steve: So it sounds like SEO was like your first foray basically, right?

John: I guess so, yeah, you can say that SEO was probably the first driver of business to PickFu. And then from there it kind of — things have been spreading through word of mouth and just naturally.

Steve: Okay, and so you took it — so it sounds like you got a couple of customers via word of mouth, and then you engaged with those customers?

John: Right so then we engaged with those customers and we talked to — like for example for game companies we are trying to engage with the customers we work with, ask them who else in the industry we should be talking to who would find benefit from PickFu. We have been using LinkedIn ads to some benefit and — LinkedIn and Facebook ads to some success although it could still be a lot better to target people within the gaming company — within the gaming industries as well. And generally — yeah, go ahead.

Steve: So I was just curios, so I imagine you have their email address when they sign up for PickFu. So did you just reach out to them? Like how did you know they were a gaming company, just based on what they were testing or?

John: Yeah, just based on what they were testing, we could see that they were testing app icons, so we just reach out. And I think that’s one of the biggest lessons that we’ve learned along the way is that you can always learn so much from talking to your customers. And that’s not something that we initially started off doing as well as we’ve been doing, but I think that we’ve really taken that to heart is to just keep trying to talk to almost every customer that we get. Ask them how they found us; how they like the service, what can we improve on. And I think as long as we keep doing that, we are going to keep being able to improve the service to provide more value for our customers.

Steve: Okay and so in terms of — so you are doing the leg work now to reach out to other people and you mentioned advertising. Just curious which advertising mediums have you tried and which ones have been the most effective for you?

John: We’ve tried — let’s see, so we’ve tried AdWords, we’ve tried Facebook ads, we’ve tried LinkedIn ads and Twitter ads. And I think of those we found that Facebook and Twitter actually has led to the most engagement.

Steve: Interesting, Twitter can you comment on how that works?

John: Yeah, so I guess Twitter advertising thing is not something that people usually talk about, but their platforms actually pretty — it’s pretty flexible to reach large audiences. Because the Twitter ad platform allows you to target audiences based on interest, which a lot of the other platforms do, but they also allow you to target audiences based on followers of specific people or specific people on Twitter.

So if you know that you have certain influencers within the space that you are trying to target, you can go on Twitter and say, hey I want to target all the followers of the Pope or something. And I want to be able to promote this message to them. So it’s a really nice way to target like segment and target really specifically within a vertical.

Steve: Yeah, so what ends up happening then is your tweet gets pushed up all the way to the top.

John: It gets pushed into the feeds of the people who are being targeted. And then Twitter will measure engagement based on whether the — click through, re-tweet or favorite your tweet basically.

Steve: Okay and then what are some of the percentages that you get in terms of like click through rate, and what not compared to some of the other platforms?

John: Oh, I don’t have those off the top of my head, but I definitely know that the engagement rate on Twitter– we’ve probably seen two to three X the performance on Twitter versus some of the things that we’ve been trying to do on AdWords.

Steve: Okay.

John: And that could just be us not being good at using AdWords of course, but it’s been pretty promising on Twitter.

Steve: Because I would imagine the way you sue those platforms is tremendously different right? AdWords like you are targeting queries and what not, and then Twitter you are just trying to interrupt them right?

John: And I think the thing I guess maybe it’s more specific for PickFu is that no one searches for PickFu and generally no one searches for book title testing, or app store optimization that much. Or it’s very difficult — or they are very expensive terms. So for us to get into the conversation on AdWords it’s a lot more expensive than for us to be able to send some promoted tweets, to people who are interested in book marketing or app marketing on Twitter.

Steve: I see, so it’s funny though that you would rank it; I assume you are already ranking for a lot of stuff in Google organically, right?

John: We were ranking for some things yeah, but it wasn’t — yeah, the things we were ranking for, probably came out of our first pass at SEO optimization when we first built the site a long time ago. So it was only recently where we actually thought more about, “Hey, Google organic search has been sending us referrals, we should try to optimize better for that.”

Steve: Okay, so let me just ask you this question John, let’s say you were going to start over again from scratch like from the very beginning and deliberately try to build this into a business, how would you start today knowing what you know?

John: Knowing what I know, I would probably pick a single vertical or a single customer segment and try to target that one first, and actually to work with people in that segment to build the product to the best of their needs.

Steve: Actually I had a couple of other questions too. How did you, like in order to find these verticals, obviously you have to have a target customer in mind. So how did you kind of determine that? Like what your ideal customer would look like?

John: Well, you know how I mentioned that it was kind of a side project; it was on the backroom for a bit of time before we decided to come back to it. The target customers kind of determine, no shows themselves. Like, because the word of mouth through those segments. It turns out looking at the people who use our service now, it’s people who want—it’s basically anyone who needs to make a business decision and needs feedback, who doesn’t already have their own audience.

Steve: So how do you find that out though when you have no customers? Pretend you’re starting over today again, how would you figure out who to start with?

John: So if I was to go through it again to try and arrive at that conclusion, I’d probably be — I’d probably try to take the product out and talk to—basically come up with the whole bunch of hypothesis and try to find people in those different segments and show it to them, show them the product and say, would you use it and why and why not?

And I think, that would — basically iterating on those hypothesis about, oh what if it’s business people who want to do this, or what if it’s people with products that are already launched or books that are already published. I think kind of just talk to people in those potential segments, and asking how much value they see in this product, that would help me kind of narrow down which segment of customers this, like PickFu would provide the most value to.

Steve: Yeah, and you mentioned a whole bunch of different demographics for your customers. So I was just curious like when you are designing your landing page, I would imagine that you would want like a separate one targeting each type of customers so you can really horn in on those guys. So how do you guys have your current page set up to kind of target all the different guys?

John: Yeah, so we definitely have different landing pages for the different segments. If you are an app developer and you land on our app targeted landing page, you are going to see examples of successful icon tests where one company chose their icons based on some PickFu polls. You are going to see samples and actual polls of different app store graphics and screen shots that people have chosen based on the PickFu polls.

That’s a different value preposition than if you were an author and you landed on our book landing page where you are going to see how we have like a — we have an author who ended up on the new York times best seller list, and how he used to PickFu to choose his titles and covers and so on.

Steve: And so how do you encourage — so want to get a little bit into your like pricing model. So do you guys just have like an a la carte system, or are you trying to turn this into more like a recurring billing type of platform?

John: So we have both. We started off with just an a la carte system where a single poll is $20 to get 50 responses. And you can purchase more responses for a higher price. You can purchase, you can add on things like demographic targeting, and that all change the price as well.

And then for, we also have a recurring system where if you are let’s say you are a like a creative agency or a web design firm and you have clients, and a lot of design agencies will use us on their client projects because they want to show their clients that the design they came up with is far better than the one that the client has currently. So if you are using it on a regular basis, then we do have plans where we’ll give you a recurring set of credits on a monthly basis, and discounts on a la carte polls.

Steve: I see. So it’s not like an all you can eat package. They still — they just get a discounted rate on credits when they just buy in bulk like that.

John: Right. They get a regular allotment of credits plus it’s a discounted rate on all other purchases as long as they are subscribed to the plan.

Steve: So that’s interesting. So why not just have them buy a lump sum credit at a discount as opposed to — like what’s their incentive for choosing this recurring plan.

John: There are certain features that we have enabled for some of those plans that we don’t haven’t enabled for the a la carte. We are still trying to figure out the right model for this. And towards what you just mentioned we actually also do allow lump sum purchase of bulk credits as well. But if you are on a plan, you get a discount on those as well.

Steve: Interesting. Okay. So when you approach a customer, it almost seems a little confusing to me, so how do you present all these plans to them?

John: Honestly it definitely is confusing. We are really trying to streamline it better. When we approach a customer, I feel like — I don’t think that we try to explain all the different plans. I think the main thing for a potential customer is just to try it out and see, as often times what happens is after you try one poll, either you’ll, either it’ll work for you, or it won’t. If it doesn’t, we don’t want you on a plan. We only want to provide value where it makes sense. And if it does work for you as a potential customer, then you are — we trust that you’ll figure out what plan and pricing scheme is going to be best for you.

Steve: Okay, I would imagine your goal though is to establish some sort of recurring. You want people on recurring, right? Because then you don’t have to worry about them.

John: Ideally yeah.

Steve: So along those lines, then it’s for the people that are on your plans, and I’m not sure what the split is on your site, how do you kind of encourage those people to stay and come back. Is there anything special that you do?

John: I wish I could say yes, but that’s a really good question. That’s actually something we are working on now is that, I would say that that’s one thing where we haven’t been great at is customer education. You know, right now, we are focused on marketing and trying to get the word out. But I know that customer education is one big part of that.

We are definitely not where we want to be in terms of suggesting uses for PickFu. For example if you are using PickFu for a book title, we should be telling you how to use PickFu for your book covers, and so on and within each of those verticals. And so education is definitely something that we can be a lot better at in terms of getting people on the plans to stick around and continue to use the service.

Steve: Yeah, and so that’s actually one of the things I want to talk about a little bit, because you probably have a bunch of success stories and what not. So I was just curious whether you had any sort of case studies that we could just talk about real quick, some real examples that use models of PickFu, they might just have handy.

John: Sure. Let’s see. We have a couple of case studies. For example — the one of the things that people ask is always like, “Can we trust, can we trust the results of this.” We’ve definitely done, we’ve definitely done our own verifications of the results of PickFu polls versus using, trying to use the same thing with AdWords, and Facebook and the results definitely align in terms of bench marking.

If option A on your app icon wins on PickFu, you can be pretty sure that it’s going to win on AdWords and it’s going to win on Facebook as well. We’ve had some pretty — for example recently we had a bestselling author. His name is [inaudible 0:33:42]. And this guy, he’s probably in his late 60s now. But I think he claims to be the first American to travel to every single country in the world, and he was writing a book about his travels.

This guy, he is a character; I mean it takes a character to try to do all these travels in a lifetime. He found PickFu and he really enjoyed the concept of that it would bring unbiased feedback. He was working with a large publisher. I forgot if it’s Peppercorn or Penguin or what not. And the publisher had their own view of what his book title; his book cover should look like. He had his own view of what his book cover should look like. And it was his book and he was very opinionated.

And so he kept using PickFu over and over and over again to test his own hand created copy and paste images, like home Photoshop made versus the publishers professional covers. Over and over the professional covers won every single time. So this was a case where the publisher was actually right. And it took using PickFu a lot to convince him to go with the publisher’s option, suggested options.

Steve: I see, and again this is like the classic case of where you have people working together with one another, and you can’t really decide on a design to go with right?

John: Right, exactly. The other case that comes to mind is a book marketing expert named Tim Grahl, and I think he kind of has written a very popular book on self publishing called The First 1000 Copies. And but that was a title that he hated. So it actually — but he believed in data, and so he ran round robin polls on PickFu including his favorite title options, and this option called the first thousand copies kept winning over and over and over again. So in the end he decided to go with it, and I think it’s done very well for him.

Steve: Interesting. So this is actually — so how quickly does a poll come out, like once it’s posted?

John: You’ll start seeing results in probably within 30 seconds to a minute.

Steve: Oh my goodness, okay.

John: And you’ll get 50 results within ten minutes. So it’s really good for just starting a poll and taking a coffee break and you come back and you have your results.

Steve: So one of the applications that just came up top of my head is if you are writing a blog post and you want to come up with a viral title, you could just put up these titles and you will get something within ten minutes?

John: Totally. Yeah, you will get something within ten minutes.

Steve: That is incredible. It sounds like this Amazon Mechanical Turk just has gobs and gobs of people.

John: Yeah, ready to work. I know that people I’ve talked about using AdWords or Facebook as well to test these titles. We’ve tried that before in the past and PickFu was something we build because we felt that those other services were, they were really complicated to use basically.

Steve: So how does one price your service, like how do you guys come up with the pricing?

John: That’s a good question.

Steve: It was an iterative process, it sounded like.

John: It’s an iterative and ongoing process. We definitely want to make it accessible for anyone who has a decision that needs some feedback.

Steve: But I see the tremendous value in what you are providing as well. So it should be priced appropriately, right?

John: Right. That’s a tough question. I mean, I don’t think we have the answers now. If we price it too high, then you are going to drive away a lot of potential usage.

Steve: Actually you know what, sorry let’s switch gears a little bit. I actually had a question that just popped into my head just like on the logistics and how you guys run your businesses. You have this site called Menuism, which is doing really well. Now you have PickFu but you only have two guys. So how do you kind of work on two businesses at once? You know what I’m saying. It’s almost like — like for me it’s hard too.

John: Yeah because I know you are juggling a lot of different businesses or different aspects of your businesses as well. For us, we try to schedule our time around different strengths and focuses. Menuism is at a point — Menuism is a more mature business in the way that it’s run. And so now we don’t have to spend as much time maintaining the site and adding new things. It’s also completely different business from PickFu unlike, in terms of its nature.

So we have to — we generally prioritize really heavily and try to schedule pretty hard about what are the things that we need to get done for both businesses. On a year by year or month by month basis, we’ll decide that our main focus is going to be this and this business and within this business, these are going to be our main prioritize to get done in this month or what not.

Steve: Okay, yeah, that’s — and then your partner actually doesn’t even live in the area, right? So you guys work together remotely.

John: Yeah, so we work together remotely, and we’ve been doing that for the past eight years, nine years.

Steve: Okay and here’s another question from — it’s a selfish question actually because I want to do something similar to PickFu at some point in the future. If you were to again start all over again, like can you just kind of describe the process. When you guys are talking about designing PickFu, was it just like, “Hey let’s just throw this up and see what happens.” Or were you specifically looking at pin points with your business when you decided to start this or?

John: Yeah. So the model that my co-founder Justin and I have had for how we work is that we’ve always wanted to build a portfolio of businesses. And throughout this time when we’ve been working together, we’ve tried — there’s Menuism, there’s PickFu, and there’s like ten other small projects that we’ve tried and completely failed on. Generally when we are considering a new business, we try to focus on the pin points that we have. And we’ll build a lot of small tools to solve pin points that we have, and then once we build those tools, we’ll say “Okay, well, how well does it solve our problem and then potentially how many other people out there have a problem that’s similar to this.” So that’s the second questions we ask.

And then number three, if we realize that a lot of other people have the problem and that our tool can solve — our solution could solve it, then the next question is how interested will we really be in committing the time to turn this from a tool into an actual business. I think that last part has been something that we learned only through a lot of trial and error.

Steve: It sounds like all the business after you know talking to you over coffee that one time, all your businesses start out with basically minimal upfront investment, right? Is that kind of part of your strategy as well?

John: That’s always been part of our strategy is to, it doesn’t — especially nowadays with all the tools and education available out there, it doesn’t take a lot of money to start a business.

Steve: Okay. Yeah, that’s interesting. So you would never think about getting funding or anything like that.

John: I wouldn’t say never say never, but that’s never been a priority of ours. We enjoy having the control to be able to grow our businesses the way we want to.

Steve: So to kind of summarize, it just sounds like you think of small problems where you can come up with solutions relatively quickly. I imagine Menuism did not cost that much either, right?

John: Besides time.

Steve: Yeah besides time, yes. And then you just put something up, see if it gets a little bit of traction, and then decide whether you want to put more effort into it.

John: Exactly, yeah.

Steve: And there’s no risks really other than your time, of course.

John: Right. You can definitely try to start businesses with very little upfront risk.

Steve: So let me ask you this question, let’s say you weren’t a coder, how would this whole thing have changed?

John: So if we weren’t coders, then I see a lot of non-coders starting businesses as well and doing very successfully. And I think it’s still about taking things one step at a time and doing them in bite sized pieces. So if I wasn’t a coder, then and I came up with this idea for PickFu, then I could ran this idea by a whole bunch of other people who I know have had experience starting businesses, and try to validate the idea first before committing time and money to hiring developers to actually try to build out this type of product.

Steve: What I was actually trying to get at was that, do you still do your own coding? Because it sounds like PickFu is at a point where you need to more focus on like the sales and marketing aspects.

John: Right, we still do a large portion of the coding. We do have some part time contractors as well doing some of the coding.

Steve: Okay, and do you do that because you enjoy the coding process or?

John: Yeah we do. We enjoy the coding the process, we enjoy building things. But we also, part of the reason we started the businesses in the first place is that we enjoy learning. And so we do enjoy learning about all the different aspects of running a business, marketing, advertising, all of that stuff.

Steve: Cool, hey thanks a lot. We’ve been chatting for quite a while and a lot of good stuff here because a lot of my questions are actually selfish questions. I want to do what you are doing. I think it’s really cool.

John: I want to do what you are doing Steve. It’s really cool too.

Steve: I mean the fact that you can just take an idea and just whip it up over like four or five days, and then turn it into something that’s awesome, just sounds very attractive to me.

John: Yeah, it takes some time as well. Yeah, I mean we are pretty happy with where we are, and looking forward to growing everything.

Steve: So John, where can people find you. I understand you have a coupon code for the listeners here.

John: Yeah, so people can find PickFu at our website, For anyone who wants to try it out, we have a coupon for your listeners. It’s — as they just enter the code, “mywifequit” for 50% off their first poll.

Steve: Awesome. I know for myself, I’m going to actually try this for some of my next blog posts titles just see where it goes. I mean, I didn’t realize you can get results in ten minutes which is pretty cool.

John: Yeah, totally. We would love to get any feedback, and I’m looking forward to you using it.

Steve: Yeah, well hey John thanks for coming on the show man. Really appreciate your time.

John: Cool thanks a lot for having me Steve.

Steve: All right take care.

John: Take care.

Steve: Hope you enjoyed that episode. I think a service like PickFu is perfect especially when you are testing a site that gets very little traffic. By soliciting feedback from a pool of people, you can get real opinions on your site in ten minutes as opposed to weeks or months with split testing.

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Outro: Thanks for listening to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast, where we’re giving the courage people need to start their own online business. For more information visit Steve’s blog at

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095: How Nathan Barry Created ConvertKit, An Email Service Made For Bloggers

How Nathan Barry Created ConvertKit - The Best Email Marketing Provider For Bloggers

Today I’m thrilled to have Nathan Barry on the show. If you’ve never heard of Nathan, he is the owner of And he’s well known for many different accomplishments.

First off, Nathan is the author of The App Design Handbook, a book where he made $12K on his first day with an email list of under 1000 people.

He’s created a bunch of iPhone apps which include OneVoice, Fluent and Commit.

But the reason I have Nathan on the show is to talk about his latest project ConvertKit.

ConvertKit is an email marketing platform designed specifically with bloggers in mind. So today, we’re going to explore the challenges of email marketing from a blogging perspective and how Nathan came up with the idea for the service.

What You’ll Learn

  • How Nathan came up with the idea for ConvertKit
  • How ConvertKit was funded
  • How Nathan validated his idea before beginning
  • How much Nathan invested early on
  • How Nathan got his first customers
  • Nathan’s early challenges and how he overcame them.
  • How ConvertKit caters specifically to bloggers.
  • How email marketing will evolve as a strategy going forward.

Other Resources And Books


Steve: You are listening to the My Wife Quit her Job Podcast. And if you are new here, it’s a show where I bring in successful bootstrapped business owners to teach us what strategies are working and what strategies are not. Now I don’t bring on these famous entrepreneurs to simply celebrate their success, instead I have them take us back to the beginning and delve deeply into the exact strategies they used early on to gain traction for their businesses.

Now if you enjoy this podcast please leave me a review on iTunes and if you want to learn how to start your own online business, be sure to sign up for my free six-day mini course, where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100k in profit in our first year of business. Go to sign up right there on the front page, and I’ll send you the free mini course right away via email, now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. We will teach you how to create a business that suits your lifestyle, so you can spend more time with your family and focus on doing the things that you love. Here is your host Steve Chou.

Steve: Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast, today I’m thrilled to have Nathan Barry on the show. Now if you’ve never heard of Nathan he is the owner of, and he is actually well known of many things. So first off Nathan is the author of the App design handbook, a book where he made $12,000 on his first day with an email list of 100,000 people. He’s also written a book called Authority, and he has created a bunch of iphone Apps which include OneVoice, Fluent, and Commit, but the reason I have Nathan on the show today is to actually talk about his latest project ConvertKit. Now ConvertKit is an email marketing platform designed specifically with bloggers in mind.

And if you’ve listened to my podcast for a while now I have had then founders of AWeber and Klaviyo on the show already which their email marketing they are specifically cater to different niches. But there’s a whole lot of innovation in the email marketing space and ConvertKit aims to target bloggers and those with digital products. So today we are going to explore the challenges of email marketing from a blogging perspective, and how Nathan came up with the idea for ConvertKit. And with that welcome to the show Nathan how are you doing today man?

Nathan: I’m doing well, thanks for having me.

Steve: Yes, so tell me about ConvertKit and how you came up with the idea and kind of the back story. And I know you were doing really well with books, eBooks before ConvertKit,4 so I was just wondering and I understand you kind of pose that side of business to go on ConvertKit, I just want to know — well there’s a lot of money that you left behind and kind of what all the psychological factors were involved.

Nathan: Yeah, so that’s a big question, there’s a blog post there I’m going to write at some point, and it’s basically read how I left a quarter million dollars on the table this year by ignoring my blog and training business. Because yeah, I did that right, I built up a blog to the point where it was consistently pulling in $250,000 a year. And certainly I could have grown that much more and the folks at ConvertKit. So I’ll tell you why I went — why I built ConvertKit in the first place, and that’s really because I got into the blogging world, I always wanted to be a famous blogger, internet famous blogger I guess.

And I learned that you can build an audience and you could make money through running eBooks, and so I wrote the App design handbook. And my goal was to make $10,000 over the lifetime of the book and I just started — I had no audience really when I started writing the book. But I just started writing a blog post, getting people to sign up for my email list, and all this is when I launched I had 800 people on the list, and did $12,000 in the first day.

So I learned two things from that, one email is amazingly powerful for driving sales and get to meet with your audience. And two this whole online business thing is pretty cool, and you can make a living out of it. And because I blue passed all like my lifetime goals for that book in revenue, because I…

Steve: How much did it generate in total do you know, so for the first one…?

Nathan: That one book is well over six figures.

Steve: Crazy okay.

Nathan: Yeah, so and that was off from a relatively small email list and then I would go and talk to other friends who were far more experienced, like hey guys — this email thing is amazing, like it’s driving — did you know that it converts like ten times better than social? And they are, aha we’ve known that since 2002. I was brand new to it, but I went on to writing another book designing web applications because my whole background is building software.

And I launched it to a now bigger audience, it did double the revenue, that book did 25,000 in the first day. It created 50,000 by the end of the first month. But there’s a thing where I learned that email was so amazing and so powerful, and I learned all these best practices. Like if you want to grow your list quickly you should give away, I think everyone calls it lead magnets or an incentive of some kind.

Steve: Right.

Nathan: Or like email courses, or follow up sequence are really powerful for getting people to come back and buy, you should automate that. If you give away a sample chapter on your sales page you should remind them over time to come back and purchase. But it was such a pain to set that up in MailChimp. Like I knew that that the autoresponder follow up sequence would make me a bunch of money, but I didn’t set it out because it was just too frustrating to use interface and to go through that. And then with the — to avoid different incentives you had to create a bunch of different lists, and then you end up with two different subscribers and it was just such a pain.

And then I also wanted to know like the conversation rates for my opt-in forms. And in order to know that I had to either use an outside plug-in, or go calculate it with Google analytics. And I thought okay, there’s always best practices, what if I built a tool that had all of them built in by default, specifically for people who are trying to grow big audience and then sell books and courses to them? So I ended up being bloggers, so that started me down I went — I guess it’s been two and half years now the journey of building ConvertKit.

Steve: So did you build this for yourself in the beginning, and then decide to put it out to a broader audience?

Nathan: I did build it for myself, I was customer number one, but the goal was always to sell it.

Steve: Okay, and you are quite a technical guy and a software programmer, did you kind of bootstrap ConvertKit and coded it up yourself in the beginning?

Nathan: I didn’t code it myself, so my background is in user experience and design. So I do a lot of programming, I program bunch of iphone Apps; I have built many hundreds of websites over the years. But I don’t trust myself to architect large applications and systems and I know the ones that are inability. So I knew from the beginning that I was going to hire out development, and bring out developers to help with that.

But I also knew — I had seen a bunch of other people have some successful product to a company, they gave them a bunch of money, and then when they go into something knew they just take like $50,000 or something from that, and say let’s build this out and that money allowed them to wait a long time before they had to sell. And they could perfect this product really before even having to go out to the market and see if it’s something people wanted to buy. And I just had this pile of cash because — like when I started ConvertKit, I had made $50,000 in the last 30 days.

Steve: With the book?

Nathan: With the book.

Steve: Okay, I got it.

Nathan: So I had all this money and I thought, well just pour it all into ConvertKit, but then I thought, okay what if I build something that people don’t want? And it would have cost me $50,000 to learn that, that would really suck. So instead I gave myself a budget of $5,000 plus a bunch of my own time. And the other requirement was that I had to come up with all the extra capital that I needed from pre sales. So that forced me from day one like the very first day of working on ConvertKit, I sketched the wire frames, and then I picked up the phone. And I just talked to 10 people and pre-sold it.

Steve: So you had nothing and then you pre-sold ConvertKit?

Nathan: Yeah, absolutely.

Steve: Interesting, so walk me through that, convince me like how would you have pitched me, are these your friends or?

Nathan: Yeah, friends or I would say like acquaintances in the blogging world. I just kind of I guess broken onto the scene and so people knew who I was, and so they– and that sounds like oh yeah, he wrote this blog post about how his books did, it was that sort of thing. So what I did is I just wrote out once to people who I thought might have similar problems to me. And then I just called them and said hey, I’m thinking of working on this product and instead of pitching them I just asked them like, do you have this problem? Or what frustrates you about your email marketing? And then I get more things added to that list.

And then as we talked through it they would usually come to the same problems that I did, and then I would say well is that something that you would pay, would you buy a product and solve that problem? In all cases the answer is yes absolutely. So I said well, how much would pay for it? And the answers that I got ranged from $50 a month up to $200, and really the only difference here was how big people’s list were.

Steve: That of course yes.

Nathan: Because that determine how much value they are going to get out of it.

Steve: So did they give you money upfront then?

Nathan: That’s a very good point. No they did not and that was — I think I was doing everything right in the process up until that point. So what I did I said, I got to — how much would you pay for it? And they said a number, and so like we have everything ready in this transaction except for actually exchanging money. And I thought that’s not important because they’ve said that they are going to pre-order it.

So then what I did is I said great I don’t have a way for you to pre-order it yet, to process your credit, so I’m going to go away and I’m going to work on this some more, talk to some more people and then we’ll talk soon. Then like a month later I had refined wireframes with further along, I said all right I’m ready to process payments. Actually what I ended up doing is just setting up a quick page in Gumroad to take the…

Steve: In Gumroad, interesting okay.

Nathan: Because that’s where it would be easy to sell all of my books, so…

Steve: Right but for an ongoing recurring payment thing I would think that Gumroad wouldn’t be as good, right?

Nathan: You are right and so later on we ended up using Stripe, but I didn’t need to collect ongoing payments; I just needed to collect money. So what I did is I said basically people would be pre-paying for three months off the tool. If we are doing it over again I might do a year just to get…

Steve: Was the tool — it was usable?

Nathan: No it was not.

Steve: Oh it was not usable.

Nathan: I was able to– we had development markups and we were working out of it really quickly, but they wouldn’t get access to it for a couple more months. So I went back to these people and I said okay, great, we made this progress, now you can pay with the money that I thought you committed to. And every single one of them didn’t end up pre-ordering. And the interesting thing that happened is the conversation was different that time.

Once they were about to hand over their credit card it changed from like a hypothetical of like would you buy this, this is interesting like, yeah, that sounds great, yeah it definitely solves a problem, to handing over money then it turns it like your brain switches from the hypothetical to the I guess rational, and says, okay well our existing tools there’s do you have this feature. And it starts getting through all the real objections that you actually want the first time around.

Steve: Right.

Nathan: So my mistake was just the first — in the first conversation I just needed to push time it further and have a way to process credit cards right then and just say, okay, great would you pay — like the amount of money doesn’t even matter. It could be 100 bucks, it could be five bucks. But it’s the difference between okay, now you are actually making purchase rather than like giving some random advice to some friend. So those people who didn’t pre-order a couple of them are actually customers now though. Then I went out to a broader audience, I have been blogging about this and all that and talked to more people and ended up getting about I think 25 pre-orders.

Steve: Pre-orders with cash you mean, right?

Nathan: Yes, with actual money and that came to about $5,000.

Steve: It’s interesting like how did you convince these people, so let’s say they are on their existing email platforms and here you are offering something that wasn’t usable yet, and yet you got people to pay you for it.

Nathan: I think it was– they had the problem and they saw the vision, and they knew it was something that they would be able to use once it was ready. And then they definitely trusted me, I think being open about the whole process and putting out a lot of content in blog posts and all of that helped a lot.

Steve: Okay, so these were avert followers of you because they had read your blog and so they trusted that you would deliver?

Nathan: Yeah.

Steve: Okay, got it.

Nathan: At this point I have been blogging for I don’t know not even a year though, so it’s not like I built up a huge following.

Steve: But clearly if you’d sold all those books, those people know you from that and they trust you, right?

Nathan: Exactly.

Steve: Okay, so you put in 5000 of your money, and then you said you just raised 5,000 from pre-orders, right? And is that enough to hire a developer to start working on this?

Nathan: Yeah, it is. Now I basically saved 50% of the money that I would have spent at least because I did all the design and [inaudible 00:14:48] codes, so I read all the issue on CSS design the user experience.

Steve: Okay, so you just needed a back end person to connect all — okay.

Nathan: Yeah exactly, and then once we launched we started getting paying customers. So we basically launched with those pre-orders and everything to about $1,000 a month in revenue. So we were working on this really so they– spending that last amount of cash that we still had built up. And then it got to the point pretty quickly where we were just every penny that I made was going back into development. And that was pretty much the biggest [inaudible 00:15:24] in the cost.

Steve: Can you comment on how you got your first few customers again, was it just emailing out to your list?

Nathan: Yeah, emailing out to the list and then…

Steve: Through ConvertKit, or through a different service at the time?

Nathan: I did it through MailChimp.

Steve: Oh, okay.

Nathan: Yeah and there was actually…

Steve: That’s kind of ironic.

Nathan: Yes, it was probably four months into ConvertKit that I actually switched my whole list over to ConvertKit, four or five months. Because that was my whole business that was how I made money. But it was also I guess a good selling point for ConvertKit, and I was like hey, this blog that makes a bunch of money — like I actually use ConvertKit for it. Because people would wonder like, okay it’s brand new, is it usable.

Steve: Yes, that would be my first question.

Nathan: So then when I could say, yes, I don’t know how many subscribers at the time, like 7000 or something like that. I would say yes, I’m doing all my emailing for 7000 subscribers on this, and it’s driving I don’t know $15,000 a month in revenue for my books and courses. So that was some good validation and I wasn’t some total random person who didn’t know the industry and…

Steve: So how did you get your remaining customers like early on, like what were some of the challenges early on in getting new customers? Was it just primarily a list in your blog driving customers in?

Nathan: Yeah, and then that was not nearly enough. And I tried other blogging, other content marketing things, and it just didn’t work. And then we tried other things like we launched something and this is a bit later on called ConvertKit academy. And that’s where we added this whole training component. And about helping people build a blog, get to their first 100 subscribers and doing that on ConvertKit.

Steve: I see, yeah.

Nathan: And that worked well enough that in the short time I definitely considered it a success. The thing was that it got us a whole bunch of beginner customers. And these were people who wanted to build a blog, but if you are in that position you haven’t been writing blog posts for a year. And if your initial stuff doesn’t get traction, so many people just kind of loose interest and all that. So our biggest cancelation reason was people just saying out yeah I don’t know if this blogging makes for me, or basically building an audience is more work than I thought, or ConvertKit is too expensive, and so that ultimately was a failure.

Steve: That’s why MailChimp gets so many customers right, because they have that free option?

Nathan: Yeah.

Steve: Right.

Nathan: Exactly.

Steve: So how did you overcome that then, did you start going after bigger names or?

Nathan: Yes, so there was kind of a long time period in here where I had the book and course side of my business that was doing really well. I could do a launch and make $30,000 in a day and $50,000 in a couple — over a week. So I had that side of things and so that was going really well, and then the ConvertKit side just getting another $100 in monthly recurring revenue was so much work.

So like when you balance these two things, you look at it you are like, yeah, ConvertKit would be better long term, but it’s so hard to focus on something that’s not working when you have something else that’s working so well. So ConvertKit kind of just — I guess limped along for a while. And had gotten to about $2,000 in monthly recurring revenue and stayed there. And it was just — it was a side project.

And then it got to basically September or October 2014 is just last year. A friend did call me out on — actually Heathen Shaw from Kissmetrics, Crazy Egg, a bunch of great stuff. He called me out on a couple of months earlier and he just said, hey when are you going to admit that ConvertKit was a failure and shut it down? Or give it the attention and money that it deserves and build it into a real company.

And that was kind of what I needed to hear because — wait, because he went on to say like it would have better if it had been a complete failure, because then you would have admitted it by now and moved on to build something else that would be great. So realizing that I’m like okay there’s $2,000 a month in revenue is not a tiny success, it’s actually a failure. So then instead of shutting it down I thought long and hard about, like have I given ConvertKit my best focus, have I given it every chance possible to be successful?

And the answer is no, and so in October I started working on it full time, the revenue was at $1,300 a month then. And I decided instead of hiring outsource development, that sort of thing, I wanted to bring on someone really good, so — being from the software world and working with — I had a bunch of startups; I knew a lot of developers.

So I made a list of all developers I would want to work with and then organized it by topics, and actually started recruiting. So treating not like a side project or like what someone might do when they are just trying to spend five grand to build the world’s best plug-in or something like that, but like if you wanted to build a company who do you want running the technology side. And I ended — go ahead.

Steve: No I was just going to ask presumably your incoming revenue was not enough to pay these guys in the beginning right, so you had to put more money in right?

Nathan: Right, and so I brought on David Weather [ph] as my lead developer, he was the number one person that went on my list. He said no the first time, but gave time fir [inaudible 00:21:26], and I invested $50,000 into ConvertKit, so the total invested up to 55,000, and that…

Steve: So you invested two week’s worth of income into ConvertKit?

Nathan: Yeah well, two weeks from the launch.

Steve: From the launch yeah.

Nathan: I think at that time let’s see, I was averaging — let’s see, the numbers are on my blog, but like 250, I made 250,000 in revenue that year.

Steve: Okay.

Nathan: So I guess you can average that out to whatever.

Steve: So if you were to do it all over again just curious would you have started out by investing all that upfront money, or would you have proceeded the same way kind of little by little and getting a lot of feedback?

Nathan: I would have proceeded the same way by being cautions with the money upfront and make sure — I would have hit sales and pre-orders way harder. But then I also would have had cash on hand, and I would have invested it sooner. Like I would have given the company a little bit of money and say okay, let’s make it work with this and then once it started to work I would have given it a bunch more money.

Steve: Okay.

Nathan: But I wouldn’t– like I really encourage people against like when you don’t know what you are doing and you get all this money and you are just going to waste it. So you have to be really-really careful with that, and that’s like if you go raise a million bucks in bunch of capital, you are probably going to waste all of it because you have no clue what you are doing.

Steve: So getting outside funding did not even crush your mind right in this case?

Nathan: I mean it did a few times, but I always had the ability to go and be my own angel investor I guess.

Steve: Okay, great because you had this other source of income that was kind of funding your development so to speak.

Nathan: So the other big change that I made in October last year is that I stopped working on the books and courses entirely. And the reason that was significant was because like I just had to make that decision to stop chasing the easy money. Because I knew that that was never going to turn into a big company, but ConvertKit could. All these other email marketing companies like I’m sure like here now we can name 20 email marketing companies that do over a million dollars in revenue a year.

Steve: For sure yeah.

Nathan: Many that are worth billions of dollars, and so there’s a ton of opportunity there but I was never going to make it happen if I was constantly like yeah. I’ll put 30% of my effort in ConvertKit, but the other 70% is going to the blog and courses because that’s where the money is right now. So I had to give up that short term revenue because I don’t know maybe someone else could pull off running both at the same time, I actually tried, and I couldn’t do it.

Steve: So just curious you had this tool that you released early on and it probably had a few bugs here and there, is there anything you do specifically to kind of reduce churn?

Nathan: Well churn was super high.

Steve: Okay, in the beginning okay?

Nathan: Yeah, you are looking at like 25% a month…

Steve: Oh, wow, okay, how did you address that later on?

Nathan: You just keep making the product better; it’s one of the things where the first many versions of your software suck. You really have two options, you either wait so long to release that you’ve run out of money and your software doesn’t get exposed to customers and feedback and all that which is terrible. Because you are going to end up building the wrong thing, and maybe you super polish which is going to be the wrong thing.

Or you go the other route and you say hey, we have this thing it’s the very first version, but we are making it better every single day. There are going to be bugs, there are going to be issues, there’s features missing. But it’s out there, we are making it better every day, and that’s the route that you want to go because then people use it and they go hey this part, I love the concept of this, fix these three things, and that part would be useful to me.

And you just keep improving all the time and that’s what we did. But there will be people who will say, I would love to use it, but I tried it and I just have to have these three features in MailChimp. And it’s like and I would tell them I would love to build that, I just don’t have the time or money right now, so it get pushed further off.

Steve: I see, well, let’s switch gears a little bit and talk about some of these needs of the customers that you have. And remember when we were just talking there’s a whole bunch of different email marketing companies out there. So what specifically makes ConvertKit stand out, and what are some of the needs specifically for bloggers and that sort of thing that you kind of directly address?

Nathan: Yeah, so a lot of those initial needs that I had, the first one being that you want to have a subscriber centric system rather than list centric. In both MailChimp and AWeber it’s the same — say you have a customer list and a newsletter list. If the same person is on both they are treated as two separate people. Whereas in ConvertKit and InfusionSoft and others they are subscriber centric, so then those are just more attributes added to that one subscriber’s profile. So that’s really important when it comes to doing any kind of automation or anything sophisticated there.

The next would be being able to easily create optin forms and give away those incentives and have good analytics and track and see what’s working. Then also so that it doesn’t end up creating like in MailChimp you would create the same person, have a bunch of different lists and get traction with difficult subscribers, and it’s just kind of a mess.

Steve: Give me an example of making an opt-in form easily; because I already kind of think that the process is pretty easier on some of the competing platforms. Can you give me an example?

Nathan: So like there’s a bunch of other tools — well, take like lead boxes, that LeadPages has. So that’s functionality that we built into ConvertKit directly. When you sign up you give out – it’s going to send out the incentive, the PDF, the video course, or whatever directly to you. So everyone is doing that outside of their email tool they are doing it with LeadPages, and then that solves — they came out with that right around the same time that we were working on ConvertKit to solve the exact same issue.

Steve: So let me get this straight, so I click on something, a box pops up, and I pop in my email and then you automatically send some sort of free giveaway, is that what you are talking about?

Nathan: Yeah, and then when you click on that giveaway we confirm your email address behind the scenes. So we don’t have to do stuff like well like in MailChimp it’s going to email it out and they are — like their email list is basically like hey, I know you signed up for Steve’s list, but do you really-really-really want to sign up? Like just make sure that you really want to sign up before I [inaudible 00:28:30] like, it’s just as really weird user experience where it’s like — it’s trying to prevent you from signing up almost. And MailChimp doesn’t let you customize those emails and that’s just weird to me.

Steve: Let’s talk about that for a little bit, so is ConvertKit double opt-in then in that respect?

Nathan: Yeah, so you can do single opt-in or double opt-in and, but you can customize that email. So you could do single optin if you wanted and auto confirm everybody, but then you get the benefits of when they click that confirmation button, it could say like download your free PDF. And when they click that it’s going to do the confirmation behind the scenes so we add to their profile and say oh, yeah, they own that email address which is the point of double opt-in.

Steve: Right.

Nathan: So we marked that behind scenes and they just get taken seamlessly to the thank you page or the file they requested or the video course or whatever.

Steve: I see so instead of a dedicated double optin email that’s kind of generic like the ones they force you to use; you can write a custom one that’s kind of related to your give away?

Nathan: Yeah, exactly.

Steve: Okay.

Nathan: So it’s not like in your face thing where you are — people are like well, I really wanted that PDF, and it’s like you have to confirm your subscription and then we’ll send you another email with the incentive. We can combine and my whole thing is user experience and I want all the subscribers to have a great experience, and I want it to be customizable for each blogger, and yeah. So I just saw a better way to do it, we can accomplish the same goal all behind the scenes.

Steve: Okay and so that is just something that’s already built in ConvertKit, so this isn’t like an auto responder sequence, this is kind of like the double and opt-in email and giveaway?

Nathan: Yeah.

Steve: Right okay.

Nathan: Yup, and then also on the auto responder side the designer and me knew that that could be done better. Everyone’s running sequences, but then just the interface on all this is a total pain, and so I knew that I could design it where you may have an email course and all the emails are listed down the left side and you will click between them easily, you can click back and see hey where did I send in that previous email. You can write it as an actual sequence instead of you know– other interfaces encourage you to send, well it’s effectively 10 random emails that just happen to come in a sequence because people don’t write them that way.

Steve: I am just curious; do you know what each person has gotten at any given time with an auto responder sequence?

Nathan: Yeah, so if you click in to each subscriber profile you would see what emails they’ve received.

Steve: Okay, and what are some other features that you built in just as being a user, or what are some of the other– because I’m just thinking like often time I had there’s like 10 email different email marketing firms. How do you kind of differentiate yourself from the competition, how do hammer home these differentiating factors to your potential customers?

Nathan: Yeah the biggest thing that we say is coming from the blogging world we know exactly what bloggers need. It’s build for bloggers by a blogger, and so a couple of other examples would be on a blog everyone, anyone who knows the power of email is doing all the work possible to capture email subscribers. That means that they’ll probably have a couple of opt-in forms on their site, maybe a side bar, a footer and an exit intent or something like that.

What happens is you’re putting all this work and you’re getting subscribers, and then someone subscribes and they come back and they read your blog because they are a fan, and your still– you have all these calls to action for an action they’ve already taken. There are ways to code around that, but nobody does it. No one sets up to the individual tracking so that their side bar opt-in form checks to see if it’s already– if that person visiting is already a subscriber and shows ultimate content.

And so we just built that in to ConvertKit, so that like if you’re reading my blog and you’ve already subscribed, then instead of the footer like at the end of the post saying subscribe, it’s going to show you a picture from one of my books just because like that’s waste of real estate, that’s a waste to call to action if when you’re telling your subscriber to subscribe.

Steve: Interesting, so is that tracking done if they’ve clicked on an email to get to your site, or is there just some cookie that’s on their computer to indicate that they’re an existing subscriber?

Nathan: Right now we’re doing it with the cookie, and so when they sign up we’re tracking a cookie that never expires.

Steve: Okay.

Nathan: Then we’ll make it a little more robust over time, but as long as this was like because we run this whole platform with hundreds of bloggers using it, we can do this work once and everybody benefits from it.

Steve: Right, yeah that’s pretty compelling, yeah someone’s already on my list, I might want to show them like a link to one of my products for example as opposed to just a sign up form.

Nathan: Yeah.

Steve: Okay, and just curious do you have any stats on how that’s improved sales for any of your customers or?

Nathan: We don’t have any hard stats. There is one that we run some tests on, they had a pretty big list see, I think they were around 40,000 email subscribers and pretty decent traffic. all we did was track a specific coupon code for basically that link to their course, and it drove– I’m trying to remember it was like an extra 40 to 50 sales at about 100 to $200 I think it’s what the course is priced at.

Steve: Okay.

Nathan: So it’s one of those things where they paid us a couple of $1000 a year for ConvertKit for all of their email marketing, and that one feature made them over 10 grand.

Steve: Okay. Let’s talk a little bit about just general email practices. What are some of your main strategies or tips for growing an email list fast?

Nathan: Well so it depends on what stage people are at. A lot of people get stuck on the like just getting started, and so for that I like to take people through what I call the 10 person rule, and that’s where you figure out what it is you’re going to teach, or you identify about who your audience is and you say okay. You go through your list of people you know in real life that have that problem that you can solve.

They need your product, in my case starting out there are developers who want to learn to design better iPhone apps for my first book, and so you write out 10 actual names of those people, and then reach out to them and it should be people you know in real life. If you can’t get to 10 people then maybe you haven’t picked a very good topic

Steve: Right.

Nathan: Reach out to them and ask them, hey are you interested in learning more about how to design iPhone apps, and if so often I love it if you’d be one of the first people to opt-in to my list, and help me craft the content of this new site that I’m creating. That gets you your first roughly 10 people, but then you keep talking to them and the next questions you ask are where do you currently go online to learn about this topic, and then the other question is what problem and frustrations do you have with it right now, or what are you stuck on?

The first question is going to tell you to do a whole list of where your target audience hangs out online, so you can go after those people. It’s going to be the sublets, the blogs, everything, so that’s where you get most way to promote your content. The second one is all those ideas, it’s a list of you answer all of those, you put them on especially in the right blog post one by one answering each one of those things, and that’s your next six months worth of content, and so that’s what gets you started, that’s how you get to 100 subscribers.

Steve: Okay, is this kind of the strategy you used to launch your first book?

Nathan: No, I wish I had been that sophisticated.

Steve: Okay.

Nathan: I mean it’s similar; I just did it with less content and less focus I guess.

Steve: Let’s say you’ve already gathered your first 1000 subscribers, what are some next steps after that?

Nathan: One of my favorite things to do is to do an email course, and so there is something like when you tell people, hey set up for a newsletter. It’s not a very compelling call to action, and then if you tell people like hey downloads this free PDF that is 10 ways to do whatever, that’s also kind of has this weird thing where it’s like why do you need my email for PDF, can’t I just click on it and download it.

And so that’s why like email courses because then it’s like we’re going to send out this content over email on time and so you can digest it gradually. It’s not all a prank and then it’s obvious that you need their email because you’re sending it over email. I like to do those, I like a really targeted course and we’ve done; I did one called mastering product launches, because I was getting asked about how to do these product launches. Then every time that I would write a post about marketing, I would link the call to action at the end of the post would be to this mastery product launches course.

It’s totally free, so I go from a guest post on like I bought one for and so it’s all about product launches, and it’s like 4000 words long. It’s pretty detailed and then the call to action at the end is like hey if you want to learn more check out this free course that I put together called mastering product launches, and I ended up getting over 1000 email subscribers just from that one guest post…

Steve: Nice.

Nathan: Glued to the email course.

Steve: nice, so instead of just a regular old link to your blog you link to a landing page that’s a sign up form instead?

Nathan: Yeah and it’s super streamlined, there is no actually links to my blog, there is no side bars, there’s none of that. It’s just content about here’s what you’re going to get form to opt in. The other great thing is that it gives me something to promote, so it doesn’t send a couple other times with other ConvertKit customers. And so there is this guy, his name is West Wages, and he put together a course called– I don’t remember what it called, but it was about online video. And so that finally– instead of telling people randomly like, hey check on my blog I talk about video, it gave him something that he could– people understood the value immediately and they could link to it, they could share it and all that.

Then he promoted it on his Twitter and Facebook pages, and he got maybe 50 subscribers or something, but then he went out and he promoted on a product side, and picked up like 300 subscribers. And then he just kept sharing it around and submitting it to different sub-reddits and just trying to get this out there, and by the end of the week after launching it he had 1000 subscribers, but it came from 10 different sources.

Steve: Right.

Nathan: That’s some of the cool ConvertKit features, there’s a lot of referral tracking, so you can add a campaign attribute to any URL that has a ConvertKit form in it, and then the form will track all the stats separately for that campaign.

Steve: Okay where all the form, where the form was shared basically?

Nathan: Yeah so if like if I wrote a blog post, and then I wanted you to share it I could set up [inaudible 00:40:22] blog post and then question mark rep equals Steve.

Steve: Okay.

Nathan: Then when you share that I would see all the stats that like the visitors, the subscribers, and the conversion rate just for what you shared.

Steve: So in a way that’s kind of like a mini affiliate program without a payout so to speak? Okay.

Nathan: Yeah just really you’re tracking, and so in West’s case he was able to know exactly where all the subscribers came from, because he worked hard. Like, it wasn’t one source that gave him 1000 subscribers.

Steve: Right.

Nathan: He got that from 20 different sources, then there is another one just as a quick example, a lady in Apollo [ph] put together this great course on designing iPhone apps related to her book, and they call the mobile design book, and that course just went on product hunt and she picked up 3000 email subscribers in two days just out from product hunt.

Steve: Nice, so I’m curious this is actually a problem that I have with my email autoresponder sequence, so I have a sequence about 30 for this free course. Sometimes people don’t get certain steps, so the main guts of the course is in the first nine steps. Sometimes people don’t get step two, sometimes people don’t get step four, what are some best practices to make sure that everyone gets every single step?

Nathan: Like to make sure that the emails actually reach the inbox?

Steve: Yes.

Nathan: There’s a lot of things that go into deliverability. I mean the main things are, this is actually kind of random, but maybe you want to avoid trigger words that are going to– or like a high density of trigger words, it’s going to get things to go into spam.

Steve: Is there a list of these available online, of this trigger words or?

Nathan: You know it’s now a hard and fast thing.

Steve: Okay.

Nathan: If you Google spam trigger words, I’m sure some good things will come up, because like officially like you shouldn’t use free and that sort of thing, but it’s more about the density of the words. Just read to the email and say like does this feel like something that’s a spam writing. Oddly enough a lot of profanity will trigger spam filters.

Steve: Okay.

Nathan: And so a good friend Paul [inaudible 00:42:34] who writes some amazing content just happens to use a lot of profanity. If he uses too many F words, then his email will be more likely to go into spam, which is totally random.

Steve: F words in like the body of the email?

Nathan: Yeah, yeah.

Steve: Okay, interesting.

Nathan: Yup, there’s bunch of spam filter checkers, I think litmus has one and them a few others, they even put the content of your email in, and they’ll kind of say hey here’s what we think will happen. Other things– who you’re sending from is another is a really big deal whether the IP addresses are blocked by certain providers, and then every single company is different.

One thing that we do is we maintain a lot of email accounts with a lot of different Yahoo, Gmail and all that just constantly test, and we have those subscribe to random ConvertKit customers and so then we’ll check like, hey did that email actually show up in the inbox because companies like Gmail and others are just, they’re total black boxes as far as what’s happening. They’re not going to tell you, like they’re basically there is a code of delivered or accepted sorry, so your email provider knows that it was delivered, and then like Gmail will send a response back and say yup we accepted it.

Steve: Right okay.

Nathan: They accept everything, they don’t actually give you any information, so it’s all for testing and that sort of thing, but it’s one of those problems that it’s up to your email provider to solve, and so if you’re having issues with that talk to you email provider, it’s actually…

Steve: Well let me ask you this question, so does the open rate and the click to rate affect the deliverability of future emails?

Nathan: Mm-hmm.

Steve: It does, so if I blast out something to like let’s say 50,000 people and only a fraction of those people open. The next time I blast, but no one marked it as spam, the next time I blast a similar amount is it going to be even less in terms of deliverability?

Nathan: It’s one of those things where people don’t come– and by people I mean email account providers.

Steve: Okay.

Nathan: Now like MailChimp and everybody I mean like Gmail and Yahoo and then they are not going to comment on it specifically and say for sure, but they’ve hinted many times that have you sent us 50,000 emails, and a bunch of our customers don’t engage with them, then we’re going to think less of you.

Steve: Okay.

Nathan: Which makes sense, like another thing that we’ve seen have an impact is replies, and so if you get more replies to your email, future emails will be– get better deliverability.

Steve: That implies I should try to solicit replies whenever possible right, on my order responder sequence even?

Nathan: Well, I think it’s great just from a business perspective of triggering, getting ideas for future content. Like I’ve heard Brandon Dan teaches freelancing, and so he has this welcome series about how to be a better freelancer, and one of those emails it just says hey what is your biggest frustration as a freelancer right now? And then he categorizes all those responses in Gmail, and then when he needs– it’s like what should I write about today, he just taps over to that and he’s goes, oh there is 50 great ideas. I just have to answer that frustration and there’s a 2000 word blog post. Yeah it’s great for deliverability and it’s great for content ideas.

Steve: Would you recommend then like highly segmenting your list, and only sending out because it’s a lot more energy to do this right especially if you only sell like a single product. Do you not recommend blasting like your entire list for email that you think is relevant to most people?

Nathan: I am– I would send it out to everyone you think it’s relevant to. One mistake that I see a lot of people making is that they filter down, I guess they over segment and over complicate. They are less like ConvertKit gives you some amazing automation functionality like InfusionSoft, and others, and so I guess what I am saying is people can use it too much where they build so much sophistication into it that they don’t put their effort into the content and the growth, because then they are like, oh when this happens now also other magical things happen.

Steve: Right.

Nathan: I recommend people add like just the right amount of automation to make cool things happen without going crazy. I recommend sending most listing the book of your list, I would just recommend cleaning your list, and encouraging people to unsubscribe. Just say hey if you’re not getting a ton of value from it, just unsubscribe.

Steve: How often do you this, just curious for yourself?

Nathan: Like every six months or so.

Steve: Every six months and then you just target no opens within the last six months, and then you send out an email saying here click here if you’re still interested?

Nathan: Yeah you do, yeah no open or clicks, you have to know that like open is not a reliable metric.

Steve: Right.

Nathan: Because in all providers it’s based on whether that image– whether the one [inaudible 00:47:46] transparent, Jeff was displayed. You just need to like don’t just delete them, like send them an email and say hey you haven’t been committed to this relationship like I have– it’s not me, it’s you. I think it’s time that we start seeing other people, but if you’re willing to put in some effort and read my emails, click this link, and won’t delete you.

Steve: Okay.

Nathan: Yeah, so I recommend keeping a nice clean list, that’s one thing about ConvertKit that’s great. Now since we’ve grown and we have all these customers that are sending really great emails. We get really high open rates, and so we’re able to maintain much higher deliverability. Like if you ever use MailChimp it will tell you like put the average open rate by industry, and I would always use it and then say you’ve got 35% open rate. The average for your industry is 1.7%, and I was always like you’re kidding, right. Across all of email marketing open rates tend to be really-really low, but we could…

Steve: Yeah so what are they like for bloggers for using your tool, what is the average open rate and click through rate?

Nathan: Average we– so click through rate depends on so many things, I don’t think it’s…

Steve: Sure.

Nathan: Worth focusing much on, but open rate I would say between 20 and 30%.

Steve: Amazing.

Nathan: To be average, and then we’d consider good anything over 35 to 40%.

Steve: Wow, that is quite high actually, I wasn’t expecting to hear it to be that high, interesting, okay.

Nathan: Yeah we like to send emails that people actually want to read, and so bloggers tend to create lots of content and all that, and then we recommend that people clean their lists because your subscribers some of them will lose interest, and or change emails account, so we recommend you clean up those non engaged people.

Steve: Do you have any stats on just like deliverability, like just the email even reaching their inbox?

Nathan: There is not a good what– because the email provider, like Gmail and Yahoo don’t report that back.

Steve: Okay.

Nathan: There’s, you can’t like put a nice metric on it.

Steve: Okay, and actually you know what Nathan, I didn’t realize we’ve been chatting for quite a while, so I’ll just limit to a couple of more questions here, just curious what your take is on single verses double opt-in. I kind of asked this to some of the other email providers I had interviewed and I was just curious what you take was on it?

Nathan: Yeah so the more steps you have someone go through in order to opt in, the fewer you’re going to get, they’re like a few total people, but the more engaged and motivated they will be. It’s just do you want a larger list of less engaged people, or do you want a smaller list of highly engaged people. That’s, I don’t think there is a right answer, it’s up to you on single versus double opt-in. In other countries like Canada has some rules about double opt-in, so if you are in Canada sending email you do double opt-in. Otherwise it’s up to you if you– personally I’d rather have a smaller list of highly engaged people, and so I do double opt-in on almost everything.

Steve: Okay interesting, and do you guys personally do anything to prevent like one dude from like sighing up 100 different people?

Nathan: Yeah, so because like to prevent spammers, because everybody pays to sign up, we don’t have a free plan or any of that. Then at this point we get I don’t know 10 customers a day, so you can tell right away when someone signs up you know like something seems fishy about this.

Steve: Okay.

Nathan: We have all these triggers where like there is no free plan that people can send through, and so that discourages tons of spammers already.

Steve: Okay.

Nathan: We had two spam accounts and we caught them before they sent an email, so it was just one of those things we were like, why are you talking so much about Paypal, you seem to be acting as if you are Paypal. It was one of those sort of things, and so they were still importing subscribers and looking at that one. It was a bummer because they were paying $250 a month, but we deleted them and we…

Steve: Yeah I mean it could ruin your service right if you let them stay and spam everyone right?

Nathan: Right especially because we maintained such high open rates, because we don’t have, like there’s is this whole range between sending an email that people really want, and then also sort of the spectrum that were on, but then there is the email that gets 5% open rates that’s not technically spam. It’s just some company sending out an email to everyone who’s ever made a purchase from them over the last decade. That’s what a lot of email marketing industry is doing. It’s getting terrible open rate, a decent number of spam complaints, but it’s all technically legal and fine and there not spammers. We don’t have any of that on our system, and so we get high deliverability arcos the board.

Steve: Any plan on maintaining these strict standards going forward?

Nathan: Yeah the…

Steve: Okay.

Nathan: We can– bloggers produce great content, that’s who our customers are, and it doesn’t help us in any way to compromise on that.

Steve: Okay, hey Nathan thanks a lot for coming on the show, I learned a lot about email marketing and how to kind of launch a sass company in a slow and steady way and getting feedback all on the way, so thank you for that.

Nathan: Yeah I guess I should mention a little bit so we talked about the like the very beginning times of ConvertKit that ever since making that full time switch, it’s been growing like crazy, and now we’ve got people like [inaudible 00:53:37] and we have about many other top bloggers using us. We sent 7.5 million emails last month, so now we’re growing very-very quickly and a substantial player in the market, but it’s kind of fun to go over the beginning times too and remind people to stick with their projects even if they haven’t like been overnight success.

Steve: Totally and hey Nathan where can people find you and where can they sign up for your service?

Nathan: You can find me at NathanBarray on Twitter Barray is B-A-R-R-Y, but ConvertKit is just at, and that is everything I’m working on these days.

Steve: Awesome, well thanks a lot for coming on the show Nathan, great talking to you again man.

Nathan: Thanks.

Steve: All right thank you.

Hope you enjoyed that episode. As I have mentioned many times in the past, email marketing makes up 90% of the money I make on my blog. Now ConvertKit is a serious contender to replace my existing service, and I am actually carefully evaluating it right now. It also helps that I know and trust the CEO, and I have faith that he will treat his customers right.

For more information about this episode go to, and if you enjoyed this episode please go to iTunes and leave me a review. It is by far the best way to support the show and please tell your friends, because the best complement that you can give me is to write a referral to someone else either in person or to share it on the web.

Now if you’re interested in starting your own online business, be sure to sign up for my free six day mini course where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100 k in profit in our first year of business. So go to, sign up right there on the front page and I will send you the course right away. Thanks for listening.

Outro: Thanks for listening to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast, where we’re giving the courage people need to start their own online business. For more information visit Steve’s blog at

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If you are really considering starting your own online business, then you have to check out my free mini course on How To Create A Niche Online Store In 5 Easy Steps.

In this 6 day mini course, I reveal the steps that my wife and I took to earn 100 thousand dollars in the span of just a year. Best of all, it's absolutely free!

094: How To Make 7 Figures Creating YouTube Videos With Joe Jitsukawa Of Just Kidding Films

How To Make 7 Figures Making You Tube Videos With Joe Jo Of Just Kidding Films

Today I’m thrilled to have Joe Jo on the show. Joe and his partner Bart started JustKidding Films on YouTube back in 2007 and today have over 1.5 million subscribers.

Not only that. In addition to Just Kidding Films, they also have 3 other channels JKParty, JKGamer and JKNews which all boast anywhere from 700K-1.5million subscribers each.

All told, I think the 4 channels have a combined 4 million total subscribers which is incredible. If you follow me you know that when my online store was featured on the today show, I had 7X the revenue that day and the today show only gets 1.74M viewers per day.

Think about it this way, a lot of cable and network TV shows don’t even have this high of a viewership so it’s pretty ridiculous that they have such a large audience.
In fact, they are pretty much running a popular TV network which makes their channel ripe for hungry advertisers

Enjoy the episode!

What You’ll Learn

  • The back story on how Joe and Bart started JustKidding Films
  • How they created such a large following on YouTube
  • How Joe and Bart got subscribers early on
  • What equipment you need to create great videos
  • Joe’s advice on how to build up a successful YouTube presence
  • How to monetize a YouTube channel
  • How long it takes before making money
  • How large his audience was prior to monetization and how long it took for him to get there
  • The early keys to building traffic for his channel

Other Resources And Books


Steve: You are listening to the My Wife Quit her Job Podcast. And if you are new here, it’s a show where I bring in successful bootstrapped business owners to teach us what strategies are working and what strategies are not. Now I don’t bring on these famous entrepreneurs to simply celebrate their success, instead I have them take us back to the beginning and delve deeply into the exact strategies they used early on to gain traction for their businesses.

Now if you enjoy this podcast please leave me a review on iTunes and if you want to learn how to start your own online business, be sure to sign up for my free six-day mini course, where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100k in profit in our first year of business. Go to sign up right there on the front page, and I’ll send you the free mini course right away via email, now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. We will teach you how to create a business that suits your lifestyle, so you can spend more time with your family and focus on doing the things that you love. Here is your host Steve Chou.

Steve: Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. Today I’m thrilled to have Joe Jo on the show. Now Joe and his partner Bart started Just Kidding Films on YouTube way back in 2007, and today they have over 1.55 million subscribers. And not only that in addition to Just Kidding Films, they also have three other channels Jk party, Jk gamer, Jk news. And the new channel I think is called [inaudible 00:01:46] and they all boast anywhere between 700k and 1.5 million subs each. And all told, I think all the channels have a combined over 4 million total subscribers, which is insane. Now if you follow my blog you know that when my online store was featured on the Today Show I actually had seven X the revenue that day.

And the Today Show only gets 1.74 million viewers per day, and so if you think about it this way, a lot of cable and network TV shows don’t even have this high of a viewership. So it’s pretty ridiculous that Joe has such a large audience, and in fact you can think about it this way, they are pretty much running a popular TV network which makes their channel ripe for hungry advertisers. So I’m super happy to have Joe on the show today, and quite frankly the guy cracks me up. One because he tells a lot of Asian jokes which just happens to resonate with me, and he is just a pretty funny guy in general. And with that welcome to the show Joe, how are you doing today man?

Joe: Pretty good, thanks for having me Steve.

Steve: So first of all I had a couple of questions I just want to get out of the way. You are Asian and I believe Chinese too, right?

Joe: Just a mix with everything we actually live that like a mystery for a lot of people because long time ago like this is back in 2007. What we noticed was in the Asian American community there’s just the whole lot of this old segregation. Like there’s this in group competition where communes are on one side, and Chinese are on one side, and it’s like dude we are all Asian American, we need to just identify as that, right? So we try to just put our skills forward and be known for that, and then we don’t want people to claim us as their group or what not, so we always just made it a fun game and said, hey make it a guessing game.

Steve: I was actually more curious how the heck are you not an engineer or doctor or a lawyer? That’s what I’m wondering.

Joe: Well, okay, so I guess I’m fortunate and I’m not fortunate. But the part about me not having a traditional common Asian upbringing is I guess it’s — the way that I was raised is pretty unorthodox. So my parents came in this country to basically pursue music, because back home people weren’t — they just weren’t respecting classical music like out here. And they knew that out here my dad could pursue his passions, and become basically like opera singer.

Steve: Interesting that’s like Asian blasphemy right there, starting going, yeah.

Joe: Exactly, yeah, and it’s — I mean it’s ironic like you got this Asian guy singing like [inaudible 00:04:33] or whatever you call them I don’t know, or trying to be like Pavarotti and shit. Yeah and so he is — so that was the original plan, and yeah I grew up in a house full of art like music. Yeah, they always were teaching piano, singing, my dad brought me along to all of his music lessons.

So the way I was raised was — their parents were like CEO business types. And for them they were like — they were emotionally neglected, and they grew up in this household that was cold and it was always about business and money and power. And the way they raised me was they were like I want you to love life, and to spread creativity, music, arts, and live life. So the way that I was raised was very-very different from most of my Asian friends.

Steve: Yeah, I’m going to have to actually contact the proper authorities and have your Asian [inaudible 00:05:41].

Joe: I feel like yeah, totally.

Steve: So give us the quick back story on how you and Bart started Jk Films, I assume Jk Films started before the other channels right?

Joe: Yeah Just Kidding Films was our first channel. And in like if you guys want to know more in depth you can go to Just Kidding Films, type that in on YouTube and we are coming out with this series called how we met. And basically on this it just — it tells you more in depth about my kind of background, and how I met Bart and so forth. But long story short me and Bart we met at our MMA gym. And in such a combative serious type of environment we would always be goofing around, and we would always get in trouble, and we would always be disciplined, but we just couldn’t stop messing around. And in like we found out that we went to the same college and the same high school, we just didn’t know each other.

And this is how many Asians live in [inaudible 00:06:43] park, it’s like there are so many there, we just didn’t know, like we were in the same neighborhood and all that stuff. And fast forward to 2007, that was around 2004, so YouTube comes around and we used to copy our friends and just copy people that were in our classes and just mimic all these different types of like voices, and how people walk, and we thought it was hilarious.

And one day we decided to just record some videos. And we used YouTube like it was like a video encounter, just some type of video sharing account, right? So we just needed to upload some files and then link it to our friends. And we would make these videos, show all of our friends, and all of a sudden those ten views turned into a 100, and we were like we don’t have a hundred friends.

There’s other people watching this stuff, and then there were comments, there’s people like make more, make more. And those hundred views turned into like a thousand. And we just kept making more and more videos, and at that time it was just two guys bored taking in between their study breaks in college just making random videos together.

And we had no clue about acting, film making, we would edit just everything and there’s times that we didn’t edit, edit at all. So after we found out that what we were doing was just [inaudible 00:08:21] one takes. Meaning like we would just turn on the camera and go off and create whole entire stories, and yeah it was — we didn’t know anything. Like we didn’t know what we were doing, we were just doing it purely out of fun, and there was a demand for it.

Steve: So you guys were in college when you started this or?

Joe: Yeah, we went to East LA community college, and he transferred off to UCLA and I transferred off to Kansas LA, but we still kept making videos.

Steve: Did you guys have day jobs after you graduated, or you guys just did this full time right away?

Joe: Well, mid way through YouTube started having a monetization program and we were invited to that. Back then they had to email you and invite you. And we made a couple of thousand dollars, but at that point we were like how viable is this, how long term is this, I’m not sure. So when we finished off college, this was I think 2008 or 2009, the economy just went to shit like it was horrible, like I think I submitted like 50 applications, and we were just college graduates with no job, no decent job.

And he went off to tutor kids, and then I went off and worked at a shipping company. So I was back into logistics, I did logistics before I was into college and I always in shipping. So I was sitting there thinking like man like if I just stuck with it I would have probably had a really good union job by now. And I would have been making double, and why did I go to college?

Steve: Okay interesting, so you actually considered not going to college?

Joe: Right — so here is another part of my story, so when I was in community college about two years into it, I read Rich Dad Poor Dad, which just blew my mind. I was like wait a minute you can — anyone can start a business like really, like anyone can do this stuff, I had no clue. So me and my buddies started an eBay business, and we started selling [inaudible 00:10:34] cars, after market car parts. And we just started selling; first we started selling stuffs from our homes like a yard sale to gather funding.

And then eventually we were making about a good eight grand a month, this was when I was about 21 or 22 yeah. And at that point I was like sure I’m just going to pursue business. So we did that and that’s when I also got into shipping too, because I wanted to learn about like shipping and all that, and I kind of had like a double income from there and logistics, but I was kind of stuck like okay, so is this life, you just make a bunch of money and then you die like.

Yeah, so I wanted to do something and then Bart kind of convinced me hey, maybe you should just go back and finish school, it’s two more years. Because at that point I was around like disgruntled old people, like the work, and I wanted to go back and be around young people, I wanted to be around girls, I wanted to like be young again, so or feel my age basically. So yeah, I decided to go back to college, not for a job or anything like that, I just wanted to get out of that whole yeah — but yeah that’s basically what happened there.

Steve: So you decided to go all in on YouTube with JK Films. And can you talk a little about the early days, how did you — were there any things that you were doing in particular to grow this following, or was it just largely organic?

Joe: In the very beginning, I feel that a lot of it was super organic. We were just doing things and creating content that we wanted, but were slightly strategic about it. Like it was never a business, but it was more to fill a void in our community. So what we felt like was the 1990s and the super early 2000s, a lot of the content that Asian American entertainers were creating were more for the mainstream and not so much for our community. Because it made sense back then, they had to appeal to non Asians to make it. But for our generation what we were trying to do is be more like in living color, or create content and tell stories about our neighborhood, the way that we grew up.

And the representation that we saw of Asian in Hollywood and the mainstream perspective, I would look at them and I’m like I didn’t grow up with guys like this, I don’t — where do these Asians come from, like I have no clue how this image is in the mainstream, when the guys that I grew up with is a totally different reality. So that’s where we came from, it’s like we wanted to tell our story with a funny twist. And that’s why we have so many like culture jokes and things about like stuff that we get I guess.

Steve: Yeah, I love the culture jokes.

Joe: And that’s how it originally started, it was about like us just trying to fill a void and create content, and do funny stuff. And kind of like create a community here where we are like make something funny, yeah.

Steve: So would you say that most of your viewers are Asian then? So you kind of had like a target viewer in mind when you got started that you were going to go after the Asian community, and then you just started putting out content specifically targeting that community?

Joe: In the very beginning we were just doing things very impulsively. But yes, it just organically led to– I mean we were just telling our story and the funny things that we saw. But I guess a lot of it came — a lot of our first fun base was Asian, because they are the ones who understood it.

Steve: Right.

Joe: And then the next outside of that would be non Asians, who grew up around a lot of Asians, they understood it.

Steve: Okay got it, so today it sounds like your audience is pretty diverse, right? It’s not just Asians anymore?

Joe: Yeah, fast forward to seven years afterwards and now it’s — we have a pretty diverse — there’s like middle, Midwest, middle aged, farm country, white people, to all kinds, internationally, people from Macedonia.

Steve: Wow okay.

Joe: Yeah it’s, I’m surprised at top people that stop us and say like, hey I love your material, I’m just like really, you don’t seem like the demographic that would, but hey that’s awesome, we can connect.

Steve: You mentioned community, what are some of the things that you guys do to promote community, like do you have areas where like your funs can talk to each other or?

Joe: I guess in more so in a sense that we create like a world and a lifestyle that a lot of people can see how we lead by example. Then there’s– now there’s a facility where like for example [Bob or brigade] [ph] the gym that Bart owns, so and then that’s a community in itself where people can go there, lift, workout. They can also meet us and speak to us, and people who are never into fitness before, they– a lot of people get motivated to join and stuff like that. I guess there’s little pockets of things like that, there’s college events that we do and…

Steve: Okay.

Joe: Usually during the spring we do a whole lot of like visits to different universities and talk and do all that stuff.

Steve: There’s like a bunch of people always email me asking me you know I don’t have any money, but how can I kind of get started. One of the things I tend to suggest is hey why don’t you just get on YouTube and put yourself out there, right? What I was hoping to hear from you is if you can take us back to like giving advice to someone who’s just starting. I want you to squash this notion first of all, do you need any fancy equipment, or a nice camera just to get started?

Joe: Absolutely not.

Steve: Okay.

Joe: Now I get the same type of questions, they’re all hey what kind of cameras do you use, what kind of software do you use, this and that and I’m like okay stop right there, it’s always about content. If you can get good content up there, I mean of course it can’t be a world lead champ, I mean it can’t be horrible, but if it’s good enough, just get it out there, start working on your crap. A lot of people think I got invest like all this money first and get the right stuff, it’s totally no. Like a lot of people that think that way, it does not work out ever.

Steve: Give me the minimalist set up, and if you can kind of comment like if you ever start all over again what frequency you should put out content on. Should you choose a certain theme, the equipment that sort of, bare minimum?

Joe: Well it all depends on what type of channel they’re creating. Well obviously if they’re just going to do like blogs, all they need is a laptop, they can use the camera that’s inside the laptop, and one of the biggest channels on YouTube she’s like top, I don’t know three or top five Jenna Marvels.

Steve: Yeah Jenna Marvels yeah.

Joe: Yeah I went to a Q&A of hers and she was saying yeah like she’s got all these cameras and stuff, but it just sits and it collects dust, because she’s so used to just using her laptop and her webcam that is build in and iMovie, that’s her system. This is coming from a girl who makes millions.

Steve: Yeah I know crazy right?

Joe: Yeah so yeah it depends on the set up, you could do that. If you go toward like the short films route, yes you’re going to need some equipment but…

Steve: What about frequency, how often would you, how often do you need to post something. I mean obviously consistency is the key right, but what would you recommend in terms of frequency?

Joe: As much as possible. The way that YouTube has changed in the algorithms and the way– it’s all about volume now. Back in the day it was more about viral videos, and it was more about like if your channel has this like Mitch thing that’s going on with it, but I feel like within the different eras of YouTube right now we’re in the era of volume.

Steve: Okay.

Joe: What — like the best channel for us right now is Just Kidding News. We upload five videos a day for that one.

Steve: Holy crap! Okay wow, so do you guys do anything special when it comes to tagging your videos for search, or do most people just find you through just being a subscriber?

Joe: Yeah there’s definitely some benefits in that whole search engine optimization, like putting in the right tags, is that what you’re talking about the tags and stuff?

Steve: Yeah that’s what I’m talking about, yeah.

Joe: Yeah, and like I said it depends on the strategy of the channel. Some people, they really know how to work that system and their videos pop up regularly when people make searches. Of course thumb nails, if your thumb nail looks really good people are going to click that, your title. You know some people they study that click baby style, and then people just can’t resist but to click that, click it right in.

Steve: Yeah totally I fall for that all the time, pisses me off.

Joe: On YouTube actually if you log in there’s all this information that actually helps you out on that, because they want to help out the person and the creator, so they tell you how to make your thumb nails. They tell you there’s– it’s really cool how YouTube helped out the creator now, so they have their own course within it, within the well yeah.

Steve: What do you guys do, it doesn’t seem like you’re optimizing your video titles at least not to me at first glance not for your videos, at least on JK Films.

Joe: Right, we have different types of strategies for each channel.

Steve: Okay.

Joe: Just Kidding News is more the newsy kind of hey click the blues, and click the cool thumb nail, and then oh guess what the conversation is entertaining, I’m going to subscribe to this channel.

Steve: Okay.

Joe: Same with Astefills [ph], Astefills is basically you know it’s sexy whatever, it’s controversial. Click this same thing oh interesting conversation, I like these guys. Just Kidding Films has gone through so many types of changes and eras like we started from skits, now it’s more like a lifestyle channel.

Steve: I see, okay.

Joe: It’s a self sustaining eco system, so we rely upon our loyal following that’s been with us for seven years to understand already. That’s why the recent video of mine that says how we met/Joe right? Like the out– people from outside aren’t really going to care about me or my life, or anything.

Steve: Right.

Joe: It’s more for the people that have been watching for this for so many years, and so now it’s transitioned into being more of like once you’ve got X amount of subscribers, you can just be a self sustaining eco system.

Steve: I see so it sounds like JK Films is just kind of your own eco system and then you’re getting new subscribers, because I know as you cross promote all the different channels very well. And so would you say that like JK News is kind of like your outreach to getting new subscribers which you then funnel into the rest of the eco system?

Joe: Yeah that’s the strategy right now, you pretty much nailed it.

Steve: Okay.

Joe: We have our biggest channel Just Kidding News that’s bringing in all these people, and then when they say who are this people right, they start clicking up for Just Kidding Films that one’s lifestyle. That one is basically our taste, what do we eat, where do we hang out? Like how do we live, how do we think?

Steve: I see.

Joe: Just Kidding Party is the counter lottery and the friendship behind it all, so us playing games, but were gearing it more and more toward a game show, so it’s going to be more like a Japanese game show like…

Steve: Yes okay, so how do you bring people back to your videos and alert them of new content, do you rely on YouTube for that, or do you guys have an email list or anything special that you do?

Joe: We– I think we really heavily upon subscribers…

Steve: Okay.

Joe: The way YouTube is working right now is the reason why volume is good is, because when you sign into YouTube the first thing you see is like recommended videos and then right under that you’ll see the different lines of subscribed channels, right?

Steve: Right.

Joe: The more you watch videos of that channel, the more the system will think okay you really like this channel, I’m going to just bump it up to the top.

Steve: I see okay.

Joe: The more frequently we upload, the more they’re going to see all of our channels on the top, and routine, I feel like for humans like the more repetitive they do something, they just get really used to the groove of doing it. The more frequently you upload something and the more they watch your content, the more they’re going to just keep doing it and doing it and doing it.

Steve: I know that you guys have a website too, is that for kind of like an ancillary thing meaning you don’t really try to drive traffic directly to your website. It’s just there for informational purposes?

Joe: Right, I mean like three years ago we were planning on doing stuff like that and probably creating something of premium content, but the model is working so well right now, everything is living well on YouTube that just those in the brands alone, like the brand sponsorships alone it’s doing well. Starting something from scratch like a whole new website, it didn’t really make any sense.

Steve: Okay yeah I saw one of your most recent videos where you and Bart were talking about your success, and your brand new auto mobiles which were very nice by the way.

Joe: Thank you.

Steve: Let’s talk little bit about monetization. Let’s start with it from the beginning, so when did your channel start generating any amount of money, how long did it take and when did it start ramping up?

Joe: Wow, so I think in about 2008 or nine, wait eight. We were invited to the partner program, and I think the first check was like $1000 after six months.

Steve: Okay.

Joe: Back then we didn’t know what we were doing, and there wasn’t a huge user base either. Like if you had 100,000 views back then, that’s equivalent to having maybe a couple of millions now, you know.

Steve: Okay.

Joe: Yeah it’s a– it was a different ball game, but at that moment we didn’t think it was even something worth it, and I don’t know we were kind of pursuing school for a couple of years. It wasn’t until I’d say 2011 when we said we really, or 2010. 2010 is when we said let’s do this like hard core.

Steve: Meaning like five videos a day hardcore?

Joe: No, we still only had Just Kidding Films, but…

Steve: Okay.

Joe: The commitment was with our jobs on the side, we’re going to save up, we’re going to pay off our debts, and we’re going to commit to one video a week.

Steve: Okay, all right so that’s doable.

Joe: Yeah and to give you a clear idea of the type of hustle we had to do was I would basically leave to my work at six AM, comeback at about nine PM, work with Bart until midnight, repeat that on the weekday, and on the weekends we would just spend that time to film, and then the week prior would be the film would be done, and then it would be go– the video would go up the next week.

We would always be a week ahead, and we would continue this for about a year and half. All the money that was coming in, we just recycled it right back. And so it wasn’t until, I think 2012 or one year or two years where me and Bart paid ourselves. Every single thing that we got we started paying our staff and growing it and growing it and recycling it, and I think when we did pay ourselves it was only like 1000 bucks a month.

Steve: Interesting, and so it took five years it sounds like to get to that point right?

Joe: Yeah it did, and that’s just our method. We could have totally pocketed more earlier, but we had a plan to grow really big, and now we’re capable of doing what a lot of YouTubers aren’t. What happens is a lot of YouTubers do everything themselves and there’s a catch, they basically spread themselves thin, and if they don’t get a staff or team up or anything like that, I mean no one person could record, edit, create volumes of content, write the content, all that stuff, research, do the business and make appearances. It’s difficult like…

Steve: Yeah.

Joe: I have some friends that are just alone, and then they’re basically slaving away, and they’re cut at how much they can make. For us what we wanted to do was eventually get people who are specialized in what they do, and hire them and so all that money that came up we would just pay them, pay them.

Steve: I see, so you started hiring you stuff starting in 2010 it sounds like?

Steve: Right.

Steve: Or eleven?

Joe: In 2010, well the first person was Bart’s girlfriend who came along and helped us out. The second person was Kasey, he’s from like Dallas, so he would have pretty much done it for free, but he had expense because he’s a transplant.

Steve: Okay.

Joe: Yeah.

Steve: Okay, and then when did you guys I guess, how soon could you monetize your channel? So you said six months for $1000, and then once you started doing it for real was it on the order of like five figures in 2010 for the year? Like just revenue I know you had to pay a bunch of people?

Joe: Gross?

Steve: Yeah.

Joe: Oh man, that’s, that was so long ago.

Steve: I’m just wondering like when it started really taking off, and first of all actually let’s back up a little bit. How do you monetize a channel first of all, do you use AdSense or sponsorships, like how do you get money?

Joe: There’s several ways our company makes money. One is AdSense which is all the pop-ups that you see when you click on a video. That typically runs from a dollar to five maybe per 1000 views, yeah.

Steve: Okay right.

Joe: Another way is brand sponsorships. So a brand would approach us, let’s say I don’t know Nike, and they’ll say, hey, use this shoe. We’ll give you some product and a couple of hundred bucks; this is when our channel was really small. And things like that it’s relative to the size of your channel. I would say if a channel is about 50,000 to 100,000 subscribers, typically their brand deals are going to be anywhere from a couple hundred to a thousand.

Steve: Okay.

Joe: It also it depends on how many views their videos get, I mean there’s a market value to all of this stuff.

Steve: I see so is it based on views meaning like per thousand on a typical video. And I noticed, I have watched a bunch of your videos, when you guys have sponsors, are those the videos where you actually go to a different location and then film something?

Joe: It depends on which one you are talking about. So we did one with Sayon [ph]. And of course the more in depth and the more like in your face the advertisement and all that stuff, the more money we get. So with Sayon we got a car from them and we created the whole entire story and all that stuff, and those it’s like a dedicated video, a brand integration video, and a story just for Sayon.

But there’s also ones where — there’s a quick little call to action at the end of the video. Like hey, go follow this or go check out this website. There’s also ones where in the beginning they send us like a little ad, like for example you see in the movies they go this — or the TV show they go this episode was brought to you by so and so. And there’s a whole lot of those, but that’s a huge part of YouTube income.

Steve: So how do you get them, or do they just come to you after a while?

Joe: In the past we would seek them out, we would — you could email like the marketing department for each brand, there is a contact. We would go out sometimes, people would come to us and email us just have your like contact available on your channel and all that stuff. But most people what they do when they become like a good size as they join a network, so there’s several YouTube networks out there. There’s Maker who was just purchased by Disney, Collective, that’s one we are with. Machinima, Full Screen, there’s a bunch of — they are like universal or something like that, but they are more like agencies.

Steve: I see is, FameBit one of those two or?

Joe: Yeah, I think so, I feel like they are, but they are one of the newer guys.

Steve: Okay got it. So basically you start out and you join one of those and then basically they find deals for you and take a cut?

Joe: Yeah, it depends on what they specialize in, so some of them are one stop shops like they go in, they help develop your channel, they also get you brand integration, they might even help you find ways to film, collaborate whatever. Each network has a different style of how they cultivate people, or what they are involved in. But almost all of them do have relationship with brands and they bring you deals, and there’s like a percentage that they take from that yeah.

Steve: How big do you have to be to be accepted in one of these?

Joe: I feel like I have seen channels with anywhere from 50,000 to like millions subscriber wise. It also depends on if they are like believe in your channel and see that it’s viable and stuff like that as well. But I would recommend people to grow like several hundred thousand subs before they seek out any of these networks, because you’ll have more of a negotiating power. When you go in these contracts that people are going to sign up they could run from anywhere from a couple of years to five years or whatever. Yeah, and I mean it really depends on your strength, like we come in as a huge network so we got a lot of leeway, we can get a lot of things in our favor.

Steve: I see, so they are literally are like agents?

Joe: Yeah, some of them are traditional agencies. The Collective, they are traditional Hollywood agency and they got into the digital realm so.

Steve: I imagine you have a separate deal per channel then, right?

Joe: Oh we just have a one large — yeah, like we just add it all together.

Steve: I know you guys all have your own personal channels too that have over 300K subs, are those unrelated to JK, are those just personal?

Joe: So the way that it works is we pack it, we make deals, we package a huge army together, and then we do it. But then once then money comes in we deviate up. So technically it is by association, but it isn’t because they don’t profit from — JK does not profit from these other channels.

Steve: Okay, I think I understand, so actually walk me through getting your first let’s say hundred thousand subscribers. Is it just a matter of consistency, or are there some tricks that you can do to kind of accelerate that process?

Joe: There’s a lot of things that go in to building your subscriber base. Like I said it depends on your channel, for example there’s cooking channels out there. And of course the type of fan base you are looking for are people who like to cook. Or there’s channels out there like my personal one that’s life logs, and I’m going out there blogging. And the strategy will vary depending on the channel, because the food network is going to have a different strategy to cartoon network.

Steve: Sure.

Joe: And for us in the beginning it was about subscribers, but nowadays we don’t care about subscribers, all we care about is views. Because what we noticed was, okay subscribers look good to the outside world meaning marketing agencies, people that if you want to become an actor or something and you have a YouTube channel, they go everyone emphasizes that, oh, look this person has this many subscribers, but what they don’t know is you are getting paid from views not from subscribers.

Some of these kids they will go off to college and they’ll start watching YouTube or they might start working and they’ll start watching YouTube, but they might still subscribe. You have this huge numbers of subscribership, but maybe you didn’t grow with your fan base, or what not, and you are only getting 10,000 views of videos. So the real value here is the views and a lot of people don’t know that. So it’s good to play both games, but I would focus more on content and getting a consistent view versus a subscriber base.

Steve: So let me ask you this, so if you are focusing on views and you want to put out the content that people want to watch, do you guys have some sort o feedback mechanism in place so you know what to produce that the people actually want to watch?

Joe: I think the comments are a great thing about YouTube. I remember one day they were about to take it down, but what I love about the comments is a lot of the heavy leg work and creating content is created by a fan base. Like you just survey them in one of your videos like let’s say you have a cooking channel. And after you are done you can let the fans know hey what do you want to see me cook next? And leave it the comments below.

You could kind of take a quick glance and if not out of 10 people are saying I want you to make steak, then you can be for sure that the next video you do creating steak you are going to get a lot of views on it. And what you want to do is have this community of back and forth. See what they want — basically appeal to what they want from you. And this will keep growing and growing and growing eventually, so yeah.

Steve: So back to your first hundred thousand subscribers, so consistency, putting out good content on a regular basis. Let’s say you wanted to go into — let’s say you were someone who just wants to put out a blog, any particular advice that you would give them to just get started?

Joe: Yeah, first and foremost think about what’s important to you. Because a lot of people when they create blogs, they go oh, what’s popular? What’s the hot topic right now? What’s all the other bloggers doing? But I think that’s a wrong way to go by it. The thing you want to do is find your niche market. So if talking about snakes and lizards and reptiles is really important to you, pretty sure there’s going to be a million of other people out there that feel the same way.

And if you are being authentic and you can go on for hours, speaking about this particular subject, and people can sense that, and they are going to find that what you are speaking about is interesting, I want to listen to you. So that’s one thing, like figure out what your niche market is, or figure out what’s very important to you and what you want to talk about, versus what’s popular what’s the trend and all that stuff. And then that’s how you can cultivate an authentic fan base.

Steve: So basically niche down is what you are saying, to something very specific.

Joe: Mm-hm.

Steve: Okay. Yeah it’s very similar to like just websites and businesses in general. If you try to go too general you won’t please anybody.

Joe: Exactly.

Steve: Are you guys ever worried about having too many eggs in kind of like the YouTube basket, you know what I mean?

Joe: Well, we have a strategy for that too.

Steve: Yeah, let’s talk about it.

Joe: So you know the digital world is crazy. Like five years ago none of the stuff was really around. What I mean by that is YouTube wasn’t such a big thing. So we know how things can change pretty much within three months on YouTube. Like trans-change, everything changes. So we got to play– we got to in a reckless crazy up and down type of world, we got to try to make that– we got to find somehow stabilize this, because we got 18 mouths to feed. A lot of people are starting families. We can’t live like rock stars.

With this in mind, I picked up a lot of like business books and I surrounded myself around a lot of people that are smart and investing in things like that, and we are moving this YouTube money into other things. Basically we are diversifying into other businesses.

Steve: Yeah because I was going to say like what if all of a sudden one day people are just like using periscope and not looking at YouTube as much anymore. Let’s talk about some of these other businesses that you are kind of diversifying into. Are they online related, or are they just kind of offline businesses?

Joe: Half-half. So one is– we partnered up with our buddy David [inaudible 0:41:52]. He created a clothing company two years ago. It was like boutique street wear. He saw a lot of success into it, but his partners kind of lost the passion for it. For me and Bart we really like the brand, and we were like you know what, let’s help him revive it. We partnered up and we are going to be launching this pretty much fall of this year. It’s called Go for Broke.

Steve: So I would imagine that since your channel has a lot of clients, you could easily prop up like generally a whole bunch of sales for anything that you promote for the most part, right?

Joe: Yeah, that’s basically our strategy while we have a lot of eyes on us. I got this thinking like okay, if brands like Scion and Brisk, if they are willing to put a dollar on us and advertise through us, why are we not creating our own products and advertising within us. That’s where the concept came from. We basically– we are going to be partnering up with our friends in their business, their brick and motors, their retail shops, their restaurants, and once we get a piece, a percentage of that and we invest into it, then it’s in our best interest to promote it as well.

So it’s kind of like this win-win situation that we’re creating. We take care of the marketing, we drive the traffic, and then they stay specialized and they do what they do best, run a restaurant and all that stuff, and what we do is we can spread awareness of that property and also invest into it as well. So that’s basically the type of stuff that we are moving into.

Steve: Let me ask you this, you know a lot of brands, they obviously invest in you guys for advertising for a reason, can you kind of comment on what conversion rates that they expect, or is it kind of more like brand play.

Joe: Yeah it really depends on the initiative. So some brands they just want brand awareness. Like really big companies like Coca-Cola and stuff like that, they just want – they know they are going to get sales regardless. So they are not nickel and diming and seeing like, “Okay I want to make sure that at least one percent is coming over.” They are not like that. They just – they look at you, they go, “Okay, I want to promote here. So here’s I don’t know half a million.” They are insane.
Like the big guys is super simple, they just throw money at you, do what you got to do. That’s majority, majority of the time so not annual. A lot of the times, mom and pop and especially people who don’t understand digital realm, they have a lot of reluctance. And for them they are like, well, if I spend $5,000, I don’t know if I’m going to make it back, because how popular is this or whatever. It’s really like people are just afraid of what they don’t know.

Steve: Sure.

Joe: So some brands may want like a call to action. They’ll say, “Here can you, promote my store online at the end of the video.” And then they’ll pay for it. A lot of the times, there’s no guarantee. Majority of the time there’s no guarantee. We don’t put any type of like, “Okay, we are going to make sure that there’s 20 people that come to your store.” None, there’s none of that. It’s just people like they just– you guys negotiate a price, they see your channel, they see your content and that’s that.

Steve: Okay. So do you guys tend to weed out like the little guys now and just work with the big guys?

Joe: Yeah, because I really don’t like working with people that don’t see the value in us, because it becomes this whole thing where like I’m convincing them that don’t worry and they are like worrying and like. It’s really an insignificant amount of money to deal with the headache, and I’d rather just have somebody explaining to them and that they have confidence in the whole digital realm.

Steve: That’s makes sense, total sense.

Joe: But a lot of times now like people are more sophisticated in the way they market. They understand that this is way more effective than traditional advertisement. Yeah, we don’t really deal with it that much. Now there’s a lot more money going on to this whole digital realm of marketing and stuff too. Because these smaller companies are seeing how the big brands are putting their dollars into it, now they want to jump on board. So it’s a lot easier now than before.

Steve: I mean the way I see it, it’s just like television all over again except you have links that you can click on which makes it much better. That’s my opinion.

Joe: There’s way more specific statistics, way more.

Steve: So Joe, I don’t want to take up too much of your time, but if you want to just take a quick moment and talk about like your various projects and channels and where people can get a hold of you, that would be great.

Joe: So I know I was real serious on all that, but I promise I’m not that serious. This is just some business stuff.

Steve: I’ll take as one video man. I’ll put it to the show notes and they’ll know your true self.

Joe: Yeah, I mean like Steve said, we own five channels. Just Kidding Films, Just Kidding Parties, Just Kidding News, Just Kidding Gamer, Ask The Feels, if you type any of those in, you’ll find any video on YouTube, and you can watch that. I also have a personal channel, The Uncochin—T-H-E-U-N-C-O-C-H-I-N.

Steve: You guys don’t need to write anything down. I’m making all the stuff up on show notes. Yeah and I’m going to use this interview as a black mail. This is the most serious I’ve ever seen you actually. This could like ruin your entire reputation like that.

Joe: Seriously, like the buddy is boring. He’s so serious, a lot and a lot of explaining. Yeah, when I get to this business mode, and I’m like I’m not explaining everything is so serious.

Steve: I know dude. I’m impressed. You did it for forty minutes. Crazy, all right man, Joe, I just want to thank you once again for coming on. I learned a lot and you are really inspiring to all those people and the best part of a YouTube is you don’t really need a lot of money to get started. Just put yourself out there and things are going to happen.

Joe: Yes please guys, start now. Just whatever it is, don’t put much mind into it. I feel like a lot of people tend to over analyze, and then they get paralyzed. Let’s just do it.

Steve: Awesome dude. All right man, take care.

Joe: Okay, you too.

Steve: Hope you enjoyed that episode. Whenever someone comes to me and says, “Hey Steve, I have no idea what business to start, and I don’t have any money either, what should I do?” I tell him to just put out content and good things will happen. And this is exactly what Joe and Bart did with Just Kidding Films and now they are doing seven figures online with YouTube videos.

For more information about this episode, go to And if you enjoyed this episode, please go to iTunes and leave me a review. It is by far the best way to support the show and please tell your friends, because the greatest compliment that you can give me is to write a referral to someone else, either in person or to share it on the web.

Now if you are interested in starting your own online business, be sure to sign up for my free six day mini course where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100K in profit in our first year of business. Go to, sign up right there on the front page and I’ll send you the mini course immediately. Thanks for listening.

Outro: Thanks for listening to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast, where we’re giving the courage people need to start their own online business. For more information visit Steve’s blog at

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093: How To Make 400K Per Month Selling On Amazon Using Jungle Scout With Greg Mercer

How To Make 400K Per Month Selling On Amazon Using Jungle Scout With Greg Mercer

Today I’m happy to have Greg Mercer on the show. If you’ve never heard of Greg, he’s the creator of the incredibly awesome Chrome plugin Jungle Scout which allows you to quickly and easily perform product research on Amazon.

In addition, Greg has been selling on Amazon for quite some time now and generates revenues in excess of $400K per month. Yes, that’s per month!

So I brought him on today to talk about the niche research process specifically for Amazon and discuss why he developed his tools. Enjoy!

What You’ll Learn

  • How Greg went from engineer to Amazon seller
  • How many products Greg sells to hit 400K/month
  • Greg’s main criteria for finding products to sell on Amazon
  • Greg’s process for coming up with ideas
  • Greg’s favorite product categories for Amazon
  • How much time it takes to make money on Amazon
  • Where Greg sources his products from
  • Why Greg decided to create Jungle Scout

Other Resources And Books


Steve: You are listening to the My Wife Quit her Job Podcast. And if you are new here, it’s a show where I bring in successful bootstrapped business owners to teach us what strategies are working and what strategies are not. Now I don’t bring on these famous entrepreneurs simply to celebrate their success, instead I have them take us back to the beginning and delve deeply into the exact strategies they used early on to gain traction for their businesses.

Now if you enjoy this podcast please leave me a review on iTunes, and if you want to learn how to start your own online business be sure to sign up for my free six-day mini course, where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100k in profit in our first year of business. Go to sign up right on the front page, and I’ll send you the free mini course right away via email, now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife Quite Her Job Podcast. We will teach you how to create a business that suits your lifestyle, so you can spend more time with your family and focus on doing the things that you love. Here is your host Steve Chou.

Steve: Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast. Today, I’m happy to have Greg Mercer on the show. Now if you’ve never heard of Greg, he’s the creator of the incredibly awesome chrome plug in, Jungle Scout which allows you to quickly and easily perform product research on Amazon. In addition, Greg has been selling on Amazon for quite some time now, and he actually generates revenues in excess of $400,000 per month. And yes that is per month, not per year. So I brought him on today to talk about kind of the niche research process especially for Amazon and discuss why he developed his tool. And with that, welcome to the show Greg, how are you doing today man?

Greg: I’m awesome. Thanks for having me Steve. I’m really excited to be on here. It will be fun.

Steve: Yeah great. I kind of– I did a little bit of research and I understand that you used to be an engineer.

Greg: I did.

Steve: So how does one go from an engineer– we kind of have some of the background, I almost want to say, so how do you go from engineer to Amazon seller?

Greg: Yeah, so I didn’t hate my engineering job. It was okay. I just didn’t love it. I’ve had this kind of entrepreneurial spirit my whole life and I just wanted to really do my own thing. So essentially one day I was just kind of looking for other sources of income, and that’s where it all started.

Steve: Okay, and then, so how did you go to selling on Amazon. How long ago was this by the way?

Greg: It was about two and a half years ago now. It’s like at the beginning of 2013.

Steve: Okay, so not that long ago. And then you started out on using FBA?

Greg: I did. Originally it was just kind of playing around a little bit. I was selling a few products just to kind of get the idea to get my feet wet. And quickly I realized how powerful the channel it was. So early on, I actually partnered up with someone who already had an existing ecommerce business. And that was pretty helpful for me because he was able to introduce me to some of his suppliers. Back then I was just sourcing products from traditional wholesalers. So it was kind of a lot of the products that he was already sourcing, but Amazon was on [inaudible 00:03:29] for him. So that’s how I got started on Amazon.

And then just within– just like this past year, or maybe a little over that, is when I found out about this private label model that’s become a little more popular today. And since then I’ve shifted a lot of my focus towards that just because it’s an amazing business model. The margins are way better; you just have a lot more control since you are not sharing the “buy” box. The listings are yours. You can put a little more effort into making them pretty and getting reviews and that kind of thing. So today I still sell some wholesale products, probably sold more than half of my revenue. Maybe like 60% comes from traditionally sourced wholesale products, and then the rest are my private label products.

Steve: So for wholesale would you say that your margins are anywhere like 50%?

Greg: Yeah, I feel like the margin calculation always – it’s more tricky with Amazon because they take a cut too. So if I like–

Steve: I just meant like the straight products, like what you are sourcing it for and without Amazon’s cut.

Greg: Yeah, without Amazon’s cut, I want to clarify that. It’ll be closer to like 20% or 30% without Amazon’s cut.

Steve: Oh wow, because then Amazon takes 15%.

Greg: Yeah, it swims. So it’s more of like a high volume low margin approach where my private label stuff, I usually get 100% return on investments. So if I’m buying a product for ten bucks I usually make $10 in profit when I sell it.

Steve: Okay, that’s [inaudible 00:05:06].

Greg: That’s way better, right. So you can see why shifting focus towards that. But at the same time it’s a little more to get started, but in my opinion it’s well worth it.

Steve: Okay and then do you like recommend that people kind of start with the wholesale out, because it’s kind of a little bit easier or do you recommend that people just jump straight to the private label route.

Greg: I would jump straight to private label. One of the reasons I say that, is that it’s kind of tricky to get wholesalers to sell to you if they know, or if you only want to sell on Amazon. This is what I found at least. A lot of them, they are not capturing any more market share by selling to the tenth seller for that item on Amazon. So a lot of times they are hesitant especially if you are a real small operation where as sourcing these products from overseas from China or wherever, like those sell to anyone. So the barrier of entry is a little bit smaller in my opinion. So if I was starting over today, I would just be focusing on the private label model.

Steve: I’m just curious. So you do a lot of volume every single month, but do you have your own website or is it mostly revenue, or all of it based on Amazon.

Greg: I have like little kind of like fake websites set ups, but it’s all on Amazon.

Steve: Okay, so these websites are just so if someone Googles your brand or something, they’ll find a site.

Greg: Yeah, it’s really simple, like one landing page, you set them up in an hour. And then if you are like– there’s one like shop now button and that takes you to the Amazon seller’s page.

Steve: Oh, I see. So the site kind of just points to an Amazon listing where they go and check out.

Greg: Right and that’s just to add a little bit of legitimacy if they were to Google it. But like I said, I don’t spend more than an hour on it.

Steve: Okay, okay. And just curious, do the products that you sell, kind of have anything to do with things that you are into, or do you just kind of pick and choose what’s profitable.

Greg: I just pick and choose what’s profitable. I don’t really discriminate against anything. Most of my– a lot of my wholesale products are in the health and personal care niche. So when I was first getting started with the private label stuff, I was kind of looking for similar items to what I was used to selling. But since then, I was like I will sell anything.

Steve: Okay, so are there– so you probably have some sort of preferences, are there any specific categories that you like to start out with, assuming private label of course.

Greg: Yeah. Some like the higher volume categories are probably better to start out with. Those will be like health and personal care, like the home and kitchen, kitchen and dining type of stuff. But at the same time, if you find a good product about any category I would say go for it. I don’t even have two stronger preferences in any particular category anymore.

Steve: So just to even brainstorm ideas, like do you have a process for doing so or do you just kind of randomly type in stuff in Amazon, use Jungle Scout and then figure out what a good product is?

Greg: Yes, so I’ve got two areas that I like to look for products. One is– and this is pretty well known, it’s like the Amazon’s best seller section. So if you just Google Amazon best sellers, it will just take you to this page. And when you click on the categories, they will be on the left hand side. That will take you to products that are like one, the top to a hundred ranked price in that category. And those are going to be super competitive products. There’ll probably a lot of sellers on those, but what you can do is if you drill down into the sub categories, by continuing to click on the sub categories again they will be on the left hand side, you can get into like a second or third, or fourth sub category. Those won’t be as competitive but will still give you good product ideas. So that’s one good spot to look for ideas.

The other one that a lot of people, I think it’s a little bit more untapped, I call it kind of like spying on my competitors. How you do this is, I’ll go to someone who I just know either knows a private label seller, or is maybe competing on some of the products that I’m selling. You can go into their seller store front and then from there you can look what’s selling well. You can do without Jungle Scout as well. It’s really easy with Jungle Scout, but even if you don’t have it you can go and click on each of the items and see which items have a low rank which means they are selling well.

Of course, we make Jungle Scout so I’m using it, but if you use it, you can extract a few pages and then sort about which ones are selling well so then right away you see, okay, this seller has 100 items, but only maybe like ten of those are selling really well for him. So then I’ll look into those more. A lot of times, maybe you are not even going to sell like that, like a copy cat of that item, but you will just kind of spot product ideas. So maybe they are selling like a Mexican yoga blanket, I think this is an example; I was looking at that a few days ago. Maybe you are not going to sell a particular Mexican yoga blanket, but it will spark maybe the idea for like a beach blanket or something like that. So it’s just a good way to get product ideas.

Steve: And so if you can just like walk me through like one of your typical product runs. You mentioned Mexican yoga mats or what not, but can you just maybe like a recent product that you decide to sell, and I understand you are constantly researching your products, so can you just like walk us through the process? What you criteria is and kind of what like a typical brainstorming session would look like?

Greg: Yeah, absolutely. So I guess, I kind of prefer the spying on the sellers methods. So maybe I’m just spying on different sellers, and I just open up some new tabs for product ideas.

Steve: How do you know which sellers you want to spy on?

Greg: You can either– if you see people are kind of competitors of yours you can try them. Another way is you can go into a lot of the really popular, really competitive product private label item. These will be like silicone grill gloves, the garlic press.

Steve: Garlic press. Sorry, go on.

Greg: The spatula, the yoga mat, some of those things and like the top 20 sellers are all private label sellers. You could click into there and see what else they are selling. So they may not open up like ten tabs of my favorite items, and then from there, I will take the main key word. So if we use, we use this Mexican yoga blanket again. So maybe the main keyword in there would be yoga blanket. So then I’ll just search for that general term, just on the Amazon store and then once on there, I’m looking for a couple of things. I want to know that the demand in high enough, yet it’s not too competitive. So the thing I use to estimate demand is I like to see that there’s 3,000 units of that product being sold through that key word.

Steve: A month right?

Greg: A month, that’s correct. And the reason I say that is, me personally, I don’t want to take an item that I’m not comfortable to sell ten a day. In any market I’m willing to enter, I feel like I can capture about ten percent of the share. So that’s– and it’s just a number that I use a as general rule of thumb. You can of course use something different, but that’s what I prefer to use.

Steve: Okay, and in terms of the selling price?

Greg: Yeah, the selling price– I used to say I wouldn’t want to sell anything less than $15, but later I’ve actually gone a little bit more picky, I prefer something minimal of like $20 or $25 just because it’s so much easier to make some money on the higher price items. Once you get that done to a $15 or a $10 item, there’s not a whole lot. Once Amazon takes their cut, there’s not a whole lot of money left over to purchase your item and profit. So minimum $20 or $25 is what I would recommend. I’d actually say there’s an upper level of that as well. I think above, maybe around $50, is when there’s less just like impulse purchases. People want to learn maybe a little bit more about the brand. So that’s kind of the price range I look at. $20-25 minimum, maximum of like $50.

Steve: So the reason you put an upper bound on the dollar amount is because you mention that people tend to care more about brand once you’ve exceeded this level? Is that the real rationale?

Greg: Yes. That’s my rationale. As an example, if I’m buying like a $20 or $30 product, if I’ve never heard of the brand before, it has good reviews, I won’t think twice about it. Once I get to some of these that are more expensive stuff, it’s like you might want to do a little more research, look into a little more. So that’s my rationale on it.

Steve: Okay. And I was just curious, you mentioned that you have these one page websites for your products, for those products, are those your more expensive ones, or do you just do for every product that you sell.

Greg: So I’ll actually do– so I have five different brands. And inside of these brands, I’ll have multiple products. So I’ll set up a website for that particular brand, not necessarily the product. So they search the brand name, they’d be taken to that website and then from there- some of them don’t actually have the product listed on it. It’s just like a just a general space, a little bit about the company type of thing. We feel like we create the best products, some of the little things like that.

Steve: Okay. Just to explain the brand a little bit without mentioning specific products.

Greg: Yeah. I think on a couple I might do some specific products, and then as my product lines have grown I just haven’t kept up with it to be honest with you.

Steve: Okay. And then this, you make like on your order 400K a month, how many products makes up that number?

Greg: Like, how many skews do I have listed?

Steve: Yeah, exactly.

Greg: I have, I think around 300 or 400 skews.

Steve: Holy!!

Greg: A lot of those though are like items from my wholesalers that will only sell like five a month. So there will usually be items that I took on hoping that they’d sell a little better and they didn’t. For my wholesale stuff, I’ll take an item if it’ll just sell like one a day, like thirty a month. Some of those are little low volume. All my private label items, I think are like in the mid 40s private label skews and all of those, I would like to make sure that they’re sell a minimum of ten a day and a lot of them have done better. Of course there’s a few that do worse, maybe will only sell three, four or five a day, but the majority of them actually I don’t know– it’s probably around 14, 15 by average sales per day.

Steve: Okay and it just seems like you kind of recently shifted in like the last year, year and a half to this private label method. So you have all these regular wholesale products still lying around, right?

Greg: Yeah exactly and the thing with them– some people are like why do you still sell them? It’s pretty easy just to reorder. I already have the relationship established with the wholesalers. So it’s pretty easy to go ahead and just place an order for a few more of those units from that person. So that’s why I keep selling some of those.

Steve: Do they ship directly to Amazon for you or what’s the arrangement like.

Greg: No, I still have everything shipped to my I call it a warehouse. It’s pretty pathetic. It’s a pretty pathetic warehouse. We still handle each product before it goes into Amazon. Yeah I don’t have anything shipped directly to Amazon right now.

Steve: Okay and so let’s continue on with the product criteria. So you mentioned price, you mentioned you like to make at least a unit that sells at least ten a day. Any other specific product criteria like for example, I recommend that my students don’t sell electronics or anything that go obsolete, do you have any sort of product criteria like that?

Greg: Yeah, a few of the things that I look for are– I prefer it to not be classified as over sized in Amazon especially if it’s your first product. I forget the exact dimensions, I think they are like 8” by 14” by 18” but it’s roughly the size of a shoe box is how you can think of it. If it fits inside a shoe box it will be most likely to be classified as a standard product as opposed to over size. So I’ll look for that, especially if it’s your first product.

If you are starting out an over sized item, Amazon puts a limit, I think you will only store like 500 in their warehouse at a time. There’s a large jump for the fulfillment fee from Amazon if it’s an oversize product. So most of my stuff, I try to get the smaller products. I prefer to be light weight because I like to ship most of the stuff on air– air shipment from China as opposed to ocean freight.

Steve: Interesting, okay.

Greg: Yeah, especially starting out. I have started to ship more stuff ocean freight, but it’s a huge headache. Don’t get me wrong. Shipping air like DHL or something from China it’s super easy. They take care of all the customs for you. It’s just like ordering something in the states. So at least just getting started like my first order with a supplier would be a smaller one, maybe like 500 units and those I always try to ship those via air.

Steve: So these are like super light products right, because the dimension returns for air happens around 200 pounds I think, like is it 200 or– where it’s like a lot cheaper to ship by sea.

Greg: Yeah, more so I’m going for the speed, what it gives to me as opposed to the price. So yeah, pretty much all of them would be cheaper to send ocean freight. But if you feel green, okay that’s 30 days I lost sales, because that’s how much longer it takes on ocean freight, then– yeah I usually try to get them into Amazon as quick as I can to confirm that it’s a good product, that the supplier meets my expectations as far as quality and stuff. So I’ll always ship that first order sometimes even the first two or three orders air freight.

Steve: Okay, let’s say I have– oh sorry, were you continuing on with criteria. Did I cut you up?

Greg: Yeah, I think I got a little off track there, I’m sorry. I usually go for something that is simple and not easily breakable as well. I wouldn’t do anything like glass probably or anything complex, like complex like electronics like you said. Couple other things that I look for is that I try to avoid products that have a potential high liability. Kind of as my business grows, I get more and more worried about this kind of things.

So I personally wouldn’t carry something like knives or maybe something that would burn people. Me personally I like to stick away for those higher liability products, and then of course you want to stay away from anything that is patented or illegally licensed. It wouldn’t be license but yeah. That’s my general criteria for me.

Steve: Okay, and then so let’s say you have an idea and you type it down on Amazon, and maybe it’s time to explain what Jungle Scout does. So I’ll explain it for you just for– and if I get anything wrong, just feel free to correct me. You type in a product on Amazon and what Jungle Scout does is you hit this nice button in your browser, and it lists all the products for sale, all their prices, an approximate revenue number for the last thirty days, how they are selling it, all the information nicely tabulated in one little mini spreadsheet actually that pops up. And so you can easily do product research, pretty accurate there Greg?

Greg: Yeah, that was a good one.

Steve: So let’s say, I’m doing that. So I type in a product and I’m thinking about selling and I bring up this nice Jungle Scout’s spreadsheet of all the products. So what are some things that you look for in terms of the competition? You mentioned sales already. So we got that down. How do you evaluate whether you’re going to have a chance?

Greg: Yeah that’s a good question. So like I said, with the demand, I like to see a minimal of 3,000 products like keyword. So it’s pretty easy if you have the Jungle Scout window to kind of look like really quickly estimates sales. For the competition, the easiest thing to look for is the number of reviews that your competitors have, or the top ten people that are ranked there, how many reviews they have.

So I like to see somewhat in the top five spots for that keyword, or for that product type having under 100 reviews, and in the top ten spots, I like to see two or three maybe four people with under 100 reviews. I think it’s pretty obvious the number of reviews, the quality of the reviews also is a major factor in Amazon’s ranking algorithms.

And also if someone sees a whole bunch of products that will have like a 100 to 500,000, reviews they are more likely to purchase one of those. So I want to see someone that has a lower number of reviews because that is something that I can more easily compete with. By giving away some products, I can go ahead, you know these people that have under 100 reviews, I can compete with them pretty easily.

Steve: Okay, so what if you see like a struggler that has like a 1,000 amongst a sea of hundreds or low hundreds? Does that affect you at all or?

Greg: I probably wouldn’t be scared on that one especially if– and some of the other things that I look for, is like the quality of reviews– excuse me, the quality of listings and the quality of pictures. That makes a huge difference. So even if I saw, somebody who had 1,000 reviews, maybe that product doesn’t have a very good listing, maybe it only has one picture and it’s kind of poor. Those are the kinds of things that are good to see and say, you know, I can take really good photos, build a really high quality listing and then I should be able to compete with these guys without much problem.

Steve: I remember you mentioned earlier that you like to pick cheaper items that brand doesn’t matter, but what if you see a lot of well known brand names in the subject results? Does that kind of sway you at all?

Greg: That might be a little bit of a flag for me. In general I stay away from products that are like people strong brand allegiance for instance like clothing. A lot of people like to buy like name brand clothes, whereas something like for instance, a water bottle, the brand name probably doesn’t matter as much like a water bottle. Yeah, if I saw all of the items had like well established brands, that product would be a flag to me, something I want to stay away from.

Steve: What if like the same brand that you’ve never heard of is like occupying the top 8 spots or something like that?

Greg: No, I don’t think that would really scare me much as long as I felt like I could get in there and compete with the number of reviews and the quality of listings.

Steve: So your main criteria it sounds like just is just a number of reviews when you’re evaluating the competition basically.

Greg: Yes, that’s 90% of it I would say.

Steve: Okay, and then what about in terms of like the number, the sheer number of people selling similar products. Does that affect you at all?

Greg: Yes and no. Generally if you go by that review criteria you will find that like the entire first search page isn’t filled with people selling the same item. But yeah, I mean if I searched for instance, when you search for like yoga mat or some of these other competitive ones like the entire page is filled with other people selling really similar items, that would be something I’d try to stay away from. I like to see– so you have to start to thinking about little more like kind of strange like weird items like the Mexican yoga blanket. When I search that, you’ll probably find that there’s only like five or eight people selling that type of item.

Steve: So do you have a certain number for like the number of searches also you like to see pop up?

Greg: No, not necessarily. I’ll more just like to see that the whole first page isn’t just full of that item. It’s a really good sign if for instance if you were to search for– I’m not very creative, I’m running out of ideas here. If you were to search for stainless steel water bottle, and you saw like the first, say in the first five results like three were actually stainless steel water bottle and the other two were plastic ones, that would be a good sign because that means if you were to create a stainless steel water bottle you could probably outrank those plastic ones. That’s not what people are searching for if they are searching for stainless steel water bottle.

Steve: Okay. Let’s switch gears a little bit and just kind of talk about like the whole product sourcing model here. So first of all, where do you get all your stuff from, the private label products?

Greg: All from Alibaba is where I find the suppliers.

Steve: Okay. So all of your suppliers have been on Alibaba because I remember you mentioned earlier that you had a friend that pointed you to some of his suppliers. Was that just a domestic wholesaler?

Greg: Yeah, that was for wholesalers. Yeah, all my private label stuff is sourced from overseas. I found all of them through Alibaba.

Steve: Okay, and what are some of the margins that you kind of look for, and what’s your strategy for dealing with some of these vendors?

Greg: Yeah, in general, I just like to make 100% return on my investment. So if I’m sourcing products for ten bucks, I like to make ten dollars profit. Dealing with the suppliers can be a little bit tricky. I think I’ve gotten better at this, but I still don’t think I’m great.

Steve: That’s okay.

Greg: I’ll normally email as many suppliers as I can find for that particular item. So we go back to stainless steel water bottle. I might email like 20 suppliers. Every supplier I can find for this water bottle. It’s just a copy and paste, it kind of template I have. I try to sound especially if you are starting out; I try to sound like a pretty big corporation. Maybe I’m a purchasing agent. We feel like we can do a lot of volume, things like that. But often, even when I email like 20 suppliers, I think that a lot of people get these results, but they are only like five will be back or maybe eight.

And then from there, that’s when I start trying to see which ones are the best. I look for things like how well can they– do they communicate with me, is their English pretty good, do I feel like we are on the same page? Do they get back to me quickly? And then from there, I’ll start talking about ordering a sample from the ones that make it through that stage.

Steve: How many do you narrow it down to before you start asking for samples?

Greg: Just as many good ones as I can find to be honest with you. If I found five good suppliers, I probably try to order a sample from all of them. But actually I’ve rarely found that’s the case. Usually it’s only like two or three suppliers that feel like I would be willing to work with.

Steve: Okay and so you order these samples and I imagine it’s just like one or two, right?

Greg: Yeah, so I’ll just order like one or two, sometimes just about always they want you to pay for shipping. It’s very rare they are willing to send to you without paying for shipping. Sometimes they’ll also charge you a small fee for the sample. I wouldn’t worry about this too much. I know some people are kind of worry about that. It’s like, just go ahead and pay for it. You’re going to want a sample before you order 500 or 1,000 products.

Steve: And do you jump from– so, once you’ve gotten the sample, and you’ve kind of examined it, what is the next logical order size that you typically make?

Greg: Yeah, it’s a good question. So this actually recently changed with me. I’ll tell you my advice on it. I used to always make an initial order of 500 units. And what I’ve found is that actually it isn’t enough. I like to start with smaller orders just because if I were to get a really bad factory and their quality was poor, I wouldn’t want to be stuck with the whole bunch of units. So that’s why I use to do 500. Now I do 750 or a 1,000 and the reason was I was always running out of stock. Because the lead time for a lot of these factories even if you are shipping air, is usually about 30 days, a lot of times I find it to even be more like 40, 45 days.
And if you order 500 units, if you give away 50 or 100 to get started and get some reviews, if the product does well and you are selling 10, 15, 20 a day, you are always going to run out of stock before even if the day that your first shipment gets into Amazon if you reorder I find myself I was always running out of stock. So now I actually — I usually order about 1000 for my first order now.
Steve: That’s interesting, so have you ever gotten burned with that product in that first batch?

Greg: So I haven’t had like a terrible experience yet, I have had some things like one time the — it was pretty obvious that they put the boxes all together when the ankle still wet, so are like smudged. So I wasn’t too happy about that, but I have never been like completely burned like it didn’t look anything like the sample type deal you know. Overall I think I have had a pretty good experience with it. I have had a few horror stories, but I don’t know if I’m just lucky, or maybe a little more picky about vetting my suppliers, so but overall…

Steve: Yeah, I have been doing it for a while; I have some horrors stories too, so I was just curious yeah, you are just willing to jump right to the — well, I’m just curious, what would you do if you did get a shipment that was unacceptable?
Greg: Yeah, that’s a good question, so for instance when I had the boxes right away I just try to work with my supplier, he was willing to send me like 1000 new boxes, but that required me unpacking and repacking all of them. You’ll probably just going to have take on a case by case basis, just try to work with your supplier kind of try to think about what motivate him maybe say like I want to work with you long term, but I need to get this one fixed. Can you send me new units or…?

Steve: Do you use a third party inspection company in China?

Greg: I haven’t yet, I probably will once I get burned for the first time. I keep saying I’m going to, and then I guess I just kind of been lax days ago about it because so far I have had nothing but pretty good experiences.

Steve: And this is across 40 different skews and how many different suppliers is that, that make up 40 skews?

Greg: Right, so it’s only probably 15 suppliers. So I do try to — so after I find one good item with the supplier and I like the supplier, a lot of times I’ll ask them for their catalogue like what are the products they are already manufacturing. And a lot of times even if the — maybe the product is not going to be as good as what I had hoped if I was establishing a relationship with a new factory, maybe it’s only going to sell – maybe I’ll estimate it’s going to sell five a day. A lot of times I’ll take that on anyway just because I have established relationship, I know they are doing pretty good work. And then from their own there are some economies of scale associated with that, so yeah, so I have to say about 15 suppliers.

Steve: And I guess that 500 unit quantities, you probably don’t have minimum quantity problems for most suppliers I would imagine?

Greg: Occasionally you’ll run into suppliers that only want to work with real high volumes. A lot of times you can talk them down if you say like look this is just a sample, we are just testing your quality. A lot of times they’ll be like I really want to with you, but my boss he likes to build a relationship really slowly, he’ll only let me order 500 or 1000. And occasionally a factory would say no I don’t want to deal with you, and just go on and look for another one.

Steve: Okay and you know how Alibaba when you look on there, it tends to give you a range. What has been your experience on the actual range of price versus the number of initial units that you are willing to purchase?

Greg: I think the numbers on Alibaba like don’t mean anything.

Steve: Okay.

Greg: I think they just throw out numbers there because sometimes say their MOQ is like 10,000 and they are willing to sell only 500 or the price range is way off. So I would recommend go ahead and contact a factory no matter what they claim their MOQ or prices for a product.

Steve: Yeah, I had the same experience, the number’s way out of work, but I mean it’s some — a lot of times it falls within that range that they give, and I was just curios what your experience was, but…

Greg: Right, yeah, I don’t even really look at those anymore I just go ahead just email the factory and then just try to work with them.

Steve: Okay, that’s cool. Okay, so let’s — okay, so we are done with the product sourcing, we got our samples, let’s say we got our first 1,000 units or 500 units whatever, what’s the next step, you get that thing on Amazon right?

Greg: Get it to Amazon exactly right, I can’t stress the importance of a high quality listing. Really good high quality photos I would say like at least five of them. I would recommend probably trying to hire someone to do this unless you already really good at photography because it makes a big difference. Make sure that all of your bullet points are filled out, you have good information there, you can try to include some keywords, anything people will be searching for in there, that’s good idea.

And then yeah just a good product description, you’ll find like a lot of products on Amazon like say really popular price that Amazon sells, really have like pretty like crappy listings. Like they only have one photo not many bullet points, so you can really stand out by having — yeah, just really high quality photos that make people feel like they know exactly what they are getting and yeah.

Steve: Do you use any tools to come up with the keywords for your products?

Greg: Usually for my initial listing I won’t use any tools for it; I’ll just brainstorm off the top of my head. Occasionally I use Google keyword planner but not so often. What I will do though is– and we are kind of jumping ahead here, but I’ll set up an automatic pay per click campaign which Amazon chooses keywords for you, and then if I find a keyword that is performing really well, I’ll try to go back and include that into my listing.

Steve: Okay, got it, now do you start running these pay per clicks as right off the back or do you get your initial reviews first?

Greg: I’ll usually — sometimes I’ll go ahead and run like a light pay per click campaign like maybe just like $5 or $10 a day. But I usually wait until I have at least ten reviews to kind of turn it on a little more.

Steve: Just curious, so let’s say you are like a complete newbie and you had nothing, how would you get your first reviews?

Greg: Yeah, good question. There’s a number of different websites to do it, there’s also Facebook groups that work pretty well like you can go in there and say, hey, can you — I’m trying to give away 50 units, I’ll give you two for a dollar, PME for a coupon code, and that works pretty well and it’s free…

Steve: Where do you find these facebook groups, so it’s just groups within your niche is that what you are talking about or?

Greg: No there are specific ones for getting reviews. So if you would search on Facebook like Amazon review group, or
Amazon product reviews or something like that, you’ll find a few.

Steve: Okay and there’s nothing like making them actually leave the review once they’ve gotten their product, right?

Greg: Right, you just ask an exchange for this deeply discounted product you would appreciate a review. And that’s within Amazon’s terms of service; they’ll allow you to give away a product for free or deeply discounted and request a review in exchange. Yeah, definitely don’t say anything about like I’m only going to give this away for people who are going to leave me five star reviews.

Amazon’s– they are definitely smart, they know that the integrity of the review system is very important for the customers who trust them. So yeah, I would recommend 100% planning by the book on that, but — yeah, there’s other good websites as well that do the same thing, they kind of connect sellers who are willing to give away discounted products with reviewers that are looking for good deals, they don’t mind leaving as review.

Steve: Do you have any favorites?

Greg: I have used about all of them.

Steve: Okay.

Greg: Yeah, I know snag shells [ph] one, the AMZ tracker, I think there was like, I love to review, there’s review kick, so yeah, go check out some of those.

Steve: So it sounds like you don’t use them anymore, what’s your strategy right now to get your first initial reviews, and for you?

Greg: Yeah, I have developed kind of like a personal email list for it. And it started out with actually some co-work girls of my wife. And they were willing to — they wanted product, and they are willing to leave honest reviews, and then this kind of thing just like spreads like wild fire, like I’ll get like — they’ll be like hey, can you include so and so. So now it’s like an email list of like a couple a hundred people that — who would always just love good deals and they are happy to leave a review for it, so…

Steve: Interesting, so you created your own email list of people who want to review your stuff.

Greg: Yeah, so I find it’s really easier to do.

Steve: Yeah, I know everyone loves free stuff right?

Greg: Yeah, exactly that’s why it spreads so quickly it’s funny, and now I don’t even — I have no idea who like 99% of the people are, and they probably don’t even know me.

Steve: How big is this list? Is it like thousands?

Greg: No it’s a couple of hundred.

Steve: Okay, so just curious, so you got your product up now, what are some of your philosophies on pricing?

Greg: Yeah, good question, I kind of just look at my competition, see where they are priced at. A lot of times I’ll actually — maybe not until I get my initial few sales and reviews. But I’m actually usually priced a little bit higher than my competition. I try to have a really good listing, a lot of times I’ll try to make smaller tweaks on products to make them actually better. And then you can charge a little bit more money, but…

Steve: Can you show an example of that or is that — are you — okay.

Greg: Yeah, so actually I’m really excited about this product right now, because it’s doing awesome. It had plastic buckles on it, and everyone was complaining as I read the bad reviews, everyone was complaining that the plastic buckles always broke. So all my competitors were selling these items with plastic buckles for like 15 or 20 bucks, and I got metal buckles from on it, I’m actually selling it for $35 now. And I’m out selling all my competition a lot, because they have well like three and four star reviews and I have all five stars reviews, so…

Steve: And did you emphasize that metal buckle on your bullet points too?

Greg: Oh, yeah, absolutely and like my initial picture kind of zooms in on that, like I emphasized that it’s heavy duty and — so yeah.

Steve: Okay, interesting, okay, so it sounds like your strategy, there’s more to your strategy right? You look for bad reviews, how you can improve the product, do you do that on your first batch?

Greg: Yeah, and out of like my 40 or so products I have severally done that with like five, the rest are just your typical standard stuff. Just occasionally that will kind of pop out and be like man it looks like your pretty good product, but a lot of people really bad reviews, and I’ll see something it’s like, well that probably is really easy to change out, let me ask the factory about that. So that’s definitely not the case with all my products so…

Steve: So with the ones that where there is just like what everyone else is selling, do you still price those higher than everyone else?

Greg: I definitely won’t get into any price wars, I’ll always usually like match the highest price. I found that if you have like a really good listing and you are getting good reviews that people are — especially if it’s only a dollar or two. A lot of times if one item ranked five stars, and then went four stars and it’s like a dollar or two more expensive, a lot of times people will pick that, so yeah I definitely won’t get in any price wars with anyone.

Steve: Okay, yeah, no it’s interesting, so do you — you just try to make sure that your listing is as nice as possible, and then you just kind of price yourself on the higher end, is that kind of accurate?

Greg: Yeah, I’d say it’s spot on.

Steve: Okay, cool, yeah, so let’s switch gears a little bit and talk about Jungle Scout, because this is — it’s a cool little plug-in, and how did you come up with the idea, and what was like kind of the impetus for you to create this tool?

Greg: Yeah, absolutely, so I came up with the idea because I was actually — I used to create spreadsheets with all of the information that Jungle Scout gives you. So I would go in, I would click on each particular item, I put it in a spreadsheet. I put the price, the category, all the stuff. I was using like– back at time a calculator that wasn’t very accurate to estimate sales. See what I found as I was creating these spreadsheets I was like man – it was like it’s the largest [inaudible 00:43:19] in my business like find a new product to sell, and doing this product research it was terribly time consuming.

So one day I just kind of came up with the idea. We started using it kind of in house for — we did it like a couple of months until I showed a few buddies about that, they are like man you really need to sell this. Yeah, so the rest is history.

Steve: Okay, so you basically created it out of your own needs essentially?

Greg: Yeah, absolutely because — so yes, so now instead of going and clicking on each item and making the spreadsheet, now you just hit the little JS button in it, it creates this spreadsheet for you within a few seconds. So yeah, it makes it so much faster, and then since then we’ve improved on it a lot like our estimates sales equation are really accurate now. Well actually, that’s always a question for everyone, so I’ll tell everybody how we do that.

Well, actually we follow like around 40,000 or 50,000 items on Amazon on a daily basis, and we track how many products they sell, and what their sales ranks are? So then at the end of each month we’ll have like over a million data points, and we have a data scientist who works for me, she is super smart and from that she can model at each month to see how well the items are selling on Amazon.

So that’s obviously a huge, very beneficial to know, the estimate sales revenue each month, to get an idea of how much volume that product in your competition is doing. And then yeah, since then we’ve added like FBA Feed calculator, and little price and sales ranks history of gross, we integrate Google trends in there and so yeah, now it just makes it so much quicker and easier to do your product research.

Steve: How do you get the sales data of these 40,000 or 50,000 products?

Greg: We’ve built a data collection system to follow all the items, so as you probably know Amazon doesn’t publish its information, so you kind of have to get creative and get it yourself.

Steve: Interesting, okay, I’m just curios how you do that, are you willing to reveal that or?

Greg: Yes, so I mean we just do — do you know like 999 cart trick?

Steve: No, is that when you list something really high, and off of [inaudible 00:45:43], and you get their traffic data or?

Greg: So yeah, you can go into an item on the Amazon store and try to add 999 to your cart. And if there’s less than 999 in stock, it will give you an error and say, there’s only like 350 in stock. So when — today that selling has 350 in stock, now if we would do that a few times a day for a whole bunch of days in a row, we could figure out exactly how many they are selling each hour, day, month.

Steve: Genius, okay, I got it, that’s very clever cool.

Greg: See you can actually do this trick too if you don’t have Jungle Scout, if you just want to know how many products an item is selling, if you want to kind of follow them for a few days yeah, that’s how you do it. Just try to add, it will only let you add 999 to your cart. So the only downsize is if they had over that in stock they have like a thousand or more in stock, it will just let you add 999, and then you have no idea.

Steve: Awesome, so you got this tool and it seems like a lot of people are using this, how did you actually get the word out about the tool?

Greg: Yeah, I started with just — I think telling a few friends about it. And it really just spread like wildfire like I’m a terrible marketer Steve. Like I have no marketing background like I was an engineer, I’m horrible at it. So the only thing I guess like I was only good for the like the product development, like the data side of it.

So thankfully it just spread with word of mouth like crazy, because otherwise probably no one would ever know about this. But yeah, I mean since then I get the word out from obviously interviewing me on your podcast, other people have asked me to come on theirs. What I have really found is I just try to be — I’m not the type of person that tries like hard sell anything really. It’s like awkward to me, I don’t like doing it, I’m not a good sales person.

So I just try to like generally help as many people as I can with like product research, like whether I’m telling about Jungle Scout or not. And I found that it’s just a great way to do it, everyone appreciates my help, and they are kind of interested about Jungle Scout, so just try to be a great helpful guy.

Steve: That’s awesome, that’s incredible, okay, now I was wondering if you had some insights, because it has spread like wild fire in a way. So it seems like you haven’t done much and it’s just been mainly word of mouth, which is pretty amazing.

Greg: Yeah, for the most part since I have tried to learn about like Facebook ads and a few of these other things, and I have like severely under optimized campaigns running for some of these stuff. But yeah, for the most part it’s just word of mouth, and yeah just kind of helping people out with their product research.

Steve: Cool, Greg, hey, I want to be respectful of your time, we’ve already been chatting for almost 50 minutes. If anyone has any questions for you, or is interested in Jungle Scout where can they find you, do you have a blog or anything?

Greg: Yes, I’m actually working on getting a blog up, I don’t know when it’s going to be released, maybe check back in a few weeks, you could probably find a blog at Jungle Scout. Feel free to email me if you have any questions about Jungle Scout or just Amazon sales, or product researching in general, you can email me at

Steve: Awesome.

Greg: Yeah, we’ve set up a little discount for your community Steve, so if they want to find that they can do so at

Steve: I will put that link in the show notes so anyone who is interested — I actually really love the tool and I highly recommend it. If you find yourself needing to do a whole lot of products research in Amazon, then it’s a no brainier. Well, hey Greg, thanks a lot for coming on the show, and I really appreciate your time.

Greg: Absolutely, Steve thanks for having me, it’s been fun.

Steve: Yeah, man, take care.

Greg: All right bye.

Steve: Hope you enjoyed that episode. Greg is someone I refer to as a triple threat, one he’s got a great personality, and he is an incredible people person. Two he is smart and business savvy, and three he is technical and can create anything out of software. So I highly recommend that you check out his tool Jungle Scout and actually look for a 10% coupon in the show notes when this episode is published.

For more information about this episode, go to And if you enjoyed this episode, please go to iTunes and leave me a review. It’s by far the best way to support the show, and please tell your friends because the greatest compliment that you can give me is to write a referral to someone else, either in person or to share it on the web.

Now if you are interested in starting your own online business, be sure to sign up for my free six day mini course where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100K in profit in our first year of business. Go to, sign up right there on the front page, and I’ll send you the free mini course right away. Thanks for listening.

Outro: Thanks for listening to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast, where we’re giving the courage people need to start their own online business. For more information visit Steve’s blog at

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092: How To Write Email Autoresponders That Generate Sales On Autopilot With John McIntyre

093: How To Write Enticing Emails To Close The Sale With John McIntyre

Today I’m excited to have John McIntyre on the show. I was introduced to John by Laura of Ecommerce Fuel, checked out his site and became intrigued by his email skills.

John runs the site where he talks about how to automate sales via email autoresponders.

Sound familiar? 90% of the sales of my blog and a good portion of my ecommerce store sales are through email so I knew I wanted John on the show to see how he does it.

So today we are going to cover how to run email marketing campaigns to maximize sales. Enjoy!

What You’ll Learn

  • How John got started with email marketing and how to use the McMethod
  • Some case studies illustrating John’s biggest wins with email
  • How John analyzes a client company and decides his plan of attack with email
  • What email campaigns you should be running with your online store
  • The difference between writing copy for email versus a landing page
  • How to structure a high converting email autoresponder

Other Resources And Books

Sponsors – If you are interested in starting your own online store, then click here to get 1 month free
bigcommerce-logo – If you are interested in starting your own WordPress blog, then click here to get 30% off webhosting at!


Steve: You are listening to the My Wife Quit her Job Podcast. And if you are new here, it’s a show where I bring in successful bootstrapped business owners to teach us what strategies are working and what strategies are not. Now I don’t bring on these famous entrepreneurs simply to celebrate their success, instead I have them take us back to the very beginning and delve deeply into the exact strategies they used early on to gain traction for their businesses.

Now if you enjoy this podcast please leave me a review on iTunes, and if you want to learn how to start your own online business be sure to sign up for my free six-day mini course, where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100k in profit in our first year of business. Go to sign up right on the front page, and I’ll send you the free mini course right away via email.

Now before we begin I want to give a quick shout out to my sponsor Bigcommerce. Now Bigcommerce is a fully hosted shopping cart platform that allows you to set up your own online store in minutes. And as most of you probably know, I teach a class on how to start a profitable online store, and Bigcommerce is actually one of the shopping carts that I highly recommend in my class. Now here’s what I like about Bigcommerce. Unlike other competing platforms, Bigcommerce does not nickel and dime you with every little shopping cart feature, and when you sign up, you’ll immediately have a fully featured and extremely powerful shopping cart at your disposal.

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I also want to thank HostGator for sponsoring the show. HostGator is an incredible webhost that I highly recommend. And in fact did you know that was hosted on HostGator in the very beginning? They offer 24/7 live support, via chat, phone, and email, one click WordPress installs, an easy to use website builder, design services, marketing services, and the best part is that I’m offering a 30% discount for all podcast listeners. So please go to to redeem the discount. Once again that’s, now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. We will teach you how to create a business that suits your lifestyle, so you can spend more time with your family and focus on doing the things that you love. Here is your host Steve Chou.

Steve: Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. Today I’m excited to have John McIntyre on the show. Now I was introduced to John by Laura of eCommerceFuel, checked out his site and became intrigued by John’s email skills. Now John runs the site,, where he talks about how to automate sales via email auto-responders. Now if this sounds familiar to you it’s probably because 98% of the sales from my blog and a good portion of my ecommerce store sales are through email. So I knew I wanted to have John on the show to see how he does it. Today we are going to cover some real life case studies that he’s had on how to do email marketing to maximize sales. And with that, welcome to the show, John. How are you doing today man?

John: I’m doing really well Steve. It’s good to be here. Thanks for having me.

Steve: Yes, so before we start, give me the quick background on how you got started with TheMcMethod and how you got into email.

John: Sure. So I’m originally from Sydney, Australia but in 2011 I landed a job as the marketing director for [inaudible 0:03:56] in the Philippines. While I was there I got the entrepreneurial niche, and wanted to go and start my own things so I could travel around Asia and have that lifestyle. Before I worked with [inaudible 0:04:07]. And so, along the way I decided to teach myself how to write copy, how to write down words, how to write sales pages or emails that made people buy stuff.

And it started by being for a small website, a very small business that I had with my own website selling advertising. But eventually, someone, one of the visitors– he had a business and wanted some help with this email sign up and his email list. And so we did a deal together and he basically offered me some cash to create for him some emails and that’s where it all started. From there, in that case, that guy was the original thing. We basically set up a, we’ll go into the details later. We set up a course sort of an email program for them. And at the time, I didn’t actually mention it; we wish we had some results before this. I didn’t mention it. That was a 257% increase in his opt-in signage from the same traffic. It was actually a cool story. Then that’s where it started. He was happy obviously.

So we decided to do a podcast for it, on the stats, on the process on basically what we are doing right now. And he’s always very engaged. Let him have businesses. So afterwards they came to me, we made an offer and podcast. A number of them came to me afterwards and said, “Well can you do the same thing for me,” in that sort of style. So it was about three years ago now, and then actually picked up steam from there, more and more people came to me for email and gradually as it build up sort of a pretty good reputation as one of the main email address online.

Steve: So just curious the clients that you kind work with are they mainly selling like info-related products or what is the nature of the customers that you typically have?

John: Well, that’s the interesting thing. So, some of these we are going to talk about today. I’m going to give more info products based on more traditional into the internet marketing stuff. But here are some changes I think in my own vision and my own goals and also just realizing some of the mistakes I’ve made over the last years. Right now I’m doing a push store site, ecommerce email marketing. It’s very much in the early face.

There are at the process, the results, we don’t have too many results to share. But I think overtime it’ll– so that’s the new direction but up until now it’s been everyone from– it’s been a couple of ecommerce guys, a lot of info guys, men and women, also a lot of different courses, couple of software companies– couple of like BOB services, video production, just a wide range of stuff. Anyone who’s really trying to increase their conversion rate, because that’s what all emails do, it’s just about increasing your conversions.

Steve: Yeah, so what I like about email is kind of like the automation aspect which is key for me especially since I don’t have much time and I don’t have an army of employees. So what I have something to do today is kind of dig a little deeper into some of your successful clients in the past and pretty much what you did to increase their sales. So let’s just start with one of your biggest wins and why don’t you frame the, give us an intro to what this guy does and his company and then we’ll talk a little bit more about what you did for his email campaign.

John: Sure. So this was Alvin. Alvin came to me about three or four months ago. I was in Canada at the time. He was doing, basically doing a protocol. They have a business where they help you with reinstating personal development self help and improving this at the mindset and attitude towards mind, a whole range of different things. And they had an upcoming protocol. So what they– I mean, they’ve done this plenty of times. They do a few of these launches every year.

The person who had written the sales page, he wasn’t an email director, email and sales page, you know require quite a different approach. He’s previous [inaudible] [00:07:28] wasn’t available, even that– maybe he wasn’t as good as he hoped. So he had heard about me from [inaudible 0:07:35] and some of the other guys in the industry and wanted to do something. We were on the phone. We got on the phone and chatted out, I gave him a plan. And a few weeks later, I read the emails, they went out. They did the launch, they made 52– last I checked it was $52,575.

Steve: Hey John, just real quick before you go on, what are the primary differences between writing a sales page versus a sales sequence in email?

John: I think it’s– usually with an email, like, it’s a basically warm traffic. So people who join the listing they are in a relationship with you. So they understand you. They understand a bit more about you, who you are, what you do. Often a sales page, the reason it’s so long is that the sales page is trying to do what a sales person might do face to face. It’s going to build a relationship, build a rapport with that.

Now what emails are good for, it’s generally not a good idea to sell directly from within the email. You are better off using the email to get people curious and excited enough to go and check out a sales page to something. And so on a sales page you can be very direct. You can be very– like sell. It basically means really sell. It’s you make a pitch– you really, really pitching out an email. If you pitch every time you send an email, you are just going to wear people out.

Steve: Okay, interesting. Okay and so that is why the skill set for someone who is running a sales page, versus an email it sounds like the email has to be more kind of content based so to speak.

John: Correct. It’s more– like it’s just be quite sort of a different approach. I mean I can do both. It’s not like there’s no sort of exclusive thing with only one or the other but it’s just that like email requires you to– it’s more of a story telling aspect and more of a relationship building and more sort of an entertainment factor where the goal is not so much to sell and pile on the pressure, it’s much more sort of being engaging, build a relationship and build a rapport and then lead them very naturally and very easily to the next step which is going to be the sales page.

Steve: Okay, cool. So let’s continue on with Alvin story. So he’s selling these products and then he’s coming to you to do the email sequence?

John: Correct, yeah. So they had a product launch coming out where they are basically going to get a whole bunch of affiliates from around the internet to send a whole bunch of [inaudible 0:09:41] to send them a truck load of traffic. And what they needed was a basic prospects campaign to start like to convert these people. So the traditional approach is that you give them land on your page, you say sign up for this eBook, and then you know, have a series of emails that pushes people to the sales page after that. What we actually did though is– the idea that I had at the time was like, well let’s do a standard thing which is obviously to have a sequence solve. I don’t know exactly. I blew up the campaign now and say how many emails are these.

Steve: So you stopped giving out the eBook?

John: No, we keep giving out the eBook. What we did because usually people will do this and they’d give a campaign word– usually people will just do, they’ll give an eBook and then they’ll get five or ten emails and that’s it. Like, there’s not much strategy to it. They just kind of send it out. Maybe they tell a story or two and that’s the end of it. What I say we did is first we gave them the eBook, but email, I don’t have much detail of me going there–

Steve: Just a high level of what the purpose of each email was would be great. And I’m also curious before you go on, like do you advice giving out an eBook as opposed to breaking out that eBook into separate emails?

John: I think, it’s funny you asked that because a lot of people don’t know about that. I would generally opt for skipping the eBook and spreading that content over several emails. Or you could just do both. Give them the eBook at a start like you said you are going to and then also just keep emailing them. Because what’s going to happen is most people aren’t going to read that eBook. For example it’s only you.

Steve: Yeah, that’s what I found.

John: For example it’s only you; it’s an honor I read them–

Steve: Yeah, what I found is– because I have affiliate links in my– I used to give out an eBook but then once I broke that down into emails I found that just a click engagement was a lot magnitude higher. So that’s why I was just curious. I thought I would ask.

John: Okay, yeah. So it was– I’m just looking at the campaign now, there’s 19 emails long. One of the key– so we gave them the eBook in the start. The email one the way I do email one, it’s always asking them for questions, asking them the questions. So in this case– the goal is if you can get someone to reply to email one and two, you are going to get a green light in to the inbox. Let’s just skip the spam tab; you also skip the promotions tab and the social tab.

That’s a really sort of a unique tact that a lot of people don’t know about. The way you do that is in email one, I always ask them three questions which is what is your single most important question about solving one of your problem is and you mention the specific problem. Number two, is what would make a difference in your life to get a good answer for this problem. And number three, how difficult has it been for you to find an answer to this question? It’s amazing how many people will actually respond to that and answer to those questions.

Steve: Just curios what do you do with those replies? Do you reply to every person that replies?

John: I do. I mean, right now I’m not doing it myself.

Steve: Yeah.

John: But basically yeah. If you can reply, position yourself as person who’s there, who’s listening, who’s paying attention to them, it sets you apart from a lot of other people who don’t respond to their emails.

Steve: Okay.

John: So that’s where I start over with. In this case, email two is always did you get our email. It’s like, it’s “John here from bla, bla, bla company. I sent you an email. I have some information. If you answer here, I just want to make sure you got it. Kindly reply, let me know, I’ll send it to the right place.” And that email looks like harmless enough but what is doing because people will reply to that else well, it’s triggering this engagement scores with Gmail.

Every time someone engages with me through email whether it’s opening, clicking it or replying to it, and the reply is the best thing you can get, because it’s probably one of the hardest thing to get, you are going to get positive– basically branding points. Think of it that way, with Gmail, Yahoo and all that. It increases your sender score, and so you are more likely you hit the inbox than go to the promotions tab for example.

Steve: Let me ask you this question. So let’s say I have a list where the open rate is really low, is that going to affect the deliverability overall of my entire list?

John: It will. I think– so those issues will often– they just don’t provide– to worry about them. It’s not worth– it’s really worth worrying about them until you get to the higher end of [inaudible 0:13:37] database because at this low level it’s not going to make it– I don’t think it’s going to make that big of an impact. You would be better off just working on the open rate as opposed to working on the deliverability which sort of two separated. The open rate will affect it because then you obviously get less engagement scores, less deliverability to email. It becomes a little bit of a feedback loop.

Steve: So I just was wondering if you should be constantly pruning your list and then segmenting them down really narrow like actively or is that something that you shouldn’t worry about until much later?

John: I think you wouldn’t really– I wouldn’t worry about it in the beginning if you are just getting started. But once you get to say five or ten thousand leads, it’s going to make a lot of sense to start doing that.

Steve: Okay, all right. Sorry we left out at email three, right?

John: Well, email two, that’s where we did.

Steve: Email two. Okay, yeah.

John: What I started is– the way I break up this sort of campaign and the way the whole structure works as well as [inaudible 0:14:27], the important part was so much we had done some emails, we had a bunch of stories in it, what was important was looking at the different leverage points in this. So that welcome email strategy, the reply to this email, that’s a big thing. What I also did, at the end of this sequence, the last two emails was actually a promotion. So basically we sell to people for the first 15 emails, and then if they still haven’t bought, we then give them a hot by promotion for 50% off to get sort of the last little struggles left on that list.

Steve: Wait, so hold on. I think you skipped ahead a little bit. So the first two emails are just asking questions and getting them to respond and then you are saying emails three through fifteen are all sales emails or?

John: Yeah, what I thought is instead of just going through all those email by email, give you the broad structure of how control campaign works, otherwise. So what we had is like at the end there was a sale to get the last people who, let’s say you– I’m going to go through the details in a minute, but how to get those people who are sort of always on the verge, the pattern I mean it was a bit expense too expensive or something.

And then the other key feature that this whole campaign works we had three up-sales. And so every time someone bought a product, we had another five email campaign that sell them on the next product. Well first of all reaffirm their purchase. So we sold them to get minimized [inaudible 0:15:38] but then to also resell them on the next product, there’s an actual fee for the product they just bought. So that was one way. I think the sale and then the up-sale, so the way the up-sale sort of works, that was really what pushed the revenue up like that. They had really leverage points in there.

Steve: Can you give me an example of what you were selling and hit one of the up-sales.

John: So the first product, the lead product was sort of like the flagship course. The whole idea was that the story with this product was that people that we know, some of them are in China, Egypt and Israel and gathered some secrets to that wealth, some secrets to that [inaudible 0:16:20], and seeking a whole bunch of secrets about how to succeed in life. And so the first product was basically doing the big box of secrets. The main collection of everything you wanted. Product number two was–

Steve: You aren’t telling me exactly what it is. I was just curios in what relationship it was to the main product and what it was priced at in relation to the main product.

John: Correct yeah. The first product from my email was $47, the second product was $97, the third product was I mean $47 again and then $47 again for product three.

Steve: Interesting. So the up-sale can be more expensive than the main–

John: A hundred percent.

Steve: Okay.

John: I mean I’ve done this before, you can go from like $17 to $97, or you can $17, $47 and $97, to $500 if you want. There’s so many different ways to do it.

Steve: Is that like a logical progression like you get them to spend a little bit of money and then gradually work your way up to the most expensive?

John: Correct.

Steve: Or do you like to start out with the most expensive and then sell them so called like accessories?

John: Actually I was going to say correct but yeah, it actually depends on the market. I remember speaking to a guy a while back. He was in the financial sort of training space, had an education [inaudible 0:17:38]. He was saying that he’s tried this basically the [inaudible 0:17:40]. You sell a cheap product and then you sell an expensive product. He found that for him, probably because he was selling a higher ticket approach in the first place, he actually made more money when he lead with or when he started with a $1500 product and skipped the small products all together.

Steve: I see.

John: So I think the big probable you really have to test it. It’s going to vary by market and by demographics that you are going after.

Steve: Okay, so go on.

John: Just try to fit in like a key thing with up-sales a lot of people don’t do is that you got to– you need to make the up-sale fit the product before. This is going to be a much easier sale. So it’s a bit like how– let’s say I’m selling, and this is a really easy example. But let’s say I’m selling like apples and the main product was apples and the apples sell to all sorts of people.

And then as the up-sale you say, look, now you go to a bunch of apples what you need, here’s a special knife designed specifically for cutting apples. When it comes to cutting out apples and peeling them and making them into delicious pieces of apple, this is the knife you have to have. And so what you’ve got is you’ve got this maybe– this may not be a good example. But you’ve got apples and then you’ve got something that fits sort of perfectly.

Steve: I see. So you kind of frame the up-sale before you actually give the offer for the up-sale.

John: Correct. So what you want– the way you want to think of that is how can you pre-frame the up-sale with the product that you sell before.

Steve: Interesting, okay. So sorry, I was hoping we could dive…

John: Don’t worry about the originals. I just wanted to explain that. That’s the broad style of how the sequence of the whole– how the system works. And now we get back to email three.

Steve: Three through fifteen. Yeah, so you don’t have to go under that much detail but I was curious like how you weave in the story telling and when the actual selling starts.

John: Right. A happy gang, I started with– it was starting with just stories like challenging– I mean email three, here’s an example of how I did it. A lot of people in this sort of area and this demographic, they want to go for all their passion. They want to go do what they love. They want to have that life. And so the subject line of email three was why [inaudible 0:19:52] you’re passing is bad advice and “bad” was capitalized because– I think you get a lot of attention when you start to challenge some of their core beliefs.

So this might– not everyone believes, but in this market, that was pretty much like a follow your passion, “I just want to do” that kind of thing. So I can come out there, you can come out there and bust one of these myths to them, they are going to pay a lot more attention to you because you are offering to them something that other people aren’t necessarily offering them. So that’s an example. So that email just about that. And it was sort of a story crossed with let’s get through it.

Steve: I’m just curios, is any part of the sequence like hard core teaching of anything or is it more like just getting to know– letting the customer getting to know you so to speak.

John: There’s no hard core teaching where– like a very actionable long blog post. Think about it, there’s none of that. There’s much more of that telling a story and being engaged and being entertained. So giving some people– for example, like this email here, it’s about why follow your passion is bad advice. This is not particularly actionable. You are not going to go out there and go, all right no I’ve got this is amazing action plan that I can kind of go and execute on. But they are going to read that and they are going to understand it and they are going to go wow, sort of like, they are going to learn something from that email.

Steve: Interesting. Okay, yeah, what’s really interesting here is, the way I have mine structured is like completely opposite I guess. Like I just slam them right away with actionable stuff and then I save kind of more the story telling– I do a little bit before and then I do a lot of it afterwards, after the hardcore teachings. So I was just curious, do you always structure your campaigns as well or is it just kind of on a case by case basis?

John: Case by case basis. But generally speaking, this is how most campaigns that I put together run.

Steve: Okay, so just curious what are some of the open rates like for the emails and the sequence and do they tend to trail off towards the end after 15 emails?

John: They do, yeah. You are going to get diminishing returns every time usually. Yeah, I mean again and this is list dependent and traffic dependent.

Steve: Of course, of course, yeah.

John: But yeah, you are going to be looking at– like usually mine start at 40-50% on the first two emails and then it’s going to gradually trickle down from there depending on how much– you know if you are going really aggressive with selling from the [inaudible 0:22:08], if you do the same thing every time, you are not being engaging. You are not giving people something that they are getting value from whether it’s actionable tips like what you have been doing or whether it’s stories. And we call it infotainment where it’s not necessarily actionable but it’s still giving them value to enjoy reading it.

If you are not doing that and you are more focused on sale, sale, sale, or on the other hand I’ve seen people get bad results when they overload people with too much information because then people get overwhelmed and they just like, “Look, I don’t have enough time to execute all this.” I guess, that’s the risk of going too far down the content road is that people end up shooting out. Just like, oh some more tips. Some more tips and that’s some more tips.

Steve: I see, I see, got it. Okay. So email three, there’s no mention of any offer at this point, right?

John: There’s no mention of any offer. The way– my approach with this sequence was to– it’s actually homework. So in email one, I actually present it as the way we are going to teach how to do this in his emails and there’s going to be homework. And there was a homework like in every email, but there were questions and things to think about. The idea was to get their mind thinking.

And now, the approach too because I do get to selling later when I’m mentioning the offer, what I always do first because this is more of a launch style approach, we used to pre-frame the offer– we used to pre-frame the– give them information about this way. So basically give them information that’s going to overcome their objections before they have the objections. So if I need them to believe in say this idea that maybe Israel and China and Egypt had secrets, and I need to tell– first before I could– if I just came out and said this is amazing secrets to hear and you should by this product, I mean, really that’s – I don’t really know if I can believe that.

But if I first start off and tell them an engaging story about China for example and something happened back in the day, it creates some sort of mystery around it and sort of be theatrical about it. It’s going to start to prime their brain in a way that when I finally do mention the product and do mention these apparent secrets that they are going to help them, they are going to be more likely to believe in them and they are going to have less objections.

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Steve: Okay now that makes sense, so how many emails of this do you typically do before you even mention the offer?

John: We set it like this, let’s go have a little, there’s no cookie kind of way to do it, I’m just going it through to see when, where did I mention it, let’s see. Okay so it was an email here we go yeah, email nine where the offer got mentioned, yeah.

Steve: Wow okay.

Steve: Can you just give us a high level of what happened from emails four through nine?

John: Sure, talking about email three, email four was really you know, okay, email– there’s really a lot in one big document so I’m scrolling through and I keep missing.

Steve: Yeah, that’s cool.

John: Email, so the way I did it, it was China, Egypt and Israel and I spent two emails per location building up some sort of emotional case for why I, you know this place that was special and why there were potentially secrets there. I was really trying to build this year really just building an emotional and a logical case for the idea that these locations had some sort of knowledge that we had lost or that we could benefit from.

Steve: I see okay.

John: Giving them some history I mean it’s very much about being entertaining and I mean this is a part where the sales page is useful too, is what you, gives you a chance to really build a, build you know build a relationship with them. When they start to buy in, emotionally buy in to you know what you’re talking about and part of this too is like I was breaking down part of like the sales page instead of having like a sales page you know just one page and one sales letter, it was more of like splitting up the sales page into separate emails. If you look at a good sales page the first thing especially if it’s for cold traffic, the first thing you’re not going to sell you’re going to start to talk, you know tell a story about someone who may have had the problem that they have…

Steve: Right.

John: Which is going to captivate their attention and then they’re you know getting them interested in reading but there is very little selling at the start. The way it’s written though is very different because on a sales page you’re going to have all these crazy headlines and everything it’s going to look like a sales page.

Steve: Right.

John: Language is going to be slightly different as well where as in an email it’s written much more to be casual and relaxed like one friend to another.

Steve: Just curious do you incorporate video in any of these email sequences?

John: Not these ones I’ve done in my own I mean I’ve done in my own before but I don’t have any– I don’t do it on a regular basis, most often text with these sort of clients.

Steve: How do you decide whether you need to incorporate or want to incorporate video versus just straight text?

John: I think it depends on what you’re doing like if you’re– it depends on what you’re selling instead of what you’re trying to achieve and sort of what the context is. Like I’ve, I give you this video [inaudible 00:27:36] when I’m just being playing around and like basically you can jump, you’re going to wake people up because you do the same thing every time. People can tend to get a bit comfortable with and like so they will sometimes tune out. I done have a thing of how to you know how to use a video and email with the clients link because a lot of times I don’t have video and so that is a different skill you know it’s a different area and a different skills set too so…

Steve: Sure, now I’m just curious like if you’re selling some sort of info product a lot of the times its very important that people get to know who you are and so sometimes a video might help with that, I don’t know, yeah.

John: Sure, I mean again it depends on– some people are really good on video at [inaudible 00:28:10] other people are totally weird and awkward, and they’d really shoot themselves in the foot if they start putting videos out.

Steve: That’s true that a good point. Okay so email nine you introduced a sale, like if they don’t buy, obviously you don’t try to send them the up sell right? It seems like some of these sequences branch off depending on what a person does, is that kind of accurate?

John: Correct yeah I mean this case is pretty it’s very straight forward just you know four products in total and then we just have a campaign for each product. This is the main campaign and then there’s a five email campaign for each product that someone buys that pushes them to the next product.

Steve: Interesting.

John: You know I mean in a different situation and if you had different classic ones like let’s say your three main segments in the audience people sign up then you can use the first two to three emails, the segments like to basically tag them and put them off in a different auto-responder. There are ways to do that. It didn’t make sense here but it really depends, I mean we get really credited with this stuff.

Steve: Just curious do you tend to do the up-sells right away or do you give them some time to like kind of digest what you’ve just sold them?

John: Right away.

Steve: Right away?

John: Yeah in most cases with information like this yeah right away. With other things though sometimes it’s better to let them you know go for two weeks. It really depends on the products but in this case you just use your offer just straight away because I mean the worst thing that happens is they say no and then you get to hit them up two weeks later anyway.

Steve: Let’s say after email nine they don’t buy what does email 10 through 15 look like?

John: It’s more sales. So email nine isn’t really a hard bit, it’s just more [inaudible 0:29:41]. It’s sort of an extension of the emails before that, but at the end it leads naturally into this pitch. Like into basically a click here for all the juicy details. We’ve been building up this big case before that and it’s like now we’ve finally come to the punch line which is that you know you have taken all this knowledge all this stuff that I have been explaining over the last few emails and the journeys that I’ve been on and compiled it into this step back step program that’s going to help you do XYZ click here for all the juicy details that sort of thing.

Steve: I’m just curious with the sequence where you introduced that offer to email nine I would imagine that the open rated have kind of trailed off significantly for the initial 50% or so from the start. I’m just wondering if you’re losing a bunch of people by offering it so late?

John: That’s a good question. The what, so again this goes back to the types of sequence. If you go, I don’t have the operating data on this one I only have the revenue. If this is in with the information I mean I mentioned this before when people send up you know information after information people can often get sort of overwhelmed if not a little bored because they, most people don’t need more information they often need other things. What this is, this took more of a lead factor. Do you know Andre Chaperon?

Steve: I don’t.

John: Okay so his use all email strategies to create what he calls a “Soap opera sequence.” Basically I think like if you go– like if you go– if go watch like Wall Street, you don’t watch a TV show at the end of every episode there’s this you know five minute.

Steve: Cliff hanger.

John: Cliff hanger exactly good. A lot of people don’t really write emails like that and if they do its usually just by the way there’s something really cool coming up in a few days and that’s it.

Steve: I see okay.

John: There’s is not much going but when you start to take in more story telling approach, you can start to end things on a proper cliff hanger where you’re building it, like you’ve got a story ark from say email one to email nine, or you know once email like 16 in this case. And so people get so wrapped up in the story that sometimes often the open rate won’t drop any like as much as it will if you say doing content, just doing straight content it is.

Steve: Okay that’s a really good tip, so you just kind of like frame your emails so that you leave it open ended at the end so they are looking forward to the next email?

John: Correct yeah. Its I mean it’s tricky though because the simple way of doing it is going is I’ve got something really fun coming up for in the next email watch out for it, that’s the easiest way to do it but that’s not much of a cliff hanger. You’re better off telling them it’s sort of like in a really good book when you read a story and you get to the end of a chapter and you have to read the next chapter just because it was, you just emotionally you can’t resist reading the next chapter because you it’s not because you say by the way there is something really cool coming up the next chapter, it’s because there’s a story that you’re really interested in and you really want to know what happens and then it finishes before you get– you’ve got all this tension and you haven’t resolved the tension yet.

Steve: I see, and then the only way you can pretty much do that is with storytelling, right?

John: Correct yeah, exactly.

Steve: That is cool so hey, would you be willing to publish any of these story type emails just as examples or these cliff hangers for the listeners that I can just post in the show notes, or is that just proprietary based on your client?

John: Yeah I couldn’t do that for the client stuff no.

Steve: Okay all right, no that s cool. Okay so we’ve, so the remaining emails are just kind of more sales oriented emails until they buy in. What ends up happening if they…

John: It’s actually more story based emails, continues to be story based emails until, but it’s now I mentioned the offer in every email. So now it’s a little bit more aggressive with the stories. It’s not just stories to create it like to soft stories with nothing to sell, its every the stories are all leading into this action of click here to you get started click here to get the details sort of thing. Then the email,

Steve: Got it, okay so they end with the call to action to buy basically is what you’re saying?

John: They all end with a call to action yeah and so now because I’m always ending with the caller direction to buy I’m not doing it sort of I’m not trying to create a cliff hanger feeling because I want them to get, I want them to do the cliff hanging thing to get to the page not to read the next email anymore.

Steve: Got it, do you ever try to do a cliff hanger then leave the answer on the sales page?

John: Absolutely, yeah because if you can, I mean you’re really just creating curiosity. It’s like how can you make people curious about the next episode the next email the next sales page because if you can create that…don’t have, no there’s probably sign up your name for it but it’s basically like tension where someone like you start telling things like, if you’re like saying you are never going to believe what happened the other day now. You say that to someone that someone is like well what happened the other day, and as in you’ve created this emotional tension inside them that they need to fulfill to feel satisfied.

Steve: Yeah that makes total scene so what if they go through this entire sequence and they don’t end up buying anything, what do you do with these subscribers at that point?

John: Well in this case that was the reason that we put this sale so it was a 50% off sale and email 15 for four to four days to five days. Well its four days but the last, this last day had two emails. I’ve done so many exporting as one of those last days yeah.

Steve: I always wonder like if you end with a 50% off coupon, I was just wondering do certain people feel slighted that they didn’t get the deal?

John: Well I guess no because they get taken off the list if they buy they don’t get the promotion.

Steve: Yeah, I know for me I’ve gone through where I have multiple emails under the same persons list just to kind of, and I, maybe most people don’t do this, but then I’ll see certain emails where there is a discount and you know I’m just interested in seeing like the different tracks depending on what I do, right? Because a lot of people segment that way. Is there ever any negative feelings towards that as far as you know, ever happened like do you know it that way?

John: It will happen, but I think like it like there is always going to be a couple people, thank you, I mean maybe you sign up with three email addresses like you need to figure out what the final looks like. But the vast majority of people won’t do that so for me I’d rather annoy a few people to increase the revenue than try and please everyone.

Steve: Okay now that makes sense.

John: Yeah.

Steve: Okay so, let’s switch gears a little bit, so how can this, so I talk about ecommerce a lot. How can we apply these same aspects of what you just taught us to ecommerce?

John: Okay so, I think it’s ultimately going to getting back to the point to certainly understanding why they buy, like sort of analyzing the mindset of the buyer. Are they cracking up, are they turning up in that website just to grab the cheapest thing and then get off there, or are they– you know is there an education– is there a reason to educate them. Because this sort of structure is very much suited to any time you need to educate people about a product or a process which is its going to be relevant in a lot of cases but not all cases. I think the last time we chatted, yeah?

Steve: Okay I’m sorry?

John: Yeah I thing the last, so the last time we chatted about this it was, you know you could do things like if you’re selling a piano there’s is plenty of opportunity for you to talk about what make your pianos the best why they sound the best why people love to play them. You could tell stories about most side of anything to do with that area when people sign up. Because you’ve probably got people, people are going to be buying because you’ve got you know a good price. A lot of people are going to be there because they’re going to, it’s much more of a romantic purchase, romantic selling.

I mean this could be always– I was in a [inaudible 0:36:34] this morning for tea, and I believe you could do this with like tea, it’s $77.50 a bag, but you could, instead of like, [inaudible 0:36:43] the tea instead of like, it feels a bit like wine I think for some people were they love their morning tea and they like different herbs and different flavors and how to fix them and how it taste and even the brewing process. There’s a lot of opportunity there to instead of just selling tea to sell a story to sell like an emotion around it.

Steve: Yeah you bring up a really great point because a lot of people send me emails and they want to sell kind of like these commodity products like tea. There’s like hundreds of people that sell tea right? And so I tell them to set them a pert you need to frame some sort of story and its sounds like email would be perfect for his right?

John: 100% email is like email is amazing for this sort of thing. I mean you’re going to have this through the whole website. If you’re going to do this you’re going to have to frame it up this way through the whole website. But this is how, like if you look at any big product this is really where they succeed when they– you know how they separate themselves from everyone else. Like you’ve got, like if you’ve got a look at like insanity or P90X which are exercise programs and it’s why you’re in three or 400 million, maybe they’re a billion dollar company now I don’t know.

But it’s just an exercise program, it’s just like do some pushups and sits ups and yeah its put together with a nice video and some, well I don’t actually done it, but like you know some cool music, a good trainer some good marketing. Really like they’re just selling an exercise program and if you eat right and go to the gym and get on a just a decent program which you can find plenty of them for free online you’d probably get similar results for the most part.

The story behind it like even the name insanity creates this sort of allure around the program. This is getting more into a higher level marketing stuff where you can like take a product that you’re selling like that or like wine is pretty easy product to deal with. You could do, [inaudible 0:38:22] just totally like tea. I mean tea is a good example like green tea.

Steve: Okay let’s take your tea example. How would I get someone to, let’s say I have a store, it’s just a store that sells products. How would I get someone like that to opt into my list? Would I entice them with like a coupon code, or would I entice them with some sort of info related thing, how would go about doing that?

John: What I would do if you know if it was me with that store, if I had the traffic for it I’d set up a few, like I’d set up I’d basically just split texting offers on the finance. I’d probably start with a discount coupon because that’s the easiest and easiest thing to set up and create there’s no effort, very little effort. Then I’d be split testing that with some sort of educational or story based offer. It might be like how to find the perfect tea or I know a better one would be like why most green teas are actually damaging the health and not helping it.

Steve: Interesting that’s intriguing. I would read that for sure.

John: So then you know well you can take an aspect as well like a, in mean tea is an interesting one. If you can talk about how the tea is growing like most tea if it is grown in ordinary– you know well not growing it in ordinary supermarkets but they’re sold in ordinary super markets. It’s been dry for so long that any of the non nutritional value in that tea has actually broken down; and I’ve actually done scientific study to prove this. I’m making this up by the way.

Steve: I know that’s cool, yeah. I know you got me hooked so…

John: When you start to build a case like this when then the person is going to go like wow I can’t buy it, I can’t just go and buy a five dollar packet of green tea in like a supermarket. I need to get proper green tea. You’ll be using yeah you’ll be doing this– like hey, you can talk about like this you know green tea and how it’s basically its chemical makeup means that its best grown at a very specific altitude of 1200 meters above sea level and the climate of Japan is actually the best climate anywhere in the world to grow a green tea, and that’s why we sourced that green tea from Japan at those very specific climates. And also we’ve got these Japanese tea masters who meet — I don’t know what that was, basically [inaudible 00:40:12] at some tea master myth.

So you are creating this whole story behind it. It is just tea and I don’t know if any of that’s true, you would want to back that up like I wouldn’t just say that you want to back it up, but you can take something that’s really basic and turn it into something that is a lot more enticing.

Steve: Interesting so in the case of ecommerce where people actually come on your site to shop, do you kind of introduce the offers much sooner? Like would you just do that in the first email or the second email?

John: Absolutely, yeah.

Steve: Okay.

John: I mean ecommerce is interesting because you’ve got your prospects, just sequence which is where someone first signs up to your database which is actually anyone. Ecommerce is interesting because there’s so many different points within a process that you can segment on, based on the behaviors that someone has done on the website. But generally speaking if someone is joining that main prospect list, I would mention the product immediately just because that’s like they signed up on a site that obviously sells green tea. So they are only signing up because they are interested in green tea. However that doesn’t mean you should go full ball with the pitching straight away. I would — you could start by mentioning green tea and then you — because it’s an ecommerce site, you can actually pitch and also tell the story all in the same breath without much trouble so.

Steve: Here is a question for you, like I get — I’m on email list for a lot of these large brands but they don’t really do any storytelling, they are just like blast you with images of products and stuff, why is that? Why don’t those guys kind of take more of the story telling approach and I’m just curious because you have these huge budgets, huge agencies selling these things, including these strategies work, so why are they doing it?

John: I think for some it doesn’t work as well and yeah, there’s an example of this, actually this is a really interesting example, [inaudible 00:41:58] was selling that first [inaudible 00:42:00] about three or four weeks yeah, they are doing $20 million dollars a year doing sort of sweepstake style product. So the theory was, people were just buying it just because it’s a sweepstake style thing, there’s not any opportunity for storytelling or that sort of thing. So what he was doing was just basically blasting his list every week, couple times a week with his emails. What you realize is that you have to reach out, if you want to win and bring a whole bunch of numbers and dots into the data.

And he came back and we started asking, you actually realize that he could take an email that would be sued to get say 20% on his main list and if he added that to his auto responder and basically thought like instead of just blasting it out to everyone at once, sending it out to the time and let’s say day 13 until someone signs up. That same email would go from 20% open rate to 45% open rate. So he didn’t go from — so the solution for him wasn’t telling more stories, because he tested that in the past, and had worked as well as his– actually the approach was fine with his blast. But what he found is he was able to improve his results by taking the emails that had worked well in the past and setting them up into an automated campaign. Now also for the bigger brands, I think a lot of it — well, I think part of it is a lot of them — when you are big brand you don’t really need to — yeah, you probably don’t need to try more, you don’t necessarily want to try one of that stuff.

Steve: Okay.

John: This comes from like a different — I’m not sure, I don’t know for sure that would work really well for big brands; it’s totally pro-independent when it comes to ecommerce.

Steve: Or even like smaller — like medium sized boutiques, they just seem to blast me products right?

John: I would say probably — well, some of them you have tested it, but most of them I don’t think they even take like thought to test anything different. They are just doing it because that’s the way it’s done. Because this guy I just mentioned that did the $20 million with the sweepstake style product, he is probably — he is a really sharp marketer. And his campaign is probably five times bigger than his nearest competitor. And that’s because he understands marketing, he understands pay traffic, they are doing a lot of very aggressive marketing. And even amongst them most of the other people in this industry, none of them do it the way he does it and that’s why there’s so much more.

So he would be the exception to the rule where he actually knows for sure that it doesn’t work from it, I would say a lot of companies they’ve got no idea they just do what the ecommerce, it’s like a lot of things people just do what they do just because it’s the way it’s done and most people don’t test it.

Steve: Okay, interesting yeah, because I was just thinking like with clothing especially right? There’s nothing really special about anyone’s shirts, and there’s like millions of places that sells shirts. And it just seems like everyone to stand out in this clothing industry you have to tell some sort of story or something if you are small especially right?

John: Well, and I think it’s interesting to what’s probably with clarifying that the story doesn’t necessarily have to be like a once upon a time, or 500 word emails story. I mean you can tell a big story with the picture, but its understanding how to — like so, are you just selling green tea like it’s a commodity. Or are you are building some sort of emotion behind that like why are they buying the green tea. Are they just buying it because they want green tea, they just want anything, they don’t care what it is. Or are they looking for something more from that green tea. And you can use — I mean you can use long sort of long form emails and have 300, 400, 500 word emails to tell that story.

But you could also tell a similar story with a lot less copy, And I would say that’s where a lot of — like clothing brands like it’s — I mean brands like that that’s a classic thing, like [inaudible 00:45:13] our own brand, because I want to tell, like clothing is interesting because I’m using the clothing that I buy to tell other people a story about myself. So that’s truly the story of clothing sales and why they don’t necessarily deal with copy, they do it through the whole way they present themselves.

Steve: So what’s your opinion on using like a nicely formatted email versus just like plain text, do you kind of understand what I’m talking about, like some people have like nice headers and boarders and all that stuff.

John: I would test it, I mean it’s — it depends, if you do it like my [inaudible 00:45:41] would say that with ecommerce you need to put the brands in HTML email, and then if you are selling info or consulting, or coaching, or something more like that you are going to be better off with plain text. However it’s something you have to test.

Steve: Okay, what about use of images and just in your experience I know you probably had to test this as well but do you try to include images in your emails?

John: I do, I like it because it’s a way to get people to click display images, these are [inaudible 00:46:08] yet. And it’s also a way to break up your emails and sort of surprise people. Because I think with marketing whether it’s with plain text emails or anything else, it’s very much about pattern interrupts. So if you are doing same thing all the time you are going to stop — you are not going to be getting people’s attention as much because they are just used to it. I mean it’s just a great way to get people’s attention.

Steve: What about your views on just kind of using bolds italics, different font sizes and that sort of thing within an email, do you do a lot of that as well?

John: Well, really no, with the plain text stuff, just because I think it — like my goals is one of the plain text emails that I do is for it to be — to feel like it’s coming from another person. Because often these — I mean this is probably this is — for these sort of businesses whether they are small or big they are often built on someone’s personal brand.

It’s usually going to work better if it feels like it’s coming from one person as opposed to the brand with a logo at the top and that sort of stuff. So that’s and you if start bolding and underlining email that stuff can make you feel like you are crafting it, you are really trying to make sure it looks right and sells right, whereas if I was emailing a friend of mine, I’m not going to do any bolding or underlining everything in it.

Steve: Right, now that totally makes sense, cool. Hey, John yeah, we’ve been chatting for quite a while now and excellent conversation. If anyone wants to find you and ask for your services what not, where can they find you?

John: The best place right now is to go which is Or they can actually just go to — I’m launching this email — I have sort of launched, in the process of launching this email marketing ecommerce agency which is at

Steve: Okay, yeah, I’ll just…

John: You can just go there, yeah, you can just go there and book a call with that yeah, straight way.

Steve: So yeah, I’ll put those in the show notes so people can find you. But thanks a lot for coming on the show John.

John: No worries Steve, it’s been good cheers.

Steve: All right man, take care. Hope you found that episode useful. Email marketing is such a huge part of my business. So whenever I come across any email guru I instantly want to talk with him to discover the latest email strategies. For more information about this episode go to, and if you enjoy this episode please go to iTunes and leave me a review. It is by far the best way to support the show and please tell your friends because the greatest compliment that you can give me is to write a referral to someone else either in person or to share it on the web.

Now if you’re interested to starting your own online business be sure to sign up for my free six day mini course where I show you how my wife and I manage to make over 100K in profit in our first year of business. Go to and sign up right there on the front page and I’ll send you the email course right away.

Now once again I want to thank HostGator for sponsoring this episode. HostGator is one of the best webhost out there that I recommend if you want to start a blog, and in fact I hosted on there in the very beginning and loved it. You get 24/7 live support via chat phone and email and you can install word press in just a single click. They’ve got an easy to use website builder and the best part is that I’m offering a 30% discount for all podcast listeners. So please go to to redeem the discount, once again that’s

I also want to thank Bigcommerce for sponsoring this episode. Bigcommerce is one of the best shopping carts that I recommend if you want to start your own online store without having to worry about anything technical. Everything from design, to sourcing, to payment processing is all built in, so all you got to do is populate it with the products that you want to sell and you can literally start your store in a matter of hours. So go to sign up and you’ll instantly receive one month free. Once again the URL is Thanks for listening.

Outro: Thanks for listening to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast, where we’re giving the courage people need to start their own online business. For more information visit Steve’s blog at

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091: CPSIA Testing And How To Legally Sell Childrens Products Online With Misty Henry

 091: CPSIA Testing And How To Legally Sell Childrens Products Online With Misty Henry

Today I’m thrilled to have Misty Henry on the show. Misty is someone who I randomly ran across as I was doing research on how to sell children’s goods.

And up until this point, I’ve been absolutely terrified of selling goods for kids because of all of the testing requirements.

You have to worry about lead, fire safety guidelines, chemicals in plastic etc… There’s actually a long list of guidelines that are very intimidating…

As it turns out, Misty is an expert in this area and she runs a small cloth diaper supply shop called Little Gnome Creations. She’s also a board member at the Real Diaper Industry Association where she serves as their lead safety compliance expert.

Finally, she owns the Work At Home Mom Alliance where compliant artisans of any industry can join.

Enjoy the interview!

What You’ll Learn

  • What is compliance and why it’s necessary.
  • What types of children’s products are required to be compliant.
  • The testing requirements for children’s goods.
  • How to be compliant as a small business owner
  • What questions to ask your vendors

Other Resources And Books

Sponsors – If you are interested in starting your own online store, then click here to get 1 month free
bigcommerce-logo – If you are interested in starting your own WordPress blog, then click here to get 30% off webhosting at!


Steve: You are listening to the My Wife Quit her Job Podcast. And if you are new here, it’s a show where I bring in successful bootstrapped business owners to teach us what strategies are working and what strategies are not. Now I don’t bring on these famous entrepreneurs simply to celebrate their success, instead I have them take us back to the very beginning, and delve deeply into the exact strategies they used early on to gain traction for their businesses.

Now if you enjoy this podcast please leave me a review on iTunes, and if you want to learn how to start your own online business, be sure to sign up for my free six-day mini course, where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100k in profit in our first year of business. Go to, sign up right on the front page, and I’ll send you the free mini course right away via email.

Now before we begin I want to give a quick shout out to my sponsor Bigcommerce. Now Bigcommerce is a fully hosted shopping cart platform that allows you to set up your own online store in minutes. And as most of you probably know, I teach a class on how to start a profitable online store, and Bigcommerce is actually one of the shopping carts that I highly recommend in my class. Now here’s what I like about Bigcommerce. Unlike other competing platforms, Bigcommerce does not nickel and dime you with every little shopping cart feature. And when you sign up, you’ll immediately have a fully featured and extremely powerful shopping cart at your disposal.

There’s also an incredible theme store where you can choose from a variety of attractive store designs, so you don’t really need to hire a designer. And everything from design to payment processing is all built-in, and all you got to do is populate it with your own products. So you can literally start your own online store in a matter of hours. Simply go to, sign up and you will instantly receive one month free. Once again the URL is

I also want to thank HostGator for sponsoring the show. HostGator is an incredible webhost that I highly recommend. And in fact did you know that was hosted on HostGator in the very beginning? They offer 24/7 live support, via chat, phone, and email, one click WordPress installs, an easy to use website builder, design services, marketing services and the best part is that I’m offering a 30% discount for all podcast listeners. So please go to to redeem the discount. Once again that’s Now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. We will teach you how to create a business that suits your lifestyle, so you can spend more time with your family and focus on doing the things that you love. Here is your host Steve Chou.

Steve: Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. Today I’m thrilled to have Misty Henry on the show. Now Misty is someone who I randomly ran across as I was doing research on how to sell children’s goods. Now up until this point I have been absolutely terrified of selling goods for kids, because of all the testing requirements. You got to worry about lead, whether your fabric meets fire safety guidelines, there’s actually a long list of guidelines which can be very intimating if you are just starting out. And as it turns out Misty is an expert in this area, and she runs a small cloth diaper supply shop called Little Gnome Creations. She is also a board member at the Real Diaper Industry Association where she serves as their lead safety compliance expert.

And she is also the owner of the Work at Home Mom Alliance, where compliant artisans of any industry can join. And of course I forgot, she also runs a Facebook group called CD compliance which is actually where I ran into her. And with that welcome to the show Misty, how are you doing today?

Misty: Thank you, I’m doing very well.

Steve: So Misty give us a quick background story and kind of how you started your cloth diaper store, and how you started getting all this information about being compliant.

Misty: Wow, okay, so — well, this is like quite funny because a lot of people feel like I know everything about everything to do with safety compliance in diapers, and that is not true.

Steve: Oh Misty, did I get the wrong person here?

Misty: So I started out my son — no right, no I started out, my son was born in 2010, my oldest. And I had ran across this cloth diapers, what is cloth diapers? Obviously maybe my grandparents might have used those things, but I had no clue, it just didn’t even face me. So I started looking into it, and I thought wow this is really cool, this will save me some money, and really have has the side benefit of it’s great for the environment, so that’s a huge bonus. And then I got to — well, I can’t afford them yet.

So one of my friends as a surprise baby gift bought me my first cloth diaper set, and from there it just blew up. So we have my friend to thank for either the starting right, no pun intended. So I go, okay, there’s got to be a way that I can make these, I just got my mom’s sewing machine, and I got excited to saw. And I thought okay, I saw — I made a curtain, why not make a diaper, they are the same thing really, straight lines with curved lines. So I made this big and went, oh I could sell this. One of my friends actually saw it and she goes I need a bunch, we are having some hard times and I said, you pay me for the supplies and I’ll just send them to you, because it’s giving me practice, and I enjoy it, and it’s something I can do to help you out. And she said no-no-no, I need to pay you. I said, no just the supplies and shipping will be fine, she said, okay, so I started that.

And then from there I made her some more, and then I made another friend who just had a baby. I made her a complete kit, and she absolutely love them she said, these are perfect, amazing, better than some of my name brand diapers, and I went awesome, this is great. So then I started this pre-order style business, where I would allow people to pre-order supplies, and I would order in bulk, and then everything that they did not order would just go in my shop. And that way I was getting a deal on the supplies I needed as well as they were. And then I also recoup some of the cost of my time with my actual store Little Gnome Creations. So everyone started asking for tags, I went okay, well, I would like to do a nice template that surely there’s a template online somewhere.

So here I go to Google, looking up cloth diaper – no-no-no, clothing care tag yes, clothing care tag enter. And oh, my goodness, the can of worms I opened, I found that there were actually regulations that are requirements for how a clothing care tag is supposed to look. I said, oh, wow, okay, this is a lot more than I bargained for, but I am curious. I am that curious cat that needs to have those nine lives, because I have used seven of them. I jumped in head first researching and researching, and I found from the FTC, the Federal Trade Commission, I found the clothing regulations, and then from there I found children’s regulations with the consumer safety. Consumer product safety commission, and wow I mean it has been — it’s been four years now.

I have been working on safety compliance for four years, and it’s amazing that I have over 10,000 members in that compliance group alone. CD compliance and not some people coming and going, so I mean I have helped — I have had the amazing pleasure to be able to help guide people, and not just becoming aware that these regulations even exist, because we all started there, we did not even have the imagination to think, oh maybe there’s regulations I’m supposed to follow. We’ve all had our sales talks, but how often do we hear safety compliance? We know that someone regulates products for big companies, but we don’t think about it for handmade.

And that’s where I stepped in and we went, okay guys can you believe this information that I found, I’m going to do more research, and we are going to go through it together. And from there I just started putting it in easy to read documents and just compiling all the information that is literally in four, five, six different areas. I put them all in one space for everyone to find as easy as possible.

Steve: Yeah, so Misty first of all what is compliance and what types of good needs to comply?

Misty: So compliance, the word compliance is simply obeying any set rules. So what I specifically have focused on is labeling compliance with the FTC, and safety compliance with the Consumer Product Safety Commission. There is also business compliance for taxes, there is compliance for following speed limits, you are complying to a rule.

Steve: Okay, so maybe let’s focus on just like the consumer compliance and then the labeling requirements.

Misty: Right, so the Consumer Product Safety Commission, okay this is amazing how much they actually cover. This team of about 500 employees covers every single item you can imagine in some format. So we’re going to narrow it down even further, because they regulate electronics, beds, our TVs, clothing. If you can think it they regulate it in some ways, so we’re going to break this down even further and focus it to children’s clothing.

So children’s clothing then we’ve narrowed it down, we follow … do the components, the fabrics and the snaps and the zippers, do they have lead? Are they flammable? Are they going to and when we talk of flammability there’s two forms, there’s is it going to light up next to an ignition source, and then continue burning, or will it stop burning if you move away from the source, and then there’s the sleep wear which is mostly what people think of that it’s only for sleep wear.

Steve: Okay, it’s funny I have several friends who work in large companies and they literally pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars per product just to be CPASIA certified, which is I guess is the consumer products certification.

Misty: Safety, it’s the Consumer Product Safety Information Act, or excuses me, Improvement Act.

Steve: Improvement Act, yeah and so I mean these large companies have these budgets to do the testing, but how can a small business owner who can’t afford to do that testing sell goods for children?

Misty: So this is actually really awesome, the handmade [inaudible 0:12:20] compliance, when all of these regulations first came into effect in 2008, they said wow-wow-wow, wait a minute, we cannot, there’s absolutely no possible way that we can take on that financial burden of testing, and these testing costs. So they went to the commission and said, please we have to rethink this, there is got to be something we can do to lessen that financial burden.

So the CPSC went back to the drawing board and said okay, let’s discuss this further, and out of that we have the small batch manufacture benefit, where a small batch manufacturer one who produces less than 7500 units per year, and makes less than one million dollars gross per year is allowed to have this ability to use their supplier statements, or certifications that a component has already been tested.

So if I’m making a shirt out of a – let’s see here, how about a body suit, I’m making a body suit that has the net fabric, and has the metal snaps on it. Those metal snaps need to have lead testing, but so that I don’t have to do all on my own because it’s at least 70, I’ve seen about $71 starting up to $180 depending on the lab and what needs to be tested, so I don’t have to spend that, I can contact my supplier and say, “Did you have — have you happened to have had this component tested forlLead and has it passed for use for children’s products?”

If they say yes and even better if they can supply me with an actual certificate saying that it has been tested and passes, I can keep that in my records as longs as I’m registered with CPSC, so we’re just free by the way, I keep their statement in my records, and I’m good to go. As long as I trust that supplier, if I don’t trust that supplier I might need to go to find someone else.

Steve: And if they don’t have this documentation, can you just assume that it’s not certified?

Misty: If they can’t offer statement, or if they can’t offer you the certification is I would say the Safety standard is not certified, and you will need to get your own testing done. So I highly recommend searching around your supplier, contacting them first, saying “I’m interested in this product, do you have this tested?” And if not then seek someone else.

Steve: Okay, I’m just curious Misty, do you get any of your raw materials from Asia, or is it primarily the US?

Misty: To be honest a lot of my stuff comes from basic Hobby Stores, because there are exceptions that the CPSC allows, so for example the lead and textiles regulation, there is a huge list of fibers that are actually exempted, cotton being one of them. So the most popular is going to be cotton, polyester, spandex and brayon and nylon, all of those are exempted fabrics, they already know that by processing them, there is no actual lead that will harm anyone in the processes to make them.

Those are already exempted from having additional testing, I can ignore those pretty much. So my snaps then, if I’m making dippers or something that has a snap or zipper, I generally get my snaps from a company that distributes them and they are actually made in China. So the snaps are made from China, but they are sold from here in the US, and the lady that owns that business is absolutely amazing, she is wonderful to work with and she is extremely easy to get statements from, and she does her own testing for her snaps and then the zippers.

The — surprisingly the popular brands are already tested, so like YKK zippers and the Coats & Clark zippers that you can get at Hobby Stores, they are already tested, all you have do is contact the manufacturer and they’ll say, “Yap we’ve got it tested, here’s our statement.” And you are good to go.

Steve: Okay, I was just curious do you have any experience working with some of the Chinese manufacturers directly, and is it — if you get something from Asia for example, is it your responsibility to get it tested…?

Misty: Yes.

Steve: Or do the Chinese venders typically have the certification?

Misty: There’s two ways to go about this. If you are importing a component, you can use the supplier statement that the product has been tested, and it’s hit and miss. I think if you have a really good factory that you’ve been working with, you can find one that they either have already done the testing, or they are willing to take that extra step to do the testing for you, and I think if you can get a good working relationship with a manufacturer ,do it. I mean it’s definitely worth the extra relationship communications.

For finished products though, like let’s say I wanted to import already made dipper, already made shirt, I’m responsible for making sure that it complies, and I have to do my own testing, or have testing done before it comes to the US and before I sell it to my consumer.

Steve: Okay, actually before we go on, what constitutes a children’s good exactly, like what’s the definition?

Misty: Under the CPSC, the Consumer Product Safety Commission, anything that is geared towards or will be used by a consumer that is 12 years old or under, is going to be a child, so any clothing that is geared for 12 years old and under will be under that children’s regulation.

Steve: Okay, and then you mentioned those fabrics, it was I think cotton, polyester, those are exempts, so if you have something made purely of those materials with no snaps or anything like that, generally it’s going to be compliant right off the bat, is that?

Misty: For the most part, I mean there’s some more paper work to do and labeling, but as far as testing goes, it’s you are pretty much off scot free, it’s if you can make dresses without any kind of additional snap or metal part or plastic part, you are good to go, it’s even easier.

Steve: I thought it would be useful to just kind of walk through an example of exactly how you would go about it, like kind of the process, so we can actually just take one of your cloth dippers, I imagine it has fabric, it has snaps and all those things. So let’s say you want to make something new, and you have these raw materials, what are kind of like the exact steps that you will go through, kind of walk us through the whole thing.

Misty: Okay, so first you want to go shopping, and if you don’t want to go shopping…

Steve: That’s the fun part right?

Misty: That’s the fun part, so you go shopping, you have your list already, I‘d say here the most popular combination for materials is going to be a polyester, polyurethane laminate which is basically like a table cloth, but reverse. So the water proof part is on the wrong side of the fab, and the pretty fabric is on the outside. So I get my polyester PUL, and I get my–Let’s go with suede cloth which is 100% polyester, and then I need some snaps, and those are generally going to be a poly resin or plastic, and then let’s see here, got elastic…

Steve: Is that all obtained locally in the United States or…?

Misty: Yeah, I mean you can obtain them anywhere really, a lot of places now carry — a lot of them the major Hobby Stores will carry a line that is actually specifically for making cloth fibers and they carry the polyester PUL, the elastic, the sweat cloth– no, I think they carry winking [ph] jersey, which is also 100% polyester, elastic snaps I mean they carry it all, it’s amazing little product.

Steve: So you ask them specifically for their certification as you are shopping or?

Misty: Yeah, while you are shopping you just want to keep in mind, okay I need to get certification for my snaps. So if you already know that you have a company that is great, like this one company that the Hobby Stores carry it’s threads, and you can hop on their website and find by typing in your UPC code from your product on the back of your product by the barcode. If you type that into the system, it will kick back a statement saying yes this has been tested and complies, or no we have not tested this product.

It’s really nice if you know going in yes these companies are already complied – they’ll already give you a statement, it’s much easier. So you go shopping, you get these– your products, your components and then you get home and you have have to– this is the boring part, the part that no one likes. You have to log all of your products — all of your components, because you want to keep track of everything.

Let’s say I had a batch of the Polyester PUL and the PUL part started peeling off and delaminating and flecking, well if I never kept track I’d never be able to do a check, a quality check on that batch, and say look Hobby Store I bought this from you guys, and it’s horribly bad. So then you’re stuck with unuseful product and you waste money. So I mean there is multiple reasons for trucking this stuff, this is just boring.

You going to truck it, you want to know how much it was, you want to know how much you bought, when you bought it, where you bought it, basically the 5Ws we learnt in elementary school, Who, What Where and Why and How, so you track all that. Okay we’ve got that done, we’ve tracked, time to sit down and create, so then you create your product, have [inaudible 0:24:04] get done sowing it up, and oh my gosh it looks so beautiful, I’ve taken my pictures, I’m getting ready to list it for sale, oh but wait, I need to add that label.

Don’t forget to buy your labels and the labels will tell you who made it, where it was made, where the components come from, which is your made in USA of domestic or imported materials. So you got your who made it, where they made it, where the materials come from, how to get a hold of that person that made it, so maybe a website or an email, or sometimes let’s say a phone number or an actual address.

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Steve: On the label itself?

Misty: And then, on the label itself, yes.

Steve: Interesting.

Misty: And if you look at your — if you go to the store and look at the clothes you should see all the information somewhere on the, on a permanent tag, a sown in tag. And then you’ll also you have your care information, dippers, cloth dippers are considered clothing under the CPSC. So you’ll also have your cloth — your care information, that’s how do you wash it, how do you dry it, can I use bleach, can I use iron? And a lot of times on dippers you cannot use bleach or ironing, or if you do bleach it’s very little bit, and then no softeners, you will see that one quite frequently on cloth dippers.

So then those are your permanent information, permanent tag informations, then you have fiber content, which can either be on the permanent tag or on a hang tag. On the fiber content as well as the care information is a regulation form the Federal Trade Commission, so you follow those regulations as well. So you’ve got your label on there, and it’s got a beautiful logo because why would you make something and not plaster it with your logo, spread your business, so you got this one there, okay it’s so beautiful, now I can take these pictures.

Before you list it, make sure you have your own statement that this finished product is compliant. So we sit down and we create what is called a Children’s Product Certificate, and this certificate basically says that this type of product, this pocket cloth dipper that I just got done making, and all the other pocket cloth dippers that I make that are very similar to it, it doesn’t matter if it is red and blue or green and then yellow or stripes and poker dots, it doesn’t matter. As long as it uses the same type of fabric and the same company of snaps, you can all go on this one statement that says this product line complies under the CPSC regulation, and that’s it.

Steve: Is this form just something you make for yourself, for your own records, or is it something that you [mail in]?

Misty: This form stays in your records unless the CPSC is doing an investigation and they request a copy of it, and you will have to give them a hard copy of that. So I have had a couple of people ask, well can I just make it if they ask for it? Well sure, but your small batch manufacturer number that you have registered for at the very beginning needs to be on there, and it changes every year, so if they come back five years from now, because you want to keep all of this information for five years.

If they come back five years from now and say I need a Children’s Product certificate for this item that you made in 2011. Can you go, okay let me get you that number and that certificate. The likelihood of you remembering everything having slept for that long is not going to be good, it’s you’re going to pull your hair even further. So get it done right away, and then you’ll also give it to any of your retailers. If you decide to go into wholesaling, to wholesale accounts for retailers, you want to give them at least a way to get a copy of it.

The CPSC says that you don’t have to supply them with a hard copy, but you have to make sure that they are able to have a URL link to a copy permanently. So I like to have it on the invoice or attached to the invoice, and then also with the packing slip, so if I were to go into a retail location, they would have probably like two or three copies of it.

Steve: Okay.

Misty: Just like to cover myself and say I gave it to you, I promise I did.

Steve: Okay.

Misty: Yeah I mean it’s definitely something that is required, but you don’t have to have a hard copy, just keep it in on your computer somewhere on a flash drive.

Steve: I’m just curious, do you have any experience with like selling children’s toys, like not fabrics but kind of like plastics and that’s…

Misty: Oh my, I don’t personally have experience with toys, toys are very scary still, and Neil Cohen the small business obutsman of CPLC, he actually will laugh just like you did, because it’s not that difficult, but the problem that we have with toys is they’re ever evolving, and there’s no possible way that I could lay out it step by step like I have with clothing.

Steve: Okay.

Misty: It’s scarier, it is. The other issue is the CPSC has adopted the ASTM guidelines as a regulation, so in order to follow…

Steve: What does that stand for, sorry?

Misty: ASTM is the American, let me look it up real quick, it is the American…

Steve: You know while you’re looking at it I’m going to grab a piece of my children’s clothing just to look at the tag, I’ll be right back. Hold on.

Misty: Okay, it’s the American Society for Testing and Materials, and it’s actually international now, so it’s instead of changing the name it’s ASTM international.

Steve: Okay, sorry I’m back.

Misty: Okay, so, okay, so it’s ASTM international, American Society for Testing and Materials. They are a voluntary organization that strive to have the best safety standards for each industry, and when I say each industry I do mean each industry. It’s even larger than the CPSC is, and very often the CPSC will adopt ASTM regulations for their ASTM guidelines for the regulations.

The problem that we’ve run into is the ASTM publications are copy– heavily copy-writed. I mean if they really do not like people sharing their books, and so you do need to buy a copy if you want to know the regulations. And it’s because they change every year, they update even small parts. They update information every year, usually it’s just terminology, but sometimes it is something more significant like how they test something, so that’s why it’s heavily protected.

These publications run anywhere between 42 and $72. Now they are quite thick books, I have a textile one, but it is worth it. The CPSC has adopted these ASTM guidelines as a regulation for toys, so in order to find the regulations for the toys you have to purchase the standard and it’s a difficult area.

Steve: Okay, it sounds like you will need to get like every piece of that toy, and make sure each piece complies with wherever you got it from right in order to be…

Misty: Yeah exactly.

Steve: Okay.

Misty: In general what you’re going to be looking for is, is it children’s products, so does it comply for lead, and if it’s a toy you’re also going to look for does it comply for lead, valets and other heavy metals such as titanium [ph] and other such metals similar to [inaudible] [00:34:19] and it’s and you want to know is there, they’re going to have, there’s going to have a use and abuse test, where basically the valve will take it and throw it around, and basically try to put it in a position where– in a situation where it would mimic everyday use to the extreme, and I do mean the extreme. They will take a wooden teether for example and they will drop it from about shoulder height, I want to say it’s about four or five feet off the ground

Steve: Okay.

Misty: And they will drop it on the ground and see if it cracks. There actually recently was a recall of wooden teethers, so I mean it is a legitimate test to be done, because we don’t want splintered wood in children’s mouths. The other thing you want to look for is small parts. Anything under three, anything– any toy for under a three year old will need to be checked for small parts. If you have the sown on button eyes, but you don’t want to worry about small parts, switch it over to the embroidered eyes and you don’t have to worry about small parts for those.

Steve: Okay.

Misty: I mean there’s ways around it, but I mean ultimately you look at it and go what kind of potential hazard could there be.

Steve: It just sounds like when you’re making a toy you have to get it tested, right? Even if the all parts are lead to…

Misty: Yes, yeah.

Steve: Yeah, okay.

Misty: Yeah so you can test the components all you want, but once you put them together into a toy, you have to still have it– the completed item tested because of the use and abuse part.

Steve: I see, okay. Let’s go back to kind of clothing which is your expertise. Just clock diapers, and it you mentioned sleep wear as specifically you know about twenty minutes ago. Is there certain regulations specifically for sleep wear that need to be followed?

Misty: Yeah, so sleep wear is– when you, if you’ve ever gone shopping for fabric on the side of the fabric you’ll see not for use in children’s sleep wear, or if you’re going through the store looking at the finished products, you see these huge yellow tags on all the pajamas and all of the pajamas look like the five T pajamas look like they can fit a twelve month old, and its because they can, I’ve done it.

Steve: Okay.

Misty: I’ve got a one year old and a five year old and yes my one year old can fit the five year old Jamis. They literally yell at times at something to effect of wear snag fitting not flame retardant, and it’s because it has not been treated with the flame retardant chemicals, so it has to be tight fitting and that’s to keep it from catching a flame. There’s ways around having it to be treated, and that is it tight fitting, is it for someone that’s nine months older under, is it a diaper, diapers don’t have to be treated. Then sleep socks, if it is to be used while wearing clothing, it’s considered a blanket. If you market it to be used without clothing, then you have to follow the sleep wear regulations, which means if it’s over nine months old, you have to have it treated with chemical, or have it tested to see what class of flammability it falls in, so there’s three classes.

Steve: Okay.

Misty: Class three is so highly flammable that it’s not allowed to be used at all. Class one and two it’s less, so you generally can use all class one materials, they don’t flame up as bad and then class two is right there in the middle, and sometimes you can use it.

Steve: You gathered all this information from these manuals or?

Misty: No, all of this information was actually freely available on CPSC.GOV website.

Steve: Okay.

Misty: As well as if you Google the CPSC information, you generally can get a hit easier on their memorandums and other archived items. You can also got to the code of federal regulations and find all of the current regulations as well as the past archived versions, and all of that information is in those codes, and they’re not easy to read.

Steve: Yes they’re not, yeah.

Misty: Unless you’re familiar with jargon, it’s almost like you have to have an attorney to read them for you, but not as bad as patterns, patterns are horrible.

Steve: So Misty, let me just try to summarize everything you’ve talked about here, and you just tell me if I’m correct or wrong. First thing you need to do is you need to register with the SBM, was it?

Misty: The, your small batch manufacturer number from the CPSC.

Steve: Okay, and let’s well you just want to make clothing, and so if you stick with the common materials which I believe you said were cotton, polyester, nylon and well…

Misty: Spandex.

Steve: Spandex is it?

Misty: Spandex.

Steve: Chances are you’re going to compliant as long as you don’t have any plastic snaps or any other knickknacks that are kind of sown on to it, right?

Misty: Right.

Steve: If you do you need to contact the manufacturer of those, and get a certification that they don’t contain lead and that sort of– and valets and that sort of thing.

Misty: Correct.

Steve: Then the next step is to produce your product and then label it properly, and so I actually went and just grabbed one of my son’s shirts, and looks it like you have to say the country of origin, what it’s made of, and it looks like there’re these two numbers here maybe you can clarify it for me. There is this number here called RN and then there’s a number.

Misty: Yes.

Steve: What is that number?

Misty: RN number is actually the number from the FTC. Now previously it was May 2014 they actually amended this, but before May 2014, the RN actually placed the manufacturer name as well as the location of manufacturing. What that normally is good for is the city and state that’s required by the CPSC would have been replaced by the RN number as well as not only replaces the manufacture name. Now it’s better for if I were to buy, let’s say I was to buy Hanes [ph] t-shirts and want to make them better looking, I can take the Hanes name off, leave their RN on there, because they are the manufacture of the shirt, and then add my brand to it. My own, Little Gnome Creations, and then the RN will be there to signify who the actual manufacturer is.

Steve: Okay so…

Misty: That’s what that is, that’s what the…

Steve: Basically the RN you would replace with your company name and your address?

Misty: Right now it is only the name.

Steve: The name okay, the company name?

Misty: Yes.

Steve: Okay and right underneath this RN number is a CA number.

Misty: That is actually the Canada equivalent to the RN number.

Steve: Okay and then on the back it looks like they’re just care instructions, and that’s all I see on this shirt here, and is that everything?

Misty: Is there a side seam tag?

Steve: Let’s see, is there a side seam tag? I do not see a side seam tag at all.

Misty: Okay, usually there…

Steve: I do, I see it, okay.

Misty: Okay.

Steve: It looks like there is a supplier number, a style number and a PO number, and it says keep away from fire.

Misty: Yes, so what those are going to be is going to be the batch number pretty much as well as the date of manufacture there. The numbers will probably colate somehow with when they finished making those products as well as a specified batch number. If you go to the store and you’d see that recall list, they have a list of numbers that are affected by the recall, that would be your batch number essentially is what you’re looking at is that number, that recall number.

Steve: Okay but from the perspective of a small business you would just put in your own number there, right?

Misty: Yeah you just make it up. I generally recommend creating it to where you can narrow it down as much as possible. A lot of the ladies that I’ve helped they make one of a kind items, so batch number is not regulated at all. What I have them do is say okay, put for example 810 or 815-1, signifying August 10th or August 2015, that was your first item you made in that month. Then the next item, 815-2 and that’s the second item you made that month. Five years later you can come back and go, okay I had an issue, someone complained about a safety issue with a diaper that has the batch number 815-2. I can then go to my records and say that was made August 2015, and it was the second one I made. Okay I know that I need to recall that item.

Steve: I see, okay.

Misty: It can be anything, I mean I jokingly say for your batch number you can use colors; you can use lines and shapes, or even the elvish language if you wanted.

Steve: Okay, so it’s just a way for you to keep track of what’s out there for your own…

Misty: Right, exactly.

Steve: Okay, and then you mentioned the last step is to create the certificate indicating that you are in fact compliant to the best of your knowledge?

Misty: Correct.

Steve: Okay.

Misty: I do want to say that the caviat here is, because you said to the best of my knowledge and that really is let’s focus on that to the best of your knowledge. The CPSC– I want to, I cannot trust this enough. The CPSC knows that we’re trying our hardest to comply with their regulations. They know that we’re looking at our products from the perspective of wanting to make them safe for our consumers, because their safety is important. They know that we did not know about these regulations in the past, because the education and the spreading of awareness was not there.

Take that in mind when you’re starting your journey, don’t be afraid to ask them questions, they are– they generally work under a no better do better system. If something is wrong, they’ll tell you with a letter saying hey this is incorrect, and if you don’t understand why contact them and they will walk you through it, they’re very-very kind.

Steve: Okay, interesting, so I know from what I’ve learnt from you today is clothing doesn’t sound that intimidating, but toys does sound quite intimidating?

Misty: Yes.

Steve: Okay.

Misty: It’s not really, but it’s a little bit more for hoops to jump through.

Steve: Well certainly you need to pay more money right? Because you absolutely have to get it tested for sure right?

Misty: Yeah.

Steve: Whereas it sounds like for clothing you can kind of just get by you know with other people’s certificates and not getting anything tested?

Misty: Right.

Steve: Okay, well Misty that was actually very helpful and I’m sure there’s a lot of listeners out there who want to create their own children’s clothing and don’t know where to go, and so I know that you have this awesome Facebook group which I will link to in the show notes, but are there any other resources? Before we talked you mentioned you have this publication coming out that kind outlines out this. Where can people find you and find more about this publication?

Misty: Yes, so I’ve got, as you mentioned before, the real diaper industry association, RDIA, we have worked very hard to compile all this information and make it look pretty, and it’s not just for compliance, it has other issues that businesses should be aware of and will help be– help each business be A sustainable business. That’s all we’re geared towards is we want you to be sustainable. We focus on clock diapers, but the information for clock diapers is the same for all clothing, so this publication is going to be useful for everyone that is interested in children’s clothing.

And we’re slated to put it out in October as our sneak pick at our annual conference in Las Vegas, and after that it should be out for sale hopefully shortly after that. We’ll– it’s kind of deep right now, I’ll let you know Steve as it is we get that information pinned down, but yeah I’m really excited for it.

Steve: Yeah and in terms of if anyone has any questions, and I can take this off the recording if you want later. Are you, did you want to offer consulting or your website as a resource for…

Misty: Yeah absolutely, if, — you can give my email in the notes as well. You can contact me by email, by Facebook, you can contact me through my store Little Gnome Creations, and it’s Little Gnome G-N-O-M-E Creations at hyena curt.

Steve: Okay.

Misty: I believe you can get there through just, but I’m not positive on that, I’ll have to get back to you on that. Definitely I’ve got the one on one compliance without a headache, it’s one on one two hours, absolutely no distractions, just you and me talking it out, getting all of your questions answered, and just making sure you are confident in your business. We want you to run the business, not the business to run you.

Steve: Okay, that sounds great Misty, and thanks a lot for coming on the show, and I will put up all these links in the show notes and maybe some of the examples of certificates or something if you can send those my way, I’ll post those as examples as well.

Misty: Absolutely.

Steve: Thanks a lot Misty have a good day.

Misty: You’re welcome.

Steve: Hope you enjoyed that episode. I actually get hundreds of emails every week from people who want to sell children’s products and clothing, and many of them are actually selling them illegally online. You’ve got to remember that anytime a child touches a product, it has to be certified and Misty is an expert in this area.

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090: How Jen And Jadah Turned Simple Green Smoothies And Eating Healthy Into A 6 Figure Business

090: How Jen And Jadah Turned Simple Green Smoothies Into A Crazy Popular Business

I’m really happy to have my friend Jadah Sellner and Jen Hansard on the podcast today.   I actually had the pleasure of seeing Jadah speak at the World Domination Summit in Portland Oregon a couple years back and it was an amazing and inspiring talk that she gave.

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Enjoy the interview!

What You’ll Learn

  • How Jen and Jadah created such a large audience in a short period of time
  • Jen and Jadah’s early traffic strategies
  • Their motivations for starting their business
  • How they overcame the early challenges
  • Some great instagram strategies you can use for your business
  • How to structure a high converting autoresponder sequence
  • How to build a die hard community
  • How to get people to take part in challenges

Other Resources And Books

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Steve: You are listening to the My Wife Quit her Job Podcast. And if you are new here, it’s a show where I bring in successful bootstrapped business owners to teach us what strategies are working and what strategies are not. Now I don’t bring on these famous entrepreneurs simply to celebrate their success, instead I have them take us back to the very beginning and delve deeply into the exact strategies they used early on to gain traction for their businesses.

Now if you enjoy this podcast please leave me a review on iTunes, and if you want to learn how to start your own online business be sure to sign up for my free six-day mini course, where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100k in profit in our first year of business. Go to, sign up right on the front page, and I’ll send you the free mini course right away via email.

Now before we begin I want to give a quick shout out to my sponsor Bigcommerce. Now Bigcommerce is a fully hosted shopping cart platform that allows you to set up your own online store in minutes. And as most of you probably know, I teach a class on how to start a profitable online store and Bigcommerce is actually one of the shopping carts that I highly recommend in my class. Now here’s what I like about Bigcommerce. Unlike other competing platforms, Bigcommerce does not nickel and dime you with every little shopping cart feature. And when you sign up, you’ll immediately have a fully featured and extremely powerful shopping cart at your disposal.

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I also want to thank HostGator for sponsoring the show. HostGator is an incredible webhost that I highly recommend. And in fact did you know that was hosted on HostGator in the very beginning? They offer 24/7 live support, via chat, phone, and email, one click WordPress installs, an easy to use website builder, design services, marketing services and the best part is that I’m offering a 30% discount for all podcast listeners. So please go to to redeem the discount. Once again that’s, now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife Quite Her Job Podcast. We will teach you how to create a business that suits your lifestyle, so you can spend more time with your family and focus on doing the things that you love. Here is your host Steve Chou.

Steve: Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast, today I’m really happy to have my friends Jadah Sellner and Jen Hansard on the podcast today. Now I actually had the pleasure of seeing Jadah speak at the World Domination Summit in Portland, Oregon a couple of years back, and it was an amazing and inspiring talk that she gave. Now both Jadah and Jen run, where they teach others how to eat much healthier and lead healthier lifestyles. And when I say that their site is popular, I mean that it is crazy popular. They’ve got almost 300,000 Facebook fans, over 200,000 email subscribers, I’m not even sure if this data is up-to-date actually, it’s probably much higher.

Insane traffic to their site and Simple Green Smoothies has been in the press all over the place. Now I can actually totally relate to why their site is awesome. I have got two kids and kind of as a parent I don’t always have time to eat well. And in fact I was guilty of going through like the MacDonald’s drive through just the other day; often times I would just grab some crap from a fast food joint and call it a day.

Now Jen and Jadah hold theses challenges to convince you to eat better through healthy smoothies. And besides running their website I believe they also have a book, and did I mention that they also run this amazing business while raising kids as well on opposite coasts. In any case, I know that you are going to find their story inspirational, so welcome to the show Jen and Jadah, how are you guys doing today?

Jen: We are doing excellent.

Jaddah: Good.

Steve: So I was telling these two that this is the first time that I have interviewed two people simultaneously before, so we’ll see how this goes. Can one of you give us — or both of you maybe; give us the quick background story and tell us kind of how you came up with the idea for Simple Green Smoothies to start?

Jen: Sure, I’ll go first, Jadah and I — first we met as friends in a moms group when we had our babies in Los Angeles, and that was in 2010 — no 2007, wow it’s been so long. And from there we actually moved apart and we were Facebook friends, but then one day we decided that we wanted to start online businesses. And Jadah reached out to me and shared her idea with me, and I was doing graphic design at that time with my own freelance business. And we ended up deciding that we could find a way to partner together to create something even better than what we could do on our own.

And so that’s where we started a blog called Family Sponge. So Simple Green Smoothies was not the first business that we started together, the first one was a parenting blog in 2011. And we did that for a whole year, and that was really like our playground and our testing ground to figure out how we could grow a business online and grow a community to it. And from that we decided we wanted to make an eBook on green smoothies to get parents drinking them and also the kids too. And so that was the first product idea for Family Sponge, but the funny…

Steve: So why green smoothies — sorry, is there a story behind that? Were you guys eating like crap like I do or…?

Jadah: Yeah, definitely the drive through MacDonald’s, all of that was I assume was on the list actually Jen at Taco Bell.

Jen: Taco Bell, because it’s a major one.

Steve: Sorry, Taco Bell.

Jen: Taco Bell and Starbucks is the perfect combination.

Jadah: Yeah, so actually in the summer of 2011 my aunt introduced me to green smoothies and I remember kind of just freaking out, she was like just kind of all these promises of weight loss and energy, so I was like I’ll try anything to lose weight. So I went to Trader Joe’s with her and saw her picking up bags of kale and avocado and pineapple, and I’m just like, oh my goodness, I’m not about to drink this.
And I just watched her put everything in the blender. She blended it up and I hesitantly had that first sip and when I actually drank it, it was love at first site for me, I couldn’t believe how good that smoothie tasted. And actually I got my husband and my daughter to try that very same week, and they were totally on board. And I was just telling everyone including Jen like you have to try and make a green smoothie, like this is amazing.

And within the first three months of me drinking one green smoothie a day, it was just a ripple effect of healthy habits that started just kind of coming at the same time, I was like, I want to take a break from meat, I want to cleanse, I want to — I’m eating mushrooms and tomatoes which I’ve hated my entire life. And by that three months I had lost 27 pounds. So I knew that this green smoothie habit was bigger than just something that I wanted to keep to myself, and Jen and I were super excited to share it with the rest of the world, and…

Steve: Oh, sorry I just wanted do you guys still have cravings for like Mickey D’s at all anymore or?

Jadah: I have never been a Mickey D’s lover, but I will say…

Steve: Oh sorry Taco Bells, Chalupas, sorry yes.

Jadah: I don’t do — I do Double Decker, Tacos, but I serve the meat for beans, and that is like my– the thing I eat when my husband makes me go out to Taco Bell.

Steve: Sorry Jen I interrupted you, you were saying something.

Jen: Yeah, I was just going to share like at that time when Jadah first started drinking the green smoothies and she called me on the phone and we were talking about it, and at that point I had been a vegetarian for about 13 years. So a very long time, I had two young kids and I was so exhausted. And she is on this phone with me just like high energy, so excited about this green smoothie thing. And I’m like I remember writing down the recipe, I was like okay, this is what I got to do, I got buy spinach like serious thing, and put spinach in the blender, and she is like trust me it’s going to be okay.

So I took my whole family to the grocery store with me and we picked out all the fruit, we got the bananas, the [inaudible 00:08:52] and mango, the fresh spinach. And we went home and we made that first green smoothie together. And the kids were just as excited to do it as I was. And they were one and a half and three years old at that time. And we drank that for a sip together and everyone loved it, and it just awoke me to this idea that salads don’t have to be gross. Because until that point I was a vegetarian that despised salad and Taco Bell bean burritos and Double Decker were like my vegetarian food of choice.

Steve: Interesting because like my kids if they see something really green — so did you like wrap it on a brown paper bag like a foodie?

Jen: No, that’s first it only had berries in it too, so it made it purple.

Steve: Okay, and so you guys were inspired by these Simple Green Smoothies and you decided to start a blog to kind of spread the word, right?

Jadah: Well, actually it didn’t even start out as a blog like Jen said the intention was to create this eBook about green smoothies, and actually share it on Family Sponge our parenting blog. So a friend of mine actually encouraged us to start an Instagram account just sharing the green smoothie recipes. And this was just to help promote the future book — the future eBook. So there was a lot of hesitance and resistance to starting another social media platform, because at this time like the only people that were commenting on Family Sponge’s Facebook account was like my mom, and my cousin Alex who had — yeah, so I always say that we all have to start at zero.

We had zero fans and zero followers at that time, and so I hesitantly created the Simple Green Smoothies Instagram account, and Jen and I were just like, well let’s just see what happens. So it really started from July 2012 when we started the Simple Green Smoothies Instagram account that that became the kick off ground to kind of proof of concept that people actually wanted to hear more about green smoothies. Where we hustled like crazy, Jen was like web development design machine creating this website that finally went live November 2012.

Steve: So you guys had the Instagram account before the actual website?

Jen: Yeah, because that was an Instagram account that was going to generate a community and interest in a digital product, it wasn’t to create a business out of. But we realized that we had some traction going with this Instagram that sometimes when you have traction like that it means that you have to leave something else behind and for us that was Family Sponge. So at that point we made the shift where our Instagram account for Simple Green Smoothies was really taking off, and we didn’t have the bandwidth to keep growing Simple Green Smoothies and building a website at the same time, as maintaining our parenting blog and posting everyday on that.

So we kind of pulled apart from that and put all of our energy into Simple Green Smoothies and doing better photos for green smoothie recipes. Jadah upgraded her iphone to from the iphone 3 to the iphone 4 so the Instagram photos would start looking a little prettier.

Steve: They have the six now you know that right Jadah?

Jen: Yeah, Jadah and I actually got the iphone 6 feature for Valentine’s Day this year.

Steve: What was I going to ask you, oh, yes, so Instagram it’s just photos right? So how do you kind of start a business on Instagram, can you kind of describe the — like your Instagram following is huge, I think you have like 300 and — over 300,000 followers.

Jen: Yeah, 373,000 followers right now.

Steve: Yes, so how does one generate such a large account, and how do you actually use that to market a business, because you’re only allowed that one little link in your profile right?

Jadah: Yeah, a big thing with Instagram I mean obviously you can add content in the photo caption. So this is kind of a mistake that a lot of bloggers make is they have a social media account and they want pull everyone off of where everyone is hanging out. And they kind of say that social media is like a dance club. So that’s kind of where you want to show your dance moves, so it would be kind of creepy if a guy was like, hey girl you want to see my dance moves, well, you got to come to my house to see them. So I look at your blog as your house, and so we really were intentional in sharing the full recipe content on the actual Instagram post, instead of like, hey go to a link and follow us here.

So we built the trust by adding value in sharing full recipes on Instagram, and people started to like us and trust us, and like, oh my gosh you guys you have to check out this thing that they share free recipes on Instagram. So from there it was a lot easier that when we did have a website up and a free opt-in offer to say, hey now do you want to come join us over here on our blog? And do you want to sign up for our email list which I like to say is like the bedroom, you have to build a lot of trust to get them into your bedroom. And Jen you can talk a little bit about kind of like our test with the free opt-in offers, and kind of how we got them off of Instagram into our email list.

Steve: Well, let’s start with like you have Instagram account with zero followers, so do you just kind of — how often do you post photos, what’s your photo posting strategy. And you are using — it sounds like you are using it like almost like a blogging platform right? You are including real good content, and then was it just word of mouth, or did you join anything to kind of accelerate the process?

Jen: Yeah, I mean I can share a little bit just because I geeked out on the marketing side while Jadah was like hustling away on building the most beautiful website ever, so kind of the strategy in the beginning was actually only posted two to three posts per week. Our strategy today is we post several posts a day, but because we have a team to kind of support us to share enough content to do that. But when we first built those first 30,000 followers on Instagram in the first six months, it was just posting two to three recipes a week.
And I was very intentional with connecting with other influential Instagram followers, so it’s really like micro blogging. So just the same as you would do a guest post, it’s almost like you try to find ways to be featured on other high end influencer Instagram accounts. So people would see our feed and want to share a fitness blogger who might have 25,000 followers since you guys have to check out simple green smoothies, their recipes are amazing, and then that gives us a boost of 3,000 new followers.

So we built momentum that way of other influencer sharing us, and also engaging with the people that are on Instagram, who are just everyday people, who are just consuming content. I would actually go on to their photos, like them, comment on them, and they are like wait who is Simple Green Smoothies, who are they? Like why are they talking to me and then they go to our Instagram and see this can that’s full of green smoothie photos that are beautiful with vibrant raw ingredients, very colorful, and so that was really our strategy those first six months.

Steve: How do you reach out to influencers, like how do you find their contact information, how do you meet them?

Jen: Yeah, so one of the things to pay attention to is a lot of people want to feature other people’s photos, because it actually — then they don’t have to keep creating new content. So there’s people that will say something like use the hash tag, like my friend who has a million followers on Instagram says use the hash tag my healthy dish for a chance to be featured. So when you post a photo I would also include the hash tag my healthy dish or meal prep Mondays, and then they see the photo as they are looking in through wanting to create their own feed. They see a beautiful photo and they are like oh, I totally want to feature this photo and say, like add Simple Green Smoothies to check out this photo.

Steve: I see so they don’t actually post your photo on their account right, they just tag you?

Jen: They do. Yeah, they repost the photo; they actually put the photo on their Instagram feed and also add you in that photo, because they have to give you credit that that was your photo.

Steve: I see so it’s just like using a creative commons image on your blog right? You give a link back to the originator okay. And anything else like were you running any contest or whatever to kind of accelerate the growth, or was it just pretty much organic, like 30,000 in six months or how long was this, is a lot actually.

Jadah: Yeah, it’s definitely — I think the third thing that we did really well, is no comment left behind. So just making sure to engage with the community that was there, even if there was only five people who were commenting, and like, oh, this recipe looks amazing. I’m like awesome take a picture of it and tag me when you do it, because I would love to see that you made it. So really engaging with the community even if it’s just one to three followers, because they are going to keep the conversation going, and they are also going to start feeling a lot more connected to you as a brand.

Steve: Okay, and so in terms of getting those first 30,000 it was just hard work, organic reaching out, and then building and following like responding to comments, is that pretty accurate?

Jadah: Yes.

Steve: Okay, and then did you have like calls to action to your bedroom I guess?

Jen: Well, I would say the next step for us once our Instagram account had really taken off and we realized that we needed to create a website and have a link in our bio that took you to a website called Simple Green Smoothies, because in the beginning it went to But decided that we wanted to have a green smoothie website that was just dedicated to what we were doing on Instagram, because it was working so well and people really were finding value with it.

So when it came to creating the actual website I think one of the things that really made us stand apart and helped us grow quickly was that instead of looking out what every other green smoothie website had done in the past and build upon that, we went outside of that, and we looked at brands and companies that were just rocking it online such as Tom Huse [ph] and Williams Sonoma, and [Design Spunge] [ph]. Things outside of our market, and we pulled from them as far as the designer we are going to use it for the website. So it really had this different look than anything else that was out there in the health and wellness world relating to green smoothies.

And we also were very intentional with — we knew that our community was on Instagram, and if we are going to take them from Instagram to our website, we needed to make sure they felt comfortable. And they felt like it was us still. So we kept the look very similar and still to this day you’ll notice that on our homepage of the website we still have griped [ph] photos and square shape of our recipes. So it still has that Instagram us look to it, and so people that are coming over they feel like it’s a familiar place.

Steve: I mean I just want to comment that your website is beautiful and your photos are just amazing, do you guys take those yourself or do you have someone professional take those, or is it just the iPhone 3? Do I need to get an iPhone 3? Is that…?

Jen: Really those square blocks used to be iPhone 3 photos, but over time we believe in investing in the business and bringing people on to the team that can take us even further. We did that in stages. The first step was we upgraded our iPhones to iPhone 4 and then I bought an SLR camera with the basic plans, and then I upgraded my lens to the 1.4 50mm.

Steve: For the bouquet.

Jen: Yeah, and then from there we hired a professional food photographer, Lindsey Johnson who is just– she’s part of our team and she works solely with us. She’s just amazing and just really helped us take our brand even further with her photos.

Steve: Okay. You guys worked your way up there obviously. In the beginning would you say for the first year or so you guys took your own photos, right?

Jen: Yes.

Steve: So you don’t really need any fancy equipment it sounds like. What did you guys use to touch up the photos to make them really stand out?

Jen: In the beginning we used just the basic iPhone apps to do that. But now when it comes to social media photos that we use with our iPhones, we use the VSO, it’s an app for iPhone that is very similar to Photoshop. It gives you a lot of creative control and we are very strong believers in not using filters on our photos, because to us brands don’t use filters. Brands are very intentional with creating something unique. And so we go in hand by hand and edit the photos specifically to work for us. And when it comes to our website photos we use Photoshop to do editing [inaudible] [00:21:41].

Steve: Yeah, so incidentally I was just going to mention that I’ve been to your guy’s bedroom. It’s very nice. I took the– I signed up for your email list. So yeah, one thing I just want to mention to listeners is that the link on your Instagram account goes to a landing page that is very well done, that entices people to sign up for your challenge, your first challenge. And so one thing I didn’t want to get into a little bit is what the business model and the strategy and how Simple Green Smoothies money. It seems to me and you can correct me if I’m wrong, it’s all through your email list. Is that pretty accurately? Or mostly.

Jadah: Yes.

Jen: Yeah.

Steve: So can we talk about your business model on how you make money.

Jen: Yeah. We are in the business of giving away free content. At first a lot of people think how can you make money doing that? For the first six months we didn’t, but what we had done is that we had grown a loyal community of followers that really trusted us and believed in us and knew what we were doing was very truthful, very grounding and it was truly changing their lives.

And so when it came to creating a digital product which would be the next step for income, we quickly had people who were on board to purchase it. And the very first one that we created was actually, we had just launched our first thirty day Green Smoothie challenge in January of 2013, and with that first challenge, we had over 30,000 people on our email list. So we had grown exponential not just on Instagram, but within our email list as well.

Steve: This is from Instagram people coming to sign up?

Jen: Yeah, just Facebook and just– we had viral shares through Facebook as well.

Steve: Okay.

Jen: But so at the end of the challenge, people were just like so in love with us and wanted more and more, and we were like we need to give them more. What can we do? So we decided to package up that free 30-day challenge that we had just given to them through weekly emails, where we gave them shopping lists and recipes. And we packaged it into a PDF where they could have all of that content in one place for them, and we resold that for $5 at the end of the challenge. How long did it take? Do you remember the numbers on that?

Jadah: Yeah, I mean, Jen and I were freaking out. We were like, “No one is going to buy this for $5,” like that’s why it had to be $5 because we knew people wouldn’t buy something that they just did for free. In that first week, we did $8,000 in sales.

Steve: That’s amazing.

Jadah: And just so you know, this is 18 months into Jen and I partnering together. This is our first time ever making a profit. We are like we can pay ourselves back for all of those giveaways that we used to pay out of our own pockets. This was our first time of like “Oh my gosh, I think we actually have a real business on our hands.” So that was pretty exciting.

Steve: Can we talk about like what a challenge is exactly, and how you can get people to like join your community and become such fanatical fans?

Jadah: Yeah, I think a big thing that I’d love to share, why our free 30-day Green Smoothie challenge does so well is that we really invest a lot of time and energy into making it look amazing, and feel like a really a beautiful experience for our fans. But it’s completely free and they are also getting transformation from it. So drinking one Green Smoothie a day for 30 days, people are actually getting off their blood pressure medication, they are losing weight, they have more energy, they want to work out now.

And so they are experiencing that all from free content from us, and I always say that, to make your free opt-in offer better than someone’s paid product. Because I think what happens is people, when they say, “Hey you want to join me for this 30-day Green Smoothie challenge I’m doing with simple Green Smoothies? It’s free.” And people are like, “Yes, I’ll totally do it.” There’s no skin in the game for them. There’s no major risk to just sign up and try it, whereas if someone is like, “Hey you want to sign up for this 30-day Green Smoothie challenge, it’s $30.” They are like, “No, it’s okay. I’m not going to do it.”

So Jen and I actually had a free opt-in offer that was just a 12 page PDF book with five recipes and Green Smoothie tips, and that grew our email list to 2,000, and that was in November of 2012. And then we did our 30-day Green Smoothie challenge and we started talking about it towards the end of December 2012, and that grew our email list to 30,000 by the end of the January challenge in 2013. So just to show how different, how much success you can get from a free opt-in offer, that is really high quality.

Steve: So I notice you give away a lot more in your email auto-responder sequence now outside of that PDF, and I was just wondering how do you– so number one, how do you hold people accountable for these challenges, or do you find that they just kind of do it yourself due to the beauty of your photos and the nature of your writing?

Jen: I think a big part of it is the simplicity of the challenge. So there’s not too much that they have to do. We provide a weekly shopping list so they just have to go to the store that one time, buy the stuff for the week, and then make their smoothies every day. And so they’ve already, once they buy into the shopping list that first week, they have to follow through with making it. So it’s almost like self accountability at that point. But within that weekly email that we send out, we are really encouraging and we like to consider ourselves their cheerleader, and we are there to like cheer them on and rock out with them, and just make this a new day in their life where it’s going to transform their health.

And then we also invite them to join us on social media, because every day during our challenge, we are posting recipes from that challenge so they can see what they actually look like. If they haven’t made it that day, it’s going to inspire them to make it, because they see how beautiful it looks. And all of the comments beneath, people are always commenting and just saying like that one was my favorite, I love it, it’s so good. They’ll tag their friends and say, “You’ve got to try this recipe.” And so there’s a lot of accountability through social media during the challenge.

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Steve: So everyone is at a different step on the challenge when they take it. So do you guys have like a Facebook group, or is it mainly to the Facebook page. Like how does it work and how does the interaction take place?

Jadah: We definitely do it just publicly on our Facebook page. We don’t have a Facebook group. We use that for our actual paid program which is Fresh Start 21, and we can dive a little deeper into that in a minute. The big thing of like why the accountability happens is because we do it live, and in real time together as a community. So a lot of people will automate their free challenge, and it just doesn’t have the same energy. There’s this build up that happens, and people are looking forward to starting something and they know like we are all starting October 1st together. And people will say, “Oh I signed up late, can I still get it?” And we are just like “Hey, just look forward to the next one, because we do it four times a year.”

And also we really pay attention to what’s sustainable for us behind the scenes, because it is a lot of energy for our team to be on and cheering everyone on. So we need that time to like, “Okay, let’s rest for a moment and then blump [ph] right back up into the next challenge. So we do it in seasons so that it feels really sustainable for us as a company.

Steve: I see. So that is how you kind of differentiate yourself from like the canned sequences that other people send out for their challenges.

Jadah: Yes.

Steve: Okay. You mentioned something called Fresh Start 21. So you had your $5 product, and how did that kind of evolve to Fresh Start 21. First of all what is Fresh Start 21.

Jen: Well that $5 product really helped us understand that– it lead us to the point where we knew we were sitting on a business because we had a community, we had people that are willing to buy something for $5, and we were finally able to pay ourselves and feed our families with our money. And so we quickly decided to reinvest that money into our next product which was Fresh Start 21, and that is the 21 day cleanse that involves drinking wine and Green Smoothie for breakfast, and then we give you a meal plan for the rest of the day that involves only whole foods.

There’s no gluten, there’s no dairy, there’s no meat within it. So it’s really a way for 21 days for you to cleanse out your body and just get rid of everything that’s holding you back, slowing you down, including caffeine which is one of the things that I struggled with. I loved caffeine, and I was a Starbucks junky. And I really believed that was what was giving me energy. But once I started drinking Green Smoothies, I started having a different kind of energy, and it didn’t have me think like my Starbucks was. And so through the cleanser, you also get rid of caffeine and your body resets itself to a point where you are actually able to have more energy than you did with caffeine.

Steve: So how did you guys introduce this product? First of all is the five-dollar product no longer available, or is it still available?

Jen: It’s still available. It’s not like promoted but it’s out there. Like if people are wanting to do, do it on their own, they can buy this, and have all the recipes and the weekly shopping list there for them too. And it’s not five dollars anymore. We got brave.

Steve: Okay, yeah you know it’s funny, and I just thought I comment from my own experience, you always underestimate how much people are willing to pay for the information even if it’s just information that you’ve put out over time by just collecting and making it easily accessible, people are willing to pay for that.

Jen: Yeah. People pay for convenience is what we’ve realized. And we know that for every dollar that we are making, it means that someone is saying yes to their health. And so just knowing that really excites us to keep going and to create products, one so we can sustain the life that we want, where we can work from home, with our kids by our sides, but also so that we can spread the word about eating healthy, and that it doesn’t have to be difficult. It doesn’t mean having to like force yourself to eat a salad every day. You can blend up your salad and make it taste good and drink it with a smile.

Steve: Yeah. You know, one thing I did want to get into a little bit was I actually went through a significant portion of your auto-responder sequence which is excellent, the email auto-responder sequence. And I was just curious if you could kind of go into some of the psychology involved in creating that. I was just curios because you do a mixture of like awesome content, and then a very light sell for some of your products, and I was just wondering if you could talk a little bit about how your email auto-responder is structured, and the reason behind some of the different emails that you put out.

Jadah: Yeah, so with our 30-day Green Smoothie challenge, that’s kind of ramping up into when we actually invite our community to take it to the next level with Fresh Start 21 and actually pay for a product. So it’s very intentional and kind of how we strategize and plan out our launch sequence is that we are doing our free 30-day Green Smoothie challenge. And about two weeks into the challenge, we start sending dedicated emails on an additional day educating them about what Fresh Start 21 is all about.

And what happened for me and what happened for Jen is that you start drinking one Green Smoothie a day and you are like what’s next. So we created something that is the what’s next for them, because we know that they are experiencing exactly what we did. And every product that we create is always like what do we want? And then we make that because it’s pretty much what they are going to want too.

Steve: Okay, and then so Fresh Start 21, I remember on my list you had actually a link to purchase Fresh Start 21 in the first email. And what I wanted to know was, how do your conversations– how are they spread out over the auto-responder, because some people probably don’t buy it right away, and I was just wondering where most of the people kind of purchase your info products in the sequence.

Jen: So in the beginning of the 30-day Green Smoothie challenge we like to prime them a little bit, and let them know about Fresh Start 21 to just either if it’s a visual or graphics, so it’s just something that they are seeing around, buzzing around them, but the content is focused on the 30-day challenge. But as time goes on each week of the challenge, we start adding in more about Fresh Start 21 and doing a larger graphic, or having a link about it. And we also do, like Jadah was saying, the dedicated emails on Sundays which is where we really start to highlight the Fresh Start 21 and the transformation that happens through it.

And once we start the dedicated emails is when the conversation starts to happen. So that’s usually around week 2 when we start getting a lot more sales, and then by week three and a half is probably the hardest push we have as far as– because it’s a special price that we are giving them during the 30-day challenge. They get 20% off Fresh Start during that time for being a part of our community, for doing the 30-day challenge with us. Once the challenge is over, that discount goes away.

And we are also promoting Fresh Start 21 harder at that time because what happens right after the 30-day challenge is a live community cleanse. So if they really enjoyed doing this live 30-day challenge with us, and connecting with our community and just seeing the results that they are getting when you do something big together, they are excited to go that next step with another group in a private Facebook community, where we are there actually interacting with them, cheering them on, and the transformation just sky rockets and they want that.

Steve: So let’s talk a little bit about Fresh Start 21, what do you get when you sign up and can we talk a little bit about the community that you’ve developed, which sounds like it’s on Facebook?

Jadah: So with Fresh Start 21, once they click buy now and they purchase, they get a PDF, it’s all digital. So they are digital downloads of the actual meal plan, shopping list and kind of how to guide, how to walk your way through the 21 days. They may probably receive about two to three follow up emails during Fresh Start 21, so just kind of to get them prepped and primed of like getting ready for the 21 day cleanse.

And then the Facebook group is what we have for the community. And during the live cleanse which is actually happening four times a year just like our 30-day challenge, Jen and I pop in, answer questions. We also have our holistic nutritionist that help design the meal plan to make sure that it’s balance, and it’s energizing, and so she will also pop into the private Facebook group to support our community in that way.

Steve: How big is that community if I may ask?

Jen: There is over 5,000 at least. It could be seven, I’m not sure.

Jadah: And not everyone who purchases actually goes into the Facebook community, but that’s who’s in there and then we also have a grads group, that once they’ve completed the cleanse, they can still talk about how they’ll be eating beyond the 21 days.

Steve: Okay and I just want to talk a little bit about just like your traffic generation methods. So it sounded like early on, you relied on Instagram to kind of establish some of the early traffic, but what are some of the other traffic sources that have really taken off with your blog?

Jen: We are definitely really high in Google ranking. We are usually at the top one and two on Google if you search for Green Smoothies. And when we first started, I remember, it was the first month of launching the website. I would look on Google and search for us and try to see where we were, and we were on page 14 at the bottom, like so far down. But over time as we added more recipes to our website, and people would comment on those recipes and we would comment back and have these engaging conversations, we started going up and SEO.

And also we are bringing in tones of traffic from Facebook and Instagram because of the 30-day challenge. So we were bumped up to page one in a matter of months, and we’ve stayed there for the last two years easily. So Google is definitely our best friend when it comes to generating traffic.

Steve: And since your pictures are so awesome, I would imagine that Pinterest is a good portion of your traffic as well.

Jen: It is not a huge portion yet, because we honestly have not invested energy into Pinterest. It’s one of those things where we believe you have to pick and choose where you want to spend your time, and Facebook and Instagram are just where we’ve been most comfortable ourselves and seen a lot of great growth from that. But we were very intentional from the beginning to create a Pinterest account and pin our recipes and just get that rolling on its own. I think we have over almost 30,000…

Jadah: Yeah we have…

Jen: Followers probably at this point.

Jadah: 32,000.

Steve: Which is more than a lot of people?

Jadah: Yeah and that is with us doing practically nothing on it, so we know we do have plans, we bought a Pinterest course, and we have a member of our team going through that right now, to help us dive in there and just blow it out of the water.

Steve: And incidentally just for the listeners it’s much better to focus on one or two things in the beginning, and get that really good as opposed to just trying everything and not doing anything well for that matter.

Jadah: Yeah, that’s so good.

Steve: Is that your main product, or are there other ways that Simple Green Smoothies generates revenue?

Jadah: Yeah that is actually 90 something percent of our profit for the last two years. Fresh start at 21 just had its two year birthday.

Steve: Amazing, okay.

Jadah: Yeah, but we also do affiliates with the major blenders that we personally believe in. We don’t promote brands that we don’t use or don’t know enough about, so we stick with blend tech and vita mix because we really do believe they are the best out there. We used to do Google ads in the very beginning to help with just give us some income, but as soon as we were able to support ourselves without that, we took all the ads off of our site so that we could really grow our brands.

Steve: Yeah I noticed, I think that’s, right.

Jadah: Yeah, and it’s been so beneficial to us when we did that, because it made us stand apart even more from everyone else out there. It’s like you come to our site to really dive in deep and enjoy the content instead of being distracted by ads.

Steve: Was that measurable, like when you took off the ads did you notice that email sign ups went up?

Jadah: I don’t think necessarily it was the emails that went up, but it was the community experience. You know people would click on a Google ad, and they would be like I thought you guys had an app, and now I’m on a casino site.

Steve: Yeah.

Jadah: And so like that we believe in like love over metrics.

Steve: Okay.

Jadah: Not that we don’t care about profits, but we just care about people more, and so we just put that. So we measured that, like how happy are our people for all of us, and if like their experience is amazing, then we measure that they will keep coming back and keep sharing with people that they don’t have to be distracted by adds like Jen said.

Steve: I mean it makes sense, like what if I saw like a Taco Bell ad on Simple Green Smoothies, so that would not be good right? Or Starbucks for you Jen?

Jen: Yeah. And it was scary because like it was bringing in like a couple thousand dollars with no rules and it was scary to take that down, and it was like a risk and also a trusting in that the brand’s personal products will do much better than an ad will, or an affiliate cross promotion, anything like that. We really keep everything like home grown and internal.

Steve: Yeah so for some of the listeners out there who kind of want to replicate your success. It sounds like you guys bloomed in like the first year, like it went nuts.

Jadah: Yeah.

Steve: If someone wanted to kind of try to replicate your success in some different niche obviously, what were– what would be some of the advice that you would give them? Would you recommend they start on instagram or?

Jadah: My suggestion and Jen might have some awesome stuff to add to this too, but I would say the first step with no investment is just picking one social media platform. I don’t recommend Instagram if that’s not where you’re going to shine the best. So it’s like where are your people hanging out, what the social media platforms are they hanging at, and which one are you most exited to communicate with them on. There has to be that synergy on both ends because people feel passion, they feel when it’s like oh I just have to do this. You shouldn’t do anything that you feel like you have to do; you need to be exited to do it. First step is start a social media account, and pick one platform to just gig out on and find your tribe that way.

The second step would be to hyper focus on what you want to talk about for the next three, six, nine, months to a year. Jen and I were very intentional; it was like all we’re going to talk about is Simple Green Smoothies for the next months, period. And see if we can start building momentum and grow that way, because once you start hyper focusing on a message or an idea, and if people start attracting to that message, they hear like great like people like this. If feel like if you can’t get 100, 1000 people to like what you’re talking about, you’re not going to be able to get 100,000 people to do it. So it’s really important to figure out is this massage landing with people, and if it’s not then you’ve got to go back to the drawing board and figure out something else to talk about that you’re exited to talk about.

I think building the community first is really important, and so if you can test in that phase in the very beginning, and then once you have the actual tribe and the listeners, then you can start asking them questions like what are you struggling with the most when it comes to X, and then that is your product that you want to create for them.

Steve: Incidentally this question just came in my head, how did you know when it was time to shelve the other website, the parenting website?

Jen: It was probably when we had no time. Like there was absolutely no time left in our lives to devote to that and we almost felt guilty. Like at least I personally did, like it was almost like the neglected child where you knew you should be taking care of it because it’s your baby, you started this thing, we put a year of blood, sweat and tears into it. We weren’t exited anymore, like the excitement was with Simple Green Smoothies and just the passion of people who came to our site and loved what we’re doing and were encouraging us. It just kind of transitioned over, and once we could just see that the numbers were growing crazy, like we had a community with Simple Green Smoothies, whereas Family Sponge we had our family and our close friends were with us.

Steve: Let me ask in a different way like, did you feel like you made any mistakes with the parenting blog that if you’d used some of the techniques with Simple Green Smoothies you could have actually had that blog take off?

Jadah: I think when we were all over the place with the parenting blog, so we weren’t just talking about one thing to help us stand out. We were really trying to be like every other parenting blog out there. Let’s talk about arts and crafts, let’s talk about healthy recipes, let’s talk about living intentionally and traveling. So people didn’t know where to land because we were talking about so many things at the same time, and so that was one thing that we learned is what happens if we just shift and just talk about one thing all the time.

And then once we’ve built trust, then we can kind of expand what we want to talk about once people already trust us. We were like at just pick one, which one are you interested in. I think they were really confused, but like Jen said it was a playground for us, we learnt so much, we did the affiliate marketing, you know we were like hey buy baby legs and we’ll make like two cents.

Jen: I know.

Jadah: We did Google ads like crazy; we even did sponsored blog posts.

Jen: Yeah.

Jadah: Where we were making like you know $40, $100, like we did everything like every way you could monetize a blog we tried it all, and it wasn’t until we created our own product three Simple Green Smoothies that’s when our business took off. And people want to buy from people, they don’t want to buy from like a big you know company they don’t– and I feel like that’s the gift that people want to buy directly from someone they actually know, like and trust, and Simple Green Smoothies is that with people behind the brand.

Steve: Which is something else I wanted to just comment with for the listeners. If you go on their site you’ll see pictures of Jen and Jadah all over the place, and their personalities and just the way they’ve written their verbiage on their site, it’s just very tied to their personality which makes you feel a lot more comfortable trusting them. That was my assessment.

Jadah: Yeah we are huge on transparency and we always tell our community that we’re not perfect, like we’re not the ultimate healthy parents out there. Like we struggle too, we are just like you like we give in to drive through food when we’re having one of those days, like we go for coffee if we need it. I think being so transparent and authentic with everything that we do in the business is what brings more and more people to us.

Steve: If you guys and you guys can answer this separately. If you had two things that you could live without for your business what would those two things be tools, tools or books?

Jadah: I think for us one book that’s been really great is Essentialism [inaudible 0:49:00].

Steve: That’s hilarious, okay.

Jadah: I think when you get in this stage in business where you are a profitable business and you have a team that’s supporting you, and you’re growing and you have big dreams, reading that book really has helped us kind of just keep realigning with our internal goals, and have them match our external goals with the company, so making sure that were just aligned with ourselves and with the business growing too.

Steve: Okay, and Jen it’s the same for you I would imagine same, same book? Okay.

Jen: Yeah I read that same book, I am still I am rereading it right now actually. It’s one of those books where you always need to have a refresher, and the whole principle is it’s about like cleaning your closet, and you need to do the same thing with your business and your life, where you’re constantly going through it, and prioritizing and seeing what is dragging you down, what doesn’t belong here anymore, and that’s taking up too much space.

Steve: Well I am glad coming on this podcast made that essential list, and I want to be respectful for your time. Where can people find you and learn more about you online?

Jadah: They can head on over to, where you can sign up for our free 30 day green smoothie challenge. We’re also on Facebook and Instagram with the handle simplegreensmoothies.

Steve: Awesome, and incidentally when I was surfing your site last night, my daughter came and she’s like oh that looks good, and I was like really you thought so, it’s green. She’s like but just– and you had all this like fruit around it too, so it looked really delicious. Anyways so head on over to Simple Green Smoothies and try one of their cleansers.

Jadah: Yeah and if people you know we obviously run a digital online business, because that’s the lifestyle that we are excited to live, where we can travel and be anywhere, and be with our kids. We also have a physical book coming out with recipes, full color, something that you can actually hold in your hand, and it’s very-very minimal of when we actually create physical products, so we’re like really excited to get that into as many hands as possible, and that…

Steve: Yeah let me know when that comes out, I will send out the word, yeah.

Jadah: Okay well it’s called Simple Green Smoothies, because we’re very big on branding ourselves that way, and it will be released November 3rd.

Steve: Just in time for the holiday season?

Jadah: Yeah, right.

Steve: Really. All right thank Jen and Jadah for coming onto the show; it was my pleasure to have you guys, and you guys were awesome.

Jadah: Thanks Steve.

Jadah: Thanks Steve.

Steve: All right thanks a lot.

Hope you enjoyed that episode. Jen and Jadah’s story truly illustrates that you may not find your calling right away. Sometimes that first idea simply isn’t going to work out, but when you do find a business that works, it will just feel right and you can let your passion take over. For more information about this episode go to 90, and if you enjoyed this episode please go to ITunes and leave me a review.

This is by far the best way to support the show and please tell your friends because the greatest compliment that you can give me is to write a referral to someone else either in person or to share it on the web. Now if you’re interested in starting your own online business, be sure to sign up for my free six day mini course, where I show you how my wife and I manage to make over 100K in profit in our first year of business. Go to and sign up right there on the front page, and I’ll send you the email course right away.

Once again I also want to thank HostGator for sponsoring this episode. HostGator is one of the best webhosts out there that I recommend if you ever want to start a blog, and in fact I hosted on there in the very beginning and loved it. You get 24/7 live support via chat phone and email, and you can install WordPres in just a single click. They’ve got an easy to use website builder, design services, and the best part is that I am offering a 30% discount for all podcast listeners. To get the discount go to, and once again that’s

I also want to thank Bigcommerce for sponsoring this episode. Bigcommerce is one of the best shopping carts that I recommend if you want to start your own online store without having to worry about anything technical. Everything from design, to sourcing, to payment processing is all built in, so all you’ve got to do is populate it with products that you want to sell, and you can literally start your online store in a matter of hours. Simply go to, sign up and you’ll instantly receive one month free. Once again in the URL is Thanks for listening.

Outro: Thanks for listening to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast, where we’re giving the courage people need to start their own online business. For more information visit Steve’s blog at

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089: How To Make $47,000 In 90 Days Selling On Amazon FBA With Scott Voelker

How To Make $47,000 In 90 Days Selling On Amazon FBA With Scott Voelker

Today I’m happy to have Scott Voelker on the show. Scott has been an entrepreneur for a quite a while now. He runs a successful portrait studio. And he also teaches course on online photography.

But the reason I brought him on the show is to talk about his Amazon success. Scott runs the popular podcast The Amazing Seller and the website of the same name.

And his claim to fame is that he went from 0 to 47K in 90 days selling on Amazon. Today we’re going to to break down his process of finding products to sell on Amazon, and his process for making money on the platform. Enjoy!

What You’ll Learn

  • How many products Scott has listed and how many it took to hit 47K
  • Scott’s criteria for selecting a product to sell
  • Where Scott sources his products from.
  • How Scott finds vendors
  • His scripts for initial contact
  • The price points that Scott likes to see for selling products
  • The time frame from inception to getting your product on Amazon
  • How much money you need to start
  • What profit margins Scott likes to see
  • How to you get your first reviews on Amazon
  • How to run Amazon PPC campaigns
  • What tools Scott uses to sell online

Other Resources And Books

Sponsors – If you are interested in starting your own online store, then click here to get 1 month free
bigcommerce-logo – If you are interested in starting your own WordPress blog, then click here to get 30% off webhosting at!


Steve: You are listening to the My Wife Quit her Job Podcast. And if you are new here, it’s a show where I bring in successful bootstrapped business owners to teach us what strategies are working and what strategies are not. Now I don’t bring on these famous entrepreneurs simply to celebrate their success, instead I have them take us back to the very beginning and delve deeply into the exact strategies they used early on to gain traction for their businesses.

Now if you enjoy this podcast please leave me a review on iTunes and if you want to learn how to start your own online business be sure to sign up for my free six-day mini course, where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100k in profit in our first year of business. Go to, sign up right on the front page, and I’ll send you the free mini course right away via email.

Now before we begin I want to thank HostGator for sponsoring the show. HostGator is an incredible webhost that I highly recommend. And in fact did you know that was hosted on HostGator in the very beginning? They offer 24/7 live support, via chat, phone and email, one click WordPress install, so you can literally install word press blog in a matter of minutes. They have an easy to use website builder, design services, marketing services. And the best part is I’m offering a 30% discount for all podcast listeners. So please go to to redeem the discount. Once again that’s

I also want to give a quick shout out to my other sponsor Bigcommerce. Now Bigcommerce is a fully hosted shopping cart platform that allows you to set up your own online store in minutes. Now as most of you probably know, I teach a class on how to start a profitable online store and Bigcommerce is actually one of the shopping carts that I highly recommend in my class. Now here’s what I like about Bigcommerce. Unlike other competing platforms, Bigcommerce does not nickel and dime you with every little shopping cart feature. And when you sign up, you immediately have a fully featured and extremely powerful shopping cart at your disposal.

There’s also an incredible theme store where you can choose from a variety of attractive store designs, so you don’t really need to hire a designer. And everything from design to payment processing is all built-in, and all you just have to populate it with your own products. So you can literally start your own online store in a matter of hours. Simply go to, sign up and you will instantly receive one month free. Once again the URL is, now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. We will teach you how to create a business that suits your lifestyle, so you can spend more time with your family and focus on doing the things that you love. Here is your host Steve Chou.

Steve: Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. Today I’m happy to have Scott Voelker on the show. Now Scott has been an entrepreneur for quite a while now, and he actually runs a successful portrait studio with his wife, and he also teaches many courses on online photography. But the reason that I actually wanted him on the show today is to talk about his Amazon success. Scott runs the popular podcast, The Amazing Seller and the website with the same name, and his claim to fame is that he went from zero to 47k in 90 days selling on Amazon.

So today what we are going to do is we are going to break down his process of finding products to sell on Amazon, and his process for just making money on the platform. With that, welcome to the show Scott. How are you doing today man?

Scott: I’m doing great man. Thanks a lot for having me. I’m a big fun of your show too. So yeah, I’m really, really excited to be here and hopefully add some value to your audience.

Steve: Awesome yeah, I’m sure you will be able to do that. Let’s start off with some of the background stuff for a start. How did you go from selling photography courses in this portrait studio to actually doing physical products on Amazon?

Scott: Yeah, sure. I will give you the quick version on that. Just a little bit of a correction there, we are not currently running a photography studio. We started with that, about eight years we did that full time, my wife and I. And the same idea, I was working full time as a contractor, I was building homes and doing remodels and stuff. I was just never home with my kids, I had two little kids at the time. We just wanted to do something else.

We started thinking about how we could do this online thing, found people selling things online. This is going back like, oh gosh, seven years ago, and then found people are selling information online. So I said you know what, let me give it a shot. I’ll just teach people how we got started. We built a six figure local brick and motor business, and hey I’m sure there’s other people out there that could use the help. Sure enough built a little list, and launched my first product and within that first product– I think my first launch which blew me away was like 12 grand in like a day and a half. So it was like– now is going back six and a half years ago.

Steve: This your info product.

Scott: Yeah that was the info product from just teaching what I– I didn’t figure myself as an expert, just kind of retracing the steps of what we did as a husband and wife team building a photography studio. So it kind of just got me involved into this type of online space, but I’ve always been an entrepreneur and again that’s what I mean. We built our business and then I kind of turned around and taught people how I did the business. And I still run– we have a new portrait base is what our website is called, and it’s really just helpful lessons for newbies that are looking to do more or less like children’s portrait photography. And now we really teach a lot about—I teach a lot more about the editing with Photoshop and stuff like that. I’m still involved in that. That still runs today.

And then from there just looking to kind of expand ourselves. Obviously you are always looking for new revenue streams as being an entrepreneur; you don’t want to rely on one source. So I’ve always been dabbling in all different things as an entrepreneur, see the opportunities and stuff. And Amazon was the closest thing to a digital product because the FBA model, I really loved because I didn’t have to fill it. So with my background in marketing and internet space and everything I figured you know what, I can figure out all the moving pieces. Let’s just kind of give it a shot and see what happens. And we did and here we are going on– just over eight months now, and yeah it’s just been just a crazy, crazy ride.

Steve: Just curious, in those eight months, you mentioned that you hit 47K in the first 90 days which is three months. Where are you at now?

Scott: I don’t have the exact number for you, but I can tell you that I’m averaging a month about $35,000 in revenue.

Steve: Nice. And what are your margins on that revenue?

Scott: Right around the 40% mark.

Steve: Okay cool. That’s sounds really good.

Scott: I’m looking to get that to about 50, we can talk about the strategy too, but usually in the beginning, you are a little bit lower just because you want to get the ball rolling and the momentum started, and slowly start increasing. And in the summer a lot of times your sales are going to be lower in the online space which you may or may not experience as well. But yeah, I’m looking to– those are low margins I think. I think and I’m hoping to get them around 50 to 52%.

Steve: So in generating that 30K or so a month, how many products is that on Amazon that you are selling?

Scott: I started with one product and with that one product; I was still able to get that tool right around 25,000 to 27,000 with just one product. And then since I’ve added right now, if you count just because there’s variations on products as well, which I know you are familiar with that. But I mean, so if you counted the variations of the one product, you are talking that’s seven products.

Steve: Seven products, okay.

Scott: Seven skews.

Steve: Okay, and they are all related meaning like different colors and stuff or?

Scott: Yeah, like sizes, type of thing.

Steve: Okay, and are these products anything to do with photography at all?

Scott: Absolutely not.

Steve: Okay, so completely different niche than you’ve kind of dealt with in the past.

Scott: And I got to be honest, that was part of my thing. I wanted to not rely on that. It was two reasons I did that. I wanted to prove to myself that I could enter into another niche, and I could also not have to rely and depend on that one business model. I also felt like the photographers, no offence to photographers that are listening, but they are just—they don’t spend a lot of money on certain things other than cameras. They are really kind of protective of their money which I was too, don’t get me wrong, but it’s just a different mindset.

So I wanted to go after where there was already buyers, and I felt like Amazon was just like a river of money, because there’s people going there for one reason. They are not going there to search for how to take better pictures; they were looking on how to buy a lens. So I very easily could have went down that road, and I thought about it. I got to be honest because it wouldn’t have been very easy because I have an email list, and I could just start promoting products to my email list and kind of ramp that up, but I didn’t do that. I went down a different road, and it’s proven to be pretty good and it’s also proved to me that I can kind of pivot and go to another direction and do that.

Also I didn’t want to be the fore front of it really. I wanted to kind of do a business that could work without me being involved in it. I could kind of hire it out if I want to, like there are certain things that I will eventually be hiring out, tasks that I do and really I’ll just kind of be like I guess the lender in a sense, and then the business will kind of run itself. That’s really my goal with this business. That’s something that I’m looking to do. It’s not that way right now, but that’s what I’m definitely looking for.

Steve: So in terms of like finding the product then, did you actually choose something that you were kind of interested or you knew a lot about, or did you just kind of go off and pick something pretty random?

Scott: Well, at first I just started looking at products. I just started to kind of go through the whole thing like what could I sell, what could I think that would sell well? And I will tell what I was looking into which I didn’t go down this road is, I was looking at baby products. I was looking at baby products for a couple of different reasons, because I knew that there was a lot of people have babies, and I knew that there was huge market for it. But then in the end I started asking myself, do I really want to be– if I eventually want to do a blog about this, do I want to be just researching that information and doing– I mean I have kids, I have three kids. I have a seven year old daughter, I’ve got a let’s say a 17-year old son, just turned 17 and a 20-year old daughter. So I’ve got them all over the place. But they are not in that stage.

I know people that have babies and I could have did that, but it just wasn’t going to be as easy for me to even just even take pictures. If I wanted to take pictures of my product with a baby, it was going to be harder to find that. So that was another thing. I just felt like, it’s just not aligned with me personally, so I wanted to get into something that’s more or less I was going to use, but also I was going to I guess eventually also always be kind of involved in this market. So that’s kind of why I went down the path I did.

Steve: Okay, so given that, I know like the Amazon– the people who sell on Amazon like to be secretive about their products, because of the intense completion. So I guess we won’t go into detail about your exact products, but what we can talk about is some of the criteria that you used actually to select the product that you are going to sell, right?

Scott: Yeah absolutely.

Steve: Okay, so what did you– so let’s go back to that just very first product first off, what was your research process like?

Scott: The research process and again, it’s a stuff that I tell anyone starting right now. The very first thing was just like, I do like a daily touch list. So everything that I touched, I would just write down like little things. It could be the cake cup, or you are having coffee, a little stainless cake cup thing. It could have been, I’m looking at my stuff right now in front me, like a USB code, a mouse, a mouse pad, any of that. Anything that I touched on a daily basis I would write that stuff down just to get the ideas flowing, and kind of flushing out all the ideas that could be a potential product.

Now that I’ve been through it, I kind of look at things all differently, like anything. I’m listening to conversations, all of that stuff. But really just I guess looking at my own interest and stuff, and then from there knowing that I didn’t want to go into an oversized product. I didn’t want to sell something that was going to be over the certain guidelines that Amazon requires as over size for a few different reasons. Number one it was going to cost me more for inventory. It was going to cost more to get it shipped, and it was going to limit me how many I can have in stock in Amazon at one time. So I believe that their starting point for over size is like only 500 units that you can have it stock.

Steve: That’s correct.

Scott: You can get that usually lifted as long as you start to show you have more volume, but it’s just another whoop to jump through. And then I was going to have to go and have stuff shipped by boat, by sea. It was going to take longer, more customs, all of that stuff. So I have certain criteria which I can share with your audience that I look at right now and I also recommend which is really simple. It’s something that is light weight, something that can usually fit in the shoe box, under two pounds. And usually the length, I believe that the length, the longest point is like 18 inches, but it also goes by circumference and all that stuff. Anyone can kind of Google like you know Amazon, or you can even put something that even showing on it. It’s right on the Amazon website for criteria. It’s real basic. But just something that’s not oversize.

So that’s the thing. My price point, I like to be between $19 and like $45. Now I tell people that and they are like, “Well, Scott I found a product that’s $16.99, is that still good?” It’s still good if the margins are good, you know what I mean. So it’s just a guideline. I look for something between $19 and $45. I definitely make sure that I can get my margins at around 45 to 55 percent even if I can’t start there; I want to know that I can at least get there. So it’s like kind of a premium product.

Steve: Are you talking about post fees or pre fees.

Scott: Post. Like all said and done, I want to be able to walk away with– and I always, I use this– I’ve got like this ten by ten by 1 strategy that I call, it’s like 10 units a day sold by ten dollars profit each and then one product. That’s 100 bucks a day. That’s kind of my simple little formula for people. It’s like if you can just do that, it’s going to be easier than try to find those products that are selling 50 to 100 units a day. It’s a little bit like the low hanging fruit. But that’s kind of how I look at it. After FBA fees and all that stuff, and your shipping and all of that everything, you are left with ten dollars in your pocket. That’s what I like to chew for.

Steve: That means that when you are sourcing the product, you want margins somewhere in the order of 70% it sounds like?

Scott: Yeah roughly, roughly. Yeah, I mean because I’ve been doing this a little while now. So it’s like for example, if you sell something for $20 on Amazon, usually the FBA fees are going to be right around $5.25 cents. $5.50 somewhere there and that’s for everything ship, that’s from picking, packing, shipping, everything. And then if I can get a product for me, if I can get it for like $4.50 well I’m right in that realm of where I want to be. So that’s kind of like my rough numbers.

But then a lot of people will kind of start low, like they’ll find a product that is $14.99 and try to get the margins to work. It’s okay as long as you think that you can still get your margin, but it’s going to be harder to do that. So anyway that’s the pricing that I go with, that I definitely look for. I definitely look for something that I know that I can ship via air. I don’t want to have to ship things by boat or sea, and a lot of times that has to do with your size limitations and it just cuts down on any other hoops and things you have to jump through. So I don’t want to have to go through freight forward right now. I want to be able to go right straight from their loading dock to my doorstep.

Steve: Interesting, so that’s implies that your order sizes are generally under a couple of hundred pounds? Is that accurate?

Scott: No that’s not accurate at all. I literally– I just had an order shipped to me, about 2,000 units. And those 2,000 units each box, let’s say there were 20 boxes and each box you are talking roughly probably like 35 pounds.

Steve: Okay, wow so you did all that by air?

Scott: All that by air and here’s the cool thing. Literally three days, DHL air.

Steve: Sure.

Scott: Now people are going to be like, “Well, Scott I’m paying, $3 for the product and they are charging me two bucks to ship it.” I don’t care because at this point, I just want my margins to be where my margins are going to be. That’s a cost I could reduce down the line. But right now it’s a matter of speed of implementation. Get it. Get it done, get it in there. Let’s see if it’s going to work. If it’s going to work, then we can start reducing those costs.

A lot of people will try to get all the cost down at the beginning, and then it takes so much longer. It’s going to take you instead of it taking you– well it takes using 25 or 30 days for them to manufacturer, and if you go by boat, it’s going to take you at least three weeks in general. And then to get it into FBA, you are talking at a time almost 60 days when I can get it here in like 35 days in Amazon. It’s like I’m 20 days ahead of you.

Steve: Yeah, it just takes a little bit more planning I guess and more upfront money if you want to go by boat.

Scott: Absolutely.

Steve: Hey, just curious on your price points, I’m just curious, did you choose somewhat lower price points so you that could actually give stuff away for reviews without taking a huge loss, or what was the reasoning and rationale for–?

Scott: Yeah, I think cost has a lot to do with it because again like you just said, I mean, we can talk about that too once we go further in to this. But yeah I mean, if you have something that cost let’s say five bucks, you know, and you want to order a 1,000 units, that’s five grand. You know what I mean, that’s a good chunk of money for people just starting. It’s a lot harder to do that than just start blogging and creating a niche site and trying to create information products, right? So it’s definitely harder.

So in the beginning, you do want to have enough inventory to what you can give away. Let’s just say 100 units. And I say give away. You want to start giving the review process in place, so you are going to basically give those away for almost free. Let’s say you give them away for a $1.95, but you still have to pay the FBA fees on top of that, right? So really, if you are giving away 100 units, that’s $500 and then you’ve got FBA fees with another 500 bucks, there’s a $1000 that you are giving away without even making a penny. But now if you had a product that was, your cost $20, well, you do the math, I mean we just– it’s a little out of hand there at the beginning. So it’s going to make it harder to really ramp things up.

So I do that, because it makes it easier, and also it’s just easier on shipping and all of the numbers just seem to work better. Now I do have someone that actually followed my podcast and everything and went through everything, and he was actually in the process before he even started listening and he started with an oversize product. If anyone is listening and they want less competition, go with an oversize product. It’s that simple because you will have less competition.

What he did is he went on AliExpress and he bought one unit. He had it shipped because on AliExpress you can do one unit, and it’s going to be more expensive, but he wanted to just test the market. He had it shipped, he sold it. He doubled his money. He bought four more, had them shipped, did the same thing, very slow process, but now he’s ordering pallets of about 140 by boat. So he just scaled himself up, but he couldn’t give away units to get his reviews, but he was still able to do it because he had a unique product that he didn’t really have to do really a lot of heavily promoting on anyway. I think he had like one or two reviews on it from family and friends, and he was able to still sell out every time that he got a new batch in.

Steve: Okay, that’s a great story. So let’s continue down the lines of finding the products. So you covered your price points, you covered your interests, what are some of the other things that you do?

Scott: So as far as looking at the numbers, we want a prove. I think the beautiful thing with going on Amazon is we know that there’s buyers there. We absolutely know that. And we also know that they are giving us numbers by looking at the best seller rank or the BSR as everyone kind of knows it does, and that’s kind of like a ranking that they give them. Every category is different, so if you’re looking in the home and kitchen, or if you’re looking in let’s just say you know lawn and garden, they’re totally different.

Like in a home and kitchen you might have a 10,000 BSR and you’re still selling 15 or 20 a day, but if you’re selling in lawn and garden and you’ve got 10 or 1000 that might only be, gosh one a day. Maybe four a day I don’t know the exact number, but I am just saying each category has their different velocity of sales in the amount of sales. Because of that you kind of have to have a guide to go by, so I just kind of knew that if I could find something that was between like 1000 and 5000 somewhere in that in the BSR no matter what category I went into, then I pretty much knew that they were selling at the time. I was looking at 20 sales a day; I’ve since made that to now where I am good with 10 units a day.

Steve: Okay.

Scott: Because I just know that the more products you have in there that are related that 10 per day that you shoot for initially will probably go to either 15 or 20 a day, just by cross promoting each other inside of that product. I look for that you know as far as the BSR, so I will look at that, I’ll create a spread sheet and go ahead and start just looking at the numbers of the BSRs and I’ll be tracking them, and there’s a free tool you may already know this you probably do it’s called If you go to that it will give you the history of the BSR, it will give you the history of the pricings.

You just take the acing of that particular listing, punch in kemokemokemo and it gives you all of this data right at your finger tips, which is beautiful because now you can see the growth of it, you can see the if they’ve run promotions, because you see spikes in there’s and you can see their sales and kind of their sales you can see their pricing which kind of lets you know what their sales were and kind of what they’ve done, and kind of how steady it’s been.

I kind of looked at all of those things I looked at the reviews and I guess I should point out like if I am looking at and I always use garlic press as one source. Let’s just say we’re looking at a stainless steel garlic press, I would go to Amazon, I would type that in and I would look at the top 10 listings okay, and there 16 that usually come up on your home page depending on what browser, or what if you’re looking at a phone or whatever, but usually 16 results come up. I’ll look at the top 10 and I’ll start to look at those numbers, I’ll start to look at their reviews I like to see reviews between 500 and zero, somewhere in that range.

Steve: Okay.

Scott: If I did see the number one spot had 1000 reviews, but then the second one had 500 and the third one had 300 and so on, and it kind of kept going down, then I would still be okay because I wouldn’t necessarily think that I had to beat the number one, I just want to find myself somewhere in you know the top you know whatever 10 somewhere. Then to also– another really key point, here’s a mistake I made on my second product which I say is a failure, and it’s still selling five a day, and it’s not even really in the season yet for this particular product, but the depth of the market. And when you looking at products you want to make sure that the BSR is going to be steady throughout those 10 or at least those seven because then it shows you that you don’t have to be number one or number to at least get your 10 or 20 sales a day. Does that make sense?

Steve: Yeah absolutely, so if you see like the top spot like has 1000 and the rest of the guys don’t have any reviews then, that’s a bad idea right?

Scott: Yeah exactly.

Steve: Okay.

Scott: If you’re looking at the reviews that’s the one element, then if you’re looking at the BSR which is the best seller rank, and that’s the other kind of criteria. So you wanted those two, and then again you know when you’re looking at those two you’re going to also you know now be able to look at their listings. Then I’ll look at the listing, and I’ll see if there’s any holes in their listings, I’ll see if it’s optimized well or not well. Then I can say they’ve only got one picture and it’s really bad, but they’re still selling 10 units a day-ish, right? Okay cool I can go ahead and fix this list on my listing, and I’ll be able to out sell this person. I’ll look at the…

Steve: Can we go into more depth on that, so what an example of a bad listing outside of like bad photography for example?

Scott: Outside of that I will say like their title doesn’t have really any key words in it, it’s really just very-very vague and basic or maybe it’s a brand name that they’re putting in there. Like they’re a private labeler, but they’re putting in like their brand name which I think is a big mistake because no one really cares about your brand, they care about what it is. Stainless steel garlic press would be the one that I would want in there as my title, and then you could probably put you know other ones in there. Depending on what category you are in, you get allowed up to 100 characters in some categories up to 200 characters.

Steve: Okay.

Scott: I know recently I think you had a guest on Karen.

Steve: Yes.

Scott: Passing, I just actually interviewed her for my show, she won’t be on for another couple of weeks, but she did a really-really good job on your show, and she and so if anyone is listening definitely go back and listen to that show, because she did a really good job of breaking down a listing, and what makes a really good listing. It’s, to me it’s really simple, its images, its title, its bullets, its description. All of those elements inside of a listing makes it optimized. If you’re looking at a listing and you see number one the images aren’t good, that’s the first thing. Second thing the title is not optimized that’s the other thing I would look at. The bullets, if they’ve got like one bullet flow in there, right? I know that I could fix that.

Then I’ll also look at the description and see if it’s just like a sentence or two, and I know that I can totally do better than that. A couple of other things that I look at is like for example if they have other products, but they’re not using that promotional tab inside of their listing. Sometimes if you scroll down you’ll see in the promotions thing it says that you know maybe like buy one you know get $5 off your next or something, or maybe this other product that you have. You’re able to run these external promotions that feed inside of your own listing. That’s why I like to tell people when you’re starting out definitely pick a product that you think you can build a small product line around, because you want to have one customer that can buy four of your other products.

Steve: Interesting, okay.

Scott: Yeah and so by feeding in that promotion it basically allows you to cross promote your own products without even relying on Amazon to do the thing at the bottom there that it says you know frequently bought together. That’s Amazon’s thing that they do which they do it brilliantly, but you’re also able to also feed in. If you want to say if you buy this one product and then you can say the other product over here you can get for you know $5 off, or something or here you know buy two of this one product. Maybe you have a product that you can buy and people want to buy more than one. Buy three and get you know $5 off or 10% off or whatever. That will populate inside of your listing and then you can say the same thing for your second listing. Let’s say you have another listing with another product, you can do the same thing feeding back into that other one, so now you’re really piggy backing on both of those products.

Steve: Interesting so do you, are you doing that with all of your products right now?

Scott: Well I am doing…

Steve: Since they’re related?

Scott: Yeah I am doing it with let’s see I am doing it with two products, but one of them has three variations, so you know I guess you would look at it like technically like almost like five listings kind of like going back and forth, which we can talk about variations too in a minute because I really-really, I am really loving them, and I am loving bundles, because it just allows you to increase the cart of that person with your own products, but it also gives you the ability to reach people on different price points.

Steve: Absolutely.

Scott: We can dive into that, I don’t know if you want to that now, or you want to wait till we get down that road?

Steve: Let’s see actually I want to talk a little bit about sourcing a little bit, because it sounds like your sourcing strategy is completely different from mine. We do everything by boat. When you’re approaching vendors do you use Alibaba, or which services do you use to actually find the vendors?

Scott: Okay so I went down the same road that a lot of people have when they first get into this and they go to Alibaba or AliExpress which I think is a great place to start, but you’ve got to remember that a lot of those people on there are agents. There’re basically your sourcing agents, for maybe that particular…

Steve: I thought you said Asians for example…

Scott: No, it’s…

Steve: It’s okay.

Scott: Agents. No and basically a lot of people will come to me and go Scott how do I find you know a sourcing agent? And I am like well number one you got to understand that on Alibaba that’s pretty much what they are, and if you ask them they’ll pretty much come out and tell you that, but they won’t tell you that because they want you to know that they are working for that company. Now some of them are working directly for that company, but as like a sales man, really it’s kind of what they are.

What I’ve found is that by going through the process of kind of like screening these people, okay, and by telling them exactly what you want and what you need for your business, then you’re almost like putting them through an interview process. That’s kind of what I did, and since I’ve done that I really don’t have to go to Alibaba anymore to find products in this line, I just go to my agent and say, hey I am looking to roll out this new product, do you offer this or can you find it for me?

Whether they can do it or not they are going to go ahead and go through their channels to find it. They may charge me a little bit more for that you know 10 cents a unit or something, and then they’re going to do the work for me, so that’s really how I’ve done it so right now I don’t necessarily go to Alibaba to find my next product. I really go through my agent now and I ask her you know if she can find it for me and she has.

The other– here’s a little tip for people, once you do find that one person that you can trust, and I would suggest also having a backup, I would always suggest that so that way therefore if one didn’t work out, the other one you can kind of piggy back off of, or you could also kind of use as leverage. You can also say to them, hey could you send me over a catalogue and let me see some of your other things that you produce, and now you might be able to add stuff right through that catalogue that you didn’t even know was there, because it might not be listed on Alibaba.

Steve: That’s interesting. Usually the people I deal with are very hesitant to send out a catalogue.

Scott: No, I’ve got numerous ones from any of my– and well any of my, I’ve only had like three.

Steve: Okay.

Scott: I mean so out of all those I have asked all three of them from separate companies and they sent me one right over. Not in the mail, they’ll sent me a digital catalogue, and I go through it and I kind of see, and I’ll get ideas and go well, maybe I could add that to it or maybe I could take two of these products and put them together and make like kit or something. So yeah, it’s a good way to get ideas, and if anyone has the opportunity to go to the Canton fair, I would definitely do that. I had not done that, I’ve got a really good friend of mine who just came back from spending a month there.

And because I have met this gentleman and he has become a friend of mine he brought me back like, oh gosh 200 catalogues sent them to me. So I have agents that are literally not on Alibaba that I can really reach out to and say, hey can we do business. So that would be another way if you want to go down that path. But in the beginning Alibaba is a great way just to kind of to get your feet wet, and also I think to screen agents that you could possibly have as your own.

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So go to right now, and get famous You Tubers to promote your products, now back to the show.
So these items that are in these catalogues are they like stock items, or do they produce them? So just to get an idea what are some of the minimal requirements for those catalogue items?

Scott: Oh gosh, I have done I mean even just in small runs 100, 250 — yeah, I mean not that much. And a lot of people will go on Alibaba, they’ll get scared they’ll see 3000 minimum order. But if you ask a lot of times they’ll do with 250, they’ll do 500 or whatever. You just got to — and I have kind of written an email that I kind of give it out as to my email list, but it’s basically just the question that I have asked that I went back and forth, and kind of like condensed them. But a lot of times its just like we are looking to add this product to our business, we want to be able to make sure that your company is going to be able to fulfill everything, I know your minimum is 3000, would you be willing to do a test run of 500. And I haven’t heard really anybody say no, so you just ask.

Steve: Yeah, well, once you ask for their bank accounts so you can wire the money or what not, they usually don’t complain, because at least in my experience.

Scott: And you know what you bring up a good point there, because you just mentioned wiring money and I haven’t done that, I got to be honest. What I have done is I have used their escrow service within Alibaba. But a lot of people are nervous about wire transfers, and I don’t blame them there’s been a lot of stuff out there that has happened. Maybe you could help me and share with your audience too, like what do you do that’s going to help you protect you from doing a wire transfer other than trusting that agent?

Steve: I have never been ripped off, and we’ve worked with a bunch of vendors over the years. I mean you won’t get like I’ll write we are ripped off, they might send you stuff that isn’t as high quality, but if you’ve done your due diligence and done samples and stuff, it’s generally okay. But I have no comments about wiring money at all.

Scott: Okay, well, that’s great to hear, because like I said I mean just recently in my Facebook group, I just had someone that they had a bait to do and they think they lost like — they took them for like 2500 bucks.

Steve: Really?

Scott: Yes, so I mean I don’t hear of it often, but I do hear of it happening, so I guess that’s why it happens. So I mean, but let me just understand this, so if you did wire them 2500, and they didn’t deliver the product you are pretty much out that money, right?

Steve: You are pretty much out that money, but usually we don’t do that unless we’ve had a conversation with them like voice, or we actually even met them in person. And we find a lot of our vendors from the Canton fair, and so if they are there they are pretty legit, they are not going to — yes, so I guess — if I just found some random person in Alibaba, didn’t do any due diligence, I probably would be a little hesitant to wire the money.

Scott: Yeah, okay.

Steve: Or I would just start with a very small order and wire the money and…

Scott: Test it.

Steve: In which case — yeah, if they took my money fine.

Scott: Okay, got you yeah, I guess that’s definitely something that I’ll definitely be playing with in the future, because I’m sure that I will always get someone that will do escrow. But right now I have got an escrow set up within Alibaba that I have been using.

Steve: Yeah, that’s perfectly fine too.

Scott: I love that because I mean literally they send the product, and or I pay 30% down to get the product started, and then that money doesn’t get released even until the product is here and I hit confirm. So literally that money is held in escrow until I’m satisfied. It costs a little bit more, and they actually approached me and ask me if would start wiring and I said no, just because I want to see if I could still get them to escrow and they just said that there was a fee that they were paying, so I said what if I pay the fee for you?

And it was only like 250 bucks, and I’m like that’s insurance for me. So I have done it, but I’m actually kind of leaning out towards that — I may just go ahead and start wiring because it will save me 250. But also I trust them, I have done business with them now for well going on just about eight months and I haven’t been burnt. So I think it might be time.

Steve: And after a while actually these days we don’t even need to wire them any money to start the production run, they’ll just do it. And sometimes they’ll even send us products without us paying, and we’ll just pay later, and it goes both ways actually so…

Scott: That’s good to know, great.

Steve: Yeah, so — see where did we stop off? Okay, so the first approach, so you are always looking at the order like a couple of hundred units?

Scott: Yeah, well, actually if I’m starting out yeah, I would say I try — if I’m starting out I’m happy with the sample, I usually would start with 500.

Steve: 500 units, okay.

Scott: That gives me 100 to do as a giveaway as a giveaway really like a dollar ninety five. And then from there I have got 400 units to kind of start pushing pay per click and stuff like that. And then once I see that it’s starting to take, then I can go ahead and do a reorder or I might be doing a reorder when I get it, it just depends. But yeah, I mean like on this fourth product that I launched I basically did that and little bit different when you got variations involved, because now you’ve got like — even though it’s a one product if you’ve got variations you are talking maybe 100 of each variation, and you could be 500 and just have a 100 each.

Steve: Right.

Scott: So it makes it a little bit harder, that’s why anyone starting I always tell people, I would start with one product, and if you wanted to go down that route where you had like different skews for that same product maybe do some bundles, maybe do like a one pack, a three pack and a five pack.

Steve: Okay you know that makes total sense, so how much would you recommend that someone needs to start doing this?

Scott: Well, my — one gentleman that I interviewed [inaudible 00:37:04] he actually started with like 150 bucks. So me personally I would like to say like probably between $2,000 and $3,000. That would be like to me like a good amount, but yet not enough that’s going to really allow you to really ramp up first, but it’s going to get you ramped up faster than just starting with a couple of 100 bucks.

Steve: Absolutely yeah.

Scott: So I would say between 2,000, 3,000 if you could do 5,000 that’s even better. I started; I think my first order was like for like 5500 bucks. And it was funny, because when I was first ordering it my wife and I were talking about it, and she is like — I’m like I’m just going to order 500, and well I’m just not sure, and she is like if you are going to do it just jump in, and I’m like, okay let’s do it. So…

Steve: That’s a good wife.

Scott: Yeah, she actually pushed me to do it, so wended up spending it, and now I can thank her for that because we are definitely doing pretty well with it.

Steve: So that person that you interviewed he was able to order in such small quantities because there was an oversize — oh no he is AliExpress…

Scott: It’s AliExpress and anyone who doesn’t know AliExpress is like kind of like just express check out, I mean it’s like you can literally…

Steve: It’s like liquidation yeah.

Scott: Yeah, you can literally go there and you can buy one unit, ten units and literally everything is done, you don’t have to worry about wiring money, it’s like escrow in a sense. And you basically get your product in either a few days or a few weeks depending on what kind of shipping you are taking. But usually you can do DHL three day express on that. So literally you can have a product idea, grab that, have it up in a couple of weeks.

Steve: Yeah, so okay, so we got our 500 units, what’s the process to get them on Amazon and what’s your kind of process for introducing a new item?

Scott: Yeah, sure the process is when I get my sample I’m happy, I order the 500 units I’m not done, now I’m going to be building the listing. I’m going to create the listing; I’m going to take my samples, if they are good samples that I can actually take photos of I’ll try to get my base photos done, at least to get the listing created. And then I’ll just build up a listing to be kind of like a shell so it’s ready and fulfilled by Amazon. And when it’s fulfilled by Amazon it won’t go live until you actually have inventory in there.

So you can do this all behind the scenes, I’m obviously going to have UPC code to create a listing; you don’t technically need the UPC code on your packaging, because all you need is their code which is the FNS queue number, but the UPC you just need that to create the listing. So basically that’s what I would be doing in the process there, and also be — if it was my first product and I wasn’t doing this yet, I would be building a list of people that I could potentially give this too as for an honest review. And what I did is…

Steve: Okay, let’s talk about that.

Scott: Yeah, I built– I mean my first thing was I just built a list of — I just wrote down a list of all of my friends and family that I could think of. That I could either hand a product to, or I could have them go and I give them a coupon code, and they can get it for a dollar or a dollar and 95. And I just wanted– and I want people to — because I’m sure you’ll get this and I have gotten this before, people are like yeah, but doesn’t Amazon frown upon family and friends. They don’t frown upon it, they just — they want it to be an honest review, but they might not give you a verified review if they didn’t go through the process. Or they won’t give you one if they didn’t go through, and buy it through a coupon code.

But here is the thing, if you have a family member or a friend that you’ve done business with in the past, say business, if you’ve sent them a gift, then you are connected. And when that’s the case now that person can’t leave you a review, they can try, but it’s not going to take, it’s not going to stick, you are not going to get banned because someone tried to leave a review which was your family member, they are just not going to allow you to do it.

So I just want to be clear on that, so really my first my very first thing that I want to do is get like five to ten reviews. That’s my first thing, and I don’t care if they are verified, I don’t care if they are unverified, I just want the base review, so when you look at my listing, you see stars, right? I don’t want to just say be the first to rate this product. So it’s really just social proof, that’s all I want it for.

And then the minute that that is there, that’s ready I can turn on Amazon pay per click, which I think is the most underutilized traffic that anyone is — that anyone has access to that should be using. So that’s — I would turn that on like immediately, and I would turn on an auto campaign and kind of like my strategy here is I turn on the auto campaign in Amazon pay per click, and I’ll let that run for seven days. And what that does is that that will then allow me to pull that data and let me know the key words that Amazon was saying that I should be putting my product in front of.

And then I’ll take those out of that campaign and I’ll create another campaign and that will be like a manual campaign. And then now I can start to build on those keywords, and there’s a whole bunch of other strategies we really don’t have time to go into, but really just finding the low hanging fruit for the keywords, not just the obvious, not just the stainless steel garlic press. Like we want little key words or little keywords that you might only get one sale a month on, those are the ones that I like to go after.

Steve: What do you say your CPC is in the very beginning?

Scott: Very beginning I do my cost per click is 75 cents to start, and this is now I’ll tell you what I did in the beginning, but — and that’s what I do now. And my daily budget is 25 bucks. And usually I don’t even come close to that in the beginning, that’s really what I do. I’ll just tell you a quick little story when I did start this, I turned the auto campaign and not knowing anything what I was doing by the way, turned on the auto campaign, because it was so done easy, and I said I’m just going to pull the data after a few weeks and see what happens, and then I’ll just pause that campaign. Well, that campaign right now is one of my best performing campaigns; I have not turned it off. Like I just want…

Steve: Yeah, the auto campaign yeah totally.

Scott: I just looked at it the other day and it was like my ACOS which is average cost of sale, and usually you want that below 50. And I think I looked the other day it was like 32%. And that’s ongoing since like gosh like last like November, all right?

Steve: Let’s talk about that so if you wanted ad below 50 that implies that you are not really going to be making a profit right, or just breaking even?

Scott: That’s not 100% true. I look at it like 50% or under. 50% will mean that you spent that you spent the money — basically you got 50% back of what you spend in. So depending on how much margin you have in there. So in my case and here is I guess really important part of this is, I don’t care if I’m not making my full profit that I had spent, that’s not where the magic happens, okay? That’s great in all that you are making sales from that, but what I really want is I want to get the acknowledgement, and I guess the credit from Amazon that I sold through these keywords. Because now that I sold through these keywords, I’m going to start ranking organically for these keywords, does that make sense?

Steve: Okay, yeah.

Scott: Because, I’ll just give you an example, and I kind of use this on one my workshops where I basically show that I spent one month $1300 on pay per click, and I generated 110 sales from that pay per click. But I generated 1500 sales organically. And part of the reason is because I’m ranking for these keywords that I was advertising for. So even if– if I want to rank for stainless steel garlic press, I don’t even care if I lose a little bit of money on that campaign. If I can get 20 sales for that, then I can possibly or start ranking for stainless steel garlic press when someone searches in the organic search. And that’s going surpass any money that I would spend over here.

Steve: So how did you come to that conclusion, meaning like how did you know that there’s a strong correlation between that and your organic rankings?

Scott: Because I could see that I was ranking. I could see one day I wasn’t ranking, I wasn’t getting any sales like other than the pay per click, and then all of a sudden I started ranking for all of these keywords that I was paying for.

Steve: So do you do anything else to rank your keywords like outside like drive outside traffic to any Amazon listing based on their keyword?

Scott: No, I don’t do that at this point, I don’t really recommend it at this point until you’ve exhausted pay per click, which I think you are going to have to find it really hard to exhaust it. Because you can just — you can scrape keywords from your competitors. You can go in there and just Google planner and just get 800 keywords that are related to your product by punching in your URL for your Amazon listing, and then it will give you 800 suggested keywords. Even though they are not Amazon keywords, they are still keywords that people have searched for outside of Amazon. And then I will take those, I will plug them into an Amazon pay per click campaign, and I will do the same thing, I will do 70 cents per click, $25 ad budget, I’ll let the data tell me what it does.

Steve: Okay, and just to be clear do you actually have an outside website right now, or are you just doing everything on Amazon?

Scott: Everything is mostly on Amazon; I do have an external site just to deliver like free videos, some guides, a place that actually is a company kind of in a sense, so it’s not just by itself. And I do plan on eventually hiring out some content creators to create and build up that content to start getting some SEO traffic through that, through Google. But I mean Amazon gives you the matrix, they give that you just got to click on this keyword and you sold through this keyword. So it gives you that data which is beautiful, so I can see my conversion rate, I can see what I’m doing, and I can tell you right now and I think you would agree that there’s no traffic that’s going to convert higher than inside of Amazon.

Steve: Oh, yeah, absolutely.

Scott: So if you are going to take outside traffic, even Google AdWords, if you are going to take that traffic and drive it over to an Amazon listing, you are not going to convert the same as if you would inside. Now you may convert better from Google to your website, yeah, I do believe that. But I wouldn’t — I personally wouldn’t spend the time doing the outside traffic to your listing, when you can be doing so much more inside of your Amazon pay per click.

Steve: So right now, so what it sounds like is, are you primarily just doing the Amazon pay per click stuff? Are you doing anything else to drive sales?

Scott: The only other thing that I do in the beginning is I’ll run like a small little mini blast. And I did that through, there’s a site — you can do a 30 day free trial, I don’t if you’ve heard of that?

Steve: Yeah, absolutely.

Scott: Yeah, basically it’s a blog network of all these bloggers that want to review products, and you could put your product up there and the beautiful thing is it’s not everyone who gets to do it, so you get to pick and choose who you want to review your product. They review it on your blog; it will point a link going to your listing which is great for SEO. And then also you get someone to leave a review and purchase your products, you get all that stuff. Now recently I did one, and I think the numbers if I’m not mistaken, I think I gave away like maybe 50 codes or 50 units. And I think I got back about 30, maybe 35 reviews from that which is a great…

Steve: That is actually really good, yeah.

Scott: Yeah, so just stuff like that. What I did is I dripped them out I think I gave 10 codes a day for a few days to get up to that number, I didn’t just blast them all out. I have done that, I have done other blasting services too; the one I have just recently done which I’m kind of liking is called the viral launch, used…

Steve: Okay I don’t know about that service actually.

Scott: Yeah, I have used that one and it works pretty good. The thing is though with all these here is the deal, it’s like, it’s a list of people that signed up that want to receive a free product, and basically from that they are going to give you an honest review. So it’s really all the people who are dealing with services that are coming up like — they are coming up all over places, people are out there, they are building a list of VIP people that want to review Amazon products.

And they are not just sending it out there in email so that you can go ahead and start getting your codes taken, so people buy them. And that’s really natural, you can build your own list, if you want to build your own list and I have done that too. I’ll take Facebook ads drive it to a Facebook fan page of mine, and tell them that they can get a stainless steel garlic press for a dollar 95 while supplies last. And then I get their email address for the code, and then boom I got an email list of people that are interested in garlic presses, and other kitchen goods.

Steve: So when do you actually let the list ride?

Scott: What do you mean?

Steve: Meaning like you stop trying to solicit a lot more reviews through this like giveaways and that sort of thing.

Scott: Honestly, I really only do like one maybe two.

Steve: Okay.

Scott: Because I’m not going after the high competitive supplement business let’s say right? I’m not going after the ones that you have to do that all the time. If you want to go after a product that’s doing 100 units a day for the most part, a lot of other people are going to be trying to go after that same product, so you are going to have to do these blasts probably one a month.

Steve: Really, okay, for the supplement guys?

Scott: Oh, gosh, yeah, and any other thing that’s that competitive, and you’ll tell right away with all the reviews right? And that’s why if you are going after a products that have a thousand reviews, these people are doing actively trying to do this. And then you are always going to have to start try to stay and keep up with those people, that’s why I go the other way. I’m going after the products that no one else wants to do, because it’s only sold 10 or 15 units a day, right? They are not as attractive right? But to me it’s easier because all I got to do is blast once if I even want to, and then just start running my pay per click, and then go to the next.

And really just refine the pay per click, because the pay per click, I mean you can spend months just continually adding new keywords and you are going to just be blown away at what you are finding. It’s kind of like you are out there sifting the dirt and the finding the golden nuggets.

Steve: Yeah, it sounds like Google AdWords in a way.

Scott: Yeah.

Steve: Similar principle.

Scott: So much easier though.

Steve: Yeah, it is actually.

Scott: There’s really– you don’t have to worry about ad copy; you don’t have to worry about any of this. You just say I want to advertise these key words to my listing yes, go how much? $25 a day spend, 75 cents per click, go.

Steve: I mean you don’t even need to do anything, you can just let Amazon do everything to it, and it still works pretty well.

Scott: It does, it absolutely does, and I would strongly recommend anyone that’s listening to definitely if you are at that stage to definitely use the Amazon pay per click. It totally will be the money well spent, because again every sale you get through a keyword, you are sending a signal to Amazon that they could possibly be ranking you for that key word, every single time. So the more you can go through that keyword, that’s why I said if you want to rank for a keyword go ahead and spend 100 bucks to get sales through that keyword. That’s going to be 100 bucks that’s going to then help you rank yourself organically in getting on the first page, and then the sales are going to come naturally.

Steve: So I want to take kind of segue back to where you left off with the product bundling and all your strategies, I just want to take a couple of minutes to talk about some of those things.

Scott: Sure absolutely. Yeah, what do you want me to go into?

Steve: I don’t remember where we left, I should have — yeah.

Scott: Yeah, there’s no problem, well I’ll just tell you what I like about them, the bundling like some people will be like, yeah I found this really cool product, but it’s only 9.95. I’m like it’s fine if you can bundle that. So if you can find one that’s 9.95, but then you know that it could come in a three pack, and then it could come in a five pack, well then you are going to have to create three different packages, and then it would just be three separate skews. But the cool thing about that is it’s kind of like the leader to get people in the store where if people are scanning and they see yours is 9.95 to 29.95, you are going to get more clicks because they see the 9.95.

Once they get into their listing you are going to see that I can buy one for 9.95, I can buy a three pack 19.95, and I can a five pack for 29.95. So automatically the three pack is a great deal. So now you are going to start selling a lot of the three packs, but the one pack you still make a couple of bucks, but three packs or the five pack is really where you are going to make the money.

So I love that strategy, it works really well, I have got a body of mine that’s doing it now, and definitely he out sells the one pack all the time, because of the three pack and the value. It’s kind of like a no brainer, it’s like I’m going to get one for free kind of thing. So that’s the one thing I like about bundling, and then the variations it’s a similar approach, but it also allows you to reach people with different things that they want within the one product. It’s kind of like a size thing in a sense, or a color right?

So you might get someone that likes red, green, and blue, but then they also might want all three. So you could do each one separate price, and then you could do a bundle for all three. So this one here you are able to reach four different people potentially, or four different customers in a sense. And that’s why I like variations, because it does also give you like that umbrella, so all of your reviews will come under the one listing. So either if you just sold one of the red and then you sold ten of the blue, and you got reviews on the blue, you are still going to get — your red one is still going to get credit, because the entire listing is going to get all those reviews.

Steve: Nice.

Scott: Yeah, so that’s my thing on like variations and the bundling, I think that that’s a great way, and the thing is a lot of people will say well
Scott how do I make my product different? Add an accessory, not an eBook, I mean eBook you can add that too if you want, but everybody is doing that. Add a physical book if you want, but add something that has value that you know that they are searching for as well that can go and compliment that product. And preferably try to find something that not everyone else is finding on Alibaba, because then it’s going to make it harder for someone to just go to Alibaba and find the two products, do the same thing.

Steve: Absolutely.

Scott: So bundling and finding accessories to me is an edge that a lot of people don’t want to do the work to do, but I think it could benefit you so much more.

Steve: So you have your agent person that you use now to source your products, but if you were to start over today would you just go straight on Alibaba again or?

Scott: I would, I would follow that same path, I would, because I think you can dig through all of the stuff in Alibaba, and you can just then find that agent, and then from that agent then you can start asking them about all of these other products, or if they can find you somewhere. And then they might direct you to another agent that’s not even on Alibaba, so that’s …

Steve: So for all the listeners who actually want to give this a try, what would you say is like a good timeframe from inception to getting like your first sale?

Scott: Well, I would say realistically after you get through the research stage, the research stage is going to probably be the most time, and probably the most frustrating in the beginning, I’ll be honest. But I would say if you gave yourself like 45 days would be my guess. Like 30 days is really pushing it, I mean I think you can do it if you went AliExpress model. But if you went the other model and you kind of got all of your eggs kind of lined up in a row, your docks in a row, then you would go ahead and say — I would say 45 days would be a good — 60 days at the most. I think for sure, but I want people to know too, this isn’t something that you just — you put something up and all of a sudden you immediately get sales, it’s not like that either, it’s not like get rich quick.

Steve: It’s funny, because that was my experience when I went on Amazon.

Scott: What was that?

Steve: We just threw up some products, and we just made six grand in a month without even really soliciting them any reviews.

Scott: But did you have the inventory?

Steve: Yeah, we had the inventory; I mean we had our store first right before we…

Scott: Yeah, you are coming at it from a different angle, because you already had inventory, you already went to the research stage, you already got this. So if you already got a product, and you want to put it up, I think you can have sales in like a week or less.

Steve: Yeah, or like the first day.

Scott: Oh, absolutely yeah, no I’m talking about the whole process.

Steve: Okay, got it, got you.

Scott: Yeah, now if you already got a store front, and you are selling on ecommerce, you are crazy now, you can just start putting product up on Amazon. I mean to me that’s — it’s like a whole another channel that you could be tapping into, and in a sense it’s like you don’t have to fulfill the orders really, you just got to send in the inventory. So if you are talking like that yes, Steve I mean you can do this like you said, as soon as the product lands in FBA, and it’s available, you can make a sale totally.

Steve: In fact it’s like almost too easy, I feel — so I’m just curious how this is going to play maybe in a couple years once — because people are just going on Alibaba and just throwing stuff on Amazon and it’s selling. But at some point it might reach some saturation point, but in the meantime it’s great.

Scott: Yeah, it totally is and I think that you are right though, it’s going to come to a point where you are going to have to be a little bit more creative. I think Amazon is also going to — I think they are going to support the brands that have better round a little bit, that’s why seller feedback to me is very important, and a lot of people don’t look at seller feedback as being important. I look at that as kind of like your domain name, it’s your authority site in a sense. And the more feedbacks that you can get on that that are good and this is for your entire sellers account, I believe that that’s going to give you a lot more drive, a lot more push once you launch other products.

So if you are coming new on the scene and you are brand new, you got a brand new sellers account, and you are trying to sell a stainless steel garlic press, and I’m someone that’s been on here for a year and I have got 1000 feedbacks on my listing, and I have got three other products selling, and I put a new product, my product will rank quicker than yours.

Steve: So you think that has to do with seller’s rank, right?

Scott: I do.

Steve: Is it, do you know for sure or is that?

Scott: I don’t know for sure, I don’t think we’ll ever know for sure on any of this stuff. Anything with Google, anything with Amazon, it’s just everyone that I have talked to that has been around even bigger brands, I mean brands that are doing 100K a month and more, they’ve all said that their process is really simple when they launch a new product, it’s really just list the product and just run a little bit of pay per click starting, and then once it starts it goes. And that’s what we believe is because of that history. And it just makes sense to me, why would Amazon have seller feedback if they didn’t give you any credit for it.

Steve: Yes, so it’s like domain strength in Google land in ranking, yeah.

Scott: Totally, it’s like an edge domain or links pointing to a domain, right? It’s the same the same concept, and again it’s like I mean if you have a website that’s ten years older, you got one that you just bought. And you start putting content on the one that’s older, that one probably going to rank a little bit better because it’s got the age to it.

Steve: Right.

Scott: I mean again we can’t prove any of the stuff, but it’s good theory.

Steve: Yeah, it’s just like Google stuff too I mean yeah.

Scott: It’s kind of common sense in a sense, so that’s how I look at it.

Steve: Scott we’ve been chatting for a while, and I’m sure the listeners want to know more, and so where can they find you? I know you have an awesome podcast which I recommend; it’s called the amazing seller.

Scott: Yeah, just find me there I would say is the podcast, I have got a ton of episodes and I really do break everything down, I share my story step by step and all of that stuff. And I really — I don’t hold anything back, and again it’s a show that’s just like yours, it’s just me being me and kind of — I share some guest view on it, and actually it has an [inaudible] [00:59:05] as of now, but it will be soon, but yeah.

And then I have a free workshop that I do, I do that — right now I’m doing one every about every seven to ten days. And it’s really just walking through the five phases that I have used in the beginning, and kind of like I teach now. So it’s totally free, it’s at the And anybody is definitely welcome to join that, I do live Q&A at the end of those as well, so yeah, that’s pretty much it.

Steve: Awesome, hey thanks a lot for coming on the Scott, I learned a couple of things myself, and you are clearly very knowledgeable on this topic.

Scott: Well, I appreciate you having me Steve, I really do appreciate and you know what, I learned something too, I learned something about wire transfers today. So I will bring that over to my audience.

Steve: All right, right on Scott.

Scott: All right man, take care.

Steve: All right, take care.

Scott: Thanks a lot.

Steve: Hope you enjoyed that episode, selling on Amazon is the real deal, and guys like Scott Voelker are killing it online. So if you are interested in ecommerce, now is the time to give Amazon a try before the market place becomes saturated with sellers. For more information about this episode go to, and if you enjoyed this episode, please go to iTunes and leave me a review. It is by far the best way to support the show and please tell your friends, because the greatest compliment that you can give me is to write a referral to someone else, either in person or to share it on the web.

Now if you are interested in starting your own online ecommerce business, be sure to sign up for my free six day mini course where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100K in profit in our first year of business. Go to, sign up right there on the front page, and I’ll send you the mini course immediately.

Once again I also want to thank Bigcommerce for sponsoring this episode. Bigcommerce is one of the best shopping carts that I recommend if you want to start your own online store without having to worry about anything technical. So everything from design, to sourcing, to payment processing, is all built in, and all you got to do is populate it with the products that you want to sell, and you can literally start your online store in matter of hours. Simply go to, sign up and you’ll instantly receive one month free. Once again the URL is

I also want to thank HostGator for sponsoring this episode. HostGator is one of the best web hosts out there that I recommend if you want to start a blog. And in fact I hosted on there in the very beginning and loved it. You get 24/7 live support via chat, phone, and email. You can install WordPress in just a single click, and they’ve got an easy to use website builder and design services, and the best part is that I’m offering a 30% discount for all podcast listeners. So please go to to redeem the discount, once again that’s wife quit. Thanks for listening.

Outro: Thanks for listening to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast, where we’re giving the courage people need to start their own online business. For more information visit Steve’s blog at

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088: How Omar Zenhom Created An Award Winning 6 Figure Podcast At

How To Create An Award Winning 6 Figure Podcast With Omar Zenhom

Omar Zenhom is someone who I met at a private mastermind meeting led by John Corcoran. And I’m really glad that we met because the guy is super cool and he’s great at what he does.

Omar runs the popular site The 100 Dollar MBA at where he teaches a class on how to start your own business.

He also runs a top 25 business podcast called the $100 MBA and most recently he launched a SaaS business called Webinar Ninja which leverages google hangouts to run webinars seamlessly

What You’ll Learn

  • Why Omar dropped out of business school
  • How Omar’s podcast generates revenue and his business plan for the podcast.
  • How Omar grew his podcast to such a large size in a short period of time
  • Omar’s tips for building up a podcast audience
  • How Omar draws traffic to your website
  • Which social media platforms yield the best results
  • The motivation behind creating Webinar Ninja

Other Resources And Books

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bigcommerce-logo – If you are interested in starting your own WordPress blog, then click here to get 30% off webhosting at!


You are listening to the My Wife Quit her Job Podcast. And if you are new here, it’s a show where I bring in successful bootstrapped business owners to teach us what strategies are working and what strategies are not. Now I don’t bring on these famous entrepreneurs simply to celebrate their success, instead I have them take us back to the very beginning, and delve deeply into the exact strategies they used early on to gain traction for their businesses.

Now if you enjoy this podcast please leave me a review on iTunes, and if you want to learn how to start your own online business, be sure to sign up for my free six-day mini course, where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100k in profit in our first year of business. Go to, sign up right on the front page, and I’ll send you the free mini course right away via email.

Now before we begin I want to give a quick shout out to my sponsor Bigcommerce. Now Bigcommerce is a fully hosted shopping cart platform that allows you to set up your own online store in minutes. And as most of you probably know, I teach a class on how to start a profitable online store, and Bigcommerce is actually one of the shopping carts that I highly recommend in my class. Now here’s what I like about Bigcommerce. Unlike other competing platforms, Bigcommerce does not nickel and dime you with every little shopping cart feature. And when you sign up, you’ll immediately have a fully featured and extremely powerful shopping cart at your disposal.

There’s also an incredible theme store where you can choose from a variety of attractive store designs, so you don’t really need to hire a designer. And everything from design to payment processing is all built-in, and all you got to do is populate it with your own products. So you can literally start your own online store in a matter of hours. Simply go to, sign up and you will instantly receive one month free. Once again the URL is

I also want to thank HostGator for sponsoring the show. HostGator is an incredible webhost that I highly recommend. And in fact did you know that was hosted on HostGator in the very beginning? They offer 24/7 live support, via chat, phone and email, one click WordPress installs, an easy to use website builder, design services, marketing services, and the best part is that I’m offering a 30% discount for all podcast listeners. So please go to to redeem the discount. Once again that’s, now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. We will teach you how to create a business that suits your lifestyle, so you can spend more time with your family and focus on doing the things that you love. Here is your host Steve Chou.

Steve: Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. Today I’m really happy to have Omar Zenhom on the show. Now Omar is someone who I met at a private mastermind meeting led by John Crochrane. And I’m really glad that I met Omar because the guy’s super cool and he’s great at what he does. The only thing I don’t like about him is that talking to him gives me a neck ache because he’s like 6’5” or something like that. Just talking to him—I’m not that tall. Anyway Omar runs a popular site, the $100MBA at where he teaches a class on how to start your own business. His class cost 100 bucks just like the title says. He also runs a top 25 business podcast called $100MBA, and most recently he launched a SaaS business called Webinar Ninja which leverages Google hangouts to run webinars seamlessly. Now there’s actually a lot to talk about today, so welcome to the show Omar. How are you doing today man?

Omar: I’m doing well. It’s great to be here Steve, and thanks for that awesome intro.

Steve: Yeah, no problem. So give us a quick background story, because I knew you kind of dropped out of a very prestigious business school. So I was just kind of curious what the back story behind that was.

Omar: Yeah I went to Wharton for a semester and it’s funny because a lot of people that go to Wharton go directly after their undergrad. But I have a long career in education so I went to school. I studied English as my major. I was an English teacher in the name, little manager for over twelve years. In that time I also got my masters in education. That was my career. That’s what I did. I taught high school and I taught at the university level. Then for the last six years of my career I was a head of department, like a chair of a department as well as a teacher trainer. This is—that was my life. That’s what I did and that was my job.

When I transitioned into becoming a full time entrepreneur, because while I was in education, I was in a lot of side hustling and starting businesses online, and seeing if I can make a buck on this thing. I did that for about ten years while I was in education. It was very new back then and there was not a lot going on, WordPress was still not out and a lot of stuff.

Steve: Just for context, what year was this?

Omar: I started around 2001, 2002.

Steve: Okay.

Omar: And then when I made that jump in 2012 to fulltime entrepreneurship, I had this kind of feeling like, okay I must start my own business in order for me to be taken seriously. I need to have an MBA. I told myself the story and I decided to apply to Wharton business school, I got accepted and I attended for a semester, but towards the end of my first semester my professor pulled me aside and asked me, “What are you doing here? You don’t fit the mold here, you are not trying to get a job at Goldman Sachs or Morgan Stanley, and you’ve had a career and– at the time I already had a business online, I had businesses before. So I told him I’m getting my MBA because I want to be a great entrepreneur. And he told me that you don’t get an MBA to be a great entrepreneur, you get it to get a middle management job or something.

Steve: Ha! Interesting, the prof told you that.

Omar: Yeah. And he had ten year at the time, so he doesn’t really care, so he was kind of giving me his honest opinion, like “You don’t need to be here. You don’t need to be dropping $150,000. You can—business schools don’t have a monopoly on business education. You can learn things through books and experiences and you are already learning things through your own experiences.” And he just told me what I needed to hear. To be honest with you, I just—it was a self esteem thing, like I just felt like, “I need to get my MBA if I’m going to have my own business. How am I going to teach business or talk about business if I am somebody that doesn’t have MBA myself?” So he kind of gave me that internal confidence to give myself permission to just go full fledge, and use my time and resources on growing my business rather than trying to get my MBA.

Now it’s kind of like the genesis of the idea of $100MBA, where we wanted to offer an alternative business education. An alternative to I want to learn business skills, I want to learn how to start a business, but I don’t necessarily want to go back to school. I just want to be an entrepreneur. I want to learn about finance, sales, marketing, all that stuff, but I don’t really need a piece of paper or the permission to say that I know business.”

Plus our background in education, my partner in life and partner in business Nicole, both of us come from an education background. This is what I know, I know—this is like it’s like breathing to me teaching and learning and putting a curriculum together and lessons together. So we wanted to take that experience along with my business experience and create this alternative education.

Steve: And this is just like a random question that has popped to my head, what is your feeling on just like skipping undergrad all together and start a business?

Omar: I don’t think it’s for everybody, but I do think it’s an option somebody– people should consider. I think that– traditionally people say, “You should go to college,” and I’m the kind of person that always likes to question things, especially like these made up rules in our head like “why?” Sometimes these rules are valid. But it’s good to know why you are doing something. The answer could be like, “Yes I need to go to college because one two three.” That’s a valid answer, go ahead, go to college. But if you do things just because you are going through the motions, or because you are trying to fill the expectations of other people, you are really going down a path of your life that’s going to be really miserable, because you are really doing things for the wrong reasons.

You really want to do things not only for the right reasons, but things that will support the values that you have, and what you want out of life. So I do think you should consider going and also consider not going and see what you want to do. If you are trying to be an entrepreneur, there are things you can learn through traditional education. In the US for example, I’m leaning towards no because it’s quite expensive, but if you are in the UK or Australia, Nicole’s from Australia, my partner and they pretty much get a free ride. So it makes sense to get some sort of education socially if you are not going to go into debt.

Steve: Yeah, as an Asian parent, my kids are going to go to college, but my school actually had a really good entrepreneurship program. Anyway, let’s switch gears a little bit. I know you got a ton of projects on your plate right now. I mean, you’ve got your course; you’ve got your podcast which is daily by the way for all of these listeners. I only do once a week. I can’t even imagine doing daily, and you have this SaaS business. So first question, how do you kind of juggle all your time between all those different things?

Omar: Calendar. Yeah, I guess, let me just be clear, I don’t do this alone. My partner, Nicole and I we do most of it, and we do most of the management. But we realized very quickly that if we want to go where we want to go, we can’t do this alone, we have to grow our team, we have to have the right people in place to take care of things that do take a lot of time. But there are core things that I do that are part of my regular schedule, my weekly schedule, and I put compartments. So I have days where I record the podcasts, where I batch, I have days where I work on content. There’s days when I work with our development team for Webinar Ninja, our SaaS product. I have this stuff on the calendar. I make sure I stick to it. We try to make sure we have time for relaxation as well, but…

Steve: Let me rephrase that question a little bit actually. I mean, I’ve got multiple businesses as well, and I can’t help but feel like if I just focused on one of them, I could just make one of them much larger than the combined total of the other businesses. Do you feel any of that?

Omar: So I kind of don’t see them as two different businesses, because I feel like I’m serving the same audience. With $100MBA, they are learning how to build the business, how to start a business, and once they get to that point, they are going to want how to take it to the next level, how to get more sales, how to get more leads. I feel with Webinar Ninja we are able to serve them at that point with not only the server, but the training of how to run webinars properly.

Steve: Okay and let’s talk about one of your assets for a little bit here, I’m assuming that your podcast is probably your main legend I guess for all of your businesses. Is that pretty accurate?

Omar: Yeah.

Steve: And your podcast has really caught fire in the entrepreneurship community at least, and I always consistently notice it in like the top 25 or even the top 10 or the top 5 in the business category. So how did you— what was your strategy for creating a popular podcast?

Omar: It’s probably the most recurrent question I get asked.

Steve: Okay, that means you’ve got some good answers.

Omar: I’m going to start with simple a answer and then go into some details. The simple answer is it’s the same thing that anybody does with any kind of production. If I was a recording artist, and I was going to want to have a bestselling album of all time, or if I wanted to create the next Breaking Bad, or if I wanted to create the best feature film ever, people that set up to do things like that, they see things bigger than it actually is. I think a lot of people don’t know that before we start the $100MBA show we had our failed podcast. It didn’t do well. And we learned a lot of hard lessons, and one of the biggest lessons was we were just putting a podcast together for the sake of putting out a podcast. We really weren’t looking at it as a show, as a production.

If you look at the top players in podcasting like Marc Maron or Serial or Here is The Thing, all these huge names, they don’t just say, “Hey let’s [inaudible] [0:12:35] a podcast together over the weekend and put it out there and its content.” They see it as a production. They say—they really think about what do they– how are they going to serve this audience, how are they going to edit this perfectly so it sounds great? It’s a huge, huge production. They see it as just like they are producing a show because it is a show. You are producing a piece of chronicle entertainment. It could be educational, but at the end of the day, you are performing for the actual audience. And I just didn’t see that at the start. I just saw the, “Oh it’s just like a blog or something and I can grow.”

But there are so many big players in the podcasting world and the game is so—the bar has been raised so high now that you have to go in thinking bigger. You can’t think like I’m just going to put out a podcast and it’s just going to go bonkers for no reason. I’m very self critical with all our work. I do this because, like I said, I question things a lot. One of the things I questioned when I started $100MBA shows, why everything? You hear a lot of podcast that have the same thing, they have the same kind of intro, same feel, same format, same thing, and a lot of reasons why it happens is because people don’t question things. They just say, “Well that’s what other shows do, and that’s what pros do so, I’ll do it.” But if you look at some of the top podcast, their show is very much different. If I look at Marc Maron’s podcast, it’s a very, very different type of show. There’s no bumper, there’s some music. The guy has a monologue at the start and then he goes to the interview. It’s a different format from for example like John Dumas’s format.

If you just take a look at like StartUp, it’s a documentary style type of show. You look at Serial, it’s more of a journalistic type of show. The way they blend in interviews and snippets and they interview people. They just don’t say, you don’t hear Sarah kind of dictating every question. It’s seen as a narrative and they insert the sound bite when it’s appropriate. These things take a lot of thought and a lot of planning, and it takes some time. When I realized that I said, “Okay, if I want to compete with these shows, I need to do everything I can to do what they do. I don’t have a huge team, I don’t have a production studio, or stuff, but I can plan for a show like they do.

When we started on $100MBA show we decided to take two months off everything else in our business. We didn’t launch any products, we didn’t take any more clients. All we did is on $100MBA show before we launched. We bashed our episodes, we rerecorded the first 10 episodes like a dozen times, because we would you have some of our colleagues and friends listen to them, give us a critical feedback. You know we changed things up, we changed the way I sound and feel natural, and we just rethought everything. We questioned everything and I think the biggest thing is that we used our strengths, and like I said I’m from an educational background, and that’s what I know, that’s my strength. It doesn’t make sense for me to have an interview show, and that’s our podcast as an interview show and it just didn’t make sense.

Steve: Right.

Omar: Nichole is a New York Film Academy graduate, and a lot of her training had to do with editing and she loved the production side, so she dedicated herself to be the producer of the show and editing the show, and a lot of the ratings and reviews that we get on iTunes has a lot to do with the production quality of the show, and that’s all Nicole.

Steve: Okay.

Omar: You know so and people, the podcast is just like music you get goose bumps, it feels good. I don’t know what it is, but that’s cool, I like it. You know you just can’t put your finger on it, and that’s production quality. You know we focused on that with teachers, I decided let’s do a lesson based podcast. Let’s do a short form 10 minutes, it’s just straight to the meat, and it’s just a lesson on a particular aspect of business. And it just kind of broke the mold of what you’re typically expecting in a business podcast.

Steve: A couple of questions here, first like what went into your decision to go everyday as opposed to a lesser frequency?

Omar: Because the short form we knew that it was going to be about 10 minutes, and we felt like if we could give somebody 10 minutes, everybody can spare 10 minutes, and 10 minutes a day we thought would be something that would be useful. Somebody can listen to this in their commute; they’re walking their dog or doing the dishes, whatever it is they can fit it in. It’s kind of like a little bit of motivation, it’s a little bit of insight, it’s something for them, and the lessons are concise, but they’re are meaty. It gives them something to do today like just get this thing done, and then let’s move on tomorrow. They just want to have like building blocks. Originally we worked five days a week, and then after 30 episodes we got a lot of demand, and we got a lot of questions in, so we decided to dedicate Saturday and Sunday episodes to questions.

Steve: Yeah and not only that it seems like you know all the content it’s just you talking for the most part right? And to consistently put stuff out like that, do you kind of derive your content based on your experiences, or is it some it out of a book, like how do you gather consistent content that you can go every day?

Omar: I think it’s one, just experiences I’ve had in my past. I you know when we laid out $100MBA I still do this because it’s a grown curriculum. I create a long form curriculum. So we have like a production schedule on a sheet where every episode’s title is listed in bullet points of what that episode is all about. And each episode builds upon each other, so the first 100 episodes is much lower level than you know episodes in the 300 zone, so…

Steve: Okay, so it’s meant to be consumed in order?

Omar: Yes.

Steve: Okay.

Omar: I mean you can take them one off depending on where you are in your business. You know if you’ve just never even thought about starting a business in your life before you start in episode one.

Steve: Okay.

Omar: Through experiences and through growing as an entrepreneur, I am always jotting down notes and jotting down things in the sheet as I find my own challenges growing as an entrepreneur. I know that other people would experience the same thing, or if I went through something this week, maybe it’s a lesson I want to break down, or maybe an aspect of it. Yeah, so we’re building upon previous lessons, and there is a method to what we’re doing, and our whole goal is that if you can listen to these shows on a daily basis, you can see yourself grow as an entrepreneur as we’re growing.

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Steve: You mentioned a production quality and just content as one of your assets, but I consider a podcast just like blogging right? Even if you have the best content in the world, if no one can find it then that’s no not good either. I was just curious in the very beginning whether there were some special things that you did to just get the podcast out there in front of as many people as possible?

Omar: One of the best ways to get an advantage on people is to do things people are not willing to do. One of the things I did was, I– you know before the launch you know we planned it about two months ago, I would reach out to different blogs that I thought had audiences that would be interested in $100MBA show to guest blog for them. Traditionally people you know they email for example Darren Rowse, and they say, hey Darren I would love to guest blog on your site on ProBlogger or digital photography school. This is who I am, this is my website, let me know, right? Like to me that’s just, you’re asking for a no, that’s a no right there.

Because why would Darren give you a chance, not that Darren is not a nice guy, he’s a lovely guy, he’s great, right? But you know this is his baby, his life work, why would he trust you with it, right? So what I did is I would email Darren, and I actually emailed Darren for digital photography school and I said, hey Darren I love your site. I actually read a lot of your posts when it deals with the business of photography, and I noticed that there’s no articles dealing with this. I researched this topic, this is what I do. I looked at all your comments when it comes to this, and your subscribers are really looking for this. I wrote out a 2500 word blog post with pictures and images and everything, it’s attached to this email. I would love to guest post if this is something that interests you let me know.

All he’s got to do is open it up and read the email and read the post and say, this is killer, I want it on my thing, and then when he replies to me I say to him, you know and he says hey we would love to publish. I said great I only have one copy of it. I want you to publish it on August 11 which was our launch day for the $100MBA show. And I did this with about eight other blogs, and they all launched on the same day, and I did the same thing with guest appearances under the podcast for 10 podcasts. On the day of the launch we were technically on 18 different sites you know, and the reason why I mentioned you know you do things that people are not willing to do that takes a lot of work, a lot of time to write eight different blog posts that long, that detailed, to do all the research, to do it knowing that you may not be accepted, and I didn’t get accepted to a lot of you know a lot of publications, and I had to just keep that…

Steve: What did you do with those posts?

Omar: I reworded them, and I published them on our own site, so I didn’t you know throw them in the garbage or anything like that. The same thing with podcast, I looked at all the top podcast I wanted to be on. A lot of them said no, a lot of them ignored my email, but some said yes. You know [inaudible 0:22:59] they were okay with it to publish it on that day, and we were good to go. That took a lot of time besides the fact of producing an actual podcast you know.

Steve: Okay.

Omar: Yeah, that was kind of one of the things that when I did that helped us launch properly and get some exposure.

Steve: When you first launched then did you immediately like hit the number one spot because of all this stuff, like did you have an email list at the time?

Omar: Our first couple of weeks in new note worthy, we weren’t number one, we were like four, five, maybe words like two in careers or like subcategory. But the last five weeks of new note worthy, we were number one every single week, which I didn’t see personally before you know being number one in new note worthy for five consecutive weeks. We launched the same time that StartUp did, we launched the same time Tim Ferriss did, so we had some heavy hitters with us, so it wasn’t easy to gain that spot, but we were fortunate enough to have some success at the start.

Steve: Did you kind of have any of your own audience at the time, did you have like a big email list at the time when you launched, or did you kind of entirely rely on the people that you’d contacted?

Omar: No, I didn’t have a huge audience at the time, and I know this is going to sound lame, but I really believe the reason why we did so well is because it’s a good show. I really believe that it’s different, people have never had of a show like this before, it’s just– it’s kind of hard not to like. We purposely kind of constructed a show in that way, and obviously the efforts to launch and get exposure, and take advantage of the new note worthy helped us a lot, but if you don’t have an exceptional show, any kind of exposure really is not going to help.

I mean there’s shows I could tell you right now on iTunes they have celebrities on them, that have a huge audience, and they have less ratings than you know a show that has a very low audience. You know they have like 10 ratings or something and they’re not doing very well. You can– because the show is not great, you know the show is not exceptional, the audio quality is not great. Whatever it is, the point is that you have to have a good show at the end of the day.

Steve: So speaking of ratings, did you do anything to generate ratings to encourage them?

Omar: Well we have an ongoing thing going on $100MBA show. Nothing in particular at the launch, but every week we have a way of free ride to the $100MBA training and community, so we give away a life time membership to the $100MBA. It’s just our way to thank people who give us a rating and review on iTunes, so we just randomly go through a random picker and choose a rating and review, and we give it away.

That encourages people to like participate. A lot of people like they want to give a review, but they are kind of on the fence, oh I might win something so I might as well do that. It’s also a away to kind of give back, and also just show people that hey we appreciate the fact that you took the time to figure out how to give us an iTunes ratings and review and things like that, so that’s one thing that we did.

Steve: Okay. One thing I also noticed there’s one point where you had like this super large icon in iTunes, and I was just curious it’s just like a completely different graphic. How did you get to the top of the podcast in iTunes? Does that make sense; do you know what I am talking about?

Omar: You mean the home banner?

Steve: The home banner yes.

Omar: Well, in December of 2014 this last December we won best of iTunes, and when we did that you know we got an email from Apple telling us you know congratulations you won best of iTunes along with shows like Serial and Hardcore History and StartUp. We were like thank you very much and one of the packs of winning best of iTunes is that they kind of keep a look out on your show, and if they see something special, or something good you can reach out to them and say you know like I am doing something if you want to consider it. You kind of, they’ve kind of like certified you as like this is a legit show that we think is adding value to the podcasting world. You know they might surprise you and put up a banner, and they want to showcase the shows they believe are good.

Steve: Did you have to apply to this best of iTunes thing, or was it just completely out of the blue.

Omar: No you don’t apply; it’s an editorial team that selects the best shows of the year.

Steve: I see, and did you have a lot of…?

Omar: It’s like going on Oscars on podcasting or something.

Steve: Yeah did you have to, did you have a lot of listeners at the time, is it based on listeners, downloads or is it…?

Omar: It’s based on a few factors, it’s based on one, obviously your downloads, your subscriptions, the amount of ratings and review you have. They read every single review like to make sure that these are actual legit people that are you know not your mum. They look at your actual website, the way that you’ve show cased your business and your brand you know, and if they want to be associated with that type of business. If it’s you know it doesn’t look scamy, but they also look at you know if you look at the shows I do, and they also look at how has this podcast contributed to podcasting in general. Have they added something to the genre, have they added something to their market and have they done something for podcasting, like for example Serial has gotten people to listen to podcasts you know.

Steve: Yeah.

Omar: You know they recognize their success and obviously their download numbers are off the charts. You know but Marc Maron for example he’s got the president of the United States so like he gets recognized a lot for that, so they kind of reward people for doing something different. For us in our case it was bringing something new to the business genre, doing lessons and doing something that’s a little bit different that they’ve never seen before so…

Steve: Yeah sounds like one of the key takeaways here, it’s like, it’s just like blogging right? Blogging is getting a lot more saturated, and so is podcasting, and you just really got to stand up in some way or form, instead of just putting together some sort of me too podcast, right?

Omar: That is a good way to put it, yeah.

Steve: Let’s talk a little bit about monetization, so you do take sponsors for your podcast, is that correct?

Omar: Yeah.

Steve: And it’s a 10 minute show right, and so how long are these sponsors, and how many do you take per episode?

Omar: So typically a podcast is about 30 or 40 minutes. There’s two pre roles and two mid roles and sometimes a post role. Given that our show is only 10 to 15 minutes long, we only have a 30 seconds pre role and 60 seconds mid role. It’s only like two ads, and they are pretty short.

Steve: And how do you solicit these sponsors, or do they come to you?

Omar: They, I never actually started the podcast thinking about sponsors, or thinking that happen, but we got contacted, our first sponsor was 99 designs. They just contacted us, they saw the success of the show on iTunes, and they just said hey we’d like to take a look at your numbers, and you know possibly sponsor your show. We only take on sponsors that are congruent with our audience, so I don’t do ads for dog food or things like that, because– even though I’ve been approached, but you know…

Steve: Have you really for dog?

Omar: Lots of different things you know that really have nothing to do with our market, or what we’re trying to do. We try to you know if I am going to put an ad in there or I am going to put a sponsor read, I want to do something that one I believe and I adore, so I have used. The sponsors are usually pretty helpful with that, and allowing you to use your product and things like that. So yeah, it’s kind of — it’s a little bit rigorous process, but we are very selective about it, because we do only have those limited spots. Yeah, so that’s kind of the story with sponsors.
Steve: Do you use any market places or anything like that to solicit sponsors?

Omar: Yes, so we Midroll for many of our sponsors, Midroll are kind of our agent that helps us secure sponsors, they have good relationship with sponsors, yeah.

Steve: And what is the going rate for sponsorships?

Omar: It depends, if you are running your own sponsorship they give you whatever you want. I mean I have a blog post that you can link to if you want, and it has a PDF that people can download. It’s actually our sponsorship guide that we give our sponsors if they are interested in our prices, and what you can do. You want to obviously showcase what you can offer your sponsor as well as give them a pay structure. If you go with somebody like Midroll that’s something that you negotiate with them, and you are actually not allowed to disclose because you are under contract.

But when it comes to regular sponsorship, I mean the going rate if you go for yourself for a pre-role which is about 30 seconds, it’s about 18 [inaudible] [00:31:16] which is $18 per a thousand downloads. And for a Midroll it’s around I believe $25 per [inaudible] [00:31:24] so yeah, depending on how many mid roles and pre-roles you have. And usually sponsors will only kind of take a look at you; it’s worth their time if you are making a minimum of 5,000 or 6,000 an episode. Because it’s just — for them they want to be able to use your marketing dollars in an effective way.

Steve: No that totally makes sense. Let’s talk about some of the other things in your podcast, and it sounds like you use your podcast to do a lot of legend [ph] to your actual website and your email list, right?

Omar: Yeah, I mean you can hold legend, I mean for me my whole purpose of the podcast is I want to build trust with my audience. I want to be able to win their hearts and make them understand that I have their best interest in mind. And when they do visit our website I try to get them on board to something free, I don’t even — even though my products are only $100 at the $100MBA. But rather consume things for free and get away and tell 10 other people about the $100MBA, then for me to try to milk a dollar out of everybody.

Steve: Let me just rephrase that question, and so in terms of your actual website like do you do anything special that generate traffic there, is it mainly podcast people finding it there, is it SEO?

Omar: We’ve published a new blog article once a week for the last two years. So I mean — I mean I guess when it comes to SEO that’s — the only SEO I do is write as much valuable content.

Steve: Yeah, you don’t do any paid advertising it all, is that correct?

Omar: No, I don’t do any advertising, most of our SEO just comes from our articles and hopefully people enjoy them, they share them. I just try to focus on getting as much valuable content as possible. We have a lot of free stuff on our site as well, like we have free courses, we have free guides, free info-graphics they can download. I want it to be a place where people could just feel like this person wants to support me; these people are good to me. And when they are ready to buy, they are not going to shop around, they are going to be like okay, I’m going to go to the $100MBA, because these people have nurtured me for so long, the lowest price that kicks in.

Steve: What I was kind of getting at was you have a 10 minute podcast, and by taking on a couple of sponsors it’s kind of diverting their attention to these other services, right? I was just wondering if you had considered not taking any sponsors and just being in full control over your own message and steering people over to your site or your brand. Does that make sense, do you see where I’m getting at?

Omar: Yeah, and by the way we rarely ever — I don’t think I have ever promoted the $100MBA program, or anything like that, they go buy $100MBA on our show ever. But we get a lot of conversion off the podcast. The first email they get; we ask them how did you hear about us? And I would probably say 75% to 80% of our new members come from the podcast. If you are good like you are going to be found out, like everybody who listens to the Serial went to the Serial website so they could see what Adnan Syed looks like. Everybody like if you are good enough you see good superb ad, they are going to check out the site. You are going to go check out Squarespace if you saw the dude and all of that stuff, in last Squarespace ad.

So I don’t really believe in like you have to directly market to people, if people want what you are selling, if they like what you do, they are going to find you out. The other thing is that we do have sponsors that show up because it cost money to run this show. Like it’s a production, we have a lot of — we have employees that we pay, we have other things that go about. And as well as in order for us to create this free content constantly on the site, we also have to pay for that as well.

So yeah, and I try to keep the sponsorship as congruent as possible. I cannot have that and decide to promote my own products, but I personally think that if I was a listener I would rather listen to a variety of different things that can help me out, rather than the same thing. Okay, Omar because I don’t sell many things like, so it’s like every — and it’s daily so like every day they are going to be hearing about the same products.

Steve: So that’s kind of like a segue, how does Webinar Ninja in your SaaS business kind of fit into all of these, because to me at least it seems a little bit — a lot different than what you have with $100MBA.

Omar: Well, my whole goal and everything that we do is to serve our audience which is new business builders, online business builders, people that are — have gotten started. And that’s really what the $100MBA really focuses on. But there’s a point where people get to the point where they are like okay, I have started a business, I’m making money now and I have made my first dollar, but I need to take it to the next level. And I want to be able to serve those people because those people are our people; they get to that level once they’ve kind of gone through our program, and they’ve listened to the show for a bit. And that’s where Webinar Ninja comes in, webinar ninja is a solution, it’s a platform, it’s a software, but it’s also training on how to run effective webinars.

And I’m — I really believe in webinars, because for me it’s the ultimate like teaching tool online, and that’s my background teaching, and I think that it’s a great way to educate people, it’s a great way to convey value and build trust with people. And I wanted to be a part of that, especially the fact that webinars in general and the internet marketing world kind of have a bad name. And they have like kind of scamy connotation, where you feel like you are being sold too constantly, and all that stuff.

And we wanted to clean up that webinar world with Webinar Ninja and that’s something that we’ve been trying to do, and have been doing with our members, with Webinar Ninja. So that’s kind of how it fit in, it’s kind of the next level of serving our audience in that way and I’m really…

Steve: Oh sorry, go on.

Omar: No it’s just I’m really enjoying the process of not challenging myself with a software business, because a software is just completely different than a course based business.

Steve: Yeah, totally. So when people are asking for Webinar Ninja, and the reason why I ask this is because there’s a lot of established players in this market. Like GoToMeeting, AnyMeeting, and actually a whole bunch of others. So I was just kind of wondering what your motivation was for developing it.

Omar: So it’s for that exact reason, we were not really happy with what was available. We were running webinars at the $100MBA community. We were doing webinars for our community, and I was using some of those solutions that are out there. And they were just not cutting it; they just were not serving my needs. And I created something that was very hatch patched in PHV; it was WordPress plug-in at the time. And it was just meant to run our webinars, and I got the help of a coder to clean it up for me because my PHV sales were not as good as I want them. It was just kind of like a one off freelance kind of thing, and we started using it for our webinars. And then a lot of our attendees started asking, hey what are you using for your webinar?

And I said, “Oh this is just something that we put together ourselves in house.” And they are like, “Well, I would like to buy it.” Like can you sell us this to me, and we just never thought about actually selling the software. So we started considering it, we did the beta test where we had about 150 users, and it was a WordPress plug-in at the time. And then it sold out in two days, and we just kind of closed the doors because we didn’t have the customer support team in place to serve more customers.

And then we had another circle and it was a WorPress plug-in where we got another 100 members. And we started learning from them, finding out what they want, fixing the problem. Then we realized that if we want to take it to where we want take it, we really can’t do it as a WordPress plug-in, because as WordPress plug-ins really don’t have as many facilities, that you are restricted by the host, you are restricted by other plug-ins. It’s still on WordPress, it’s not like a SaaS product, or a web based program.

At that time we decided to transition into a web based program and we went into development for about five months. And when we released Webinar Ninja on April 30th and we opened the doors, and again we sold out in like 24 hours. So we knew that there was a demand in the market, and we knew that we were filling a huge need. A lot of people coming from all the other users saying they weren’t happy with it, and they were very happy to come to us, so…

Steve: Can we talk a little bit about some of the features that you have that some of — maybe like GoToMeeting does not for example.

Omar: Well, first of all GoToMeeting is $500 a month. So if you don’t have $500 [inaudible 00:39:46].

Steve: I don’t think it’s that much if you just want to have 100 people, I think it’s like $100 a month, right?

Omar: That’s true, but I mean if you are selling products, if you are doing webinars that like in order for you to really — like and this is something that you learn in the training in the Webinar Ninja is that in order for you to really capitalize on sales and be able to capitalize on something like facebook ads, you are going to want more than 100 people on your webinar. You are going to want hundreds, 300, 400, 500, somebody like — somebody that we interviewed on the podcast, the Webinar Ninja podcast, John Dumas he gets like 600 to 700 on his podcast, on his — I’m sorry on his webinars. And he is able to make 30, 40 sales on a thousand dollar product. So that’s kind of what you want to look at to make it worth your while on Facebook ads. If you are not going to do Facebook ads you still want a number of people.

So other than that, there’s a whole bunch of things like for example GoToMeeting doesn’t record your webinars, it doesn’t do evergreen webinars where you want to have like recorded webinars. There’s a whole — the functionality of it, people have to install the software on the computer, it’s not web based, their channel is clunky, it doesn’t work on Mac as efficiently as it should. And to be at their defense it’s a good product, but it’s not meant for the small business owner, it’s meant for enterprise. And it’s for people that want to save $10,000 and not go to Japan for that business meeting. That’s really what it was meant for.

And Citrix is a great company and things like that, but we decided to offer things that are more catered to our audience, which is small business owners that one on one create a thriving audience through great content, because you can run a webinar just like you’ll do for a podcast or a blog, and just teach and do open Q&A, and build your email list because people have to register for it. Or you can give demos and you can give workshops and then sell your products or your services afterwards. You can also use it for masterminds; you can do it a paid program that you want to do live.
One of our users Michael Port, he runs his royal public speaking live program, which is an online program, it’s all webinar based, they use Webinar Ninja for that, and that’s one way you can do it as well. So there’s other uses other than just like a teleconference. So we took those needs and decided to create something that’s a little bit original. One other things that really differentiate us is we wanted to make sure that your registration pages, all your pages on your webinar like your thank you page, or actual webinar page, or replay pages, looked like your brand that have your brand or your college logos, and it’s on a template.

A lot of people that use template based opt-in pages or [inaudible 00:42:26] pages it just looks like a page that everybody sees on the internet. So we actually call the live editor, which completely allows you to change every single color, every single fun, every single text media, and allows you to customize all your branding, your logos, everything on your page, and very easily and intuitively so you don’t spend hours on creating your webinars.

Steve: And this is hosted on your site then right? This is hosted…

Omar: It’s hosted on our server.

Steve: Okay.

Omar: Yeah, and everybody gets kind of a unique URL, so you can have like So you have a branded kind of URL when you promote your webinars. As well as making it super easier that’s kind of our goal to make it easy to create an effective webinar. And we include everything when it comes to email notifications; in fact we include marketing as well. So not only can you send reminders, but if you want to send an email, a campaign to people that did attend or people that did not attend, or people that attended your webinar, you can send them a separate email completely and filter people out. And you don’t really actually need, an email marketing service if you didn’t want to, if you didn’t want to use MailChimp or Infusionsoft or something like that.

Steve: Interesting, so you handle those as well, all the — okay.

Omar: As well as we do some really innovative stuff with our chats, because we are educators and we want to make sure that things are very interactive. So our chat has a very clean interface, people can hop on their mic or their camera if they like, you can do that for 10 people by simply just requesting the stage, we call it share the stage. And as an admin you can grant them access.

We also do things like you can block somebody if they are causing problems, so a lot of people they don’t know what to do with a webinar where people are just hating, and you don’t know how to kick them off. So we have a way that it can allow do that if you have to do that unfortunately if that does happen, where you have somebody who is just being a nuisance.

Steve: So the background of all of these is Google hangouts, is that right?

Omar: The video portion of it is all Google hangouts, correct.

Steve: Okay, cool, Omar you know we’ve been chatting for a while and I wish we had some more time to go into a lot greater depth in some of these things, but unfortunately our time is up. So if anyone out there is interested in starting a podcast or using Webinar Ninja, where can they find you, what if they just want to learn how to become again MBA for only 100 bucks where can they find you?

Omar: Sure, anything $100MBA related you can go, there is the podcast information, there are free courses, free guides, things like that. If you want to learn more about Webinar Ninja, you can go to We also have a free course there called ‘plan and launch your first webinar,’ it’s a seven day course. So if you want to take a dive in that you can go check that out.

Steve: Awesome Omar, well, thanks a lot for taking the time to come on the show.

Omar: Well, thanks, Steve I appreciate it.

Steve: Yeah, happy to have you.

Hope you enjoyed that episode. What I like about Omar is that his success can be directly attributed to his execution, his planning, and his overall thought process. And by taking the time to carefully construct a podcast that was clearly differentiated from the rest he managed to create an award winning show. For more information about this episode go to, and if you enjoyed this episode, please go to iTunes and leave me a review. It’s by far the best way to support the show and please tell your friends because the greatest compliment that you can give me is to write a referral to someone else, either in person or to share it on the web.

Now if you are interested in starting your own online business, be sure to sign up for my free six day mini course where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100K in profit in our first year of business. Go to, sign up right there on the front page, and I’ll send you the email course immediately.

Once again I also want to thank HostGator for sponsoring this episode. HostGator is one of the best web hosts out there that I recommend if you want to start a blog. And in fact I hosted on there in the very beginning and loved it. You can get 24/7 live support via chat, phone, and email. You can install WordPress in just a single click, there’s an easy to use website builder, design services and the best part is that I’m offering a 30% discount for all podcast listeners. So please go to to redeem the discount, and once again that’s

I also want to thank Bigcommerce for sponsoring this episode. Bigcommerce is one of the best shopping carts that I recommend if you want to start your own online store without having to worry about anything technical. So everything from design, to sourcing, to payment processing, is all built in, so all you got to do is populate it with the products that you want to sell, and you can literally start your store in matter of hours. So simply go to, sign up and you’ll instantly receive one month free. Once again the URL is, thanks for listening.

Outro: Thanks for listening to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast, where we’re giving the courage people need to start their own online business. For more information visit Steve’s blog at

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Ready To Get Serious About Starting An Online Business?

If you are really considering starting your own online business, then you have to check out my free mini course on How To Create A Niche Online Store In 5 Easy Steps.

In this 6 day mini course, I reveal the steps that my wife and I took to earn 100 thousand dollars in the span of just a year. Best of all, it's absolutely free!

087: Changes You Can Make To Increase Your Conversion Rate By 50 Percent With Andrew Youderian

How To Redesign Your Ecommerce Store And Increase Conversions By 50% With Andrew Youderian

Today I’m happy to have Andrew Youderian back on the show and it’s been quite a while. For all of you who don’t remember Andrew, he was a guest on episode #2 where we discussed his dropshipped online store Right Channel Radios and his awesome blog

As with any small business owner, nothing is ever stagnant. And several months ago, Andrew underwent a gigantic website redesign that not only took a lot of guts but a significant amount of money as well.

Fortunately, his efforts were worth it and today we’re going to discuss his thought processes regarding the entire project.

What You’ll Learn

  • The reason Andrew invested 5 figures into his site redesign
  • Which platform Andrew switched from and why
  • What other strategies Andrew considered before pulling the trigger
  • The process of redesigning a site the right way
  • What pain points were customers having?
  • How Andrew tracked these pain points
  • How Andrew reached a 50% increase in conversions
  • Going open source vs a fully site

Other Resources And Books

Sponsors – If you are interested in starting your own online store, then click here to get 1 month free
bigcommerce-logo – If you are interested in starting your own WordPress blog, then click here to get 30% off webhosting at!


Steve: You are listening to the My Wife Quit her Job Podcast. And if you are new here, it’s a show where I bring in successful bootstrapped business owners to teach us what strategies are working and what strategies are not. Now I don’t bring on these famous entrepreneurs simply to celebrate their success. Instead I have them take us back to the very beginning and delve deeply into the exact strategies they used early on to gain traction for their businesses.

Now if you enjoy this podcast please leave me a review on iTunes and if you want to learn how to start your own online business be sure to sign up for my free six-day mini course, where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100k in profit in our first year of business. Go to sign up right on the front page, and I’ll send you the free mini course right away via email.

Now before we begin I want to thank HostGator for sponsoring the show. HostGator is an incredible webhost that I highly recommend. And in fact did you know that was hosted on HostGator in the very beginning? They offer 24/7 live support, via chat, phone, and email, one click WordPress install, so you can literally install WordPress blog in a matter of minutes. They have an easy to use website builder, design services, marketing services. And the best part is that I’m offering a 30% discount for all podcast listeners. So please go to to redeem the discount. Once again that’s

I also want to give a quick shout out to my other sponsor Bigcommerce. Now Bigcommerce is a fully hosted shopping cart platform that allows you to set up your own online store in minutes. Now as most of you probably know, I teach a class on how to start a profitable online store and Bigcommerce is actually one of the shopping carts that I highly recommend in my class. Now here’s what I like about Bigcommerce. Unlike other competing platforms, Bigcommerce does not nickel and dime you with every little shopping cart feature. And when you sign up, you immediately have a fully featured and extremely powerful shopping cart at your disposal.

There’s also an incredible theme store where you can choose from a variety of attractive store designs, so you don’t really need to hire a designer. And everything from design to payment processing is all built-in, and all you got to do is populate it with your own products. So you can literally start your own online store in a matter of hours. Simply go to sign up and you will instantly receive one month free. Once again the URL is Now onto the show.

Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. We will teach you how to create a business that suits your lifestyle, so you can spend more time with your family and focus on doing the things that you love. Here is your host Steve Chou.

Steve: Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast, today I’m happy to have Andrew Youderian back on the show. And it’s actually been quite a while, and for all of you who don’t remember him, I actually had him back, way back in episode number two, where discussed his drop ship online store, and his awesome blog at And as with any small business owner nothing is ever stagnant. And several months ago Andrew underwent a gigantic website redesign that not only took a lot of guts, but a significant amount of money as well.
And fortunately his effort were worth it and today we are kind of discuss his thought processes regarding the entire project, and just kind of break everything down. And with that welcome back on the show Andrew, how are you doing today man?

Andrew: Hey, I’m good Steve thanks for having on, it’s fun.

Steve: Yeah, just real quick review if people don’t remember your story, can you just give a quick 60 seconds overview about Right Channel Radio, the business model on what you sell?

Andrew: Yes, over there we sell radio equipment for off road and heavy duty vehicles. That’s a business I started maybe seven years ago 100% drop ship, well almost 100% drop ship right now. And yeah it’s kind of the where I kind of teach on ecommerce and what we still run so.

Steve: Yeah, so I’m just curious because I know the extent you published a really cool blog post about it, which I’ll post in the show notes, but it was a really huge undertaking right? Your redesigns, so what was kind of the impetus to do it, it takes a lot of guts?

Andrew: Yeah, it was a big one; it was a second one for that business, so our first one we went from design cart, do you remember design carts Steve?

Steve: Yes, of course.

Andrew: Yeah, I don’t know if anyone is still using them, but that’s where so we launched on — our first one from Zenca to Magento, and it was a really great redesigning in terms of just the conversion and usability, that was about 2011. And since then we started having some growing pains with Magento. I’m not — Steve I know you are pretty good on the technical side, and I’m good enough to just barely get in and break things more or less. I can look at PHP and kind of figure how to tweak things; I can log into Unix server and barely fumble my way around.

And some of the issues with magento need to be self hosted, some of — everyone who’s worked with them knows it’s fairly complex cart in terms of maintenance, upgrades, tweaking things, it’s never intuitive. I mean to really be able to use it while you need to get to know it well or be able, or finding and paying someone to maintain it and customize it. So I got kind of tired of trying to be an expert in that, and to having to outsource some of that stuff. That was a big thing.

Steve: Did you have a developer on staff, I’m just curious?

Andrew: No we had a contractor that worked with us that could do things. Yeah, so he could get in and make tweaks too and changes, but no one was on staff.

Steve: So it sounds like the reason why you switched was for shopping cart reasons, or was it for conversion reasons?

Andrew: It was both, I would say the two biggest reasons were — well, I would say three biggest — two biggest reasons were with the shopping cart platform. We wanted something that didn’t require as much technical work and knowledge and maintenance. And secondly we wanted something on the mobile front of things, we had over the last two years we consistently watched our conversion rate decline as mobile exploded, and we didn’t have a mobile site. So where you could also of course put just lots of responsive themes and responsive sites on magento. We wanted to implement that as well with the redesign so…

Steve: Can we just talk about mobile real quick since you brought it up, so what were the conversion rates, and what percentage of your traffic was mobile, and what has been the trend and what were the conversion rates before the switch?

Andrew: Yeah, so in terms of relative conversion rates, I think our mobile before the switch converted to maybe…

Steve: I just want to clarify too mobile I mean like smart phones as opposed to tablets.

Andrew: Right, got you, and I’m just thinking about kind of just back in the head, don’t quote me for exact numbers, but I think our mobile conversion rates was maybe like a third to a quarter if I guessed that right, before the redesign. And after the redesign we are probably at maybe closer to like 50%…

Steve: Okay, yeah, that sounds normal actually.

Andrew: Yeah, what about you, is that what you see too?

Steve: Yeah, pretty much, I haven’t actually looked at the stats for a while actually ever since that post I posted a while back. But yeah we were hardened too, and after having a mobile site we pretty much doubled our conversion rate.

Andrew: Yeah, and Steve one thing that I kind of worry about is even with — I’m kind of getting off script a little bit, I hope that’s okay?

Steve: There’s no script Andrew.

Andrew: Right, even with — even when you’ve got — yeah, both of us have done redesigns to implement a mobile theme. And even then your conversion rate on a mobile is half, right? Let’s say you’ve got a great site, it’s half of what your desktop is. And with mobile traffic continued to increase, it’s the majority of my site now I’m guessing in two or three years it makes up three quarters of our traffic. Even if you do everything right, you are still losing out like your conversion rate is trending downward in the best case scenario. Does that worry you, that worries me?

Steve: It doesn’t worry me, because what we do is we target on the desktop, so anyone who comes on the mobile site we use like dynamic re-targeting and we get them back. So a lot of people don’t purchase until they reach their desktop. They might do that at a later day, and so — and I would say like the majority of people are either logged in the facebook or some sort of google product. By just keeping them cookied, you can always show them those products later on, so I’m not terribly worried about that.

Andrew: Okay, obviously I need to start looking into this.

Steve: And not only that, there’s all these payment processing companies like sprouting up where on mobile you could just click a button and instantly check out. That’s going to happen really soon, and once that happens I’m sure all of our conversion rates will go back, so I’m not terribly worried.

Andrew: On the mobile side I think apple pay could be — I would love to see apple pay come to the need of browser versus Apps, because I think that would be huge.

Steve: Okay.

Andrew: I mean just in terms of check out right from safari on your iphone, or chrome from Google without—again well it could be on chrome, what’s apple pay, but you get my point.

Steve: Yeah, I mean if you can imagine it on your cell phone, and then you buy something and it instantly just gets built to your carrier right? Like the ideal situation.

Andrew: It would, it would be fantastic.

Steve: I don’t remember what we were talking about now Andrew, let’s see…

Andrew: It’s my fault; I got us off track, I apologize.

Steve: So mobile — okay, so we were talking about mobile, so that was one of the factors and then was your desktop conversion rate dropping as well, was there anything going on there?

Andrew: A little bit, but not a time, the lion share was in the mobile, I mean maybe it was down kind of 20% over a two or three year period, but most it was the mobile.

Steve: So you could have just bought a magento template that was responsive, right?

Andrew: I could have yes, but I feel like when you do that and maybe I made things way more difficult than they needed to be. But I feel when, you do that sometimes you miss out on some of the finer aspects of having a mobile site when it’s kind of cookie kind of approach, or maybe it works for most of them, but it’s not going to be designed exactly for your site. I wanted something given how prevalent mobile has become, that was really fine tuned for our specific theme, and our specific user experience for our customers.

Steve: So Shopify that implies that you designed a mobile site from pretty much scratch, and not a responsive theme?

Andrew: I’m sorry, it was a responsive theme.

Steve: Oh, was okay.

Andrew: Yeah, so but we did design it from scratch. So the company we worked with Shopify custom, yeah, they built it from the ground up, for what we were trying to achieve and for our site, and it was all responsive yeah.

Steve: And how much actually did you invest in this redesign?

Andrew: So we invested it was — all in it was about 50K, that’s what I put in the headline for the easy grab, and there was 30K development cost, and about 20K in staff time and things like that.

Steve: See that is no joke, like that would make me shake if I — so…

Andrew: Yeah, it was a fairly large button so…

Steve: Say when you invest 50K clearly you are going to expect a return, right? And I was just curious what — like why did you think that that was the answer, what was kind of like the straw that broke the camel’s back that you needed to do this redesign.

Andrew: Well, it’s because I just — in terms of the straw that broke the camel’s back, I think in my experience every threeish to fourish years you have to end up reiterating things, if you don’t want to become stale and really have your business starting to decay at some point. I mean that’s what I have seen at least in the recent cycle and in the past. So I knew it was either you sell the business and sell it now, but it also harder to sell a business that you’ve had — declining revenues and conversion rates for the last couple of years, because you…

Steve: I wasn’t aware of that, so revenues had been declining?

Andrew: Oh, that was an enormous project yeah; revenues were down 30% year over year in 2014.

Steve: Oh, okay, I didn’t — I missed that piece, okay.

Andrew: Yeah, I should have mentioned it at the top, but yeah, so revenues were way down and so that was all the impetus for saying that whoa, what’s the problem, well the problem was mobile on a big aspect, and we also having pin points with magento, so all of these things combined led to the redesign.

Steve: I see so basically incremental solution, you did not feel was going to solve the problem, now you need to something more drastic?

Andrew: Yeah, absolutely, especially given that we had already been like two or three years behind the curve [inaudible 00:12:32] behind the curve, but we just hadn’t done anything in that amount of time. So yeah, I just — and then it’s kind of my personality too, Steve I tend to be someone who goes and mix a ton of changes and overhaul something just to how I think it should be, in the best possible way. And then I leave it instead of just tweaking it every now and then, I leave it for three years, and then I come back and do the same thing over, I don’t know if that’s…

Steve: I’m similar, not three years though, but yeah. I kind of check in every six months or that sort of thing, but…

Andrew: If I had six months I probably made a shape, but I — I just don’t know if it’s my personality or what it is, but that’s kind of my MO for doing things.

Steve: So let me ask you this, and I have been curious about what your answer is going to be for this. Like you essentially went from one of the better open source shopping cart platforms to fully hosted. So what are your feelings on like open source shopping carts today?

Andrew: I think they are — I have nothing against open source carts, I think in a lot of regards they can be fantastic, because you have full control, you can really tweak things to give them exactly how you want them to be. They are cheaper, well it depends, upfront they’re cheaper. But magento was such a pig of a cart, I mean just trying to upgrade it once was a nightmare, we did — one of the migrations we ended up doing was actually from Magento 1.4 to 1.6, and normally you would just upgrade. But the upgrade process was so flout with problems and things that I didn’t trust, actually being stable on the back end that I just installed the fresh version of magento 1.6.1, and re-built the entire site over [inaudible 00:14:10] directed everything as opposed to upgrade it.

Steve: Oh my goodness, okay.

Andrew: Yeah, so I think open source there’s a lot to be said for it, and looking at carts like Opencart, the [total cleaner], a little more minimalistic has broaded. I think they are great, but for us I just want to really focus on the core of business, on marketing, on the team, and not so much on the tech side which is why going to a hosted such like Shoppify was something I wanted to do.

Steve: So real quick, you’ve been on magento for quite a while; did you feel like anything happened when they got acquired?

Andrew: That’s a good question, it’s — yeah it’s hard to say, I don’t think if I can point to anything, but the feel of the company definitely got more cooperate, I remember back in a while they — yeah, I don’t know…

Steve: It feels like they were focusing more on their premium enterprise product, that was my opinion, but I never had used the cart so…

Andrew: They definitely started pushing it more I think in terms of going to magento, their site it was definitely more of a focus. And for the enterprise edition it was — I think it started at 10K per year, and that was really low, most of them were targeted for 25k to 50k per year licensing fee. So yeah, definitely not something I was interested in paying for a cart.

Steve: Yeah, for sure, so let’s delve a little bit deeper into the actual process, because what you did is something that I’ve been thinking about doing for a while, but I’m just terrified of it. So let’s ignore kind of like the fully hosted open source, like the technical aspects. What were some of the main points of the redesign that you wanted to address? Was it mainly just mobile, or was it kind of aesthetics and usability as well on the desktop platform?

Andrew: Yeah, a good question. It was all of those things, so mobile was a big part of course. We wanted to rebrand to try to create a little bit more of brand sense that looked a little more professional, I think we were using a logo I created in Photoshop which was pretty ghetto. We wanted to rebrand with copy branding that would kind of go on the branding host here, and preach [ph] for a while, but of course it’s becoming so much more important in today’s world. So we wanted to create a stronger brand presence with our brand, with the copy that we had and the experience we offer customers. So that was part of it, part of it was usability.

This wasn’t necessarily the driving factor, but we wanted it to be as easy as possible for people to figure out what products worked for their vehicle, and be able to check out and also fix any usability bugs in our existing platforms. So those were some of the kind of the secondary things we were also thinking about as well.

Steve: So let’s go through some of those things in depth. So on the branding side, I’ll just tell you my observations. I noticed that you started putting your face, like did you have a lot more videos, was that the main thing that you changed, or what were some of the other branding focus, things that you did for the site?

Andrew: Yes, so we definitely — over the kind of the previous nine months leading up to the redesign we started investing more heavily in product videos, that was one. We put together a very personable about us page, about us video rather on the home page where myself and the sales manager, our front and center are taking about who we are, what we do and giving a personal guarantee that people will be happy when they purchase from us. The copy we really re-wrote all the copy for the site to make it a lot cheekier, this has a real — it’s kind of just an example on the home page. The first line you read it says are you looking for CB radio for your press, I’m sorry but you are in the wrong place.

It’s tricky, it’s funny, we — then that kind of carries through all the way from the product descriptions to the email confirmations that people get, we kind of have some really — I have had that kind of funny and cheeky. And people come along, they maybe not, maybe yeah, but they are supposed to hear it. But making those order confirmation, shipping confirmation, emails fine and interesting, so that’s kind of what we did on that front.

Steve: I actually watched that about video, and it’s actually very well done, very professional, it looks like you got someone professional to shoot it for you.

Andrew: Yeah, thanks yeah, we had a guy here on bossman actually, we looked at a little bit, he is a friend, he is — he films off-road TV series. So a lot of the — some of the stock footage, the bureau was like the vehicles going through the creek in the mud, the overhead flying shot of the land rovers. We were able to just get that footage from him which was really nice.

Steve: Yeah, I also noticed that you were wearing a Youderian branded pullover. I don’t know about you, but I don’t have any Steve Chou branded clothing, so…

Andrew: It’s funny you said that, that’s actually not my branded stuff. I have a cousin and an uncle who own a construction business, and it’s Youderian construction. I didn’t even think about it when I put it on that day, but it’s very shirt I was wearing so…

Steve: Okay, I was like, oh my god this Andrew guy is cocky, he is wearing his own branded clothing.

Andrew: He going maniac in his own video, who is this guy?

Steve: Okay, so on the usability — oh, by the way how do you measure kind of like the effects of that?

Andrew: That’s really hard; I haven’t had very much success doing that. For a while we were trying to split test product videos on pages with just using that, there’s always that optimizer. And for whatever reason we were having a lot of problems back and forth with support for a while, that the video embed code was playing also the trickery with the AB split testing java script. And we weren’t able to get good experiment running on that. So short story is that I think it’s really hard to do, it’s difficult to do.

So I don’t necessarily know if we can, we hear a lot of kind of just second hand feedback from people, but in terms of data we probably can set an experiment, but we haven’t — it’s a little tricky, and we haven’t probably done as much as we could have to really vet out those numbers.

Steve: Yes, just for a little background for the listeners, so Andrew it seems to me at least you have a video for everyone of your product almost, right?

Andrew: Not quite we have — let’s say I think we have 300ish products; we probably have videos for our top 50 or 60.

Steve: Okay, so maybe those just happen to be the ones that I was looking at. So you haven’t done any experiment to see whether the video on those products did anything to the conversion rate?

Andrew: We– no, I mean we haven’t, not in terms of hard data no.

Steve: Okay, yeah, I know I was just really curious, because I was thinking is that something that I should be doing with my online store, but …

Andrew: We get comments from people saying they like videos, that they help them, that they build rapport, anytime you can — somebody hops on and they talk, and it’s actually the shop owner and they get in front of the camera, it makes a big difference. With that I saw a guy in the [inaudible 00:20:46] he just read a bunch of his product videos. I think he had a very successful, it worked out very well for him, I’m glad that it’s a case by case basis, but yeah, I think it’s — I tend to — maybe I’m going too much on assumption here like all the people who — the daily driven people who just exclaim at [heat] spots, unless you are doing a terrible job, I think videos, it’s going to be — [inaudible 00:21:12] to find a word doesn’t really help a little bit.

Steve: Yeah, I was thinking that way too, and so in terms of usability you mentioned a couple of things earlier. You want to help more people find the right product for their vehicle, was that a problem on your previous site?

Andrew: Yeah, I didn’t even realize it was a problem until I started doing some [Ux] testing. So we were going to be doing this whole redesign, and so I thought well, if we are going to be doing for all these other major reasons I want to make sure we capture any existing usability problems, or address them at least. So prior to designing the new sites we ran a ton of usability tests. We used user which is a really cool site for $40, you can set up a task and get somebody that you send very specific guidelines for. In our case I said hey, I want someone that makes between 1600k, I want them nearly between 35 and 60 years old.

I want them to be in mail because that’s our customer demographic. And here is what I want them to do, I want them to try to find a vehicle — equipment for their, let’s say their [inaudible 00:22:13]. So you could either watch people interact with your site and try to do it. One thing we realized was that almost everybody came to our home page, now like how we just love a place to be able to put my making model, I can do that on auto part stores, why I can’t I do that here.

Steve: Okay, so that was a direct result of

Andrew: You got it, yeah.

Steve: Okay, and was it just — like did you have a pretty decent sampled size, or was that just one that stood out to you?

Andrew: No, so we did, I think — I think I ran about 12 usability tests. I think maybe three or four on mobile and about eight on the desktop. Looking for different things, so it was something that came up multiple times, it wasn’t just a one day approach.

Steve: So what were some of these, you mentioned 12 tests, what were some of the different things that you were testing?

Andrew: I would have people — a lot of times I think maybe they were just two different tests that we had, but they were with different people to get a broad sample size. But I would say something like; they are coming to the site and say what do you think the site is about? Do you trust the site, why or why not? And then I would say go out and actually find a vehicle, or find the right equipment for your specific vehicle. I wouldn’t say what — I wouldn’t ask for what they were, or maybe I did, I think we did like four schedules, some of the major mix of models, and we split that up among these tests.

Go out and find the right equipment for your vehicle and then I want to see how they actually went through the site to find out what questions they had, where they hang up, and from that we made some changes to the new design.

Steve: Interesting okay, and so you didn’t send anyone to go look for parts for [inaudible 00:23:55] probably, yeah?

Andrew: No, we had somebody come in and did read our guidelines, and they had some little two wheel drive hatchback. And I got a refund on that one because it was totally what was for us.

Steve: So what were some of the other pinpoints that you noticed from this usability testing, did you use any other companies by the way?

Andrew: For usability?

Steve: Yeah.

Andrew: No just

Steve: Okay, so what were some of the other pinpoints?

Andrew: Some of the other pinpoints were people who were a little bit confused about what worked with what. So we thought people said well, what — this is radio work with this, and that’s kind of our big value add even before the redesign. But trying to clarify what worked with what and make the copy a little bit easier to other products easier to understand from that standpoint. Another one was that people a lot of times they didn’t want to read all the texts, we had tons and tons of texts. But a lot of times people were scanning and just trying to get a real quick sense of what worked with what, or what the product was about.

And maybe it was because they were in the middle of the user test, and didn’t want to start to read it. But I know myself I usually don’t read huge walls of text either, so we added on all the products, we added at least two anywhere from one to three quick bullets that just summarized the product, and the high points, and the really unique aspects of that product in a very scanable fashion with then the detail coming in the text. On the shopping cart page we noticed a lot of the times people are like I don’t know when I’m going to get this, when is this going to come, I’ve no idea. So we built in a shipping engine that will actually auto detect based on their zip code where they were, and then give them a shipping options, and the delivery day, kind of like– well we stole it exactly from Amazon.

Steve: That’s cool, yeah.

Andrew: Yeah, so those are few other things that we also built in based on some of the user testing.

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Yeah, so and I’m just curious like it sounds like you were doing a bunch of things that were kind of shopping cart [inaudible 00:26:33] right? So what was your target increase in sales, like I remember we had talked before and you had kind of this number in your head, how did you actually come up with this number?

Andrew: The number– so the number I had in my head before I was shooting for a 50% increase.

Steve: Which is huge.

Andrew: It is huge, and that’s when I saw on the last time we redesigned the website, we went from Zen Cart to Magento, maybe it just the fact that– actually I was encouraged, so we started on that. It was our old, and was just so hideous, it was awful, run before a time before like descent templates even existed, so but we had a 50% bump in that case, and so I thought we’re going to invest quite a bit more in this one, I think it’– and with the mobile aspect I think it’s part of the reason whether we can get at least 50%. So more of anything it was just a rough estimate that I kind of threw out there, and we didn’t quite get that, maybe I’m jumping ahead here Steve, but we hit right around 40% increase.

Steve: That’s crazy good.

Andrew: In conversion, based on the redesign, but it was closer to what we were hoping for.

Steve: So what do you think contributed the most to that number?

Andrew: I think it was the mobile, and we had the majority of our traffic like a doubling of our conversion rate of most of our traffic, or not most but at least roughly half of our traffic, so the biggest jump overall came from mobile for sure.

Steve: Okay, and in terms of like the usability– so I noticed from your new site there’s this nice selector where you just enter in and you make and model your vehicle, and then you’re instantly taken to certain parts that are compatible with that, right?

Andrew: Yap, you go it.

Steve: So did that make a huge difference as well, I don’t know if it’s hard for you to quantify these things?

Andrew: Yeah, that’s a good question, and that’s something that I haven’t– I need to dig into and probably spend sometime in the analytics looking at. I haven’t done as much post analysis on the reasons as I probably should have, that’s a really good question, and I don’t have a good answer for you.

Steve: Okay, so do you actually miss any features of Magento that you don’t have with Shopify and vise versa now that you’ve made the switch?

Andrew: That’s a good question, let me think about that. Any features we miss, I don’t think so, I can’t think of any– I’m sure that there’s a– I mean you obviously don’t have quite the tweakability of things if you want change something. Shopify is pretty customizable, but at the end of the day you don’t have access to the root code, you know the underlying source code for everything. But I can’t think of anything that we haven’t been able to tweak on our side, and were– be able to extend with an app that I miss from Magento.

Steve: So that kind of implies that you weren’t really doing anything super custom with Magento, right?

Andrew: We were doing some things custom, not crazy custom though. We had custom plug in, so we had a few custom things that we had developed, but for the most part no, it was a 90% stock and the extension stuff that we were running.

Steve: And just in terms of cost, I’m just a little curious how much did it cost you to run your Magento site versus what you’re paying now on Shopify?

Andrew: Yeah, so full disclosure I mean, I’m sponsored by Shopify, they’re one of the sponsors for the podcast, and so they– we probably should stay there at the top of the episode, but…

Steve: Yeah, I mean this isn’t a Shopify ad obviously, but I was just curious without whatever special dealers you might have with them like how much would have been paying as a regular user versus what you used to pay on Magento?

Andrew: Yeah, so Magento is was the hosting cost was the most expensive, and so those were about 350ish, 400 per month, we…

Steve: Oh my goodness!

Andrew: Yeah we were [inaudible 00:30:20] server, and…

Steve: Do you want me to tell you how much I pay?

Andrew: No, I don’t want…

Steve: Fifty bucks.

Andrew: Well, one of the things we were paying for Steve was Magento it’s just– I’m not a huge system admin, and there had been a couple of times in the pat where stuff went down the tubes, and I was trying to reconfigure a Unix server and pull my hair out. So we sprung for the racks based server managed hosting service level. So I would call the rack space at 4am in the morning and get someone who’s really knowledgeable about Unix could log in my box and do anything, so that’s mostly what we were paying for.

But granted it was something we needed because I think Magento had a lot of those things that we needed from time from time, so that was 400. For Shopify so we are technically on the plus plan for Shopify, it’s something that we kind of are trying out what Shopify just to check it out, get some feedback, may or may not have gone– definitely we’ve 100% gone with Shopify their kind of $200 per month plan. So that is what I would probably compare it to, plus it’s something we’re, again we’re testing it out for them, giving them some feedback on it, really geared towards probably organizations a little bit larger than us, so comparing that on the lower plan which is most what we’re having will be about $200 per month. So plus it’s like 1000…

Steve: Are you using any special plugins or?

Andrew: For Shopify?

Steve: Yeah.

Andrew: We’re using– what are we using yeah, we’re using one that helps us with– that’s a good point, so yeah we probably spent maybe $100 in plugins per month, so it will be $300 total.

Steve: So it sounds like the monthly cost is comparable mainly because you were running Magento which requires such a huge server cost?

Andrew: Right, yeah I mean yeah exactly, kind of Shopify their opportune on plus plan versus Magento it comes a little bit below.

Steve: Okay, so let’s switch gears a little bit and just talk about drop shipping in general, because you mentioned earlier that most of your products are still drop shipped on Right Channel, right?

Andrew: They are, yeah.

Steve: Are you selling anything on Amazon?

Andrew: We’re not, just because most of the stuff that we sell is stuff that other people make, and I think that’s a really hard game to play on Amazon.

Steve: Okay, and also with would your margins be kind of conducive to selling on there?

Andrew: No, they wouldn’t be, I mean I think if you’re going to be on Amazon let’s say you’re looking at 15% right off the bat for a listing fee, and our margins are– they’re north of that, but not by a crazy amount so.

Steve: So one thing I’ve noticed with a lot of people is they kind of start out drop shipping, and then they end up carrying inventory for some of their best sellers, right, have you considered moving more towards an inventory model as opposed to peer drop shipping?

Andrew: Yeah I have, I’ve looked into it, and it’s tough, because our niche for whatever case on the radio side you don’t just get big price breaks going straight to the manufacturer. I contacted them and let’s say a radio that cost us $80 to buy wholesale and drop ship, we would get it for like $75 in stock, with like a $20,000 minimum purchase.

Steve: Twenty thousand dollar minimum purchase, okay.

Andrew: Yeah crazy, so if they’re giving us a 50% price break yeah it makes a lot of sense, unfortunately it didn’t for that line. And some of the other ones too like our major antennas and some of our mounts and things going directly to the manufacturer we can buy them at the same price our wholesaler gets them, but when you look at it that the price to– the cost to open a warehouse, staff it, run it, they would, you know, they’d be just as much if not more than the savings you get on the margin side. So normally that’s one of my regrets about this business, it’s not a business that is one you can scale up really well with additional capital, because you don’t just get the price breaks unfortunately.

Steve: Interesting, so they’re kind of encouraging people to drop ship their products then with that pricing?

Steve: Yeah a little bit at least my firm yeah, maybe not increase them and drop ship, but it sure isn’t a whole lot of incentive to buy direct from the factories.

Steve: Is that just something that’s kind of unique to your industry probably you think, or have you found that other people that you’ve encountered whether be on your forums or what not have gotten significant price breaks from carrying inventory?

Andrew: I think that’s fairly unique to this niche, I think in most cases there is a decent case to be made for being able to bring inventory in-house, get those price breaks and be able to increase your margins, but yeah so I think that’s something that not across all niches, but I think it’s more from the not that’s the case you can do it.

Steve: Okay and you actually run one of the more successful drop shipping stores that I know of, so how do you– like what’s your strategy for just continuing to grow your shop, and how do you made it so successful this far?

Andrew: Yeah, in terms of the really– the success aspect I think it comes down to the niche, you have to be really careful about finding a niche where you can add a lot of informational value, where there’s a lot of friction post or pre purchase, where there’s a lot of accessories and things that people are confused about what to buy, and so we’re really acting as a guide on what different components to buy. If you try to drop ship one or two high tech priced items that’s really-really hard to do unless there’s really strong pricing guidelines in place like a map pricing from the manufacturer.

So in terms of continuing to grow it that’s when something that has been a little bit difficult in the later years thinking through how to push past kind of the low seven figure mark has been– I mean we kind of stalled out at different points around that right around the million dollar mark. And so it’s tricky, it’s a niche, I think that’s something that people in different businesses– niche businesses, so is the question like well are we stalling out because we’re really getting to a point where the additional value we get in terms of what we put back into the business you hitting a point of diminishing returns, or are we just doing marketing wrong and then I think that’s a tough question to answer sometimes.

Steve: Let me ask you this, are your products– can they be found on Amazon?

Andrew: Some of them can, yeah I’d say a lot of them can yeah.

Steve: And so in terms of pricing what are you doing– are you matching Amazons prices, or are you lower, are you higher?

Andrew: We’re definitely higher, we definitely do a premium or kind of a premium site for the niche, so we’re definitely if at or above Amazon pricing.

Steve: Okay and so do you– it’s probably really hard to tell, but has Amazon affected your business in any way since they sell some of the same products?

Andrew: Yeah, a great question. I think they have, I think Amazon has affected pretty much anyone’s business selling stuff that’s just a commodity which is more or less what we sell. It’s hard to say for sure but yeah, I think we’ve definitely been a force in terms of making growth a little more challenging in the coming years, and the last couple of years and also making customers more price sensitive too.

Thankfully we tend to be pretty good about getting stuff out the door and getting it delivered, pretty much anything over $75 ships for within– it gets two to three days free delivery for our customers, which is nice because that’s a way we can kind of competing against Amazon even from non prime members which is great. But yeah, people– hard to say for sure, but I think it’s definitely been a force that we’ve had to deal with.

Steve: Let me actually rephrase that question a little bit. So what are some of the things that you are doing to kind of address Amazon?

Andrew: I think the two things we do, I think the one thing we do the most is just try to really specialize and make sure that people know that if they buy from us, they are going to get components that are much more likely hopefully guaranteed to work together, because amazing is great at carrying internal products. It’s really bad at being able to at least for most products, really spend a lot of time and dive deep into the specifics of one product line. That’s the only reason we are able to stay in business Steve and be able to make money, is because we know these better than anyone else.

And secondly, there’s friction in purchasing on Amazon versus our site. So our equipment and our packages to outfit your vehicle with a radio, you need like five or six different components, and you are [inaudible 00:38:31] radio, media all the stuff. You shop at our site where it’s all geared towards that, you know everything works together and you’ve got the shopping cart, five items or maybe you’ve got a package we’ve put together that has five items for this funky skews on it, which may or may not match up with the skews that the manufacturer uses. You go to Amazon and try to price compare this, it’s a royal pain. Maybe you can’t do it, but maybe you can’t find a couple of them, you can’t find similar ones, the names are different, you are not sure if they are exactly the same product.

So yeah you can go over and compare a different shop, and maybe get three quarters of the basket in there, but it’s a pain, it takes time. You’re less certain it’s going to work, and you may not be able to find the exact comparables. And that friction makes it I think more likely for people to stick with us and buy from us. Personally I would rather pay 10% more, or 50% more to buy from somebody who knows exactly what they are talking about, and not have to spend half an hour hoping I get the right thing, because whatever value add is, people getting a box, being able to install it, and know they are not going to have to spend two weeks or a bunch of time returning equipment that doesn’t work.

Steve: Yeah I know. I totally agree with your assessment. I find that Amazon is actually a really lousy place to shop for anything that’s even remotely complicated, right? I remember I was shopping for some computer parts the other day, and I wasn’t sure the compatibility, I actually had to go offsite, because Amazon is just a listing of products. So I almost feel like in order to be successful in drop-shipping, you almost have to go into something that’s a little more complicated, would you agree or?

Andrew: Oh absolutely. You have to go into something, you got to have a niche where you have some kind of value added information related if you are drop-shipping. Or the only other two things I think makes sense is if you can get an exclusivity which is hard to get for drop-shipping, or if you have a company that– or a product or a manufacturer that maintains really stringent like MAT pricing. So they put a– they have a floor on their pricing. If that’s the case, then you can get something that– but even then still you still want something that has a little bit of complexity or confusion around it, because the only way you are going to beat out Amazon is to be able to be someone who people trust more, you provide more information in and you’re as the expert.

Steve: Let me ask you this question, do you find that the manufactures themselves that you source products from, are they selling directly on Amazon?

Andrew: No, they are not. Thankfully they are not. If they start selling directly on Amazon, that’s going to be– yeah that’s definitely going to be a huge problem. So at the moment, they are not. They are selling to people who sell directly on Amazon, but they themselves aren’t selling on Amazon. I think they do that because they don’t want to alienate their distributor network and their retailers. But at the moment they are not.

Steve: And I’ve also noticed that if you try to source anything from the US, vendors tend not to like the fact that you are going to just list them on Amazon. I don’t know if you’ve noticed that?

Andrew: Yeah, I mean it’s because it kills– most of the people who list on Amazon are going to kill the price, they are going to just drive the price into the ground. We actually– one of our major radio manufactures recently just came out with the policy that they are not allowing any of their third party retailers to sell on Amazon anymore, because they were taking the product that previously had a pretty descent price margin, and you get all these people– it’s the same problem you have at drop-shipping.

You get all these people, they buy much of stuff, throw on Amazon FBA, and there’s not a lot of incremental cost in terms of fulfilling those orders apart from their refunds and things that come back, and so the price just gets driven into the ground. So that’s why I think why manufacturers don’t like it.

Steve: So in this day and age with all these different things going on, like how would you approach a drop-ship vendor to convince them to sell you their products in this day and age? Are you still there Andrew?

Andrew: Yeah.

Steve: Does that question make sense?

Andrew: A little bit, did you mean in terms of approaching like a new drop-ship supplier?

Steve: Yeah, approaching a new drop-ship supplier with nothing. Let’s say you didn’t have Right Channel Radios, and you started out with nothing, like what would be some of the things that you would say to convince a drop-ship vendor to actually even drop-ship for you?

Andrew: Is this someone that is already drop-shipping for other people?

Steve: Yes.

Andrew: So that’s going to be relatively easy I think. I think if they are drop-shipping for other people you just have to come across as not someone who’s going to waste their time more or less. Usually a lot of times, it’s is just as easy as saying, “Hey can I drop-ship for you?” They say, “Yeah great, fill this application, we are good to go.” If it’s not, if they have a little bit hesitancy, one thing you can do is say, “Hey, do you mind if– I’d love to drop-ship for you.

I know you maybe get people that come in here and tire kickers that waste your time and they never end up buying anything. Here’s a check for a $1000, cash it, put on credit for me. So I mean I’m guaranteeing that I’m going to give you some business, and then for my first thousand dollars in orders just debit it against that credit that you have.” And then you let people know that you are serious, that you’re actually are going to do business with them, and you need to be, but it’s a way that can work.

Steve: That’s a very good tip Andrew. Cool. So going forward actually, I was just curious, would you be recommending people go into drop-shipping, or other means?

Andrew: No I mean it’s– personally I’m starting to look into– we were talking right before we got on about some of the stuff we are developing right now that’s a proprietary, that’s our unique products. That’s where I’m headed personally where I’m looking to. I think you can definitely of course still make money with drop-shipping. Our radio site is still our bread and butter site, Right Channel Radios, but I think it’s getting the niches for– that drop-shipping make sense for, and what’s viable are getting smaller and smaller. They still exist, but they are getting harder and harder to find. The risk to reward ratio is also a little bit lower.

We talked about Steve, I can’t really damp capital into this businesses and scale up. You are kind of limited. It’s a great lifestyle business. I guess I have someone else. In terms of lifestyle, I run this thing from anywhere, I don’t have inventory, it’s great. It’s fantastic lifestyle business. In terms of growing and really scaling it from building a much larger business, it’s a little bit trickier. So my focus in the future is on a proprietary line, and I think drop-shipping can…

I think for a long time still it will be a great way to supplement our existing product line. So if we go out and start developing our own line of something of products, it’s hard and especially as a smaller ecommerce entrepreneur to go and develop your hundred proprietary skills. That’s tough especially if they are really unique. You develop a dozen or half a dozen and those are really valuable, and you supplement those with drop-shipped items that can really help complement your offering. That’s a nice little marriage in my opinion.

Steve: Cool, man, hey Andrew we’ve been chatting for quite a while now. I want to be respectful of your time. I also want to give a plug for you, eCommerceFuel live which is Andrew’s conference which is coming up. I will be there and a whole bunch of other people going to be there that are all vetted. I think your way of requirements is like 100k in revenues or something like that?

Andrew: Yeah, minimum 100k in ecommerce revenue, or be a professional on this space.

Steve: Yes. So it’s a very great conference. I highly recommend that you guys check it out. I don’t want to do the plug for you Andrew. But where can people find you?

Andrew: You are doing great.

Steve: It’s all solicited by the way, I’m not sponsored by Andrew in any way.

Andrew: Well thanks Steve. We would love to. We’ve got about 15 tickets left. It’s capped at a hundred people, we try to keep a more [inaudible 00:46:17] environment, and if you are interested you can learn more, see the video from last year. We should have the full agenda for speakers and the breakout sessions up in the next couple of days here at, and you can see all the details there.

Steve: Sounds good Andrew. Hey thanks a lot for coming back on the show man.

Andrew: Steve, it’s always fun, thanks for having me.

Steve: All right, take care.

Hope you enjoyed that episode. What I like about Andrew is that he’s constantly working on improving his store. He runs one of the most successful pure drop-ship stores that I know. I’m actually in the process of redesigning my own shop as we speak, and I hope it gets the same results. For more information about this episode go to, and if you enjoyed this episode please go to iTunes and leave me a review. It’s by far the best way to support the show and please tell your friends, because the greatest compliment that you can give me is to write a referral to someone else either in person or to share it on the web.

Now if you’re interested in starting your own online business be sure to sign up for my free 6-Day-Mini Course where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100k in profit in our first year of business. Go to for more information, and sign up right there on the front page.

Once again I also want to thank BigCommerce for sponsoring this episode. BigCommerce is one of the best shopping carts that I recommend if you want to start your own online store without having to worry about anything technical. So everything from design, to sourcing, to payment processing, is all built in, so all you got to do is populate it with the products you want to sell and you can literally start your store in a matter of hours. Simply go to, sign up and you’ll instantly receive one month free. Once again the URL is

I also want to thank HostGator for sponsoring this episode. HostGator is one of the best webhosts out there that I recommend if you want to start a blog. And in fact I hosted on there in the very beginning and loved it. You get 24/7 live support via chat, phone, and email, you can install WordPress in just a single click. They’ve got an easy to use website builder, design services, and the best part is that I’m offering a 30% discount for all podcast listeners. So go to to redeem the discount, once again that’s to save 30%. Thanks for listening.

Outro: Thanks for listening to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast, where we’re giving the courage people need to start their own online business. For more information visit Steve’s blog at

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086: How To Start Your Own Profitable Virtual Winery With Kale Anderson

086: How To Start Your Own Profitable Virtual Winery With Kale Anderson

Today I’m really happy to have Kale Anderson on the show. My wife has known Kale for quite a while now but I met him for the first time recently at a wedding where I learned that he owns and runs his own winery.

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What You’ll Learn

  • What it takes to start your own winery
  • How much initial investment does it take and how does one begin?
  • How do the economics of wine work
  • How much does it cost to produce a bottle and how much profit can you make per bottle
  • How to price a bottle of wine
  • The best way to market a winery

Other Resources And Books

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Steve: You are listening to the My Wife Quit her Job Podcast. And if you are new here, it’s a show where I bring in successful bootstrapped business owners to teach us what strategies are working and what strategies are not. Now I don’t bring on these famous entrepreneurs simply to celebrate their success. Instead I have them take us back to the very beginning and delve deeply into the exact strategies they used early on to gain traction for their businesses.

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Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. We will teach you how to create a business that suits your lifestyle, so you can spend more time with your family and focus on doing the things that you love. Here is your host Steve Chou.

Steve: Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast, today I’m really happy to have Kale Anderson on the show. Now my wife has actually known kale and his wife Ranko for quite a while now. But I met him recently at a weeding where I learned that he actually owns and runs his own winery. And what’s cool is that he runs his winery without having to grow his own grapes or own any of the equipments. So in effect he kind of has like a virtual winery. Now Kale Wines which is the name of his company was actually named one of the four wineries to watch in 2014 by Wine Spectator magazine.

He’s been featured in Wine Enthusiast, the Chicago Tribune, Cuvee Corner, and countless other publications. Now up until this point, I actually thought that it was not possible to create your own winery without an enormous upfront investment. And I’m really eager to hear, to learn the steps that it takes to create your own winery, and with that welcome to the show Kale, how are you doing today man?

Kale: I’m doing great, thanks to you, thanks for having me.

Steve: Yeah, Kale, so give us a quick background, and how you decided to create your own winery.

Kale: Yeah, well it’s something that I have wanted to do for a while ever since I got into the wine industry. So I ended up going to UC Davis, this is back in 1997, thinking that I was going to be a pre-med, and I was discovering the [inaudible 0:04:16] program. And I wanted to — I got into the wine industry after I joined some tasting groups and went on finding out that I had a good talent, and I had some passion to go travelling and learn about the wines around the world. So I embarked on this in 2000 — well, pretty much in 2001 I met some people that were wine makers — or they were in the financing of wine for wineries.

And they had their own little brands and I thought, I always assumed that you would either have to own your own winery, or own your own land or your own vineyard to produce your own wine. But that was not the case, and after seeing this model done and succeed in a few different cases, I knew I wanted to have my own eventually. So it’s been a long term goal for a while, but in 2008, my wife and I embarked on the whole journey together here, and now it’s a full time job.

Steve: Okay and I just want the listeners to know is Kale is actually the director of wine making, is that right?

Kale: Correct.

Steve: For a winery, and he kind of does this on the side with his wife, which I find really cool, because it’s kind of similar to our story. So Kale I admitted to you early that I actually knew very little about wine, but and I may ask you a couple of stupid questions, so please bear with me.

Kale: No worries.

Steve: Let’s start from the beginning, because I know nothing or very little about the wine making process. So what does it take to start your own winery, can we kind of start from the basics, like let’s say someone else who is listening wants to start their own winery, what do they need to do?

Kale: Well, you need to get all your licenses, permits, and all that kind of stuff in order. Making an alcoholic product obviously there’s a lot of bureaucratic red tape and what not, to get started, but it takes a little bit of knowhow, where to find things, and where to go and stuff like that. There are actually classes that you can take about this, like in [inaudible] [00:06:35] they have this extension and what not, I know that [inaudible 00:06:38] state also has a program– an extension program as well. But we knew we didn’t — we weren’t able to purchase our own land or plant our own vineyard, and we don’t have the capital to build our winery.

So what we did was we started a — we found a winery partner and started an alternating proprietorship, which is the license that you get through the TTB and the ABC in California. And I went through the whole interview process and…

Steve: Can you describe what that is actually, alternating proprietorship?

Kale: Yeah, alternate proprietorship is basically a wine making license, but you can have that license without owning your own winery, you can lease space in other wineries that have free space. Those wineries that have free space are called custom crash wineries. And they house multiple alternating proprietors who utilize all the equipments, and basically share the equipment to make their wines.

Steve: It sounds like someone is mowing their lawn back there.

Kale: Yeah, oh, yeah, let me close the door.

Steve: Okay.

Kale: Is that better?

Steve: Yeah, it’s better.

Kale: Okay.

Steve: Okay, so these custom crash wineries, they are kind of like places where they all have the equipment all ready to go, and you just need to kind of lease some time for this equipment?

Kale: Yeah, exactly, I mean a lot of this equipment is — cost out tens of thousands of dollars, sometimes hundreds of thousands of dollars, or even millions. But most of the year, nine months out of the year a lot of this really expensive equipment is sitting idle. The way that a lot of wineries, people who buy larger wineries, they pay the bills is to lease free space in their facility to small people like myself, and other alternating proprietors to make the most use out of all their capital. So there’s definitely kind of a partnership going on, and finding that partnership I would say is probably one of the most important pieces there.

Steve: Okay, and then what about in terms of the grapes and all that?

Kale: Yeah, that’s the other really important relationship to have, I mean you need to know what you want to make, you need to know where you want to get it from, and you need to build a relationship with growers who sell their grapes. So I built a network of relationships over the years working for different wineries in Sonoma and Napa counties. And met a lot of the growers in that area, and knew what I wanted to make. So when I started Kale Wines focusing on Syrah Grenache and Morvendre [ph] mainly those three varieties, I knew I had a little book of growers to call who might want to sell me a few tones here and there, I just got started.

Steve: Okay, actually I’m just really curios how much initial investment did it take for you to start your winery?

Kale: I mean it was — gosh, it was probably a total of, over two years probably $20,000.

Steve: That’s not much at all actually.

Kale: Which is not much at all, and we started — we knew a lot of processes, that were going to take a long time and we read these processes, we started quickly. And in 2008 another thing that prompted me to start the business was, it’s a little bit of a story here, so little background. I was the assistant wine maker at Cliff Lede vineyards in Napa in Stags Leap District. And I was thinking of taking a position elsewhere as a wine maker, and then the owner of Cliff who is a fantastic guy, I worked for him for eight years.

But at the time he asked me like, okay what is it — what do you want to do long term, and what would make you want to stay here? I was like, okay, well one of my long term goals is to start my own wines. And he said, okay, well if you starting an alternating proprietorship you can use that little space in the back of the cave that isn’t being used right now, and make your wine, and I will be your custom crush partner, and that was part of my compensation. I had to pay him a penny per year to use that just the back of the winery that wasn’t being used.

Steve: Interesting, okay.

Kale: And that’s how I got my start, and like any business it’s a lot about relationships and that’s really what got Kale Wines started. Again he knew that I wasn’t interested in making wines that would be in direct competition with the ones I was making for him. They are at different price points, made out of different varieties, at the time they’re being made from fruit in different counties. So there was no conflict of interest.

Steve: So let me ask you this, what’s the advantage then of having your own grapes, or you growing your own grapes, as opposed to just having the freedom to just buy grapes from local growers?

Kale: Basically whether you want to invest in real estate or not, I mean that’s really when it comes down commercial real estate, agricultural real estate. And obviously we are not building equity, or building value in real estate when we are doing our own grapes. But we also like that flexibility that it affords us where if things don’t work out, or turn out the way that we wanted them to, we can move quickly into using fruit from a different vineyard. So it’s a more of a short term commitment rather than a long term commitment.

Steve: Yeah, it just seems like it’s a lot more flexible doing what you are doing as opposed to growing your own grapes, where you are kind of limited by geography and what you can grow right?

Kale: Right and it’s a big risk no doubt, and a big capital investment, I mean it’s a different part of the wine making industry, and it’s just not a part that we are ready to dive into yet, just because we don’t have — mainly because we don’t have the capital.

Steve: Yeah, I know that make sense. So what equipment do you need to get started? So you mentioned your boss was actually your crushing partner?

Kale: Yeah, so he was — I was able to start my alternating proprietorship at the winery that I was working at. And in my spare time, make my own wine on the side in the spare space, in the winery, that we helped him build in fact. It was a brand new winery and the winery needed to be as large as the ten year plan, in the first five years that — not the entire winery wasn’t being fully utilized. And they weren’t totally comfortable with just bringing in people that they weren’t familiar with, so offering some space to me was really — it was a win-win situation.

Steve: And let me ask you this, and since I don’t know a whole lot about wine it’s probably going to sound like a stupid question, but when you are trying to produce a wine, like there’s like thousands and thousands of different wine and wine makers out there right? So when you’re deciding how to formulate your wine, like what are some of the strategies that are involved in creating a wine that’s going to be popular?

Kale: Just being inspired, the Syrah Grenache and morvendre ph] or — really inspired wines were the wines that originally got me into the wine industry in the first place. When I was at Davis, I wasn’t even 21 yet, I joined some tasting groups. I took an introductory class to wine making which was great, because it satisfied all the sort of the requirements, like scientific requirements, writing requirements, kind of on the whim and for fun. And then I realized it’s something I could really get interested in. I joined a bunch of tasting groups.

And the first tasting group that I went to that really got me inspired was a tasting called Syrah Around the World. So all the wines are brown bagged and numbered, lettered A through F and we had to rate all the wines blinded and take notes on them. And then kind of add up everyone scores in the room, and tabulate everything and figure out which ones everyone liked. I remember that taste was really hard for me, because I had a tough time picking out which ones that I liked because they are all so different.

One was Shiraz from Australia, another one was Syrah Grenache blend from the [inaudible 00:16:21] area in southern France where they’ve been growing Syrah for a long time, Syrah Grenache as well as some domestic ones. I think there is one from [inaudible 00:16:33]. And the most fascinating thing to me about it was that the wines were so different, but they were from the same variety namely Syrah, and it really proved to me there was something to [inaudible 00:16:49] where the wine really does reflect where it’s grown.

Steve: Let me ask that question in a different way. Was there some sort of business related like tasting that you did to know that a wine was going to sell? So for example, like my mum for example loves drinking wine but she knows nothing about it. She likes wines of a certain taste which may not conform to like what the award winning wines are. So when you are deciding to create a wine, do you kind of do tastings based on what the masses want to drink, or do you kind of go based on your own personal palate.

Kale: Well for my own project, it was purely passion. And it started so small where if I couldn’t sell the wine over time, we’d probably be able to drink it all.

Steve: Okay.

Kale: So it kind of started as you know, hey I’m making something that I really—that I want to drink, and we’ll just see where it goes from there. And then, we made 200 cases in 2008. And then when we started finding that– we started a little wine club, and selling out through mainly through our website. And then we just started making more and more. And then we got in front of some critics, and in front of some distributors that really liked it.

So it just kind of taken off from there. It started as a passion project, making something that I loved drinking, where my upfront investment wasn’t so much that I was going to be out of a lot of money if it didn’t work out, so it kind of started there but then it kind of blossomed into something else down the line and now I’m making 800, I think this year I’m going to making around 1000 cases, and now we have distributors in other states as well. So that is where it blossomed from. I mean it was not a really targeted kind of market driven research panel, or anything like that to drive what I wanted to make. It was more out of passion. That being said, that’s what I– we do that for the larger wineries that I worked for, for sure.

Steve: Okay, and let’s just talk a little bit more about selling the wines. So how has distribution work? So in your first year you made what, 200 cases. How did you sell that?

Kale: So we made 200 cases. In this case I was making red wine. It takes around 24 months from the day that you bring the fruit into the winery until you have the finished product, so it wasn’t until 2010 that we had a finished product with the label that was legal to sell.

Steve: Wow. Okay.

Kale: So we didn’t have anything to sell until 2010. And then at that time we simply, through friends and family, we ended up selling almost all of it. But in the meantime we had saved about the same amount in 2009 about the same amount in 2010. And then we realized that we could sell it very easily, and we weren’t taking as much library as we wanted to, and for ourselves. We started making more wine in 2011 we made about 200 cases, but in 2012 we started upping our production a little bit little by little. In 2015 we’ll be making a lot more because we got some really nice, like I said some really nice pricing. Some distributors are really interested in carrying it in their respective states.

Steve: So there’s friends and family for that initial batch. I should back up real quick. So you have to plan two years in advance based on what your inventory you think is going to be?

Kale: Yeah, it’s tough.

Steve: Yeah that is tough.

Kale: Yeah and talking about scalability. It is a slow moving industry, no doubt where you know if– we knew we had, in 2010, we had a significantly more demand for our product than we had when we decided to make more wine in 2012, years had gone by. It’s slowly– it’s been a slow moving process, but I think kind of growing organically slowly like this is– there’s a way that we want to do it, so we don’t have to get any investors involved really.

Steve: So if you decided to make 200 cases in 2008, what did you do in 2009 for example?

Kale: Well, like I said, it took us $10,000 over two years. We spent $10,000 in 2008, and we spent $10,000 in 2009. 2010 we sold the 2008 to basically float the 2010 investment in the grapes.

Steve: Okay. I think I understand.

Kale: Yeah so that– getting started was tough. There is capital investment, no doubt and there’s kind of– so the red wine, a two year layer of until you get sellable products.

Steve: So you mentioned that you sold to friends and family in the beginning. But where did the other demand come from, because you wouldn’t increase production based on just friends and family purchases, right?

Kale: No. It just kind of– it just went through mainly word of mouth, and then we started a website and then we increased our social media presence. Before we were only using Facebook. Now we are using LinkedIn as well as Twitter, and Instagram, and that kind of stuff.

Steve: Interesting. Let’s talk about that. What’s working the best for you?

Kale: Well, what seems to be working the best for us right now is really, it still comes through just friends and family. Our friends, our friends of friends—our friends will share a bottle of wine that they purchased from us with one of their friends, and tell them our story and then they’ll go online find us, however they do it whether that’s directly through the website, or through goggling us or on Facebook and see just ads. So most of them are—most of the people who have joined our mailing list have heard the wine somewhere and seeked us out, and joined our list and our repeat buyers year after year.

So I don’t know. It’s hard to say exactly where everyone’s come from. Most of everything has come through word of mouth. I mean we also got a really nice bump when we got some nice scores from the Wine Spectator and the Wine Enthusiast. We immediately kind of see a rush of, kind of collectors to all of our channels.

Steve: How does one get in those publications?

Kale: It’s by submitting samples. It’s a relationship again. I knew [inaudible 00:24:32] who was friends with one of the writers, and then there was a soft introduction, and then sent some samples out. They were able to taste it when they were doing their domestic grown issue, and they ended up liking my wine. You know, we got some nice scores. I think in the Spectator we got them to 92 and in Enthusiast I think we got up to 92 I believe, and some other publications up to 94.

Steve: Interesting, okay.

Kale: You know so it’s just been kind of it’s been a slow growth, it’s hard to say what method ass worked for the best, but I think like a holistic approach through as many channels as possible has probably helped us the most. We’re still getting better at you know making sure that we’re taking care of our customers; we have customers who are hard core collectors. We have customers who are friends of friends and discovered us through social media.

We have customers who have met us at a wine maker dinner, or at a tasting, or they have read about us in publication, or like we have people who stumbled you know they were looking for a Kale recipe rather than go on Google, and it’s that way. So we have also– and trying to make all of our different customers uniquely satisfied is you know it’s been a challenge but it’s something that we’re getting better at it.

Steve: Have you purchased any ads, or is it all been kind of organic?

Kale: It’s all been organic.

Steve: Okay.

Kale: We’ve never purchased an ad.

Steve: Okay. And you mentioned an email list, how do you convince people to sign up for you email list?

Kale: Well, most people who sign in for our wine club list are people who have tasted our wines before.

Steve: I see.

Kale: You know either at a tasting, or you know some function or through restaurants, so now were distributing in restaurants you know mainly fine restaurants in northern California. People have it at the restaurant and be like wow they really like it, and then they’ll go online generally through our social media channels to find us, and then get on our list that way.

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Steve: How does one get a wine in a restaurant, do you just kind of go door to door to find restaurants, or what’s the strategy there?

Kale: I mean the short answer is yes, but what we decided to do is I get a broker in Northern California to help us with that. We were– we did start doing that ourselves, and we realized very quickly that that was going to take up simply too much time and were going to need some help from people who already had contacts at these nice restaurants.

That’s where our broker came in [inaudible 00:28:33] from marketing, you know they have twelve sales representatives around northern California who have contacts at the best restaurants in their respective regions, and generally speaking it’s either them taking the sample to them by themselves, or having myself or Ranko kind of meet them somewhere to introduce a [inaudible 00:29:01] or a general manager who I will explain the wine to our wines to see if it fits in with their wine program.

Steve: Okay. So are you in any retailers and when you were deciding whether to go to the restaurant or the retailer route, what was the decision making process like?

Kale: Well we like to keep; we like to think of our website as our retail.

Steve: Got it. Okay.

Kale: You know we really like to have our own culture, or our own community I guess. That’s online and that’s the retail that we generally like to work with. I think people are, when they are introduced to a wine that when they are out a nice dinner at a nice restaurant, that seems to be the best way for us to kind of introduce customers that are looking for the wines that we are producing.

Steve: Okay and then you mentioned a whole bunch of things about a wine club, and tastings, how does all that take place when you don’t have a physical space?

Kale: That’s a great question. Up until a month ago we did not have a tasting room, so there was no place for people to discover us and taste the sample of our wines. But that just changed last month. We’ve decided to partner up with a new tasting room, a collective tasting room at the Oxbow District in Napa called the Wine Thief. Basically five small producers like myself we got together, and decided to start a collective tasting room. You know basically it’s an equity partnership between two of the vendors [ph] as well as one of the land owners. But there are five vendor partners, and I guess nine brands that are at the tasting room where people can go discover our wines without us being there. This is another big step for our business. Another investment that we are making now that were making more wines so.

Steve: So that’s– so foot traffic random people will come up to the tasting room and then experience your wines?

Kale: Yeah they can so you know the tasting room is open from eleven till seven. You know there’s the Oxbow area; it’s a lot of open shops recently to the Ferry buildings in San Francisco, big tourist destination now in the sea in Napa. You know they can walk around discover you know some amazing food, you know amazing olive oil and now you know amazing wines, like my own. The partners that we have over at the Wine thief and taste some of our wines to see if they are interested in our wines, because our wines are unique they are not normal.
Maybe the most normal variety coming out of Napa is cabernet sauvignon, and then the most common variety being made red wise in Sonoma county is pinot noir. We make neither of those types of wines, so people wouldn’t know they were like [inaudible 00:32:32] so this is– I think this is going to be a big step — Syrah Grenache and Morvendre can be absolutely amazing from Sonoma and Napa, just that other varieties have dominated over the past 20 years.

Steve: So I’m just curious how the economics work here. So if you partner up with a tasting company, how does everyone get paid, and what are the economics like for a bottle of wine?

Kale: We don’t have the same margins that we have by selling direct. We basically pay a monthly lease fee and a percentage of sales. They have a done a built out and the stuff, the tasting room, and they get a portion of the sale. And that’s how we are — that’s how the economics work there with the collective tasting room.

Steve: Are they allowed to price the wine whatever they want?

Kale: No, so that’s where it gets — where we have a little bit more control of where a collective tasting room I think is better than a lot of other situations. There’s five different [inaudible 00:33:50] that are partnered in the space, and it’s kind of understood that they are going to price it how we want to price it. And they are going to take care of our brand the way that we want to take care of them, and it’s great.

They have a lot of — they have several amazing stuff where we can train them on our wines, the nuances of what we do, and what makes us different. And everyone is — the owners of the collective are also [vetnors]. So they know what the other vetnor partners are looking for. And that means a lot of collaboration.

Steve: So how do you decide how to price a bottle of wine, I’ve always been curious?

Kale: Yeah, I mean we want to make sure that the best way to get our product is to buy directly from us, directly through our wine clubs. So we make sure that a bottle of our wine is more expensive at a restaurant, maybe less expensive at the vetnor’s collective. And then the least expensive directly through our wine club, and how that would be a benefit — excuse me, a benefit to be in our wine club. And it will vary from product to product, and different people will do it in different manners, but generally speaking that’s the tiered way, because exactly the percentage is kind of an ongoing conversation I guess that you could say.

Steve: Let me ask you that question in a different way, do you base the cost based on what you think the demand is going to be, or is it based on how much it costs you to produce it, like what goes into the pricing?

Kale: It starts with the cost, our cost of goods and…

Steve: Can I get an idea of how much it costs to produce a bottle of wine for you?

Kale: Yeah, yes, so our wine will cost let’s say our red wine on average would cost us $22 per bottle given the years, it fluctuates year to year given the season. And then out at the Wine Thief our wines are priced at $45 a bottle, and $65 a bottle. Now you will also — you’ll find the same bottles at restaurants in the Napa area for $69 a bottle and — gosh maybe 80, sorry $95 a bottle. And then if you go into a restaurant outside of California you will find our wines on list for over $100 a bottle. And that has to do mainly with — that the only way they were able to get our wines into other states is by partnering with the distributor in other states, and they take a chunk of the sale again.

Steve: Okay, so this is a lot like traditional retail, right? It sounds like you double the price for the store, and then it gets doubled again for I guess the consumer which would be considered like a restaurant, is that like it?

Kale: That’s pretty rough, but for a small producer like myself that’s probably really common.

Steve: Okay.

Kale: And then like I said it’s very tricky because your cost of goods is constantly fluctuating with the season. So you are really kind of taking an average if you will of previous vintages, or even your current vintage to try to figure out where your price needs to be. Now obviously market forces will also dictate pricing when your product has been out there longer, or you are working with distributors in other states, you get a lot of pushback, from the partners that you are working with, about where they think that the pricing should be.
Steve: Let me ask you this question in a different way, it’s funny because when you are tasting wines and stuff sometimes the price can affect the taste in an indirect way. So I was just wondering if ever you decide to price something higher just to increase the perceived value of your wine, does that make sense?

Kale: Yeah, it makes sense, but it’s not something that Kale Wines does. Our wines are already priced fairly with respect to other larger wines, they are priced fairly high. Our cost of good is significantly higher than a lot of larger wineries that have had their wineries either for a long time, or they own the vineyards or what not.

So our cost of goods is fairly high relatively speaking in the world of wine to our price. So there is obviously when you get larger there’s efficiencies of scale that we’re competing, but we are making small wines handmade that are not competing with grocery store wines at all hopefully, yeah.

Steve: So just curios how do you get people to join your wine club?

Kale: Just through relationships, I mean we just got back, today is Monday the July 13th, we just got back from a weekend in [inaudible 00:39:58] we put our wines at the village at Square Valley for the– at food and wine festival this weekend. And we had a little booth, and we poured our wines for people who purchased to take it, who were vacationing at Square Valley in the summer time. We made some friends there, and they tried the wines, and they wanted to get on our mailing list. So that’s one way that we’ve built our wine club. But like I said some people saw us just online, or through social networking or tasting that at a restaurant.

Steve: Okay, so just some logistical questions here, when you take online orders are you allowed to ship alcoholic beverages?

Kale: Yeah, so with our alternating proprietorship and the licenses that we’ve gotten from the TTB which is the national organization that regulates alcohol beverages. And we also have to get okayed, in every individual state that we ship alcoholic beverages to. So yeah, I mean there’s a lot of — we have to get licenses in every single state that we ship to.
And we are able to ship to every single state now. But we weren’t when we started out, and again it’s — that was a capital investment that we decided to make, when we started realizing that some of our really important members were from outside of California.

Steve: So I’m just really curios also are you familiar with Gary Vaynerchuk?

Kale: Yes.

Steve: So I was just curious what your strategy is for marketing your wines going forward, because you know he has wine library TV, right?

Kale: Right.

Steve: Going forward I mean word of mouth will only take you so far, so I was just curious what some of your other avenues are going to be. It sounds like you are already doing shows, you have your email list, you got word of mouth going, what’s the next step?
Kale: Well, this tasting, this collective tasting room is a new big step for us, we’ve never had anyone else other than myself and my wife going out and representing us I guess. Now we just signed up a distributor in Hawaii to distribute our wines in Hawaii. The wines are going to be distributed hopefully in Southern California very soon. And distributed a little bit on the east coast, little by little going forward, and we are going to continue to send our wines to the critics that have shown us a lot of support in the past as well.

Steve: So are the business terms similar where you have to pay a monthly fee no matter what, and then a cut of the sale of the wine?

Kale: It depends on the distributor and it also it depends on the state and the state laws, because a lot of the laws actually govern these types of things. It’s this kind of our cake, but it’s kind of the reality that small producers — wine producers deal with, and alcohol producers in general deal with is every single state has their own rules, about what you can and cannot do. But for the most part the distributors are buying our wines at wholesale pricing, and maintaining the price that we are looking to see the wine in the market where they are, and there’s ways for us to monitor that.

Steve: Yeah, I was just curious like in terms of the tasting it seems like that would be — I bet the conversion rate for tastings are really high, and so I was just wondering why not do more of that going forward.

Kale: Doing more of the shows and what not?

Steve: Not the shows, but just these places that already have tasting set up someplace?

Kale: Yeah, I mean and we do that, I mean we are doing more of that. And a lot of that is through our partners and through our distributors or wholesalers, putting on shows or participating in events where we can get our product in front of people. And it’s one of the important reasons that we decided to partner with distributors and brokers.

Steve: And in terms of just having your own website where you are selling the wines, it doesn’t kind of interfere with your brick and mortar sales at all, does it?

Kale: No, I mean it’s all complimentary, I think people find out about us on social networks as well as our website, and then it drives people to our brick and mortar and vice versa. You know people who can visit brick and mortar and get inspired and seek us out online, so it’s very complimentary.

Steve: Because you mentioned that it’s cheaper online, right?

Kale: Yeah it’s, the cheapest way to find our wine is through our own wine club, and that’s the value to being in our wine club.

Steve: I see.

Kale: Yeah.

Steve: Okay. That’s interesting, because I was just thinking like in a traditional retain environment like the website typically does not undercut the people that are buying whole sale from you, but it sounds like in the case of wines it doesn’t matter as much.

Kale: Well I mean, you know it’s, you know our largest margin is selling through our website; our lowest margin is going through distributors, because they’re taking a cut. When were selling online that is us directly to the customer, there is no middle men in between us and the customer, which means that the customer is getting the best price, and passing that savings along to the customer for making a direct relationship with us, rather than making an indirect relationship to us through other– through distributors if you will.

Steve: Yeah, I’ve got one last question which is you don’t have that much inventory, or you haven’t had that much inventory in the past. How do you kind of allocate everything since these are all physical products, you’ve got to keep some on hand for shows, for your own website, for distributors, how do you allocate it?

Kale: It’s really complicated, it’s a really big spreadsheet, and then there’s basically you know and we are historical, and this goes back you know years now where we have, you know what we thought, what we did, and how we want to do it the next time, and it’s moved into a very large spreadsheet where we’re making sure that we’re supplying in all of our channels. Where you we’re not over supplying certain channels and under supplying other channels, and it’s just been, it’s just grown organically like that.

We didn’t, we thought we would be selling, for instance we thought we’d be selling a little bit more through our distributors by now, whereas we’ve actually started– we’ve been selling a lot through our website which is good. You know our distributors they want a little bit more wine, so we’ve slowly started to rump up our production a little bit to try to satisfy all the pipelines.

Steve: Okay, yeah so it sounds like you’re just based on historic data?

Kale: That’s it. I mean you never really know, I mean you can project all you want and plan on all you want, but you know it’s different. I mean also you’re going to sell in wine in different climates. Selling in 2000 and well you know selling in 2010 is very different than selling in 2015. I mean it’s a different economic climate, back then people weren’t buying this as many luxury wines. It seems like the economy has turned around a little bit for the luxury wines.

Thing is we’ve seen this kind of growth and I think it’s not just– we can’t take credit for all of the growth that we’ve had. I think it’s, a lot has had to do with simply people having more money to spend, as well as people getting a little bit more adventurous with their purchases rather than just take in to the California Chardonnay or the Napa cub, or the [inaudible] [00:49:20]. People are trying domestic wines that aren’t as traditional as they have been over the past 20 years.

Steve: Sure.

Kale: I think people’s tastes have shifted a little bit as well.

Steve: Cool Kale. We’ve been chatting for quite a while now. Where can people find your wines, and what they’re all about and where can they get tastings in their area for your wines?

Kale: Yeah, so like I said the best way to buy our wines is at You know when you sign up to get a unique user name and password for security purposes. But that is definitely the cheapest place to find our wines. If you’re in the Napa area, the best way to come and taste our wines is to come by The Wine Thief at Oxbow which is 1st in McKinstry, and is now officially open, our license went through on Friday, so you can now taste our wines there.

Steve: Awesome Kale, well I learned a lot about the wine industry, and it sounds exciting, like the fact that prices change from year to year, and all these different things that you have to juggle, we didn’t even get into the actual wine formulation itself, which I’m sure would go over my head.

Kale: Well, you know hey it’s a lot of fun, there’s a saying in the wine history, ‘It takes a million dollars to make a million dollars in the wine industry,’ because it costs so much money to get in, but we’ve figured how to do it as cheaply as possible, and kind of growing it organically without adhering to that.

We’re not trying– this is not a get rich quick scheme for us, this is a passion project and you know growing it slowly is all we’re really interested in, now that’s it’s my wife’s fulltime job, that’s great. It won’t be my fulltime job for a long time, but maybe when our kids are in– maybe it will help us pay for kid’s college, and our retirement.

Steve: Yeah awesome, all right Kale thanks for coming on this show man, I learned a lot.

Kale: All right, thanks a lot Steve, thanks for having me.

Steve: All right.

Hope you enjoyed that episode. I have always wondered what it takes to start your own winery, and I was pleasantly surprised that you can actually do everything virtually without having to own any of you own equipment. And as a result starting a winery actually seems doable if you’re willing to wait two years until making any revenue.

For more information about this episode go to, and if you enjoyed this episode please go to iTunes and leave me a review. It’s by far the best way to support the show, and please tell your friends because the greatest compliment that you can give me is to write a referral to someone else either in person or to share it on the web.

Now if you’re interested in starting your own online business, be sure to sign up for my free 6-Day-Mini Course where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100k in profit in our first year of business. Go to for more information, sign up right there on the front page, and I’ll send you the course right away via email.

Once again I want to thank HostGator for sponsoring this episode. HostGator is one of the best webhosts out there that I recommend if you want to start a blog. And in fact I hosted on there in the very beginning and loved it. You get 24/7 live support via chat, phone, and email, and you can install WordPress in just a single click. They’ve got an easy to use website builder, design services, and the best part is I’m offering a 30% discount for all podcast listeners. So please go to to redeem the discount, once again that’s

I also want to thank BigCommerce for sponsoring this episode. BigCommere is one of the best shopping carts that I recommend if you want to start your own online store without having to worry about anything technical. So everything from design, to sourcing, to payment processing, is all built in, so all you got to do is populate it with the products you want to sell and you can literally start your store in a matter of hours. So simply go to, sign up and you’ll instantly receive one month free. Once again the URL is, thanks for listening.

Outro: Thanks for listening to the My Wife Quit Her Job podcast, where we’re giving the courage people need to start their own online business. For more information visit Steve’s blog at

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085: How To Buy An Ecommerce Store And Triple The Profits With Dana Jaunzemis

How To Buy An Ecommerce Store And Triple The Profits With Dana Jaunzemis

Dana Jaunzemis is an ecommerce entrepreneur who I met through Andrew Youderian and we are both in the same private group that meets on a semi monthly basis.

Dana runs and blogs about ecommerce and entrepreneurship at

She’s a lifelong entrepreneur and has been starting, buying and selling businesses for over 25 years.

What’s cool about Dana is she specializes in acquiring small businesses whose sales have plateaued and reignites their growth.

I know a lot of you out there listening already have ecommerce businesses that may have plateaued or you might be interested in buying a business online.

So in this interview today, Dana is going to teach us how she does it and what she does to rejuvenate their growth. Enjoy!

What You’ll Learn

  • The motivation for buying an existing company as opposed to starting from scratch
  • Do you need to stick to your area of expertise when buying a company?
  • The criteria Dana looks for when shopping for companies
  • The process involved in buying a company
  • What the typical multiples are for an ecommerce store
  • The types of ecommerce stores that Dana likes to buy
  • The common plateaus that most companies can’t get past
  • What Dana does immediately after acquiring a company
  • Low hanging fruit that Dana goes after post acquisition

Other Resources And Books

Sponsors – If you are interested in starting your own online store, then click here to get 1 month free
bigcommerce-logo – If you are interested in starting your own WordPress blog, then click here to get 30% off webhosting at!


Steve: You are listening to the My Wife Quit her Job Podcast. And if you are new here, it’s a show where I bring in successful bootstrapped business owners to teach us what strategies are working and what strategies are not. Now I don’t bring on these famous entrepreneurs simply to celebrate their success. Instead I have them take us back to the very beginning and delve deeply into the exact strategies they used early on to gain traction for their businesses.

Now if you enjoy this podcast please leave me a review on iTunes and if you want to learn how to start your own online business be sure to sign up for my free six-day mini course, where I show you how my wife and I managed to make over 100k in profit in our first year of business. Go to, sign up right on the front page, and I’ll send you the free mini course right away via email

Now before I begin I want to I thank HostGator for sponsoring the show. HostGator is an incredible webhost that I highly recommend. And in fact did you know that was hosted on HostGator in the very beginning? They offer 24/7 live support, via chat, phone and email, one click WordPress install, so you can literally install WordPress blog in a matter of minutes. They have an easy to use website builder, design services, marketing services and the best part is that I’m offering a 30% discount for all podcast listeners. So please go to to redeem the discount. Once again that’s

I also want to give a quick shout out to my other sponsor Bigcommerce. Now Bigcommerce is a fully hosted shopping cart platform that allows you to set up your own online store in minutes. Now as most of you probably know, I teach a class on how to start a profitable online store, and Bigcommerce is actually one of the shopping carts that I highly recommend in my class. Now here’s what I like about Bigcommerce. Unlike other competing platforms, Bigcommerce does not nickel and dime you with every little shopping cart feature. And when you sign up, you immediately have a fully featured and extremely powerful shopping cart at your disposal.

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Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast. We will teach you how to create a business that suits your lifestyle, so you can spend more time with your family and focus on doing the things that you love. Here is your host Steve Chou.

Steve: Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast, today I’m really excited — you know what Dana, how do I pronounce your last name?
Dana: Jaunzemis just like it looks…
Steve: Jaunzemis, okay.
Dana: Jaunzemis.
Steve: Welcome to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast, today I’m really excited to have Dana Jaunzemis on the show. Now Dana is actually someone who I met through Andrew Youderian, and she is actually in a private group that I meet with on a semi monthly basis. And if you’ve never heard of Dana she runs, and she also blogs at Now she is a lifelong entrepreneur and has been studying and buying and selling businesses for the last 25 years. And what’s cool about Dana is that she specializes in acquiring small businesses whose sales had plateauted, and she reignites their growth.
Now I know a lot of listeners out there already have ecommerce businesses that may have already plateauted, or you might be interested in buying a business someday online. So in this interview today, Dana is going to teach us how she does it, and what she does to rejuvenate their growth. And with that welcome to the show Dana, how are you doing today?
Dana: Great, thanks for having me Steve.
Steve: Yeah, Dana actually we’ve chatted on several occasions, but I actually don’t really know your background story. So when did you start buying and selling businesses, and did you actually ever work a day job?
Dana: I did in my early 20s, that was the last time.
Steve: So five years ago or?
Dana: Yeah, like 25 years I have been without — maybe two day jobs, so but early on I started in accounting and I had worked in an accounting firm. I’m a college dropout, but I was majoring in accounting when I was in college. So when I stopped school I got a job in an accounting firm and that was my last job. And then I went on, when I was in the accounting firm I left there, and I went actually to a law firm that was my second. My last job was the law firm in the accounting department.
And the accountant in the law firm came to me one day and he says, “I want to leave and start my own accounting firm, and I think you know more about it than I do because you’ve worked in a public accounting firm, so I was wondering if you would be my partner.”
So we both quit, he was the CPA of the law firm, and we both quit and started a small accounting practice that specialized actually in accounting for the law firms. And then we went and bought the old accounting firm I used to work for. So…
Steve: Interesting.
Dana: And that was when I was like– I 24 or something at the time.
Steve: So without a college degree you could get a job as an accountant?
Dana: Well, I worked in an accounting firm, I mean technically my title would have been book keeper.
Steve: Got it, okay.
Dana: I just acted like I was the accountant.
Steve: Right, wow, okay so…
Dana: I have been impersonating in accountant and in entrepreneur all my life.
Steve: So age 24, you actually bought out your old firm, that’s crazy.
Dana: I did, I did.
Steve: Okay and then how did the ecommerce kind of roll around?
Dana: That was like six businesses later.
Steve: Oh my goodness.
Dana: Yeah, I went through a couple of different types of businesses. I have done start ups a couple of times, and really learned that I don’t like to do start ups. So the last start up I did, I sold it, it was in a recycling — construction recycling. It was a local service business, and when I sold it, I think that closing process when I watched the buyer walk out of the room with that fully functioning profitable business, I just thought why am I beating my head on the wall with these start ups, when I could just start when they are already profitable. So that was a good 15 probably 18 years ago, and since then all I have done is buy, and then eventually sell and then buy another one.
So the ecommerce started about six years ago when I bought Home Health Testing. So pretty much all of my businesses have been in a different niche, but when I held the model for ecommerce, it fits my personality more than any other niche, because I’m a data analytics kind of person. I love to dig in the data and have a business. So ecommerce gives me — I can do that, and it just fits my personality better than any I’ve had.
Steve: So when you buy these companies, do they have a staff that comes along with it or is it just usually a full transition of just the assets?
Dana: Just the assets, typically the size that I’m buying has worked really well for me, because I’m buying from the founder who started it. And they are typically very possibly the only employee, they might have one staff member, but they typically won’t transfer. But most times when I’m buying firm as an individual who started it, they’ve run it for three to five years, and is profitable, it’s making a living for them, but to them that’s pretty much just a job.
Steve: Okay, so we are talking about revenues less than seven figures then probably?
Dana: Yeah, usually something that is general — I look at it from a profit standpoint.
Steve: Okay.
Dana: So profitability is something that’s generating 40,000 to 50,000 net a year. So that might be 200,000, 300,000 gross revenues, just depends on the products.
Steve: So these are small ecommerce companies that are just typically run by the owner?
Dana: Yeah.
Steve: Or maybe one other helper?
Dana: Right.
Steve: Okay, and do you like companies that carry inventory, do you like drop shipping, what type of companies do you look for?
Dana: I tend toward inventory only because I like seeing my work I guess. I like seeing packages go out every day, and I think I’m old school in that just because I was in business before the internet, and before drop shipping was really a big thing. So I’m kind of used to seeing that work, and I have an office and a warehouse, so I like inventory type businesses.
Steve: Okay, so you kind of mentioned this already, but your motivations for buying existing companies as opposed to starting them for scratch is, mainly because you don’t like the start up phase so much?
Dana: Yeah, I don’t like it at all, not even so much. I think some of us – some of this is kind of my personal discipline, and if there’s no enough structure, like I have trouble working when there’s too many unknowns. And I will put it off; I’m a procrastinator unless I have a lot of structure around me. And if I have the structure and I can set a deadline based on here is what we need to do, and this is what we need to accomplish it, then I’m really good. But if it’s all open ended like a start up is, I can never make myself work on it to the point.
So I do better if there’s more structure and I also because — like I said I enjoy the data so much. I do really well if I have some history to work off of. So I prefer businesses that are at least three years old, I’d really prefer them to be five to seven years old, so that I have all that history that I can study and I can just really make some growth plans based on what the business has already been good at.
Yeah, and what I found even when I did a start up and the ones I have done, is businesses evolve in those first three to five years. They evolve into what the market wants. The founder always thinks they’re starting it, because of something they know or something they think the market needs. But eventually the market tells you, the market shapes the business and a lot of founders don’t realize that, and they keep running that business like it was what they wanted it to be.
Steve: Right.
Dana: But it became something different, and that’s what I like to do, is to take that — take it from that point, and then really focus on what the business became and grow that portion of it.
Steve: Okay, I know you’ve acquired at least two companies, ecommerce companies that I’m aware of. And it seems like the two that you’ve acquired that I know off, they seem completely random, so do you — it just seems like the niche doesn’t matter that much. Is it just based on the numbers when you do this?
Dana: Yeah, the niche doesn’t matter at all. And actually the one I had before Home Health Testing, I’m not sure you know about this, and we sold music to libraries.
Steve: Interesting.
Dana: So that one I had for quite some time. I had it for about ten years and it was interesting because it was when I bought it, the internet was just beginning to become useful in business, and small business, like the only way we used was email. And you would just have like almost like a business card, website, just the very beginning. So that business we were able to– and it was B-to-B a model, we only sold to pretty much the university music libraries throughout the world.
And so that one, we evolved all the way through from no internet presence till at the end it was probably 50% ecommerce based for a very specific niche market. So no, they don’t matter; I mean I have been in selling music CDs to urine drug test. It doesn’t matter to me what the item is, it’s more about who the market is. And I really liked B-to-B a lot.
Steve: Okay.
Dana: Because I like repeat buyers, I like to establish a relationship with customers.
Steve: So that’s interesting then, so it seems like you don’t really need to have that much knowledge about your niche so much. Or is it just a huge learning process in the beginning when you acquire anything?
Dana: Yeah, it’s yeah, it’s an intense learning process.
Steve: Okay, and let’s dig a little bit deeper into that, so when you are looking to make a purchase, and we can probably refer to Home Health Testing for the remainder of this interview. What were similar things that you kind of look for when you are making an acquisition?
Dana: Well, because I know based on what the business is, and let’s just say it’s making enough 40,000 range gross and 200 and some thousand. I know my initial goal when I buy a business; my first round of goals is I want to triple the net profits within the first three years.
Steve: Okay, wow.
Dana: So what I have to look at is if the business looks good as it is, it’s profitable and it has good gross profit margins on the products, I want to see at least 40% to 50% minimum on gross profit margins.
Steve: Okay, so this is just strict product minus — revenue minus cost of goods right? Okay.
Dana: So if it has those then the next thing I have to look at is, is the niche big enough, that I’m not going to have nay problem growing this three times. So sometimes some niches are so small that the business for sale is making 40,000 net a year, but that might not be 120,000 or 150,000 net available out there.
Steve: What tools do you use to do that analysis?
Dana: Just, I mean all the basics that we all use, key word tool to see what kind of searches are going on. And then just kind of some just old school market analysis of how big is a market. And some of them because I’m in really odd niches, sometimes you can’t — there’s no data you can put your hands on, you kind of — you have to use a mix of intuition and fact finding.
Steve: Okay and when you acquired Home Health Testing was it in that $40,000 to $50,000 revenue range — all right, sorry profit range? Okay.
Dana: Right there, exactly.
Steve: And since you also– let’s tell the listeners what it sells, you sell drug tests, right for the consumer?
Dana: Both consumer and B-to-B.
Steve: Okay, and if I were to think about how large the market would be, I guess I could use the Google key word planner, and see what people are looking for in that realm. But in terms of just the holistic market size, how would you go about calculating that? Or what did you do for Home Health Testing?
Dana: Well, one of the things I look at when I’m analyzing the business for sale, I usually at some point before I’m — when I’m in the due diligence stage, I will be able to see what type of customers they have. And because I’m looking for something with a B-to-B repeat buyers component, that’s going to give me an idea of who is buying. So if I see — and I don’t have to see very many of those customers in there, but then I can look at like one that happens in drug testing is staffing companies, so the staffing companies buy drug tests. So the previous owner, the reason he named the site Home Health Testing he was selling to the consumer, that was his market.
Steve: Okay.
Dana: And what he ignored was the business buyers because that really wasn’t like he set out to do it, but they were buying from him. So they were buying inspite of the fact that it really wasn’t set up for them to buy from him, and I don’t have to see a lot of those type of customers. But then I can go down that route at home and say, okay, well, are there a lot of staffing companies, well I don’t even need to do any research to know that, right?
Steve: Right.
Dana: So then I’m thinking how many per day staffing companies are testing their employees, how many employees are being tested a day by a staffing company. So I use other– just other thought processes. But what I’m looking for in the business itself is these little pockets of things that the previous business owner really wasn’t acknowledging, and saying can we grow those. Can I be a niche within a niche in a sense?
Steve: So does that imply that Home Health Testing did not have that many B-to-B customers when you acquired it?
Dana: It did not, it just– it had very few, it had a few enough that swung my decision.
Steve: And what about some of the other things that you look at, so you saw this B-to-B opportunity, were there any other things that attracted you to Home Health Testing?
Dana: Well, when I got into the key word planning, there was more than enough searches on a daily and a monthly basis, because at that time the — he was shipping about 12 orders a day. And that’s the other thing I look at is just number of orders per day, and thinking about three time growth. So just logically in my head and sometimes this– like I work a lot, I think all my gut instinct, I back it up with facts. But my gut instinct is just to ask myself questions like, if he is doing 12 orders a day, do I believe there is 36 orders a day potential.
Steve: Okay and this guy had been running his business for five years and he was only — okay. And he was only making $50,000 in profit, okay, interesting.
Dana: And there’s a lot of them like that out there Steve, there’s a lot.
Steve: Are there? Okay. And so in terms of his marketing then, he couldn’t have been doing that much of it or — let me rephrase that. So what things did you notice that he wasn’t doing outside of targeting B-to-B, like was his website okay?
Dana: No it was horrendous.
Steve: Oh it was horrendous, okay.
Dana: And that’s the other thing I look for is, I look for something that is succeeding inspite of itself. I look for something that needs a lot of work.
Steve: Okay.
Dana: So I love ugly websites, because again that’s going to tell me if he is making this profits and this site is this bad, I feel certain when it’s good I can do better. And I also want to, when I buy, I want to deliver, I want to add a lot of value myself and those are the areas– the technology is the area that I feel that I can add immediate value and get a strong return. Typically we always double profits in the first year. By the end of twelve months I’ll have doubled the profits of any acquisition I make.

Steve: Incredible.

Dana: So far, I might take long in the future, but so far that has always happened.

Steve: So how was this guy getting his customers then?

Dana: At the time, because this was six years ago, so he was ranking strong for organic and that was definitely part of it. And he had—he was a running an adwords campaign that was horribly wasteful, and that was another area that I could see improvement. He was spending about, I think, it was about $1800 to $2,000 a month. And he was– these are other like little, little I look for. He was spending more ad dollars on his lowest profit items than he was spending on his highest profit items.

So when I took over, I just shut down all the ad words on the low profit items, and threw all the money into the high profit items. I mean it just didn’t even make sense to me to even spend money on some of the items that were like a 20% gross profit margin when I had items that were more than 50%.

Steve: Does that imply that he was losing money on those campaigns then?

Dana: He was, but he didn’t know it because, and this where I see this happen a lot, and I think partly because I’ve lived it so many businesses for sale and I’ve talked to so many sellers. The start up phase is, as we all know brutal and tough. You spend a year not making any money. You spend a year guessing on how to run this business, or possibly you outsource things that you don’t understand, and they get put in place in that first year.

In the second year and maybe the third year you finally start making money, but it’s like this guy when he sold, you know he’s making about $40,000 and he’s just– they get to the point where they are tired of it. So now what happens is it didn’t grow to be the business they wanted, they hoped it was going to be, and they are tired. And now because they are three to five years in, it actually needs everything upgraded. All the technology is now behind. The website is behind, everything is behind.

Well, the only thing they can liken that process to was the startup process. They don’t want to rebuild it. They don’t want to redo it. This business when I bought it, his adwords campaign was set up in the very beginning by someone he outsourced it to. He never went in and looked at it. He never tweaked it. He didn’t—he just kind of lost interest. And this is really common theme in sellers. I mean I see it over and over and over. And that’s why sales start plateauing, and revenue just kind of baseline because they are like, “I don’t want to go rebuild the website. I don’t want to look at that ad words campaign. I don’t really know what I’m doing. I don’t really know what to do next.”

Steve: I see. So where did you find Home Health Testing? Like where do you find the companies that…

Dana: Well I always subscribe to BizBuySell as far as the—that’s the largest market place on the internet, and they– almost every broker, almost every listing broker will put their listings through So I get a daily email of any internet business that comes up for sale on there. And then any internet, any broker who specializes in internet businesses I’ll subscribe to their mail list as well. So sometimes they’ll advertise something for sale to their list before they put it on BizBuySell which this was the case with Home Health Testing was that way. It came to me through quite like brokerage, because I was on their email list.

Steve: Does that imply that you are constantly on the lookout for companies to buy?

Dana: Always, always.

Steve: Okay. So how long did it take from the start to finish of acquiring Home Health Testing?

Dana: Like when I got the listing and when I closed? Pretty quick.

Steve: Just trying to get an idea how long they…

Dana: Two months.

Steve: Oh really? That fast, okay.

Dana: Yeah I got the listing probably, I know we closed in June, I probably got the listing late April. And then we just—you go to the offer stage, and then you move through due diligence which allows you to see everything, and then you set a closing day. And there are slower processes. I mean it’s not always that fast, but it can be quite quick. Now what you don’t see when you say it only took two months, is I had read businesses for sale for two years before I found it. I mean I used to always say I look at, at least 100 before I buy, but the truth is that I probably look close to 1000.

Steve: Oh my goodness. Can we just kind of talk about the process. So you are interested in Home Health Testing, I’m just trying to understand how the process works. So you reach out and you say, “Hey, can I have access to your financials?”

Dana: Yes, so when the broker sends you a listing, or if you see a listing on BizBuySell you respond to the broker. Then they ask you to sign a non-disclosure agreement that says whatever you learn in this process you are not going share with anyone else, and you are not going to go compete against the business. So you sign that and then they email you a prospectus of the business which the broker typically writes the prospectus, so you can get all different kinds. There’s no set way you get it. Some are really good and they are ten or twelve pages long and they give you a really good overview of the business, and you will see usually annual financial statements.

And then it depends on how the broker works. Some brokers like to really control the process. Other brokers are a little more customer-service oriented, but usually the next step is to have a phone call with the seller and the broker and you get to– and it’s usually maybe like an hour or so phone call where you get to ask a lot of questions, and then if you have more questions by email.

And then pretty much after that, it’s in the rare occasion, you might go visit the business depending on, if there’s inventory involved, or machinery involved that you want to see, if it’s a smaller ecommerce company. When I bought Home Health Testing, actually the owner was living in Thailand, and he was shipping out of a warehouse in Florida. So there was no visit needed. But after you go through that process, then it’s pretty much up to you of making an offer.

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Steve: How did you deal with the inventory? You just had everything shipped from Florida to your warehouse?

Dana: Yes.

Steve: And in terms of– so I had Bill D’Alessandro on the interview, on the podcast many months ago. And he was mentioning that he likes to go into the office and just see how they just operate on a day to day basis to just to make sure that there’s nothing like ridiculously manual about how they run their business. But it sounds like here you didn’t even visit or get to see the day to day operations at all.

Dana: Right, I did not, and actually Bill and I are opposites on this, because I’ve talked to Bill about that as well, and I heard him speak at the Ecommerce Fuel, and he likes to see if they are organized and how they are running. I love it when I see a horribly disorganized mess, because I know I’m not going to run it that way, and it tells me that’s one of the reasons they have plataeued.

It tells me that they are not running it like a business. They are not organized. And that’s the strength that I bring to a business. So it doesn’t scare me off. I’m not looking for a perfect business. I’m actually looking for a business in bad shape, but it’s still profitable. That doesn’t scare me. I’ve seen some pretty horrendous things.

Steve: It’ll just scare me a little bit personally, like if a business is being handed over to me and I would have no idea how to operate it for that initial period before you had a chance to improve it. You are seeing where I’m getting at?

Dana: Yes it’s scary. I mean it is scary, but it still doesn’t bother me. I don’t feel like—I think the way I liken it is if they are running it that way then most likely, almost 100% of the time, their customers are getting shitty service. And I know I’m not going to do that. So even if I continue at their level for a week or two weeks, or even a month, they are going to—the customer are going to see such a difference after I get it organized, that we are going to shine. So I don’t worry too much about that.

Steve: Okay. And what are the typical multiples that you like to see when you are buying something?

Dana: I mean I would love to see a multiple list than we are seeing right now, but right now what we are seeing is– two would be a good deal. Right now, we are seeing more like two and a half to three on the net profits. So something like Home Health Testing right now in today’s market would be, two would be $80,000, two and a half is $100,000.

Steve: So it sounds like you make your money back within a year or so, right?

Dana: Yes.

Steve: Okay, amazing. So let’s talk about the transition phase. So the company is—you’ve done all the due diligence, the transaction is closed. Company is handed off to you. What are some of the things that you do right off the butt as soon as you take ownership?

Dana: Well obviously what we were just talking about. The very first thing is making sure we can manage day to day. So shipping, getting the product out, but getting the right product out of the door, which takes that a little bit of a learning curve. When we take over the inventory, we have to quickly learn it well enough. At the time when I bought Home Health Testing, I didn’t know the difference between the different drug tests, or things like that. So that’s just kind of like getting thrown into a really bad job with no training, but it doesn’t take long.

Here’s the other thing, and I think this is kind of how my personality operates. I need pressure. This is why I don’t do well in a start up. So throw me in warehouse full of inventory and I have twelve orders to ship, and I will do well. I will do fine with the pressure if I have to get it done. But if I have to sit around and just pick products and think about what niche market I want to be in I won’t get anything done. So it’s just for me, the pressure of taking over a business, I can really thrive in that.

Steve: Do you tell all your B to B customers that the company has a new owner?

Dana: If we need to we do. It kind of—each one has been different. Yes if we need to, sometimes not. With Home Health Testing we did not. So what I did, first and foremost within obviously the first day within the week we had shipping done without a problem. And then the next step within two weeks I had launched a new website on that one.

Steve: Wow, within weeks.

Dana: Yeah. It was a—we only had—we had less than 50 skiers [ph] when I bought it. Yeah, that was pretty easy. It wasn’t bad. And the old website was so hideous. We knew that that was immediately needed. And I made some mistakes in that process. I ended up—I made a big mistake, and I put it on osCommerce and realized that I had no business being wound up in source. That just wasn’t what I wanted to spend my time managing that side of it. So then I switched it to a platform.

So I actually redid the website twice in the first six months. Yeah that was stupid. That was dumb on my part, but that was learning. You know, when I make mistakes like that, I always say, I’m glad I did it now. I’m glad I made the mistake now, and I’m willing to make the switch when I know I’ve made a great mistake. But I don’t consider– I don’t beat myself up over it. I just say, make the mistake now, because later it would have been much more painful to make the change. Or if you make a bigger acquisition later, thank God I know not to do that now, so I won’t make that mistake again.

Steve: So you’ve mentioned a couple of things already. So redoing the website, improving adwords campaigns, what were some of the other things that you did to triple the growth I guess within three years with Home Health Testing?

Dana: Content, tons and tons of content. We blogged in that first year, I think we were writing– I had a writer on staff for a while. So we were writing two or three posts a week, and that really helped us get an idea. It really helped us learn the products too and just kind of learn the whole industry. The more you write about it, the more you are going to learn.

Steve: What were some of the example posts that did really well?

Dana: The one that did the best that we really capitalized on, and I think that was the other thing I learned over the years was if you watch your content to see what’s doing well as a blog post, then put more resources behind it. And the blog post that got the most traffic for us for a good solid year – was just so much traffic – was how long does marijuana stay in your system. So it was a blog post, and it was just a text blog post, but it got a ton of traffic and a lot of comment from readers.

So we took that, the content on air. We made it an infographic, and then hosted it on our main site instead of just on our blog. We put the infographic in that same blog post as it was, but then we also put it on our blog and sent that out to some other bloggers. And it started getting picked up. It got picked up by, and different things, because it was a really good info graphic in that it explained, you know very well how long does marijuana stay in your system.

And then we took that, this is one of the best thing we did, we took that infographic, I have the same graphics guy that does our infographics and things. I said, “Can you make that a video without us– just add some animation to it and let us do a voice over for it.” So he took the same, you know all the art work from the infographic and made it a video, and we put that same thing over on You Tube answering the same question. And it’s done excellent over there. It’s probably even done better on You Tube than on our site.

Steve: So I’m just curious on this content page you have this infographic and text, do you have buy-buttons for your products right underneath, or how do you get them to your shop?

Dana: I don’t worry about that. I mean they can click over on it if they want to. I mean it says, I think it says somewhere at the end of the article, “The best way to know is to test yourself,” but I’m not too worried about converting as a buyer, but I was more worried about the content and Google. So that’s where we got the biggest paying for our buck is the more we wrote on our blog and the more we explained our products, the better Google liked us.

Steve: So it was kind of like a domain strength kind of play.

Dana: Very much so. And that was—I think I didn’t mention that in what do I look for when buying a business. All my niches are very different, but I will say there’s one thing that’s about them is they are somewhat moderately complex. They are—either the product is, or it needs explaining. And I’m drawn to that, because I know in due time you can really become the expert. And I find being an imposter expert that I haven’t done this all my life, but I will learn everything there’s to learn about drug testing, so in due time within three years.

And I think by the time we did that infographic, I think I already had Home Health Testing three years. So I’m kind of in it for a good five to seven years when I buy a business. So I’m not looking for everything. Typically changing the technology and just upping your game and treating it like a business on the ones that I buy is enough to double the profits. I can usually hit my triple by just gaining more traffic, and the website is speaking like an expert.

Steve: How do you know when it’s time to sell?

Dana: Well if I lose interest, that’s the tell tale, and if I in any way feel that I can’t keep growing it, because I like to work in a growing business. If I feel and when I sell—you get the best multiple if you have a very pretty increasing sales graph. So I don’t want to be the owner that stayed too long. Actually that’s who I buy from, is maybe the owner that stayed too long. They’ve lost interest and sales were declining. I don’t want to be that guy. So I want to sell when I can still get a good multiple because my business is growing.

Steve: So here’s the thing about your products, and I kind of did a little bit of research prior to this podcast. There’s a lot of big bucks companies that sell drug test kits, and a lot of them are very similar to what you sell, right?

Dana: Mhm.

Steve: And so if I’m a B-to-B customer like — so number one how do you acquire more B-to-B customers, and two how do you beat out some of the big bucks companies?

Dana: Being that expert, being– having more information that’s accurate, and more information that’s useful to them. If you look at a lot of the bigger companies, and definitely if you look at these products on Amazon there’s a lot of missing pieces to the information. So knowing what a B-to-B customer wants, and I think being a small business myself really helps, because I know what I want from my vendors.

Steve: Okay.

Dana: I want service, I want them to ship on time, and I want all the information to help me make a decision. So we have volume discount price thing, but if you are sitting there thinking should I — if I’m going to use 1Ks of drug test per month, and I look at the prices and I’m thinking about buying three months supply, well, and — for drug testing you need to know the expiration date then of the test they are going to sell.

So we use things like that adding things like expiration dates to our — which means we update our data product listings every time we get new stock. But that’s minor in the grand scheme of things, if they move someone from buying one box to six boxes, then that’s a good thing. And that’s why I see great opportunity in ecommerce, we are all worried about the Amazon effect, and how it’s going to affect small ecommerce properties in the long run. When it comes to B-to-B, I think we can still shine, I think B-to-C is getting tougher and tougher for the small business.

And if Amazon carries your product it’s going to be hard. But if you are in the B-to-B realm, you have customers who have very specific needs, and they need someone to tell them is this going to ship today. They need the assurance that it has the right expiration date, that it’s fresh inventory. And not everybody has an expiration date issue, but if you have a moderately complex product, and they know you are going to stand behind it, and you provide great service, it’s worth it.

It’s worth it and especially for the repeat buyer, they want that consistency, they want to come back and you are going to do the same thing over and over for them. So I see huge opportunities still in B-to-B, near as much in B-to-C as six years ago when I bought Home Health Testing.

Steve: Right, that’s interesting because after one of our little talks about what you just said essentially B-to-B, we actually went out and started focusing more on that with our business as well, because we deal with a lot of event planners. And it’s just great consistent business.

Dana: Yeah, it really is, and another thing I have learned about B-to-B, and I learned this back when I had music library service the first time. And the first time I learned it, but I have seen it repeat in more than one business is, I’m a big 80-20 rule person, and I make longer decisions especially when I’m buying a company of how I’m going to tailor our growth by focusing on the 20% that really is producing most of your profits. But one thing I have learned is there’s another force in the 80-20 rule, so I kind of call it like the external 80-20. So when I look at customers — so if my 20% best customers are somebody else’s 80% worst customers.

And I don’t think I understood that, I don’t think I believed it in the beginning, but like for music library service our customers were music libraries, very-very specific niche. And when I bought that business, using 80-20 rule what’s my 20% best customers, and I studied
all their demographics and how can I get what I wanted. Our best customers were spending $15,000 a year with us with that company, and so one of my one year goals was to get five more of those excellent customers. So I went out and started doing either direct mail, campaigns to other libraries that fit the demographics of my best customers.

And in the second year of that campaign I landed a customer that spent $200,000 a year. And it’s never failed that I have always found customers that were four to six times as large as what I went out to get. And I think it really does work in industry that we are a small business, and we sometimes don’t think big enough. So there’s your best customers, or somebody else’s worst customers, which mathematically speaking means that there’s another customer out there that’s four to six times larger than your best customer.

Steve: So Dana you said a lot of things in that last statement, and what kind of just put me up also was you mentioned direct mail campaigns; you are talking about snail mail?

Dana: Yes.

Steve: So I’m just curious, when you acquire B-to-B customer, like how do you attack that problem, do you snail mail, do you call them as well, reach out via email, like what are your strategies?

Dana: We will do, definitely we’ll do snail mail, we’ll do postcard campaigns. I think it’s very noisy online right now, as far as we just — we all have a lot of information coming at us when we are online. And then some of it depends on who your customers are, and where they are at. So for one area we are expanding on Home Health Testing is the specific small doctors’ office. And we have found the doctors’ offices while they may purchase online, they are not really online a lot.
They are not searching kind of people; they are a little more old school business. So a mail campaign, we do postcard campaign has proven to be excellent. And we did the same thing we started fishing for our target demographic was a customer that spends $400 a month. We’ve been mailing a list that we have for five or six months now. And last month we got an order for $4,000 for one customer.

Steve: Wow.

Dana: Like greatly exceeded what I thought I was fishing for, so…

Steve: Do you give them — like how do you track that, do you give them a special URL or a coupon code or something like that?

Dana: No, and then these customers are actually so old school they call.

Steve: Oh they call, okay.

Dana: Yeah, and they are like you sent me — they tell you, you sent me a postcard.

Steve: What’s a good conversion rate on like a postcard campaign?

Dana: I don’t know, I don’t track it; this is where I’m a little more into we live on this. So we haven’t been tracking it, and I’m not going to track it, because I know a minute for the long haul. And if I hadn’t seen any results at all, zero results in six or eight months, I would probably re-visit how we are doing it, I wouldn’t discontinue it, I would just revamp it. So I try to give everything a long enough a runway to work. And I think that’s part of why I’m successful is I don’t have to have a return metric immediately.
And I’m willing to learn from it, so we were taught — we found out in the first round that we sent the emails out we were trying direct — or the postcards, I’m sorry. We were trying to direct them to our website, and our phone number was really small on it. And they were calling us, and they said we want to get the prices. And I’m like why would they; I mean I didn’t ask them this, but why would they go to the website. So in our second printing of the postcard our phone numbers was big, so we try to learn and just listen to what response we get. And not give ourselves such a short leash that we can’t run with it.

Steve: Interesting so are you doing all the other things to advertise your business like Facebook, Google, comparison shopping engines?

Dana: We do adwords and shopping ads, we do Bing. We don’t do Facebook; drug testing doesn’t do well on Facebook, so…

Steve: I would imagine that scare campaign might work right?

Dana: It might yeah, it might, so we just try to — we have an issue of what type of expert we want to be. So we just pretty much try to — the biggest thing we do to set ourselves apart from other competition is to promise discreet shipping and no contact after the sale. That’s certainly not as much for the B-to-B customers, but for the individual customers. So our promise of total privacy pretty much prohibits us personally from being on Facebook, so…

Steve: I see and also email too, right?

Dana: Right, we don’t do any email marketing, and I think that’s been a good learning experience, because the product, the niche demanded, that — and when I bought the business he wasn’t advertising it that way, that was just something I learned along the way. Because the only comments we would get on order when they put something in a little comment field when they check out, is make sure there’s no return address, or make sure that the shipping is discreet. We had some comments never contact me again.
And that just struck me as funny, and I was just like well, we should — if people are asking for that, then we need to be upfront about it. So that’s what we try to do is like listen to every little thing customers are saying, because we know if one customer said it, then probably 10 or 20 or 30 felt it, but they just didn’t say it. So then we put that upfront and said it on the website, and that was one of our– that really spoke to people, and that was something that drove our growth.

Steve: That’s really smart, so you don’t ship them in a box that says drug test?

Dana: Yeah, here’s your drug test.

Steve: Cool Dana, well, hey, you know what, I have learned a lot from talking to you today and I want to be respectful of your time, we’ve been chatting for quite a while. If people want to find you online where can they find your various businesses and your blog?

Dana: So my blog is, I’m not a very religious blogger, but occasionally I put some thoughts out there, but you can definitely contact me there. If you are in need of a drug test, you can go to, and no one will know about it.

Steve: Yes, she will be very discreet about it. Are you on Twitter or any other social media platforms?

Dana: I’m on Twitter occasionally yes.

Steve: Okay.

Dana: So not a lot.

Steve: All right, Dana thanks a lot for coming on the show, I’m really happy to have you today.

Dana: Thanks Steve and thanks for all you do, and the great information you put out.

Steve: All right take care.

Dana: All right bye-bye.

Steve: I hope you enjoyed that episode. If you listened to one of my older episodes with Bill D’Alessandro in episode 48 you’ll notice that Dana and Bill took completely different paths when it came to purchasing an existing online store, which just goes to show that there are many different paths that can lead to profitability.

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Thanks for listening to the My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast, where we are giving the courage people need to start their own online business. For more information visit Steve’s blog at

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