The My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast With Steve Chou

The MyWifeQuitHerJob podcast is a podcast about entrepreneurs who quit their jobs to start successful online businesses.

Through a series of personal interviews, Steve uncovers the exact strategies that led to their success.

Unlike other business podcasts, Steve is known for digging deep and extracting out every last detail.

He's never afraid to ask the hard questions and he leverages his extensive knowledge running his two 7 figure businesses to get to the point.

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295: Cathy Heller On How To Make Money As A Musician

295: Cathy Heller On How To Make Money As A Musician

Today I’m really happy to have Cathy Heller on the show. Cathy is the host of the popular podcast “Don’t Keep Your Day Job” and she inspires thousands of listeners every day to find purpose in their life and get paid to do what they love. She’s been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur Magazine, HuffPost, the NY Times and prior to her podcast, she made a 6 figure living with her music as a songwriter. Today, we’re going to explore Cathy’s journey and how you can turn your passion into a career. What You’ll Learn How the music licensing industry works […]

294: Grant Baldwin On How To Scale A Niche Business By 3X

294: Grant Baldwin On How To Scale A Niche Business By 3X

Today, I’m happy to have my buddy Grant Baldwin back on the show. Grant runs The Speaker Lab which is a business that teaches others how to get paid and booked to speak. He also has a brand new book out called The Successful Speaker which I highly recommended. Over the past few years, he’s tripled his business using a combination of automated webinars, Facebook ads and email marketing and we’re going to dissect his strategies. What You’ll Learn How to increase attendance for a webinar What tools Grant uses to manage his sales The conversion rates of live vs […]

293: Arri Bagah On How To Do SMS Marketing The Right Way

293: Arri Bagah On How To Do SMS Marketing The Right Way

Today I’m thrilled to have Arri Bagah on the show. Arri and I both spoke at the Many Chat Conversations conference this past year. He is the founder of Conversmart which is a company that helps direct to consumer brands generate 6 figures in revenue per month using SMS marketing. In this episode, Arri and I go in depth on the best ways to implement SMS with an ecommerce store. What You’ll Learn Arri’s background story and how he got started with SMS marketing The types of SMS messages that convert The best way to acquire new SMS subscribers Rules […]

292: Mari Smith On How To Build Organic Facebook Traffic Today

292: Mari Smith On What Is Working With Facebook Today

Today I have my friend Mari Smith on the show. Mari is often referred to as the Queen of Facebook and is widely recognized as one of the world’s foremost experts on Facebook marketing. She’s a Forbes top Social Media Power Influencer, author of The New Relationship Marketing and co author of Facebook Marketing: An Hour A Day. She also teaches businesses and brands on how to properly monetize their social media efforts. In this episode, we’re going to have her teach us how to succeed with Facebook today. What You’ll Learn How Mari got crowned the Queen of Facebook […]

291: Subtle Conversion Killers You Aren’t Accounting For With Luke Carthy

291: Subtle Conversion Killers You Aren't Accounting For With Luke Carthy

Today I’m happy to have Luke Carthy on the show. Luke is an ecommerce growth consultant specializing in strategy, search & conversion. He’s been helping ecommerce brands grow for over 12+ years and he’s spoken at a variety of events including the last Mozcon in 2019. Today, we’re going to discuss his strategies for growing an ecommerce brand. What You’ll Learn Luke’s background and how he got into ecommerce What are some typical mistakes shop owners make? What’s the first thing entrepreneurs neglect with their stores Best practices for conversion How to improve sales for your business Other Resources And […]

290: How Chubbies Makes 8 Figures With Email Marketing Featuring Erich Hellstrom

290: How Chubbies Makes 8 Figures With Email Marketing Featuring Erich Hellstrom

I’m really happy to have Erich Hellstrom on the show. Erich is a digital marketing strategist for Chubbies, a men’s short shorts brand with a huge cult following. Erich is in charge of crafting the copy for Chubbies social, email, product and events. And even though Chubbies clothing isn’t really my style, I’m on their email list because it is hilarious and they do a fantastic job building a loyal brand. In today’s episode, we’re going to dissect their email marketing strategy and learn how to apply these techniques to our own ecommerce businesses. What You’ll Learn Why is Chubbies […]

289: Nate Lipton On How To Sell Cannabis CBD Products Online

298: Nate Lipton On How To Sell Cannabis CBD Products Online

Today I’m thrilled to have Nate Lipton on the show because he runs numerous ecommerce businesses in the cannabis space. For example, is an 8 figure ecommerce store selling growing supplies and he recently launched a line of CBD products over at In any case, I have many students and readers who have been asking me questions on how to break into this space so we’re going to have Nate answer these questions directly. What You’ll Learn How did Nate get into the cannibis space and his backstory How Nate sources products for The challenges of selling […]

288: This One Thing Is Killing Your Profits With Kevin Stecko

288: This One Thing Is Probably Killing Your Profits With Kevin Stecko

Today I’m thrilled to have Kevin Stecko back on the show. Kevin runs an awesome site called where he sells t-shirts from the 80s. Kevin’s t-shirt business was already super competitive but in the past several years, it’s gotten even more intense. As a result, he made some fundamental changes to his business strategy and it’s paid off in droves, both in terms of profit and lifestyle. In this episode, Kevin will fill us in on what he’s done and the biggest mistake most shop owners are making. What You’ll Learn Why Kevin decided to raise prices dramatically The […]

287: Chandler Bolt On How To Quickly Grow A Self Publishing Book Business to 8 Figures

287: Chandler Bolt On How To Quickly Grow A Self Publishing Book Business to 8 Figures

Today I brought my buddy Chandler Bolt back on the show. Chandler runs Self Publishing School where he teaches others how to write and self publish a book in 3 months. He’s the author of multiple best selling books and he’s an expert when it comes to going out on your own in the book business. In this episode, we’re going to catch up with Chandler to discuss the overall publishing landscape What You’ll Learn How quickly grow your book business What’s changed with Amazon in the last year All of your options when you want to publish a book […]

286: The Brutal Truth About Success That No One Talks About – My Take On The 4 Burners Theory

286: Can You Have It All? My Take On The 4 Burners Theory For Entrepreneurs

I’m doing a solo episode today because I want to talk about something that’s been on my mind for quite some time, the 4 burners theory to success in life. Now the 4 burners theory is something that my buddy James Clear introduced me to at one of my masterminds and it’s a theory that forces you to think deeply about the priorities in your life. Are you unhappy or dissatisfied with your life? Then this episode will help you figure our your priorities. And if you’ve never heard of this theory before? Then this episode will explain it all. […]

285: Linda Bustos On The Latest Trends In Ecommerce

285: Linda Bustos On The Latest Trends In Ecommerce

Today I have an extra special guest on the show, Linda Bustos. When I first got started in ecommerce way back in 2007, Linda’s articles were what got me through the dark periods of my business. She runs the Get Elastic Ecommerce blog which is recognized as one of the top 15 entrepreneur blogs worth reading and a top-50 spot on the AdAge Power 150. She has an incredible breadth of knowledge in ecommerce and I’m excited to have her! What You’ll Learn The primary source of growth for her clients in the past year The latest ecommerce trends. What’s […]

284: The Story Behind The SwitchPod With Pat Flynn And Caleb Wojcik

284: The Story Behind The SwitchPod With Pat Flynn And Caleb Wojcik

Today, I’m really happy to have my friends Pat Flynn and Caleb Wojcik on the show. The reason why I’m having both of these 2 on today is to talk about their incredibly awesome invention, the Switchpod. In fact, I have one on my desk right now and it’s the main handheld tripod that I use for all of my videos. In today’s episode, we’re going to break down every aspect of their invention from how they got the idea, how they manufactured it and how they managed to exceed their Kickstarter campaign in just a day. What You’ll Learn […]

283: How To Segment Your Email List The Right Way With Alexandra Edelstein

283: How To Segment Your Email List The Right Way With Alexandra Edelstein

Today, I’m thrilled to have Alexandra Edelstein on the show. Alexandra is a senior product manager at Klaviyo and she was also a speaker at my annual ecommerce conference The Sellers Summit. At Klaviyo, she’s known as the resident expert when it comes to email list segmentation. So today we’re going to talk about the right way to segment your email list to maximize revenue for your ecommerce store. What You’ll Learn Why blasting your entire list is bad Basic ways to segment your list How to maximize repeat purchases The main parameters used for segmentation Other Resources And Books […]

282: Michelle Schroeder Gardner On How To Make 7 Figures With Affiliate Marketing

282: Michelle Schroeder Gardner On How To Make 7 Figures With Affiliate Marketing

Today, I’m thrilled to have my friend Michelle Schroeder Gardner on the show. Michelle started out with over $40K in debt and hustled her way to becoming a millionaire by starting her blog at the age of 22. Today, she earns over 100K per month from blogging through affiliate marketing and teaches a popular affiliate marketing course. What You’ll Learn How Michelle makes money through her blog How much time she spends blogging every week The challenges of running a blog The best places to find affiliate offers How to track affiliate sales and the top affiliate platforms Other […]

281: Scott Voelker On How To Get Out Of Your Own Head And Take Action

281: Scott Voelker On How To Get Out Of Your Head And Take Action

Today I’m thrilled to have my buddy Scott Voelker back on the show. Scott was my partner in crime for the 5 Minute Pitch and I recently spoke at his conference at Brand Accelerator Live. As entrepreneurs, our biggest problem often lies in our own heads. In this episode, Scott and I break down the Take Action Effect, how to overcome your excuses and make progress with your business. Be sure to check out his new book! What You’ll Learn Key takeaways from Brand Accelerator Live Why Scott decided to write a book about the Take Action Effect How to […]

280: How To Prepare Your Business For Sale And What Multiples To Expect With Thomas Smale

280: How To Prepare Your Business For Sale And What Multiples To Expect

Today, I’m thrilled to have my friend Thomas Smale on the show. Thomas is the founder of FEInternational, one of the largest and most prolific website business brokers on the internet. Thomas has completed hundreds of millions in SaaS, ECommerce and content business acquisitions since 2010 and he’s got a huge network of pre-qualified investors. In this episode, we break down what multiples businesses are selling for today and how to prepare your business for sale. What You’ll Learn How Thomas founded FEInternational Why and how Thomas got into the business of buying and selling businesses The online business models […]

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