The My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast With Steve Chou

The MyWifeQuitHerJob podcast is a podcast about entrepreneurs who quit their jobs to start successful online businesses.

Through a series of personal interviews, Steve uncovers the exact strategies that led to their success.

Unlike other business podcasts, Steve is known for digging deep and extracting out every last detail.

He's never afraid to ask the hard questions and he leverages his extensive knowledge running his two 7 figure businesses to get to the point.

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247: How To Automate Your Amazon Wholesale Business With Trent Dyrsmid

247: How To Automate Your Amazon Wholesale Business With Trent Dyrsmid

Today I’m thrilled to have Trent Dyrsmid on the show. Trent is a serial entrepreneur, husband, and father who owns 3 companies, an Amazon ecommerce business, an SOP software company called Flowster and which is a popular podcast and entrepreneurship publication. Together, these companies generate millions per year in revenue. I invited him on the show today because we share the common goal of maximizing income without negatively impacting family life. He is a master of systematizing businesses and we’re going to learn his business secrets. Enjoy the show! What You’ll Learn How Trent became an entrepreneur How selling […]

246: Everything You Need To Know About Sales Tax With Martina Chavez Of Avalara

246: Everything You Need To Know About Sales Tax With Martina Chavez Of Avalara

Martina Chavez is an expert in sales tax compliance over at Avalara and I invited her on the show today to clear the air in regards to everything that is happening with Amazon and nexus when it comes to paying sales tax. Ever since the decision of the supreme court case Wayfair vs South Dakota was handed down, states may now charge tax on purchases made from out of state sellers even if the seller doesn’t have a physical presence in the taxing state. This has enormous implications to ecommerce. What You’ll Learn Martina’s sales tax background Do you have […]

245: A Student’s Candid Journey Selling On Amazon And How To Email Jeff Bezos

245: A Student's Candid Journey Selling On Amazon And How To Email Jeff Bezos

Today I have a special guest on the show, Maria. Maria is a student in my Create A Profitable Online Store Course who is making 6 figures with her business and last week, I invited her to come talk to the other members of the class about her experiences starting her ecommerce business. But instead of celebrating her success as an entrepreneur, I asked her to provide a candid account of her experiences including all of her struggles, her triumphs and how she overcame various obstacles on her journey. This is a very raw episode and in fact, my chat […]

244: Tim Schmoyer On How To Create A Successful YouTube Channel

244: Tim Schmoyer On How To Create A Successful You Tube Channel

Today, I’m really happy to have Tim Schmoyer on the show. Tim is someone who came highly recommended to me by Colin Jones who will be a future guest on this podcast. He is a veteran when it comes to audience growth on YouTube. And he specializes in helping YouTube creators spread their message to reach people online. His channel has over 400K subscribers and this interview comes at an opportune time because I’m actively trying to grow my new show, The 5 Minute Pitch. What You’ll Learn Tim’s motivation for starting The types of videos that work well […]

243: Marcus Sheridan On How To Get Results With Your Blog

243: Marcus Sheridan On What To Do When Your Blog Sees No Results

Today I’m thrilled to have Marcus Sheridan on the show. Marcus runs the Sales Lion where he consults and teaches companies how to do inbound content marketing. Today, he’s known as one of the premier thought leaders in the digital sales and marketing space. I’ve been following Marcus for years so it’s cool that we got to connect at Social Media Marketing World for a few minutes and that’s how he ended up here on the podcast. Enjoy the episode! What You’ll Learn Why inbound marketing is the key to growing any business What content works well and how to […]

242: How Allen Walton Created A 7 Figure Store Selling Spy Equipment

242: How Allen Walton Created A 7 Figure Store Selling Spy Equipment Online

Today, I’m thrilled to have Allen Walton on the show. Now Allen is someone who I met at Ecommerce Fuel Live a long time ago but we didn’t really get to know each other until we hung out at Billy Murphy’s Mancation earlier this year. Anyway, Allen runs which is an ecommerce store that sells spy equipment online. His store has been featured in Forbes, Entrepreneur, CNBC, Fast Company and he was recently featured on the Tim Ferriss podcast as well. What’s cool is that he bootstrapped his company from the ground up and turned it into a solid […]

241: How My Blog Performed In 2018 – Year End Review

Year End Review - How My Blog Performed In 2018

My wife just closed the books for 2018 and in this episode, I’m going to do a year end review for including all of the projects that I’m currently working on. What You’ll Learn How to do a site audit for SEO Where I’m speaking at in 2019 What’s new for 2019 My key takeaway for 2018 Other Resources And Books GoBrandWin Sellers Summit Create A Profitable Online Store 5 Minute Pitch Sponsors – Klaviyo is the email marketing platform that I personally use for my ecommerce store. Created specifically for ecommerce, it is the best email marketing […]

240: Year End Report – How My Online Store Performed In 2018

240: Year End Report - How My Online Store Performed In 2018

My wife just closed the books for 2018 and in this episode, I’m going to breakdown the highlights and lowlights of the year for What You’ll Learn How to overcome bumps in the road Amazon versus your own online store What’s worked well this year The one marketing platform that has been a home run Other Resources And Books Bumblebee Linens Sponsors – Klaviyo is the email marketing platform that I personally use for my ecommerce store. Created specifically for ecommerce, it is the best email marketing provider that I’ve used to date. Click here and try Klaviyo […]

239: Paul Jarvis On Business, Happiness And Running A Company Of One

239: Paul Jarvis On Business, Happiness And Running A Company Of One

Today I’m thrilled to have Paul Jarvis on the show. Paul is an author, designer, podcaster, course and software creator. His works have been talked about by Ashton Kutcher and Ariana Huffington. He’s worked with clients like Danielle Laporte, Microsoft, Marie Forleo and Mercedes. Now Paul is obviously a total stud. But the reason this interview is special to me is because his latest book “Company of One” has had a profound effect on me. I rarely gush about business books but because Company Of One spoke directly to me and my philosophies, I’m going to recommend it to everyone […]

238: How To Become An Influencer In Your Niche With Selena Soo

238: How To Become A Leader In Your Space With Selena Soo

Today I’m thrilled to have Selena Soo on the show. Some of you have probably heard of her before because Selena is fairly well known in the online business and entrepreneurship space. In any case, Selena is a publicity and marketing strategist who helps authors and coaches become well known leaders in their space. She’s worked with a bunch of big names like Farnoosh Torabi, Kimra Luna and she’s helped countless others like Ramit Sethi and Pat Flynn. In this interview, we’re going to learn exactly what it takes to become an industry leader. What You’ll Learn Selena’s background story […]

237: Dennis Yu On How To Build A Personal Brand With Facebook Ads

235: How To Build A Personal Brand With Facebook Ads For Just 5 Bucks A Day With Dennis Yu

Today I’m lucky to have Dennis Yu on the show. Dennis is someone who I met at Social Media Marketing World at the speakers mixer and it’s funny. I knew that I recognized the guy right away because he’s been plastered all over my Facebook feed for years. Anyway Dennis is the CTO of BlitzMetrics, a digital marketing company which partners with schools to train young adults, teaching them how to manage social campaigns for large enterprise clients. He’s been featured all over the place like The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times and he’s an all around Facebook […]

236: The Fastest Way To Make 5K/Month From Scratch With Greg Mercer, Mike Jackness And Scott Voelker

236: The Fastest Way To Make 5K/Month From Scratch With Greg Mercer, Mike Jackness And Scott Voelker

Today I’ve got my buddies Greg Mercer, Scott Voelker and Mike Jackness back on the show. If you listened to last week’s episode, we were all together in San Diego to film the 5 Minute Pitch and while we were together, we recorded a couple of podcasts. Anyway, today we’re going to collectively answer a question that I get asked all the time. If we were to start all over again, what would be our fastest way to make $5000/month. You’ll be surprised at some of the answers. Enjoy! What You’ll Learn How to make $5K/month with only $5k in […]

235: How To Succeed In Ecommerce Today With Greg Mercer, Mike Jackness And Scott Voelker

234: What It Takes To Succeed In Ecommerce Today With Greg Mercer, Mike Jackness And Scott Voelker

I just got back from San Diego, California where I spent 3 straight, grueling days filming The 5 Minute Pitch, our new Shark Tank like show, with Mike Jackness, Greg Mercer, Scott Voelker and a variety of awesome guest judges to be announced later. Anyway, the four of us recorded this podcast on the very last day of filming to reflect upon the 32 companies that just pitched to us. And we discuss what it takes to succeed in ecommerce today. Enjoy! What You’ll Learn What is takes to succeed in ecommerce today Should you double down on what’s working […]

234: Max And Neo – How To Grow A 7 Figure Pet Supply Store By Giving Back With Kenric Hwang

234: How To Grow A 7 Figure Pet Supply Store By Giving Back With Kenric Hwang

Today I’m really excited to have Kenric Hwang on the show. Kenric is someone who I’ve known for a very long time we both got started in ecommerce at around the same time. Many years ago, he started a successful outdoor products company, sold it and then started another company called Max & Neo which sells dog collars and accessories online. Now Max & Neo is no ordinary dog collar company and Kenric has managed to get tons of attention on social media and the press because of one key value proposition. Enjoy! What You’ll Learn Why Kenric sold his […]

233: Advanced Strategies To Recover Abandoned Carts With Ben Jabbawy

233: Advanced Strategies To Recover Abandoned Carts With Ben Jabbawy

Today I’m excited to have Ben Jabbawy on the show. Ben is the founder of Privy and we randomly met at the Shopify Unite conference several years ago. At the time, I had no idea who this guy was and what he did. And likewise, I’m sure he’d never heard of the number 1 hankie vendor on the Internet. But we kept in touch and today, I’m a loyal user of Privy and he’s been a great email marketing resource for me. In this episode, we’re going to do a deep dive into shopping cart abandonment. What You’ll Learn Ben’s […]

232: Facebook Chatbots – Creative Business Use Cases With Dana Tran

232: Creative Facebook Chatbot Use Cases With Dana Tran

Today I’m thrilled to have Dana Tran on the show. Dana is someone who I randomly met at Social Media Marketing World and I must say that I’ve been super lucky when it comes to bumping into random people at conferences. Dana runs Thinktuitive where she focuses on writing content for Facebook Messenger bots. In fact, she has a premium course called Bot Essentials that helps non techie entrepreneurs build their own chatbots. In today’s episode, Dana’s going to teach us how it’s done. What You’ll Learn The two main Facebook chatbot programs that she recommends Creative implementations of Facebook […]

Podcasts On Buying/Selling Companies

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