The My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast With Steve Chou

The MyWifeQuitHerJob podcast is a podcast about entrepreneurs who quit their jobs to start successful online businesses.

Through a series of personal interviews, Steve uncovers the exact strategies that led to their success.

Unlike other business podcasts, Steve is known for digging deep and extracting out every last detail.

He's never afraid to ask the hard questions and he leverages his extensive knowledge running his two 7 figure businesses to get to the point.

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231: How My Student Teri Miyahira Makes 6 Figures Selling Vegan Makeup Online

231: How My Student Teri Makes 6 Figures Selling Vegan Makeup Online

Teri Miyahira is a student in my Create A Profitable Online Store Course and I’m really happy to have her on the show today. Teri runs where she sells vegan, cruelty free makeup online. And what’s cool is that Teri sells a subscription box which means that she gets recurring revenue every single month without having to lift a finger. What’s also cool is that her company is 100% bootstrapped and does not use paid advertising either. How has she accomplished this? By creating a rabid fan base. And today we’re going to dig deep and find out how […]

230: How An 8 Figure Business Launches New Products On Amazon With Bernie Thompson

230: How An 8 Figure Business Launches New Products On Amazon With Bernie Thompson

Today I‘m lucky to have Bernie Thompson back on the show. Bernie is someone who I had on back in episode 157 and in case you’ve forgotten, Bernie runs an 8 figure business called which is a company that sells USB and Bluetooth devices online all over the world. In addition, he’s built all of his own tools in house to manage his Amazon business which he now offers to the public called Efficient Era. Anyway, the reason why I have Bernie on the show today is to talk about how the Amazon landscape has changed in just a […]

229: The Trump Trade Tariffs – Everything You Need To Know With Nathan Resnick

229: An Expert's Opinion On The Trump Tariffs With Nathan Resnick

Today I’m really excited to have Nathan Resnick back on the show. If you don’t remember Nathan, he is the founder of Sourcify which is a company that helps you find manufacturers to produce your products. Anyway, Nathan has been on television multiple times in the past month to talk about the Trump tariffs and since he’s an expert on the topic, I thought I’d have him on to discuss his thoughts. Enjoy! What You’ll Learn The current state of the tariffs and which products they affect What impact the tariffs have on large businesses vs small businesses How to […]

228: Improving Email Deliverability And Powerful New Klaviyo Features With Jake Cohen

Improving Email Deliverability And Powerful New Klaviyo Features With Jake Cohen

Recently, I attended Klaviyo’s first ever email marketing conference in Boston and while I was there, I recorded a bunch of podcasts. Today’s episode is with Jake Cohen who is the director product at Klaviyo and an expert on email deliverability. In this episode, we discuss some of the awesome features Klaviyo just released but the best part are the nuggets that Jake provides on how to improve your email deliverability. These are strategies that I was not aware of and I’m definitely going to change things up. What You’ll Learn Klaviyo’s new feature that will allow you to track […]

227: Email Marketing Takeaways From Klaviyo Con With Austin Brawner And Toni Anderson

227: Email Marketing Takeaways From Klaviyo Con With Austin Brawner And Toni Anderson

A few weeks ago, I attended Klaviyo’s first ever email marketing conference and it was an amazing event. In this episode I go over some of my key takeaways from day 1 along with Toni Anderson and Austin Brawner of Ecommerce Influence. What You’ll Learn How to create optin forms to attract higher LTV customers Is giving away coupon codes for an email a good idea any more? Some overall statistics for email optin rates Creative ways to gather email addresses How to improve open rates and click through rates How to improve email conversion rates Do text based emails […]

226: How To Design A Product From Scratch And Fully Fund A Kickstarter In 18 Hours With Shirley Tan

226: How To Design A Product From Scratch And Fully Fund A Kickstarter In 18 Hours With Shirley Tan

Today I’m thrilled to have a very special guest on the show, Shirley Tan. Shirley is someone who I met at the Traffic and Conversions Summit. I actually don’t remember exactly how we met but we hit it off immediately because a long time ago, she founded American Bridal which was a company I competed against when I first got started in ecommerce. Anyway, Shirley sold American Bridal long ago but she’s back with a completely brand new product called The Posture Keeper. Recently, she launched a kickstarter campaign that was completely funded in 18 hours. So today, we’re going […]

225: Dropshipping, Negotiation And Emotional Decisions With Andrew Youderian

Fireside Chat With Andrew Youderian On Dropshipping, Negotiation And Emotional Decisions

Recently, Andrew Youderian and I took an epic 5 day camping trip in the wilderness of Montana. There was very little internet so we decided to record a few podcasts along the way. This episode is part 3 of a 3 part series where we discuss the other side of entrepreneurship. Today’s topics include the state of dropshipping, the art of negotiation and how emotions affect our decision making. What You’ll Learn Andrew’s views on dropshipping as a long term business model The art of negotiation and how to hedge your bets How emotions often cloud our logical decision making […]

224: Fireside Chat With Andrew Youderian On Business, Happiness And Wealth – Part 1

Fireside Chat With Andrew Youderian On Business, Happiness And Wealth - Part 1

Recently, Andrew Youderian and I took an epic 5 day camping trip in the wilderness of Montana. There was very little internet so we decided to record a few podcasts along the way. This episode is part 1 of a 3 part series where we discuss the other side of entrepreneurship and our views on balancing happiness, wealth and the keys to success. What You’ll Learn Our views on the balance between business success, life and happiness How we invest our money What’s your magic “number” Other Resources And Books Go here to listen to part 2 on Ecommerce Fuel […]

223: How To Scale An Ecommerce Business to 8 Figures In Just 2 Years With Kevin Chen

How To Scale An Ecommerce Business to 8 Figures In Just 2 Years With Kevin Chen

Today I’m thrilled to have Kevin Chen on the show. Kevin is someone who I randomly bumped into at Traffic and Conversions and I’m lucky to have met him. He runs Freedom Laser Therapy which is a company that sells a laser hair growth system to treat hair loss. Not only is the product cool but what’s even more cool is how he has successfully scaled to a 8 figure business in just 2 years. In this episode, we’re going to talk about his exact strategies. Enjoy! What You’ll Learn How Kevin manufactures his hair loss products The challenges of […]

222: How To Sell 25,000 Online Courses Without An Audience With Joe Nicoletti

222: How To Sell 25,000 Online Courses Without Your Own Audience With Joe Nicoletti

Today I have my friend Joe Nicoletti with me on the show and Joe is probably one of the most successful online course creators that I know. He’s sold over 25,000 courses which is a ridiculous amount and he’s got this great down to earth and step by step teaching style that everyone loves. In this episode, you’ll learn how he started from nothing and built a 7 figure business with no audience of his own. What You’ll Learn Joe’s motivations for starting his first hit product How that first product evolved into a full time business How to get […]

221: Advanced Techniques With Amazon Sponsored Product Ads With Edward Ruffin

221: Advanced Techniques With Amazon Sponsored Product Ads With Edward Ruffin

Today I’m thrilled to have Edward Ruffin on the show. Edward is in charge of sponsored products ads over at Sellers Labs and he was one of the speakers at this past years Sellers Summit. During the event, I really got to know Edward well and I discovered that the man is truly a sponsored products ads fanatic and he lives and breathes it 24/7. So today, I brought Edward on the show to talk about the latest and greatest with Amazon ads. Enjoy the show! What You’ll Learn How to launch a product today with Sponsored Product Ads Advanced […]

220: Why I’m Giving Away $50,000

220: What Is The 5 Minute Pitch? Meet The Judges For My New Show

Scott Voelker of The Amazing Seller, Greg Mercer Of Jungle Scout, Mike Jackness of EcomCrew and I are launching a brand new show called The 5 Minute Pitch. What is the 5 Minute Pitch? It’s a Shark Tank like show where we’ll be giving away 50,000 dollars to one lucky business. 32 companies will be selected to pitch Greg, Scott, Mike and I and the winner will be selected on a live show with all of us. It’s going to be an awesome show and we’re going to start filming in the fall. If you are interested in submitting your […]

219: Practical Applications For Facebook Messenger Chat Bots With Ben Beck

219: Practical Applications For Facebook Messenger Chat Bots With Ben Beck

Today I’m thrilled to have Ben Beck on the show. Ben is someone who I met randomly during lunch at Social Media Marketing World. I sat down at a table and Ben started talking about chatbots which is something that I’m really into right now. Anyway Ben is an entrepreneur, marketing consultant and author of the weekly monthly column on the Clear Voice blog and today, we are going to talk about the practical applications of Facebook Messenger chatbots What You’ll Learn Practical applications of Facebook chat bots for large ecommerce companies Practical applications for brick and mortar stores Practical […]

218: Mid Year Report: How My Online Store Performed In The First Half Of 2018

218: The 2018 Mid Year Report For My Ecommerce Store

My wife just closed the mid year books so today I’m going to breakdown the numbers for the first half of 2018 for I’m going to talk about our how online store performed in the first half of 2018 and why 2018 has been one of the toughest years for us so far. I’ll also go over what’s been working well for us and how we’ve managed to maintain growth despite the adversity. It’s going to be a short but sweet episode. Enjoy! What You’ll Learn How a simple mistake has made it an extremely challenging year The pros/cons […]

217: The Future Of Ecommerce With Scott Voelker, Greg Mercer, Mike Jackness And Steve Chou

217: The Future Of Ecommerce With Scott Voelker, Greg Mercer, Mike Jackness, Steve Chou And Toni Anderson

In this episode, Scott Voelker of The Amazing Seller, Greg Mercer of Jungle Scout, Mike Jackness of EcomCrew and I get together to discuss the future of ecommerce. I’m also happy to announce that the 4 of us have decided to launch a brand new show together called The 5 Minute Pitch. Basically, it’s a Shark Tank like show where we’ll be giving away $50,000 dollars to 1 lucky business. Click Here To Sign Up For The Chance To Win $50,000 What You’ll Learn Should you start your own store or sell on Amazon first? How to compete with Chinese […]

216: Google Display Network – How To Run Profitable Ads With Ilana Wechsler

216: Google Display Network - How To Run Profitable Ads With Ilana Wechsler

Today I’m thrilled to have Ilana Wechsler on the show. Ilana is someone who I met randomly at the Traffic and Conversions Summit in San Diego. She founded Green Arrow Digital where she runs pay per click marketing for other businesses. In fact, her bread and butter is the Google Display Network which is the only ad network that I have never been able to make profitable. So today we’re going to learn how to run profitable Google Display Network ads. What You’ll Learn Ilana’s background and what led her to create Green Arrow Digital How the Google Display Network […]

Podcasts On Buying/Selling Companies

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