The My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast With Steve Chou

The MyWifeQuitHerJob podcast is a podcast about entrepreneurs who quit their jobs to start successful online businesses.

Through a series of personal interviews, Steve uncovers the exact strategies that led to their success.

Unlike other business podcasts, Steve is known for digging deep and extracting out every last detail.

He's never afraid to ask the hard questions and he leverages his extensive knowledge running his two 7 figure businesses to get to the point.

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215: The Future Of Facebook Messenger Marketing With ManyChat Founder Mikael Yang

215: The Future Of Facebook Messenger Marketing With ManyChat Founder Mikael Yang

Mikael Yang is someone who I was introduced to by Nathan Barry and we met at Andrew Warner’s whiskey party at Social Media Marketing World. He is the founder of ManyChat, the leading Facebook messenger chat software on the market and it’s actually the chat software that I’m currently using for my store and blog. Today, we’re going to pick Mikael’s brain about some of the current and future applications of Facebook chat as well as why he decided to start his business. What You’ll Learn Why Mikael started ManyChat Why you should be using Facebook Messenger marketing How to […]

214: The Right Way To Run Facebook Ads For Physical Products With Andrew Foxwell

214: How To Run Facebook Ads To Sell Physical Products In 2018 With Andrew Foxwell

Today I’m happy to have Andrew Foxwell on the show. Andrew is someone I met through Austin Brawner who I had back in episode 165. Both Andrew and Austin run Brand Growth Experts which is a company that runs live workshops to help grow your business. Andrew is also the cohost of the Ecommerce Influence podcast of which I was a guest on long ago and he and his wife Gracie have helped over 250 businesses manage over 10 million in Facebook ad spend. In short, Andrew is a Facebook and Instagram ads expert and we’re going to pick his brain […]

213: A Tour Of My New Business Venture GoBrandWin With Toni Anderson

A Tour Of My New Business Venture GoBrandWin With Toni Anderson

As all of you know, I quit my full time job as an engineering director 2 years ago. And with 40 extra hours per week of free time on my hands, I’ve been searching for a long time for another project to pursue that would keep me happy. In this episode, I’m going to formally announce my new business with my partner Toni Anderson! Click Here To Add Your Brand To Our Next Sweepstakes What You’ll Learn Why giveaways are a great way to grow your email list How our new service works Why it’s free:) Other Resources And Books […]

212: Key Takeaways From Sellers Summit 2018 With Steve Chou & Toni Anderson

Key Takeaways From Sellers Summit 2018 With Steve Chou & Toni Anderson

In this episode, I brought Toni Anderson back on the podcast to do a recap of Sellers Summit 2018. The Sellers Summit is a conference that Toni and I throw every year. This is our 3rd straight year and it’s all about bringing ecommerce entrepreneurs together and learning new strategies on how to sell physical products online. Today, we’re going to do a recap on what worked, what didn’t and some key takeaways from the sessions. Right virtual passes for Sellers Summit 2018 are available for sale until July 1, 2018. And as an added bonus, I also invited Scott […]

211: How To Self Publish A Book And Sell It On Amazon With Chandler Bolt

How To Self Publish A Book And Sell It On Amazon

Today I brought my buddy Chandler Bolt on the show. Chandler is someone I met at a Fincon meeting in San Francisco. Then I saw him briefly again at Social Media Marketing World and knew I wanted to have him on the podcast. Chandler runs Self Publishing School where he teaches others how to write and self publish your first book in 3 months working 30 minutes per day. He’s the author of multiple best selling books and he’s an expert when it comes to going out on your own in the book business. Enjoy the episode! What You’ll Learn […]

210: How To Market Your Business Using Pinterest With Alisa Meredith

How To Market Your Business Using Pinterest With Alisa Meredith

Today I’m thrilled to have Alisa Meredith on the show. Alisa is the content marketing manager over at Tailwind and she’s a Pinterest expert. Now Pinterest is one of my top social media traffic sources but over the past year or so, Pinterest has made a bunch of changes to their ranking algorithms. So I asked Alisa to come on the show today to talk about what’s working today in Pinterest land. What You’ll Learn What you should be doing if you are a brand new shop owner with a blog How often you should be pinning What you should […]

209: How To Make Sure Your Product Will Sell Before You Launch With Kevin Williams

209: How To Make Sure Your Product Will Sell Before You Launch With Kevin Williams

Today I’m really excited to have Kevin Williams on the show. Kevin is someone who I met at the Ecommerce Fuel live conference. He was actually one of the keynotes there and I really enjoyed his presentation. Kevin runs the site where he sells a power cleaning brush that hooks up to your hose and spins with a lot of torque to clean up hard to clean objects like wheels, bikes, boats and more. He was also recently on the hit show Shark Tank. Anyway, the reason why I brought Kevin on the show is to talk about his […]

208: The State Of Small Business Ecommerce And How To Create A Thriving Community With Andrew Youderian

The State Of Small Business Ecommerce And How To Create A Thriving Community With Andrew Youderian

Today I am honored to have Andrew Youderian with me on the podcast. Andrew has the distinct honor of being the very first guest on my podcast ever in episode number 2. Back when this podcast had 0 listeners, he took a risk to come on and I really appreciate it. Andrew has created and sold 2 dropshipped ecommerce businesses. He is a well known figure in the ecommerce world through his blog and podcast at And he runs the best small business ecommerce community that I’ve come across that specifically caters to 6,7 and 8 figure businesses. Anyway, […]

207: How To Use Facebook Messenger Bots To Sell A Digital Course With Mary Kathryn Johnson

How To Use Facebook Messenger Bots To Sell A Digital Course With Mary Kathryn Johnson

Today I’m thrilled to have Mary Kathryn Johnson on the show. Mary is someone who I met long ago when I was guest on her podcast Parent Entrepreneur Power. And we recently reconnected again at Social Media Marketing World. It had been a while since we last spoke and when we started chatting, I discovered that she’s now a Facebook messenger bot consultant which really piqued my interest because that’s exactly what I’m studying right now. Anyway, Mary has implemented high converting messenger bots for a lot of high profile clients and today we are going to pick her brain […]

206: The Right Way To Run Facebook Retargeting Ads With Reza Khadjavi Of Shoelace

The Right Way To Run Facebook Retargeting Ads With Reza Khadjavi Of Shoelace

Today I’m thrilled to have Reza Khadjavi on the show. Reza is the founder of Shoelace which is a company that boosts your sales with automated retargeting journeys. We’ll get into exactly what that means in a moment. But Reza is a master of running retargeting ads in the context of ecommerce and selling physical products online so today we’re going to pick his brain. Enjoy the episode! What You’ll Learn Why Reza founded Shoelace The main difference between sequential and behavorial retargeting Some good metrics to gauge yourself against other sellers Guidelines on ROAS, CTR vs AOV The best converting […]

205: How To Use Facebook Messenger Chatbots To Sell Physical Products Online With Molly Pittman

How To Use Facebook Messenger Chatbots To Sell Physical Products Online With Molly Pittman

Today I’m thrilled to have Molly Pittman on the show. Molly is someone who I met at both Traffic and Conversions and Social Media Marketing World and she’s a digital marketing expert and educator. Over the years, Molly has personally spent over 8 million dollars on paid traffic while achieving a positive ROI. And right now, she is one of the foremost experts on Facebook Messenger chat bots which is the topic of today’s episode! What You’ll Learn The best way to get new messenger subscribers The best chatbot implementations she has seen How to send broadcasts without violating Facebook’s […]

204: The Best Way To Launch A Successful Product On Amazon Today With Casey Gauss

The Best Way To Launch A Successful Product On Amazon Today With Casey Gauss

Today I’m thrilled to have Casey Gauss on the show. Casey is the founder of Viral Launch which is both a software company and an Amazon product launch service. They have two main software tools called market intelligence and product discovery which help you find profitable products to sell on Amazon and their launch service has catapulted many clients onto the front page of Amazon search. Casey is also going to be one of the speakers at my conference the Sellers Summit in May. Anyway, Casey is an expert when it comes to finding and launching successful products on Amazon and […]

203: How To Get Millions Of People To Read Your Content Through Syndication With James Clear

How To Get Millions Of People To Read Your Content Through Syndication With James Clear

Today I’m thrilled to have my buddy James Clear on the show. James is someone who I met at a mancation held by Billy Murphy:) Now I’ve known about James for a very long time and he’s one of the most successful writers that I know.  James focuses on uncovering the habits and routines of entrepreneurs, artists, athletes and high powered individuals and shares them in easily digestible and actionable articles. He’s been featured practically everywhere including CBS, Entrepreneur, Forbes, Time, you name it. His site gets millions of visitors every month and he has an email list of over […]

202: The State Of Online And Retail Arbitrage On Amazon With Nate McCallister

The State Of Online And Retail Arbitrage On Amazon With Nate McCallister

Today I’m thrilled to have Nate McCallister on the show.  Nate is someone who I met at the Import Summit several years ago and he runs a bunch of sites and services related to Amazon. First off, he’s an Amazon FBA seller himself, a service provider, a software company and also a consultant for other sellers. He also runs the popular site But the main reason I wanted Nate on the show is to talk about the current state of retail and online arbitrage. As an online arbitrager himself, he’s been involved with the software tool Tactical Arbitrage and […]

201: Creative Ways To Run Facebook Ads To Sell Physical Products With Steve Weiss

Creative Ways To Run Facebook Ads To Sell Physical Products With Steve Weiss

Today I’m happy to have Steve Weiss on the show.  Steve runs which is a firm that specializes in customer acquisition. They consult with Facebook ads, Google ads, email marketing…you name it and they were ranked number 341 on the Inc 5000 for 2017. Anyway, Steve is a master of running Facebook ads in the context of ecommerce so today we’re going to pick his brain. Enjoy the episode! What You’ll Learn What your average order size needs to be to make Facebook ads work Guidelines for setting up a high converting ad campaign How to pick an audience […]

200: My Wife Is Back – Frequently Asked Questions On Making Money, Productivity And Life

My Wife Is Back - Frequently Asked Questions On Making Money, Productivity And Life

Every hundred episodes or so, I manage to convince my wife to put her introverted self aside and join me on the show. In this episode, she grills me about business, philosophies, productivity and life. Enjoy! What You’ll Learn Why we don’t just start more ecommerce businesses Where we see ecommerce going in the next 5 years How we are able to stay productive How we stay organized Whether you need to be an extrovert to be successful How we manage stress My favorite business book of all time What we do if we had to start all over Our […]

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