The My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast With Steve Chou

The MyWifeQuitHerJob podcast is a podcast about entrepreneurs who quit their jobs to start successful online businesses.

Through a series of personal interviews, Steve uncovers the exact strategies that led to their success.

Unlike other business podcasts, Steve is known for digging deep and extracting out every last detail.

He's never afraid to ask the hard questions and he leverages his extensive knowledge running his two 7 figure businesses to get to the point.

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199: The Best Way To Source Private Label Products From China With Nathan Resnick Of Sourcify

The Best Way To Source Private Label Products From China With Nathan Resnick Of Sourcify

Nathan Resnick is someone who I met at The Hustle conference in San Francisco. He is the founder of Sourcify which is a company that helps you find manufacturers to produce your products. Prior to that, he owned 2 ecommerce companies, Yes Man Watches and Cork Supply Co. And recently, he was on the Hustle blog where he made 23k selling Conor McGregor F You Suits. Nathan is my go to guy when it comes to sourcing from China so enjoy this episode! What You’ll Learn Common mistakes when sourcing from China The best way to find good suppliers The […]

198: The Software Tools I Use To Run My 7 Figure Blog With Steve Chou

198: The Software Tools I Use To Run My 7 Figure Blog

Most people are amazed that I can run a 7 figure blog without having any employees and only working 20 hours per week. The truth is that I rely heavily on software and automation to accomplish most of my tasks. So today, I’m going to go over every single piece of software I’m currently using to run In addition, I’ll talk about the pros and cons between the different options. What You’ll Learn Which tools I use for hosting Which tools I use for marketing Which tools I use for email Which tools I use for social media marketing […]

197: A Better Way To Launch Products On Amazon With Scott Voelker

197: A Better Way To Launch Products On Amazon With Scott Voelker

Today I’m happy to have Scott Voelker of The Amazing Seller back on the show. Last time I had him on was back in episode 89. And since then, we’ve become good friends, hung out at multiple conferences together including Fincon where we were both on a panel together. Anyway because it’s been so long, I invited Scott back to talk about some of his updated Amazon strategies and to see what he’s been up to. Enjoy the episode! What You’ll Learn Scott’s new criteria for selecting a product to sell His new process for finding profitable niches How to […]

196: How Ian Schoen Built And Sold His Design Firm And Started The Tropical MBA

How Ian Schoen Built And Sold His Design Firm And Started The Tropical MBA

Today I’m thrilled to have Ian Schoen on the show. Ian runs the popular blog and podcast, the Tropical MBA, and he’s one of the guys behind Dynamite Circle, a private community for location-independent entrepreneurs. A while back, he also built Two Tree International, a global design and manufacturing firm to 4 million in revenue before he sold it for 7 figures in 2015. Ian has a wealth of experience when it comes to ecommerce and entrepreneurship and there’s a lot to talk about today. What You’ll Learn How Ian came up with the idea to sell valet boxes How he […]

195: The Software Tools I Use To Run My 7 Figure Online Store With Steve Chou

195: The Tools I Use To Run My 7 Figure Online Store With Steve Chou

Everyday, I get between 100-400 emails and a bunch of the questions I receive are about which tools I use to run my 7 figure ecommerce store. So today, I’m going to go over every single piece of software I’m currently using to run Bumblebee Linens. In addition, I’ll talk about the pros and cons between the different options. What You’ll Learn Which tools I use for hosting Which tools I use for marketing Which tools I use for shipping Which tools I use for product research Which tools I use for Amazon Other Resources And Books Storm On Demand […]

194: Copywriting Strategies To Increase Ecommerce Sales With Karon Thackston

194: Copywriting Strategies To Increase Ecommerce Sales With Karon Thackston

Today I’m happy to have Karon Thackston back on the show. If you don’t remember Karon, I had her on episode 74 where we talked about how to optimize an Amazon listing for maximum sales. She’s been helping ecommerce clients get both higher rankings in search and higher conversion rates with the power of copy for the last 25 years. She’s the author of 10 books and she runs the popular site which I recommend that you check out.   Anyway, last time we focused on tactics for optimizing Amazon listings. Today, we’re going to talk about copywriting strategies to […]

193: How To Hire Skilled Filipino Employees At A Fraction Of The Cost With John Jonas

How To Hire Skilled Filipino Employees At A Fraction Of The Cost With John Jonas

Today I’m happy to have John Jonas on the show. John is an entrepreneur who has been making a full time income online since 2004. He runs the popular site and he’s helped thousands of entrepreneurs succeed by teaching them how to replace themselves through outsourcing. Over the years, I’ve come to realize that there are many tasks that can be outsourced to someone virtually and John’s methods makes it so easy. Enjoy the episode! What You’ll Learn How to start a Filipino outsourcing company from the United States. How to get traction for a job board How he […]

192: How My Blog Performed As A Business In 2017 With Steve Chou

How My Blog Performed As A Business In 2017 With Steve Chou

In last week’s episode, I broke down the numbers for my ecommerce store at So in this episode I’m going to talk about my other 7 figure online business, What I like about running is that it’s a very hands off type of business if I need it to be, which comes in really handy when you get injured and don’t want to do anything for months in the latter half of the year. All told, I spend between 15-20 hours per week on this business and it generates over 7 figures in profit. Listen to this […]

191: How Our Ecommerce Store Performed In 2017 With Steve Chou

191: Everything We Did To Grow Our Ecommerce Store In 2017 With Steve Chou

My wife just closed the books for 2017 so today I’m going to breakdown the numbers this past year for my ecommerce store Bumblebee Linens. It’s been quite a tumultuous year with all the traveling, the injuries and our kids activities but we still made it out with another double digit growth year. Listen to the episode to learn how we grew our business in 2017! What You’ll Learn The highlights and lowlights for the year How stalking customers can benefit your business How we replaced half an employee with software All of the usability changes we made to the […]

190: 9 Lessons Learned On Business, Life And Happiness With Steve Chou

190: 9 Lessons Learned On Business, Life And Happiness With Steve Chou

Happy New Year everyone! Today is a special New Years episode where I wanted to take some time to recap the year which was actually one of the most challenging years that I’ve had in a very long time. Because I have a lot to talk about, I’m actually going to split this into 3 episodes. In today’s podcast, I’m going to go over some of the lessons that I learned this past year. And in subsequent episodes, I’m going to do a detailed breakdown of how my businesses performed this past year and exactly what strategies I employed to […]

189: How My Student Chelsea Makes 6 Figures Selling Hot Cold Therapy Products Online

How My Student Chelsea Makes 6 Figures Selling Hot Cold Therapy Products Online

Today I’m really happy to have Chelsea Frank on the show. Chelsea is a student in my Create A Profitable Online Store Course. She joined over a year ago and she’s been doing really well with her business Chelsea sells hot and cold therapy products on both her online store and Amazon. But these are no ordinary hot/cold packs. They are designed to contour to your body for a perfect fit. In fact, Chelsea sent me a sample long ago when I hurt my knee and the quality of her product instantly resonated with me. Anyway, today we’re going […]

188: How To Run A 7 Figure Ecommerce Business As A Digital Nomad With Greg Mercer

How To Run A 7 Figure Ecommerce Business As A Digital Nomad With Greg Mercer

Today I’m happy to have Greg Mercer back on the show for the second time. If you’ve never heard of Greg, he’s the founder and owner of JungleScout. In addition, Greg makes a killing selling on Amazon. Last time I interviewed him, he was doing 400K per month. Who knows how much he makes now? Anyway, I’ve known the guy for quite a while now and he’s spoken at my conference, Sellers Summit, multiple times. One thing that always intrigues me about Greg is that he truly lives a nomadic lifestyle. Every time I chat with the guy, he’s in […]

187: How To Navigate The Canton Fair And A Recap Of My China Sourcing Trip

A Guide To The Canton Fair And A Recap Of My China Sourcing Trip

Today’s episode is a little different in that I’m not interviewing anyone. Instead, I brought my partner Toni Anderson on the show and we’re going to talk about our recent trip to the Canton Fair in Guangzhou China. This was my 3rd trip to Canton and my 5th trip to China but it was Toni’s first time. So I thought that it would be interesting to talk about our experiences from the perspective of someone who’s a bit jaded about going to China and from someone who went for the very first time. Enjoy the episode! What You’ll Learn How […]

186: Brad Moss – How To Maximize Your Amazon Sales From The Former Head Of Seller Central

How To Maximize Your Amazon Sales With Former Head Of Seller Central Brad Moss

Today I’m happy to have Brad Moss on the show. Brad recently spoke at my conference, The Sellers Summit, this past year, and his presentation was very well received by the attendees. He’s the former head of Seller Central at Amazon and he has intimate knowledge of how Amazon works from the inside. And today, he’s the founder of where he helps Amazon sellers blow up their businesses. Anyway, Brad is an awesome guy and he’s got some crazy Amazon stories to tell as well. Enjoy the episode! What You’ll Learn What it’s like to work at Amazon and what […]

185: The 80/20 Rule Of Sales And Marketing With Perry Marshall

The 80/20 Rule Of Sales And Marketing With Perry Marshall

Today, I’ve got an extra special guest on the show. Perry Marshall is one of the world’s most sought after business consultants and is the author of many bestselling books in the PPC advertising industry including the Ultimate Guide To Google Adwords and the Ultimate Guide To Facebook ads. He’s consulted in over 300 industries and he’s known as the godfather of PPC. Enjoy the show! What You’ll Learn The 80/20 rule in action and how it has helped many of Perry’s clients. How to directly apply the 80/20 rule to your business. How to decide which PPC ad platform […]

184: How My Student Ron Makes 7 Figures Selling Childrens Wall Decals Online

How My Student Ron Makes 7 Figures Selling Childrens Wall Decals Online

Today I’m really happy to have Ron Eiger on the show. Ron is probably one of my oldest students in my Create A Profitable Online Store Course. I launched the class in 2011 to very small group and I believe Ron joined in 2012 after I released it to the public. Now what’s cool is that Ron and I have kept in touch over the years and he’s been doing awesome. He runs the store where he sells children’s wall decals. In addition, he also private labels various products on Amazon. All told he’s on track to do 7 […]

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