The My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast With Steve Chou

The MyWifeQuitHerJob podcast is a podcast about entrepreneurs who quit their jobs to start successful online businesses.

Through a series of personal interviews, Steve uncovers the exact strategies that led to their success.

Unlike other business podcasts, Steve is known for digging deep and extracting out every last detail.

He's never afraid to ask the hard questions and he leverages his extensive knowledge running his two 7 figure businesses to get to the point.

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135: How To Buy A Company And Use Amazon To Triple Your Profit With Dana Jaunzemis

135: How To Buy A Company And Triple The Profit On Amazon With Dana Jaunzemis

Today I’m really excited to have Dana Jaunzemis back on the show. Dana is someone who I met through Andrew Youderian and she’s actually in a private group that I meet with on a semi monthly basis. If you don’t remember Dana, I had her on episode 85 of the podcast where we discussed her strategies for acquiring and growing existing businesses. Well since that interview Dana has acquired yet another company and we’re going to talk about how she’s already doubled its revenues. In addition, she was lucky enough to attend Amazon’s womens conference last month which we discuss […]

134: Email Marketing Best Practices For Small Companies With Susan Su

Email Marketing Best Practices For A Small Company With Susan Su

Today I’m excited to have Susan Su on the show. Susan has worked with a bunch of well known entrepreneurs including Ramit Sethi of I Will Teach You To Be Rich and Noah Kagan of AppSumo. She has a ton of experience with email and content marketing specifically targeting small businesses and is a partner at 500 Startups today. Enjoy the interview! What You’ll Learn How to break through the noise given the average person gets 500 marketing emails per month Best practices for improving the open and click through rate Copywriting tips for maximum engagement How to improve the […]

133: How Mike Brown Created A Multi Million Dollar Online Coffee Company

133: How Mike Brown Created A Multi Million Dollar Online Coffee Company

Today I have Mike Brown on the show. Mike is someone who I was introduced to through by Tommy Walker who runs the Shopify Plus blog. Anyway, normally I don’t interview referrals who I haven’t met but Mike has an amazing story. He runs the popular coffee brand Death Wish Coffee which even has its own wiki page. His company has been featured in countless publications and even had an ad in the superbowl. Normally, I wouldn’t necessarily advise anyone go into the coffee niche because it’s extremely competitive and saturated, but Mike made it work with a very unique […]

132: How Ryan Grant Scaled His Amazon Retail Arbitrage Business To 7 Figures

132: How Ryan Grant Scaled His Amazon Retail Arbitrage Business To 7 Figures

Ryan Grant is someone who I met at the Import Summit last year and I’ve been following his work every since. He runs the popular site where he talks about all of his adventures selling physical products online. Now if you recall way back in episode 17, I had Jessica Larrew on the podcast to talk about her Amazon retail arbitrage business. Well Ryan has taken that same model of retail and online arbitrage and scaled it to small company with employees. What is online and retail arbitrage? It’s the process of buying from retail stores and liquidation outlets […]

131: Which Ecommerce Business Model Is Right For You With Steve Chou

131: Which Ecommerce Business Model Is Right For You With Steve Chou

Today I decided to do a solo episode because it’s been a long time since I’ve taken the mic to give some of my own opinions. A lot of people have been asking for advice lately on what type of ecommerce business model to pursue so I put together a quick and dirty episode to describe all the different models out there and give you enough information for you to make an educated decision for yourself. Enjoy the episode! What You’ll Learn How dropshipping works How private labeling works How selling wholesale works The pros and cons of each business […]

130: Tips And Tricks On How To Find Suppliers And Source Product In Asia With Manuel Becvar

Tips And Tricks How To Find Suppliers And Source Product In Asia With Manuel Becvar

Today I have Manuel Becvar on the show. Now Manuel and I had exchanged several emails in the past few years but it wasn’t until Will Tjernlund and Peter Zapf of Global Sources and I started chatting did I get to know Manuel. If you’ve never heard of Manuel, he runs which is a site that helps others source goods from Asia. In fact, Manuel runs a sourcing service as well and he has been helping me source a few things from China. Anyway, Manuel has a ton of experience sourcing products from Asia and he’s got a ton […]

129: How Nathalie Lussier Created A 7 Figure Business Selling Software And Courses Online

How Nathalie Lussier Created A 7 Figure Business Selling Software And Courses Online

Today, I’m thrilled to have Nathalie Lussier on the show. I’ve actually known Nathalie for a heck of a long time now dating back since 2010. In fact, I remember the early days when we were both launching our blogs But since 2010, Nathalie has been kicking butt. She first found success with her site Raw Foods Witch where she teaches people about the benefits of raw foods. But what I love about Nathalie is that she’s a techie. With her tech, design and marketing skills, she also created where she now helps small online businesses get off the […]

128: The Dark Side Of SEO And Little Used Ways To Rank In Search With Glen Allsopp

The Dark Side Of SEO And How To Rank In Search With Glen Allsopp

Today, I’m thrilled to have Glen Allsop on the show. Glen runs the awesome site where he teaches people how to get traffic to their websites. Glen and I actually go way back to 2010 where we were members of the same blog voting group and we’ve loosely kept in touch since. He’s got an amazing array of articles that go into incredible depth. I want to say a short post for him is like 3000 words. And the reason why I follow Glen’s work is because he talks about topics that other people would not dare talk about. […]

127: How Nathan Latka Created The 8 Figure Business By Age 24

127: How Nathan Latka Created Heyo, An 8 Figure Business By Age 24

Today, I’m thrilled to have Nathan Latka on the show. Nathan is the founder of which is a company that does social giveaways for Facebook and other social media platforms. Now what’s amazing about Nathan is that he started this 8 figure company at age 24 and then recently sold it to his main competitor for a nice sum. What’s also cool is that Nathan started his businesses knowing absolutely nothing at age 21 and actually made 70K worth of revenue before he ever started building his product. His story is truly inspirational. Enjoy the episode! What You’ll Learn […]

126: How To Make 7 Figures Selling Wall Decals Online With Jason Weisenthal

How To Make 7 Figures Selling Wall Decals Online With Jason Weisenthal

Today I’m thrilled to have Jason Weisenthal on the show. Jason is someone who I met at a mastermind group meeting that I attended in San Francisco last year. And what’s cool about Jason is that he has managed to combine tech and ecommerce together to form, an online store that offers more than 20 million images that you can print and stick on your wall. Not only is his business model ingenious but he can basically run his 7 figure ecommerce company with just a handful of employees because of all of the automation that he has developed. […]

125: Shipping Logistics And How To Transport Your Goods From Overseas With Pam Cail

Shipping Logistics And How To Transport Your Goods From Overseas With Pam Cail

Today I’m thrilled to have a very special guest on the show Pam Cail. Pam is the VP of a company called HYCLogistics and she’s helped thousands of sellers get their goods to their warehouses from Asia. They’ve been in business since 1948 and she knows shipping and logistics inside and out. The reason why I have her on the show today is because many people are intimidated by the importing process. Plus, my wife and I import many times a year by sea and we’ve also been confused by all of the fees that we get nickle and dimed […]

124: How To Prevent Your Amazon Account From Getting Suspended With Cynthia Stine

How To Prevent Your Amazon Account From Getting Suspended With Cynthia Stine

Today I’m thrilled to have Cynthia Stine on the show. Cynthia is someone I met at the Import Summit last year and she runs a site called where she offers a variety of very unique services related to Amazon. She’s has worked with hundreds of Amazon sellers over the years and she specializes in helping companies get out of the Amazon penalty box. If you’re ever suspended, Cynthia will help you get unsuspended. If a dirty seller is purposely trying to sabotage you, Cynthia can help. If want to know all of the tips and tricks on how to keep […]

123: How To Raise 9.1 Million Dollars On KickStarter With Zach Smith Of Funded Today

123: How To Raise 9.1 Million Dollars On KickStarter With Zach Smith Of Funded Today

Today I’m thrilled to have a very special guest on the show, Zach Smith. Zach is the founder of a company called Funded Today and he’s helped hundreds of startups achieve success with their crowd funding campaigns. For example, he helped raise over 9.1 million to launch the popular travel jacket from Baubax. And chances are if you are on Facebook, you probably saw an ad for it because it was a pretty cool product. In fact, this jacket became the most funded clothing project in the history of crowdfunding and one of the top 5 most successful Kickstarters of […]

122: How To Make 600K Selling T-Shirts On TeeSpring With Derek Pankaew

How To Make 600K Selling T-Shirts On TeeSpring With Derek Pankaew

Today I’m happy to have Derek Pankaew on the show. Derek is someone who I met at the Ecommerce Fuel Live conference and it was pretty random how we started talking. I was sitting directly behind him during a session and I couldn’t help but peek at his screen. And I found that the screen saver on his computer was a running count of his age. I took notice and we started chatting. And as luck would have it, Derek was selling t-shirts at the time and making a killing doing it. Now if you’ve followed my blog for a […]

121: How To Start A Successful Ecommerce Conference On Your First Try With Steve Chou And Toni Anderson

121: How To Start A Successful Ecommerce Conference On Your First Try With Steve Chou And Toni Anderson

Today’s episode is a little different in that I’m not interviewing anyone on the show. Instead, I brought in my partner Toni Anderson to talk about how we launched The Sellers Summit, our ecommerce learning conference! This was my first event ever and I discuss all of the little things that were involved in planning and running the event. If you plan on launching your own conference someday, our mistakes and successes may help you out! I really loved every minute and I met so many new awesome people as well. Right now, we are selling virtual passes to the […]

120: How To Rank In Amazon And The Right Way To Solicit Reviews With Jeff Cohen of Seller Labs

How To Rank In Amazon And Get Legit Reviews With Jeff Cohen of Seller Labs

Today I’m thrilled to have Jeff Cohen on the show. Jeff is someone I met at the Import Summit last year and he’s the director of business management over at Seller Labs. Chances are if you are selling on Amazon, you’re probably using one of their awesome tools. For example, Feedback Genius which is a tool I use heavily, is a must have tool that automates the acquisition of customer reviews. And they have other awesome tools like Snag Shout which help you gather additional reviews and discover profitable products to sell on Amazon. All of these tools have tens […]

Podcasts On Buying/Selling Companies

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