The My Wife Quit Her Job Podcast With Steve Chou

The MyWifeQuitHerJob podcast is a podcast about entrepreneurs who quit their jobs to start successful online businesses.

Through a series of personal interviews, Steve uncovers the exact strategies that led to their success.

Unlike other business podcasts, Steve is known for digging deep and extracting out every last detail.

He's never afraid to ask the hard questions and he leverages his extensive knowledge running his two 7 figure businesses to get to the point.

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087: Changes You Can Make To Increase Your Conversion Rate By 50 Percent With Andrew Youderian

How To Redesign Your Ecommerce Store And Increase Conversions By 50% With Andrew Youderian

Today I’m happy to have Andrew Youderian back on the show and it’s been quite a while. For all of you who don’t remember Andrew, he was a guest on episode #2 where we discussed his dropshipped online store Right Channel Radios and his awesome blog As with any small business owner, nothing is ever stagnant. And several months ago, Andrew underwent a gigantic website redesign that not only took a lot of guts but a significant amount of money as well. Fortunately, his efforts were worth it and today we’re going to discuss his thought processes regarding the […]

086: How To Start Your Own Profitable Virtual Winery With Kale Anderson

086: How To Start Your Own Profitable Virtual Winery With Kale Anderson

Today I’m really happy to have Kale Anderson on the show. My wife has known Kale for quite a while now but I met him for the first time recently at a wedding where I learned that he owns and runs his own winery. And what’s cool is that he runs his winery without having to grow his own grapes or own any of his own equipment. Kale’s Winery was named one of 4 wineries to watch in 2014 by Wine Spectator magazine. He’s been featured in Wine Enthusiast, the Chicago Tribune, Cuvee corner and countless other publications. What’s cools […]

085: How To Buy An Ecommerce Store And Triple The Profits With Dana Jaunzemis

How To Buy An Ecommerce Store And Triple The Profits With Dana Jaunzemis

Dana Jaunzemis is an ecommerce entrepreneur who I met through Andrew Youderian and we are both in the same private group that meets on a semi monthly basis. Dana runs and blogs about ecommerce and entrepreneurship at She’s a lifelong entrepreneur and has been starting, buying and selling businesses for over 25 years. What’s cool about Dana is she specializes in acquiring small businesses whose sales have plateaued and reignites their growth. I know a lot of you out there listening already have ecommerce businesses that may have plateaued or you might be interested in buying a business […]

084: How To Make A Million Dollars In 21 Days Selling An Online Course With Amy Porterfield

How To Make A Million Dollars In 21 Days Selling An Online Course With Amy Porterfield

Amy Porterfield is one of the most successful mediapreneurs that I know. She started out by working for Harley Davidson as a cool biker girl. Then she worked for Tony Robbins as his director of content marketing. And then she branched out on her own and has built a 7 figure empire selling products and training focused on Facebook marketing. She’s the proud author of Facebook all in one for dummies. And to top it all off, she also has a top 10 business podcast on iTunes. What You’ll Learn What Amy learned from working with Tony Robbins How to […]

083: How To Create Profitable Email Autoresponders For Ecommerce Stores With Xiao Hui Wang

How To Create Profitable Email Autoresponders For Ecommerce Stores

Today I’ve my buddy Xiao Hui Wang on the show. I met Xiao Hui at the Ecommerce Fuel live event last year and he definitely made an impression on me with his email expertise. X runs the site where he specializes in email marketing specifically for ecommerce. Unlike email marketing for blogging, sending out emails for an ecommerce store selling physical products is quite different and requires an alternate approach. X is an expert when it comes to email marketing for ecommerce so I invited him on to teach us a few lessons. Enjoy the interview! What You’ll Learn […]

082: How Ed Hallen Started Klaviyo An Email Marketing Service Designed For Ecommerce

How Ed Hallen Started Klaviyo An Email Marketing Service Designed Specifically For Ecommerce

Today, I’m thrilled to have Ed Hallen on the show. If you’ve never heard of Ed, he is the founder and CEO of Klaviyo, a very popular email marketing provider that specifically caters to ecommerce stores. Email has been a very central part of my marketing strategy for both my blog and my ecommerce store. And just recently, I’ve been cheating on my other email provider with Klaviyo and I’m thinking about getting a divorce. I’ve been very impressed with what I’ve seen so far even though I’ve really just scratched the surface and what’s so powerful about Klaviyo is […]

081: How To Market Your Online Store On Reddit And Make 6 Figures In 8 Months With Eli Zauner

081: How To Market Your Online Store On Reddit And Make 6 Figures In 8 Months

Eli Zauner runs a subscription box service called which sells boxes of yummy treats from all over the world. What’s cool about Eli is that he launched his business while working full time and his business has been profitable from day 1 and is growing very quickly. In fact, he is doing a solid 5 figures a month after only launching just 8 months ago. And here’s the kicker. One of the main reasons I wanted to have Eli on the show is because he grew his business using Reddit as his single largest source of traffic. Eli’s experience […]

080: How To Achieve Financial Freedom With 8 Different Income Streams With Nick Loper

How To Achieve Financial Freedom With 8 Different Income Streams With Nick Loper

Nick Loper is someone who I met just recently at The New Media Expo in Las Vegas and he runs the popular site where he teaches others how to build a sizable side income. What’s cool about Nick is that he built up his businesses while working full time just like I did. He’s got 8 different income streams and he’s a huge proponent of using your free time more wisely to achieve financial freedom. He also runs a popular podcast called Side Hustle Nation which you should all check out. So without further ado, enjoy the episode! What […]

079: How To Take Your Talent And Turn It Into A 6 Figure Business With Grant Baldwin

How To Turn Your Talents Into A Scalable 6 Figure Business With Grant Baldwin

Grant Baldwin is someone who I’ve known for a while but we didn’t actually meet face to face until recently at NMX. In fact, I was featured on his podcast “How’d You Get Into That” several months ago where he interviews unique business owners. Not only does he run a popular podcast but he’s also a professional motivational speaker for students. And the man is very prolific. I think last year he spoke at 60 events throughout the year travelling all across the country. So here’s what’s cool about Grant. Giving incredible speeches all across the country is lucrative but […]

078: DIY Pete Sveen – How To Make 6 Figures Teaching People How To Do It Yourself

How To Make 6 Figures Teaching People How To Do It Yourself With Pete Sveen

I first met Pete Sveen at the Ecommerce Fuel Live event in 2014. And then I saw the guy again at NMX where we finally had a chance to chat a little bit more. Pete runs 2 awesome sites at and And he also runs a podcast as well. But the reason I brought Pete on the show today is to talk about DIYPete. is a site where Pete inspires others to build their own DIY projects. He’s been featured on the Art Of Manliness, Bob Vila’s show, Sirius radio and NBC. He’s attracted top sponsors like […]

077: How To Create Software That Automates Your Social Media Marketing With Laura Roeder And MeetEdgar

How To Completely Automate Your Social Media Marketing With Laura Roeder

Laura Roeder is back on the show to teach us how to completely automate your social media and how to create a SAAS business in the process! If you don’t remember Laura, she was on the podcast back in episode 9 where she taught us the right way to handle social media. Since then, she’s launched an amazing tool called which is what I now use to manage both my Facebook and Twitter accounts. Stay tuned to hear how Laura created an incredibly helpful and successful Saas Tool. Enjoy! What You’ll Learn How Laura saw a need for social […]

076: How To Make $5000 Per YouTube Video Teaching Men How to Dress Well With Antonio Centeno

How To Make $5000 Per You Tube Video Teaching Men How To Dress Well

Antonio Centeno is someone who I met at the New Media Expo in Las Vegas a few months back and I’m really glad that I did. Antonio runs the popular site which is a site that helps men educate themselves and build a wardrobe that best complements their style. He also a regular contributor for the awesome blog Art Of Manliness. Antonio’s blog gets a ton of traffic and he also has a very strong YouTube following of over 250,000 subscribers. Today, he’s going to teach us the secrets to his success. Enjoy! What You’ll Learn Why most people […]

075: Making 7 Figures Selling Digital Courses Online With David Siteman Garland

david siteman garland

I’ve known David Siteman Garland since December of 2008 back when he ran a tiny local television show in St Louis. Fast forward to today and he owns the popular media blog,, where he teaches other people how to make money creating digital courses online. If you’re interested in starting your own digital course, make sure you click here to check out his training class. Also most recently, he launched his own software designed to help people create their own membership sites without any technical knowledge required. David is one of the most successful mediapreneurs that I know and […]

074: How To Create Amazon Listings That Sell Like Crazy With Karon Thackston

How To Create Amazon Listings That Sell Like Crazy

Karon Thackston is the owner of where she teaches others how to write high converting copy for ecommerce stores. She’s been a professional copywriter for 25 years. She’s the author of over 10 books which include popular titles such as Ecommerce Copywriting – Proven Strategies For Boosting Sales And Search Rankings Use Coupon Code: steve25 to get 25% off Writing With Keywords – Easy Keyword Optimization Strategies For Search Engine Success Use Coupon Code: steve25 to get 25% off Amazon Advantage: Product Listing Strategies To Boost Your Sales Use Coupon Code: steveamz20 to get 20% off She also consults […]

073: Student Story: Creating A Profitable Business Selling Your Art With Arree Chung

Student Story Arree Chung On How To Transition From Artist To Entrepreneur

Arree Chung is one of the students in my Create A Profitable Online Store Course. And what I like about Arree is that he’s a professional artist who writes and illustrates his own children’s picture books. Now most artists try to make money by selling prints and copies of their work but Arree realized early on that that path would not generate enough income to make a living. So Arree and a group of his friends got together and decided to launch Live In A Story, a site that sells high quality children’s wall decals designed by artists. Today his […]

072: How To Create An Online Business That Suits Your Lifestyle With Scott Fox

Scott Fox On How To Create A Business That Suits Your Lifestyle

Scott Fox is someone who randomly reached out to me over 3 years ago and we’ve loosely kept in touch ever since. If you’ve never heard of Scott, he has built or advised hundreds of websites that have generated billions of dollars in sales including sites like and  He’s the best-selling Author of 3 books, including his most recent one Click Millionaires: Work Less, Live More with an Internet Business You Love. Today, Scott is an internet startup coach and runs a portfolio of niche websites including the popular free entrepreneur coaching forum at Enjoy the interview! […]

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